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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
.1 . i ' - i. . THE OREGON DAILY JOURrZAC ORTtAKD. TUESDAY EVENING, -HAY - tj lt03.r : lis , wi II u YOUR CttCtT IS CCCD Ul;sun?riselyQU EWf in FURWdTOKE, CAJIPETS:and-STOVES II - A TV I A M'RWM t : -rzY x 4lQQVeIour Couch $il.QO Couch just like cut, covered in ' bcstgfidcvetour, harrlwoc - frame, springs tied tour "ways". - A beautiful, . strong, durable couch, worth $15.00. .. , V :.... $1.00 Down 01.00 Per Week! i cjegant Variety -oMhiffpnieresz A Neat Golden Oak KinlBhed.,.-.-- Q CA -Chlf fonler. . ;Vrrtv. e?00 V Sam Chiffonier, rt A C A ' with iaa. ...... lv.JU , White Maple, Golden Oak andMahoganyftn-f 4 AA . lined Chiffonier. . e v U - Quart ered ' Polished ;t Oak Chlffonlart walL terpentine frontlarge French . mirror....... v. $25.00 5JQ $FDDWN ' V- 1 T $1 PER WEEK r IS Alaska flip - Refrigerator Charcoal Ud"wtteMlo- Hne5.? bard wood ae, - I lie beat Tefrlneratirr-mede. over SO.OMajiiaXEp: $2150 Dresser: p$20.00 -- 8 o 1 1 d Golden , Oak preaaer. larva Franca - bevel claaa, well worth t 4XT.6qijpecAaLtWa- week . .: ... 1 Moo "Our Iron Bed Special Iran- Bed. lnr. larte. fancy, " eiitlP" edi In com' i bl nation col- ara, atx feet 3el;litrreira- Iar tlMO; $12.50 Extension Tabic $9.50 8olld O old am kOaltxttnatoa fef vfggi?i Bait Sartk perfeot 'Wkere,wazraated IS yaaajT "yUaaeaee edlea-' 1.00 bown3I.OO a3r"TWlM51c If iou knew the bargain wa are offering In Carpete, you would call iWnq and aea nr lmmenae atock. ' Everr Standard brand, art rr-ew and up-to-date ' pattern, In an endleie variety, at 1Igeut In prices We call your aspeetaV attention to our- - . r. ' . Table, nloely tpolUhdr- ape- cui ' . $9.50 $1 Down $1 Per Vfeelt SwelEVeetCpctat yards JHIO; Extra Brussels at, yard - .- 85c T e - f?, 0 tair Solid Oak Dining- Chatr. Juat like out. fine gloee flalah. extra high back, akaap at !!.; anr f apedal thlavweek . , . -- Our Immense Line of r ffice: Furniture si j 094 1 WHere Your Credt is Good . $8.00 down on M..;,.M.;uM.......j.......WO.OO - $i(MX) dowrr on ..........v........ .:....v;.t.:;x:;.. Dalanc mttmy wttkly or monthly peiymnt 29th AKNIVERSARY OPENING THIS SATURDAY EVENING FROM 7 TO 10 Yon are cordially invifed to attend our Grand Opening this Saturday evening. Get one of the beautiful Lewis C& Dark Souvenirs and see our immense stock of'Beaqtiful Furniture. MAKD YOUR .OWN TERMS 173-17S FIRST ST. - Lyour tbrmg auir uai I 173-17G FIR mm r QEVUR T Z S ON