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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
Mm I.-.'. 'V-1 . . I -V'.' i . TABLEAU OF THE BRILLIANT-SPECTACLE "THE CARNIVAL, OF VENICE," AX THE EXPOSITION J i . 1 . - b; :rr' .-h':iMib' . ? "it i. - 1 ryiV ,i ' b - ' ;- 7;;.- - '" ".KIralfy't "Carnival -ttJVenlc' on tha :s Trail ha made a hit " and la wn' at-ronlxed.--Tha carnival la fepreeenteJ,oo a atnge 300 feet -wideband between- too - and BOO people engage In the action. It : - opena with a "grand , clerical . pageant. (Continued from ' -Virrotesque body. In unconventional garb.H - You may hae It put upon a ouiion, where' per baaa. It will reach Us greatest uaefulnesa In tacking down feminine .-neckwear.' Tou may have it taken by 1- jelectrle light or aunllgbt. In almost any j 1 way save" "the rordinary conventional ',, cabinet jor carbon, z; . ; . Out of the East. ;. ..' L . Cloaaly allied to this, because It, too. Is founded on human vanity, la the de-'lre1-to have one's-yfortune eead." Tou J, may. chooee method and price. A yelled lady will do U for a penny. . 'There are humeroua Oypsy bands, wagona and an, with the true Gypsy ajrto them. And finally, there are those from the east. jV "Cf talnly from the east." but It Is not T-wrii iq inquire wnemer iiini. hhiii .:'thXbanks of the Nile or Thlrd avenue. "WVJI tell your name," you hear them . ', ahou. "Will read your paat and fore-" ..tell your -f ature." . : I-- Granting that , Such might be. how many of ua would 'dare to have."our fortunea read"? '-It la the ambiguity of the future that makes life possible and has given to the world a purpose and a religion. Yet we go to the fortune j teller. , not ao much because we do not - believe. , but . because they are clever " enough to tell us the flattering and the- . thing we iiae to oeiieve. aeyona mis , there. Is a sort of gambling Impulse In eaclt-.-bf iisrwhen we hrtVe nothing to 1 risk. So the fortune teller thrives, ahe . and her Ilk. the medium and the astrolo- ger. not only at Coney ' Island, s but through all our cities, and "they are '. -patronlaed by almost every rank of so .. rleiy'mnl the meet Intellectual are-more 1f kalllbiir tfian the Ignorant Strength Testa. -' - Perhaps In this group," too, mlgnt be mentioned feats of skill and Strength In 'whlch: the Bowery abounds. ("Hit It square and' you are bound to rlng the bell," cries the spieler, of. a contrivance ' whereby s man striking a spring1 sends up a graded scale weight, thus show- ing Ms strength. Blowing mschtneq will teat your lung, power perhaps. You may strike padded ruahlona and thus determine your pugilistic posalbllltlia. If you prefer to rely on skill, there, are all manner of shtotlng galleries with targets ranging" frntn the glass ball to the day. pipe. Tou nay toss rings for ranea or throw balls at wooden figures 30F r.; -T' FAT FOLKS ier lhs.". - iso ibi. MBS: WILLIAMS, t Kltleott Sq., Buffsle, ' Xtw fork, i -. ert t weight I.. .97 peuada Xost la boat Xioat ia waist y . .10 laanes jKs U kips .M teehes This picture dm yoa sa ldM of my appear anee befnra sod after wr r4iietloa br Dr. Surlier. Mr knits ia perfect. I new eaJojH better health ia my life, sot a wrtnklio be era. War earry yonr burdea kncarTwbea J aCM. tataTsTXa TOCXTOBT. i . alherldaa. Or. Srost SO pouOs. , , -!. J. u. mOWBT, ,. . SaQms, Or. &ost U ponnda, - -f)r. Snyder tnarsntaas kls treatmeitt te hK avrfectly AaewilM la eTerr ' partlcnlar.