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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
V..v-i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOttRHAL. -PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORN WO. JUNE 85. 190$. DECLINES ARE VERY SEVERE AND MARKET CLOSES WEAK ER THAN AT HIGHER, PRICES. IN THE WHEAT MARKET THE' LIQUIDATION OF LONGS "LET THE PRICE FROM UNDER. WEAKNESS IS - SHOWN IN THE NEW -.YORK STOCKS WITH FOREIGN; . TROUBLE. SUGAR DROPS MUCH LOWER SLASHES! SUGAR . VERY SENSATIONAL i ',, in . ; i ... , .. Total Decline of Forty Cent Per ' Hundred Founds 1$ Shown. j ,-,,. During the Week. ; ACTIVITY IN HOPS ATv , I RULING LOW QUOTATIONS Old Potatoes Firmer,. While New Ones Artu Weaker and Off -Eggs Are. Upt' - -A 'front ItmVtat S4", ' Tb principal feature ef th Portland rbolela niarket U L-r1 " . Senaatlenal leeee la mr, .; ' Lr ' -4. - jHp market- showlof activity. . nicr aotitoM arm: new itu oown. California enloae are snoted off. ,t,- " Ess are Brmer with prto op. "Chlrkena lllaf at low- level. . rirat twki arrive la markat.' ' . , Oreamerr butter market aol aetlre. .-A Lotanberrl tak pablt fane. .. Salmon -aatck not ap. ta Inquiry. ,. " '. preened meats finaralle arn. , V ' U Ilr war all tgoa; darlnf tha put ; week. '. Tn market - fcaa htu thawn. sock tandancTa ta decline and durln to elx dare . . 4he Wun 8u(r fadner ax da tare die-l - tlaet araafce la tn nrevalllns quotation. Tba , drat drop occurred Tuesday afternoon and art. '- for 8 ceata la -. ttl terrltiorv an 10 cent In "' tha La Oraada betntar country. Tha very Bast dar. Tbareda. thara waa another alaah . - la tha prlea of 10' casta pa aoO- pooed. Each . . , . af tbea two dropa lit price lart tha nark - wakr thaa ever. - Upon tan waaknaaa1 aa, - ethaf decline waa shown early Saturday morn ing . ; Thla waa tha raot -eaaatlonal . of tba aaaaoa. It waa tor to aaau par 100 poaada nd waa raportad aictaalralr la Tha Joaraal. - Tba Una daallaaa ha. a a total rahta -at 40 - aanta. , . uat what tba amp raallf awant tba trada Waa aot loag ta aaoartalatec. Tha aagarmaa A elalnwd that R waa dua to tha aarark dropa la tha Maw York markat aa aocoont at tha ' - baavr aniaala ot raw material la that markat . dTirtnj tha waak. Thla waa llkclr ao ta aorna '; aitant,'bat a taa'graataa raaaoa at laat ao. gaatad lualf ta tba trada. Tha ana war took w juat ana . word to aaaka tha Sealara aadarataad. Conpatitloa. Tt ajtna tlma -4 baa kaaa ap - parant to iba Waatarn Buf ar i paopla that ana oaa waa aalllaa; aafar In thla tocrltory -balda tba bit corporation. Tha Hawaiian la- dapaadant eoncarawaa tha afkraaaor It thrlat ad foa now Sclda. for aom tlma tba Hawillaa - . paopla hara baaa aaUlng agu ta a amaU -Way to "Wlllamatta aallar - marchanta. Tha Wat- ara eompanr ahoated "poor ajualltr," bnt thla did aot datar tba aaUlnrf tor taw -aarchanu approaehad did not want ta bar whan tny rooid ' T quota ttona that arara tmatly eut 'kodar tha ' ara.alllnk rataa. InraaUtatloa b tba big corporation dlaeloaad tha fact . that tha bold at tha Hawallaaa waa gattlng atroogor. f-Wa'muat braak thla no at aeea," waa tha rrj takaa np by tha rapraaaoUtlTaa et the - 't Waatarn. That waa tba algnat tor tba Srat -. drop la arleaa. Baaing that tba ladaprndrata wara' atllt .doing bnalnaaa tba.aaeoad decllna : of 10 iha waa raeordad la tba markat. Still, " aomehow ar athar. tba aaw aorporatloa waa ' . aaUIng aagar U thla tarrltory, and ta "fu" tha aawmmara goad and plant tha aaw V drop ot 90 emta waa mada aarlrta tha day. - . A Vary aaaar taatura ot tha racaot daellaaa la that thay waraMda at a tlma whaa aagar goaa blgbar la normal aaaona. Tha ! fruit eaimfna- aaaaan ta yoa o gattlaff lata rail awing and at eaona tba demand tor the ewaat . wtu M Baanar. . i.l . ' " Xoa ataiket Shewing .AetWIty. '. ' . ' At tfca low prima now fnllng In tha market - - Mnr aalaa ot koaa are being reported. ' Tha Banner et erdera la tba market la rapidly la creaalng. Brewere ahow lwllnaUoa ta porchaae " at preralllDg euotatton although aom "bear" dealera are anwllllng to allow tha price to re ' - mala atattonary now that they have It on .the . ... tha mMrint aoaa. Tba ramarnlng bold- 'era at laat aaaaoa'a kopa' are rapidly fallldt Into Una and are moderating tbelr demanda to i a great extent. Tboaa wna a row menina ago aald that tbey would rather burn tbelr bona k.. h. au theea amde IS eenta a pound, are " now among tba more eagw alara around SO tie. The rallara ot tba late combine to bold tba market ap and cause the price to ad vance 'baa alckened a large aumber et the " grower, who aay they will newr aaora atr another eombtna pat ta allow earn big ball leaden to unload their hope. .014 Potato final Hew I took OrtV ' The ana et tba potato market mixed. Old tecke era Bndlna muck-fa ror while awTOD ,MiupnUnttrul and down. . Onion from th aouth ar macb mora plea. llfol and the price enow a aeeiine. The Brat fall car at wHermelona arrtrad early a th week aad found agood demand at SVi i-. ceata a pounds N. . iBhirrlaa hive eaacht 'ibi pnbHe fancy "and tha demand far xeeded be ennply dar ing h weelu-Prle