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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
The Prosperity-Makers ot Port land Discuss Modern Methods Systems That Succeed, Merchan dising andjipverttsing w Analyzed, 4: r.'v t ... , j rha Journal know iU uecea U Iden- . tJcal with the ucea of IU advertiser, and oelievee there to much benefit la a OIKWaWVH v. ..v...-" - . and business. '- , " 80 II to asking leading merchant to ' dlacuu successful store and bank and swiersl bulnee ' method and Incl- neniauy Buojiw - yi -aaaantial and nromlnent- pari of vary enterprise-today rom tha smallest store to tha largest nana; or iron couipaur, from tha tocmj daaiar to tha nation itself aaiIU- lm If iraaen W aawvv r-w - s . vertlae and probably tha moat suoceastu" advertiser to ba found la Portland to tha representative of a foreign country who haa recently opened up in thto city .j.miii avhlhlt'Knd situational establishment aa part of a world cam? palgn. . - - v- - ,. Tha Journal haa asked merchant and bankers to dtoeuaa tha question of ad- timtnm tltPftllvh a HeWBnanaF BUI WhO ' to flatting tha city and baa 'mad a lifelong atudy of thto enbJcVJntrvw Jng auooasa-makera la thto and othar countries, upoa ovary branch of tha sub ject, bringing out with diaunct elaatnaaa tha basic principle which govern pros parity production la any Una of andeavor, . That "Sepia lror Ha calls upon local bualnaoa nan and ask tham queatlon. , - - Tha repllea to thasa quaatlona demon strata tha fact that v ' .. Portland to a city of mecees, , that It haa good, newapepere, . ood tores. ' ., .good banks, . - ' : . '. atria merchants and right bualneea .-. moraia ana jsnnou iu nuiivtpnw to success as advarttaln U), that anyone who uses right method , bacKed by adTertlalng that to backed by tha gooda-can aueoeed. -The replies are printed aa dTea and a authorised by each person Interviewed. The authorisation to In writing . , r. '. The Tratk yreaeatad " ' , , And Pall'Oiadtt eHraa. -' The Journal proposes to - publish the truth and that means giving tha other papers here . full credit for - their un doubted value and excellence without discrimination . .-p " The Journal feels that It position as a newapsper and advertising medium to now firmly . established and naturally - wtahaa to eecure recognition of Its place But that to only one of h motive behind thto work. '' v A broader and mora Interesting mo tive la the one which The Journal puts Joremoet, . v-; 4. namety.- to demonstrate the succesaXof tha right business method and the right orujqX-ayfriiwIng. nd mere ha o La who advertise auo I .meafullv. will ba aiKXed IrreeDeetiveef 1 whether they advertise la The Journal! or not. ' '.- : , t, Tomorrow the first ' of these" article will appear la tbeee oolumns and con- - unue inrougnouT me aeries. ,y " ' Otty of neaaaa. -, V ' Portland 1 a city of auocesa -made o by i " '1 ,- . . o '' , . '"' the people la it," 1 ' . ':' - the rasouroaa behind tt. 1 'i; ' 4, ,.. oy climate, location , -.v. ; and newspaper. The last are not least s: " : ' ' A. city Is known by It newspapers, ( and Portland haa had one of tha beat - hewepaper In the world for many year, Md now tt ha better Jonrnallsm,' , i i , mor powerful publication, i ; j "larger circulations. . ' upbuild business than ever before. '. Tha business man and eeanU tiau .made this so by the support they give, t The people depend upon the news- ppera anq in- newspaper aepena npon ui people. . . - -. . i Itw Otty noees -" - and jTnrspapar sluaoees, S City success and newspaper aucceee bra Interwoven and lntardetwindM . The newspaper Vr Interwoven- and InterdependenL . . ,, . The newapsper are "of the people, by te-avea mora-BO. than imarina mv. '.; V erninent la. .