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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
V K.7 T THE- OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND."' TUESDAY EVENING, 7 MATT 2,1 1603. ..;77;7."1,...,. ..: -t ... - ; JEALOUSY AIMED PEOPLE AWEARY OF AT VAN DRAR PAPER BUILT ROADS Business Men of. Inland jkmpirt jo7 YounV Shoots Four r Times p'T'WIII Construct Railway for t : With Two Hitir ' " ' Themaelves. - : - tlTTLE-CHANCE FOR UFE NEEDED ASSISTANCE r i . : - ,.-.'- . 4 a ...... . - - 1 I - . - ' . - :f v - - . - 1 DFR MAN HAS VERY LUQN i V I V i Murderous Assault at Ex-Pen- j-- dletortan'8 Bar Said to.Be Due 7';'r to Family Quarrels.: 'i At Good Samaritan hoapltal. Rasper Vair rtrnn nn. ef tht rrT"'' e tne Veablngton - cafe, Waahlngton -, la fn a critical condition a the . Joseph Young. 4- result ef pistol woutfda tnDletad at -an 'arljr hour thla morning By joaapn ,T6iin. nronrlrtor of n adjoining aa loon. It la feared that the wounds mar result fatally. . . .: .. t ' ' Palle .ffiwl o ha lnirMgled thn I affair declare-that, Van Bran' a later t . )in lounf ramiiy aaainp w m cuo ' of tba ahootmg. Cithers-assert -that' It . . waa buelneea jealousy : that prompted -Jah 'riwrtm iv'" ,,,r'" :": Several month ago Toung la aald to have become Infatuated with a beautiful paoiafc girV wo Ia now ln.Jhe Fhllip plnea. Ha la aald to nave abused hia wife during thttlme, and Van Draii, rmt:ia"'atatada pressed rhTmeelf freely . j wm m,ii,m the affair. . Hla continued- cp- position 4 tha . Wife'e alleged mistreat. ment are bellered M H canoed Toon to decide upon, -the crime - thai may rtaice-riumimiid j'nfliiwt -'?:.rrrr.r.rr Shortly after J o'clock Toana; went to J Van Dran a place , and . aaked to apeak ."with him. They left - the aaloon and talked on the ''aide walk for 1 mlnutea. " Thoee In' the aaloon heard Toun telllna the other that hewMTiot-brafflng,-and vWM jaylng, He re-entered the ealoonr aoon-after -Tea Dran, who atooplng near the counter, whea Xount opened flrer " . - "7- , - Two enota. paaeed over the Intended - - TMIo cnd emaefvrd Into the glaaaee be- - hind - the bar. Van Dran roae and atarted o run toward the end of the , bar. Tounf fired. attain, the ball atrlk- - '1nr-the-trtttra Inthe-'tef -arm. Van ' pran atlpped near the end of the bar and wad behind the counter when Young fired, ft fourth shot. -The-ball entered ."Vaa iran'a Jodyrdlreotly above tha rlKht hip, iftnclnt upward and penetrat . ln the body, , With, a aoan he fell upon the tifior . - ----f-A, soldier atarted toward Tounjj who ' drew .another revolver, -and made aa If : to Pre. Tben he placed the weapona on the counter and aald he waa willing to aurrender. ' Police of fleers rrJved-aoon after, r "They " declare Xounc'e wife waa " f 'Krea-tllr'' affected by the affair. The 1 yeapona were old revolvera. . .. VJAs -we were taJtlnf Van Dran. to the if plUl " h told me that he1, went to Chief Hunt two- daya ao and aaked htm . .for protection aialnut Ypung," aald Of ; fleer Lillla.) "He aald he told the chief ' that Young had threatened to kill htm. L : .l.;.H .declare? that Young mlatreated-and ahueed hl family, and that he had helped them. Young resented hta inter- et In Tila ifamTir- af f aim, - Van Dran aald, And. threatened, to kill him If he ; did not dealai." ' . Van Dran lived with hla wife at the Beott hoteLBevanth and Bumelde4 "Tatreeta. 61s month! ago he pUrchaaed the Bteln 'aaloon. which he afterward 'called the Waahlngton Cafe. Xeld With on t Boada. ' -Tonng appeared before Municipal .Judge Hogue thla morning-for arralgn . ment. He la represented by Attorneys rTT)" Mlarey and John P Imogen. The .j flu. waa -emuniuw .'.UIILIK ' inurwjar. . Tnnn refused to dlacuae the motive thit prempted" "hTmto comfhirth iliuei I ; a j-io aapreaava in, nuur, vn..i, . hie victim would recover. 