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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
it cv. :::: GILD Liu A UJ..ZLJ , iy .:LulLl. , .i..; . . V- f a Li kui ll kM U :L Am n-i v' "I r Traveling ' Patsen-ur ' Aehta From AH Lines to Met 1 1 in Cptsmbr. -'- A M03TJWP0RTANT.0F ' V - s fMenpHtt-Ihiir;"'v' Cj;V;.f Marion Lawrence. ; , A. A.; If one. . , Prominent Sonday.School Workers. Attendmg.the Conrention ln,T Ctty. ana . a Knowledge .or. to mind, or bow truth rater the mind.; He recommend ed the plan adopted' In. leading: eastern Sunday ' KhMi o( ' having a - tsacbars training eourw, not so much far teach era" who are generally too busy to take any: extra work, . but . of ; younger ' men and - women - who', are picked for - the purpose.., and are pledged to become' teacher. ,, Then there wlll . nvr . ae . a lack of teachers. ' ' . ' -"I oaonot .recommend" too highly', a teachers' library.. Tea good books in a teachers' library are worth morel ithan a hundred In the scholar. Buck books L V"0" ; fifths . of thoae '.who ' com Into the- church .'every, day . come through .-to Sunday school, and who, then, can 4eny the importance of Sunday schools and their -growtbt" . . i . .This was th statement 'iof'v Marlon Xawraao this morning at the . meeting of the State Sunday School. association U the Taylor street Methodist Episcopal ' church, when he had listened to'- the ' reports of the - officers, all of ' whlcl showed a certain depreasloa and aa In clination toward discouragement? in the ;. State workr - Vv' vV i., ;:,'.: .. Ilt Is Impossible -la a state so large In territory as yours, and with the work Aoo widely scattered to j d o. . thetateri I-fFA-Wllburf CUiapman'aBplritual . denominational , state , work in th man- Mr . you desire,'' - ho continued. - "But i&e work wfll become better organised, ,Mi there la a great future-for Oregon 'In Sunday school work." .,..-. V" The state association attempted - to organise work throughout the state by ' sending a secretary to visit the schools In all tha counties, but ' financial sup port has been lacking; and It is too ln- : tantloo to determine Anally if' th work ftnalKba- continued. . For the -past - two ' year there . waa no such, traveling worker; before ' that - th necessary money was pledged, but only 'per cent waa -paid, and 71 per oent o that cam from Multnomah county. '.- f .Mr. Liwranc. general secretary of ' th organised Sunday school - work, and J for many years superintendent of bis wn Congregational Sunday ' school., in Toledo. Ohio,- gay a very Instructive talk this morning - on "Teacher Train- ling." Ba named three essentials for th jauoooasful teacher In. the Sunday school: . 'agaerJV-rnttwldg of the" bibl;- - Jtnowedg of .th principles of teaching;! Life In th Sunday School' should ba aoceaalble to them, and lesson helps and pamphlets should be seat . out often. Qtre them occasional, talks by trained teachers and lecturers, who will tell th relative value of different methods, and above all send, them to Sunday school conventions, . That is where I got my In spiration. I believe, when ' w. get our teachers trained there will b an abund ance of Instructors for every, class and th prophecy of Isaiah about one man and seven -women-will be fulfilled when seven of them are after one superin tendent begging for a class , to teach." Th afternoon program consisted of talks by James U McCosab. Dr. J. Whit, comb Brougber,- Rev.. E. . N. Allen aad Mr.- tavrance. Lt night at tha open ing meeting Mrs. F. A.. Wiggins gave aa Illustrated lecture oa . "Th Jerusalem Cruise, aa I Saw. It" Soma 100 view save a clear idea of tha city aa It was before Its fall and th modern city as it. is now.,(Te lecture gave a full, and stalled - account of txhe Bundayecbooi ejqprsioo Jast year, which was. attended by several ' hundreds - of - Christian workers. ' ;..?, -.