- . A popular lummer rejort for yourjeet our low tied Shoekr JMW U'the time to dig in your ' pocket. r v Shoe Specials I1S2.45 For: Men' Tan Oxfords $3.50 : and &.0Q. ' . , For, Men' Black Patent Colt 4, Oxfords . worth $3.00 -arid For Men' Black. Vid Oxfords worth $3.T0alld'$.50r-1- 1 AU Men's and Boys' Wear at Clearanca Safe Prices.? LiciiCwTHinjO xuJuhn-Prc? , By the fact that the people buy or tubecrlbe for a newspaper tney rote zor Its nolle v. because the money they pay It enable It to advocate and atand for the greatest good to the greatest num ber.' ' " Advertiser who patronise it columns do th same thing. . The real owner and manager - and editors of. newspapers are the people,, .. . those who advertise, -k ' those who read newspapers.- ' Proven by th fact? that when you withdraw reader and advertisers you kill newspaper. . - .V 1. ' . No amount, of wealth or brain can make newspaper without readera - THE READER IB MORE IMPORT ANT THAN THE ADVERTISER. THE ADVERTISER PATRONIZES A NEWSPAPER ONLY ON ACCOUNT Of THAI lUUVEH, - A . alaloa of' '' The j w 4 If the reader don't read a newspaper he or she don't read -the advertising in it obviously. - V So reader com first. But advertising,! aetrong force la bringing reader.... A,...,. ' - Why?-.... '. ' v-rii..i;V v.-;.'.'. " .. Because 1L4 among tha .most lm ; portent new a paper prints has dl . reet effect upon th hepptnea and . finances and affair of the reader; : ' deal moat potently with the thing ; which pertain to the honia, to human health, comfort, adornment, , educa tion, amusement, cultivation I the dally guide to the purchaalng V that must ba earnestly studied) by every woman who wishes to make A success of her home; because each day ad ; vertlslng affects wonderfully the pur - chasing power,-the valu of the com munltr'a - easb merchant vlelng to i give through their good and bar . , gains the family dollar- the largest possible purchasing power, -.using the ' newspaper to announoe their offer- , tag. -. -, . . - Xow AdTee"slelag Oraato : the Beed for tha wewapaper, Take th dally atore new publlahed in' Tha Journal by leading Portland merchanta ... . -. v -' . , What woman can afford not to read it? -. -. .. ' i-.- ' . . Take the case of Olds, Wortman King i,.,'- .-v. - each day a pege of The Journal 1 devoted to telling the public the new good and prices whloh the vaat 1 Tesonrcea -pt" uch a stor.Teartitng , out to tha uttermost part of . th world. I able to offer ' -'. . ' and that page to in Itaelf a news paper., edited, managed. Issued to Journal reader by thto firm, whoa - department head are It reporter and it advertleng manager to its editor, with the firm itself as practically pub- The. Journal every y. We are the laraast advertlaers la the Psoino worm- weet and our centraot' with The Journal call for th largest spaoe on our books... - .' W appreolat the. aeoeastty of ade quate apace to say what w have to aay dally to the public. We era constantly " creating atore newa that 1 juat a important to th purchasing public as anything that a a newspaper can puniian. "A page to none too much for our needa1 There are time when we have tore new sufficient to fill two pages. ."One .must recognise the fact that business laws and business condition chsngo constantly. The day when the publlo , could beaatlafled with Inade- uate new rrom- tn eror na goo by same aa the. day when Inadequate newe -from any Held would aatlsf y th publlo same a the day ha gone by when anything except the moat absolute honesty a espreesed la the On price principle and marking goods la plain figures could succeed, "Nowaday the publlo must know it 1 getting square treatment or It will not patronise a store. i , - - -pa-Maty, mlUi - )-? ; . tAnd Oood Oharaota "There Ja a tandencr toward thellgh- eat ethlca being Inculcated in all bust ness systems. W are doing aU we can to help that sentiment to