7 When, visited early this morning In hie -eU -by one of his most Intimate , frtenda. Young -Inquired why he was In " Jnll. Whea informed that he had shot "Van Dran and-that the latter waa In a "; j ery serious oondltrorC Young expressed r - -great -surprise and regret that he had ; got Into - trpujle. He etated that he v knew nothing of the matter until he , - nad been tola. Frlenda.of Young and his family atate that there haa been no domeatle trouble. ' They eay Young provided for his fam- WOMEN AND GIRLS . Z '-' Whn suffer every month from Cramps, """" ' Baokaebav Vomiting, Biaainees or Valat '. ing polla, ahould knew that If a few dnaea of the Bitters were taken at the ' flret aymptom they would save all thie r wnnedeeaary suffering.- Always keep a botUe Of . :, L . nostctter s Stomach - Bitters handy and you'!) always enjoy good health. Thou eande of other sickly woman SfOMAHH nave round this true. If aleo cures ... " . kA-1 ' PVK1' insomnia Poor Apprttte Sleeplessness Indigestion i)yspeinlii:iz: Costiveness A Billloosness or Malaria, Ferer -and Agoe : ; We hete all airkly"" men ant women wiii try It : r Transcontinental .Lines Have Compact Which Means Hands ; off Lewlstori Country r"t ' Dlrrntrti'frfjnni "TfnnT Tifr'1; thtl (He eld-time truce he again been patched up between the Union Pacific ndorthemalflc-aretfrorthern latereau. which la Interpreted la Port land to mean that there la little nope that' an Independent building pjolley will be nurauedT by either' ayatem The report la that the Harriman noun 4B-. Wall atreet haadlanoaed of fta-bamnea of 60,000,ooo of ixortnern Secutitlea atock to a ayndlcate headed by the Flret National bank of -New York at f 160 a ahare. A ahort time ago,' Ha rlman aold tfd.B00.89 of thla atock.- while prlcea .were ruling high, and the ale now betng-.rconaummateJ.: " l claimed, will clean up all the Harrlmaa holdings of atock In the big merger com pany. --. ' -r- ... f thla report la true, tne truce rormea will "have a beerlnr on the Yarloua i branch lfaerproJe"cta Hhat have been aaked for by -aectlona now bottled up and denied tranaportatlon facilities. it-baa-been-hoped .that, the trn- continental Jinee were about to enter the field In .open, rompetltlon for trains la territory : whlohhaa been,. If rt Trn touched notably the country tributary tor Xewlston," ldaho,whoii people- have beapreju!iUPgtfcrPortliid buelneea men tha advantagea to be derived from building an electric road from LewUton to - OranvevlUe with a . branch to Ne jeTce..Cjty, ' Bead. WIU Ball. E. H. Llbbey, R. C Beach and O. A.' KJos. the Lewtston delegation that came to Interview the chamber. of commerce, enre' data setting forth - more In detail the features of the enterprise. Before leaving Mr. Llbbey aald: ." "We are-r-gornrraheiidwlth thta pro jecC Aa aoon aa we have procured accurate eetimates or ine cose 01 me road w will -again hold a -conference) with the Portland chamber, and put the plan, for the formation of the proposed company on a definite footing.- ;.--- The people of the uwiatba-Ciarnton ry have awaltea- Iw - years -toe proper recognition -by the railroads of oar reaion. We have endured the delay and from. time to time have been de- loaea"ifrm Tioper faised ty faist reports sent from New York. - - 'Now, We are going to build that road. We will place It on an Inde pendent basis, and-aee.. that the control remain In the hands of the northwest people wlio1 are vltally-lntaraated -In. the l pxsaecX..wa aee 1L. every section that wants a branch line of road should ae- alstn te -carry oar-plana to conaum- maUon.. ror, U we aucceea, it win at imuittta aUjother similar prpJete and forward the development of the north west JalocaUUesi,.., Veopla Mast Build, i1H apparent that the people tf the north weat must take mattera In thalr iwn hands