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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
! ... ..f - .OREGONSUNDAY JOURNAL.' ' PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, UNE ' 25fu 18C5. H 4. v,' li NEWS OF -menlilKht"Hu dJJUfor4 Wlgl In Uttlr Old runabout arrived la rort landand won the great transcontinental rac It brought PortlantL-more to to . (on In tba niotorlbg world than ..any hr vt.Tba ay or lit motoripg j-wrld wer-' centered on this city, and for month to coma tha papcra otMha tra'd wilt have torte to print about. -thl,-tr!rl"which ,wa mad In 44 daya. "ltoaa an Wlf la traveled atput 4.000 L mile, which makee their average dally running nearly 109 tnlleiincludlng tong delay and accident. It waa a trip. filled with Interesting experience, 'and Hum aaya 'He would not advise any one to attempt iC for It. was full of bardablpa from atart to finWh. Tha'autolata had barely TfCqTered. from the sever strain ; ,H...IlJCett J)fPortlandltndlHiP -of fighting the flood In Ohio,. Indiana . and lllinol whan they struck the - t-'-t- "vw- ""' 1 Jr. . . -"'(.-.' f-VJ v' ? . " I;toAalM; Li..- i.t ..t.a.,at.-il f,. -i f terrible Wyoming weather. In one day ' f they war in hall, snow, rain and wind, sterms, and In crossing the sagebrush lands, with at tlnea nothing but alkali i. -water to drink, their Hips crarfuied ' Hun and Wigls have received their r prise of (1,000 and today will start on : their return to Detroit They have been ';away from home about aix weeks and . will return on a' train that -will carry them there in the ahortaat time. ' Percy , Megargel and Barney Btanchfield In Old ' . Steady are still pushing on to Portland. They arrived at Burns, Oregon, Friday . and were expected . in Piinevllle . last ; night but whether they reached "there . cannot be said, a no word had been "- received from them. When they tele phoned from Burn they were given ,' - warning about tha Seven- Ulle hill in the Cascades, which came sear being the ' undoing of Huis and Wlgle.. Megargel was advised that before beginning Us j descent to tie a tree to the rr of his ' onachlna to act as a drag, fof a Ilusa ' says. 'such a plan ishe only.eap one .i c... to adopt Inl descending thin biHt which . . . ts the wofsT tha raeer found throygh out their trip. -,- - L. Keata and party of friend A i .- wh,o went as far -as Lebanon to meet f . Huai and Wigle, made one of the most j COMMITTEES MAKING I EXCELLENT PROGRESS Arrangements for Day at Lewis and Clark Fair Are ...f Under-Way. ! . (Bpedal Dbpttck te The JoaraaL) Vancouver, Wash., June 4 Oood progress 1 being made by the eom mlttee appointed by Mayor Craw ford to- arrange a suitable program for Vancouver and Clarke County day ats in uwii ana ciark rair, Testerday . the membera of tha varlouav committees er busily-engaged -in getting things lliied up. The membew of the solicita tion and contribution committee have o faf had good success, the business men In general taking much interest in "making tneTJayFommemorabie. Bute Senator E. -M. Rands, who was appointed a committee of one to arrange for tb program at tne state-building, liek-not decided on Just whit the exer sta'S will b,- but at alt" events they will be short , Thla policy wHl be ad bered to ao aa to give - the people of Vancouver time to vlslfother part of -the fair. -.. .... ' Those who Intend to Join the ,000 who. will attend the fair on Vancouver day should take-note that ther will beVut three trips of the'j ferry by . which they can take advantage bf the free transportation on the trolley cars xo iu rair gaiea. These trip will be . u , i:i ana J in .o clock MUCH EXCIIEMENtlS ' . CAUSED BY STORM ,v. M&nyAncQuverj Residents ob Heariig Heavy - Thunffer Much