bald uarytrm, pat aa ' BtrwberWa were ef" poor gnaltty daring "the week and price war ktwaaw ' ' r Im are firmer With, Frio Higher, i- There waa a firmer feeling la egg tb pt WMk. BanpUea were not ea larg and d.mamj waa beeTler. At the eo of th week the t top Igura waa tb one, that ruled Jm oaoet 1 gale. Lr rafwlpia wma . eoown la Iba Buuttry market nd during tb Bret day or two a doll geeltng ruled. Then tb buying began and the ' .market waa falrtygod antU tba cleaa of th week. - liow rlcea ruieo. ; Ttraaaad ataata Oenafally firm. , ynr Tal, tbr waa a good demand along the tret tha pt week. The raeelpta during nvMtef the week were eery (mill, bat there w n lmproTmnt Uter on. , preaaed hog war hardly aeffWS at all, but. , ' good demand ruled and price held cloa to - rWiaXrd beef did not tk"well along tn atrat during the week nor did mntton find H - many Inqulrle. Boring lembe, bowerer, found .ood ' f.Tor with the trade and prleea bjd i- Th wnolehr awrtatlona which ruled at the cloa of the week arai ; Ore la, flaur and Tea-', , . ' WHEAT fomlnall "rtub red. MO9 -' ta-tem. ioaBla; y ralley. fTTc. ; aXKLjlLl reea, o.w, wa, t.uu, orew- l-OBlt Whele. crckd. J2d.a0OrT.00 or to. 7 ' :.. ; BTR 1 BB er cwt. ... OATH No. t white, gso.oo; gray, -rtjina, r.atarn Oregon, patent. B BOtl B4.5S: atralfbta. S.TB! exporta. 3.BOa3.M1 ealUy. M.lOi gfebem. m.wi na, f.aj rye. B0. M.Orti haleivJa.TS. anlJJSTT'rrB Br.n. l f0 per toai mid j dllng. S 0Q: hor.t- country, I2S.0O; eltj. : 31.00; chop, I1S.00. HAT-v-TlmothT. ' Fl")ert 11e. faacy, IIB.OOt ordlnarjv, "V.TI '' ll.OOHfaliad, ill.o0(..cloTar, IU.0Q; grata. " ta.oos cheat, m. oa Butter, Kgg fauKry v BCTTEB FAT Bwt, lOci aour, IBe. BCTTER ntf remary, Baae. BlUe: eeeond grade. 17HJ0q; eutald fancy, 20O21I4! ordlnarr. ITe: a tore, 14ltc. . . BOOB Xo. 1 freah dragon,' candled, ipuc anVandled, l"Hle. - -'' ' (ShEEHB New roll cream, twla,126lSV; Toanb America,- lliftlIHe; eaalera, ito: Call-fn,l- 12rai2V4c: rhaddar. 2Af 4 P0ULTT tfbUkana, mixed. UHe lb t ken. 12Hr-per' Ihr moetare, old. IIQUHe per lb: " young. 12Q12HC lb; broiler,!' per lb: ' fryere. le per JB: dark. m par do; geeae. Be per lbf 17Jo ymt aaaq, pajAee fwr t toi asuaoo, .vaj .." . www mum miaee, ROM Contract lns. isaiSc: IB04 eren. fjrie eat choice i lS01o for prime and me altime. , - 7 - WQOli dCB etldv ealW, near tat medium. rdH02BMe( tae,. neiTci aaatera Oregoa. I4t'i5c. ; ; , MnHAl Nominal. S0Ite. v.- ' BHCtPSEIKB Bheering, 120en koVt weal. rxiwte: medlam weoL SoaoOa: kna aaJ. B0ctl.0 each. TALLOW Prima, per Ik, 4QBc No. 1 and T CHITTIM BARK All grade, ee lb. -( ttlDIB 01 aloe,,, t, II Ik. Ill w - ' .a,---Jf-w. -' i PINCUS' ACTION SHAKES HOP-GROWERS' FAITH . X ' tIiI haa baa a, -crlUcal wk . In th tilatory of th hop markat. e .Tha faith of th rrower In tha d 1 futura of th markat haa baen ' badly Bhakan. Member of tha ' a d . former pool war aelllng avan . . before told to do ao by Conrad , - Kreba, prealdent of tha lata come 4. ' bin. ' Tha fact that lagao Ptneu 4 . of TacoroA gold wa excuaa aufr . Bcjent for the average grower-, d , holder to lot go of big supplies. 4 ' Flncus, of sllroan. was tt maa d who h,d bean -IJflilng them-to- hold their hop and they be- 4 lleved him.- Their fai.a was a bllnd--U could not ba shaken by d tha reports mada soma tlma ago. d e . that tha "Wg bull leader was . -Eetttng from underr- They bV llsved In hlrrr-gd notAintll they d werV told a week ago In. Th d a Journal that h had broken over 4 ' th traces did th.y raalls that ' a i their Idol was shattered. . Krebd . e d has now taken full command ot 0 tha butt market, and although . his farcea have beanA somewhat d .. divided and sickened by tha war- e d far of th bears, h still claims ' ; lobsconfldentcfUia result ha had anticipated. . - ' - . e e e ISQlBHs per 1t; dry kip: No. 1. 6 to 15 Iba. ic; ary eau, ne. i. anaer e ine, taaiaoi or; aaitea nioae, ataera, aouna. ou lue or ur, BUei (0 to. 0 lb. liiHMc: ndr 0 lb a cows, SQSVo; aura and bull, lenad. BJTc kip. IB to 80 lta. Be: aouad, IV to 14 Iba, BC Hei calf, aouad. under 10 Iba. SHOUe: greaa (unaaltad), le par lb laai culla, la par lb lean; koraebldaa, wlted, each, tl.2SQl.TB; dry, each, fl.O0Ql.6O. colt hldaa. each. JSC&Oe! goat '(kink, comnMnr each. lOQlaei Aagora. alth wW en, each, ZScOfl.OO. ' - , Trait aad TageUKaa TaATATriva-RM. riMM" - at ani uinnMti B1.2S: Oolorade. B1.1B: aweet.. era tad. 11.78: aew California, 11.18; new Oregoa, I1.S6; garnet, ... ONIONS New Oallfornla. It.tfiOl.Bfl; Texas Bermnda. I2.BO; garlic. BQ10 par lb. " FREBH FRUITS Apple, extra fancy. Bl.tOl fancy, 2 00 per box; jew California, 12.00; ehrap gradee, $1.60 per box; oringea, aarW, per box; 1U Talenclaa, f3.0(4t!l.&Oj Medlterraneaa aweeta. t.soa ITS box;, banana: Be lb; lamon, choice, $3.00 box; fancy, fs.00 box; llmee, kl.slcan, Boe par "J00; pineapple, . AH.26; eraabcr-rlee.- aaatara. tli.00 per bbl; . arrawberrlae, tl.M per rrat of t box; cbFrrlee, i(8"c lb; apricot, 7el.0; peacha. 1i& 85; plum. il.OOfflljlO cratai blacktwrrlfe-A lb: rapharriea. 