- . Representatives from all parts of th tat are in attendance. , The president of tha assoelatton Is A. A. Morse, and th secretary ,- and , treasurer Merwln PUgB. "'.'.-- ., ,- - '.--' 1'i -i v i . ! . LAD OF FOURTEEN YEARS a' ' DEFIES POLICE JUDGE - F. M. Brock en, aged 14, openly, defied Judge Hogue- In th polio court and-as a consequence Is conflned in a dark cell arthipollo' Station.' t;i ; .i . .i Brocken. who resides at H ' Sixth street,' was - arrested for - smoking cig arette - When - be j appeared in court Judge Hogue requested him to go with the officer and show him the man who sold him.- th cigarettes. . -;' TU not tell.- said young Brocken, "J don't want to get him In troubla" ,. , "Too wiU ba hold ta JaU until you mak up your mind to tell," remarked th tudga ,- : ' t ; -: . " i " - -!. "Well. I wont be bluffed; so take me down- stairs but 111 never ten," said th youth. f-' ' ; t .. . Ha waa takaa to jau ana hi case oon tteued until he could change his mind and Inform on th person who sold htm th cigarette. :,jf:'j!.:'T. . i,. , '!' guesa" says TJncT Allen Sparks, "that If Mr. Rockefeller were to offer 110,000. to Kansas' as a donation, Kan sas could take It with. clear oonsciane knd -without .batting an ey, a , con- sctenc moneys. . . YEAR JO NORTHWEST J. liiiilii V I HI 3" ; Has : been handieppe4 : the ; last " two .weeks ,1 and sales have not been as good as usual, because . yn had to do without an elevator. Jyfe had tiie-old .' one . removed "and new one; installed,, wlikh nd t improvements, about the store. , ,;To celebrate'the'eventf and make.-up lost' sales we win, . for the next ..two davs Friday and - Satnrdav make the Jollowinr reductions i -' 1 ' 1 -. r : - r -f-ri,1BOyS JTJVEKTLE NORFOLK SmTSi : ;,s-4 t v,!:.'- .iv-'i1,v iij,.; - --4 ; v.-i--.v;.r'".-r..o !,f.-iiX-vi.-v';A-'';-i .- 1 " ,1'' Cvj. -r' ...... -- - W .- J-' , n ., iu ,. , i . , ,f tyay J.r . V '. - '- , l--.- Cat - a" .V . !V: f .?' r.. -' -'' -..".'.t .l'.r, ,.v. 1' 1 .jiP--" '.TV;.'-.;'" ::-,;'v,;..;ry',;, '7'"; -''.V I 1 1 1 1 I 11. j ' ' 1' ' ' " -1 iowia ; 0xaaawxv, oyua-riccs;o(o: tv -ywrs'; ft. K ' , f. ; -;:f - j 1 a K. . " I '; regular $4.45 to $7. values. . ( -C A- ! yaiAA ' ' ' ' X ( . ( ,i 1119 5UC i i.i a i ! , .kV V V , ' l ' J I V V U nrrvs 'iWHAirr RTWpluitaoj. i : vwill'. -. :. '-v-n -t ' '.r-A, ! '- '.- i. BOYS'-' WAISTS Regular : 60c ; to 75c ' '' ' ... !- ' - " . r 1 "" " " 1 - BOVS BLACK, SCHOOLf STOCK- . i INGS Regular 25c value. Qn ? This sale Two , Pairs for. ; , .LuCr i ; : V -- EVERYTHING FOR BOYS.J FROM 3 ; TO; 18 -YEARS. .r,: ' ; olflin' U (D)ei11)li3)Umt X)o; i - REUAXiLli CLOTItlESIS - .Vi'-; . ;:: " 1 . .1 . " 1 ' : Cor, Th I rd and Mbrr icon Streets f V."" Educational- Gathering and Vis r itors Will Make Note of VV; : ' Recent Developments. ; ''. ' . Dates and itinerary for th Portland ooavantloa of tha American Association of Traveling Passenger Agenta will be settled st ' a meeting -of the execotlve oohimltte .''at the Aadltorlum-,.annex, Chicago, May It. M. J. Roch. Portland member of the committee, has received notice of the meeting and will uy to' attend. . i .... . ' This oonventlon wlU. It Is said, ba one of the moat important of th year or tn racino aorthwaat. It is a purely educational affair. . noouraged by all th rajiroaa companies for . tha purpose ot Informing their traveling passenger agents of the latest developments and changing conditions la all parti of th country, to a- section that is nwrand seeking population and development, the visit of tha railroad passenger agents will be of Inestimable value. Th ' executive committee that will fix data and itinerary is composed of J, M. uonneu or th Atchison. Tope ft Santa F at Chicago; R. F. Kelley of tha- Wabash, Buffalo; W. T. Piatt of th Wisconsin Central. New Tork: W. B. Hutter of the Lake Shora. stlch Igan Boutbern, St - Paul; M. J. Roche ot. th Denver ' Rio Orand. Portland. At, tha ' Saa . Jos meeting of th Pactflo Coast as notation of trafOo agents a committee ot Portland men was ap pointed. . composed of O. H. Trumbull, M. j: Roch and J. H. O'Neill, to have charge of general arrangements for th big convention, oa benair or tne a cino Coast association. This committee wlU appoint a reneral reception commit- tea, to meat th visitors' train aad re main with 'it during Its tour of tha coast, ' Sub-committee will also ba an notated at various" points Wbrath elegates wUl stop Seattle, Taooma, Spokane, Vancouver and Victoria and at each Of these places special enter tainment will bo provided, Th convention will bo hetd som time In BeDtember. and th days of th week hav bean decided upon, but th partic ular week la yet to ba settled. Tha visi tors will spend tbree days in Portland. On Friday tha convention will be held. Saturday the delegates will Jfe th ex position, and Sunday wlU be day ot rest and general right-seeing. It is ex pected that about tOO delegates will bo here, and of these, too wUl be from th astern states. - It has been suggested that th local committee arrange for an excursion to Seaside, and a clam bake there. Th committee has decided upon a beautiful and novel souvenir for tha visiting, ladies, it will bo a sliver brooch, bearing a shield with embossed name! initials of th Fadlia coast As sociation ot traffic agenta across a sun bursts, under which will be Mt. Hood, th word Por Uand,-. an"l 106.- At SeatUa th Paolfio Coast Steamship company has placed th splendid Alaska steamship Spokane :at th disposal of th delegates, and this boat, will trans port them to Vietorisrand vanoowar, giving tham a day at each place, aad re turning them to Seattle. Railroad men regard th trip aa oa ot great vain to the roads, aa wen aa to the country visited by th agents. K. B. Martin, passenger tratf la manager of tha Baltimore 4s unior wno reoaauy visited Portland, oa a tour of the Pacific coast, expressed surprise at tha vast de velonment that baa taken pise here. aad declared that It aad oa a revela tion to him. - . - - . BITULITHIC IS HIS T SORT OF PAVEMENT fires! m: aoity Satiuirdlay Sni From our large stock we have selected a lew specials for' tomorrow and Saturday and have marked them at Surprising Prices. -These are but a sample of the Bargains we have for you, Ye have in every department something good. serviceable , and at special prices for ; these A 'AV 'A V; A ' '' two days, v.'-"' .:'.'-' i-- ;A;A;e i 'V- '.'" - - Sla.00 SttJt . Vkiniisa 95.45 Warranted tfllk ' Taffeta, In colors of garnet, blue, green, brown and 'black, Tfaey .ar very stylish, made with three ruf. fie and ( duster. - .This ondersklrt, "f weU - ? fj A C worth 110.09. special for days, each.,.,...'7JtiJ SS BOTsT SOa i9t ThNs is a llne'of the favorite .- Ironclad Hos for Boys, large of small rib. .- Ton know .t-whatithey ar -and. how they wash and wear.i Thoy - never sold less than 25c; special for 1 ' IQr . days, pair ,.,,, . ...,... SUO WAIST 850s Lad!1 FuU-Tallored Shirtwaists. in white Ilnon v ) emb. front, -and , . a splendid fittinr gannsnt, well yi 11.64; special for-t dayp, ach.-. Ulvt 1AW 7H44i Inches wide; Trench Lawn, light . . color ground, with a pretty assortment of f Igurea. :. large aad small patterns, warranted fast colors, never sold tor lass than It He; special for 1 ' 71 , days, yam 'jtns, So rSBOAUl WAIST 45 Ldiee Waist, mad from - good qusltty percale, in I different styles, warranted fast colors, large sleeves, in every way ap to data, a waist that th material would cost 5e; - , i C ..... v v with blaok dot. plain whits Hnon with 1 ?rown; ,?,rDT ribbed shirts and drawers. We -have I plaia black. tawn with tucked front , - them in all sises. lorjiavt never bought , lOr " tlnr gannsnt. well -worth - t- QE. I ' tnem 'or less. Special for I days, garm't.s wXW rorth. special tor 1 days, each.. TSo KOZma BXXBTXwo) SKaWSllk Xolro, for