-. Ma nareise, atarviiic, m detantloa 1 frost Htm. twaaas wrinklni of dlaeoaforta. Pr. Bnrrt haa aea apecfcrllat In the aneceaafal treat Siant at otwalty for the paat HI ynra. ana feat Iria-nnqnaliaed endoraament of the atedlcal frtu tmUj. A booklet tailing all about It free. Write today. .v. -O..W.. SNYDER. M. D..:-" J1 fit Karqaam Sldff., Slath aad Korrlsoa trarta, VortlaaA. Oregoa. ' ' iii'ufTT' iiinnmniriiniwi r iniil i'rlwli r iifinn ' Ti prellmlnarr ' to a royal wedding, which la the excuaa for the celebration. '"The Great1 Beyond" ' and other mighty chc ruaea are . rendered by the ensemble. While, the wedding la In progreaa, brlg aodW engage In a ilot to kidnap the 28 Psie Sixteen.) . as you loak at least U you try to afnoke the clgau. . ,r A. Japanese rolling ball game Is prevalent; you roll small balls downah Inclined aurface toward small holes. eachXwlth a number.'5 According to the number youthus "roO up" you rr award ei Tmea-of nttie other 'JapaoeseV trinkets. j Round About the Ialarid. . - -,' ' Amid all this one thing must not be forgotten the noise. At .all times at all places there is a pandemonium! of noise and -racket, what with the crying out of-the spielers for different attract. tlone, what with the laughing, shrieking call of humanity returning again to ItaJ elemental sense of enjoyment. - The cans that go down the precipitous grades of the scenic railways and the slides con tain .shouting crowds of laughing" men and 'women.. - The carousels with their mechanical nvualcal Instruments are ac companied by the Joyous cries not only of , children but alacr pC-grown-ups. it la a curloue almost Inexplicable fact this great throng f. mature-, men and Women who ride wooden horses. In - a merry-go-rodnd. xi' for the loop-the-loop, that, aomewhat startling contri vance wherein the car turna completely upside down In a sharp plunge around a "perpendicular cltcle, It only goes to show how keen tlie-deniand is for -the thrilling. k,-- , In addition to amusements of.'tjvla sort, thet-e are the more-pretentious of- rerings. such aa the"Ga4veaton Flood," showing In transformation the course and effect of", that disaster.. Of . like genre is the "Great Johnstown Flood." Mention. ' too. Tnlglit be' made of such Mnelooa as -''New York-to - the North Pole,and ths "RocJtjtJRoad to Dublin" and ,'TIJe Coal Mine." . There are hun dreds of attractions, of , this nature or similar nature, and for the moat 'part They are of surprising cleverness. - Steeplechaie Park. . . " .,.:. ' Last- but f ar froni leaathere Is B tee plechase park, tha concourse of amuse ments., over which the laughing head presides. Steeplechase park, owned by Mr.Tillyou, antedate by several years both Luna park and Dreamland. It is distinctive; In character and It relies upon the Unusual and the laughter-provoking - fotita appeal. . Here large crowds of picnickers 'and large basket partlea congregate to apend Jhe entire dar-- Witlr-thrxlererest of (Inslgtit.- the proprietor has assembled a great mass .of attractlona which are offered, at a very nominal sum. .'- For tS centa a 'ticket may ba had. which procures not 'only admission-., to the park which- Is otherwise 10 cents but .also admission'' to- 2S attractions. Here , is the, list of attractions which were-offered last Sunday for the said 15 cents . In; many cases thejj riamea describe -them: -' . W'hlchawsy. Dewdrop,. Cabaret de la Mort, Animal Zoo, Funny Hall,' Haunted House, Cave of Winds, .Laughing Gal lery. Kelley-s Slide. Funny Art Gallery, Third Degree' Cave. -Moving-Pictures, Lucky Hall.. Humpty umpty. Haaiae, Swimming Pool, FerrVsWheel. French Voyage, Atalantls, Ocean Pier, Resale Daxsle. House 'of TroilbleSwlngB. Giant Seesaw Satin Theatre" and Observatory Tower.", -v "- -- . .4 ' '. Xoi f Some Odd IHualona.' i;-'1. I- j' v Thee" do- not cOnatltute all the at-, tract lona of Steeplechase pafk. nor even the principal ones.-. .In almost every esse, however, the aim haa been to cause laughter and Jollity. . You go paat a corner where the wind blows away your bat while the ground under you Jolta and ,twlsfa. - You enter a place which proves a mase of alleys, to wan der about until you find the trail out or In. You" ride on awtnga with lopsided motion, or you do 100 feet or more Into the jt on an Immense seesaw or oa a Ferris wheeU. You visit a House where everything Is upstde down, the carpets on the reillng. - the ' table and chairs overhead. Or f ou may aew a very clever Illusion, cleverly simulating a voyage on the Mediterranean. There are doiens of different aorta of -,-. ,'" "' r ' -- i - . - . - 1 . THE OREGON . SUNDAY- JOURNAL. "PORTLAND SUNDAY 1 : f.r"i rj - bride, but"re overpowered and . pun lahed. The arnlval la Immediately re aumed and many entertaining features are ' apread ' before the audlence,- includ ing big balleta.Lvaudevlll-Qacta, find ex cerpta ttptn famoua opera. ' Among the mirrors. whlcrt.