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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
4 t Q','i. aCHS '. toTOKft aitbsxsxbts. . ' ' . Vareoaov'Tae Skladlcata ead ts Kladara artea" i Bolaece ...i Arf" ' ., Lrrte ."Tk Lora That Win" liu .......VimUi1I ' Oread VindartlM - Hakar ..Vaeaavl 'V-e UI TO" OOIVw AWATI ------ "- Sahaerlberil af Tk Joaraal ' irk go ; for week or loasar ai aare tke paper, atapeed at Utalr teeldaaeae ad aaal to any addreae kr nil at ; . tba regular ratae, sad collaetloe will a ejade oj regular aairlar after ratara , to Ua lty, except at Loaf Beaek an dual do. where Tke Journal kaa a ras. alar earrlar aallmry. Ottk Bice i t Ilweea, WaablDftoa.' kaa coarse of aa journal aa loot Mack ead Uwu A Co. at aaalila kavo Vbaraa of Tha Joaraal aa Seaalde or Ciataua seech. - DaUrery wll aa kudo at Uhm twa Point at molar aakaerlptioa rata. , carrier or Phone Mala too aad prompt auaauoa wiu se gives eu oroere. A warrantjtor tho arreet of John 8. flhc horsy, manager of tha City lteesenger Company, waj lsauod out of tba Juvenile court thla mprnlng on tha charge that ' Sherey had Man employing a boy voder ' tha as xt If yeara for a greater -period ' than 10 boura a day. Tha warrant waa drawn by Robert Galloway.' acting a district attorney for tha Juvenile court, ' and la tha f tret that has been laaued- un- der tha child-labor law. Tha boy named ' aa prosecuting witness la Fred . Wagso - , blast., aged It years.'. Bhorey has not been arreated, but 'his ball has bean Xlaod. at IOV-fv v.fA":1: '" tr- ' v.i " Francis 8, Monnett, who when attor-.ney-general of Ohio framed tha antl ; trust law directed Mt tha Standard Oil . ( nwifwi, in wnu aaa.a.u yiiwiiira 1 General Coleman of Kansss in snfore- . Inar ttm .n.i Im-fr l. a tk.t mmm la a visitor to tha exposition. Ha arrived ', yesterday and Intended to remain only :" a few hour, but was Induced U stay r until Saturday' to attend tha clvlfcs con. ' fsrence, at which ha will make an ad. ,- dress on municipal Ownership of public - wtllltlea. ... ,- John Bates Parker, a pioneer of 1141, 'oiled at tha resldenca of hta daughter, Mrs. Carrie V Hall, 617 Guild avenue. - oue to cancer of tne stomach, trom which be had suffered for two yeara jar. i-araer was a native oi Missouri ana -! coma to uregon wttn ms parents, wno settled at Parker's laadlna on tha Co. -. lumbla river. Four children survive him .. Frank, , a-, raaident of tha east aide; 7 Henry A. of SZt Oak street, Mrs. F. A. , Bcnappe and Kra. HalL ; ' ' ' f . i ' , ... . j " .Aal.. A . - . . I . . ' . --.tha Juvenile-court a room In tha oourt- . Vauu will V. . M M k. . . . ( ...... A T) .k..l V Galloway, : district attorney, for the . court. At nreaent If r. Oallowav la ualnar , for haarlna testimony, but aa tha 8ap ' temper term will soon open ha will have , to look for new quarters.- Ho has asked s ' for -one of tba rooms formerly occupied quest will probably : be cranttd by the .county court.'