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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1905)
Renewal :of:RIotIng May - Bring Out Militarr to fe!(wIeace-i-- STRIKE-BREAKER CURRY t-IS BADLY KNOCKED OUT Xeader Loses Eyilflr Encounter Iftth - Teamstwwtat - Arrest - fV ' for Violation of r Fed; U era! Injunction, ; v 71 Jurnr Boeeiaf 'Berries.) -' Chicago, May I. By all Calculations the climax of the teamsters' strike should be reached today, 'A renewal of violence Is expected, with the strong possibility that state troops will be me ena 01 uu exriKe is i. nana, u u u ' generally admitted that the troops will settle the Issue. - -. . Five .hundred - additional- policemen were'stnt out this morning to jrote( UlM .wagoiis-cf -the tmployers -snd pre -' wrTq uiver, - LfwinR iq ins mammy us --- the' police department - to -furnish- ade 'TTut protection.-the employers decided. 7: to send out only 600 wagon today.' ln- - steed ofKSOO.-a- planned The' police report ' this "mprnlng; that mnrmsr strike-breakers refuse to. go t.ork-to-day. riav the baTOs-where-thejj are -r housed,- The negroes, say 'they 'were'not I breughC hare.-to ftgltl-whlte men and t "wlltnot do-1t-or.6 a day. Troubla brnn early at Fnrty-itnttl street. when a itang- of negro strike breakers who arrived from the south at - -o'clock, encountered an angry crowd of union sympathisers. 1 In the clash -which followed, 1I were - severely In- Kdward Bos well, a, colored atudnt at "the College ef Physicians and Burgeons, - - was ' mistaken- fonea strike-breaker at 7. 'fwenty-alath street and Stewart--ave- TTnue and so badly beaten that he may Strike-Breaker Frank Curry, the "man o f Iron nerye."- has hmn fcnocki n Me did not appear as leader of the naiuJ. f'"n ieea- thl mnmmnff It-1 ported that he will probably liiHwan eje as the result of an encounter with a big union teamster yesterday. ..He also has a severe rut In, hie head. Mot only are-' the big stores In danger ' but even the powerhouse of the Union -Traction company may be-handicapped by lack of coaL The Teamsters jof the '- - Peabody. Coal compaoy.-htch supplies the Union Traction company;are-Jn :trlk. Only five " loads of coal were - delivered all day yesterday to the powor houses. The company, as far as posul - ble, resorted to the use of trolley coal cars to transfer. fuel supplies. ;'- Deputy United States Marshal Pierce this morning arrested Michael llogan. a - union teamster, on the charge of viol at - Ins- tha federal Injunction.. It Is the flrsi't arrest under the 1nlunctlonHoan-Ob structed the street m front ofc,a,yijUed "Btates Express wagon. cairylrVgftt.OOO. 000 from the railroad station to the sub- treasury, Riots attending the prna-r . - " a van of was-ona through the center of the city at 11 o'clock resulted in the se- nrwajjjuijof threejneji Walter Scbulta was badly beaten by two col- ored guards at Franklin and Harrison streets. Dode 8cott, a colored strike - - breaker from 8t. L,oul, was shot tn the arm at Madison and Franklin, and Wa! i f,r Mrt'n'J byatanderwas kho n the ir wuub me caravan waa paaalna- tha Montgomery Ward building. .. Several arreata were made. - Four men were r- - rested in a riot at Washington and Wa- Ibash streets following the attack on the wagons of the Daniels Coal company. In whlak- two men were Injured. Severn! u niiKw vuiuiwniei put out WSgOllS this morning - under strong police guards. Twelva large downtown office . buildings have been deprived of coal by sirme 01 coai a river at tne Crerar Clinch Coal company this morning.. tm Teamowners' association, which contracts with the railroads and many - jaxge nrms tnrougnoui tha city, has flatly refused to make deliveries to any of the firms now involved in the strike when ordered td do