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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
5 -N THE OKKGON - DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. " TUESDAY ... EVENING. MAY, 2. UC& "Oil, UR. 6LAFHE 15 THREE FIRMS FAIL TOO COOL THIS .- - N A FINE VOUNG HAM TO - USE - HIE SPACE lEI(Ffl34R0PS SPECIALS Several Sharp Frosts Do Damage HaDDV Children i Gather for fp Thia Refrain, People of Albina Of AH Promised Exhibitors, Port- CvwUnanJmou "ApprouJCZLl A?0 '. toTender-Vegetablee and -" ..'"jo 80rne Fruit.. 'C--"3d .Spring Sports atthe Pub. 3 4st Nights Come Forward.: i ,7 rrie-trbfary -Here are-some-bf the" inducements we are offering thrifty housekeeperrtodo the if- TrpTineHres11 "month. It . would pay .women who are economically inclined to keep an, eye on.our r -announperoentSiTr";-:- t-.t ' -: . v "' -" 7 . YES OPEN WTDE ATTAlL.ES- r BIG MEETING CHEERS THE " . - CAN DIDATE'S CLATFORM DOSCH EXPRESSES PLOWING AND SEEDING 1.HIMSELFVERY-WARMLY PRACTICALLY COMPLETED FSHERWOOD'S HEROES 1KI ; HEAR OFROBIW JIOOD l :: Mis$.HwsleLDosNobleWork.iri Makinaf. Many-Little Ones Clad. .A. and ihaushJ.tlia ot--texrae -general holiday hi " ehl 'Hers, on li la In New England, .wbr it U called the aprlng Thanksgiving, yet It la observed In many, children' places. The children' library here baa always given It special observance, and Teatr- ; , i - -. , i,. - i. . ... i ,i 1 1 v..; - - ' wm II Ml I " ;oot hour. IftlTeiaraud west sides. room was Ailed end there was an over flow meeting In the balls. - One hurrying from the library yester day heard unwonted sounds and looked back end saw whafhe supposed la be an exciting gam of -"crack th whip" coning down Seventh street. '- With -thsf tlils-shouU t rrowror on the prtncipaj streets of the city he watched the lnmat-Jk. dosan chlldroiv hands locked, leg moving almost au lomaUcally in - Cue swiftness rf -their flight, a girl of 1$ the whip handle, the ttl grading down nicely to a 4-year-old. Their eyes glowed and tbelr breath came -hprt; as they, drew, nearer;- he- heard them reciting in breathless chorus, It " ran't be overt they're -leaving too"Q0n; V,iriroa"ndr oeTana-Tliey nevtTTirok line till they reached the doort of the 'children's room and heard Mt7ta'srr's reaseurlng Jolce..."tnd so Robin iiood took his bow and arrow and cam. out of .the roodlADd. A"d a the children peered tnWth room .- pretty eight mau mem nom their breaths In delight. On the table was a magnificent Maypole; a real May- ' pole, with garlands a-rowlug out 0fth --torThe"poI' was' dressed in pink and gwn ribbons, andall around It wer baskets of flowers, whtcbMhe children -theTT)firtveghd hrought. And as no one's Mill could De icit out, in nuu Teen Dut "orr BntU thr-wr wo TOWS if baskets hanging gracefully around the pole. And. beside It stood Miss Hsssler UTI- lng wonderful, stories of a man named Robin Hood, who loved the same 'May game as the children "B(srwho loved f : outdoor sports and lived In the' woods- end always carried a pretty bow and : arrow .toprotcctrfalr ladles. and who, .robbed ..peopls aod-klUad . people, hut ; Always tltd it to help admeona, els and. "nev kept-aJythlngh1niswlf.,"'; ""SENATOR C-VFUCTO vl ADDRESSES" GRADUATES (Spwli1I)Iptck-o The ZommCV Hood Rlvsr, Orw Msy 3. Senator C. : f -the Hood Rtver publlo school - was r listened to last night by. th largest au dience ever aseqibled In th local opera house. A class of - was jTaduated from th grammar grades and at elas of II from th high school. Raymond Early. 