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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
I , i -, i- , :r.J Wcr:,!..r;tcn;C:rcc:3' OLDS, WORTMAil-' & KING y-c.iUAs rcr.n::cT ctcz i:;...rC) . . t:.ij" perjures here ta nxctrrc o era Xttli vzzz': ctzTitlz everywhere cn o eccla tty.::lt Tha L regrets today the ''Absent Crotierc'V rJ-c la thiC:"" ; Ctcrc C:::a ;;-'et 6 r Visitdrs are Ur-:d to Ey Ev Privilege of this : - Great C:sr to tie Utmost u npi " WE'ES CSUrO TO H1S5 NOTHING IN THE CATALCCUE Cf SUMMED OTCCLO While playing wih other jchildreo few 'days agq little 8-year-old girl belonging to one 6t ouf beat known church-going fam 'ilies, was overheard by her mother to call one of her mates a "d d foot" She imme diately called the child into the house, talked to her aerinnalv on the aln of nrofanitv. and nroeeeded tn.wash out V her ' mouth with strong soap and water in the most effectual manner. When all was over the little girl, . looking up Into tier, mother's face, said: "Well, mamma, I s'pose you think you've dqhe it cow, but there's lots of little d way down my throat you never hit" J, . y9 dpnt intend there shall be any little ,. Jots of summer merchandise our store clean-' ers won't. hit" in this August "clean-up." Every nook and corner of the store is being . - searched - for ."stowaways - and . would-be stopovers." ' When found, the' price cutter's knife is put in. clear, to the . hilt," and when it's withdrawn there's but a remnant of the original ffair pricey remaining. We don't think we re missing any ."little 'd .? " So buyers at this - time 'are reaping-a profitable harvest. Perhaps . youTl join the harvest crew tomorrow the wages are mighty lib . eral. See that the store is ipn your shopping ; v list Thursday , J&i'-Sj Xi The Busiest Spot in ; Town u the ' :7 ' Store Everybody Read the News - .....r...i........,t , ucciL ncfc or cni iucir cmissanes -even our , gooij' competing stores--and we've tried to; " make all feel comfortable afike. - Such has feejt the success of the fijst; tWb .days of the ' hith?-ftade'6f,ihewckfw3: have .added riiore ammunition 411 the way of splen -flia- snoesr Hiatwiu -maice the. remaining 3ays zi important toTbargain VuntersoIfobt-?-wearashaveibeenthe past: two. "We've -placqd Jiundreds of "pairsbf shoes--values . up oaxntcrgreat Dargain taDle near the center of the STioTStoreall brokeiraffd- discontinued lines of both blacks and tans in Wpmen's and Misses' Half Shoes and Slip pers, and Instead of sorting the values and ' grading the.lpss, .we will take; it in one. big, ; round lump; allowing full and free choice of all.the shoes values ranging. frjm $2.00 to' $3.50 (with the (balance of favor on the side of the $3.00 and $3.50 shoes) at one M'fiost of the " best' selling styles to select from, a sale from our own regular fine lines ' f-snoes we hate banked ort. for style and business building. Any normal foot can be fitted to perfection Women's and Misses' Half Shoes and ; Slippers. ' ' , ; , ; : ' Portland's Greatest Values in Women's Dainty Under v muslins Are Here "t'V A Great Special August Sale Is at Its Height 5r - Annex, Second Floor, , -i ; Hereis Underwear from" -America's ' best makers at the price of the cheap imitations shown elsewhere or less.. Don't miss this , August Sale of Undermuslins. ; i ;' Special Bargains for Thursday A Grand ' Closure of Several Lines, Divided Into Two . : . Big Lots Other Clreat Values I LOT 1 -69c for Undermuslins Worth $1.63"! '--Corset Covers, Gowns, Drawers, Skirts and Chemise of muslin and cambric, in a "variety of styles and trimmed with lace -T-oiembroidery f Tegularvaluesup to V ;$L65 Special atr each , ; i :.. . t: A.Wf ' LOT ; 24$1.29 for -Undermuslins . Worth -.