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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING; 'MAY 2. . J905. HOMK FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORE AND FOREMOST CONGRESS STORE "J ON THE PACIFICSLOPEZ ' " : - ' : : ci--- CLOSES "AT "6 '"O'CLOCK P." M. DAILY - -- f ; ' SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC CCICIICa TEA ROOM ; v. , the i IU (aiiiicohd floor:- " Under th Ausplc of-IlMdXJPCiy-- ' : MENU FOR -: i -. Salons" FLO O B. rEDNESDAYTlVYrOII ArMonsteT"! Chocolate. Mitt In BottleaT : Sale of - Hot Roll. Handsome TFfam Sandwichee. -U- Eread and Butter. ,.JlT - Jloiton Brews Braat - - 7 T Cake. -r rTrT Millinery? -Tea. ". ' " Fruit Salad. ; . , i ' - ' i i r :-$5.oo $00. -' $7,60.- (1.00 and $!. values . ar ln-r .eluded pe dal on day ml. Weane' Looking backward few months to a certain tANAQER8SA L.K," WhefrTr00ThTr6TaaTrTeredn . to th department allowing . greatest- Increase of business ovtr a .corresponding period, of a rear pre vious, w remember that th flrat prls of. $60 wu : won ' by and awarded - to Mr.. Frank M. Hamburger,- m PlsmiioHWinr"-young millinery ect(on man ger. -Mr. Hamburger h aervad notlo on u that he ha decided to capture th flrat prlie alao of SO In th present competUlYOQntetths tlm. i however, forth alealadle .under him direction. Mr. ..Hamburger ha never made a statement 4o the beat of our belief in hi llf that be hasn't backed up. -That' why thl ortHootar-rci)olyaoti;warTo" competing; department. The resolute way he goes at tt decide u to sir no odd acainat hirn- Value -Ilk- thl of tomorrow- should Jam- the department: - orjnllpeTy buty to repletion with eager, enthu -slastlc buyer; WHAT WOMAN' WON'T BUT A IIO-HAT-FOR $$r eperilly-whjn:jliinajr-let from th newest of th new and th a mar teat of th most beautiful creations ever offered- la- th -cU of value comprising th 14.60, $7.60. IS.00 and f 10.00 hatT Few, we think. That' why w advl millinery ror rirst selections. About X00 Hat thafa-all Choice .Wed need jjpnl: -HOM - FOLK'S FRE-EXP08ITION BALE. ,. ....".im,.,,, ; ., ' .,, IN THEi .. r W K T-A N N B X FTR 8. T " T L &OTl, . Extra special offering for Wednesday only. rmnr mire Sty I Toueheg-hfTwndrthere" given by Tdarntyprelfylewelry piece to th apparel of man r woman. "Luxuries T" Oh! prhap but at nec ty prtcer who wouldn't -fear a fj T "tomorrow ipeclaltt - '',':l.""-'nTr"" ' I CROSS 8CARF7ptKgT,Hy new design, in all. . ver. srold. enameled an4 i?SgysIueijrour.choie-of 1 in selection lor oni , .... . . " , . I vne wt -or prttyornamented"nd-Jeweled Back Comb, regular 6o value, for...T..,.....,.3 LEATHER OOODB IICTIOS. ONJB LOT OF. PRETTT' BAOST fit bUctorwwn and , tan. regular S value, or........l.95 'On lot ol pretty "Bag In black, brown and tan. regular ii.ia value, for . AU Bigu with complete lneid flttlnge; - - II w rOLK-8 ntE-EXPOBITION BALE. I IN THETOOOERT BlIOPEXTRA SPECIAL FOR " : WEDNESDAY. ' f I R 8 T T L O O R WB (J T ; A N N E X . A handy shopJornieiLshoppers to shop in. Any -bargain for men a forewomen, Why pay the x clustv mp stor prlcea?.Look here! "" 7 J-INB . OP': MEN'S "BPRiN(3-WEIGHT WiriTB . MESII L'NDKRWEAR, French neck, faced with: sllk.irrosgrsln Tlbbon, heavy satin-faced drawer J-l- with strap- back, our regular 11.00 value; apeclal ' for tCednesday at, per garment. .......... .69 BOT8' COLF BltIRTS-lse-fronTtJH:-tt-ivr-W whtto, white and black, also fancy colors, regular lu tOv, speclat at, each . . . ...... . . . . .39 A-SMALL MNfe OF MEN'S WHITE TUCKED . v BOSOM-SHIRTS, enough for one day' selling, regular valu II. SO; spwclal at. each ....... .85 -JHOtOT it EN'S" rLAI3LACK -SKA M LESS SOXr regular value 10c; special for Wednesday, pr. 10 A IJNE COT JfeEN'S PURE-WmTE-TAPEJBORDBR- , LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, regular 100 and 25o . varua; aperial for Wednesday, each. ....... 