1 year 'old, and In th eighth ' grade." delivered th salutatory, and L nora JrKelsarTf "th Hlgh school sen- 7 lor the valedictory. Rev, J. B. "Rhoada th invocation. ; ' " (Jeeraal BsecUl Berries.) ' trfiulsvlUe, May tr-Calb Power was taken from the county Jail today to Georgetown, wber a dat will b set for his fourth trial on the charire -of rorapllclty-ln th assassination of MV' ernor OoebeL " r'"':" ' THE SKIN BABY'S BEST FRIED. ! : ; MUNYON'S - i -- .j y- v - . s as wis - ij - - lv- " . 1 1 -" r IDEAL FOB TENDER SKINS, f fr " 'r1 l A WONDERFUL HELP TO . MAKES Mothers will find in Munyon's Witch Ht Soap the Meat requisite for- aby"s bath.- For baby rah, teething-spots, chafing, hives, milk eruptions and all the discomforting irritation of babyhood thil loap it g real blet-1 igg- It give relief to th tortured little One at once; soothes and calms and I reduces tleep. .The delicate and deltcioui odor of the soap keeps baby at . awret at rose. ' . ; , r---.'-... xOTnroarg wrrcsi uni soa xa a roszTita' crrma rom wn ' -'ttxm srsaAgza. it inu ntnon Ajrr oomtwutxioir, vo Hirm K9 fAJju wzxa wornsT, BBATrrtrsv-Ajrtr auaTXw9faATa.raa mum. Musrea' Witch asI woe-Pi Prtc IB afaayoB's Wltoh Haael Baaytntr Ctlek ta bos, wHo tS. Miami Witch St Mel atalv Xavigoratov, wrlo SO aad auto. BCuyoa's Wltoh Kaset Talonm Vewaer, prloo toe. - very wnsse, Of pisvata . i i t mm ktve rtmaattan. rv Maayen's Rbesmatlsat Oiri. it ye k rMPla. fry k( n..i. if mmm iiiaurt dlMM. IrT bin KHwr t'nrv: It von ta a (ol4. try ( ...4 'or! it r tu-nt. try ( atMriel newer t WVH nrf SIsmm NoUui OpenNoL CloaedCity, But Jutt a Clean, De-; "- '-.- ' - cent Town-, TheT voterg an,Tui voter' wives and chndren (5f , th centrajAlblna,- district nnerkaTOrrinIrJl"Tiuau street last night and chesred th plat form announced by W. B. Olafk. J. H. Kelly presided and th speaker were numerougtlncludlng.hu1ses men t tbo I r. Qlafk announced tils platform In direct and unequivocal terms. - majn talned that every department Of the city gevjsrnnjenjLjhould. be JujL-ma a -prlvat corporation would manage its aoairs. and pledged himself to see tnat tax- payrsot.vtdiM moneyand from th city wdrkers. An contractors must ruinu taeir con' tracts or suffer the conseauenees," said he. "If .lhrreJ-ien working on flve-man Job the UO extra men must so. I will enfbrc all laws, wnetner they be against gambling or -obstruct" Ing sldewaJka. atid U th first chief -of police will not snforco the tows, I wui get on who wilU W will hav neither an open nor a closed town, but a decent town." lnclolng Mn- Qlafk saidrihaCnf elected he would go Inta. offlca unpledged. "If a living soul can- r I have promised anything. I will step down and out fight now.-wag-nis Closing sen- The Olafk quartet followed with, -un. Mr. OlufVe i -K1n Toung Man," and Herman Wittenberg spoke briefly. H averred that-s successful business man had never been made mayor of Portland and promised that soma wastes and some scandals that hao seen-iorr as ne mages br .farmer e.qmratfftcsilS'iaJtmwv.H perpetuated ahould - Nr.- Glafk t) perpetuated elected. : . - ' " It Is Williams rTJiant.-aia tne speaker, 'land you-voters can take your pick." - A brief view f the past and the ad ministration of Mr. Row was shown and a few remarks wer thrown In th direction of Mr. Albee. Hugh McQuir. as a friend of th can didate, spoke of .the record In business he had mad and paid a. high lrlbuU to his sblllty and integrity, : . . Other. Glafk meetings or In wees wilt be at th Burkhart. ball, tonight. ednesday-tilgh tho aW ---- rour- teenth and Powell streets; the chler rally of tneweek wDI 'beOrrThursday "Hlght tATton.baU whewMeadln" business men will speak and Mis, jsdwina, Mil-tick-wilt ing..: r -.