81.90 per crate of 24 biitt; cantaloupe, 83 00 pr crite; . currant. Be per lb; lo'ganberrlee. II 24 per crate -of 84 hoxe; waternMlona, 2io lb. EOffTABLES Turnip, aaw, 81.28 per Mck; earrote, 81.4001.80 per aek beta, 81 50 per ckt Oregon radtabae, Sfte per do; ebbge, Oregon, 81.00Q1.2B per cwt; green pepperai lo - lb; Chill peppere, IB lie lb; celery, -n. per crate- to mato, rlorlda; 82bO8.00: Callfronla. paranlp. 1.00Q1.2S; (trlng beana. Be; eau II flu war, California. $1.76(92.00 erata; rhubarb, 2Hfl . pat-- lb: boraeradlab. Me par lb; aprout, ; artichoke, eOOBO per do; hotbou lettuce. B0O76c; bead krttsce. 10 per dr greea eelone, 10 per Boat ea- laragu. 26Q60c do bunch; apjnaeb. Be per b; green corn, 2SaOc per do; pea, Per lb; ncambera, -BOeQgl-OO tar d - DBIEI FH PITS Apple, eraporatad. TOSe per lb; prlcotat-BHelXc per lb; eaek. U per lb lee; peachea. '8912 per lb! peera,- per lb; pranae. Italian. 8iOH Per. I French, SH44e per lb; tig. CaUfornU black. eH per lb; Callfaral white, per lb: plum.-pitted, par lb; data, gtftdaa, B peclbt tarda, 1.50 per 18-ib boa. reeerlecT-Ifata, Ste. 8TJ0AR Sack Cuba. 86 TB; powdered, 8.1.0; fruit granulated. 85-60; dry granulated, 63 50; Conf. A, 86.50; beat granulated, 86.40; extrg-C. ' B.00r"Belaea C, B4.B0; D ylo. 84.80: bbla Ifte tl hfala 2fc. boxee BOa adeanee on aack baala, leea 2oe -per cwt for caah. IS aara; diapM, inioo per 10. J i 'I faoNEY 14Hflae. - .L . COFrEB Package brand, rg 14. T5. -i- - 8 ALT Flea Bale. 2. aa, 4e. 6. 10. Sl.BOt table, dairy, BOa glOO; 100. 610,T5; Im ported U.erpooraua, 81T.00; loo. 818.50; 224. tld.OOT 'Mtra fine. bbla. 2a, ae, Kla, 8460g5.5t: nlk, 820 lha, $4.O0e&.O0; sack, "ALT Coatee Half ground. 100, per too, 8T.0O; 60a, per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lump rock, $18.60 per tout tO-lb rock, $7.00; 100. 85.76. A bora price' apply to aalr of tea thaa ear lota. Car lot at asocial arleaa sahjact to fluctuation.) GRAIN1' BAGS Calcutta, BBTBSB-OO per 100. BICK Imperial Japan. No. 1, Be; No. S. BlioNaw Orleaaa head, BHI AJax. 41.ei Cra- EANS Small whit. 804".; nrf white, He; pink. 8tt!)Me; bayou. 4Hct;Llma '; Mexican red. , NUTS Peaants, TKet Jumbo. BH per lb; raw, BdJlOe per lb; roeated. I eocoaaar, BBQSOc per1 doe; walnuta, 14816e per lb: pine nut. lOi&lJHe per lb; hickory ante, 10 par lb; cheatnuta, eaatero. 163 loc pe lb; Braail ut, IBe par lb; filbert lSfllfta per lb; faacy paean. 14016a per lb; almond. 18016 f to rn lata. Coal Oil. Xta. ROPE Pure ManlU, 14e: etxndard, 12H; dual, 10ic; Hal bread alaal 84. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaea, BOe per gal; water white, Iroa bbla, 15e peg gal; wooden, 18e per galaheadllgbt. 170-deg. tun, aoASrINgUag. caaee, 82c ,ar gl; troa bbla. 2Ao per gal; atoeea, caaea, 24 Vie per gal; Iron bbl, lSe per get. BENZINE 4S8-deg.--.eaee, SB par gal; laoa bbla, 184o per gaL -;' TURPENTINE ta caaea, 80 per gal; wooden, bbl.. Boo par gal; Iroa bbla, S3 par 81. ' -i --. warn uad--t iota, r par nt Boo-ib lotav. 7 Ike p.r fb; lee lot. Be per lb. JVIBE NAlLSPrent baae at 8S.TO. WNSK NSKED OIL Pure raw. la bbla. B3e per gal; caaeav B8e per gal- genuine kettle boiled, ca,- TO per gal: bbl. 86e par gal: groaad cake, car lota, $20.00 par ton; lea thaa ear an, per ton. ::- Meat. Tiak and FrerlaJUiaa, FRESH MEATS Front tret Beat, ataera. Base per lb; pork, block. TH per lb; peckere. 714 per lb: bulla.- 41 5e nr lb: cow a. 405 per lb; mntton. e"Ht7W.e Pr lb; lamb with pelt. 694 pw lb; Teal. extra, ' etf7c; ordinary. ao per lb; -pooa, tkKc no lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) nam. 10 to 14 Iba. 18He per lb; 14 ta 18 Iba. US4 per lb; IS to 20 lbri3e per Th; cottage. Be per lb: break f sat bacoa, lBHfllBe per lb; picnic. 840 par lb; regular abort cleare, nn nwkrat. BH per lb (mokrd, 104 per lb; eleer backa, anemoked, B per lb: . amoked. . 10U per lb; Union batta, 10 to IS lha. namokd. Be per lb: imckr. ae per lb; clear belli, an eaaoked. lie per' ; moked,.12e per lb; I boa Mere, SHc '" - LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. I0e per lb; 6a. 10H par lb; ao-lb ttna. I0i per lb; team Tendered, 10. 8c per lb; Aa, B per lb; tub. ie per lb; 60,. 64 per Tb. CANNED SALMON Colombia 1-lb tall, $1.86; 2-lb talla, 82.60; I'tney. 1-lb flat. 82.00; V-lb fancy flate $1 26; fancy -Lib Taht, 82.T6; Ataek tall, pink, 850c; red, $1.60, nominal la, tall, 2.0fe v FISH Rack cod, Te per tbr fkMindera, ce per lb: halibut. 4Wc per lfn- crab. 21.60 per doak trtped ban. 12H per lb; eatflah. T pet iOftc lb; ateelhaada. Be Ibt-elueback, Be; herring. Be per lb: aolee Be pet IhSehrtmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb; afead. 4d per lb; roe chad. Be par lb; ehd roe, Boe per lb; black cod,' T per lb; allrer (melt, Be par lb; lobater. 16e: freak mackerel, M p,t lb craw flab, 25' per do; f Wander, Be per Urt arnreeoa, Te -per Ibr OT8TKRS Shoalwfjig Bay, "1 per gaL, 82.BS; per eaek. $8.76. - . CLAMS Hard hn, per box, $1.00; raaot tlama, $8.00 per box. ' OVOfAJI atlXIBw STOCIS. -' ' ; Ban Frtndaeo, JfuaS 24.-0 ftlclal cleee: . . Bid. Bid. - Montana-... tBa.-TTVi Caeb Boy ...... B .. IB Midway- , I.BB,, lAdaaa JIT - eic.aioara . Belmont ....... 