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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
dz Z: r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' TUESDAY r EVENING, .MAY-, 2, - 1905. V II tOVN TOPld - Umpire ......... Jj-rle Htar -........,. r Orand The Marble Heirf ,...U"M7 Farmer" ...;......Vaml.vlll .......... V4lll --- la at vT ---Or ere " . . . T A. U "Barburofthe Portland dela tion to the session of tha head camp cf e Woodmen of the- World,- return from Loa Angeles - yesterday, and aaya that much beueflciaLlesiSlatlon en aotad at, tha convention. - Anion " th measures were those cutting off tha per diem of all head camp officers and re quiring all head banker to deposit tha funds on hand, including dally balance, so that interest may ba drawn on auoh money. -Bom mam bars proposed, aa Act providing i,ox the reduction on policies falling due in tha flrst op second year they wera .taken out cyTeaaon 01 the 'death arlKi"hu1dij bat Mr.1 Hal- bur does .not know whether .this actWtU 'pass. "James Wird." who pleaded 'guilty Bat- TOTday to a charge of larceny of(oodi valued at ft from the dwelling-or James Hailey. was aenteneed to five yeara in -the penitentiary by Clroult Judge Fraser this morning.; Asked if he naa enytning to say. Ward replied that na nad never been-ln 4aU before When? shown a plor "TureHtakw of lilin w ban, lie was pris- oner in the Washington penitehtlarT Walla Walla and which was a perfect likeness of him. even" to a slight scar on the right ear. he declared that'll -was uaphotograph of hla twin brother, who. he said, la now in Portlands The assert - j Hon failed to deceive the court, and no JeniBneywaa-Mtended. Councilman A. K. Bentley's proposed ' bill board- ordina-noe, which waa tabled two weeks ago. was resurrected by the llrense nmnmlttee yesterday, sad an-at - tempt will be made to- pass ft at the -meeting. ,of the city council tomorrow, A copy of the ordinance will be made "-for earh"cbunlimnand Foster KJelr aerv-who have a-roo araverUalngrhuslnfss :in":Ulla City; will be ssked to submit a list of their bill boards, with sixes, to the committee. ' -. In all probability the ordinance will be ' returned to the committee again." Tomorrow-afternoon at 1:10 o'clock . . at the -Unitarian- chapeL - Seventh and was for a long time-secretary of th Portland Camera club, and who- is still "On of Us most akiUed member, will afve address -on' "Outdoor Photos i-j-Tapby," the talk to7 be freeTr ntuWratedrf J 1, .... . - . lL.i .. A. t . . U. J . I . as well as students desiring better knowledge, will derive both pleasure and -rbenefl-from-ths lecture. The business ; . meeting will be, called at 1 o'clock, - while the lecture will begin at tilO ' :: o clock. 'i . The annual exhibition of the girls' class of the Portland TurnTereln-was-given i laat night and took the form of a May. pole drill. Alter the drill the boys' : : r class gave an exhibition of club awln j- ing and shewed their ability to climb by mounting a pyramid of tables and chairs. A combination dumb bell am ,wnd drill was given by clssses of r.&rnnJind'ilrla, . and the women's and i -girla classes gave an exhibition on the ' rtnge-and parallel barg.r: r - - A. P. Stover, connected with the agrl - r. cultural department of the University of vuipHe-toTrveTal' years, left Ban . Vranctaoo yesterday for Portland, where . ' i he will establish headquarters for the . .. purpose of making extensive examlna- tlona of the arid lands of the state. The -- rework wilt be under the direction of the reclamation bureau of the interior, de- . , ... pertinent,,. . 