Alarme(i. . j " (gperld Plttf te'Tbe Joataal.) . Vancouver,- Wash..' June , J4. It has com to light that all the residents of Vancouver ' are not 'exactly used to thunder storm such - as took-, place m and slround this city Saturday morning. Several people were seen to rush from buildings Into the Street In the wildest excitement- Some thought the fort here wa under flr by tha Japanese navy. Othera had an Idea that all the noise -wis caused by the warship . now anchored In Portland, On young "Woman of . rather .tender year remarked that poelbly It ws an electrical, die- - plar "iriM Lewis " and -Clark fair, ugmanted by the 'gun of the warships and. expressed a - desire to see It at - closer range. Probably thl moat laughable ' situation was In the case .4f a restaurant maa who., never having wltaeesed a thunder storm of any dura tion . severity, fKought the city o doomed and ran Into the street ,to pread thet alarm. A nearly 'a can b determined. Van eeuwr -:rjh renter of Saturdav morn ing r storm. Shortly after 1 o'clock In Art flaabes f lighuing wsr iten, and -THE; AUTOMOBILE WORLD;" ,i remarkable trlpa attempted by a Pert . .. - - eellent eoept "for to dut. -At L&anonj Mr Vuti nil h i rarlv took inart tha touring car and aavaMt a thorouah cleaning. Not having .finished their labor at o'clock, Huaa and Wig la, who had been assisting.' started bhead for Salem, and' M.' Keat derided that the beat traveling would be In tha cool of the evening. Ilia party left Lebanon at 7:44 o'clock and went over" the greater part of the road after dark. The actual running-time for tha 4J miles between 1!aIuuuul.&iuI KalAni ha, I wn )n luirc ab4 seven rolnutesv which Included tha ford ing of tbree, streams. When the, finny reached -Salem Huaa and Wlgl were still about. They, were astonished at the performance and" congratulated Mr. Keata; tfh his ability a. a driver,- An- to Slera " LastWeek. other remarkable : run was - between Salem and Aurora. Huaa and Wlgle left Salem at 7 eclock In tha morning and nr. amis ana nis irienas an nour later. At Aurora Keats caught Hua and Wlgla. Just aa the touring ear waa approaching Atirora - what- was Bttnpoaed -to- bo a minor- accident happened to the car. Upon Investigation -It waa found to, be mora serious and caused a delay of sev eral hours. "Had proper facllitlea for making repair been at hand Mr. Keats and his party would hava entered Port land with- the racers, but aa it waa they arrived in tha city two hour afterHuss and Wlgle. , . ' ) The parade riven on Wednesday night by the Portland Automobile club - in honor of Huss and Wlghr-was k credit to tha club and the city. The' 60'- or more car In line reflected tha lntereat there Is in " motoring. The applause heaped on Huss and Wlgle was hearty. and showed that the people had an In terest lit -their long-race.;"' r-:' r There la atlll considerable talk about the proposed race between the Olda and Cadillac The challenge Issued" by H. M. Covey of tha Cadlljao la atlll stand ing and it waa expected -that arrange ment for the race would hava been made thla past week. It was the Inten tion of H. L. Keata of tha Olda cea rain began to fall a "half hour before It did In Portland... There was hardly a resident In the city but what heard the heavy peala of thunder and hundreds arose' to see the grand electrical dla- -Xplay-ln the heavens, the like of which bas never been seen here before, ac cording .to the memory of several old tlmera, - i , Kew Cemeterrenoe. ' - (Special Bltpetcb to The Joonul.) Vancouver, Wash., June 24.-After month of hard work on the part of the Vancouver ."Cemetery association, the long .expected Iron fence" a round the City cemetery will be constructed at once. After sufficient money had' been raised to make the Improvement, a delay of two months; was caused by the manu facturer in not being able to turn out tha work.