1.16 North Star .... .68 Reecue 08 Gold Mnuntela. .14 Jim Butler .... .84 Narad (A)- .. Ton. Extea . .., 4. 25 Bed Top .40, ftoldfleld t. . -.68 Randatorm .... ' ,8. Bandatnrm Ex. ,18A Lone Star .18A Mohawk :i4 '.IS Dixie nenoaii -. ,,, .... .is . Columbia 111...1 .Tl- Jumbo .18 ' Jumbo Er ... ,2T Black Butrlr-. ..IB ioldn Anchor.. ,B2 Ray O'Brlea ... .04 rtpblr Toa .88 O. Bull Frog I, r ,ja ' rMaaoadald ... .88 Kendall .IB HOB)'-,. ........ .oVv- Tonnr SjtkfiB.' ' ' ' "V - ' t FrOrrr AaswrsJ "I tell you, marriage take all tha po- girr out r s re now." rrlend Then It can t b fallurav SMALLER RECEIPTS' GENERALLY SIIOTN e- .. - ( -J '.' ' . . ' . :' Af Close of Week Livestock' Mar- k9 Is Cleaned Up nd " Prices Remain. . PECUNE IN CATTLE IS r-THE:ONLYCHANCE MADE Excellent ; Demand ' Shown .fpr Veal. Calves but Receipts Are. Rather Small. 4 Portland Union Stockyard. Jon 24, S P. aV. Urea lock receipt; ... 'Xioga. voiiiVk .nnv. Thla week t8i 6T0 1,815 I.. w.k .-.2.1 '88 l. Prerloua week .U. ..-..... 85d . 1,018 J.T40 Hentb asw-V-.-t-. .tv r.JTft .if 88 1.1- .U Tba ckiee of tlf week "Bnda. -the llreatock surket fairly wall; iana up., aimouan duUton rnlee in boga th email receipt were a great helPbte the market aad price that ruled dorla th prerlou wiek wr maintained th put six daya. (if tha rattle markat oulr weaknee waa howa during th lx day. During th mid dl of th week there waa a decline e. 2&aJ In the quotation but eren thla waa aot sui gclant to keep th market la good farm. Tael Oalea Tauad Ooed CMllv -eeal ealrea s rood tone ruled daring eSreek and. althooxh - receipt were retber Ugbt, It would not here- md much difference a there waa a better demand thaa 4he aup alr and th .eery top quotation war re- celTed. ' eJkr'-'-'i Hhep ware not la ur nTy raceipi ae toe peat four weeka bat uppuee were auftietont tor all th seed of the trad. Official price for ureeuca: . ' .. ar n a. flu m t JS. arr Ji An gxvmKmm wmmwi u vi uwr. blocker aad China fata, 86.60O8.16; etockar nd feeder. $4.004.26. Cattle Beet eaaiern Oregon ateer, $8.BO: Ugbt and medium atear. $S.2S; eld aad light owe, $1.7602.00, atockart aad teedem, $1.76; bulla, $1.60. " Bb.ep Beat fancy beep. $8.00) w,,$lTB; (pting lambe, 4w CalrM Good real, 160 ta BOO poanda. Be; faugh aad beaayVf BttO1 A&vniM t wk. Sunday O. E. Trout ef Jaaetlea, two car load real eel re. ' aoeap - and hog;- E. Hotehkla at Oakland, two eara ot cattle: W. O. Uulllgaa, two eara bora; Millar eVSchnack- u IB, rusni, ' " - - bog;.W. J. Ruaunm ot Pomaror, car cat tle; air. iaiuoa, n eiarr loaaw, -. .we ' f cattle. . . - .. Monday ligkt car ef cattla from Cali fornia for 7 a com; H. B. IHzoa of Boaeburg, car of cattle. . - ' j Tnalifc-Dan SaTaaa of Sbertde. two eara ef aheep; S.- U Car ton at rowaerfile, cat tle, nog ana; b. m. atorra. oi aww,- land. fr- tit Oettla. , .- Wedneaday Frank Dlnga ot Junction, twa ear of ahep; John Show of Echo, two load ot cattle: Miliar dl Age ot Boeeburg, two .car or cattle Thoradar Tarlor A Toan ef Baker "City. made delivery of two car of horeea for th Errernment for rBinppin enipmenn ayaolda of Arlington, ear of cattle; -J. . B. Baylor of Echo, three load of cattle; J. C. Parte ef Bkedda, car ef boge; J. N. Dennl ef Junction, two load- ef eheepj 1. D. Dane more of Salem, twe eara ef eeleee, hog and aheep; FTBv LfbbJ ef Jeffersoa, two care of abeep and hoga; W, B.' Kurt of The Pall, hora; Shryder. A. Jxaig . ef OerTal. car ot ettl. I , ' " . rrtday Two carr. IH rrom Dakar Cltr tor Taeome-iX---Wraxaitf 8hanlkv4ec two vara or nor. J., aa. ore or wyron. .Wuk.. two earn buck a foe Wlllowe- Cali fornia; O. J. Walford of Traln, two car of cattle; I, O. Toung A Co. of Oakland.-flr car of cettl and two care af cheep; J. M. McFaddea of Junction, two eara of abeep and boa: B. O. Xoung 4k Co. of Oakland. car of el rale. Saturday A. J. FlckarS af Engen. tw ear of cattle. v. i Praaler Gllllhan. manager af th MeOUlt- haa ranch oa Saart' taland, waa la th yard today and purcnaaea two carload or choice feeding ateer. which b will fatten Co axt prlng' markat. - Ci'.HOOi STEADT Ttt STKOBO. CbicagOw June 24. UTeetnck receipt:' . . . Bon , Cattle Sheen Chicago ................. 8.000 4,000 ' 20 kaneae Cltyu BOO - (too Omaha , ...v........ 8.000 Too Hog opened Itecdy to atrong with z,0nn left ore. Recelpte a year 'ago were 8.000. Price t Mixed. 86,1665.40; gotxf 86 8006.424: rough. $4.05TS.iO: light, $5.1505. 87H. cattle mow. . . ' Sheep Steady. - . 4 , COTTON UNCHANGED! : " v , TO TWO POINTS UP (FursUhed by Oeerbeck. Starr 4V Cooke Ce.) New Tcrk. June 24. Tb. cotton market waa dull and futute clod unchanged to. 2 -point higher. ., ' Today's offldl cot to markat:'"' .j Open. High. Low. Clnee. January BOB , PuU 0 . wons February BOdvos March 811 BU BOB 'crM) April ....V. .J.. BU0r8 My te'BlS ... ... B14calT Janai BMM Jalr. 874 'STB BTO BTO'dTI Anfuat 03 win unsjn September ......... wi kvi bh ks jh October fH RfffT rWO . 800,01 Norember ,..V-oo W, Ml 804 'Sfl December I.... B04 , 804 - BS 8tfl00 Llewrpeol Oettea Higher. IJeerpool, June 24. Cotton futoree 'Cloaed teadr. 