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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
TWO CENTS. OOP EVENINQr Vta3T, ';' Tha Weather. " ', ' Eho wgMi this afternoon, and Sunday; so ut It towtit VOIl IV.-.;' NO. .-.05. HUNDREDS Tanner Says Mitchell SUfpd Many-Claims-- Without fees. : LAND FRAUD DEFENSE ' : ' HAS ITS INNINGS -' v DvFixine Kribs' Fee Tanner As- - sertsHe Made Hp Charge for Mitchell's Servicers ; - Washington. ." o-..i;" vmviffc' worsen' tin- i...i.0ki. ir.v nf satisfaction ' this 1IIID1.MIVIV. - morning while ,hls attorneys wpre crow examining - Judga Tanner., ma. govern ment's tar witness, aaany , m statements mirn seemed distinctly favorable to tW -- . . j iknunh . v. a unn. of . the -crvaa-examlnatlon was. rigidly curtailed testimony was eeourea. - juuitini save his testimony freely and . unhesi tatingly. - .. .. ..j. Dn- Of lb-emost ..important, aamia Ions and. one whleh cauaed a stir In . t Mnrtmin wu In anawer to Judga Hennetfa question whether the charged-Kribs was miwiaw rr services "to bs rendered by Mltchell-at Washington. "i did. not tinoerstana w-zvyim the witness. ... . ' . . ' This wa followed by tne assertion that In hundreds of cases Mitchell7 at tended to matters before the depart ments without making, any .charge for tIJ wi'liM -Til. Wi-LflW he had written msny letters to Senator Mitchell about such mutters wnere Hr,n miam not relved "'br . ex pected, and Mitchell had attended to them as promptly as M .oia to mi Krlbs .claim Knob Testimony lacluded. . ll....n tn.l.t&l llt Hp- iluUKn l'" imtyii . fendant s counsel must conflne them ..ivu t ih. lovitlmata ranee of cross- exxmlnatlon. and he therefore excluded much testimony which they desired to Introduce, holding that sucn viaence must be presented, if at all, when the defense opens. -Its case. Judge Bennett Ammifii tnf hnw hv Judao Tanner that Mitchell was In feeble -health during most of the time since nis last election to the senate, but the objections of the distrlcf attorney to this line of Interro gation were sustained. The cotirt also refused to-permit" testimony designed to show that "Senator Mitchell was the busiest man In Washington." saying that court and Jury would take Judiclnl cognisance of the 'fact that -a aena tor's time is fully occupied.. , gome testimony was given, showing Um Ultha.1 1 mv hu4 little Attention to the details of--the business of the firm of Mitchell Tanner. The monthly remittances of Mitchell's -share of the em's rawetnts were not accompanied by statements showing the sources from which the money naa come. tn one oc casion, however, he sent to Judge Tanner for a copy of the firm's books and It was sent to him. Every Meat Taken; 'Th. knnwiedvn that Judae Tanner n.iM ' he euhtected this morning to cross-examination drew even more than the usual crowd to tne courtroom. e fore the hour for fourt-to open wery eat was- taken and many were standing. When Senator-Mitchell entered the room he greeted his attorney. Judge Bennett. with a cordial hanaciasp dui lonxra with cold unrecognltlon af 'Judge Tan ner, who-sat nfxtTto "Bennett. Many (Continued ta. Page 'Two. ) FOUR WOMEN WILL HANG FOR MURDER 1 (Jonrsal ieell Berrlee.) ' t,lberty. Mo.. June i 4 Judge Alex ander this morning overruled a motion for a new -trial and sentenced Mrs. Aggi Myers of Karoaa rnty . to hang on August n. tor tne i.!I,UT'," hueband. Clarence Myers. Mra My ers -. betrsyed absolutely no emotion. (Counsel Neave has not yet appeaiea to the supreme court Frank Hottrnamaml Mrs-Mera 101UdporalpW). In all three caseatho Mvers on Msr 10. 