- - - " ALLAN BARKER ! BURIED ATALBANY (BpediinnapiTeaWelrDirti Albany. Or., ; May i. Allan . Parker died at Toledo: Sunday- night, aged 77 years. He cam to -Linn county in tS&t-end wa fer many-years v etock farmer and warehouse ' "manIn "1 17 J h-waar5lected-shTrff-f- tArni -ctrantyi ana lour years later mayor oi AiDany, as Democnt,. Later h removed to th Tgqulna hay country, and In 111 he was elected to th legislature from Benton county and re-elected two years later. He was a Chapter Mason ami stood high In th ordr.- H leave a widow-three daughters and two pons. .- His funeral was conducted her today by th Ma- sons. -- rrr-r"' -T-r SOFT AS VELVET oak;'-" ew i wiy i p - - MVaTTOlf KVVTOir,- rhuadsiphia, ra. " tit" " Throet rare; tt yoe kHdwbM, - wltk wblck aabedy - eta aotla aaii eace Notackrof. AppHcants for Room :the Local Men Do Not Want. Colonel-Henry BT-Posch. director of exhibit of th LewU and Clark po? itrAR 1 mv.tiflad and ria-hteousiy tn- dlgnant at th-otlon- of three promW nent mercantile instttuiions oirmu.!, which; after applying and even pleading for exhibit snnrr TTfirfi tha p"'y ""p" exhibitors that defaulted out of a Uat of several thousand, domestlo ana lor eign. When the books were closed last nig1t very inch of spaoe in all of tho exhibit buildings had been tasen opi that; . which-bad been: three firms in question. hesexompaies, w4 for theirtSSm to us' at rather a late hour tid war told tnat we were - crewwn rMtn. ' Mnd wa would appreciate It If thy wouldtak Just a 1UU flodrjpaaal as possible. No! 'i ney proiesieo, j nry set un th cry that unjust discrimina tion was goinftin; that local exhibitor had no chance; that there was weii. confound that everything thai ought not to be don was being done. - v . "Whll ail of their muttering were uncalled f or President Oeode and myself got together with a chert and hewed and screwed and- turned things around for their- benefltj-wHh-th reult -that the nekt.'day they wero all given exactly what they asked for. - Astonished Dosch. "Testerday was the last dayfor exhib itors to begin woTle.-1 1 That" fact was thoroughly-advertised. At a late hour we observed that th three Portland con cerns had notsigned up their accept ance. - Out of friendship to them. I tele phoned a. reminder aud imagine my sur-1 oris when each of them-anawered: YY "It 1 not only an Injustice to th managemanv but a rar iampie of a spirit which. If general thank goodnesk It Is not would ruin th exposition." . Whll th exhibit sheet was marred to this slight extent th record being a wonderful on It Is notable that out side of the Igorrote dispute only on con cession, perhaps, has failed to make good after acceptance. , This In th "Lewi and ClarkiTralirrrwhiehfwaa tajhow a panorama of .th travels oX the explor ers. It ..was coneelved try parties who evidently had not figured on th necaa ally of a . deposit Inadvanc,. -i When asked for-money thls-.was-smonth ago -they -did not prootic. rDlfeclOr Of Concession John A HTke- field states that the only space Jefc on tho trail is to b found In a section 18x1 A -feet and -two aecUona 1 feet wide each. These can be used a thousand time over, but the department la wait' InsTor something extraordinary to com along and grab them. . , . On th Btmaaee. , c" " k Among the new concessions George B. Ames hsslandad "The Old Planta tion." In which there will b a pictorial representation of at southern plantation and negro performers giving au sort or songs snd dances. A snooting gausry fitted "up In Louis XV style wllTb anf other novelty. Fernand