- Built of Iron thw new fence will be a laatlng Improvement, which ha been needed for same time. . -r l- Looal aad Personal. Vancouver, Wash ,' June 14. A. D. Boardman of this city Is locate for a time In PorH nd on business. . . A new sawmill is to be builtjn. the near future near Artiboy. Tha hew fountain In the City park, which will be completed soon, will be a credit to the city, j . ,-i Waltef McCredle. manager ?f the Port land baseball team waa In thla city Sat urday, conferring with his uncle. Judge W. W. McCredle.- ' " . The - Washington and Oregon sawmill will etiut down on June 10 (Vancouver day s at the fair) In order that the .em ploye majr attend. Ajparryrft)Tpremmnrancduvermen vlUcd the Oak In Portland thl even ing! ' " - - Rusk' cream soda, -delicious and re freshing, only 6c, next to Vancouver grocery. ... . LOW EXCURSION FARES. r.. ' ' ' Via Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. , From Chicago to.Aabury Park, N. J.. and return, til. 15; Ticket, good going Jun St, JO, July 1 and t valid' for re turn until August' 11 ' by extension. Stop-over air New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Through sleeping car to' Anbury Park. Baltimore and return, 111. Ticket good going July. 1, 1 and 4; valid for re turn until August 11 by extension. Stop-overiat Washington. The only line that operate through train. Send for circular to Peter Harvey, Paclflo cpaat4 agent, Ban rraneiscq. H. N. Austin, O P. hlcago. Consult your nearest tickef'ahrent for details. Velghborly AmenHlea, -r-. v'- From th Philadelphia Public Ledger," . "That's an, auction piano ypur datrgh-' ters go. Isn't itr aeked tha sarcastlo woman next door. - "No, indeed!" replied" (ha proud mother indignantly. "What mad you think thatT" - --; ' . ''Oh, probably, because It 'going, going, going' all th time" " I .' - ruth Dilation Tnnceecy, Phllooph Thilre'a ' rto use crying overspill milk.- . ' " , Dlttow No,' thera'a, probably tinouga watr in It already, - , . . .. : ".. ' ' . J - 4p4ny to have Hue or "vTlgl rlv tb I t WAm kill ihal i1ntrtiiM .fai hoVMA prevented thl., Afr, Megargel arrives " di.hi.uii.iu " driver the racg wtir-probaMr take I place. Hear- flchreeder Tlcoma. while r- ; . 7 . . - . . . . visiting in a'oruana ine piner 7 pur- chaaed an Olds tourina- ear and took it home with him. J. II. Bhaw of the American Typefounder company, has bought an Old runabout and F. J. Becker of Aberdeen,' Washington, bpugbt an Olda touring runabout . - -. That motoring has made .wonderful atrldea in Portland Is evident from tha way tha llveryL,bulness hka Increased. A few weeks ao'Tioarcelr a, Hvery car could be found In th -city, .while oi J at every corner there are three or four cara. H. M. Covey, who purchased from E.' H. Wemme hi Pierce Arrow, has placed VTon livery and Ben Holladay has put on one of his Wlnton car and a4 soon aa the other cornea out of tb palnf shop It will alao b put into use. Dossett St Klser have entered four cars In Ihe livery, andcars of nearly every description can be- found on thaTcorner f of tha varlou atreeta. v r- Ben Holladay ha received word that tha Model B Wlnton car purchaaed "by f- D. Inman ba been shipped and will reach her In- the couraa of 10 daya Mr.