1904. so thst the murderess might he ree to marry Hott man. Hottmsn Is (Onder sentence of deatn. Although he testlrted volunurlly against the -woman,, he wag offered no immunity by the preaecutlon. Mottman had offered to elope with Mr. , Myers, hut she said It was necessary to kill her husHand. , Mrs. Myers admlntatered a drug to her huaband to compel sleep, and Hottman struck Myers with a Millard cue. This aroused Myers add "be grappled wltin Hottman. who was Intoxicated. Myers was getting the better of the nght when Mrs. Myers struck her husband with a -y ... '; NO MORE. 7., tonight winds. ... .. SJathari, Spectacle Sell er at the Filf, Charged With Larceny. LIST OF. COMPLAINTS h . IS GROWING STEADILY Citizens Make Vigorous . Protest -AgaThst Methods Employed by .r Salesmen for. Walter Reed 7 r-- Concession Com pany,- 1 B7T Nathan. anoptIctah -working Jot theWalter - Reed r-Optlcal Concession company at the exposition has been. In dicted . by . the district attorney for larceny of $20 In .cash and a check for 165 on the Lewlston National - bank, wbich M. Donsac of Lewlston gaveln payment for a pair of spectacles.'. .. , ruinmii . who Is . a ' well-to-do ' cltlsen of the . Idaho . town.'"complalmed to the. district attorney that he haaioeen vic timised by Nathan, who made 'false rep resentations regarding the nature pf the ailment from which Donian waa sutfer- fng and the benellt' which he would reH calve from wearing tne glasses. .. '-Peputy.-Sheriff Corrfano . was . given the warrant for the' arrest "of "Nathan, but at a late, hour had not served it. .- Complaints, have beait numerous from persons who say they have been In duced to pay.large.sums on rwpresenta tlons made b the opticians; a number have consulted ocullsta- who have de clared that they were subjected to gross frauds. . . , , 1 ' ' -one woman state she was taken into a booth and after examination Informed that she would soon be blind unless she bought a pair of glasses such as the optician prescribed and offered -to sell for 125. She bought them, paid the money and then was informed by a reliable oculist' that her eyes were not In the condition stated by the optician. She went to Walter Reed, who prompt ly returned the $26.. , .irha the OptlcJaM jrtfcte. TheetaTment' la made that the op ticians assert to their patrons that they can furnish glasses which - will euro istlgmatlsm, -whereas all oculists who were naked regarding It stated that no reputable oculist would Bay that any glasses would effect such a cure, for the reason that astigmatism conslnta In the eyeball being longer one way-thnn t he-other.-1 and -that It Irtmposslble Id alter .Th5 -shape of ttby glasses. .Th same Is'tfue, so they allege, with ref erence to myopia, which Is caused by the eyeball being deeper from front to bark than It should be. & It Is also asserted that patrons have been told that - cataracts were coming on their eyes, and that the opticians could furnish them glasses that would prevent the cataracts from attaining greater else and cause them eventually to 'disappear. Tills, say the oculists. Is contrary" to the knowledge of "all persons who understand the structure of the eye, and .that not a- reputable oculist In. the world would assert any thing so absurd aa.thaU T. . One oculist showed a printed price list ' Issued by a New Tork wholesale house., which he said 'Was the highest priced tn the country.. The list quoted lenses at from 2D, cents to i2.o a pair. and -theserlmses, asserted thsoculIst, Include all exceptlngavery few for spe cial cases, and thatlha nost expensive known cost no more than $S. "Not one .person-In a given thousand who wear glasses.'-' said the oculist, "needs lensercosttng more than 1 1 or t (Continued on Pauper -Foyrtn.) bed slat and repeatedly cut his throat with a raior. She stabbed the man In-the back halt a doaen times a pair of shears. .-V-ronr Womea to Maag. Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs, Myers killed their respective husbands with the upnoat deliberation In order to free themselvea from -regaf ties and assume other relations outside of the board, of pardons In as many states have been Invoked, and the respective boards have decided - that "Justice de manded that, the death -penalty is im posed. Also "In all three oases:, petl'-i tlons ' nave- been circulated and met with support, butlhT sute executives have not been moved to- grant the petitions. '1 ' -The fourth woman sentenced to hang la Mrs. Anna Valentine, w ha was con- Ivlcted In- April, 4r of the tnurdef- of her rival. Mrs. Roslna Balsa at Lodl, Newi Jersey, on March 10, 104. Appeal In her case la now pending la the federal courts. I - - mmm $Mm of 'Msirwm ...JILL.: : -.1 I . 11 '' S tV' tkV Ti Wx Wrri-j-:-? , K"'w ; M'-iM V-'iWi, 'liViBI i.tfC- r.Ai-".'! J IS . THE QOST. OF. THE EVENfNQ JOURNAL ON THE STREETS PORTLAND,; OREGON. SATURDAY -EVENING. JUNE "r - i -i in THUNDER AWA K Policeman Knocked Out of Chair by Electric Shock '' Cellars JF1o"oded auKUTelephone Poles Cleft by Lightning " .- . I Half an Inch of Rain in Six HoursJ . - 1 . , J v J ' - . , ..-r Blinding , flashes of lightning and deafening roars of thunder awakened the - populace : this - morning about S o'plopk.-rand .home- aick for the land where-auch thing are common. O'reganJana. however,' were somewhat embarrassed.' for the reason that they had been telling their tlsitlng friends that In thla state one seldom saw lightning and rarely heard thunder. It was nearly 5 o'clock when the first Hash of .lightning jras-aeen. followed by a peal of thunder, probably. the loudest ever : heavd In thla tlty People waked from sound sleep and those who were unaccustomed to the electric - storms were greatlyi-frlghtenedL- - , -aTTien came - thaTalnln -sheets- and flooded the streets In -every, part of the city. -' . - - ' The lightning and thunder- continued for more than an hour, exceeding any such display seen here even by the old est oldtlmers. ; ' . CMIars werV filled with , water, and today gangs of men' have been busy pumping it out. The baseball park waa one Sheet of water, putting the grounds In such condition that -the game could not take place: The street In front -of It was a sea of floating dobris. Several score of cords of wood were carried many blocks from where It had beeu stacked. : ' With. .the '. rain-came a .heavy , wind. and wires were r crossed, 'causing the turning In of four fire alarms. L00MIST0 BRING HOME ,Xi -ADMIRAtrJONES BODY " (Joarnal "pedal gervlce.) New TorkJune X4. Assistant Secre tary of State Loomts was a passenger on the liner" Philadelphia which sailed to day for Southampton. Loom I a admitted that he waa going to Paris for the gov ernment to receive the remains of Paul Jones from the French authorities. He states that the duty. waa. assigned to him after being ordered to Europe on 1v1nil an imporiani . jnnniun oi amiv, inv I wVthTt,atur of wn,cn Wused to divulge. MS also aeciinea io nitia Bivmnni on the Venexuela affair. The ceremony of transferring the remalna will take place July T and .' - MORE DEMOCRATS OUSTED BY-C0L0RADO!SC0URIS (Josraal gpedal rrlea.) " ' Denver, Colo., June ,14. The supreme court has Invalldat"! they city and county- government law", and ' holds' that separate governments must, be main- tninvu D7 ina t-ii f,anu vuuiur vi ajiiih The . cotinty officers elected byi Demo era tV are ousted and the Republicans declared elected at the fell election by nullifying, the returner from-a "number of rrerlncta because of alleged fraud are seated. The county Judgeship, pro vision "Is held Invalid .and all .decisions rendered during the last year annulled. J fondda Graphic Picture of One of 1 - i -r - !- - ; -- - , EN S CITY Two telephone' pole's at Broadway snd Eaet Fifteenth streets were -split eight feet down from .the top -by lightning, so it Is believed, and at the police uta tlon there was trouble for the force that was on, duty; Captain Bailey and Jailer Llllls were sitting near the telephone - Instrument and Jailer Llllls attempted to answer a call.. He wgs knocked from his chair, and when" Captain" Bailey took the re ceiver in his hand be, jtoo, was' thrown trom "his -seat.