Akoun has taken th mirror mas out of th temple oi mirth and' wilt make a separate show Ul rector waxeneia s trouoies axe praa. tlcallv at ah end. After th fair It opened h will take a muoh-needed rest - Harry Bhedd, th secretary of th Ne braska state commission, joined his fel low official today and will rush th N break y pavilion ; in th agrloultural palace,' . ' - Tho- Illinois stat commission, headed by Chirmn Thompson, will arrlv in Portland tonignt or tomorrow morning, Mr. Thompson - Is a brother of. C. H. Thompson, a local ticket broker. " HOWARD A FLOWER. -; Heavy Factott In the Columbii River x Puget - Sound and Alaska - Salmon Industries. . ' - Heralded by th Lewis and Clark Cen tennial exposition, the tat of Oregon slipping Into an area-ofnnpre--l dented development and prosperity, and rapldly-anovlng into line s on of th great manufacturing states of th unions Tim was when Oregon was een. tent to rals cereals, to b ahlpped els- wher to bo milled, content to saw her tlmhTTonrOTghimbfoed p into tn nnisnea proauct in oiner states, and satisfied to' ship trathloads of livestock to th east to b ther slaughtered and dressed and in many Instance reshlpped here ror consump tion. Within th psst year remarkable changes -bav taken . place, and today Oregon Is doing her part In making the Pacific coast states industrially .inde pendent. .-: . .' Th salmon 'canning industry noiaa a foremost place among th great Indus tries of this western country, and Its possibilities ar limitless. Prominent smong th leading dealer on tn coast la th well-known shipping . house of Howard A Flower, agents for th Co lumbia river. Puget sound and Alasks salmon canneries, . and who today ar among tho hemvteat -f actors -in - the--ean-nlnar business along th coast Mr. R. 8. Howard Is a gentleman or large-commercial, influence In Portland. Prior te his connections , with the large Interests which - h represent h wet a very prominent business and financial man of New Orleans, and president-of th Commercial club of that city, on of th moat forolbl ' organisation -; that beautiful southern metropolis. ,'" Th firm of Howard A Flower wa established her nearly 10 year ago. and sine ft first carload of aalmon -wms ihlmnflr eastward It has enjoyed a large and growing traae, unqueauonsDiy du t th excellence of the product they handle. Through th well-directed management of Mr. Howard, th popular brands handled by this firm a v found their way Into all the large eastern and KurooeerrTmarketa and mors credit than th ayerag reader' would eoncetv 1s du to this gentleman JnJgtroduoIng th nroducts f Oregon,' waahington ana Alaska Into our home and foreign mar kets. Th Portland office of Howard A lower are located at U7 in rat street. tapposlt First National bank. CHIEF CLERKHILLS - COMING TO POBTLAiyp -r . ;. A Jearaal Kaeetal ServW.t Waahington. May - . W; It Hills, rhlf clerk of th treasury department. left this -evening-for Portland, ether he will assums his duties In connection with th- work of th government board of the Lewi and Clark exposition. W"orV- ortSummerr Fallow . Pro- -gresslng RapIdly--Gralrt Conr-- tlnuea In C9od Shape. Lateat- crop and weather -bulletin of Oregon ?hy -Anting' gectlofl Director A. a. vraaDTT Th-weatherdu rlng-thwelt was too -cool for rapid growth, and crop on th whole did not ad vane so rapidly ae-duTtng-th Tsyeoodlnreekex were several har ;frota,-- th'mt damaging of which occurred Wednesday morning, at which time tender vegeta ble and soma varieties of fruit war illpiowln and geedipgsj Vow practPl cally completed, and work on summer fUiow.aaograln-.iuelyI,aU--aud spring, KAin continue in excellent con dition. - Wheat, oats, ry and-barley are growing satisfactorily, and In some sctlonaof western Oregon, r y an4 oariey are , oeginning o nca. . nuin hav reached th , top of th wire In mmmm favored Incslltles. but In maky sards the .crop ,1a, coming up unevenly necessitating tns "cutting oacs.