. - RWIW MI,U,I VIM. ay fimu Piiiui, lu which place ha took A. O. Leonard, who " ' waa wanted 09 a charge of robbing the 'i-molla.' In tha. f 4.valh. k . r. . In iianTfii aar. v.iara says n met nunareoa ' ear people wh had purchased tickets to (ifii, anil wnv iung 11 lopmiDif io w .71 tain sleeping oar oenns unless raserva x tloas war made two days before leav i. -ng.ianver. .:'.".., ' ' Life Preaervara Purchased. -The FaC ...vorlto-BemUag i-eowpawy has , -parried tnouaanoa upon uiouaands 01 passengers 7 dent, still wo have equipped our launches " with life nreaervera. We have, ihara. amfatv tt Aup fiatNm. TVwlr nniu mA , , bridge, foot of Morrison street. Tele- ' y'vie) anas w w a aMBBeawuBl ava VaUW kJM ; A party of so South Carolina editors; In a special buffet sleeping oar, departed" "' todav for homo, after havlnaf anenL four , oaya seeing tne exposition ana roruana. 1 Their route- Is over the Union Pacific 1 system, and they are : accompanied -to Huntington by . R. M. Hall, advertising ' agent of the O. R. N. Co, . ' Edward Dekum. who 'has been' visit. tne paat' six weeks, will leave tonight - for Honolulu, whara bo has lived for the ' past 11 rears. Ha came with an emeu r- --sion party of , 5 -residents of Hawaii, ; nearly all of whom cams to sea tha fair. -Tha Consumers' league will meet at II ociinK rnaay, m u nprae ox sa ra. J. B. Montgomery. ISS Eleventh' street. . i,: John Graham Brooks of Massachusetts, Is connected with tho civlo meetings at ' tha. fair, avlll Otflftreaa the tnaaHa i n. A. Oreaorv. who was arreataut tnr aaaault with intent to kill John Burk. '...' wick, one of tho owners of the Arleta :t Lumber company, was released from tha , county jail yesterday, by an agreement between this lawyers.. ,v , ' ' The' wards of tha Boys' and Girls' Aid society enjoyed sn outing and luncheon . at Magoon's landing yeeterday.' and re ' malned at the grounds tho entire day. v 1 R-kl. I - .1. . M.H.. it... k . w - I. . I III. 1 . ..I. .11. UU.III J M .tlU '-,' Suit for divorce has been begun by Violet against Charles R. Scott on the " grouna or aesenion, oegmrung u ho 'vember, lll, three years after they wera married In Portland. ' '.;. street dock for Coo Bay and Eureka, YrlAm innirf IB .a. a a . M V t Baumgartner, agent.' . Main III. : ' - The Columbia Phonoarranh comnanv Tskes pleasure-in" announcing that Miss ' - . wl . ' at. -v. v - Iwm nail vi oaivin, viviuiii waa ''awarded the 110 disc graphophone that ''.'.oa" .lin awav at tia .MnMnf twwith t - ' the Switzerland of America ftetasiMa - Blr aaeantaliia. paaka, mrka, . eaayXoa, sortas,' walcc ralla (Multnomah, MO ht), arane an1 . forests eeaa daily from Ike sacks of lite ' ' 'f AST STKAMXa '' ' tearlag fnot of Waakloston . trH at T a. ai. ( PrMay ami Ronilay n The Dallre ami foroni.--- rajajoasvra aad rrelfbt V lowast ratM. ... SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to tut ton mttro poilaji ' OAsOAOX LOOKS AgB aSTUAM. Vnrn foot of Waaklnftoe atraet" el s. at., arrlTlag kosM at I p. at. IUKD TRIP TICKETS LOO . ."-r Telephone Main 14JI.' V '.'T ' ? ' a. W.' Ifiiois, , , henerat Ma'naror,' Portland Or. R.:Spencer w . 2 ..J CnIl tZ. .- t.'j tr;lr.:; eRtei7ri;;3, txf, evtry diy, loclir.j fcr" ' thei jrounj r.:tn wha Hat t thowa , Lintxlf industrious. ' tespcrjtte and , SAVING. That counts a whola lot thets 7 days.. Youll find in the long . run that it pays to save. . , cent r ' t .'.IT ' INTEREST. : . GENERAL' V BANKING BUSINESS ' ' - ;;, .TRANSACTED.'