$JJ5p Corset .Covers, jGowns, Chemise, "Drawers of fine muslin, cambricnbrnam-" em- f : s6bk, daintily trimmed with' lace or A broidery : regular values up to $3.50V- v Special at, the garmentr.,'. i.. ...$1.29; Come'Tciuorrovv "Where Brood and River West sun sa nooa ALL THE LINEN SUITS FOR SUMMER WEAR HALF-PRICE WOMEN'S HEAVIER . . ; . SUITS FOR AUTUMN WEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES , - r : - , A GREAT THREE-DAY STARTS TOMORROW! ; . WCKINp 533.50 TAIL0SCD &UT& SPECIAL AT SI2.85 An(:eceptionar.on"eV," at ,6nce" seasonable and sure to be appreciated by hosts of women with fall dresses tjo ' buy., We have divided an immense Jot of very-handsome suits, bought at a sharp sacrifice from the makers, into twe divisions.; . In the first are suits'made to sell regularly up to $25, The second lot is' made up of t higher grade suits -intended-for trade who usually pay : up to $38.50. - These suits are modeled , in. street styles, an -this season s make .ana suited tor wear tne c oming lau. livery wantea material in tne 'neavier fab rics is included,Jnveryj)opular, Stylish.cqIor and s mart mixture."" Hain tailored" and -trimmed : effects. IX Just the ideat; sUirfor wear the' coming cool days and evenings that make up our delightful autumns. For,' ThursqayrFrday and Saturday only, we shall place these suits on special sale at prices as above.; special: I.i40d Linen Suits $4.56 to $280 All One-Half Price Cool and pretty suits for wear the remaining days of 1905's Isum'raer and sure to .keep well thro' the winter months until another summer shall make its bow, labeled "1906." Trim, trig styles in white and all the wanted-fc i '-" . i ' ' e 4 we a - ooa m j- t ; i i ' ...... L:...' aL. OU will iroTTl xnc enure price range -,ou 10 o.ou uiviac price, leave u a nan, anu ucwmc vuc ortunate owner of the suit you pick. .,' j r-, ' mMMx Wpm(ens Emb. Richelieu -'l 'xii Ribbed 5 Hose y I ' In' HosieiT' Aisle, First. Flcion.; v 1 , WOMEN'S 60c HOSIERY FOR 29c ' Several ' different lines of Allan ' imported V Hose; in black, Richelieu ribbed lislewith embroidered .boots ; also' some in black ('. gauzev lisle'splendid Equality and tvot a '') pair of them worth less than 50c. Ex tra special for the week at, pair. .. . . 29f Ti'' WOMEN'S 85c HOSE -FOR 60cl ' - ..... - -,.'.. .,. i . t -: : ? WpmeosjghgradeMacJcjmport . Hose, with double" sole, full finished ; a big 85c value. J Special sale-price, the , ( pair ' , . . " , . '.... i -60fr " ' Vs ' v ;-; CHILDREN'S HOSE. ; " i Mreri German mak z j0 double sole; fine ribbed. XY6u will n6t find -ijubarcrain like this 'again soon. Sizes, reg ular- prices and special sale . prices are as :- follpws : . -: J:V:' . .V jV -; ; - Sues- 5t 35 ; 30c;value.5pecial at....aaf Size 6; our '32c value. Special at4.v.il7 Size 6J our 35c value.. Special at.i.l7; Sizelliour 37c valueiSpecial at. .rr.l.9 SizeTSxia'r-Jvalue Special at. . .19e Size 8; our 43c valuerpcaai-at,ai : Size 8jA ; our 45c value. . Special at. .21 f Sizes 9, dyi; 60c value. ; Special at. ., .25 DO YOU SPEND THE "HOUSE. MONEY?" SOW WOULD TOTJ ua TO TXS WOKAJT wio savxs bt irnsnai ' ; - - m Mr To Third am B1bb ' - wit cm Orw trtlwin Tlili'd JTloor. SilVerware at IPrice Oneida BUverwtr, tuar .V anteed. Una. ' doling out odd Tablenpootili regular valua , 14-Tt; special the dwn ........... 