and secure tranaportatlon fa- ollttles that will In a measure at least make them Independent of the larger yateraa. . The Lewiaton-Clarkston line proposed to be built .to urangevnia in connectlon with -the river would. boat from our town to Calllo, the port age road . there and the boats on., the lower, river to Portland, constitute the backbone of a system that would be able to dlctale lower rates In an Im mense region of maryeloua- productlve neas. . - , "Hurh .a line would penetrate the In land empire,. and evefy locality1 toti the road would enioy the - benenta it should. not be difficult for business men to see the force of this. . It simply means that ai empire of poaslbllttlos would be transformed Into an empire of reality. . It would reap the frulta of the portage road and the government canal at- eascadea, which now-serve-eely the country, between Portland and The Dalle, and It-would hasten the-comple- tlon of the government canal at Ceiilo. '. 'T'.TfitVmaA honld elp. 'Once ratea have been lowered- be cause ef-t he euceees of' our project and they would be lowered at once they wouia never rise 10 ineir preeeoi The way for : the north west-to win freedom from domination of Wall street railway magnates Is to provide Inde pendent line which would force freight ratea down, and keep them down. But as long aa we await the. pleasure of thna who. control the great transcontl Dental systems, so long will we lack adequate faculties, to develop our re- urumes,11 11 1 1 1 "We" want" Portland's moral support even more than its financial help, al though Hbe latter ahould be given, for the plan. If. carried through, will bring to thla city a yolome bf trade that will materially swell her revenues." II y most liberally. He returned some weeks ago from the springs feeling In good health and aptrlta Th story that Mr. Young was near the scene of the shooting at the time of the trouble la denied but Young's mother Is said to have called on him an hour or two be fore the trouble. . . " 'Van to Portland from Pendleton several months ago. In the eastern Oregon metropolis, he waa jnan. ager of-the Hotel Pendleton for a num ber of yeara Thla hotel Is owned by Fred W. Walte, who Is lying at tha point of death at the - same hospital where Van Dran la fighting for hla life the ' Good Samaritan.. Prior to his going to Pendleton, Van Dran was man ager of the railroad corn pan y.'g.iotel at Albany. . . ,--"" ' UNCLE SAM WAS SOLD - UNDER THE HAMMER '-,7 . "' ... -- . (RdkUI tMspeteh t She Joera.l.) . -Eugene,- Or., May t. The Uncle Sam mine of the Blue river district wag sold yesterday at eherlfTe sale on execution. It was purchased by J. W. Shumate, who was the plaintiff In the iult against the owners, for-I6.IH.S0. The Uncle Sam has a 10-etamp mill ' aad several hun dred feet ef development. The oompany did not have fends to operate further, and its sale under the hammer le the result. - . j..' - BIBS Of r TBOTBBB. - - (BperUI Diapatcb la The JoeraaLI - Coeur d'AJene, Idaho, May I. James Payna aged 40 years, an employe of the Interstate-Telephone company, dropped ead while on his way to the barn for water today.. He waa carrying a small child.- He pot the child down and In an Instant dropped over dead. He had JooBiplatfloa, i heart trouble. - iOWNtCONy 1 CTION ! - ;Y SP'R M:f t nn a TTr-rt - .: . - t-- - I - til ;vtw. ., .. ....,.--': : I II rr... ii:ti T... f w---l--: ; . I .. . 1 I iwp wui iax jor - i ii-An rnniranip AmiKrmpnr rnr Mvmnt nr i 1 i a i i ; ? : ... 'Sfreet Fills. : v I 0 Compfetion on All Pubfic Contracts. , ' iir ZZBStB EEEIi Vorkingmen !-Union Men ! ljppl -t Po you' know-that if thy) telephone franchise - passed - " --J-X TT. " . ':. . r ' " S. IZiiZl there wilhW-st $3,000,000ob for the vroriringtnen t$rperV..V JLL2 'zJ , y : 2jornyaimedialyJ frtJ )s yFEZL most completed.