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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
7T : XHE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY -EVENING.-; MAY HM-1 T Morrill - V.nn.r Seventh and Oak Bireen, roriiKno, aber containing cmpalm llUratura." - If en U. to si ht4jw all that ha .eoa" "in thi'wvmi- pnrtlamt elty lactlnn laracUcaJlr QVT WiUx XCffPt ..l-JnUgWtlOB.. Pt- 5TTy That. rlVht Fred Aiyour old friend Chauncey Uop.w ay, tba 4pmtt wli i y CbAincy Muallr; f 1 T .w.. .m nnminul ta ennceda rour election. aow.m wn". ? .?""f . lif ml nffr a aurieation. .WhtV .ll.ncla, your WpAl lMir-eTlop ' ,1'UJW L-..J- 1 I :i--r,- " " 7 - SCHOOLS OF ' ; 7 r:; -; focnded. jais lick.- - .y;y: . ; -, ;7 ':'ry'V r r "2 . -.g;-..-.-- " r ''- . :. v w , : ' "X lJUvIvT : . ... . ...... . Merrill Han.; : ...1,...-,.-.. :.. A - . 1 PliS,ik.- .51) I ti J k:J 1 I v.,;. . ... a SI-.-- I .Z'"- Carididaferf of Mayor OT ARTIST'S EVE 'Zimmerman Say Those at.Fair ' No More Objectionable Than ; Z'-3r-.Can'dy StoreirrTrr-?-. WHICH STATEMENT CAINS APPLAUSE LOOKED FOR But No Mora. Licenses Will Be Granted rto Sell - Liquor ;. Near-Exposition. - ngeveral. minister. !n th. city dealr ua to revoke thaa license, for saloons In thr Tlctnlty of tha fair ground, but It seems to m that It would be highway robbery on our part to do so," declared rounMlTnirrr Zimmerman at th meeting ii . i - .. . TO . r- - of tho.Bofllctna-commltte. nf th. I. tonreat Fk-Qertachen. . t crty councu yesterday. "TTesemcaT0'-"' rtnt mtntt- ' ' .hav erected or leased buildings at con TrIoeTlMantip6nsIa expectation of se curing licenses, and X would Just a. aoon go out and bold them up as revolt their license, at this tlmav--7.. "These saloons are no 'more objection able than the many little fruit and candy bootha. , Thasware respectable looking placea."'.- Mr. Zimmerman hesitated and looked around, and a dosen or more saloon men expressed their approval of his remark by generoua applause. - Mr. Zimmerman smiled and continued: . . "But I want It. distinctly understood that I believe there ax. enough saloons Klshts with tha CzbyT Ws It eome dlitrtwlng skta .ffmlmil sn ef it. Hmu ef aaspy SMttars dally sae Uarhsza Soap In InKy'a safb. Kill. Imm p.rMiiea. rpe4lly altar. Initallna af ftp and .kin. ludin-o ro.t( ulcs. Keeps bby sMt and eithr Wm rh.On., ,nroi. rro'al., lirkltif. all Mils Mrrnm, HABriXA OAP Is truly oaf.rfuL What H tea fne baby It IP 4. tot rati. If. tba swat anothlaa and ailafHrg toilM, bta an annary scapa. ) animal f.ta. Maah-atM. Antlaitl, p. aarUua..S''reahJt. Uaallsg. rrasnD. A Brcatl of Ptac BaUtai I Ltctt Cake Try It Y"'T1 beernivlorrd. tarra SSe.eckas,. Has. S eakM. Me. -prnedM.'. B-raa Mbetl' tuiM, Na aojp la Jf'll'-.tM like Hamna. - M..arartsrM bf PUILO HAY KFIHlAt. Tim Co.. m:vaBK. n. 1, Take aethlog Sara w l! bout taw susaiore 3 J6uc &. (s'eirtaHe vara piae WVOOAaVD, ,!.... OOn 1 1 ATQ Tou tttayina Ua ,--4- r- W Portland In' thaTlocality. and wili Bo Tot. 1 arant knt jnora.IIcan8a. -j farfet alianaa areatea twia, t. but Councilman Flegel smiled approval. and declared that go far as he was con-1 earned no more license, would be granted. Th. member of th com mittee said they would not" revoke the license already Issu.d, but would grant do new, ones. Five acpllcatiena for licenses to 'eon duct saloons near the fair grounda were refused follow:'1 . -. Jamea B. Flnnegan, li "Thurman street) - Frank Schmltl, .16$ , Thurman street; Vf. lm Bchue, 867 Upshur street; Jacob TJnger, 781 Thurman street and B. H. Spranger, Twenty-fourth and Nkv olal streets. The application of Bchmltt aV Henke, who own a hotel at It Thur man street was laid on th. table until next Monday when a restaurant license, which permit th holder