so by the Employers' - association.' The employers lmmedl tely attempted to have all existing con tracts between, tha teamowners and the ' business houses and railroad canceled, but the railroads refused to enter th fight and atated that they would not be dragged Into -the struggle. The Com- T. mission Teamowners andy the- Lake Transportation Teamowners' , assocla- - .tlona are taking similar stands to that o the Chicago Teamowners' associa tion. one man wag killed and scores of per sona injured more or less seriously. ' Consultations were held this afternoon bet weeW Mnfluentlsl - business men sind city officials. It Is reported that they decided to make application to th gov ernor for troops on the ground' that local , authorities wer powerleas to hand.! the situation. A committee of labor leaders are at Springfield today to urge th governor, not . to order troops sent to r Chicago. - - - , 4.."..;jnAjro aoxxxxriier wsss. ( Joaraal Bneelsl nirrUt.l Kew Tork. May I Ernest Spelling, a Swjss pianist, pupil and protege f Ig . nace Paderewakl, was married today td Mis Lucy Draper, daughter of Mrs, Helen It Draper o7Ms city.- .Mr. Schetllng. who la now recognisod as a soloist of eminence, made his formal ap pearance be fore -the musical world In February last. Ho Is famous, as th only pupil of PsderewskW snd In th . years' U-l91 was nnder th tutelar f th great Polish nusiclav , i II . . eyiAVlYv 1M lJ 1. . -T I i III , .. - gimma m mm m l. "! VlrU.V IK tTwA VX.VMiTrS - CV-AW ;; -ZLZ 1 71 H - H J I J NOEPRIEVLFOR FRANK GUGUELMO FredJtaracla!aMurderi Prison Weeps Away Hi Last "Few , Hours cf L1T6. OFFICERS THINK HE WILL BREAK DOWN FRIDAV Governor Declines to Wait Until Italian King Can Be Heard - - Frfirn.i- ; - AtJl:a-p.Tnr-day-afterKtomrrw Frank Ouglleimo will have. to' pay the death penalty for the murderof Freda Oarad A dispatch received from Salem this morning stated that Governor Cham- f berlaln had refused to- Interfere-wlth ha execution or te gfant the petition for the commutation of sentence to Im prisonment for life, and the hanging' will therefor take place in the execu tion chamber of th penitentiary at the time set. The governor reached this decision on receiving" word from Judge Cleland, the trial Judge, and District Attorney Man 1 nlmt odd' aentencer-"'1 , , L A number of Portland people have re ceived Invitations to attend the execU' tlon. and some have signified their In tention of accepting - them. Sheriff Word said today that ne might go to Salem to witness th execution, but he has not yet made up bis mind whether to do so or not. -Mrs. Oaetano Oaracla, moinrr ui in munnrga girl, BSKea ror an - Invitation, but Superintendent James of the penitentiary says that no women will be allowed to be preaent. Advices from Salem are to the effect that Qugllelmo is on th eve -of breakdown, mentally and - physically. While - he was In th county- jail and during his trial ho did not appear to be . worried over the possibility of death sentence; but lately and even while he knew that his friends-wre striving to secure a commutation, he has been -agitated -by-emotion ' which he ha been unabl to conceal. An officer, who has watched - him closely says h will break down on th scaffold. . Th last hop of Qugllelmo's friends was that, the Itallanj8y(rnment might ask that sentence be commuted. Cor respondence with the 'ambassador did not seem -to offer-any hopes, for on!y4 yesterrtay-tw aeriaeti to appeal to Hie king- himself. With this : object - In view they asked for -a stay of execu tlon so as-to give time for correspond ence with the monarch, but this th gov ernor declined to grant. ,- r- - GEORGE GOULD RESIGNS : FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC tSptrfsJ Dspitcs to TarJwael) ' Nw