. ; '' '. ' - y j. i . . ; :.; : .,';;-;;.".' . j ; ' Boolcle MBanking by Mail Now Ready. A. Postal Will ? ' Bring it to You. Write for it. o ' 1 1 a. OicegoaiSayingstBank , 821 Morrison St,::V;:,v; L. a. RALSTON, Prealdent. ' . ' ' - i W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. '- & U HATS, Asst, Cashier. , .Tdlephpne Main 16". - at the Lewis and Clark centennial expo sition yeeterday. August H.' Tha Co lumbia Phonograph company la going to- give away a $71 diao graphophone Juat before tho cloaa of tha fair. Ootober . Any one. anxious to own ' a. handsome mahogany. Columbia should Inquire at the booth for particulars. Tha machine is on exhibition In tho Columbia build Ing, I TV Washington street. ' The Gould railway ay atom la coming to ' Oregon for lumber and materials for construction-of the Western Pa- clflct,and tha Booth-Kelly Lumber com pony at . m.ugene, aa -tooej bhiib,- are aubmltttkg bida The' system Is pushing work on ths main Una of tha Western Pacific to San Franclaco, And Is project ing electric feeder lines In central Cali fornia. Soma of 'those will reach Into Oregon. It Is said by railroad man- that tho Oould people will before long be at work on a main lino to reach Portland, tapping Klamath county and central Oregon -i- . ' ,.v Practically every building along ' tha Trail at tha exposition was decorated in purple today In bonor of the B. P. O. B as wera many of the booths, la tho ex hibit buildings and places outside tho fair grounds. Bealdes tha stuffed elk, which wera numerous, ths animals from tho diving oik show want out . to tha car Una to meet tha antlered humane. Bo did a Urge body -of tho Centennial guard, wbosj. commander, ' Major - Mo Oonell, Is exalted ruler of tha order. .The Rev. Dr. J. W. Brougher."' pastor t the PI rat Baptist ohurch,- haa returned iuredbefore anumber of Bible sooletles. Tomorrow night he will take charge of the weekly prayer meeting, at the White Temple. At the request of Dr. Brougher. tha Rev. Dr. -Joslah Strong, who la in the city to attend the exposition, will at the morning and evening sarvloee pg Sunday,.' r .-. ''T;"V" .President ' Ooode announced at- noon today . that tho lawn fete In honor Of Governor Francis would take place tonight.- ar scheduled.' unless the weather should i become absolutely ' prohibitive. A light shower will not Interfere with tha event. . :. V , J . ' Any watches cleaned. 11.66: main. spring, tl.i all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co, til Sixth street L. At M. Delivery Co, 111 Washington st, phono Main 104, makes dally trips to Lenta and all Intermediate points. : If you need signs. '' 1st . us ' gt sc oualntod. Poster Klelser, fifth and Everett,..-; - - ... ,. '- -. i, ,. y, .. .. - a meal without meat at tha Vege tarian eafe, -4S Sixth atreet j Dr.' B. C Brown. Eye-Ear. "Marquam. Awnings.. Noon Bag Co, 1st A Couch. ' Prtts's Umalee are tho bast'' 1- ; FINE PROGRAMS FOR THURSDAY'S CONCERTS Muslo will have "a. prominent part In the events of tomorrow. Dierke'a band will play the following program:, , Afternoon t , . Overture, "Roman Carnival".. ..fBerllos Selection from ,-BocaccloM,.. Suppe "Sounds Prom Francs'-..... Kretachraar "A Night In 8 wltserland" Hume Overture, "Fra Dlavolo". . . i . . . .Auber Intermesso, "Eldorey". .Von