-make yu look grotesque I and abnormal and; there are other con? trtvanoes 'for . causing, the like. effect There is a splendid large dancehall, lined wlthf mirrors and trel)laed . with lights, ' upon whose smooth magnificent floor there la room for hundreds. Above all there Is -the steeplechase itaelf,-with I hi women nurses numi wvax - m inv chantcal racetrack.' . - i -It ia the land, of the Jolt andTar, of the. Jerk and the twist, with a new. sen satloa - at every step,, and It Is 'crowded. Jammed with a laughing., happy throng of K11 agea.'-It -ls a: place" where th arnriovaJ-to" te andrhara their par enla like to follow them.It lSrthe place of youth, childish i Joy ana " innocent playfulness. -Its Appeal la not quite the tm as that of Luna -park and Dream land, but Its Justification' Is no less strong: . It has' its place even aa they hate thelra and Its success haa been asj su red these many yeantj from the bridge, thus there is then thla Within three quarters or; an- nour fureat amusement resort. Coney- Island. For 10 cents carrare there is to do naa a great amount of - pleaaure.- Or for fcarcely more, a charming boat trip '"hi of fared. ' What this-meana-toi the hot. sweltering poor and to the hot, swelter ing masses wno are not rtcn enougn t get away for the summer or are other wise detained In the city; only those whoJ hkva watched 'Coney Island . theae laat few years can know. - It places a sum mer resortwlthln the reach of all. SOCIETY "-awai . (Conti'ntredf rom. Page Fifteen.) ftto the mountaina on ; ' f lshing expedl I . I tlon. 1 i ' . "IT Mrs. A.X: Coffee of,.8an Francisco, who formerly lived in iSTs city, was .at the Portland last- week . for aeverali daya. , ; Captain and Mrs. H. R. Robertson and their daughters. Belle and Ceneth, have gone to, Seaylew to apend the aummer in the Martin cottage, i They "were -accompanied by 'Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Seattle; . ..-l ' . v, , "Mra.VTt-BreTlg.-'for nine years ma tron at the Cnlted States ""reindeer stsi tlon. Teller. Alaska, haa been vialtlng wtth Mrs. O. Hagoee. She .ayJll return to Alaaka soon to take charge of the orphanage at Teller.,. . Hearty Praise of Hundreds Seek and ObtsUiEyt T ReTfef Sought. s That good advertising pays la-amply demonstrated at the four bootha of the Walter ;Reed Optical Concession com pany at the Lewis and dark exposition. Those who have patronised . one "Or other of the optical parlors of this company are loud In their praises of the work dryn by the experts in attendance and the perfect fitting glasses supplied in all caaes seeking relief. JThe- booths have been crowded . etnee the opening day,- even light atteneance navlng but little effect In diminishing Ahe- number of eager . suffeners. seeking; relief from eyestrain. "- Many of those Who apply for' aid have had their' confidence in th fair experta- fortified In advance by llatenlng to warm worda of praise and commendation from frtenda and neigh-boe-a who have- already sooght , and found, the relief they craved. Rapidly Increasing business haa compelled the optical company to Install new appll ancee and Instruments. Among these may be, mentioned a grinding plant and needed tenses are now ground and fin ished In the" presence of patrons and visitors 'at l the booth, located - fa . the Agricultural building. Every detail of the business Is conducted In accordance with the,' (atest, up-to-date mthods-and principles anl' ho case of vlaual error that ' ran be reached by glaaaea la be yond the skill of the competent corps of assistants In attendance. Adv.'" : ." fair Opticians , .. , ... ,1-. tt it- n principals are Mabel McCana, who por traya Paola; Alex Marakof f, the doga. resa; Mr. Olllard, the doge; Antonio Baggetto, the famous tenor robuato, and each la warmly received by the crowda. Probably one if the most c-tchy fea ¬ FAIR PROGRAM FOR TODAY IS STRONG : . ,.