to serve liquor with meals, granted. s 1L Klecker waa refused a license to conduct a aaloon at lit Washington street In th. Imperial hotel 'building. Ar' B. Btelnbach. In a communication to the committee, atated that he had rented the place for a mualo halt and that had lie known what It waa Intended, far he . .. i j . . - wvuiii nut nave vvni ev. Licenses were granted a follow: " ' Wright Dickinson Hotel Co.. Sev enth and Stark; Julius Jonesr -184 North Sixth street; White Harrta, t36 Market atreet; L. Mj Pallnbaum, lit Washing' cini. " tSaerlal Ddpatdr -la T. teuMLl'- r Eugene, Or.,- Mir t In the circuit court for I.n. county William T. Hlg gina ha sued for separation from Mar garet Hlggins, alleging desertion. They were married at Ballard,' Washington, October 25. 1003. W. O. Thatcher has sued for divorce front Ida Thatcher on the ground of cruelty. They were mar rled In Michigan June IS, 1901. Mary 8 Kaufman says Howard M.-Kaufman de serted hrr: she therefore wants a dl vorce, They were -married In low. March 15, 1S8S. mmk09 mm. Ming Hair My waa ear Urn y ear eev erad wUh d.adrnir aettaaaaa Ilk. a Aia aaae. Hare aaa4 Hair, health ara aad Ban aoaandraff oa anr E ii.irtaaartarana oca kealthlar kl."-P.H. P.ulcle. HI Hmerlnt., n.N.I. m . . .a . a a raaniTcir naiaTta waiaiaii Mirf ailing, nnnca ban yootsrai mini 10 grar hair. AldV4 by IIAHFI.1A. gOAP, bala, aropeltrtalng. proniotre ana balr gftwth. lrga AOr. bnttlra. dmrc (,'. Tike aothlBf without itUo Uay 0. slgaature. Cut eat sad alga thla Take tn say of fnTlnwInf drngglat d get V. bottle Jj.irbo.ria aad 5c, cake Harfloa Soap, both- tor eoct or a- t by Pbilo Bay Co., Jiawark. It. J., arfl4, l" ne, and thla a. Tie. aoap aot glW hr arnsclate wltav 60c. tot UaUbealt. A K.aM. ,.. p asaraaa WOODJLXO, OZJtmn ft CO rourtli 11 ir I . .a r 1 - . T v k he can't win and yon ,-ing' n4 working for VORK IS FINISIIEDr NO HONEY IN SIGHT Manager of Pacific Bridge Com pany Complains Bitterly of Fi nancial Disappointment: THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DUE ON HIS CONTRACTS Labor Honestly Performed r in .Souths PortlandHae- Not Been Paid forYetzzziZ There is due u 191.000 In complefed contract In Bouth Portland, and I can not get a cent of It," declared George W. . Simon, manager of th Pacific Bride company, today. . "There are the fill, at Flrat and Wood tret.-Kront and Wood streets, and Corbett and Pen nover atreet. finished last December, '" t.ih trs Trrr- I--- laiaaijuLav. TrWWf W ay and the First, street bridge completed last Bentember. .for which w war. to recalv. 1(1.000. ' "We are not grafter or boodiers; tn work haa been performed aooordlng t the plan and peclnctlony- and we ae aire our money. We are paying i. per cent Interest for large sums borrowed to. do th work." Msny attempts have been made to collect the assessments. but without success. Each tlm tn council proposed to collect the money to tajr- for the Improvement th prop- ertv owner filed remonstrances and nrnteet. alleeinr all sorts of irregu larltiea and Inequalities. Several of those most active In opposing tha col lection of money to pay the coat were prominent In aecurlng the improvement. All the desire is to get inis matter in such a muddle that the city will hav to pay for th work nut of th general fund. . "TH mAunli lua An tha First street bridge may not be paid for months. The aaaeasment Tor thJ Improvement Ma held - un pending the outcome of th election, to see whether or not th peo pU- are favorable. to lh. OolwHJi II, hlch provide tor a j-mui-tax tor bridge It. may b months after elec tion berore w receive any money it the amendment peaM. If It doe not w do not know how of when-we will our pay.' .We think It I an out- rae-e 4hat the neopl should treat