sweep entirely over the business world, we have a weekly.. meeting of our employe when we dlaous matter of that wm mat pertain to the auccess of the atore. aad the aucoee of th employe. Wa are looking for people who will study success and learn that it U all based on character and health. . "I think I should out health aa second only to character. Health to necessary to doing on' work well and happily and In fusing into hi. dally duties the nergy and enthusiasm which create the magnetism which to ao Indispensable to the salesman. "We know also th need for conoen t ration for capacity, and we rejoice that men like Sheldon are cultivating la the minds of young men. and-women aa understanding of . thsse ' things. His work to elevating trad to a science the Selene . of salesmanship, as h put It. . . Tin not tn cino eenrunes Is expressed la the modern system we can. the department store. It la the working out of the underlying principle which govern the ' conduct pf mankind in 4t moat important air airs. - "It la Af annel In a Ka mil chaser a It I to the atore Itself and am glad you have taken this- matter up in The Journal, for there are maay point of universal interest that can very effectively be .brought to publlo at tention by uch a discussion." . GOOD WORK WORTH GOOD WAGES : Mr, Mtlmr IntorvUwd. Rm ; gardlmg Sueetan in Dmpart: . , mAf Storm Mamagmnt. , Ir. J. I. Meier was standing la th middle df the big Meier Prank estab lishment when' the interviewer asked for hi ideas a to th . fundamental principle of atore eucceaa. ."Our sueoea to largely due to keep ing our people and th public in closs touch with our-way" of dolngtulnee and with th spirit Of the urra," said he, a he led the way up th elevator, to the region where matter of polLay ar matured.. . - 'From the time when my father estab lished thta atore. way back In l 167, dQwn to the present, we have believed In bringing the publlo close to ua in theae chaser of advertising space In a oewe peper la, proprietor of ..that pc so long aa It to uaed for advertising that vdoea not conflict with the ethlca or policy of th paper oa encroach upon thxrlght and reaanration of othar dvertiser. ) 7-.- -r ; ...J'.' iwbia Adrertdra'' .' , '. " ' Are Porttoad' BdMonr. . Few advertisers Xalls that they ar newspaper proprietor and editor. . Tney are, nvertheles. They know that th mot brilliant editor Th Journal or any other news paper can hire will ba able to. write nothing that will be read by so many people and influenoe them so power fully aa what th large and progressive tore with their daily magnetism of merchandising do every time they print an advertisement . . , MR. W. P. OLDS - ANALYZES SUCCESS wvevytalmg fat ata aad Beya, . Jtn lmtortlng Intmrvlaw ; With On JimmHcxi'tMoi t A Progrmwlo MmnhanU.':- 'J-'To. tell the publlo the truth regard ing what you wish to sell la funda mental principle of sueeee la buelneaa" aid Mr. W. P. Old, of Olds. Wortman A King, on of America' moat pro par oua and prograeelve department store. 'The baal of all real suoceaa to truth telling. One must Jet people know what one be for sal and tha -reason wy it ahould be bought. - One .cannot pi that upon a ystematlo aad effecthr seal except by publlcltyr ' "That to where the modern newapaper enter Indispensably into snocees-maklng. . "It la the medium by which the facta nd flgurea that ahould be known by every purchaaev are sent out dally to be considered before buying. . It I similar to th system by which we deliver the good after purchase. - K' j( "And It I not 1 naceaaary. . "Th larger th clreulatloa of newa paper. the more Influence they have with the purchasing public, tha better, they are advertising medium. W nave here in Portland very strong ew paper., .. Jy-' ' w"X ' Portland sTewspaper ' . . mare-a Xlgh Standard - - "The Portland