-VVat etfe we to :. . - - y;-V Xsr" labor ?-te!Llhem to loaf n A gtreeitgar 'give tbrm fffl- 77"". . .' . L'.V -jt:T;;r"' m g777S CHICAGO: EGULATING GAS Legislature Passes MeasureCiv Ing Cities the Right to 7; h-;;;'. 1 r Fix PrlcesT . . . '.7"'". ' " (Joomal Special Service.) . Chicago. May t. After -a bitter fight P"tlng through" the ,e"'n.! ine preaenc iegiata,ur uw uuunv wdwu the bill giving municipalities the right to fix the price of gaa The big gas and electric light companies have main tained a strong lobby and have fought the -measure kard. The result la a vic tory for the people of Chlcaa-o, to whose united efforts, asalsted by the Influence of tloyernor Deneen and Mayor Dunne, Is due the victory.- - The "bill provides that cltlesr towns and villages of the state may regulate the rate at which gaa and electricity ara-sold-tetha.cltlsens and provides that tha ratea fixed ahaU be for a perlodtfB- ne . wvlce In not exceeding three yearar-auen Tales being fair and reasonable, allowing first, for -the ooet of conducting the business In a rrnt-cla manner and -second, -m fair prorit abovr such cost. The rates araI60e "established after a Yull and fair Investigation, at which ths com pany shall be represented by 4ts proper representatives. - --b. Oaraegte's Advantare. From the Chicago toewe Carnegie has one great advantage over Mr. Rockefeller. He can get his gifts accepted without having to have them O. K.'d by a committee on publlo moral. COLD NIGHTS CAUSE CATARRH. Everyone Should Ue Hyomel and 7 , 7 Kill the Germs. ? " No othertseason of the year-is re sponsible for as. many cases of ca tarrh as the spring. ' The warm days and cold nights, with theiri frequent and! sudden changes in temperature, bring' the catarrhal "snuffles" to nearly everyone. , " The best physicians long ago saw the folly-of taking medicine into the stomach to kill catarrhal germs in ihe, head and throat. Air alone can. reacn tnese germsr ana toaayvne most successful phystciani prescribe Hynmei .for all catarrhal troubles. -The -'germ-killing - and - health-gnr. ing Hyomei, when-breathed through mc pocuct innaier mat comes witn everyjoutfit, penetrates to the most remote cells of the air passages and respiratory organs. It searches out and kilts catarrhal germs in the head. throat.-iind lungs, soothes and heals the-irritated mucous membrane, and absolutely drives catarrh from the system. ' Thousands of testimonials like this of Captain .Cameron, in charge of the Salvation Army at Berkley, Cal.r at test to the speedy relief, given by Hyomei. Captain Cameron writes: "I have been a sufferer from catarrh of the throat for. a number of years, so bad that I could not speak so as to be heard at any distance. The first use of Hyomei relieved me, and I be leive that it has-given back to me the good voice 1 had in yeara gone by." The complete" Hvomei outfit costs Kit one dollar, and includes an in haler and sufficient Hyomei for sev eral weeks treatment. Yon take no risk . in buying Hyomei.. Woodard,. Clarke & Co. absolutely airree r re fund the money if it does not give at- ufactaon, , ' f -1 -. '. 7 r USE STREETS - SWITCHES Portland Consolidated Will Have ---to Give 8ervice Both Way. . on Second.7 777 CI.XY MAY: DECLARE ITS FRANCHISE FORFEITED Corporation Must Submit Plans k -r- o City for. Approval, -4. Says McN ary. The Portland Consolidated" Railway botu.dlrectlons oa.lts Becondatreet line or forfeit Its franchise, according to an opinion of -City- Attorney- McNary, uea with .Mayor . Wllllajne today. The xnayor received, a communication from a large number of property own ers., on Kecond - a t reet las t - week. - pro testing against Lhe plan of the compaay to put- la . a single track on thsthor oughfaro and uae it In the nature of a switch. All the cars crossing the Burn- side, street and