der Mehden 'Mmmm Nannlmii" T.iirfspa Evening j,, . "Huldlgung's March" Wagner Valae, "Salute to NsUons"..Kretschmer Intermesso "Eldorey". .'Von der Mehden Symphonic poem, "Les Preludes".. Llsst Triumphant America". Von der Mehden "Parsifal" . .... i .Wagner Prologue from "Pagllaccl".. Leoncavallo , Leoncavallo v - i B.' Bogus, Processional . March . from "Monte ' suma" '...Stewart ILLINOIS WILL HAVE ' : . ' GREAT DAY. AT FAIR " Among tha men .'of prominence .who will be in attendance at the Illinois day exerctees are: Alf. Bayllas, superinten dent of public". Instruction In Illinois, and who will be here as the representa tive of Governor Deneen; John P. Hand of -the Illinois supreme ourt, and who will preside at the exerclaea; and J. P. O'DonnelU of tho Illinois Society, orator of tba day. - , . ' On Thursday, Illinois day at ths ex position, that stste will do much to fully observe the occasion. Prom, S to 4 o'clock a musicals will be given at the Illinois building, "during which onen house will be - kept. This 'will be fol lowed ty a reception In "fhe evening WtthHrd"HT-Hand. B,1 B.- Tiffany and p. A. pstsrson aa tne reception commit tee. . Visitors to ths Illinois bulldlnc will receive the Illinois badge there.' A luncheon will be given In bonor of Mr. Bayltsa by President Ooode at the New Tork building on Thursday at 1 o'clock. "T" When in Seattle - Go to the 'Rathskeller, a high-etaaa place to eat Sea foods, eastern meats, largo orchestra dsUy. . MilwaQkle Country Club. Esstsrn and Seattle reoee. Take Sail. food and Oregon City cars a Flrat and Aldef. -r. f, ' I .: - -. ' l'lL;.i 'i...J .LUuii .--...--, , Mavn Men Catkin Work Shy Violently ; When lx?lmnt Are Pre- : ' asntsd to Them. , 1 CITY LABORERS ! i WHO ARE VERY SCARCE Easy Places With Largo ( Salaries Seni' to B AmoB( ths' Thlncs That ths Majority of Idle. Peopla Ar a Looking For;1 '. ' ', , Many man. are seeking work In the City, but they are particular about tho sort tbsy would do. Taeterday over 100 men applied at the office of the municipal elvll ssrvlcs commission fot positions, but when the nature of 'the aarvloea required was 1 explained ' not more-than a doaen filed, applications. : "We have had at Isast lit Inquiries regarding work . today.'t, said Bscretary O. L. McPheraon yeeterday, "but very few of the men win aocept positions after finding what la expected of them. Few deal re to work, but are seeking soft snaps."'" i.-'' . ' ' WhUa ha was apeaklng three young men aawntered lntoths. room. They wera well built but from all appear ances were not used to bard work. Two carried tho lines of dissipation on thslr faces and their clothes showed consid erable wear. Tba spokesman atatted that hs had heard that tha city waa seeking employes. And thsy had coma to see if they could get jobs. "We need men." said the : secretary. "What do you desire to doT"" - - rr want to be a clerk." ' waa - tha reply, "my "friend hero wishes to bo a special policeman, and tho other man doesn't know what be would like." . "Tho Bscretary arose and went to the window and' asked 'the trio to follow hlra. He pointed to a large force of laborers digging ditches for tba under ground conduit systsm of the tele, phono company on Jefferson street ' . That' a the sort of work for which we are aeeklna men." he said. "Ws need all we can get . Ifjrou are willing to use a pick and shovel you win gi U a day for eight hours' work. If you desire to do that I will take your appli cations and you will be given work." v The. trio appeared crestfallen. Thsy looked at each other and then a tared at tho secretary.