1 .. : AH the statii societies 'are invited to - , - meet with Indiana on Wednesday even , - ing at K. of P. hall. Marquam building. , Mrs.- Weatherred will give- her tereoptl- - - con lecture on tne'tst. luis ralr. Carl Jtobinson, with, his illustrated songs, will - also taks part. The evening's entertain ment is the flrt of macy i'at homes'.to be given- by the Hooslers. . . All members of the membership eom mlttee of the W. B. Qlafke Republican -club are requested to meet the chair man of 'your committee at the olub rooms, Alleky halL tonight at 7:10 o'clock.., . Kindly be - prompt and bring with you your membership list.' ' By order of chairman. Edward Kewbegln. - A meeting -of the eighth ward Repub licans will be held at-Burkbart-hall. corner Union avenue and East Burnslde . street, tonight. May 1, at S o'clock p.. m Candidate W. B. Olafke and other speak era will talk on the benefits of Business City Administration. Mulo by the Olafke quartet. T-flro Invllfftl The official record of the transfer of the- Columbia theatre by J. E. Blaster to "BeJasco - V Mayer was Hied yesterday; " showing-JS8.600 to hsve been the exact Tiurchai -At.lha , time .was announced the price was given es f 100.000. the- difference being a form of "dramatlo license,' A full line of all the leading and most popular suspensory bandages are carried in stock by Albert Berni. the druggist. Second and Washington. Well fitting, easy wearing and at popular price. ' Call and ask for booklet giving reasons . why every man ahould have .one. -J, -'-' ----- '- ' ' - North Paciflo Steamship Co,' steam ship Roanoke, 1,400 tons, sails for Sag Francisco and Los Angeles, calling".! j Coos Bay and Eureka, Thursday, May ' i, p. m, from Columbia dock No. 1. ' Ticket office 1(1 Washington street, H, ' Toung, agent. Phone Main tit. - '. Steamer Redondo sails Thursday dl- rect for Ban" Francisco:"' Cabin, lit; steerage, $1. Meals and berth Included. C 1L Thompson, agent. 111 Third street A meeting of the Republicans of the Seventh ' ward will-be. .held at Blanck's hall. Thirteenth and PoweTTatret. "Wednesday evening, May S. at I o'clock. iSTYLISH NECKWEAR The Largest Variety In 50. Hrwrctt, Crt3y O, Co. XARXtl Ajrn rciiriiam. - y-843 Wathington Str4t ' . RIB 01AWO TXfaTkS. , I Candidate W. B. Olafke and. others in: . tereated in ths welfsre of Portland will explain tha- principle and advantage of a city Business Administration.. Tha uiarka qrtet. tut -am ianies- in Tiled. , . , , ...v j E. L.- Irvine, a physician-bavins st -zsoH"arsnir avenue. u ar rested this morning on a charge of In sanity and will be examined by the In aanlty. commission late this afternoon. Irvine la addicted to the . use of cocaine, and it is said that when he is under the Inf Itai everybody in -stsbWIUs -neighbors sa that recently he tried to kill hla aoit and they -are afraid he-may succeed Tr murdering some one. He arrested adsy; or; twoago ,for -threatsuing-ts huui iuv eupia in m ouuaing wnere ne nas oxiices. .' Haying made satisfactory adjust meats or 'Our lire loss, we are again open-; .for '.business. Shipments made .from our east side -Warehouse promptly and in good order. F. E. Beach at Co.. the pioneer paint company. 131 First street. - The annual conference of the Wes leyan Methodlat connection wilt be held atCenter - addition, EastPortland. on aiontaviiia car line. The onenlna serv tee" WlITTJS 7iel(r at 10, O'cldcsTTtomprrdW uiyi uifig,. - 10,000 Immigrants Wanted To "locate along the Oregon Water rower Rail way company's line between Portland and Eatacada. - For Information incmlr of the Oregon Water Power. Townalte I enmpinTi UFjrt street. Phone. Mala in. We clean 'and press your clothes and nine your shoes for si. 00 per month! Unique Tailoring Co.. 147 Washington. Mam sit. . ,, . .. . ; . . . : Panamas" bleached "by" Panama hatter, LAdlea1 and gents' hats renovated. ' Pa cinoHatWorls a2I8 - 4rrteS'3J"3l. -4JtrBnrghiTRepubJlcaa ,ajidida.t for. nomination of councilman, eighth ward, - -; . , : $1,000 reward fer any. adulterations found ' t-Oregon Orape'or Paciflo Cream. rTjyT meal without meat at the Vege tarian eafa. 10K Slrth atraat. '' Gilli Ital.