-tlnman .Mi had this ear finished In silver- gray and when it arrlvea in tha city will be on of tha flneat car. If not- the finest, ln""the-city, aa It'll larger than the Pop Toledo car which have been admired so' much. With Mr. InmaS's - car v Mr. Holladay hae had shipped a Model CJWlnton, which will be another notable addition, to the mo tor car of thx.clty. rJi?rrJ Walter 8. -Martin's Packard. ear,- .in hich h recently malle a trip .to- On tario, has arrived In tha city and I nowHbeing; overhauled. . ,It will be shipped to San Francisco during the coming weelt and after It arrival there Mr. Martin will make "a tour of the state, r-- -v CAUSES AMUSEMENT . FOR THE PASSENGERS Queer Actions' of Man on Car " May Have Been .Those of a "Maniac- V (Speclil Dlptch to The jowaal.) Vapcouver. Wash., June 14. -Passengers on the 7 o'clock car front Fort land -were treated, to a rather unusual experience ycstcrdayViornlng. . Th1 In cident a thft1me . was taken to be laughable but it might have resulted, is., something serious. On th jbatI wer4 several men; bound for a logging eemp in" the northern part of the county. When the middle of the long trestle was reached on of them, whom It had been noticed acted queerly, jumped to his feet and raced back-and forth through tha car in a wild manner An effort wa mad by thoe on the car to atop him and presently tha man eat down and bKn vigorously emelng--elgar. Hi action on th ferry were auch aa to attract attention but he wa allowed to proceed Jo the" Northern Paclflo depot, where h boarded tha out-bound 8 o'clock train. . " - T "" -' A report come from a logging camp near Kalama that a man had arrived in camp who was madly Inaane and threatened violence. It la thought from the description that he 1 th eame man wh,o eame here on th car. - Tha report from Kalama ststes that when an ef fort was made to take the erased man in custody he mad hi way from camp and haa not peen seen since. ra xAKZiro or ha?, - ; - "' "'- ' v ' From tha St. lunula. Post-Dispatch." . T ) Large map-making flrma have geo graphical libraries collected from every source and in every lanruarel - The modern sketch mSp ot ln; mlaTon'ary - - in som wild region ia aa highly valued a th most comnjtt survey map. ' In making a new map. of any Imnortanl L. region the compllatton mad by other are naroiy ever toucnea.- Representa tive are sent out and every detail I taken "from )ts original source. Thes representative re paid enormous sal arlea. They are never 'ru shed, but r I er their work allowed to take a long over their work a they think it necessltaatea. : ' Th cost! of producing a map of th world, would be enormoua; each gov ernment would have to share the ex pense. -The 'time taken would also be very great There are at ' present no ordnance maps of South America. "nor of large portlona of Aa. Even were a-united .International1 effort. made It would be many years before the work could Becompleted.' Different methods k-uA rtll tin .mMlHH.J 1 .1 , MM . w'uiu " ivi' THiyivjcu in uuivrsnt countrle. ' i. , , m "ii" r ' ' 1 ' ' fpeaklag From asprlno. L FjomMlie Phllndlphta Bulletin. " First-Truant Bar, Billy, ain't tou going homeT ' . Second Triynt Not. much. If w go home.-now w get a ncaing. nwt-eevwei lesv It tin after dark wa get kissed I airq cuuoiia ana givva ai ava aiva i ing drowned.. - ... i CHAUTAUQUA TO HAVE GOOD TRAIN SERVICE Railway and ElectriC.CarS.tO I - . . ' . i Furnlsrj . Quick Trans portation. " . inoeaai Diapatr te Tie JoaraaH I nmnn rlt Inn 11 Tk nanllu t , - . - - .... .wmwvw committee of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua aasoclaUon baa arranged f with .the Southern Paclflo Railroad com pany for a splendid train aervica that will be maintained during the approach ing assembly. Trains will leave Port land for Gladstone at 7:45. 1:40. 