8 to 4 point higher; apota ar firm. S point higher.. i v,:- 1 1-, - , i m , -cltTw TORK COrnl XAJ1XXT. . , " Nw- Tork, Jun 24 Coffa future closed ancbanged - xolnt off. , Today' official-market; . I Bid. Aak.l . - - Bid. Aak. July ....r7.$dSS'$.40 January ,...$so $7.00 Aaguat .... 8 60 S.B5 February ... T OO September - 0 B.WiMareh ...... 7.00 T 09 October .... B.TO . 76 April ....... T 08 T.10 Noeember .. 80 8 86 MyT ., T.OB MB December .7-B.BO -8.o - r" . Total aale, 14,500 bag- . . . j. -rf - ami m Vw Tork Oaaa Osff. v New Tork. June 24 Ceah eoffre: ', No. T Rio, TXci-Ko- 4 Santoa. .Vje. , ' i 10BT0K. COPTEE STOCXS. Beaton, Jun 24. 0 facial copper close: . . WM i Adrearar Altoura ... $ S.6 'rVaeeale ..'..tttnu au ze.Tn, rarrot .jv-. Za.oo 18.60 Pboenlt..... ,o ' 625.00 Qnlncy .'.'..,r-- .08 IT. 60 Rbannon ..... T.2S " 88.00 Tamarack .106 00 18.00 .Trinity 00 . 2 25 1'nlfed 28.26 ' 22 8714 I ter 48 60 " B 28 Woleerlne . .. Joe oo T.60 Royl, ...- 10.00 - 18.TB C. 8. Mining.. -BO 28 BOaOO Winona' 10 60 24.60 Victoria 15u. ATianne . CilnmAl .Centennial ... Copper Range. Daly Waet.,,. Rim ... . Oreen Copper Oranby Maaa ........ Mlchlgaa .... Mohawk Old, Domlnlea. COM8T0CK MIBIa-tj STOCEB.' .Sua Frctaco, June 24. OfBHal eloae: . ' - Bid. I I . - ""Bid. Bdllloa ...V...$ 0 Rt-.,,. ,.;..$ . Belcher ....... .IT I Potoal . .12 Con. CaJ..Ta..v;-1.0 Ophlr -i. B 26 Caledonia ...... .87 MeilcaaW...... l.ofi t'nloa Coa .... - .44 Yellow Jacket. J. .-24 Rieheouer. -.60 Fele 4t Noreroat l.M Aadea i , .21 And .11 J .Sterling Bate. . ' New Tork. June 24. Sterling rataa: Demand, 48T 26; BO day, 4M6.25. . - OVERPEClCflSTARR & COOKE CO, w' ' ! - Mmbin Chlcar TJoaM of Trad.- : ,. '. f , T' . OBAIaT. raOTZaVOITS, COTTOBT, STOCK T ITS BOaTSS. n.' '' ' 101 Third 8irt. McKay BulKHtif, Portland. Or.' DO A 1B1CTJT COlEXIBallOBT BUSUrZSfa. ContlnuouB Markts by Prlrat Wlr. Quick Nerrlc. RSrERENCEg Ladd A :TUtpn, B4uikrs, sod United SUUs National Bank of PortUaaV . PROFIT-TAKING Oil BETTER WEATHER Traders Anticipate , Improved -Conditions and Do Not . Hold Their Stocks. ; ; . 1 V; WHEAT IN CHICAGO CLOSES Z-WITH-C00D-SI2ED ILOSS Practically AH the Advance of Friday Is Lost During Ses - slon Corn Held Strong. BATURDAT'8 WHEAT MARKET. ' r Open Clce - - Cloa . Lea - Bat. Hat. . "rl. . Sat. July .,....,..$ .004 $(,iB $ 14 $ .01H September '.at:. .won '""J December ,,. .ma .84 ia (Furnlabed by Orerbeek, Starr A Cook Ce.) Chicago, Jan 24. Logan Bryan y: I Whcaf Bronmhal) eatlmate the world' hlpment at 11,200.000 and moderate change are predicted oa peaaage. Nurthweet report low cah merketa. Kan t.y wire ca.k market Try tick with Uer offering wheat le to Be lower. Primary receipt ar 100.000 bnahel emalltr than a year ago, with, ablp mente ITO.000 buahele lareer than a rear axu. Better weather la reported throughout theouth waet and nredletlon of farorabl weather oter Saaday Induced proBt-tahtns and abort eelllng I the wheat market today, tha market loalng practically It ad ranee of yeeterdey and doetng for July lfee lower and September c lower. The latter opinion wa by far tha trongr, July being cold by holder end bear oa the theory that with Improved weather receipt of aew wheat will be largely Inereaeed. The weather le the all-Important factor at preaent Im peered condition for hareeetlog will naturally weeken th cab - eituatlon. Oa the other hand, bad weather will delay harraatlng od eblpmenu of new wheat and I ukely te make farmer, heal tat over ruahlng wheat te primary- potato. It tlll em Ilk a trading market aad promt ta be bread aad actlTe. . Oora Held Strong. . ta th eorn th prlmry receipt are 800,000 larger than year ago, with, hlp ment lea than 100,000 buhl larger. Con sidering th wheet market - and larger re-, celpt w moat ay this market held Terr atrong with th cloalng practically-unchanged from ytrday. Trade, howaeer, wo aet ery broad, the market running within a narrow rang throughout the aeeeton. Th crop tn eectlona le a (little backward, but oa tha whale It aeem In good abap. Oat Olee Le The eat trad ruled aulet la thla nit with the cloalng Ue tu 4o lower. The improred weather caud progt-Uklng. New 1 generdly farerable regarding th growing crop. If preeent crop eecape aerlou Injury com difficulty will be. found la holding price at tba prenat laeeL r.' i Imnrered Oaah Demand. la proTlalon tb packer era reporting aa Improved eaah market but In tb epeenlatlM llt condition m ancbanged. It 1 purely acalplng market. ...... Today'a official market: . ., WHEAT. '"" - Open. .High. -Low. Cloa. Ja1rV....$ -B0J4 .Bl4 $,. .BOB SSL . OATS. OATS. TTTT- t-J ' . ..8214 - Lm-.80 , ..... " .B1V4 . 7(2 .80 81 A ,o2a 21 sr--.faiiB MESS PORKi July.. 128TW 12 875, 1X88 12.66 sept..... JS.oia Oct.i;r 12.85 rt 7i .'- . X'. 18.05 . J2 8T1, 12 87WB 12.B6 12.8 LARD. T.BO July...;-. tT.SO - TflU; .811 sept T.B?tt- T.62H T.XV T.J uci-i,,.. -.o T.BO. T.60 SHORT RIBS. July....; TTO T.T2V, T 7 ' T.STH Sept,...- T.24c-TB6 T.87W T.BTU Oct..... S.00 --S.00 T.82n T.2i FRIMABT, SHIPirtlfTS AND CXEA1ANCE8 Chicago, Jan 24. Primary receipt Today Tear Ago SiV..:s:ix:r:;::: Bhlpmenl: , Wheat ........ auan. . Buah . lpo.nno 803.000 804,000 ftOl.OOO 128.rV 43,OO0 2A8.000 fw. O88.000 clearance: Wheat- - 41 jOO hnahl ,1.. - 8,000 barrel; .corn, 164,000 buahela; oat,' 00 buabtl. . - s , CHIOAOO CABTt "wTIIAT. Chicago, Jan 24. Caab wheat I , Bid.' No. S red ( ...$1.04 No. 8 red 4 No.' 2 hard. .it..77Vtr..i:.Tr. ,...1.02 No. 8 hard. ...... .04 - No. 1 northern..,.!... 1.18 No, S northern .-. . 1 10 1 Aak. $.... f 1.00 i.oo i'.ii 1.10 No. B eprlng. ...x. 1.06. BAN rEAMOlaCO OEAUT MARKET, San FriLclace, June 24. Official cloee: '- WHEAT. . Open. High, , Low. Cleee. December $1.88 $l.m $1.88 $1.8514 - BARLEY December j..WH .88 H ,.8i . .S8H CHTCAOO OR AlaT CAR LOTS. Ctilrgo,T6n .24, flrala car lotajr. car . or ad Eat. Wtat '.' .Tfi t 0 .8 Corn ..BA2 241 688 Oa-re 84 24 87 ' Wheat care today: Minneapolis J8I, Duluth . Year ago: Mlantxpolto 222. Dulutb 48, Chicago 8. - .'-." 4- tmiPOOt SEAJW MAEEET. Llrerpool. Jun 24. Cloee: 1 Wheat, 8 104d. unchanged; September, a 9ff, higher; December, 4e 8Sd, .4jd higher.. July. twa jaiy, ee 10, a lower; oeptei 4 Td. Hd higher. . BAN rEAECISOO tOCAX BTOCEt 'Ses Franclaco, Jon 24. Official eV: 1 ' v r: Spring valley Water..-.,.,.,..:.... 8T1 B. F. (la Electrte..r........ 67 . Olant Powder..-..,., T014 Aak. 87 14 Ti l Hawaiian vunmereiei. as 84 Hutrhlnaoa Sugar , J6 IB Honokea' Sugar... MakaweH Surar.. Paanhae Sugar. .. 17 88 21' za 84 : 82H 101 , Ala.k rHckera1...., California 'Win..... California Fruit Oceanloffl"mahlp. . . Pacific Bute Ttl... 82 44 :::,02t .4.100 jrrw toes: an btathteht, New Tork, Jane 24. Balk aUtament: " T " . - . ' Incn noreaa. $7.M5.178 u. s. ........ 7. Mr. 426 -It a 8.612.2O0 "V 8, Md 100 701.00 Decree ae. - .."Ifr TeTk Sugar Vaxkt - New ' tar. Jure, '84. Refined augir ekenved: rwa reedy but unchanged. BOWBTTaTa, HOFVXBTB ft C0 ,, (Estsbllahed ml.) WIllT AsTS STOCK bboxsbb. BMa 4, Oroaind Tloor, " ' OKAJUaS OA CO" IlfEBCR, Beaere Reeerea le lena "....., Sperle 1-erale pepoalte Clrculatlot LONDON DECLINE " STARTS THE SALES New' York Market if Down on Heaviness of Foreign Securi- . ties " In Europe. ,:. MQROCCAN TROUBLE. IS T CHIEF, BEABJSH-TONE Traders Curious as to Future of Southern Pacifio Penn- -rrf " sylvanla Active. -" r- - ' ' .'' '' losses. "' ' ' ; Anaconda ...:,i. S NorlS Amrle -.r" Amalgamated ... lHIOntarto Weetera Atchlaon I PenuaylTanl ..... i,ar ai aouna., pia. jtnut.- B'tei,"pfi' sugar , Bmcltw r"rtv";r::; -6 r. pfd..... V l'aclo Mali Kp Steel , . Hep. Bteel, pfd . .. southern Paclne..,. Bmelter. laoeuiaai Waatera St. Paul .....J... Cbeupeck Colo. Fuel Cola. South., 2d p. Coin. Bout., lat p Erie SMt. L.-A S. W.t p. 4iiTna, Coal ........ U Wla. Cent., pfd ... U Weetera Colon ... U Rubber Ooode, pfd. Readlna . Erie. 2d pfd i ' S Hock I land c... Southern Hy. Texaa A Paclflc.-Y. Toledo Meet Hteel,' pfd '. ...,...' Wdbuh, pfd..',.... XeCrte. lit pfd.... (4 llllnola ('antral ... H Loulrrlll ' Matropolltea ....1 i MlMourl Parlfle .. N. T. Central C horthern PclB, H( ADVANCES. Baltimore M (Colo. Southern Pro,ialy a, , , , . . Robber Hubber, pfd ...... mioa Paciac, pfd.': Wlecoaals Canttal. (Special Dfapatch by Laaaed Wire to Tba Journal) Wall Street, New Tork, Juu 24 Hrl nea In th foreign eecurltlee market wag rflectd In a ympthtlc depreealon In prlcee en -the atock exchange thla morning. Londoa wa a eallar In the early dealing lad tb lerel of , opening quotation - waa about "tn earn ee that cabled from London. llllnola Central, Mlaaourt Paclflc, Metropulltip . and Bnwrlter war tha moot coeiaplcaone and beeey feature of th early trading. But dealing In tbm were not Urge and more actlre and tmpor teat -laaue Ilk Copper, Broekly Rapid Tranalt, the PenoeyieanU group, - New York Central, Bt. Paul, tha Steel ahare and th larrlmn racifica -warv-omnarUly- tdy at c-drac.tlonal kia only. Th markat be came Terr dull oa the early reaction, a ymptom which wa Interpreted faTorably a IgnlBcnnt of th general dUpoattlon. TannaylTonla Oreup Lead. -" Before- the bank atatement came out' th market had beea doing belter Jbe I'eanayl vanla group practically - aeanmed th '-market lea dentils. "Whoa the bank aiaieurent b peared It wa quickly dlacorered that th preUmlilary forecaata were all. wrong, and , thai the ahowlng waa much- better thaa the moo! farorabl expectation. - a fact that waa cal culated ta eau marked Improvement. No particular animation developed oa tb appear ance of th bank exhibit but on moderate volume of trading price hardened all around. The number of ahare of etnek (old today wa. - ES8.24I agaln.t 08. IBS the aanae. . day laat year. The total par value hoed old today waa $1,487,000 agate .847,000 laat yer. Ourloas -aa -t Seathera Taolaoi" - fbnalderahle cnrloally tllat to lb peeted nnouncmnt by . Vnlon PnelBc. r A banker- Mid that befora -anything developed farorabl to thla grock onetblog jwmild. hare to b don with Southern Pacific aad It I - 1 j 1- Fromtk Dmnvr TA "Mr. Rockefeller had a serlous'tlme trying to was 'tainted.' which Is 'Money iskhe scapgoat for the human fam ily , LjEyry dollar that-has escaped from the mint is 'tainted.' -If it isn't discovered giving" excursions, to bacilli, K is' posing as 'blood money. '.v' Of course, t isn't the money that isj - to blamebut . . . :JL C v "AU money is tainted. , . , ' "It is tainted by the grocer who puts-sand in the sugar. It gets . another dark liver spot from the real estate man whorents a house thatjs filled with sewer gas. -It hits the chutes again when it buys a. drink or a cigar. J Money Made From The world grows richer with wmcn a man may Decome a millionaire witnout nanaung '"tainted money." It is the only means through which he may attain financial independence without hurting his neighbor's business. No other profession or 'calling of fers as great opportunities, for. money-making as does mining.:. lu . . ' .'"'