- - r: '"' ."I don't think wa want, to do. that ventured tho spokesman. "Wa thought there were other poaltlons. " ' "That's Just the way It-has been all day long." continued the secretary. There are a lot of idle men, but they do not want to do manual work." - ; Whllo he wee speaxiogra nig. rainer good-looking man. weU ., dreaeed, and with an honest, open countenance, earns Into the office.' To the query what he dealred .ha, rep that he wss seeking work. .. '- , -What sort of work do you. wantt" was malted. 4 - "Anything, a,o long aa It Is honest waa tho reply. '. - "What do ron say to- work--, with a ii.iw " - ih. mi T waa aaked. "It looks good to me," was hs cheer ful reply.. The man filed hlo application and will be given employment .X large, number of men are desired fer work-on the . water . malneon ths . . V k.J1I.MH a wa. MOM fln panineuia. n-u... .m.. a- . . this, although fLhs pay la $1 a day for eight hour. - ASTORIA BOYS' BRIGADE V COMING TO THE FAIR Next ' Monday the Boys Brigade of tha First Congregational church ' of Astoria will visit the fair.- The brigade Is composed . of SO boys, uniformed in khaki, and will arry cadet lines. Ths lsds - will. . camp inslds of the fair grounds scroas- from the Oovsrnment building, arid on three afternoons of ths week will' take part In entertaining the visitors- by gtvtnr "public-drills; - The brlgsde will be under tha charge of Rev. Luther D. Mahone, the -paat or of 'the church, who has had four yeara of military experience, three aa a cadet and one of active service In ths Bpanlah Amerlcan :wsr. whara hs - served with distinction In Cuba and Porto Rtoo. WILL TRY TO CLIMB W: N MOUNT JEFFERSON v An attempt to 'reach-tho suramlt.ef Mount Jefferson will bo msda neat week by L. J. end Clauds Hicks of Portland andS. 8. Mohler. Warren Wentworth and ' Ernest Lelghton of Oregon City. Tho party, started thla morning from Oregon City with packhorses and an out fit for fishing, hunting and mountain scaling. ', They win go Tdtne- neaowatsra-or the Molalla river, where . two days will be spent fishing.- Then proceeding south ward , on tha summit af the Cascade range to the base of Mount JeffersVm, they will 'camp at one of tho numerous lakea that abound In tha vicinity. I They will attempt to scale the moontslh from the north aide. Masamaa In It 09 mads an attsmpt from tha south side, but on reaching a point near tha summit wera confronted with a perpendicular wall of rook which It waa impossible to scale. and they turned back without having ac compli ah sd their object ' ;' Jsff arson is said to be a very difficult mountain to climb, aa It la rapped by a pinnacle of . pock nearly lit feet ; In ' .' ' I . ' - ; Rev. Luther D. Malone; j ,. ( 1 You are thinking of baying should exactly suit yor individual- ideas of harmony in . home '" furnishing. , We have ' a ; large', and , varied stock, butrtfryou don't find it here the catalogs of the world's furniture makers are ori our, desks at your dis posal We'll get it for you have it made to order, if necessary.