steel bridges were run south on Third street and, return ing, run north on Second etreet. giving service in -one -direction -only. They olaimed that the Intent -of the franchise waa that eervlca-should ' be given In both directions at least every 20 mln utea Mayor Wllllaraa referred the mat ter to the city attorney.. .. - . .. r,i Melt, ary was vf Ihe oulnlon thsl the franchise extending the privilege to the company to lay a double or single track ' and operate - a railway thereon, with the requirement that' cara ahould run during certain hours of the day not less than 20 mlnutee apart, would not permit the railway company to operate ears In one direction only. He stated that the franchise does not designate in which direction cars should run, and the ordinary operation of the franchise would . require the -operation and run ning of cara In both directions. He thought the franchise would be Inter preted most favorably to the Interests of .the 'traveling publlo rather than In the Interests of or to conform to the convenience of the corporation. Tbe-ity -attorney - concluded ' that " H waa the duty of. the Portland Consoll dated Railway company to submit to the city Its plans for the construction of It railway on Second street, and In case they do not provide double track .with switches for paaaenger. cara. notice should be given the company that the forfeiture of It rranchlse Would be de clared ln-.cae of. refusal, to -comply with Its terms. . . . .. , -. STUDENTS BUILD FIRE-" OVER BURIED DYNAMITE (Special DUpateb te Tk JooratL) l .. Roaeburg, Or, May I. It hag-Just come to light that II of the senior class of the high school here,- m-short- time ago while on a plcale at Winchester, built a fire. In-the" evening,' "over SO pounds of dynamite, which thaUmpqu. Development Co had burled on the bank of the North Umpqua river. The ex plosive was burled at the bottom of a pile ef sand which was selected to bake egga In by the students.- r : MISSIONARYSESSIONS v7.; END AT. CORVALLIS . '(Spaelal Dlapetpk te Toe Ioarei). Corvallla May . Last nlaht closed the eesslone -of - the conference of the omen's Jioma Missloaarjr society, pt the M. E, cAureh. South,, which began hera rlday f afternoon. . Twenty.three delegate a ttandad fronrrarloua parte of the atate. New off loere for tha Willam ette district were elected 'as follows: President. MUs. Elsie Burkhart' of Al bany; rirai vice Treslaeut. Mr. Canfleld, Boseburg;; second vice president,' Mra Ailing ham. Bhedds; third vice president. Mrs. Aaac:umminga, Roseburg; secre tary, Mlea Alchle Jonea Albany: treaa urer,"Mrs."'G"IJ.McCau8lajd. Corvallls; superintendent of supplies, Mr. Hattle Williams, j Monmouth; superlnite.ndnt press-work,-Mrs. Lula -Cobbj-Roseburg; agent tof "Our Homes.' Mrs. JTb. Frye, Grants Pass: Willamette district sec- retaryra Nora Looneyr-Oregon-Cltyt secretary Roseburg district, Jlrs 'Anna Preasley," Grants Pass, the will -eCthe late Mrs. Rhoda Tay lor haa been, filed for -probate at the county clerk's off lea It -bequeaths reel estate of the estimated, value of fl.S0O, and personal property valued at It 00, to the three heirs, Walter K., Vance A. and ROy Taylor, ahare and share allka Walter Taylor la named as ezeoutor, to THE JOIJRNAUS: Lewis andXlark Contest READ CONDITIONS, SEND NAME, ANti GET tO iOwlBg Jathe wlde genemUtaterest, 'JOURNAli will pay . the expenses of twenty trips to the fair, for the moat popular persons outside of Multnomah county. - THE JOURNAL, will pay the entire expense. Including railroad and sleep ing car fare, admission to the exposition for one week, hotel bills for one week and amusementa . ' " . - '- . j The Trips Will Be Divided as Follows : :l ; To the' most popular person' In Coos er Cnrsy county,- one; free', trip:' t tha Josephine or Douglas county, one free trip; to free