10 MEI'B FANCT SHIELD BOWS, for turnover col- lars. regular ttc valu; special for Wednesday, two for ......... j. ..................... . .25) HOME FOLK'S' PRE-EXPOSITION BALE. In Knitwear and Hosiery : : ' ; - : . Aisles : :' ' ? ' -FIRST FLOOR. - ." BOYS'-WAISTS" AT HALF PRICE Womn with underweer or hosiery buy, or rnoth -ers-who-would fiirintan extra blouse walat or two. ' for th boy' school wear, saving a half of th price, will be Interested In thes Wednesday specials: Women' Fin Imported Blsck Brtlllantln Lisle , Hose, with fancy drop stitch boots, full finished, spliced heels, doubt- sole, the. bent-wearing hoa - lery lnth-Clty?to-jv1ilua; extra special at, pair, --fOr vr-r-m . -WTrr,-r- ri-TTr n ili i .'.40 Misses' Black Mercerised Lac-Strlp Hdse, seamleaa. . doubl aol. Jio, too and 35a valu, for, pair 19 Woman' Whit Low-Neck Sleeveless Llal. Vests, " fin ribbed, very neatly trimmed, 169 valu; sp- . clal. acb 23 Boy' Red Percale Blouae and Shirt Waist, Moth- "'er's Friend banda, mad of excellent quality of per. cal. to valu; special at tt prlo. or, each 25 7";, HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION BALE. Wednesday in Silk Store IOC T H ANN E X. FIRST ' " LOORj- Twsty-flv day mor to. get th ummr dressmak. Ing over before exposition doing wilt demand ttn tion, Non too much time, either, for dressmaker arebnev. Are you following our Silk Specials T Thl for Wednesday only: , , ' c BLACK AND COLORED tXfFETAS 'o TD. s .v-Ai,vit Ati.-Mie mix iiJiaca ana uoiorva inti th best value ever offered at our regular prlc - of (to per yard, all color, including white. Ivory. ' cream and black, to choo. from: pcit fot - Wednesday only, per 'yard . .. .". .......98 "fff nn ....... w we w w Busy Jewelry Shops cTWen Furnishing Wednesday; may sd. -trajDAYjOPj "THEtGREATSALEr SPECIAL date of The - Community Has5Beeii to Reepgnize-the If Portland people do-tiot-tring tiheic needs impersonal. attire, and household .wantsjto to. the value, oftimej money and satisfaction,..That,s sermon in itself think it over. at any price, merchandise of poor or doubtful generous reductions. Tomorrow is the third afl-marlt nf . AUTHORITATIVE treinendQUSlorts to niake it so Our success is attested unparaljeledIHertKisgiganticock of'SessOTable'm Bv watchingjeachjjay'a salesinemay fill a eirggfegate purchase bought piece-meal. mense quantities. Now,-if ever fcpayir-to a mouse" and to plan dauytnp ta the store. JTWO SURPASS h. INGSPECI ALS )NES- ;Women's DAY-ONLY and Wr -Smartly-Tai Grand Salon 2nd Floor This is one of the house. The suits known New York women. IThey are .snop garments as - ar in very newest . : i Suits are satin Smartly .tailored garments, cut in very latest cheviots and fancy serges. In narrow and JJtfJlAii J 1 r l land house our usual $38.ou values. fflj F -Stylishi$12.50 and $1150 zdnesdaGnl9 fects. Some are handsomely trimmed in taffeta to match materials. Buying and selling as in a year than any other two Portland houses combined is an evidence in itself of the supe riority of our styles and materials as well as low prices. Tomorrow's offering is the best we have ever yet been able to make. $12.50 HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE SPECIAL WEDNESDAY ONLT VALUES IN Art SI19P, Corset Salons and the Junior s Store . SECOND FLOOR" 'BEDROOM SETS, consisting of , Urge laundry bag, shoe bag, work box, scrap bos, stand cover, bureau oOver and cushion slips, all mad to match of ' green, pink, light blue and cream art material Regular prlo. par set 17.60 $7.H .0 - Special price, per setrT. ..