-French restaurant tt 4 Upshur Ansley Printing Co., 150 Oak. DESERTED GIRL-WILti RETURN WITH FATHER Edith Stone, Who Eloped With J -Fr Allenrs Left Alone Mohtesano,"73: Through a blunder of the local police and a misunderstanding on the part of the autboriuea . at Monteaano. Wash lngton. J. F. Allen, who eloped with 1- year-old Bdtta Stone, has made bis ee cape. Word to this effect was received by the police last night .When Allen and. Miss Stone were ap prehended by the Mentesano authorities they were trying to secure a. marriage Mcena. Alter hearing -their atory th offlolala favored the marriage, and tele phoned uie police here. "IJov- by all - means prevent gue1r ceremony," was the - Instruction - sent by- the polloe"A charge wlU be tre ferred agalnet Allen bare and he wlU be Drought back.' R. P. Stone of (34 College street, the lamer or the girl, police instigation. went -into the poHce coort yesterday nf. ternoon and pref ernorntaTulory charge against Alien. -On receiving this information the Montessno authorities told Allen that ha was to be" prosecuted. It seems that a ciose watcn was not kept .on -Mm. and that be was not -imprisoned, and he tie. came so nadly frightened at the thought orpraeecutlon that be fled. . -t Htone laxt for Montesaim t hrfn his daughter home this morning. He said he waa llUe-tlt-ai CENSUS-TAKERS CHOSEN "T-BY ASSESSOR SIGLER UnUl all the detail of tha .nrk e taking the state census for . Multnomah county are arranged only 13 enumerators win do employed by County Assessor Bigier. i ney win attend to the enumera tion of the Inhabitants of Portland clusively. Ten others wllL nrohaMv-tut appointed to taks the census of outside towns ana precincts. Mr. BlgleY ssys be am "o'ecuia most or mem and wULaJtfs nounco tneir names 'liv "af ew dav. All are residents of the towns and nreclncta o wnica mey win ne ass sued."! tha assesspr believes that the work can be more astlstactorlly-porfermed by rest- f til-ma vi mn ranoui locaiiiiea man by strangers, una enumerators for Portland Carty, J. P. Lombard. 8. M. tJellert.-W. H. Tatge, H. J.-Kavanaugh, 1 I Thorn- ton. J. Ettelson. H. J. Toung, W. C. Bolton. C. D. Star, D. B.. Smith, F. E. Bwope and F. B. Forbes. WOULD ERECT STATUE IN BUTTE'S GRASS PLAT The - Ssoslawea Statue assoclstlon being In need of 11.000, -Senator W. A Clark of Montana has come forward with an offer Of that sum for the orlvl ege or reproducing the statue for the Columbia gardens, Butte's - patch of grass. The Members of the society, as rule, do not favor the sale of tha privilege, but it may be necessary un less some liberally disposed , person -or persons offer the amount of the treas ury deficit i - -n Stephen Connell will be- the head nf (he secret service division at the'Lewls and Clark fair., He, held a similar nosl- tlon at -St? Louis, - and will ' start, for PortisnaV-tron, -the -crty en May 11. -. Portugal a eomsnissloner. - - - Salem Daved. Is In Los Angeles. He wired Colonel Dosch yestsrday that he would arrive here within a few days-with the cosuy exhibit from his country. D. B. Frederick nf Seattle la reels- tared at the Portland. .