Tork. May I. George J. Oould. who. retired recently from the executive committee Of. the directorate of the Union Paclflo railroad, haa also sent tn hi resignation as director df th South ern Pacific. lie al so declined, re-elec tion' a director o ibe Oregen-hort Lin and Paclflo Mail Hteamahlp com pany; Edwin Oould will also retire from th Oregon Short Lin directorate for th aame reason as given by the elder brother that th new Western Pacific road gives - them Competing line. Harrtmaii It Is understood will withdraw from the directors te of the railroad wnd by th Oould. - -r-.- i r . v -i-r" nf -- r. - i r' ii! f rr n i- r n rrTi -j t t i iig uwr- nriu ttwuiu iwu, wviin ivui iusa ui nave ouiuiuwjarrninei JiJOinBiZDi a xarruiy - : ' : ' . .--T"'- - .- - Like"That? --fL--J - : , - . PORTLAND. " OREGON, - SALOONS MUST CLOSE r--ON-DAY-OFPRIMARIEJ '" ;' " ' . Tha saloons -will have to close tiext Saturday on account of th J primary ' election, between tha ' hours bf noon-and ;T pi--mrClty tne Chief or ponce to this effect rie 1Trsr-eTi'Ton undor tn geribfai palmary law and tha only construction that can pos- slblybe placed on the statutes according to the city attornev. h-tp TAsiojnr re-sstSAYS IW - jroaa wniiet ins. puiia are open, . w the s me as on the day of a gen- era! election. . .,, v , MANY STATES EYE EQUITABLE CLOSELY MeetinglnNevyLYorkito-Oe. termine Their Policy Toward Insurance Company, (Jooraal Special Servlc.) New Tork, May 3. Representatives of the Insurance depart ments of several states are her to decide on a oonrse nf action in, reference to th Equitable Llfi average or I2U0 per.month.-AOTtnwnW6Tnrt7rey6eir6Th6r row and will probably decide to Join In probing the axfalrs of the society, Justice Blschoff of the supreme court today signed an order directing Hyde, Alexander and Tarbell to appear In court to make explanation of th cir cumstance nnder which the ao-called amendment to the charter of the society was adopted at the recent meeting- of the board of directors. In spite of unofficial denials, Post master-General. Cortelyou, it is said, hss accepted tha presidency of the Equitable Life Assurance aoclety. O&DJEB MABTT X.OOOXOTTTSM. (Journal Sprtal Berries.) . Faterson, N. J., May J. The Baltt-J more Ohio rauroad nas awaraea eon- tracts to the American Locomotive corti--) panjr-lror"r locomotives at an aggre gate cost of 64,000,000. This Is said to be the largest .locomotive order ever given In America. ' ' The'Daily Journal will hereafter jbe. sold every afternoon on t thetreets fo Portland jk ' two! cents per copy and patrons of The Journal should insist upon that price from ail news boys. DO NOT PAY ANY MORE FOR IT. The time has come when five cents ia con sidered "too much" for an afternoon' papei ' and The Journal, always alert! to satisfy the pop-L "ular wish, reduces the price; jit - - f r, .1 ' j -wiu oe in rgrusna una suiinuci, wng rc usea to one ana iwo-ccnx papers, ami ine journal ; does not care to have them go away with the idea that Portland papers are i not up date-in- price as well as in otherways1. ...Then again, afternoon newspapers yi Portland are .deliv- , ered at residences' and shopsjn any part .of the city at fJie jwpularjirici of ten cents week, and those who buy the paper on the street are entitled to as fair treatment, and The Joyrnal proposes to"extehd it This places The Journal in the' front rank of popular and widely readT newspapers,-as the, only two-cent high, grade newspaper in tha northwest. - - :' SO TWO CENTS A COPY IS WEDNESDAYS EVENING, MAY 3. , 1905. SIXTEEN PAGES. i --: r r HELD WITH SMITH EmbflMting TajT-'ColIector's -and Confesses: -v--. SPECULATING IN. STOCKS Defaulter Says That His Theft - Will Not Exceed Fifty-Six - Thousand Dollars. . (Joorssl Special Srrlca.) BL Louis,-May I.