-r : ' ' x .At the foot, of the Ajblna. hills tha people were busy repairlng the washed out lawns and emptying the flooded Cel lars. The cartracks wera covered with mud and-some -labor "was expended in putting the lines In condition.--'- - A force put to work at the baneball park and the grounds will be ready for use tomorrow. The weather bureau recorded .84 Inch rainfall between 1:50 and 10 o'clock this morning. Reports from Astoria are that there wss not enough ' rain to lay the dust, i . The precipitation appeared to be con fined to Portland for the raoat part, only light falls of rain have been reported from nearby towns. The amount of damage done has not been estimated,' but It la -believed that tt will not amount to more than-several hundred dollars. - 1 . - . . North Head -reported snrne. rainfall. No other points expfrJeneed any down pourings. . , i SMELTER TRUST SHARES ' PROFITS WITH EMPLOYES (Josrsal Special Service.) 'J. : New Tork. June 24. Employes of. tne American ' Smelting Refining com pany have Juat rece1vediitSWJ)00J:caeh as their ' share of the -profits of the smelting trust for the year ending April 30. ; This Is mora than twice the amount apportioned, among, them a year ago by the company, $91,000 having been di vided last June as bonuses. -"V" The men who get a share of the prof its are managers, superintendents, clerks, foremen,, chemists, assayers and pur chasing agents. In order to participate in the division employes must be In the employ of the company one year. A few -Lexceptlons,. however, sre ..made In the cases of- new iifurwoyes who ; show ma1ie4 ability and enthusiasm. "'"-'" " e - - ": Tale Student Expelled. - (Joarnal gpeclal SarTlra.) New HavenHConh., June 24 -Comeliua Edward Psly, .the, Yarssenlorne of the best, oeramen the 'varsity eight, hss been dropped . from, the .rolls within few days of graduation for "cribbing WMialaw Beid Weloowted.' ' , ' ' (Jovrnal gpavlal arrtee. . .' , Itndon, . June 24. Whltelaw ReJd, Amertcan."anjba8SBdnr.":'made his tlrat public appearance last night at a dlnn-r given. ln-hla honor by the Pilgrim sa-J ciety or ionaon. ine gathering Included man jot ,.ta most famous Englishman,, . STdRM 24. 1905 SIXTEEN PAGES. the Recent Massacrea in Poland. 1 YouGan't - - Than "to buyTheSwnday paper that prints thf nrwn nitririit-lMHw aHppeeaa, a iit- f me, that looks after every department of the newspapef field with -a thoroughness, attempted by no other newspaper in "X Pnrthinrl ," ' ' -' " T 1 There are funny color pictures' 'forrthe children; by Opper, Swinnerton, Howarth, Bunny and many others, there are news features of especial interest to. a aUIldM yi liic iiuicv, iiitic at pa;c3 iui wuiucii nu )dgc T for. children and pages'for men. .Nothing, that goes to make "a newspaper bright; intcrestingandeadable- is overlooked by n The Sunday-Journal ENGLAND STIFFENS FRANCE'S BACKBONE 1 (Jnarnal Special Berrlea.) London. June J4. A . slgnlf icant-phsse of theracutene8.of ,the crisis vaxlsUng between France and Germany ' was shown- when ' the French government veaterdav. refused .to , transmit" a ' tele gram from a correspondent at . Paris. which stated that Premier- Rouvler was adopting a flrnicr attitude towsrd Ger many, based upon a promise of English support. The statement Is quite true, however, and has already . had the ef fect jt making: th situattonomicrittT cal. . - r , This is the first time sine Paul De- rouledes plot "gainst the republic on the-dayof the funeral "of Preeldent Faure that the government haa inter-fered--wlth the transmission of tele- arams. . '-a.- ' L Uermawy hns no Iwpoeitlonrff engage In' a protrarted exchange of notes with France. When the kaiser, finds that France is Immovitbly opposed to an in ternational conference, Germany will not respond with a declaration of war, but will continue to deal directly with the' sultan, Ignoring France. If France should attempt to block German designs war will . immediately follow. ........... . Answer Wot Considered.