-..y. Musical Offerings Are Especially Note wormy rooted preacher Heard on the Grounds. : t 1 of Interest, the musical offerings' being eapeqlally strong. The prtfaram la: Pi m. Gates open. 4 p: m. Grand concert, .Innea' band. ndstand. Gray boulevard: B. . Services in Auditorium, ser- mon ,Krr. Merle Bt. Crola Wright pastor lof the Lennox Avenue. Unitarian church! New York City. -T p. lm. Bulldlnga cloaa. I p."-m. -Grand concert, 'Lohengrln" program, by Inneaj band.-ln Auditorium. a p. rm. uran eiettticai uiumina tlon. . .. ,' - Goverri'ment bulldlnga' and Trail re main closed during day. . 'L The programa for the band concerta are: .-.--. fc- By Innea band - - Afternoon at 1 o'clock:' : ' ;r - ;.' -Overture "The Martyra". , . i'.Dontsettl 7a) "Prelude "Travlat" ;....Vefdl .b) "Prince Charmln" j(two-step : rqarch) ... J . ..... . ..Innea 8ecbnd Hungarian Rhapsody. . . . . .Liszt "Ave Maria'". , Bach-Gounod Scenea f ram 1 'Tauaf (firat aulte y ...... . Gounod "Southern Roses" (concert waits) . . ........ .X 1 ..... . Strauss "Visions In a Dream" (fantaay) .Lumbys "The Holy City" (cornet solo).. Adams Processional March. .... ....... .Stewart Evening program. Festival hall, I o'clock. :. " 'j-,rv-' Soloists Mr..- Km ma. Partridge, so. prano; Paul t.AVesainger, baritone; Bo, et. a , ,, PART I. Scenea from "Cavallerla ? .. Ruattcana" .. MascngTit bB. : ii.' $10and$J2 '-toils at ' -: " TOMORROW; Monday;lwevplace on sale 4" , inc laiesi conignracni jusi receiveai of Odies';ttats& thenew cst fancy checked homespanse overshof and invisible plaid worsteds; veromboat . 1 .-v.- j t . . t-:- --Naa- - -e- ar I t 111 - 1 f . ' t- " tiiE ftTopE vmnt youp cpedit is cccD 388-60-92 -;'- '. ...... . - "MORNING 'JUNE 25, 1005. ' r .. - ft. Ml tures of the. carnival .la th Six Pearl Ponies. The great carnival revels, the sliver harlequin's - antics.- the - Japanese song by Mabel McCana and chorua, the rebellious donkey, . the musical aurprlsea, the arrival of .the doge's barge with (aV-TraumecaW. . r-rr.. . . .... .Schumann (b) Serenade to Spring., ..... .Lacom be Du und Du (air and variations for comet) t. ... ., . .Levy "Danae Macabre" (symphonic poem) rv. ....... .. . Saint Saens "The Evening . Star," f romansa for ' baritone, from "Tanrihauaer".. Wagner PART II. '.Scenes from "Richard Wagner'a "Loh engrln.T - , .' ; Vorsplel. " - ' Wedding Scene. ' ' - ' " "r',' 1, (a) Procession to the Cathedral. " (b) The King's Prayer. - . Elaa'a Dream. (Ana for. aoprafio.) Verwandlung., -, . ,;J n. , Monday will not be the Katlonal Edi torial association , day at the fair, owing to the Inability, of the excursion ists to reach Portland until Tuesday. Aberdeen, Hoqulam, Montesano and Coa mopolls wilj, be entertained on Monday, however, 'and"fhe Utah ahd California Press association will be in attendance. The order for the day will ba: tQ:0 a. m. Concert by Administra tion band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. ': 2:10 p. The marvelous Baums, lad their sensational nigtuwire act, root oi Lakevlew terrace. . -1:10 p. m. Concert by Administration band.. Manufactures building. ' 2:10 to 4:10 p. m. Orand concert, In nea' band., bandstand. 1 . J:t0 p. m.-r-Unlted .States life-saving service exhibition: en lake. - - till) p. m. Lecture on Panama canal, bureau of American republics, navy de partment space. Government building.. 4:00 p. mV Lecture on i Yellowstone park,. by'-arry Buckley, -Interior de partment, Government building. " - 8:00 p. m.-Grand concert and "Paral fal recital Jhy Innes' band. Auditorium. 1:00 p. m. Marvelous Baums, Sfear and Tet so iar. . Biggs I was bom the next dsy after Roosevelt' wss born. , jif ':.