2.38 Forks, regular . value 14.71: special, the dot.. $2.38. Orange ' ' Spoons, regular .value ft. 00; special, the i dosen ....; 91.60 Coffee Spoons, regular value; special, ' dostn ,4..i.-.i 91.10 . lugar ' Spoon and ButteeJCnife In horn, regular value 00c; special, the pair ,.j.... ..J5 Sugar Tongs, regular value tOc;. special, ench,..45e . pystsr Ladles, regular value $1.6: special ea. .83 Soup Ladles, regular value fl; special, each;. 91. OO Pie-Servers, regular yalue 1 1.0; special ach..T5e ' Flsb Forks, regular valua 11. Soj, special, each.. 754 .Baled. Forks, regular value K.iO; special, each. .75a JUVXXJUTD OXZVA DtdnM ' SITS AT OMM -la White ChlnaTwlth-JoephlneanlTrianon-FaU ..I -i , ' ' rn In Odd Pieces. : , llf-plece set, regular value $40.80; special. 'V V set ...fc.w'. 4.. ...-.'.. . , .927.07 100-plece set; regular value $9l.t; special, et ..............919.30 , 09-plece set, regular value f 20.50! special , set ...A913.67 SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE IP Tea Room jl ::X.X-5 Second Floor. -v iil.c.. AUSPICES PORTLAND Y. W. C.A. Menu ; for Thursday, August 17th rTea w Coffee Chocolate ,, i Milk in Bottles,:-, ' .'' : ; Apple, Celery and. Nut Salad, Ham Sandwiches " v - . - : ' f? y Whole Wheat andAYhitelBread ' ; Peaches and Cream- Cantaloupes on lee . '.l each Sherbet V Ice. Cream ' Cake '- The Curtains Are Down in t fiF5th St Windows FROM $2 TO Ul THE PAIR."', " And you'll find the same1 beautiful -corded Arabian Curtains down to the same -bargain notch in the ' great- -, special sale ; ' now on. in the big : fourth' floor drapery shops.- If you've .curtains to buy this . ; fall, and this is about V the grade you have ' in mind, it wouldn't be a bad idea from the standpoint of econ-v omy to attend the sale this week and take advantage of lhe saving. Better have a look. Wash Goods for Half 1 ' " ' First Floor. ' For Thursday's selling we offer every yard of -our j fine Imported Wash - Goods all ' 'this season's newest weaves and all values V of 60c and above at. . .... .HALF PRICE Linen SuitingslReduced sTTsAi4 i miiti frti lia ttfvttcVi nnnfiTar itnn suits, natural color only t "uf"3ScvaluevSpeciartrya"rd Our 40c value. ;' Special at, yard.'. . . . .34 ' Our 45c value. Special at, yard..'..V.3f8 Our 50c value. Special at, yard..'. ...43 1 Our 60c value. Special at, yard .,'. .48 Women's Bargains in the Furnishing 5hops First Floor Handsome Dresden Ribbons. Dresden Ribbons, 5 inches wide,' in Wew designs and in all shades, including pink, old blue, lavender, jjreen, mais and old rose. . A big special value at, the yard. ...... f 25 Black Net and Chiffon Ruffling : at Han mce. Black Net and Chiffon' Ruf fling, from 3 to 6 inches wide- Regular $1 value. Special 50 JIM I?, . .irA7. iiraL-"r- - : r mUilMl , -."'.V ' i?6-4' ' cial at. the vard,.... .....! Embroidered Shirtwaist Fronts. Shirtwaist Fronts of batiste," embroideredirr ' - white, br . black-and-white our,regular : $3.50 valae. Special sale price, the - yard . . '. ........ ..91.40 8S .Colored Juby Trimmings at 10c a Yard. Oddments and Endmcnts of Prettjr Juby . . TrimmingsTm. dainty" colormgsi and '.'