- Germany's answer to Premier Rou vier's reply stating .that Prance did not wish - an International conference, has not yet been considered. There is -no doubt but that tension between the two powers has reached an acute stage and that Germany Is actually contem plating havin'g German troops cross the Rhine if French troops move into Mo rocco. Nervousness prevails In, dlplo matlo -clrolea. ' " - ' - -J . - It ia-jecalle thae af ter-th signature, of the agreements between France and Oreat Britain, France and Spain " and France and Italy rotating to Morocco and other - Mediterranean questions, French statesmen declared it would be puerile and Inglorious for them to say that their country bsd gone-Into the African ampiiVonly in the interest of all natlrma. . The French view -Is 'opposed : to article- 1T of the treaty .of Madrld.relatlng to Morocco, which was signed by all the powers and which aooords to one ! natorv nation the rights aonorded - an other by Morocco.- M. J)eJcasae would Jnot admit that Uermaay had any right PRICETWO Do Better Journal if you want a new every one who wishes to keep' 1 ' -',l',: to Interfere In the Morocco question, and having. peaceably entered Morocco, could - not- afford toTack"downTatthe kalser'a sayso. ' . The Trench Contention Frenchmen claim that -Frame -abandoned their situation In Egypt In return for a "privileged" situation in Morocco. In the eyes of Frenchmen Morocco must become a dependency like Tunis. -For this reason article 4' of the agreement with Great Britain In leaving existing ln - Morocco and In Kgypt the- regime Of commercliil llherfy and of the "open door" during SO years, has provided that this period may be extended. Article 4 el e -reserves-fa-France the privilege in Morocco of" supervising the granting of concessions for ' roads, railroads, porta, etc., under conditions that the authority. of. the ststeover shall remain unalfected, as Is the case with Great HrltalnUnd Egypt. . Needless to say, this condition is .pre cisely what 4ermany la-strlving to-prevent and which she now seems on' the point of going to war to head off. SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR THOUSAND YEARS (Joarnal Special Service.) Waco, Texas. June J4. "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty ss charged and fix his punishment at confinement In the stafig" penitentiary for A term, of 1,001 years."--. .-This, was -the verdirt given by the Jury, In . the -casa of Lee Robertson, a negro, charged .with at tempting to assault a white woman liv ing near here. : The Judge charged the Jury-at 1:4 o-o'ctock:- ana-tri:5 rpr m. the verdict was ready. The offense wss Committed little roof 'than a week .ago. CARTER. RESIGN&AST ' . GOVERNOR'OF HAWAII (Jmrsal Sparlal garvtee.) - ' Honolulu.' June 14. Governor Carter has mailed his resignation to the presl dent and will leave en June Is to dis cuss the matter of his retirement from the governorship." It Is popularly, sup posed that his resignation la due to the lele election of A. 11. Brown as high sheriff. The Circulation " 7 , - Of The Journal Yesterday Was 22.010 CENTS. SfIlAD,JIyVrB ce2 Pitched Battles . Are" Rafr ing-in Streets of-Lodz- andWarsafc STRIKING WORKMEN ARE ATTACKED BY COSSACKS1 Barricades Erected... 