-Kdward-Jrffmith, th dcfaiilllng lax cnUectorof Baa Fran cisco, isTield Ai'ere awaitlngThe arrlvsIT offfldfasUI makes no denlal-of, hie SBOTagqu which no says will hot ex eed iii000t and deelare that no other person Is Involved lrithegte8Jlngv Blanche 8m y the, the woman arrested, broke down this mornfng and admitted her relations with Smith. 'I have known Smith for four years,' I si gan I paying me attention and gsre me an average of I2U0 per, month.- Four-wee ico i went to Hot Springs with a woman friend. Smith- ma 250 When Ileft there he wired me that he waa here." Bbe said that she knew that Brolth wa married, and that he had told her that he waa short In his accounts. He lost th money In stocks and bonds on Wall street. The woman was held pend ing developments. , - Bmlth is accused of stealing $82,000 of San Francisco city funds. He was arrested last night Jn., the union atatton. He had been' In St. Lmils for twrj-dayV registering at the Jefferson hotel aa it Smith. " If said that he "had been wait ing for some friends who would Join him here, snd with whom he ws going to Los AnffeJes, 'Where he waa going to ,Pommun)!:,e -wl,h. relaUxawHe told ine ponce tnat n wouiu go pack to Cal- Ifornls)-without-refilsta noe. 1 He says that he spent several weeks In a- sana torium In' New Tork, and that he Is physical wreck. But fTt waa found on him at th time of his arrest. - for the paper. on the , street accordingly. Thousands of visitors - i a 1 i . .. . . v T fcsTWiw TWw-w''i 4 Kims in - WARSAW Poles Shot Down by Cos- isacksWhile-Celebra- lingJJigilMldajE POLICEMEN AREKILLED BY UNKNOWN ASSASSINS ft Progress Throughout Country as Pr test Against M ass acres FurtheFTrbuble Due. JiitiI 8peelr SerTirt.) Warsaw, May 8. The 204th anniversary- of-therproclamatloti of the Polish constitution by "the lAst Polish king was an event generally celebrated -throtnrh-mmf I'wUiwftwlHy.' 'Fliflt' W grB"'aUtaum ber of Btree-tdemontfu,"tlQns this morn- n s. and strikers are now Kntherlnr on the-etreelwr-A- ptiltl-e se ryennt wns"knl ed by an unknown culprit, and further vio lence In expected. Ho Idlers and police arwT"o111nB: the atrewtrr. ' - . r:.--dlpatch from-Ixxli nays that a crowd--attacked -numbff of -policemen thts: momtnav. r killing-, a screant- mtt wounding;: detective; SolUlem arrived and fired Into the trowd, kilting- four persons Jid woundlTig several' others. The-workmen are In an ugly ana un certain mood and employes of many fac tories ere a-aln-out on strike. It Is esUmiCteir-ThuC"?S.0Ou". persons are out at Lodis, Costacltm..wra pstrolUngb streets 6T"Warsw in companies on ac count of the dinger to smaller detach ment . t-U . ...; . ; Riots are reported -4edny-at Warsaw, IkIs, Kallsa and other places In Poland ia: ceaslonM of Workmen, rutting them down and driving them off -theitraotm cutting them with whips a siipf rjciacr uei-4- f ashloil1,1 . . 1 NEW DESTINATION. Basaoredr mojesvreuskys rieet Is Bound '.for etroiTioTkLr;::lJ3a,Z: 'Umrjlll 'spsfg. HefTW.r - Toklo, May S.fcff-IfWrumoxed 1hat thi destination or KOjestvensKy;s rieei w Petropavlovskt, Kamchatka,11 instead of Vladivostok, It la lunrored tlioiiils Slang' are collecting coanhere."' Owing to inability to fortify the place, the rumor la not -crodltad.--- - it is reported th Russians have eap- tured the. British steamer .Planet Venus. CRIMINAL SATURATED WITH OIL AND BURNED . (Jooraal Bpsstat "gerriee.) San Francisco, May Sj A relic of the barbarous code of ancient Mongolia wh wttnesBedT-ecenUy-near An Ting gate. Pekln,. when the Mongol assassin of Mongol prtaee wee executed for ' his orhne. The murderer committed Jhe crlm-In Mongolia and escaped . southern China, not being captured until urn nfeitr rter in sentenced ti, death. PellnT "TT was The murderer was wrapped In several rolls of clothes and cotton matting, which was then thoroughly saturated with kerosene. Then he was placed In a huge Jron fraBiei ndLexposeiT tO-Jrlew on a r-tfli "hd lhre rr-h'--l 'ir dfUm I Great crowda were present - Ltrtors and efnnlals wsse arsssnt, n unstinting the board of punishment. EPIDEMIC OF-DEATHS FROM SMUGGLED OPIUM - (Joaraal Special Berries.) San Francisco. 