.!. small lots. Special at, the yard.. . .10 Final Reductions pri Entire - ' Stock of Parasols : There's plenty of hpt weather 'left yet up the weather man's sleeve; We're just, en joying a delightful recess' for a - few days,, then the parasols will have their turn again. Of course you've planned to be out of "doors considerable duringt the next few days, es- , pecially while the Elks are browsing on the ' city- stferets.A You'd better get , a parasol, . there's warm times prophesied. We'll make lit easy for those whe haven't bought to do" so- now. .We've been through the 'parasol stock, divided ;it into two sections,' and-made two prices on the entire lot. Every pretty - effect . is represened-rdome shapes, stun haVe, pretty. ivory tips, tucked, fancy bord ered and weaves in and wanted ' design. ' Changeable effects plaids dotted r patternsrstripes, and in short, evejry; Idea is- shown in the 105 creations. Carriage parasols "are.-included , inthe reductions - But not;over a hundred in tHe store. Hurry, and get the choicest picking t ' ; ; ; ..' -v's All Parasols up to $3.50 in M 9C value, now$a&d AH Parasols up to $7.00 in 0 value, nowj7tUX-. Men Share the Sav : ings in This Sale ; , A Grand Cleah-np this Week of the Bummer Stocks in "The Haberdasherle" Sixth Street ,, :,'. " . " "Annex ShopsFirst Floor. (- - Two Great Special Bargains in Men's Underwear " o Kea's 91M Uaderwea fe W. Wa ' Include two styles ef Underwear In this offer. . One Is Cooper's wprlna; Needle, Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in blue, splendid foods and always sold at ' 11.16 the garment. ' The other: Men's white Mercerised Shirts and Drawers, one bf the nicest and best mad gnr' ments In the house. ; We haven't all elses, but. what you need may be among them. Thla r underwear also sells at 11.28, but for tomor row and all week we offer both lines to you at he ' great Special Sale Price of, garment 8S -BCem'a and Boys' Batting- Baits. . ' Two-piece Jersey Bathing Suits, for men and boys;, all at special prices for thts week's selling-. . 'X)ur-U0 value pecl&l at. the suit ..-60- Our $1.59, value. Speclsl at, the sult.........95d Our 11.00 vslue (worsted). ' Special at, the ,t suit ..... f..-v.. (...--fl.3 Our a.00-Jraiua4worUdipeclaL ttbe - . v ault . .....-. ...$2.00 ;;' ' Si-oo OoU Skirts fo no. ; Men's Golf Shirts In all the lateet patterns In stripes and figured effects. One pair of aff s. . They are- our regular 11.00 value, and that amount will not boy you a better shlrf anywhere. -Special. Sale Price, each .....ttOe '' ; SM Windsor Ties for lto. . Windsor Ties in all plain and fancy effects; d'ur 25o . value. ' Special Sale Price, each .' 9j j "..'. . Stes's Toa moss for lSe. Men's Fanny Hose In light Un wtth fancy stfrtpes. .or plain black, blue and gray; lace llele; every . pair our regular Ha value. Special Sale Price, the -pair . ....... i j.-fi .... . ...1B.. Tovr'iels7 Toweling and " ' Bedspreads v i :' ,, : .