$5.47 S .$ v ROT AL WORCESTER SUMMER CORSET, mad of - - fin whit bat lute, th new medium-high bust - deep Prlnoeas hips, straight front, blsa cut and gored, hoee-supporters attached at' side and In - front. lse It. to, 10, regular prices $1.78; special at ..J... $1.48 CHILDREN'S WHITE, LAWN DRESSES, round yoke, with rows of hemstitching, two faflr-inch i . hemstitched ruffles around yoke, ruffles around : neok and sleeves, skirt . of , three hemstitched flounce, sges I ( i years, regular pries ll.fSr . special . . . . . ......v. ......91.50 ' ; HOME FOLK'S . PRE-EXPOSITION BALE. '-" - , , In r ; Wash Goods and Domes-. - tic Aisles - - - FIRS FLOOR. :"' A trto of eeptlonaC worth-while bargains' beckon the economically minded shopper tomorrow. IMPORTED PRINTED NETS, light and dark effect. ln croU and.Jlarl designs, valu toe; speqlal at, yard ........,... A mfrtv:. 38 WHITE SHIRTWAI8T-JL.INEN, valu 10c; pedal at, yard . . . . 35 OUR..BEST lSeQlTALITT ENGLISH. LONQ CLCH Hi peclrl.t, yard .5..,.,.,.f:UJ.l,0...i..ll) Supply These Summer- Needs-Todayi . Wednesday's HomeFolk's Pre-Exposition Sale of Extra Specials :WiUJNqt;llepeatIf-ytfiHwould-shars -' "-.i.,,,, . , ,,: . repond Wedncgday. ' V , , ' . ', NOTICE:- During continuance of the ut of town MAIL ORDERS will only be filled when paper in which Specials were advertiseL quaUty while the best that's made the Olds, day or the greatest, most interesting sale of STYI.Ei-4thaver been the priTilege uf this sLow-tgive i prJPurtland folfc-to enJcy.'T'WrhaVft made summex's wajtshavejajtumme as3t were at a figure as low or lower than watchTthe OldsrWortman & King daily announcements throthe public press fas a cat watches - If you 11 come tomorrowjrpu Jlfind the-tichest Newand Handsome' $38.50 most remarkably sales of superby-fashionable are made-up in. master" workmanship by expert men tailors," the product-of a leading, well house of national repute as style leaders and authoritative dictators of correct fashions for not of a class Jlo" be compared with the-plentiful supply of east side, New York, sweat exploited by some go-as-you-please stores of local Diouse ana jacKet1 etiects ana -isoiero-styies 1 ' xi i 1.1 u " lum- umuuing s vuwr range uiat emulates piain mucs, Drowns, materials.. The most swagger lot of suits ever offered at a regular bpecial tor Wednesday only and taffeta lined and trimmed taste fully In round length effects, blue, black and fancy wide plaited and accordion plaited, styles and. and $13.00 values--for the day only at. ......... . HOME. FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION BALE. of Fashibpable Shoes . - THE "FAIR-WAT" BOOT SHOP. W E"S T . ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, -A'. ho for, vry , foot,. ' "very " mlnd. New, snap-. -py style,' In depends-. bl leather I foot -fitting. 1 last. Thes ..value ape-' olI for W dnesday-only. f 1. fjt: . i-v vis mm MEN'S $400 SHOES $4.10 : Men' high grade tan Russia calf lae Shoe, seal ; top, Blucher cut, made by Florshetm 4b Co, Wh- eago, to our order for-thl season' business, - regular valu 14.00; special Wednesday only, ' pair ................ ....... . .94.80 WOMEN'S 4.00 SHOES' ! Women' lac Shoes, patent Ideal; kid, matt kid " top, turned' soles, comfortable heel, a light, dressy ho for summer-wear, regular valu 14.00; spe- - ' clal. pair ..T...S3.35 ' , 7" MISSES ANp CHILDREN'S SHQES. a. - ' lease and ohlidren' lac Snoea. vlct kid. spring ' tieel, guaranteed in every way, patent tlp, inserted lao plec: . .. Blse I to (, no heel, regular, value fill; 'pedal, pair 88V -Blse t Or spring heV regular valu IttO; special,' pair 9S Slses IVfr to II. spring heel, regular valu . $1.76; special, pair............;... tl.80 Slses It to J. spring heel, regular valu . , ,$8.00; special, pair.,.:.....,..., 1.40 :25M0RE1J)AYS ONLY OP THIS " GREATEST .SALE INORTCAND'S-HISTORYr HOME - FOLKS PRE-EXPOSITION SALE post - mark bears date not later than 24 hours of r -w us this month it is because they are indifferent And, moreover, one cannot afford Jo purchase, Wortman & King kind-is offered at such new and DEPENDABLE goods, that bear the the past two days in this wonderful, 4ays begin, and possess that paidbytbis store "laid'down' here In im list of bargains yet among-the WEDNESf. .-sV( Street Suits ever conducted by a Portland" repute. The suits comprising this offering serees.- rtnamas and -smart mannish, mix- . - . . , . , ' DiaKS ana iancy mixea price of $40 bv anv Port- ' $26.95 at a choice for..";...'....,.. fancy braids and silks. . pop! mixed granite cloths. severely tailored ef yrt do more skirts $7.98 HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION BALE. Jardinieres Flower Pots . FOROARDEN AND SCENIC DECORATION. r- Brooms AjT BPECIALPlilCEB FOTt WEpNE8DA T. JDNLT.t ;i.-ni.t mT riro "6 RT:.,jrzr Th CIvi ImprOVKment Society l"ngagd in a grand work. Even a diamond will become dulled in bril liancy from neglect to kep clean ditto a city, even though that city be th "City Beautiful" Portland. Let help th If ague. -Beautify your home sur roundings, th walk about your home, and th gfcr-' dens.- A close watch of our special sale and a sharp respons will lessen th strain on th pur In ma-. Ing th improvement. . . , r BPBCIAL BALE OF JARDINIERES WEDNESDAT." Regular too Glased Jardinieres, H-lnch slse; . ... ... ... ... ...... Regular I0o Glased Jardlnlsres, 7-lnch s1il . pcial . j . , .,.,. 18t 194 - , w,., mtmwt , - ' PCll ,w i , .. ..,.., v.... r ..d. 20) '1' HAND-PAINTED JARDINIERES. Regular $1.00 Crimped Top S-ln. Jardiniere; "" !' special . . . . ..........., ..TO Regular $1.10 Crimped Tat-ln, Jardlnlerea; peclal. . . fl.15 V' TATTOO ALARM CLOCKS. ' That ring an .Intermittent lrm -for 10 minutes, mak- Ing life mlserabl and sleep out of th question for 1 minutes unless, atopped. regular $1.10 value: special at ....... vf ,......1.13 , . I - 1- BROOMS, . Good Quality Light Brooms special at... .10), No. 1 rarlor Broom, extra quality; special. .. ,.374 HOME FOL1TS PRE-EXPOSITIO SALE HowItj ay:;: Uridermuslin Prices . .j, ia uu-gesi assorTmenta. daintiest ooncepUon sud wH-rntM oepenaam wn- pricea thl month that mak 5 i oi in juion. pay In th prices ai.ked by.ota., "r store, and noma sewlna a a A " expensive ,.ior women Nifi'ni UOICfn who tlm wortlL iXu- niftlll . 8peclJ Welnedy: LADIES CAMBRIC GOWNS. In attraotlv Emplr ' fWVwia lapels,-trimmed with embroidery ln- "7lo"nd beading, with draw ribbon In front. 15 Inian lace edging at lapels ta front and at ?- lwvo o gown of muslin, stmrw ybke, V-shaped nck. trimmed with four row of lace insertion b-IVtwaen-BU rows) f embroidery insertion and "two clusters of tucka,-regulr prices ll.l and IL09; :J-pcJ4-.t-Tr5T. J.-; . . . . .... . .i.'Vj.;i.T8 CHILDREN'S FIND - MUSLIN " GOWNSj hlghTMak! V and lawn rufG at neck, front nd sleeve )Ak-TrWi-.-i-iu-;'--- -j I iit Regular prlo.,.... 