- oi tue vines. ... ;'" , . -- - " '; Corn sad potato planting continues. Some corn -as up- and the- stand Is re-pfirtid-asVef y " gooa7rTEariyTtatoe war oulte badly frosted 'during the weekfthetops in 'many Jocalltl being frosen - to - th ground.- '--tiriens - navo made alow growth owing to the lack, of sunshine. Meadows and pastures wr-in fin condition and stock looks 'well. Lambing is about over. Bheop and foot shearing continue, with clip generally above, average. All tree fruit, except late . apples, more or- lean - Injured by frost, but reports as to th extent con tinue very conflicting. Peaches, prune and TBhrrtesr bowsvsrr hav uffred most. Bush fruit and- atra wbarrlaa pr6taTsig666ryi8Tar: . Fishback, Columbia eounty,- B. Hogherg."" Weather flne but nignt cold; crops growing rspldly; fruit doing well; stock gaining in nesu; nope grow ing nicely; potatoes up, , " -- ClatsoD. ClaUoo county' XX Tr Staf ford. Weather fin for growth of crop; two" good howers during wees.; t no frosts; will berries promising. j--- Point Terfac. Lan county. 8. Jl At- llson.--eplendld growing wsathert gar dens doing nicely; grass fin and grow ing rspldly ! fruit prospects gooa; an stock iu..wo4ajonattloi. -'" BemOte Cooecpuniyt u. A. xiansen Weather -fine jfor growth f -crops, cSrh plantlngnd- Vat - gardening; : pasture and stock look wall; orchards In good condition and -the prospect ar jood for-an excellent crop of fruit. Etkley--jCurry county. J. A Haines, Weather fin for all farm work; all crop - In . th pround- except oorn and lat potatoes, ana titrjuuui uiume Sue growth plums., prune and apples wtll-te. a full crop.; woolxlip above aver age; grass fin on th range; stock Im proving. Willamette Yany.-. HUlsboro. Washington county. JqbpH Connell Weather favoraW or-rop and seeding; frost Wednesday morning slightly damaged -tender . plants; fruit doing well! paaturesjln and ftock tm provtng. ' - Monmouth. 'Polk' county, 3. H. Moran Weather rather cool, with some frost; barley beginning to head; hop making fin growth; all crops doing wall. .. j- Bellfountaln. senton ooumy, ,, . Dodri Weather cool with om' frottj crops doing wU; Ut gardens About all planted; sheep shearing begun. Wheatland. If emhlll county, R. K. Magneas Weather ; showery and cool; grain of all kinds growing nicely; fall barley beginning to head; spring seed ing completed; stock Improving: fruit prospects good; soms potatoes planted; ground being prepared for tobacco. ' . Niagara, Marion county, John Bchroe fler Weather -favorable and all crop doing well; nights rather cool, put oays One; nearly, all fruit has set well; late apples and strawberries in bloom; pas- tures gooa ana stoca impruvin. SodavUle. Linn oounty, T; J. Coyl Waather eool and showery; consider able frost and some gardens damaged; .i.-n4-muft-iiainf weii: stock im proving! mUk flow good; spring seeding don. -' ---- v : ' . nri.nlMf. Lane oounty, Marlon P. Wheeler Past week- favorable for g-A.T,m- .riv eahbas becinnlng to head: Ixrjjit crop Broinhiet J. be lsrge, but tent caterpillars ax very bad In torn placesi spring grain doing nicety. , - . oather Orgom. Toncalla, Dougls county, J. P. Bishop Light frost Wednesday ' morning; weather An lor grain ana m. varm hav . cauaed v marked change In th color and growth of grain on bottom land; up land grain is farther advanced; grass abundant. - Williams, Josephln county, n. a. cn.riinwather (or hart of week warm and fine for growing orops, latUr part cool with -north: winds; wheat growing nicely: corn and potatoes mostly all P'wtd; stock op rang doing WU . V - .r " ' " " - . Pork Juluoa county. 