- Others will want Jt-fof.the same reason: you do, and we will then be ready to serve them. ; , . 184-6 FIRST STREET ' CLKAB TBBOCOB TBI BLOCK. ' ' ',;- '- v- - . Ask Our Cuatomers. . oi J CLARENCE EDDY Word'$ Crat0t "; '' OROANI8T;; - ' -. ... . . Opening new grand pipe organ, . flneet In the west (supplied by Ellera Piano House) . ., , W It , "' x r': - ' " "--r NEW .TRINITY CHURCH 'ti:, Assistsd y,,r.'tf; . Grade Morel Dickman f Contralto Rutgsra Churchl Kew . :. , Tork City. Arthsx Zh Alexaador (hut re , tanua from aaria) - Aaost 17 nd 188:15 P. U. Tlcksta - SL Reserved seats, iLSS. (Limited In number.) Now on ssla at Eilera Piano House, J. K. GUI Co.. Woodard,. Clarke Co. ? . - .. . ROBERTCVOSE BOSTOKrWASSTT hslgiit and nsarly perpendicular en all sides. Mr. Hicks and party are going wall equipped for reaching tha summit If It Is possible to do so. They wUl be about four weeka on the trip. . ; : , . r . t SPECIAL' FEATURES FOR : CITY AND STATE DAY - Tomorrow will bo a special day at ths exposition for San Francisco snd Carson City and ths states of Louisiana, Ten nessee and Illinois, nan Francisco snd Illinois wilt celebrate with elaborate ceremonlee. . ' ' - Tha order of.eventa will be as. fol Iowa; - - - - . a. m. Oates open. 1:10 a. m.-Trans-Misslsstppl con gress. Auditorium. : a. m. Bulldlnca. a-ovornmsnt exhibit and trail open. - to 10 a. m. Administration band. Transportation building bandatand.' 10:10 a. m. to II m. Illinois dsy exerclaea. Illinois pavilion. Administra tion band In attendance. I p. m. Civics conference, Auditorium; 1:10 to 1:10 p. m. Concert. Tenth. In fantry band. New Tork building. s to-1- p. m. atusicaio- at--itimoia building.- i 1:30 p: m. Louisiana said Tsnneesee dsy sxsrclses Oregon building. Admin istration band In attendance; addreaa of welcome by Colonel H. E. Dosch. 1:10 P. - m. Grand concert Dlerka s band, bandstsnd. Gray boulevard. ,1:10 to :I0 p. .m. Organ rscltsy. Professor E. W. Goodrich, Forestry building, j . ' - 1:S0 p. m. United fltstes llfcsavtng service exhibition on leke. ' " ' i t to I p. m. -Hswsllsn orchestra, Illi nois psvlllon. - y ' 1:11 p. m. Baa rrsncisco aay axer- ctaes,-California -building, Administra tion band In attendance. , :10 to 4:10 p. m. Concert Tenth In fantry band. Government terrace. .,S:SS p. m. Government exhibit closes. I p. m. Exhibit buildings close. ' :0 p. m. Grand operatic concert Wratfy'e "Carnival of Venice', company.. on rustle steps tires). S p. m. Grand concert Dions a band. bandstand, Oray boulevard. p. m. Grand electrical liraminatlon. 11 p. m. Qat.a olose. ; , Three snectres that threaten baby's life. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diar rhoea. IJr. r ow lor e extract ot wna Btrmwborry never falls to conquer them. - i j i. - . , Wanted. s ' '" All fslr Visitors, as well aa the" Port- rand peopls, to take the restful trip- up tho Willamette to -Oregon city ana r- torn. -a good three -houra' ride for. only 41 cents. Boats leave root or Taylor street ( snd 11:1 a, m. snd 1:10- p. m. Delightful! Try iti .,i i ; . Sur .Has a Good Show. . - The Star- theatre fa eroaoattag a kill of tap. aotrfe Taaeevlllo. - Benleo Clark Drake ead ema- paay ta -a efr H(lo akotck la ike SMdlise lira rt km. The OnttMie are s ckrrer toaei of ralkore ead ke H'llanea lire aa la thasr tttla of Ike prralor eoml.e shoe daecora.