Oregonlan eetabllahed th (tandard of Journalism In, this field. It has tng etood-as on-of ih greatest newpper of the American continent." "Like the Chicago , Tribune and, the New TOrk Heraldr -25--- -7 "Oh, I put It away above "the New York Herald,--It has ait editorial psga of tha greatest influence and excellence whil thrNew Tork Herald to a news paper, without an edltortolr psga I mould aa the Oregonlaif 1 mors Ilk th NewTork Tribunal Mr. Scott ha rvr hlttd to expree Ma unbiased opinion. Thst I wherein he Is like Horace Oreeley and It 1 such Journalism a that that make newapaper power fuL . " . "On may not aires with Hi teach ings of it editorial page-bat w all recognize the eminence and the Influ ence of the paper. ' "In faet It la thr peoptt lien with the pel lev af th Ora. gonlan that led to the eetabllahment of The JournaL" ' y -,Then The Jsnal 1 a periodical of the opposition 7" - "Tea The Journal. l awned by a group of men who hav Invested largely In it to- mak a paper of atrangtbr and circulation to giv to Portlsnd and Ore gon snothar avenue of opinion. , - Vmm Pag a ' sy ,' " " hnOiHnlnnl : , , "Out attitude toward It to . tht Z,WJ r PMa la little store snd tbl 1 a big one they ay there I none -larger and perhaps none as large on the cosst but both owe their success to the same principle, ''."Wo employ 70 people at the present time and ,ir I our plan to keep th headr i of ' department and assistant bead Close to ua a possible from th point of view of cooperation. That to alwaya attained by having ourgood feellhg manlfeet in all our dealing with them anJ"hava tham carry that aplrit to th people under them and thence to th publlo.'-. "Th result of that relationship I shown la tha fact that ,w have with ua now at leaat a acore of employea whose terms of employment date back It year. Alsa t arte - and jaeip Jrmployoa. ' "W aim to help and inatruct thoae la our employ to the end that their aervice may prove as affective and profitable for them and for ua as possible. Their betterment i our betterment and vice versa j .... - . . "While too association exiat among our employee, their interest ar care fully observed by tha Arm. - - , ' Wa believe that one cannot Set good help without good pay. So we pay what aervice la worth, even though it Is more than th prevailing price for similar service. --.,' . . ... "We hav proven that such a policy paya ua and th public - 'la our organisation there 1 alwaya room for promotion,' and recognition of good rvica" - - - , . In regard to publicity Mr. Meier aald that advertising today I a matte? of moat important Intareat and that the publlo had gotten to the point when only th plain fad and figure count They do not wish for superflultlea.. ,We do not. believe in anything ex cept newspaper advertising. .' W con fin that aolely to th Oregonian. It la a newspaper that reaches a large pur chasing constituency. -. "The Journal I all right but w Ho nbt use more than one newapaper la out advertising.'' 1MB CLiuS m WISBD : ; ' JL y v.-: :- Ceorjs L. Marth Accused of Kill William Bats Asssrts - Innocencs. ' T flaral SBeeial WTle. ' - aMi.vta u.u lu. It. -Oeorge u-.h wk mmm arrested yesterday . UM.,U nf the rhlcasro uiiniOTa a( . v. - . - polloe In connection wita tne mysienoua automobile murder or aiuuonairs wh in Hmimhar tlsl. aa bald this morn ing Without bond on a charge of being a xugiuv (rom juauu mm Humuvn that ha . will flaht extradition. - lie .a tinker 'an old warrant on minor offense. H pleaded net guilty A i - mam .it 4t9 MeturdaV. aw.a. hmot ww. w w- - v . w im .kAHt 1 1 vearm old and live In thlg lty. The- poHoe. aut that jarh toia mem uu na wa wiw at the time he waa killed, but knew nothine- about th crime and could prove aa 1 stMuie '":.. I aUfsaaB' aawVa la aalM WeartasPW MAm thft aao-A. lusaia T.asWWAnAaTi