'May 1. The steamer Coptic brings some interesting news of wholesale deaths In the inland country -of China, According to a atory from Amoy it 'nas neen. tne custom to-smug gle morphia into that aectlon, the duty on th drug being very .high, Recently a number of boxesjkof the drug were smuggled Inside a shipment of flour. In some manner th boxes broke, caus ing the deadly drug to become mixed wtrrthe "floor. lnte-adf the flour be ing condemned the stuff waa aold in up country districts. V I thin a -week pe. pie began- to die In Urge numbers asd for nearly a month Chinese ere dying of poison administered apparently lir the most mysterious mannerr ON TRAINS AND NEWS ANDSTTTVE LKNXST THE PICEl' -PRICI? -TWO ' V-'- v r-'- V '5s vn.. B, . -Vv .. X jt-y ; V V f ' i A a-s:..,.-. I ( f I : Nan Patterson. THIS FIRM HAD TO STAND AND DELIVER Hoffmar Brothers-YeliCrand JuryIhey-PaidTbo Much- for Cement. J. R. BOWLES COLLECTED TEN CENTS A BARREL Knows Nothing of Official .Corruption. vT. R. Bowles through purchases lof cement of Balfour, Outhrl ft Co. by Hoffman brothers' was receiving 10 cents a barrel as his private graft, ae- cordlngto the testimony given this morning by John Hpffmnn before -the county grand Jury. John "Hoffman Is a member . of the firm of Hoffman Bros., . who,, took - from - Oeorge F. Huesner and J.. R. Rowtea the sub-con tract to build tlie-concrete piers of the Marquam. gulch-Front- street viaduct. They bought their cement from Bal four, Guthrie ft Co., and, upon receipted bills -from-thst -firm.. wCe to receive their pay for Ahe-eolKTete'' WWK;" they wer allowed 1 yards of concrete for every barrel of cement used. Soon after commencing work on the Marquam gulch bridge,. Horrmnn brothers, through the investigation of their attorney. Brodle ft Merges, discovered, according to the testimony of John Hoffman, thin morn ing. .int Tiiey were paying 10 cent a barrel more than was .necessary, and Bowie. Arrangements Were-made at once to remedy the situation, ami the business wns transferred to W, P, Fuller ft Co., in psrt, and all purchases mad thereafter -were on the basis of the lower prlc. " . f Bimmrniaj9i ussy jumnm t.'2lmmrn,an president nft-tTM-rHly-fl council, was snoenvr wittivsh. , j ne suo stance of Mr. Zimmerman' testimony waa In answer '"to queatt'oA bearing directly on allegations that Counoilman Rumelln had atrlven to corrupt members of the council and other officials with offers of bribes. ' lie w ankedr"- T "Va you knofr-anylhlng. Mr. 7,lmmer- man. about the reported ffers-j)f Mr. Rumelln to-pay money. to the, council, men or others to Influence their, vote or official actaf" "Absolutely nothing. - '. -. f And that wns all that traetfd; rrom Councilman Zimmerman on the subject. He denied All knowledge of any lrregularltle on the .part of Mr. Rumelln. .or. any other member .cf; th council, and contended (hat the members r-.--'..- tCENTS Sxabm, riri cE-is! U , III. Ill I III 1 I :, III- w vaa m. w w .." Retired at I P H.-to De- idetotAccused Chorus Girl, : FL0R0D0RA GIRL'S PAST " NOT TO BE CONSIDERED Judge ChargefTtaryTterto r Specs --late Whether .Young- Srftrt"" -HjselfpriLNQtTrr Has Restless Nighty--- - .- Uearaal Bpedat Berrtee.) NewTprkv?