8. M. Nealon Weather rather, cool and vege tation mad but llttl adviancmnt; corn ti coming up siowiy; grain jvk well and som early sown Is heading; mor warm weather needed for best re sults; gardens look - well; fruit quit seriously damaged by frosts. j , - '" Oolnmhla Slv TUy. - tufurr Wasco county, 3. B. Havly. Weather cool and crop making, slow growth; heavy frost Wednesday morn ing fro potatd tops to th ground: wheat, oats, barley . and . gardens look well; apples, pears and cherries promts fairly good reultv- Condon. ailllam'BoUHiy, F. B. SteYen. Weather rather -cool, with some frost early part of week; ahower Saturday morning; crop ar doing wall, but weather rather' cool for best result; lambing about ended sheep In good con dition; shearing commenced; stock doing well. . i Moro, Bherman 'County, H. W. Strong. Weather variable, from very warm to cold; light frosts Wednesday and Thurs day mornings; weather continue dry; would b of much benefit to ail crops; arly spring grain looks well. Eightmlle, Morrow county, C XL Jane. W rather favorable for all oropa; grain ,v - "X Thank the Lordl" ctfed . Hannah Plant, of - Llttl Rock, Ark., "for th relief I got from Buok len'S Arnica Salv. It cured my fearful running aoree, which nothing els would beat, and from which I had suffered for S years." - It in a marvelpns healer for rut, bum and wounds' Ouarsnteed at Red Cross Pharmacy, fMxth and Oak street a. on th way to the noatofflc. ALL-VVOOL lspots Rues I7iior Size idei . PLEASINGLY , PRICED PORTIERES ils6 hAPESTRY-PORTIERESrWlour borders;1. . . .. . i SPECIA L S3.75 H.K)rTPSTRY-K)RTIERESrheaTyringe... $8.5hBURbAP"PORTIERIiS; leather applique'. vy.uu CUKLAr-ruKiiiiKw; leamer apputjuc. ...... ?. ......... .orcunt. p'm.ov .. :$10.50 ;TAPESTRY PORTI ERES,' heavy fringe. k . SPECIAL $5.25 ltOtAPESTRYPQRTIERES,woonert)order. $1350 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, velour border. : . . . . . , $14.00 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, colonial design ; ; . ARTeREENSAlSPECIALaRIC ' f ' ',,' (.11 t 1 seii t " -9040 O-itJicj j3k, ouriap. -i S7.00 3-fold -Dcnirn, pyro $rr.?5- 3-old " Burlap, red T$9.rjQ. 3-fold-Tapanesei-gold panels. -s . . . t.WitiiiitiitiItw..jPCIAIc$8.25 -$ll.t)fr3-fold Oak7 burlap" filled 7. . . . . .77. t77..77T. SPECIAL $6.00 r $8.00 3-fold Oak, burlap filled . . . . , V . 7. . SPECIAL $6.00 -?,$12.00 3-fold "Oak, burlap filled; . ; ; . v. .. . . . . ... . . .......... ... . . ' SPECIAL $8.00 -, $15.00 4-fold Japanese.' irold panel . w-SPECIAL-$0.OO -rr- $17.00 3-fold white enamel; of Of a 25 to mad a fin growth summsr fallowing about half don: som dam a from wire worms to both wheat and barley. , 'J Mllton, UmaUUa county. F, A.'fllke. Weather"cooirwht toW walirbft needs rain; most of th crop has stooled ttt-thick; 1st .potato, all planted; strawberries promls full cropi" pas tures need rain; alfalfa well advanced, but does not promls full crop; spring plowing about don. - r ;7Flt'4aUf1ot- " .' - 'Huntington, Bakr county, W. J. 1 Woods Wathr cool and cloudy; crops snd fruit doing- w; no-oamag so xar by frosts. . . 