- ' - Mrs. Mabel C. Sheahan ef Ban Fran Cisco is a guest of the Portland. J. Oarretaon orSnokane is registered at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Blenklron of Hast ings, Nebraska, , are : stopping at the Portland. W. K. Wsst of La Orande Is rest. tared at the Imperial. F. - EL. Alley -is a Roseburg cttttsen stopping at tha Imperial. Mr.-end-Mrs. A. M. Kelleay of Hood River are stopping at the-Imperhtt. - Mrs. hV N. Aldrlch of Bridal VeU is the guest ef the Portland. ; Mrs.. . J. Bright of Waaeo Is rs lstered at the Perktna - ;. - Mr. and Mrs. O. Rlnehart of Ashland re the guest of the Perkins.- 'i-w.. . W. C. E. Prultt will complete nreta- rstlona to take the exsminatlon before the supreme court June t and I for ad mission to the bar, . . In New; Building on Pacing Main Entrance and Exit of-Lewis CSi Clark Fair. MPPLY- 51 Chamber of Commerce or 393 26th Street MANY FRIENDS" WlLl -WfLCOMEJNGENU Miss . Virginia Brissac -Won ' Al Hearts When She Appeared ; . at Marquam. : , Miss Virginia Brlasac,- who will the lugcuua of the Bclasco atock-xm- pany, is not unknown in Portland, r". rin.ff la. a m , i , i jfcfA riai Virginia Brikgacr she ha . appeared here in stock -on numerous occasions," the last time with White Whittlesey, . who Is ." under : the same management as the new. .theatre. tthal of Beiaaco & Mayer.J - - The accompanying picture shows Miss Briasao aa aha appeared at ' the Mar quam as Hop Langham in "Soldiers- ef Fortune,!: which is not -only cne-of "tfter finest - achievements, but-na-of the prettiest Ingenue roles, ever written,. You Get a Full Quart." . An honet-uarKrttlerf-ar-merl llguui as ever paisod your lips when youbuy the TX O. rye whisky we sell. It is an appetiser, tonio and bracer at the same time, and Is a general favorite with all who value a good pure whisky. During the 10 yeara lnce we occupy our present location our firm has be come a synonym for honesty and truth 3Vby T -Because "w.e never misrepresent gooda our prices the same to. every buyer and thoguallty of our wines end HquoTsof-lhe-highest grade. We de liver goods free to all parte of the city. For the convenience .of our patrons we have done away with our local solicitors In order, that our customers should not be annoyed by their frequent and nn timely calls, and rely -sorely upon our telephone, number. Main 2625, through which you can obtain prices of our goods at' any time, and assure you of the best and most satisfactory treat ment .D. Germaun's, the family liquor dealer, 229 Morrison street :Cleartng-th Decks. For the new 1. C. Bmlth ft Bros, wrlt- ! In m.nhlnpf with -UL.). - now!inihg orders. . Bee our window for snapa in partly used machines of other makes, traded out. for Mr. Smlth'i latest product I AM. Alexander A XhifJlreet: Frtf trrM gik rfnrrfl Allen Lewis' Best Brand. . RECLINING GO-CARTS '.GTat Variety ' i ALL PRICES 50c Down 50c Per Week BUY THEM NOW. COVELL'S FormerlyN.T.-vS'urnlture Co, " , I84-fV FIRST " ST. BiitLombard ' . r i : ' i POLICE PALMIST Discharges a Man- Snatched From Amid ihe ParapherrjalJa ROOM. REEKING AND -PIPE"BOWL STILL WAtfM But Hunt Sets William Wintori Free, Saying Noas. . , i Against Him. rom eustody a man found in a room the ir-itprmtiFwai aenss With opium fumes, a complete, opium layout .In his possession and the bowl of th plpe still vjuuLjXQm jis proximity to the Citlneee nut-oil lamp. - Bergeant glover ascertained' that peo ple were amoklng opium In the Baranao lodging-house, Blxth and Couch . streets, and, calling on Sergenjit Hogeboom -to accompany him, went to the place. The fumee of opium came from room- 16. Mrs.