I SB ak AAlllTuarl fft UeVlilf V4 vrwa w rm w a vuvvj ev having been employed aa a chauffeur for waMAiia man 1 1 nin :nirgnan ann aallsaavaail hava Kskwaan thai mUTrlArtla WUlUun Bt wnpa ooaj waa rouna f? U1UUH Vew.'OV -,""e a-wsT " -- lying over the ateering gear of an auiomooiie at aioneiy spot n u .i - . & k. 1 v v. . Maw- nhM 1 10... Tha murder was sun- posaa Q bit pvea wrawiiw "T mysterioa jar., uove, wno ins - pone ar confident 1 none other than Marsh. TWO MEN PLEAD GUILTY TO CRIME OF LARCENY (fiaeeui OUaatcb to Ta JosaaaL) The Dalle. Or. Aug. I. Wait r R1U and William Purcell. who were arratd Saturday near tha Peachutea river ror stealing harneaa from a neighbor, were tried yesterday before juatioe uouinii. Both pleaded guilty to eimpie larceny and war fined flOO and 60 respec tively. - . - - W On account of Purcell' willlagneea a neup ine wncsr racovar bi.ub aooda ha waa given the lighter flna It 1 reported that a gang Of thieve has been operating in that vicinity for aeveral yeararthe member purloining everything they could lay their band on, including horse and cattle, and thee men are auapected aa being part of the gang, but nothing waa brought out at the trial to Implies ta them. ... MASKED ROBBER HOLDS UP SPRINGFIELD MAN ' (Special Dispatch te TV Jearsall Eugene, Or, Aug. la. -J. P. Pry. pro prietor of a confectionery atore at Springfield, wit held UP at tha point of a pistol by a masked man Monday night and relieved of about in in money. The robber , overlooked lit which Tn had In another pocket - The robber waa about I feet inches tall, weight, about 150 pound and wag very rough looking He was unacquainted at Springfield, a vi lieu tig rait away he got into a private lot and became entangled in a barbed wire fence, leaving - a - portion of hla clothing, i-. - ,,,; ; ; Wlna SUoa With Saath.; Joeraal avectal arviea.) Block island, . R. - Aug. - It. Th steamer. New 8horeham, while entering liaiUui j'tiateiday fieiu Pimldenu ana 1VW. , ,. w uuwi. w.wv,i andV after an exciting nin for the dockaf ana just aa n ran aiongaid tn pur enabling the' passengers to land. The collision tor a hoi In her bottom and th .water put out the fire of th ataamer when within 100 yarda ofvthe dock.-; ii SSSSSSSSSSSSa1SS rlagnificent i. Hood "ALWA YS BELIEVED y IN PUBLICITY" Supmrintmndmht Davit ofLlp' ' man. Wolf $ Company It , Intorvlowod. ;. - . j. .-. , ; Ther are year of' experience m- nouiea in ine laess ox sir. Bamuei n. Davis of -Idpman,-Wolf r -Co; He 1 keenly awake to newspaper value and aald when interviewed: "I have alwaya believed la publicity backed by good- merchandising. . That meana having the goods, dealing In ths light way, and keeping the facta before the publlo la th dally newepapera. : "We hate very excellent newapaper bar. ?' ' ' "While the Oregonian I on of th best' newspaper, la the country, The Journal has come into the field with vigor and enterprise and is being pushsd to the front rapidly as a clean, valuable and very readable dally paper." , ARM TORN OFF AT ELBOW BY-THRESHING-MACHINE Spe1t tlpte.. The Mrst! - Walla WallaxWaeh., Aug. K. Charlea Cooler had hla right arm torn off at the elbow yeeterday while running the engine In connection with a threehlng outfit on the Dryedalefarra,neaaPrescott HI arm was caught. In th cogwheel and before the power could be stopped the limb wa fearfully mangled and torn apart et the elbow. He waa brought to Walla Walla last night and to now la tha hospital., v - j We have the most artistic j i photograph of beautiful Mt. ! Hood, ready . for - framing 50 Cents j Just the thing; to send pr ' j cany away as a Souvenir of j i Oregon, or to have in your 1 1 own home. The picture is j! 13x20 inches. THE v . i J. K. GILL CO. i 1; - Booksellers and i : aaa . . a ; ...1 w :. . stauoners, ; THIRD AND ALDER 5 