ny eon t factor as they are treating ua. one councilman haa " told u .that th ccn traotoranf Portland obtained too much money for . their contraota, and that large contractora from outside cltle should b. Invited to enter bid. - W would ilk ta hav. our work set out to foreign contractor as a sample of how publlo Improvement are managed In Portland, and see how many of these outside Contractor wbuld - enter ' Ui Held.' - - "They talk about th dishonest eon- tractor and th honest eltisen. but would like to have definition to shots where the contractor belongs after hi work haa been held up as our baa be.n. Property owner petition to have an lm firovrmem anaee m a oanain manner and the Invitation I anewored by com' petltlve bidding. The work goe ahead and the -contract la finished.; Than th team creaeur on th part of th property owner goe . down whan the ,aaeaaot appear in th. newspapers .worth i.arln, ri.nt.- hut fan t rat h nv It However X know w hii It. woiJd Vultma jMf MWtll tf you could parauada youraelf that yoa had not recalled thU "oall to datr.l, ".rtu-i M Twlh toVU Sinft.t yoiav mad th ortYuI ir certainly eapaAU JvlM " thr Z "t Portland Jwlb?. h"l?ful '.amTnlatration. Xour dafuittlon of JP "'J? 'a oirdawwlV"tt c!S laid down for th. Plymoufhxcolontau bryourjrood old "M,- Bw whoJod SIS rSm in th MalowMtut thin U lonf way from th. Mayflowar to th. lwla and CUrtt axpoaltlon. Tou them wm in th. JlyJ-tut!, eaaturr oubllo opinion. Extrnltd wlU not arae with yov. hT,ThVmaaaa. of -vtfTorouVhly deJant atafthTeommonw.lth 1. what I tak to t your M-of a YuUtd pn town.-ri.; ? h?r?.u?i' !?!rli... In? 1 rr diHona akin to th blu. tow. nnd than tm -lht nroand nd -foolftd into votln for a Taar after eouraa and nr. wlaar than w X ahall not be able to "TjOva'o May ana W-lERilLlJls a Vofet ilaicl" ' Saturday May 6thMarH: Your Ticket Thusly Take-Notice ! will wtte yoor vote. He ii the othcr candidater hewing the' amount each ; parcer of property la taxed, ana the prntasr goes up. It look to u If the contractor was holding the aaok, and th property owner were doing tn anlplng." - - - aUnrUATa XJiSPJBOTXOV flBXT. -na4. naBatek ta Tba loBraaLi ' Wiiafn ft. - Uir t.-Manraaer B. -A. Worth Inst on and a party of other South ern Paclfla railroad, official war In Eugene yesterday, on their annual In BDaniiAn viair. 1'nav announcea mat a naw na.aanaar denok would bO'tbUllt Th. M. .tnnntd at Henderson and went over the right of way for th pro posed Bpringneia pranoav- a !-!- Babs Awful Suffering from Eczema Could Not Hold Her Tore Face and Arms Almost to Pieces firatpful MfftVr'yfi : "CUTICURA REMEDIES SAVED HER LIFE" "When my little irirl was six month old, she bad ecxemr W. had used cold creams and ail kind of remedies, but nothing did her any good; 'In fact, be kept getting worse, a tuea to wrap her hand up. and when I would dress her, I had to put heron the table, for I could not bold her. She would kick and scream, and when she could, he would -tear her face and -arm almost to piece. I need foot bore of CutJcura Ointment, two cake of Cntl corn Soap, and gave her the Cutieura Resolvent, and ah. we cured, and X ae no trace of the humour left. I can truthfully aar that they have eared her life, and I should advise any one n Bering a she did, to give Cutieura g fair trial. Mrs. u. a. tonraa, Juitv ben, N; H., Feb, 7, 1898." FIVE YEARS LATER Mrs. Conrad Writes " " It is with pleasure that I can In form you that the cure has been per manent. It la sow six year since she waa cured, gnd there hag been so re turn of the disease since. X have ad vised lot of friends to nse Cutieura la all diaeases of the skin.' Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cutieura Soap and gentle anoint tags with Ctrticnrs Ointment, the great skin cur. This Is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and econom ical treatment for torturing, disfigur ing, itching, burning, scaly, crusted gnd pimply skin ana scalp humour. SalS aki'laabaal M vert, rsttaaia HmliaaL aa, (l tens at iWw Oaato4 Pllla, at, m ,11 ml mt, rXataat. W... So, . Ten Dt.f A Chaaa. Crp aaa,lalfraga, W SaaAaainaWslaia laaa. H llliaav WWII nas s a s s You !o ot wan It nnl... you c.n rr.:k.rr:.V.r MuM mm tht d&v iTu soati humUlatlrig thln to ... m.LirtlluuilH w.n girintarDoUtlo. with tha Ida that tat you? love of freadom.caa countf ?n,4: JJo,tt how much jron eTot tho Offlea. do tba iiopi. will and It la th. duty of ronunaioiy ""'-- :." V .-ii - . viar the aood paopli biv. rafuaTto Join wlffl tBo.. Who hav. arguad for raaaoanbl. and poaalbla mlddl. Crlr&Srta .W p.rpetuat. th. ioodl.rf. -1 Hopw-th. ppl. o Ported lot or ponucai.iax V,- nava Pens . . t.4.i. n4 hrlnr n tn oaoiea. -rnanaa mr uia attend, but w. ahjirtry to -tend a food only ' knock- BLANKET LICENSE FOR LIQUOR AT FAIR Exposition Corporation Will Get Privilege of - SetlingSaloon -Goods for Qn' Dollar. .Jl blanket license covering all the concessions In the fair grounda. Includ ing th - exclusive - privilege of nselllhg liquor wax recommended by the liquor Ucena committee of th city council yesterday afternoon to th Lewi and Clark - exposition - corporation for th nominal um of li. President H. W. Goode and . Attorney 'Dan V Malarkey, rpreo8tIftg"ooTiiOTatlon wererre-ent-nnd argued that th city had th right under th aUt laws te grant such a franchise. President Good Stated that about II concessions for selling liquor within th fair grounds had been granted. All ahsaai will ant hav. to Bar IR city eg stata-liquor license, but they Will ba taxed by the corporation, ana wm o .....- ... A I va.. .nn.nft.lAfL I "There will not be a bar tnths fair grounds,"2ald leslderit-Uood-aiir the meeting. "Prinks, such a beer and "wine! will b. served . to customer . ..V.I.. I. ...I. hall. ThiU places will be In the nature of restaufH ants. The place will &e open, mo inai everybody may e what" I going on. There will be no curtains, no stained glass windows, and, the best of ordef will b preaerved." A TOUCH OF ROMANCE - - r ' ir WORKADAY WORLD Although past three scorK nnd 10. MOsea M. White, a shoemaker of Salem, decided to marry the sweetheart of his youth, and yesterday afternoon secured a license to wed Mrs. Llbbl Teetakora, aaed f 1 rears.' Mr. Teetskorn was a child and. White had almost searched his majority when they became acquainted in Illinois more than half a century agx The removal of their families to differ ent cltlea separated them, and 'In tlm. both married. White', wife died and he married Caroline - Bloper, who died In Salem about a year ago. After her death he learned of the whereabouts of Mrs. Teetskorn. , and a correspondence re sulted - In-an- - engagement and Mr. Teetakom cam from Illinois to Oregon to be married. t Whit 1 now Involved In aome liti gation over the estate of his second wife.-; "--- -- - HOTEL ARRIVALS. At th .Portland! T. It, Ovambora. Jr., New Tark; O. J. Halney. geattl.: I. tioldla. g.atU.1 ft. r. MaeAaaaT Manila: Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Slntara, Ia ABgalra; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Illeaktaaa, SeatUe: O. Harhrag.l, ItaaUl 1'arki W, w. Oaaaldr, Naw Yurki S. Bnter. New York I Mr. and Mra. B. Bngara tlanaoa: A. Harbart Mew York! A. Stsart betmlti J. O. (Lraae, K.w York; K. O, psaa, R.. r.adsee . V. U.WBIH, nasi a-raaanaeo: aar. mnm aar.. a. A. -racaae, iwiawaret 4. u. t'aanwjj, im tmlt; Mra. Mabel Khaahan, Ssa rranl; Karl ' A Dlaaartrong Cnjaaslty. ' .. T la a disastrous calamity, when you lose . your health, because indigestion and constipation bae aapbed It away. lYompt relief can be had In Dr. Kins' a New Life Pill. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headache, dla siness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at Ked Cross pharmacy. Plxth and fHk atreeta. On th. way to th. post erne , . 1.: wu -a. --. I hv bn flshtlnc for btttet..cnni1U1ftn puhllo officer to .ink hia lndlTtdual wtataM. ta-lhdra k. ahara af 1 km In V " I-.,.,. .- -. .. exhibit ft Bra. a- -T- - - . --a-r- -1 - I For a Regulated Opn TownThe People's 3 - O tVAStBat W ...v We e ayewn aad triage wart wirfceet sala. Oar IS yaars' easacleaee la Plata wark as skies a to fltyoar saoath eesttertably. Dr. W, A. iriae has teas aar. way t .street taeOX without pa la. . Dr. T. P. Wise Is sa sspert at l4 rllllag aad erewa and brleae wart. Bxtraetlag, tree wkea platea as bridges are ordered. - , WISE BROS. Dentists yeotag nlUUa. eae. Tali an Weak ge, -Opea evealas till m. a. Saadayslf9at-t to IS. Or. MalS 02. TE ET H Extracted and filled anaolutaly wtthent pain by our lata aolentlflo method, pat ented end used by us only. Free anam ination. : : l y -v . itlTOtn paOPUi aftd thee who dread having their teeth extracted are invited to call at our office, where we will demonatrate to their entire a.tll f action our claim for painless extract ing. . ,- - . KTLVKR nLLmo. .............. ROa GOLD FIIXINOS 7B4 and MXAXt l AND 110 OOLD - J CROWNS ..-ta.OO and f B.H FULii sirrr T1UCTH. ...... . $ft.OO Boston Painless Dentists wk. at OMxatnr r s - 6pp. Kalaw li Tmnk aad Old rontofBos, Hours 1:10 a. m. to p..m. Sunday, :t0 a. m. to 11: p. m. To ba sure you are In th tight place eom In and get bottle of' Vt. m, Ia Oravea tooth powder, free. 1 1 : 4 B. Teeper, .a yraaelaeei 7. Oarratson. t gpe kaaei f. 0. Kryalaar,' At the tmawlali . B. AMMiiaaa, Taeeaaai F. D. Kalaaa. Lealavllla, Kaataeky) K. K. West La Oraadei T. B. Alley, -IUisbarg Mr. sad Mrs. B. W- Oaaxett aad daaansars, Blaleeki A. Badler, Cbleagoi . PeanJag, Ohleagoi Mra. W. . -evll.mlta, Pr.ui. Gltyi J. sV- Mokars, Sia PraBelaee; Mr. sad Mra, A. M.. K.lsay, Moi fclnr. - .At Ua Parkins: Kste Pesrl. ArHogtsat X. Rick Caayoa City: Ul, and Mi. 5 tlH.kaau. Maana !lrv. laahel Mra. - J, ' H. Kouey. St.; T. Jk.-krK Peadletaai yiuaabua aaeseiaa! t. warn, m. and Mra. I. A dm. Pallmaal . Siarlla, P)ll. Plalae. Pann.ylT.nla; J. . M. M- lvaa, akaedau, Waabliiftdai Mra B. M. Aldrlch, HrlH.I V.ll- VI r. 7. ' 1 WlHOI AIU4 K. Mesyaiaa, Hlllabnrot Mr. nd Mts. Osi nieehart, Xanland: W. 0, rMfnrd. Seattlaj aUv aag mis, a, a, .it uutv-onu ware - 4 San Pranclaca. ..ikiI t&"t)i arBoaltlon. . .TT" ' tHavc a Large Line OOI Ilti. arrjtTWAJaTT AJTD 1 also lAdles -underwear, L- dlear Swl.a-Rlbbed Veata, Fin LJal Vaata, long and short sleeves, low neck, all color whit, pink and blu; all slsea. Prloes . - , -. From t85c"inj'tQ$3.25y THE 1VESTERN IMPORTING CO. iM-vnwxrrmwxmmme, or, ou rosxomoa. Direct Xmporter of Chine . and - Japans. .Curtoa,- Xvory, notare rramea, BCa- ' ting. Pong so auk, ate, Park aad Wsshingtoo, Portland, Oregon The School ol Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL COMPLETE Open ad the "year. Catalofue tree s ' A. P. ARM1TR0NO. LL. B PRINCIPAL; WOOD COAL WOOD' T AM xoruarv Wood and Coal Ken. ! If yon are looming lor nne, ory wood, A Nav I quality at low prte., Just look! over thee, figure and call US4up. 1 yvy pis, -yes eord. ........ V.. ..-.fa.ys prr Oak, yat .ed . 1 ttni i . . f . . f xo p Dry Aa. pat Mid .a.00 We make a spnctalty of Sawed Wood,' aad all leading Brands of Coal. TBYAYIS toa- Phone Main J10V 43 Bverett Bf. " Between Twelfth and Thirteenth. . 5IG. kSICHEL Ol CO. S Third Stre, . - Slatrlbutsril, OH gAXJC Xyt&TlYSKAi:-l ' -1 D. -Wr-AtrttX. leWDofQUMin .