1- - " . Oend, ITnlfm 0xatx. w. r. uen eler Weather not so favorable; evral heavy freeze; beet seeding and pota to planting advancing satisfactorily: fall wheat stUl In splendid condition; spring grain coming up nicely, - Joseph, Wallow county, W. H. Rob Ins. Weather showery and cool; crops look weU; grain nearly all sown; ground In excellent condition; meadows and pas tures doing nicely. Deschutes, Crook oounty, John Atkin son, Weather clear, with frosty nights; crops ail In and most of th grain is tip; som grain frosen. but not to amount to-much; grass growing nicely; nag stock that wintered well ar tn excellent condition. . .' : t - " THEATRICAL STARS PLAY : : TOR MADAME MODJESKA (Journal gpecUr Servtee.) New Tork. May t. 'The Metropolitan Opera house, pbiou though it Is, was scarcely abl to accommoaat tn crowd of player and piay-goer that gathered there this afternoon for he big testi monial given for Mm. Modleska, who recently announced hr permanent retire ment from th stag. Among tn prom tjiCTdtr Stars who took part In th.per- formanc were Mrs. Patrick Campbell. Mr. Otl Bklnner, James O'Neill and Miss Ada Rehan. .th aged Polish ao tresa herself appeared in scene from "Mary Btuart" and ,Macbeth,' and was given a most nthuslastto reception. FAREWELL DINNER TO : tHLOROFORM ADVOCATE r- .-' - . : ' . . (Jearaal Spedsl 8rle.l - -. I r New Tork; May . Dv hundred mid. leal men and instructor of Wld prom inence will sit t flown at th Waldorf- Aaterl tonight Ut a dinner to V given In honor of Dr. 'wunam usier ok Bal timore, who is soon to lav for England to tak vp hi work as rglus protessot of mdloin - at oxrora university. Among tho here to attend th teetl monlal I a contingent of prominent ml leal man from across th dominion Un Dr. Osier, is by birth Canadian an was for som yeas a profeesor of M GIU-university at Montr!. ' buy 1 1 rr : nt ' V wirf , H get - porch- t jBWflfJ' -YOlJ FlR- , nlnif H Wl REF RIG- NI1URE fT U iWr UAYDU3rl ERAT0R -now 1 yf - r IejtcmsI 1 now-; REVERSIBLE SMYRNA RUtiS JatBeold.Carpet-reltyltSoT in , oriental anrl fu in' oriental - and floral patterns, 80x60 inches. -Can be used on either Regular Price ; 32.00 - - ji - - ' - " ' " uiiou, . ... ....... j miiui m panels,..., ....... rrxiriiin and rreen . . . . . . . . . . 77, 772 ..... blue panel.. ,......r.. . 7 GO-CART SPECIALS ""WjVe :, made . Go-Cart; buy 5g very easy this springy and economical?; toot We started rjpht in at the berinninfr the season and put special prides every reciininc Go-Cart in our stocky course tt meant a acnhce m profits. ut that's your-benefitW e till-ha few reclining Carts left all in nice "condition and upto-date In gear fumismnes. We want tnem out ot .way, and quickly.. From now on, your rhoirr? "at . ;." -' -:" . - A O PeGent D iscotj nt" DICKENS BEING TRIED " UPON MURDER CHARGE Reported Crime Waa Committed ,' to Sava Ch aatity of T '."s.'-v' Daughter. (Special Dlapetefc te The loornil.) - ; McMlnnvUl. . Or May . ThaTrRrT begah at 1 o'clock this afternoon of John T. Dickens, charged with th mur der of Marvin Potter last Novmbr at BTsmaaiCTfonrTSetoT JUdfg ort Burnett Th afternoon was occupied with Impaneling a Jury. Attorneys for th dfna ar McCain and Vinton and Simpson and BrownelL Th prosecuting attorneys ar John McNary and Deputy Roe well JU Connor. . Thar la general sympathy ' for th prisoner, Th court room was crowded snd keen interest manifested. John T. Dickens has been la th county Jail her sine November It.