1:10 and 11:1 a. ra. and 15 train at regular intervals from J:16 to 1:50 p. m. Be aide thia the (electric cara will give trahi aenrlce of s7-cJvery 40 rain, utea all day and oftener on special ocoa alona. Tha handsome souvenir pro-1 grama hava bean printed' and a corps of elerka are busy' mailing them to for mer and proepeotlve patron of the unauLaunua. . l.v - Tb aasembiy will begin July 11 irfi will be in aeaalon until July II. , But In order to accommodate the patrons of tne asaemnjx who may desire. to attend tha iwls and Clark fair tha ground of tha park will be kept open and lighted until August 11 and tha camping! privi lege win be free. The reduced trans portation rata will also hold good. largo number of people hava al- dy selected places in the 'park on whloh to pitch their tents, i From all In dication there will be' more camper on tha ground than hava ever before been at Oladstona park. Of couraa tha Lewis and Clark fair 1 in a largo meas ure responsible for this, but beaidea that the program this yea m an unusually large number of f lrsticla attractions. PREPARATIONS UNDER, WAY FOR TOURNAMENT Oregon City Making Ready for Big Three Days' Celebration. i ' (gpectsl Oiipatch te The JeniasL) Oregon City, June J. Arrangements for tha firemen a tournament, July I, 4 and 6. are wall under way and It la believed that th program will b car - rA mi wllhniit hlth. Th city I already hanofsomely dec orated, -taving put on Its gala attlr for the-benel of th Grand Army campment.. All the flag and"buntll have been allowed to remain and other decorations will be added to the Tem from Vancouver and Astoria will be present and wilt particlpat In th race with tha Oregon City team Ther will be a balloon ascension and parachute jump during tha tournament and '.ether spectacular feature will be secured. The glorious Fourth will be th big gest4ay of th thro and band, from thla city.- Milwaukle and Aurora hay been engaged. The addrea of the day will be mad by Walter Lv Tooa of Woodlawn. Liberal prlxea have been offered for the best float in the parade which -promle to-b m grand -and spectacular trades parade and pageant ' Mra. Kathrvn Ward PODO will have charge of the music and will drill theJ choru of glrla that will aing ouring th exerulsea. A' cpmplet program will be furnished thl week. ' 7 COUNCIL WILL-HOLD ' A SPECIAL MEETING Will Place on Final Passage Two-Ordinances for Street Improvements. (Special tlipatfh te The Joornil.) ' Oregon City, JunJ.4.H-A special meeting, of the city council will be held Monday night for the purpose of placing on final passage two" ordinance for th Improvement of Fifth street from Malt to Water street and Sixth street from Railroad avenue to water aireei 4,. 7 1 1 . . ; Eat From anay. ' (Special TP Journal.) "1 Oregon City, Jftna 24. John J. Hoop, I llAn T n . sent to Councilman Sheahan a flue hat manufactured from the native bamboo ef th Philippine. Mr. Houp expect to return to Oregon after another year. T" Cnrnroh SCeottng'. n Hgeeftal DffDttck The JoaraaL! - Oregon City, Or., Juna 14. Th third quarterly "meetjuag' of th M7 E. church, south, will be held Saturday and Sun day at Teaael Creek church. 'Th pr-sldingIftrrftvr-FTP. Oardiner 'el Junction City. - and tha pastor, Rev. J. W. Craig, will , b present w. , ... u - f. .... , Xrfwat and Fiiiialj' n (gpeotal Dlapatch te Tha Joaraal.- Oregon City, Or., Jun 14. Ml Nelta Natalie Harding and' Mis Clara Madeline Caufleld of this city war graduated - from tb Portland academy last night - , Colonel . Robert A. Millar wa In th city yeteTday. v Mr. and Mrs. A. Nlckell arrived from Rent tie this morning and are visiting Mrs. Nlckcll s parents, Mr. and Mra. T. li. Hawkins Mis Bessie Oulhn of Walla Walla 1 visiting her cousins. Mis Etbel Green and' Mis Clara Nehren. , Mr. J. A. Roman arm her on of Mount Pleasant hava gone to their homestead In, Lincoln county for th summer. Miss Ida Roppel Is visiting at Aurora. . An --Ic- cream social wa given last night In the lower Logan school district t Orange hall. Th attendance wa good. . . In th annual distribution of prises by the flan Francisco - Examiner - Mlea Cecelia Goldsmith of thl city wa on of th winners. She drew and ha re ceived a handaSitie gold watch and chain. C. J.