- May.,, Nan Patterson spent- a bad night at Ihe Tombs, and . this-memlng: showed theelTect of th( errlheiitrnln slia Is nnrlat Bh.l.lill- firm-On ber belief iliat she .will be ac-- Uulttea, onlght." ah ali free and on my way to my mother In WaahlngtpnJ'--r, , U- Ther-def endant wa dressed ln--dcep;: black and took a. seat beside'- th coun- ' ser.Th recorder: began to charge th, Jury. He said the Jury should not con- -slder the past Hfe of the defendant," and Z1 that h" war'nnrT64iliC-Vey reaaon. : -. able-doubt and - presumption of. In no cence. lie aald the malil gueUon was ; whether th defendant killed- Caesar"- -Young or not. The Jury waa not to 1 spMntaTrTBirWlthi TounaJ'WTot tiTm- setrorornttoTretcrmfn ''iVrhitbttZZl fhe defendant kllfed htm or not. ,At I o'clock th Jury yetlred. . - - ' At "2:08 .'clock th jury-went-out for - 1 u nch and did not retu rn until hsl ; three. - The delay is taken to indicate -dlsagreemnbyJh Juuiyera.on in th . courtroom- LMlss Patterson wa .ex-. tremely nervous, but . Is - bearing the -strain vary welt . .. . WOMAN IS DIVORCED -FROM AN INFANT SON By Strange Mistake, Wife la ' Made Custodian of Husband andSeparatedlFrorn Bab9jL - -(Joaraal Sptelsl Service. L Omaha. Neb, May,. To the unspeak able surprise and chagrltr f M. Clara' Russell. It has been discovered that the decree of- divorce wMch ah ' was granted by th district court sev eral months ago was from her Infant son, Henry Jenkens Russell, Instead of her hurfband, George Henry Kuasell, as supposed. ' According to the decree., she is divorced from her son and given the . custody of her husband. - - In Oiling out the decree the- nam of , her son Is written where that of -the husband should have appeared, and the name of the husband written where tht '; of the son should have been. Mrs. Rua- -sail sppsared bofese Judge Button, who granted the decree, and she - waa in- ' formed there was no wajr In w-Mchsh could rectify the error, and that in or der to get a divorce from ber husbewd It would be necessary to nle a. new suit. BANQUETED BYMEN OLD tNOUUH-HHiHLUHUPOHW- . (Joersal Special Sarvlce.) New Tork, May 1. Surrounded by 0 i. of the moat - noted phytclan o America, many of . whom were past the "chloroform age" . of 60, William Oaler wa th guest of honor at a fare well banquet at th . Waldorf -A storLsj last night. He sail for England In two weeka to take up his new -rtuttes ss regius professor of medicine of Oxford university. Dr. James Tyson. Uni versity of Pennsylvania, aged (4. pre sided. Between him and the venerable -Dr. - Weir MUcholl, aged - ?4r- sat Ir. ... Osier, .whp sd recently propounBed the theory" of iraelessness of men pes Flsnktng him on either side as guest at th table Were lines of old men 'white haired and grerjrbearded but still vigor-, ous living refutations-of the much - - plotted theory!. Dr. Osier was - toe youngest-man at the board. SAYS RESTRICTIONS ARE KILLING ROADS Hill I4t commerc this- afternoon that th re- strlctlona placed on lha.rallroada by th- Interstate commr rce cernmlssWin-. were killing th export trade by compelling th roadsto.' Ale-public shedula of dl-- tston rates, v He skid that while th development of. th eiport trade meant tbe prosperity of th cokntry ,repre senrea it meant n actual ipsa to th railroada. - . ia. nnrj cmaro vmkiT. (Jovrasl Biieelal Sarrlrs.) Washlogtoo. Iowa, May l-M I, '.KeN 'V ohtesf ' - tie U. Craven,- fainious for her for th Fair millions. wh claimed In b th oommon law -wife of Henatni1. Fair bf California, ' Is dead at Mount Pleasant hospital, to which she wa recently committed fjr Insanity. FAXJTT WOSII STBW. ' tJaarsal Sperlal gvlre Newnrk, S. J Msy ' Klre thf mornliit Jef rnysrt -ths faint - wnrtre rt 'awley ft ('lurk and dmM dj"lrilnj Hr (Jooraal Special Serrlee.) L - Waahjnon. ; ''J" 'r X x e jCovtlDUrd,oa rf Two.), property. Tu )os 1 f ,.. 4' I -