.'. ' . ' You are now offered an opportunity to make money--by investing inrthe stock "of. the Bullfrog-Compound-Gojdfield Mining SHARES 6 CENTS, PAR the market, just as soon as i ' ' ' . i . Why Opportunity CORPORATED FOR $2,000,000f-Twelve dollars will buy 200 shares, par value $200. t Sixty dollars will buy 1,000 shares, par'value $1,000. Three hundred dollars will buy $5,000 worth but you'll have to hu.rry, as the price witt soon-be advanced; and the stock withdrawn from .v.The company owns -outright siiT'full claims (120 acres;four in Bullfrog arid two in Gold field, a Work is already' well under way on the, Bullfrog propef tiesT but . the Company needs: money for machinery and labor: that is why you. are given the opportunity, at this cradle t stage, to get -in and help develop the claims. Those who, do get in now will the profits which accrue to he the prospects, are flattering for finding a Bo nanza, which might mean millions to be di vided among the shareholders, ; ; " ' '' SOUTHWESTERN SECURITieS COMPAMY FRBD-tC OROVES, Msnsgof. 5DJ-J-S Blatter Buildlnf Corner We$t ParX and Washington Ss Port!:nJt,' Ore. -f-thrfor4 aaaum4 ' that 8 dlrldead aa the common a tork ot that company-will b de clared preliminary to aome anaauaceamtt faror abl t laioa Paalflg atock, . , 5 ' ' M 0100 tha Factor. - Kb Mmocoo Imbrogua-araa eaally thmat potent factor la the local atock market tpday. Feeelga-haakeea mealed here were by cabling ta their European af f leea to aecertala he latent development and their trouble had not been exeerul In th publlahed ttment. Tb an.wer aad rarled. Bom aaaerted that th outl'nk la ant at all good. Other aald It wa. tempeet la a teapot and that It would anon blow eeer- At th earn tlma It waa admitted that th Inducement ta buy neeurttl th Biement la email, . L Today's official atock markat; , " 1 . i : :tf DESCRIPTION. Aaacoad Mlulng Co.l". 16 1108 ToS 104 "A vwrper ve ...... AU'blaon. com......... " do preferred ... Am. Car round., com do preferred,..,,..., Au, Mugar, com .... . '. Am, hnielt., oom..... do prefrrd ........ Baltimore A Ohio, com do DroferreoW.'. . . 81 81 H 8244 621k ao1 82 62H .11034 34 84k 5 1ST 130 118U 11 lkl 1ST 117 H iioii 1174 lltt um no 111 v4 7S 160H BX Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt. 7 'ei 164 i.nanian racior, vi Chi. A Alton, oom... 5iy,1o. do preferred i4-..."' ?..T t ni. ut. wi., com 18 U ii 17B si" 1W 178 JletJVb 51 8V4 27 V, Sti 87 17 LhL, MIL A St. Paul, t hl. A North., -com.. thnk A OhlT... Colo. 'Hl A Iron, com Colo. - Mouth., com... ,. 2d preferred..,,. : do lat preferred.... Delwr A Uudena.. l)el. Icka. A Wt. p. A R. u., com..., do preferred...,.,.. 174 1TB si" 48; 43 18TH 1ST 870 28 41 8H 'bb'a 88 V, 41 87 79 V IMS cvrie, cojn 41J 41 do 2d prfrrd...,.,.I 87 d let preferred. r!."T jf T8'4 00 T9 KO 14 rflllnot Central. loaJ 18dt 1I5 147 Ix,ul.lll. , Na, brill. Metro. Street By..... 14TS4;i474, 124 12444 123124 - 14 21 21 Mt 1B InatA Mexlcea Central TUr... .St. P. A Ble. M! - do pref rrd . ..... sueaourl f-aejllc . M.. k. A T. com, do preferred.-... New York Central Nertoera "Facine. . ,.,.l'V)410044IUOl4'li)V 88 28 i48!i48H 'l4lW Norfolk A Weetera, com - ao . preterrea j . y., . North American...., N. Y.. Unt. A Went. Penniylvenla By. . . r. u., u. e y- vo. -. d Btr Car, com. do preferred Paelflo Mill Steam. Co. Reading, com... do 84 preferred ....... do. Jaf nref erred . Rep. Iron A Steel, com un-prererrea. .. --,., Sock I.ltnd. . con . ... do preferred.:. Southern Kr . 'com.... " do preferred . . t Southern Pacific. do preferred.,,,. St. L. A S. P.. 2d pfd. St. U 4-1 W., com... Aa' preferred . . .r. . , . Texaa A Paalttsn r. .',T. Tenoeee Coal A Iron. Toledo, Bt. U A W., C. . da. preferred. .. . . . ... . Union Pacific.- earn. .' . do preferred ,-. 17. A Rubber, com . . . do preferred.-.-. JJ. S. Bteel Co., com..'. do preferred.......... Wheal. A Lake Erie, com - do aecowd preferred.,. do f tret preferred .... Wlaeonalft f'Tifr,l .i ih d preferred .-...fa, w. v. irgrpa.., Wabaah, com..-..,., - do preferred , Rubber Oooda . . . do preferred , "Tfot! aalea far day, 800.000 ahare! Il48 1431. 1 186 V4 82 8244'i.T .tl88H1lMS 1 1 W4a IS8t4 101 101 101 101 ;. 88 '" Ts'-' 5 BB BT 97 bV -. -.81 18 -48 18 4 tni ..... ,78 28 80 V 2 2 T6 T8 T6tZ T5 "M1 W BoS is si" "si 834 120 fl7 7 67 87 ..... 