-Mcintosh. edltotHsnd publisher of the Gran County New t-Jphn CHty, accompanied by Mr. Mcintosh, war In Oregon City yesterday. ' Dr. Cameron of Nebraaka I In th city today. Ha I making a tour, of th Pacific' northweat n ." BEWARE OF FAKERS ! Whov. in 1 , your II a t . Go to HEA DQIiATlTETlfl -for,- Panama and FiitHat r Cleaning,1 J. FISCMF1 King of Hat - v ' Railnvatnr - . - will Dya for .you or Clean and Blek . our aiaia ; . '( f0H MO, sxtm at. rxora bib S4. Vonderful Copper Values EXHIBITED AT FAIR The National and ies Display EX- ens ONE ORE SAMPLE WEIGHING 1 48? POUNDS TJpon entering tha main entrance of th Wyoming; building' tha spectator attention la arrested by a distinguishing exhibit of coDner or. Thl or was taken from tha oropertle of th Fidel ity CoDber comnarty and th .National Copper - Mines - company, Ijthe- Seven uevua aisirict' i wui o rnraimwrw when th first product were brought In, a few year ago. In sample varying In weight from 14 ounces to two pound, some of th beat mining authorities were inclined to be skeptical aa to th possibility of th oontlnuanc of such valuable revelations. Th present ex thiblt at th fair, however, dlapel all osslble 'doubt and la convincing proof more valuable ore' aa tha mine ar de veloped. Some of tlK best mining ex perts hava pronounced it to be tb beat AKlt.lHAM " ) Tha exhibit presents a large variety In copper ore, varying In weight from a few ouncca to 487 pound In ore chunk from the Fidelitjrcompany' mine. . Thl , hug specimen-runs from 40 to 10 per cent Other, specimens average to the ton IS per cent copper, with. 110.10 worth of allvr and ora gold.- : -r-r : 7' tt-J t . 7 ' The velum of th output ha been limited up to recently owing to a lack of praotloal tranaportation facllitlea aad a ameltlng plant A smelting plant; wa completed laat year within 11 mile, and haa been- kept uy right, along, turn ing out an average of (0 tons a day from -the , Seven-Devils-district' Tha near ruiure win witness in complexion or a railway from - Huntington down th Snak river - to- Ballard' " Landing- -It now need to be surveyed but two mile mora Despite V thesv transportation handicaps, the National company' mine have been in operation mora or less for th paat 10 yeara 8pm of th or mined waa transported by wagon to the,, nearest train connection, from whence It was taken to thevamelter. Abundance of mined ore, however,. how He on th properties ready to be trans ported to th smelter aa soon aa th last apik I driven In th railroad. The properties -ars surrounded by patented mines that have been produo Ing for years, sonve of which hav paid as -high a 00 par cent dlvldenda "Th board of. 'director- of both companies constat of a representative body of mln' lng and bualness man of . this com- munlty, . , , ;,, Th National Copper Mln company office ar located at (It Commercial block, and th Fidelity Copper com pany' at (It Marquam building. . Mr. W. Trevor, who I managing tha exhibit at the fair In the Mining build ing,' or any of th director, ar pleased to T explain further' particulars' at any any one. ' i Lewis and Clark Exposition Grounds Kodaktrt will find at full tin -r" ' ' 1 : a)f)0 EAstmui Kodaks, Films, Paper and Supplies w : on' Exposition Orotinda Flrat ' door on right after passing throogh main entrance ' 1 411 Good! Kill be Ui si ttjalu Wta j No advance by buying her, and can be had any. hour of the dyr ''All trk, elean ffoodaj Jut from faotory . , Films Developed and Finished in Four Hours Prompt i suit. The service, excellent r i most complete photo-. . grapnio plant in tne in visitor welcome. Let hlo plant Northwest. us help you In your kodak- ruling. 