-, -' ' Bomestto Aisles nr moo. ., 7ltH for , TowtUmg- Tra ITa-MBavy-tlnn nugj aback Toweling or ine very neei wearing quality; 'our 17o value. Special at, the yard 12He) SM Bath Towels for lto White Bath Towels, els 13x60 Inches, heaVy and absorbent; our J5 -value. Special at, each 1 A Oroohet Bedspreads T for Me an fl.15 Crochet Bedepreada, for large-slxe beds, a nice aaeortment of patterns In the showing. Two f-r-t rcla . values at.ach ..LI I 1 i.U , WATCniD CLEANED ; l 7Arid warranted on year for 73c." New Mainsprings for 75c. All other jepau ing on jewelry at proportionate prices First Floor, near large elevator, Si Shoppers5 Lunch Free on the Third Floor Shoppers are cordially 'invited to come, up to the Third Floor while in the store, and partake of a damty lunch served by our demonstrator and cooked "while you wait" Lunch hours are from 1 to 6 p. m. only. The" lunch, consists ol. toothsome "rosettes," or waffles, cooked with the aid of the magical "Rosette Irons," which are on sale at 60c the pair. There'f quite a story goes with the irons, we haven't time to tell it today come up and hear the demonstrator relate' it and sup on the dainties she will offer you. They ' beat the cakes that "Mother used to make." , ji.J-jX'' X'- Another Demonstration of Inter-' Third Floor Too. rThe Third Floor , is getting to be- a - nook -for cooks and housekeepers. ' In addition toThd FREE COOKING SCHOOL and the distribution of delicious "rosettes" free to all who will partake, we've just added an other feature of special importance to every woman who has ironing to do. It is " 'a "demonstratiorTof the adVan tage'soI the as-" bestos SAD IRONS. How do your hands feel after an ironing is oyer? Burned and lame eh? . Well, you need a set of AS- ; BESTOS SAD IRONS." They have a hood, Jineri-with asbestos which praveata tli rad iation of heat. from the core, or base, except' at the bottom just where "the heat is want ed.1 The"handle is attached to the hood aad thus is kept cool.' ' The handle fits the hand perfectly, thus doing away with the cramp ing and aching caused by handles of other shapes. ', The core is solid,, thus giving the ''irons weight for sufficient pressure with out effort and enoiigh volume to retain heat. Be sure you have a look when in the store tomorrow.' --. - t.- a: Summer Silks Startlingly Slaughtered "The Silk Store" Fifth Street Annex, First VU, Floor. i'.-rr.r,A-V'. It's harvest time in the silk fields that lie at the south end of the great store preserves The woman with true economy in mind will find it to her advantage to buy these silks now while prices are down to the lowest notch. If you don't need the .silks now it will pay you handsomely to purchase for next summer's neds. The( silks are of the Standard sort, always in style, sure to be eyerjtnore wanted next "year than this and ' the j 'most dependable qualities There's splendid bargains await Thursday 'shoppers in the silk store. .' : ' ' k Lasr three-days of: the "great clean-upsale in Portland's Leading Silk and Dress Goods Store every yard'-of our spring ind sum-. merNdVelfy rSuirSiIksgoltHALlfRlCfir $1.00 Novelty Suit Silks at....,........50 ; $1.25 NoyeltjrSuitlSilks at.......62,f $1.0 Novelty Suit Silks at. . 75 VVhite Imported Pongee and" Japanese Silks at reduced pricesthey are 27 and 36 inches , wide- -": ; : .: ' J -V V '"'t'i7:- -" $1.66, Grades reduced to;...,..i.... 74e $1.25 Grades'reduced to:..',..;.... V S0 - $1.50 Grades reduced to. V.. 91.12" $1.75 Gra'des reduced to.. I...... r.. 1A2 Warranted Black Taffetas 'also at excep tional low figures ' : 1-inch, $1.00 values. Special...... CZf 23-inch, $1.10 values. Special...... 7C? -2L-uicb$L25rluf 3. Special. . C? 38-inch, $1.50 values. Special...... $r.l "36-inch, $1.60 values. -Special...... $l,r 36-inch, $1.75 values. Special... -.. " These values cannot be matched in t" at our regular priefs, and for s::;:-, Skirts and I' -"- ::!: -:"