- Boy MrBraht alats a protty sane kad the Stare. ecose sat aa attrsrdvs ptrtare. -..- .' : At th Grand. A krlsMt'dossa antralM from the irasieel PAINTINGS ....-.-'. 1 - - ' - ' . - MR. F. SUIE-ONE. , I30UXTII STRUT, ' ' :; r " - :r... Has determined to dispose o his entire collection of ex ' , quisite hand-carved furniture, : silk embroideries, silver"" . cloisonne, Satsuma, ivory inlaid screens and bric-a-brac. .. ' - .. ' .... . ( . . . .... V 1 ' 1 These goods were destined for. the exposition. . Having arrived too late Mr.. Suie has determined to dispose of - Commencing Thnxdoy, Aug. 17 ' kssxixgsale AfTir;:ca sale : evekisgsale V . 10:30 AM. - 2:30 '. ,v 's '.; . CCNAL0 b$i tnmect-UveT y ' iiir-uv assBBB l aBS " J 3so TTJ ITOBI TOVB CBBDIT ZM orOOS t ;! Welcome B.P.0.E f ' tir- i tj laMcniiJiiiiaii i .we IUU (gnunue u uuiu uui aauc vu vy wis wvuus uuui I this stock is cleared upWe must do this in order to make ;x room for our Oriental goods which have just arrived White Lawn . Shirtwaists, re (hilar $1.25 to $5. . 1 Special. .. . . JJapanese Cotton Crepe bhirtwaists, reguur $4.ou.- X Special ...... . . ... . . ;. .f 2.73 I Japanese u;uun,vii'v-uuiiinHi .taiHiu nguwi , e t$4.00 Special . , .t . . . . . . .2.00 I mo a aa M. ew era.- aaa. oa-a e m mm ITt e S . AB S aVaaafsa bktrts at HALr vtx.iia ana vvnite oooas at a-o ana &v V, , per cent off." ': "' .',...' "i ; ' t .;.. .. '. - ' 1 Call Now and Take Advantage of These Bargains, i - " Western Importing Co. : : i i jm Washington street, v ; r i . 1 : 7o;ooo : records- in srocicr ? ICoIranWalPhonoflrapli (to 365371 Washlngtot Straat --j-T y' omooiltM. Tke Wlrar Sllpj-r" aod "Tko Prla roaa ef Kona"," Is at Ike Orao4 Ihla we-. Rne at Amw Mar. one l 1 w a koat votne tkat hare kom k.ard la . i. la Fwrtlaad. Coby kad Cola are a !.- . 7:30 P.M... i . ..:. ;v C H. 0XC.C2, Art AacUoneer f PE Invftc yoa to . wlnr- csr cxtssslve Asta Showbj cl Sssbsrst SCk TttU csd KssSe PetScosts a LU new styles tzi colon cad sizes. mm ii u ij BBBj) "aak BsVaksssB vAsmr.GTorj st. . Big Sale Still On j .-1- tin.:.- n..-j. T .73V to f2.85 1 v Doubt Grand Prim . . St. Lmuim. IOOA " 1 $1 nil Trnitrn ! $1.00 Per Week J ; ColmjAU BdMinf;, Porttand, Orsv. You Can Do It -, f :: - M. WAA UWA1 AnJ It-vrtU he-well onek-'-Touf old and discolored floors win look aa clean and polished aa new ones by using risher, T hors en Co.'s stslna and varnlahes. Juio you will find our house, paints va equaled for general use. aa they cover more swnace, are mora easily applied, and coat leas than- any othsr high-grade palnta. Fish:r,Ti::r:n6Co. Tz.zzrt Avra arrrxnttar. '.',' 4arlag arrekata. aad tke Kfcarkore, aa tko ..