1XP0SITI0N GROUNDS If you want to save money price TRUNKS AND .,, SUIT ; - Jacob Asher ridelity'iompan cellentSpecim OFFICIAL PH0T01 irouoi we.r wining. , ,1, . r-. ' ' . , i " . : We Kodak-S&bp ' SSO Tlrrt St,. Oo SalMoa, it.. "CADILLAC RUNABOUT winning; the runabout race at -IRVINGTON PARK DECORATION DAY. , ,.c After thinking-the matter over for a week"the representa tives of the horsepower car have ACTUALLY deci4ed td race it against the 9-horsepowcr Cadillac for 20 mile'5 , ''We are much'pleased. but'we didn't think they had'the" nerve- , ' , - .'. "'J '-'. ' "..'.. . There wilt alsw be a race between the Cadillac runabout ' and. the runabout that you see in the distance in above cut, It's a little too far back to recognize, but interested readers . can probably guess what itjs. The date of these races has not been decided, ut they willjirobably take place July 4. " v CQYEY & RIDDLE, I5th AMD ALDER Protect Ypw Eyes j GOGGLES all Styles for All Purposes - 25c to - Auto Supplies, Bicycles and i xPyd6 Sundries t ;;: Tires tor Aatos. Bicycles and Carriages. V V,' V . . ' ;,- BALLOUX WRIGHT 86 SIXTH "uur business has : grown too . at 1 hirAand Alder. v, ., Sixty Per Cent; Within a Year;; And we have been compelled .to" enlarge our room! .Ve have, '. ' iL.'i...'I t I . ' - .-. --. inerciorc, icasca - ELEGANT APARTMENTS' WHICH HAVE FITTED UP ESPECIALLY FOR US And will hereafter be better than .ever prepared to cure, all those afflictions of the human body, that' we have soauccess fully treated in all the past years of our inarvelousjly expand V -"'' ing pmfessional career -in Portland. ,-v " WE ;HAVE TREATED -THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS, jlestonngoejhhundredjiphund 61 'persons who had given'up llThope, and inr Sur new" location t We invite All Sick People Of whatever disease they "may as the ages and stronger and j. . ,goes The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. Yet at-Thltd and Alder, bu af$er "July10 1 in tour palatial par lors at 162, First Street.' southeast corner -Morrison. We have a lull second floor pf that fine building. " -. ' JOURNAL WANT - , r'ark sad Washtnftoa, Portland Orefon Tb4 School f Quality MODERN, PltCTICAL, COMPIXTB Opi) all tb reir-Catatat free A. P. AKMSTRONQ. LL. B PRINCIPAL PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. 17 sromnt T. Bat. Bamtd Oeaea. Awnlnna for tores and-- resi dences. Tenta end ramplnf - mitflta Oat our crloes. M 1 ' V V L -mm t r-r1 - . K . i.' $4.00 STREET amaxaxiaiiiigagigraii. C. GEE WO . The Or at Chlrlose Dootdr "v - ' .' :' - -: We Are Going to Move to First an (TMorcison large for our presentv quarters ree for our pres It has increased BEEN to Come and Be Cured have by our great remedies, ola of greater merit as each year by. ; - ADS PAY BEST LJ g 14-1... ... .. -L-g ' FooKSari& Co,;; m kxdt.kO' 7aav : - . SUM JlWIIJa, J T AT IU CHONO,: Mrr. -. 231 Alder Portland ? Pure, BeaoUtul " iad'i " Jewelry. Qold Bracelets and Signet .Ritirs of all descriptions made to or der. American name enarared . In' Cblrte J ' hararter a Dure nil '. tings; or good-luck .rlns; engraved wltlt the three cardinal "Chinese characters, ylav Olory, Prosperity and . Longevity. Charges reasonable and orders of' any design promptly executed and sent pre paid to any part of .the United State. . laliah e.eee t.i..i.n saa a. (pEnUYROYAt, PILLS - llV . "lflr Oal. . -fc'4jaM. A M MJCD wt l aaullla mtm. m-Mt le , M Snaama aa Itl I lit Umn. a.f .f r..f Dmiw, m i JC'y ' mwm Mall. I BSSaMjaiM. . At a law I - t 11 '