CrutTtlniislLCPrlcci tsSSSMSS.SSSSSSSSSSS.Msl .A number of our enstomenr hava told us that they were Informed when ask ing where they could find either the htittwwaT. a. n. CHASE. EtfTEY. EMERSON, STARR or some other piano we, carry, that may wera nw thevclty any more, irsny one Is will ing tn arrant aueh a statement they c-Hnbe il fo tray TTKt anythlnabui those wanting a PIR8T-. IjAbb IN STRUMENT ara wlae enough -to know that such pianos aa named above will alwaya be in tble market no . matter whatith nam 01 in agency, niinrlnrrtBinnArn -33 Wcahlrton St. ,. c ' y-y '.? '';-':: j-' ... ... , ..:. t M-'i. '..' .. ( ' .- -,- . i.-i... ;,, . '. ti yj verv,T-T .'tr : j I 'r,N r-Xi; I'y.yyyyrH Arr': rr-SHvr-r By taklnc advantage of our extraordinary offer ypii may easily carpet svery rocs ia your horns with a very smau cash outlay. : . i .. " - M -'. '.- , ' ' i Will do it. and vou have a pick of one of ths finest carpet stocks ia the city.' Call and' . inspect our line of new fall carpets and this liberal, offer will then be', simply irresistible. . j Our Help Must Be Employed Hence we make such easy terms with ' a vie w of "increasing business jdurinf .this dull sea son of the year. , You may have ths pick of the stock now, and In order , to do business well shave our margin of profit down to the feather edge. ; V .-Xj.-J - V' ''IT'"- i,' Our. Saturday; SpscS al v ' ' ' - - i ; Our Treasure Special Sale of last Saturday was so successful it brought so many new ; faces to our store and made us so many new friends 'thst we shall again, give a great Sat ' utdMf bsUgdn.' -'.Thlt thne-it is '-?.-.p;:; ..rf 'i---krr:' v-t fr' v"t --x'. '-hir;2- KITCHENABLE Thatxsells tn any other store for $1.78, but aU day Saturday we will sell QAJJ li , 'or. tmwMMiiin .. ewe m 'attwnni ( mmmmmmmMi 'Ate you good at guessing?: We're going to give you an opportunity to win. a beautiful I, .-' -V.- V nr mt d i jvt a nri r. m u t ri i nr i vt. ri cc ! v This prise will be given to the' person who makes the nearest estimate of ! total' aulmlsstons ' at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, vim particulars later; v i " y 1 , : IQeviJrtz-& "OEVURTZ 8BLL8 IT FOR LESS." -A.-, . -v - 173-175 F!rt St, 219-227 Yamhlli. SU Wiy 1 Wifrtlsf This kind of weather reminds us that' a mm --T-TT: ,f;. I'lC .v. y. . ' , !..'. i. . ' . . : '''.'' '. . w -r Is approachintr, and before there conies a tint upon the leaves we are going to get rid of , AnoUier Hiousond V OP $15.00 CLOTHES AT Suits '..y '.:1J. EACH Every atom of this stock must be cleaned but within two weeks, and the like of these bargains will not be again offered In this city no matter where yougo,f orJthemj ....... , ..-. .t-.--.. : m L , - - a Mv v vmm VfTRtnn v Afmr i , . &umi mart tarn, in&x a.i.binu ncn a via a r""" 1N0 AT A SACRIFICE. That's all. right. . It is likely that they r--arer W-donor dispute- themr buveentiemenrF ;-:.-- . ,... . - - " Fi'O 0T0EE1 -COUSEflNPOIlTljVlWlS S This we know and we'll back it up with all the coin any of them desires to produce. There is no Wsggadocio about us, but WHEN WE SAY WE ARE SELLING $15 SUITS AT $7.60 -. T - -.v ...i WE MEAN SXACTlYWHAT WJt'BAiI; . -v.'.v You come 'to our store and you will say yourself that our garments are EXCELLENT VAL- TIES AT $18, BUT WE WILL SELL THEM AT $7,501 We WiU "not ask a cent more. We will not accept a cent less, and well not cry if you do not take a suit at this figure. ; We are not making money" on the deal. We are simply engaged in cleaning .things out. .WE ARE 'GOING TO SELL THESE CLOTHES! ' - lr-y- - v . . ...-.-f yi- : - - :. , - .. . .. a . f . -. ' i - . . . - - . " ' w, MAKKILUE, Manager, r -IIATO AND FURNlAlIH-IG GOODO CLOTHES KEPT IN REPAIR . ; . ? FOR ONE YEAR FREE. OF CHARGE. 1C0 SIXTH STH bet. Washington and Stark1 ; . .. PORTLAND.-OREGON