- Nellie McClure, the landlady, de nted them entrance to the room.' Bhe formed that the ufflciffaw6uld remain at the house all night if ehe did not accede ln-thetr'Tequest ""Thereupon she unlocked the door.. - In tha room wes William Wlhton. a painter, and everything pointed to the faet that he-had been amoktng opium. Win ton was taken to police headquar ters and booked"Dn a charge of being in a room wher opium had been smoked. Csptaln-Moore-thought tha charge-sari-bus. ejougharidthejevrdence suXfk-'ient to hold Wlnton. and fixed his ball at $100. ... , ' - -This, morning- the chief sat as "kan garoe Jutg" V beard Tna-fletstls of I what had oocurred from Wlniini, and did not wait to see his of fleers. Wlnton was- discharged 'from custody.' When the two sergeants wetrt Into the police court this' morning to furnish evidence against him they were astonished to learn that he had been set free by the head of the " department The arrest -ahset.jraa mrka-"X)lBclirgml-iy ilw chief; no case. - - - - - WA man has a right to smoke opium In his own room," said the chief. t'Nq case exists unless more than-two 'are In a room where opium F 'ATTHE THEATRES." "Tte Marble Hert" at Empire. . There auy sot be a theatre in tows that U charging -aalglt rrtee ot datMloD, bat thert I on wslch is civ las s terrwmaaee kli-fe bSBdrwIa et- fwopte hT decla regis nprlor to many they hr seen t a much higher price. The .fcmplra stork company U giving a lruo( buy, filled with lounaa aetluo and 11t.1t comedy- combined with rlea oar7 and- aet- tluge. There will b a parfonnane of ' Te ktarbl Heart" for women and eDeclaUrxllJ.. tur who to paM away . a plcaaant at tefe noou. every day ; at3;1-o'clnra," Th tegular evening- serfumnnce befIna-.nromptl;at e'clock. . .. ,. " '"' "Atjthe; Baket A - eomplet. ttlo"trl iftrTormano glrea by a man and a wouut'lu about 12 minute, eoa- ahrtlng ot auUssri-loIa. tambour ft and bona aoloa,- and "endj man" and aa Interlocutor ! la ah art- of atcftjjr and Talgbt, aud a tUbt '1'iuU uue It is. XnSTher act that Mm Ik audioes apolaadlnr for aaor l that ef Vlrdea and Dunlap, In tha ap-to-dat comedy sketch entitled "? Newaglrl and th Uade," Into which some aong saw to Portlasders ar introduced- Wauac a'nd Beech bare - aom tartllng acrobatic feat. Wharton and LaHoy la "Black and White" alng aom daw conga, and they tall their Joke in a manner that keep th audience la -good humor. - Anderson, tha 'male Melba," Jean WUaon la a new plerarwd ballad, and th Bekerogranh maks asaUafao tory parformanre. Eranlnga J.HU and e'cloca, afternoons at 4:80. . , . "My Partner" at Lyric. - - That -'the Lyrie-stocxeomnany " is growing mora popular day by day I pro-red by the capac ity boura that wltaeaaed the performance of "sly Farther" yesterday. Tal play to full ot heart interest and excitement, with luat enough com edy to make one forget the tear ot the moment heCor. . Th plot dcala with two partner, who ara as Damon and Pythias, until a woman at moat wrecks a friendship that haa laated for nietlma. The songs and picture . which Dtaka th waits between acts a pleaeure are very popular Innovation. which makes the perronnanc eontinoou. - A grand production of "Th Two Orphans" la In preparation luc aoxt week, r- Girt Reads Blindfolded. With a bandage over her eyes. o that tt I Tmposvlbl tor bar to sea, Lola Cotton, 12- yaar-otd girl, read letter and buflneaaarda. aken at random rrom tne andleare at to Htar. Hhw Is s paycbolocte marvel, and I one ot tha moat notable Tanner He frati to iEe wrat. Jalar ilarrourt la In ton -cnnd week- at-tbe Star, - Proatul, tb wlurd ef the ecordloa. make hit. Leooart la Buvelty dancer, who Introduce the different player Is s ball ram. Kclm and