40o 41 4o Ot Elo St SI SI SpeeleJ price -, JTo SO S30 S6 4So 40 ao ,BOMB FOX3CB FRB-EXFOSinON SALBl CurtainsCurtain Swiss "T VR T1ITB W'RI5l5wS, AND CROQUET SETS FOR TO V RTH-FlTO OR. .WHITE NET CURTATNS"iLS- wall Kurned Nt Curtains. yard long, trtm- ; mtngaof hxc-insertion and edge,-In wh it. and "-"Arabian, finished with heading and easing, ready -4o hang; special at, r2Tr5rf....t,,.,,flJ5a 1 SoCITRTAIN SWISS li CENTS - ' " .:J "... . -Whit Curtain Swiss. In an assortment H--jz terns, dots, trlp and figures,-8 lnche wide. 777"ula-Tlv Ml Pill,-yar4. . . . , j , t..v-.11 W -CRC-QUET iy n'." '' " . KIht-BU Croquet Bets, rscutar valne tl.Sft; sfe- ?!aL t.... SJ1.19 HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE ONS V Wares ' .FiRirirtoos, . ... A mae-netla sextet tf extra narUI ta I Wednsdyttlyra. 1 " to SPOOL OF THREAD I CENTS - ' . Black Linen Thread, good and atrong for sowing on buttons, Nos. IS to 60, 100 yard en apoor.' '.. rlu cr speolal at. spool.. fJt.. ...... .3 6e SEWING MACHINE OIL I. CENTS ' " Best quality Sewing Machln OIL valu (c; rp- clal at. botU ) as 3 3t PERFUME TO (!KM8- -' - - " ' - Imported French Perfumery In bulk, odor Tlolet. uraoappie, neiioirope, Kose. jiae, japanesw Lily. etc., value I5c; special at, ounce. k10f 16 PETROLEUM JELLT IS CENTS , Larg sis glass jar, on pound, pur rerrned - Petroleum Jlly, vaJue $6ci special at, bottl 15j INK WRITING TABLETS S CENTS ;J" ' - ? . Ink Writing Tablet, ruled not and pacet tse. . smooth finish, white paper; special at. eaclv. ,.5) To ENVELOPES CENTS' PACKAGE-" . "." Cream Wove Envelope, extra fine, XXX quality, lse 014, $6 In package, regular value To; special, package 44 HOME FOLK'S PRB-KXPOSITION SALE : , SFECIALS FOR .WEDNESDAT IN Tl4fc - Women's ; Haberdasherie Fussy Itttl tlxln" and vrytfay neceeeltle at price resolutely reduoed to bring crowd of shopper t the fancy good shop tomorrow. ' Whether 'tl a bit o' lace, t dainty touch of neck drees, a "kerchief or th always needed and always missing umbrella you've in mind If here for lees far less than, ven its cotr tomorrow. . Better b quick. 60 INSTEAD OF 15o FOR TURNOVERS.. - wA. r ' : Ladles' Enrbrolderod Turnover Collar, some plain, other with front tab, value to ISc; special t, ach ...........'.........-..... ,8) , .ONLT So FOR Sto lJlCESANDlrNSERTIONS ,? Torchon Laces and Insertion. 1 Inch to S Inohe in width,-pretty patUrna, value to 0o in th - lot; special at. the xrd. .....5) 2po HANDKERCHIEFS FOR ItH CENTS J: -11 Ladles pur linen -Handkerchief. 'fine imported r" goods, embroidered nd hemstitched borders, reg ular lOo value; special at, each... .....1.2 1-2) $1.76 AND $1.60 i'MBKELLAS FORS CENTS r- Ldle-Umbrlljl, In plec dyed taffeta or fin , cotton serge, guaranteed fast black, new, up-to-1 - date handle of pearl, silver, gun metsl and nat- ural wood, sis ot frame. -,mcha. Thee TJm brella r abaolutely th best mad for-th money. They are our ' regular $1.60 and. $t.7S "Talues." Special sal price, each... .084 HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALES HAVE STRENCOUSLT "BULLED" THE DRESS ; . .'. ; OOOD8 PRICES. - ' - lOUTH-AMKlJC-TIRST .. "" F L 0 O St - : ' WEpNESDAONLT SPECIALS. ; , Sale ar doubling and trabUng tboe of last year" early May day sv No wonder! Portland women ar dlacrlmlnatlns. critical ludsea of valnea inA Mrtlra." 'lar a to tyles; that' why business I Increasing Iter and crowd growing large dally." BLACK CHEVIOTS, SERGES, GRANITE CLOTTIS 1 AND RIPLET SUITINGS All pur, wool and positively feet dye, our regular $ grade; spe cial for Wednesday only, yard....'. ....03a) COLORED DRES8 FABRICS JIXTR A SPECIAL 64-Inch All.Wool Suiting, In new 16S efferle. all . 4 street . shades, regular $l.t values;, special for : Wednesday only, yard , 021 $$$0 "TARD8 OF NOVELTT SPRING SflTl.VO -In Panama VoU. Chrk Panama.Neat Ktiir.l v Panama, all hard-twisted worsted yarns. Just I. thing for shirtwaist suits, mci.led value at - $1.26 per .yard; pecil for Wedneeday ', yard ... ... C ,VfLi M WW vl WtW