trip:. to the f!"" uuuiiijr, na iTkp, 2, it oln countJri on V ,lr,p:-tO tne a "ia ejv(ini,j- unv ai rw tup, w 1110 giiusie, Tillamook county, one free trlpi to the jiivjvt. iiujui,i iivuh ,n ,uBcifnuiv w ,kmir county, 4n-rree trip: to the moot popular person la Douglas county, one free trip; to the moat popula? f; to tne most popular person In Marion, county, one- free trlD! Popular oerson in Clackamas count, m, tv. .i- 21-1 1 popular person In Columbia-or -Clata.op DODUiar Demon-in vvrbco. enermnn n mot popular pron lh Morrow, OUll&m -..w ... r V, vviin, vmo a i trip: lo mm moil- POD- uUr person In Union or. Wallow county, on tr trio: to th moat popular praon in Baker county, ona frea trip; to tha moat popuiar paraoa In MaJ hour Harney or Grant county, ona fraa trip; to tha moat popular Deraon In uub ur niniimia uuuuu. uii a rwes irm: id ins mruir nnrmi tISton,one'tf ' ' Pi"t ih V"l,opular. soan : westeiy rVash The basis ort which credit for votes will be given la ne Vote fer'avarv 10 cents paid in advance for- new or old eubecrlptlona to the Dm.llr TmlH v an S Sunday, fiuhday or Semi-Weekly editions of THE JOt$J!' T?'-"4 The contest open at once and closee at. midnight tm June lo " Pick out your favorite, fill out eoupon below -and mall It at once to THin int'SMi? The time ls-iBortrirfe for. sample Subscription Rates Term It Carrier. rny Jovnal, with Sunday, 1 . year. fT.M) . 00 .T5 2. SO 1.05 I l IT jonmai, l tMlly Jonrnal, wl wltk Rnndayn.a BM.. DallT Jsaraal.. SMlitha Pally Journal, with Knnday, I. SMS.. Dally Joarnal, a ajonthe.-. .-.rrrr? Iullr Joarnal,- wlti Bnaday. 1 BKnta l.0 Daily, per : week, .dalirarad,. Baaday ... . Incladd , ..15 Dally, fr week, delivered. Bandar eieeptad ..... ...... p. . Tema Vr KaU. "... , Datly Jcmrnnl. with Suaday, 1 yar,.fr.00 Dally Joarnal, J' rear I 00 Dally Jrvurn.1. with Btinday, smm... S.TS Dally Joarnal. 6 moetha ITS Dally Journal, wltb Hunday, Bee.. 1 o tally Joarnal, montn. . . . f. , 1,40 Dally -Journal, with Hunday, 1 SMath.- .OS Dally Journal. 1 nonth..... M ttnnday Jonrntl, 1 year ,. liK) Sunday Jonrnal, $ BMntb 1,00 The Bml-Weekly Janrnal. '.-V-a, Betnl-Wealr .Journal, S t 13 pat ea'h taoua. tlluatrated, full asuktt ' report, 1 year 110 serve without bond. The appraisers are W. T. Davis, Caleb -Davis, Sr., and-S. IBnedd.-"-'' , . '. - ' " ' - ,- ' STOLE A BICYCLElTO ETATTEND HIS WEDDING . Cj-r, .. J w 1 i trtr .- . (Breeial Dlapeteh - me Joersal) Baker City, Or., May J.-Joha Wan lass, from- Pocatellot-Idaho, waa-today sentenced "by - Judge Currey to three months In the county Jail for theft of a bicycle. It developed at tha trial that Wanlasa wason hla way home to wed a young lady ot-Pocatello and claims to hare been-robbed by a friend here, and that he had . to .reaort to then to get hom : ,- T, y i..,.- warn tot noz scur. F. W. Watte, proprietor 'Of a hotel at Pendleton, la in a- very critical oondl tlon at Good Samarltaa-hoapital aa the result of an abscess In-the ear,. His friends have given up hope. , IN YOUR FAVORITE'S WORK k ONCE -7 Jaiho .rJwl. and,.Clark.-TalrTHi; Jackson ' county. n free trip; 'to th iv ins moil popular peraon in Benton most popular person In Tamhill or pupuitr pi popular person in Washington or most nopular person In Linn count v. county, one free trip: 0 the moat i rooir Atrntv ama - or WhMjir cbuntr onm trJi' trTn tX copies and get to work at ana. ... tum ooapoa u oe fet., T -' ' ' -'- V-V i. v.v ,v;v. iuvaaj 9 aa Most popular per, on la county. . , . . This eoupon must be voted oa or before May 10. . Write name and address plainly and mail at once to The Journal, Portland. Oregon.- "ani Li i A : t I ... ..'. '.-.- -.-. ... v- - -1- ; I ' .'"fit 7 ' '!' 7 - ..f : ? ' .- 7l' ' ' '. 7. .. ;....-v... ; : lZtl's.,:Je.l. ' ' i V;.. - - 7 -. .'7; - .. . '.','"' (' ' - . .- v.- - ... . . - ' 1 .