Betmar bav asL amnalng aketcb. while . Bnecoe Arbocki intra duce a new ballad. On the etaroecop morlng pictures tell the etory of "'Hop ' Ky Thomb.L' At the Grand. i Torcat and D'iilaa, the French en media na bead one ef the beat 'bills of vaudevllls seen Is sny t-tty os tbe Paclfle foaat. Tan Poea and McCauly In black face are strictly up to th minute. Hallea and Hayes Introduce s gal of aaw atep and movement. Other on the bill are Little Mildred, Mr. and Mr. Barr, Robert Nonie, wblatlrr and inatrumentaltat. red Alf Bonnef la new song with beautiful picture. ' Th graadlacop picture are t tremely amusing.. . " : - Popular Pricea f or - - PuitaV Next 'Friday venlng St th Marqnam Grand theatre J,. Ales Llanna will preccnt Richard Wagner's great maaterplece, ..-flParalfal," with the aid of h largct animated picture machines ever exhibited. - Mr. Henna will d- acrlba the action of the opera a each character Is nreaented on th eanvaa. airs. Walter Reed, eeotralto. .will ' eaalat. The advance sale of eata will open next Thuraday morning at 10 o'clock. Popular price will prevail. Adult (KM. children 2aov. . - SPEN D SUN tiAY. AT.SEASIDE. J , ; ' ' Only . $1.50 Via the A. & C R. R. ' ;--. Sunday. May 7. - ; Call at lit Alder street sny day dori Ing the week and purchase tickets . In advance of next Sunday's excursion .to Seaside and avoid the rush for tickets st -Union depot Sunday morning, Sale of tloMete limited to seating capacity ot toadies and every paasenger- Is assured seat. The ride la delightful, the scen ery beautiful, the osone refreshing and you have nve hours at the beach, all for tl.SO. . Train leaves union. depot a. m., returning leaves Seaside i p. m. brom CTTT nilaTUB. 4 . Republican candidate , , ' e e for nomination. - . S; JOSErH W.-BEVKRIDQE. . ; fT IrVj-Iln llrM Han I ' . II I V I V Ul I. WUIUI 1 1 B V3 1 I. 1 -a a. aw aT -w. I - J, ' . AX aU ex .. .. i. Shoes KNIGHTS --. on. ramxzjra xoTsr,' ' ' y . -1 i""11 ".:' . '" . '. '"" . .. . . 'r- . -"-' - ! ( , s&w r .v -' 'Vt STYLE 690 X. : " j f- 1 f , ... ; DOQ : SHOW DOG ith-Anmial May 3rd :Exposition GREATEST EXHIBIT OF -- HELD ON :Portland Kennel Glub ADMISSION VChildren;...15 cent " Season Open Daily From If you dies, don't ewlei'tul Clarke' Watte tt Sizes in All Patterns Tou may delay purchasing your Suit. Hat or rants on certain pattern you had your eye on. ..We are satisfied we can lit you whenever you are ready, provid ing the sixes hold out It is for your own satlsfsction to come early and get fitted, as good patterns and small prices move merchandise very rapidly. Our stock of Shoes and Oxfords for Ladles. Men and Children is well no ticed by ' the public. . We save them from SO t !. on every pair.-; We sell a lot Ot them every day, - -.-- r-; JOHN DELLAR a...- '..AT TWO STORES; First and Tamalll and Third and, Davis. Ask year doctor. It's whest, barley and salt; that's all.-Me will.' esy that Is an innocent, -5urlshlng food; good for your ' baby, your boy or your girl" digests as easily as milk. It cents a package:' . ' ' . : AT ALL GROCERS.; Wasmt keptioal. From the Chicago News. - Weary Walker -Dis paper ees dat worry kills more fellers dsn work. ' Tired . Tsttera I reckon dat's right, but day ain't nothiu' wet worries me Itlke wa,r- .V -.