-,. k-raace ese of toe 1 sees !.. P. IS. xrruam T. - - i.rmnd II S'-aM k"- kaoao V a t . WELCOtoEt c. ; TONlQHT i -Vv BIS Doable B11L ' Tke tttw Mnalcal-CeaMsy atarlesae THIS IS TBI JkAgx WXZX CosMdr Frotty Clrlsr-Cateky Moalo. BOTOXAB raiCZS, ska. Ma. eve. Tke. Delasco. Theatre tZ7i . (Faratarl CoIdbMs Tkoatro) 14th aad T. . TWBLTra WBBK BaXAsCO STOCK. CO. ', TOBiexT-Axx vrxn. ' . AUDREY - - Draaiatlaattos of Mary Johaatoa'a k Novoi o the Same Xaaw. . , svnaa vbodvotiox aio OAit , ' ' kfatlaoea Satsrday aad Boadar. . PRICES JS&AS.fft,:- Beat Waah THB OIBi ABB TKX JTOaB BBOaXATIOB 7 ABB ' : ' Oersas Taagaa aad Twaaty-Taarth PORTLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO -' ADimsiov we '-.'. - Aareet U. Id, IT. Is, Is, SB. OBAftDKTAND. S9c. - CHIUBB. Ur. Bos itcketa ead tiaarni easts ea sale at kaa ofseo. . TH E BAKER ' LIT! WTAS TAVSBTILLB. teoa Poraato, world's (mtaat clnk ivw1or. Tiaaala A Fraaoia, oamaay ekitrk artlaia. Baraoy'i Tmlaad dalaiala. Introooclas "Be. . gak.". ealr tralaad s-Ula la tha world. . . Oiayaaa Bvaa.. auimloaa acrakata. Lonla Eunj, pletare4 kaUada. Baxarograpfc MotIds Pieransl , Baker Or. akaatral PetfoiaMiucos sallj at Stag, T: ssd p. a. Ne aaVaaeaS prlcoe tor kl ekow. ' AH- saaat aollins tor 10 caata, aaeaptlag koxoa. - STAR nrBTOB BBAXX ABO OOVAWT ' . HA. ABO. MaA. SIO. B WXUOB ' , THX oorrxoBS r , ". BCABFX HOWAXD ' , SEOBOB HABBIsOB .V oBBBB. dlVA BVaB. ABB TKX STABOSOOBB ' v Ceaoral aamlaaloB 10 eanta, neays. evoaa lass and kotldaya. taaarw i soata oa lowof fkior, JO emta. Dally aiatinaaa, aatlre BMres floor. 10 cools; koa aoatoi -H eeata. Q R A IN D ' ' ,- Bits AXOtXA BUT' ' - " ' Anfatad ky t. Laais KaoXvey, COLB ABO 001B : ' THX IHABKXTS ' " ' - :," . HVBTBisa r : v - BILLY PVBAMT ' --, BTB. 7BED rVBIWTOS -THX OBABOIBOOBX admtaatoa 10 aoata. Boadara. ewe. Inse aad kellaaye, aoata ka lower 0 eeata. Dally autlaaaa, aatlre lower 10 aaata; koa aoata, Ss casta. floor, floor. LYRIC THEATRE stsatlag a- Wooa, Btgra. WXXX 0T BIOBSAT, AUBuST Id MTheLoveThatYinsw I BOBTABTIfl BBABTA. ' f ' 1 lOoxranubi LEWiS JtND CLARK OBSBKV. TORT JtMD CJtFE . ' ' BOBTLABO BXIdBXS. 'r " Take VortUsd Balgkw m aad so art at Bawtfcerao Tarraea. aaa kleek kaa ear Baa Be eUatfclag. Blootrle alaoator. Baa koaotlfol ettact ef aowoifal eearktlM tnnm top af tower. . Tae aaa eat e dalaty k wklla vtowtag the smsI sugalrViaat aa.. a la Aaiartca. Opaa a. ak to a. aw i. . stes 10 easts.. ' . Great Auction Ot 0852 Z0 Japanes?Gcci Owing to being overstocked for tha Fate trad and the very limited room la our store, wa eon-, eluded to force eur goods st a no tion sale. Tho largsst stock of this kind In ths cltr. consisting of beautiful silverware, cloisaonao. satsuma. new brass ware, ebony carved furnitures, embroidered Bilk, kimonos and fine decorated poroelaln tea seta, etc Sale eommenoea 1.19 and T:lk p. m. Continue retailing before) or after auction; wholeaal at ware- 1 1 Andrew KcntCo. SBT aforrlsoa Straed, Be , rewrtk, aad rtfth. -. .. ' . : ' ' -- : The office boy makes SOME Bioney. so does the office girl. They could earn much mora If they had a knowl edge of buelneso and-shorthand ss taught In our- school. Take -a, few months off snd prepare for a good position. Tuition very low. Instrue tlpn simple. - , ' ;- The Multnomah Business Instftcte Bt A. AXXIBT, Frtsciyej. Vhese Btala daod. I 6ca.. The arkant eneiaHofe! ' - ' .M.atarr sckooL wttk prfsaary grammar f aa a at aa aiao.oij i" aod '"a ii. A tar)l sail " I- .... Ofr koVra at ke rl-lp.'a t aaaiowr. frma S a. la. I" II . nioaoi..' ."'-. ' r. Tklrtoat ' . ' 1