22 0 arr bp 64t 84 84 88 88 81 81 81 80 88 M SK a mi B7 BT- 87- 126 126 1S6 1264 .....In.... 07 ' M BT'87tI 106 80 80 80 80 87 B7'2 BT T 18 -14 18 18 28 - 88 28 80 BB 89 BB SS 28 28 28 ttttttt tin. s - i. 10 40 40 40 88 rrrr ttttt niv. 100 Dal Mining tperd of Saturday, Jun 3rd, 1903 viiy bad for money.' Mining every dollar dug out of the grounfl. , ni imi.iB n ! mi , . ,i. .aj ls"theX!eanesLl(indofJIoney VALUE $1.00, FULL pAlD AND rich strike is reported ... . - Is Offered Prompt If you wantto. lions, now is - the week, or next month, or next year while .stock may be cents, a sharer: fill out te accom panyihg coupon and mail it to us today, with your remittance. thp! efiss ni? r.nT.n'ii share in ALL is thetmioue Company and, 'J most interesting booklet about and investments. Mailed Free. . .. M en . tit i- ,j TO TAKE PREMIUM OFF WALLA VIALLA Petition Circulated by Wheat Men to Drop Five Cents ! t, . Allowance for Delivery. NEW. CROP FALLING OFF J. IN QUALITY AND SIZEr Fancy Fruit Brings Premium v Butter, Eggs and Cheese 17 Generally -Weak. '":v . v? iSpeclal DltMich by Uaed Wire to Iba Jaural - . 8a., Franclaco, June 24. Wheat: Decern- y' her -' opened higher t 81. 3 per cental today,-' fall back to fl.SS and recovjtred t 8188 ',, 4t tb rlna. Thar waa -aa change- la- anot Quote tione. ' A petition la being circulated.;"" among tb gnaia trad ta- permit delivery on time contracta. of Walla. Walla wheat without th to th buyer. . ' Chartering fur new crop loading baa been ' (low ae far.. The crop falling below prevtau . exneeutteoe. both aa ta 4uality and ejuaa, tlt. Heeeipta her wer only 10 cental. - ' SpeeulaU.4 barley followed the name eonrae aa wheat. December cloaed at ' set gain Of o per rnul. . Tk pot market waa weaker with free offering. The receipt ; Were 2.824 rental. lOela -ware' larg.l nominal In price. There waa ne change, In . eorn. Tha ateamer Newport, yeaterdaj touk out 8.B4T- .. ' ceatala of corn for "Central America. There have been Bulla fraa hpmcata at lata t - that. country. . . -- The ateamet Newport yeaterday look aut B.80O barrel of floor, all but 6 parrel -4e- ' Ing'for (antral : America. Prkea all rowed were anckangad.. ' , -- Fanoy Frutt Brings '2miam7T. - Fancy parked fruit for -chipping .brought th uetral premium While aa a- rule the ef ferlnge for the local trad geaerally weal af. . weak prices. The demand on local account . . waa quite good. Berrlee generally were la ', larg aupply aad week, eepeclaliy. larg atraw, berrlee. . Curraate -were ererplentlful and cheaper. - Loom cherrlee from acroa th bey -erer in good auantliycenaleerlng to let- -aeea of the aetoon' and went et 4j8c per pound. Thar wa aaite aquantlty of packed Heyal Anna from iregon and In poor Condi- ' tloa with- aalea at 264276c per box.' Block Republican rauged at Boctftl 2a per boar. Fla -were offering very freely at a wide range of , , ti4ca. to all ttt packing and number of , iyera.-Sedla were- onchangedV la th coming week Coacnolla watermelon, and cant- ' -loupe will become more plentiful. A-flrleot wer weak torn tn email bore 'eelllng .. low aa 1 c. - For extra Bne Royal prevlouev prlcee "vere obtained. 'Qi'dca peacber. be Jng comparatively ec.rc. vera firm. Plnma ' were very weak. Srnne prnnee did better en " chipping account. Orange 'veer firm and -lemon Were la leaae4 ouantlty and held higher. rtat ttaraet & ' , .'. Potato and onion -wer la good" supply and tr at prevloua prk-e.-. Choice aaparagaa aad eggplant were) 8 ranee bnt otberwle there were no material change. - -J There wa a pronounced feeling of weaknea In blotter, cheee and egge and the market W dull., Tb ootsld quotation of IB pe , pound foe creamery batter waa retarded a - very extreme one and lower price wer talked ef for tba coming week. Moat dealer were not Inclined to quote ever Bc prpoud for cheeee except foe fancy mild new. old cheee wa offered arwoeeealone. " Exr wer being ahaded la aom toetance. Free offer- Inxa of eeatern hnt the aale ef at The week eloeed 00 a1 oulet ghareeneealTv ' wak mark forrowttrf. - Tba- receipt of late have been unuaually free. - give away $100,000. It J ; , ', ." "" "Money that is 'turned over is also "tainted. "If we would find it in its purity, let us look for it at the time of Jts birth the mine, i , r I r "' .. "- ' "It is purer there from the misdeeds of the human kind than it is in other places, It is freer from the taints and the spots that char acterize it in its gyrations through the streets " and towns. ' ". '.'. I "And, this new money givelfpeople better thoughts. It elevates them above, the sordid; it puts them closer to nature and -its ways." - Mining is the only method by ' The Treadwell mine in Alaska sold for" $400 in 1631. Tho mine has since paid $3,995,000 in dividends. 1 to. rJriM . AtJeJtrCC ACT i?7--Mii Action .Necessary share. Jn Nevada's undug mil' - time to mutest npt next had at the, low1 price of J. - title f a X Southwestern Securities Co. mines - Soi-4-S Blaster BUr-,- ervrusAO. or;oa tiMWi4 ale Seal 1 fer"blrk ej4 MM r- re!.-- . tr4 anil no. iwail.1. etiare ef Kulirro-narn4-i4. Stack 1 Se"n(r, Bar value II, v. 'V ' nttie s s SeM Warns S . Salt ........ - 4 - - " v- fr' : .. . -J; .. i s