-.... mWM Modeled oi. Hue of consummate grace. onKaciaf the lyuuuctry of nature nmlk tKe martncss erf wJeru f athiiaAirOairBOef W o ' m every detaiL Those women who drew their feet Shoe for tKeir corredl and exclusive style their perfect fit their exquisite . wortaamhip. -j .. - ---,- r7'.;- - . . . . r. . :. '. . Sorotit are made in all wanted leathers, ; in styles fojr. ercry oecasioo and n ; infinite variety jof auei atd 'widlhs. A- regular ttyha ara $3J0.A few styles trom the CuAora Order Uepartnient, $5.0U. - The name Soeosis m the . Sorosis Shoes for Inf ana are '--u. - 01 growiif teety.y?a-- Sorosis Stoes for" Boys and Girls are tnsde on-correct- ; ortnopedie SOLE AGENTS Cor. Fifth and WashingtbiiStrecU " ' ' " " ' ' Ji" " ' !5h V - '""-"r' w calf, black calf tad V SHO DOO-SHOW ExfalbitiotrormfT to May 'r - Bl3g., wterto. HIGH-CJASS DOGS EVER THE COAST. r V Tickets Ep.y.$l 10 a, ni. to 10 p. : Guaranteed to Cure Rheumatism have been disappointed with other reme give up until you try this new and medieinsi Ifi curing hondrBds ' wriers the best hot springs and specialists have failed, end it removes the urto ctd from tbe blood. -It's msds by the John H. Casey Med. Co.. Spokane, Washington. One dollar bottle. If the second bottle doesn't help, return empty bottles and get your money back. . Guaranteed by Woodard, aV Co., corner Fourth and Washington; Matthleu, 27S Russell street. TAKE CARE OF YOUR :;-eves-,;-;: YOU ONLY HAVE , TWO If yournead - achee .and your -Vision at tlmea becomes blurred, after reading or any unusual use of your eyes, the ache la due to a -strain on the optlo nerve, and y00" should give your eyes immediate ' ' attention before it la too late and they are jrulned forever. Delays are dangerous. Come this weeav- XI VO Wot Cow Tea a Oem. A. N. WRIGHT tOVAnWIUs. M acorrisem tt. L7.Z. IVSLCeV'G 7 wkh laghett taste appreciate shoe is your profecMoo. now rriijy, ma fin for the, arnrta- Iaata, -t-ff -FOR. POR.TLiNDj 1 -. - If IDtllilf eAT W. T. sssle. aVsa. mAayviiTr rvaril 1 naj rh " - rrlda-XTMlnsv tay V-l90V--- Mr. 1, Ales Hanaa - Will Frat Blesard T Wagsar' Oraat Opata. X-i .PARSIFAL" By t Aid ef s Special Aalnnt rietare- M.ckliM. Aaalsted by --, -. x Mrs. Walter Baed. UMttraltsw .. Advane Sal Next Tnanday. . Adults, COe; Cblldr, 26e. Aa Inafantasaoo sserss sll this w- Bally Xatlaee. iU. Zveaiag, :ll - Admission id Cents : rewarfal drama fsaaded a real lif . THE MARBLE HEART BAKE1XTH1A.TIUL- Tklrd asA : Tssiklll. Tttlsg 'A ITeseV atgrs. . wreat OnnMdlans la Acrobatic Act. , WAXXAOa AJIO BTJBOH, late- wtta-Barssa A Bailey aVxra-a. ' ' Ttrtas -sad Baalas WaarUa aad LaJtaw . Alfred Aadaraaa . XeCey and Xaiskt rrnaai Walter J Jaaa WUaa The Bakerosmpa ' '" Baker's Or.a.alia Saows st 1:10, T;30 ana S p. aa. 10 cents te sny seat. STAR. THEATRE rsrk aad WaaStastaa. LOLA OTTO- Fayrboloste Marvel and M1draW. ' saisx hajico vat raoBm ar.m-Agp uatAB ucovabt - wilsom an hoiav B0SCOK ABBVOKLX ., BIAJ-OSOOri. Knows 10, T:s0, .. Aaavlsrlea losV GRAND THEATRE TOKCAT ATS 1VALTXA. DELIA raJKOLK flM V0nB AAD M'OAlTT. v B0BCBT W0I JIAliXM AMD MAYS - . , '. si a. Air ioiku ---sBAAOiaoorx Osaeral admuelna. lOe; rervd easts,- 30 Bex eaata. ane. - uv 15 id qui mrnmi . HAWTHOmWl! TTSBAOB l': - ' . . POBTXAJIO XAiaUIS Knw esee. Take PnrtlaBa BalsMa ear and aae - tt at Hswtnarn Terrace, oa block ara car Una. - No ellmhlng. Ktactrlc elevator. Moat ausnlflcent view la Aawlee. Im . beastlfnl effect f Sowerfal eaKSllsht to d wsav- Oiwa) B a. aa, t e p. mu -r - AVDaUSaiOB IS GKBTB. . BtASIXB BBOS. oobcxbt bvTbt wioarr. au-i BuaitsibB. . Oradaate AsacHra vaent ef Oataunstay. -aUrfcsvtll,- atCi Osteopathy " " - BB. WUXIAX 0. YLACX. OateopafBle PhyaMas, All Cbroale sad . 4IS AblnstM bM. n. ' Tklrd at., bet. Wee. "T V".. T lngton and Btsrk, naanncauy imm port I. no. Wttfenot Prmr. One WHk Bbar Best C Feot ef LLa. eta St. rhewe Bfaia . Blab Wood, per toed.i.. . Pry Blab Wood, PT load. CI." - Bog Wood, per Tal Above kind no nil rortlaal at t' Z ' " . Hurt g Eoiiiij i fm ' 1 it.