- .Dlgga SoT By the way, do you know What you remind-me of? Blaas No. . . :' w- 1 Dlggs You remind me of the next number to the one thst drew the big prise In a lottery.-t- - - 1 tuteWsaJL .- .'.'-' W SPECIAL FOR M(DIPAY 0lILY ' 1 "aV' 3 - TO " "' "- - e.UX - '-r-4 " !- -'- ---' --- r -r r i - - 1 - -"''- -'" - - ' 'v - . - f.-m ,11 1 1 1 1 i L I H bridal party and the musical dramatic, acene mat zoiiowa are nearxuy ap plauded. In- the festival that folio waUce' an artlatlo triumph. CaJvln 8, HeU the marriage rites, some very lively scenes r enactea. The 'Venetian bal let and Melba prove attractive, and the Marcla Dan-ante is a bewildering act. Will DUTY; IS IT '4- TO CLEAN BRIDGES? City and County Authorities DlJ-fi1" n0 ,rach app,rMu 'n1 " " " I took tA An ti wnrb it wnnM ),. a kj?ute Over This Question Most Vigorously. MEANWHILE MUD AND J -RUBBISH ACCUMULATE -t- Municipal Sweepers Cross Struc tures Every Night but They Don't Bother the Dirt. - Neither tha county court nor the city executive board claims the right to keep the bridges acroas the Willamette clean. Each Is trying to throw the burden on the other and the dispute has" resolved Itself Into a matter of taw to the extent that It has been referred to the city at torney for an opinion by the executive board, j , 'The county 4 court clalma that the bridges are a part of the city street and should be cleaned as such. On the other hand the city holds that after the bridges are finished the executive board turns them over to the county,, which thereafter makes repairs arid hires men to operate the draws, and care for the Btruc,turs. and-tha city hs nothing more whatever to do with the bridges. 1 do, not- believe, thei'clty should keep the -bridges sweptLremrkedMayor I WrHIsms at the execuUa. board meet- inaf yesteular. The city haa notltttia whatever to do with the operation of I OF mm THESE coats are fect, outside pockets smgleyanddouWe breasted in' tans, browSsr grays and fancy; mixtures--all go at D"fDTnrDN(B 'Cc, 1? I) n 0 r BoIosyv.Klralfy-is entitled to greal V credit for making the "Carnival of Ven- llg, the "veteran manager, also deserves great credit for the manner In which the spectacle Is produced. - Photograph; by Kleer Photographlo Co. 1 1 1 . : : : the bridges! after they are turned ov to:4he county." - -. . ' kThe street sweeping machines have to go across the bridge each night to sweep the hard pavement on the east aide and, It would take but little extra work; it Is asserted, on the part of he city, atn-e " It has all. the apparatus for dolng-ahe' work." On the other hand the county to considerable expense to prepare for 1L Pending the aettleraent of the dispute the bridges will have to go unawept. . COLUMBIA. RIVER. - vo ; L excursions. Very 'toi RatMryja ft N., to Upper River Points. - " Wo -visitor to' Portland .ahould mis . viewing the matchless Colombia river scenery - between ' Portlandi- and ' Tha . Dailea. aa aeen from O. R. 4 N. tralna. The Chlcago-Portlaid,speclal leavea the union atatton every morning at :le giving a daylight ride along the Colum bia, .stopping four minutes st the very foot : ofMultnomah falls. Every mile of the trip there la aomethlng mew and fascinating. If desired, the 'return trip msy be made . by boat from Cascade locks or The Dalles. , Very low rate this summer. Particulars and au manor book by asking C W. Stlngerrclty ticket agent. Oj R. N. Co, Third and Wash lngton- streets. . r Canadian National lPark.C The' Canadian Pacific hss. made a round trlp rate of IS5 to Banff and . return good for atop over privileges.- -. , 'Visitor to the exnoaltion should not fall to visit this fanHouit resort, situated i te very heart of the. Rocky moun tains, less than IS hours Tide from Port- laimn- . . '" " r, - . .-eT-' - or .descrlptlverriatter and full paf tlculara call on or address F. R. Johnson! - F. P. AW1 Third street, Portland, : Oregon. - ',., ' Saving on Each r Qarment strictly man-tailored; Washinntcn 1 .... A'40