- It 1 rumored that th cause of th crime was th defehs of th chastity of hi daughter. No definite facts are known." DESIRE NO SUCCESSOR -- T0 LATE CHIEF. JOSEPH " " (Bpeelsf rMsptcha-4j-9arsal.) Lewlston, Ida., May I. "It Is prob able that .no chief will be elected to succeed th deceased Chief Joseph," said James Stuart, th well-known Ne Pert Indian, who was tn th elty Saturday from Kooskia. "A petition has bean filed with th commissioner of Indlsn affairs by Mrs.1 Felix Corbett. slstar of th 1st Chief Joseph, asking that th department recognise no chief elected to succeed Chief Joseph- Mrs, -Corbett sets forth in her petition that ther ar no relatives -to succeed the dead, chief and that th election of a successor .would bs th vole of only th renegade ele ment of th trlb. The petition by Mr a. Corbett I a vry strong document and deals with th conditions of tb tribe hnnA. th demoralising ffeot of electing a new ehlef. Mrs. Corbett points out th individuality that now is v found smong th Nes Prc ana. statss that ths better class ot Indians ar, opposed to th election of chief." . ' Mr. Stuart exolaln. that th view I held by th ducatd Indians that th sooner all forma of tribal organisation ar removed th better It wUl b for th Indians. . ., . ; ITALIANS ON LOGGING -ROAD GO ON STRIKE - - JAtrJti THepateb to Tb jearsst.) ATbay, Or.. May Thim-flv Ital ian mplrd ta building-th ew leg .'..,,. .bi'CIAL . SPfct:iAfcry&.6i . . ;,v; - SPECIAL 9.7Sl. : . . . .V SPECIAL $700: SPECIAL $4.00 . ... i i i i SPECIAL $4.50 - ...... .SPECIAL 34.0O .1 . ... SPECIAL $10.00 - on and : v the 1 SL ging raflroad - for ; th Curtiss X,unfBer company, at Mill City, left th work yesterday and cam her laat night, hav ng struck for shorter hours gnd bettrX pay; Th men received $1.75 a day and - wanted II. They complained that their boarding- cars wr nearly two "miles from th seen of their work and they wer compelled to walk to their work on their own tlm and after putting In full day work to walk back on their . own tlm again. Ther Is stilt a large fore of men, on th work. - . - MURDERER COLEMAN HELD WITHOUT BONDS Ih-,, IT n.r..n nt tnlrflfrtjjlf Edna Hoffman, was arraigned In the pollc court this morning. Waived pre--; llmltiary examination, and was held to " th grand jury without bond. ..U: ' Th ffcts of th aelf-lnfllcteJ wounds wer seen on Coleman, who was very pal and emaciated. Ill desire -to" kill himself seems to hav completely -vanished, t.':..-- The Time Will : Come When the - Advice of this ri. Portland Resident' WiU Help You.' Very" few 7teopl ar ' entirely fre" -from backache. It does not taks muoh to derange th kidney. A little cold, train, stooping position or hard work, overtax thou delicate organ, ami many aohe and pain promptly follow. A Portland cltlxen tells you her how ' -every kidney ill can p relieved and ' -cured. Head about its - H. B. McCarver, of tl Chrry street, . Portland, Oregon, Inspector or freight for th Tran-Contlnental Company, a man who 4 very well known among th railroaders of th coast, says: "Dean's " KM ney Pill ar among th few pro- " prletarr remedies whloli do-all that I -claimed tor them, and they hav mv . thorough, confldenc. I used thtm for backach and othsr very marked symp- -f' torn of kidney troubl which had. an noyaerm for months. J think a cold wa reaponalble for the whole trouble.v It I several month alnc 1 used them and up to dat ther has been no recur rence of th troubl. I hav recom mended them t number of the boy bout th freight house, and I know If. they gav them fair trial they cer-.. talnly must hav been pleased with th results." - . ;'. . For sale by aff dealergT" Prlc M cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. X., sol agents or th Tilted States. Remember th nam COATTB n4 tak no othr . r " .. ' AK'- , - v : 3V Uf. S eeaisi ii niiiw . . . . . ... ' ,