'Hind-to--' Hand Fighting Ensuesr BombT Hurled and Acid Thrown by Ripters. ... . --Uoaraal Ipaglal Warsaw. June 14. The reign of ter ror, which -haa - turhedL6d Into a, j slaughter pen. the result of tha con- i rfllct between' troops and working people, , continues today. .jA ..veritable, pltcuea f battle Is, being fought In the streets. f In response to a call-for-aasistance, thai arovernor-ceneral has sent three" real-1 ffnents of Ihfantry and a cavalry force to' the scene of disorders by a special. train..' - Casualties yesterday-arerastlmated as j; High aa 2,000. During the nrght tha Cossacks and dragoons- '-frequently , -charged theworklngmen. who barrt-- eadrd th atreasts and repMed from-ww- dows end housetojM, while some poured vitriol on the headr o-the soldlera." The ; workingmen are- led by social , democrats and numbers Of the Jewish bund, who-are determined to get revenge for the 3T- socialists killed by the. troops oifM'ednesday. The factories and shops) morning. .. A late report says that Colonel Andre- -Jeff waa severely Injured while leading) a charge of troopa on the rioters. Two. bombs were thrown into tha soldiers' barracks and the killed and injured, num. bored Many of the dead ara rtllt lying in The streets. So far as ascertainable 130 were killed outright in the fighting yesterday. Forty-one more died In the hospitals ' during the night Oflho wounded S20 J sustained slight Injuries. All the hos-'' pltals are filled and in many. cases tha wounded are lying on the floors. ' Rioters this morning attempted to set fire to the government offices, -but wera i. scattered by a strong force of troops. , A workman was killed in the street j during the night for causes unknown. t ; In the fighting Thursday night, two . officers and, seven Cossacks were killed. One of the Tatter waa shot by a girl of j ' 13. Bloody rioting continued all day Frldn,yr"-At It -o'clock all factory handa. struck-ami flocked into the streets. 1 - The soldiers charged the mobs, fir: tng volley after volley into the surging . . mass.The rioters replied witn revol vers and missies of every character. The dead were carted off to cemeteries in military wagons. The troops . are acting as undertakers. Many of . the wounded have died because . of . a laclc of medical attention. ported. - - ' ' Fierce fighting prevailed all day yes terday and today. Barricades have been erected In the streets, bombs have been freely used and both workmenand Cos sacks shot down in numbers. The en- tire population is in revolt against th I tyranny of the troopa -. - j - The trouble was begun In the Jewish quarter. when the patrols were at tacked Thursday' evening and' two offi cers and seven Cossacks. killed -in. re venge of comrades who were shet down In the ranks of the Socialist marches on r HmnmuK;. workmen Darncaaea I the .. thoroughfare and offered the re- stotance which the troops met with vot.j teysr. TheTrtrtkeTg-repUed - with revol- t vers, wnue ineir comrades on ronrs and! In windows Joined in the ftisllade. For the last three days disorder haa reigned In Lodx.- Sixty thoueand work- men are out on a strike which bar now I lost Its economic nature and haa become -j a political demonstration. Business ae- I tlvlty has been suspended and peaceful: Inhabitants are remaining Indoors. - - . 1 The dend are: being carted off to tha cemetery, but the wounded were allowed i lo lie all night winera they fell, unabla to obtain medical aid. ' . ' , Workmen throughout Warsaw re-j sonded to the call of the Polish so-. ciallsts for a general strike and-b'usl-j neas la suspended ss a result. As yet . no disturbances have occurred In" the j- Stephen Ofcrjela," the locksmith who: threw the bomb into the Pragah police station on -March 34. Injuring aix poll. L men, hns been sentenced to death. Workmen-threaten to tpake a demonstration in consequence. .. . . i The gevernment has " publicly " die- , claimed ail deargtis'as to the Russtflca -tion of Poland. A proclamation has , been Issued wl'ilch states -that tha aim' of the government Is an Amalgamation L of the Polish government with the Rue- slan administration by peaceful ttea. Rioting this, afternoon spread to tha town of Cxentnxhau. ., itrt era nrgsn-t Ised a demonstration snd paraded th ( streets carrying red flags and amain revolutionary songs. They rafud t , .tCcrotlnued oa Page rourteea.) -. :;r.t..'.;;-.:r:."... .riv., ". ' ; . "v;. --