nnder- skirts, in all th new colors and black, nice watered t 1 ffect Tou know how these goods wear. - Never . sold for loss than 7ic; special , for t 7Cn v days, yard .OOW SBo BBBSS-OOOSS 50V This Is th: goods for a shirtwaist suit, in solid colors of brown, navy, gar ; net and black, a Brilllantln it Inches wide, beauti ful silk finish on both sides, dust and shower proof. ' better value has never been shown tor -,J ' Pft less than tc; special for day, r",,mt.i tlC tSc BUSS OOOBS 1 5 Cre p Albatross and Danish , Cloth, in fuU line of colors, light or dark, for street -, . or evening wear. - They hav all the appearance of - mora azpanslv goods; they- are regular , ; ... f C -S5o good a Special fr-S- day. yard SO X.ASIXS' BOja 15c Thes. Lc-8trlp Hose, In solid colors of un and black, also In faneyveolors. llsl finish snd seamleea ' Tou hsv paid too ' i 1C' - for not a good. . Special for I day, pain ...... .Iww A3sV Thla , TTndersklrt -, mad from good quality cotton flannel., with cluster-, ' tucks, also dust ruffle. . This is a good, full skirt, and that you could not muk yourself for -' - dilm - less than 11.00. Bpecial for 2 days, each. -,;'...(& 0 sUrM VsTDBBWIAJI 39r This line of Omts' Underwear, In the right summer-weight, in blu and brown, derby ribbed shirts and drswers. W -have TO 8SSM trOOSS 49 New Novelties In BrflDaa- ttnes. Mohairs and Sicilian we hav them all this : sesson's colors; nothing better for a shirtwaist, suit. . :.'good valu for tic; special for 2 days.' . AO yard ....,,.,.. ..... w . .'. ... , 2. '. "'' 40s IiATir ' TsTSWB TOSBBWalAS 25 Thl U a v nice lin of Ladles' Fleeced i,ined Underwear, in gray v and cream, vests and pents, a good weight for the , ,. seasons not too heavy. The regular price for thes - garments has never been less than 40c 7C ' Special for S days, garment..,. ,i....v, ...... AiOt , HJO UDIVSXAJ) 8 This Is valua Pulr Doubt- Bad Bis Whit Crochet Spread. Marseilles pattern. reversible, a spread ,easy to handle. Just tha right f weight, all ready hemmed and ready for use, a spread you have- never bought for less than 1 Ofi ' 1-0; "y11 'or days.i.,..,.......,..,.viyoC , U0 aCKBCUXKKi vmiimsf 54 This Under- ' skirt mad frcan black mercerised sateen, with 10-inch . flounce, S straps of same material around flounce, rows of stitching. A skirt that wlU wear you never, saw a skirt for 11.60 as good. Special . : flf, .. for S days, each ...... t ;-. ... ......... UV TSo TJsTBstlUiTia, 50 Theee are Ladies' Umbrellas, 'covered with good wearing gloria, steel ribbed and rod. . with Congo handla There ire but a few of them, and will not last long,- When- yoa paid t So tor -them yon were pleased. Special for,J ,i . fJA- ' day, each ,OU L. J. . Goldsmith - Warns Tax- payera-League-AgainstEn-, croachmenta of Trust. i' 1 wish most amphatically to state that tha officials of thla city, aad th property owners, will hav to watch vary narrowly tbo asphalt trust's mod of procedure, aa from my observation these people will stop at nothing to try to keep th btthullthlo pavement from being put down In this city." Thla. is th warning given by l J. Ooldsmith, who mad a tour of eastern cities to examine street pavements in the interest of tho Portland Taxpayers' eague. He presented: his report to th league at a meeting of the executive committee yesterday. He visited Boa ton, Cambridge," Pawtncaat, New Bed ford. New Tork, Washington, Nashville and St. Iouts, snd mac comparisons of tho condition and. length of service of th various pavements in as. ' Bis report is an array of facta Sup porting th -Views he expressed la aa interview given to Th Journal on bis arrival a short tlm ago; II found blthullthle pavement ' rapidly - coming tot -us la all . tho citie visited, and quotas expressions from elty engineers In various cities, wher that sort of pavement was regarded as superior t all others. Streets hsvlng blthulithlo pavement laid In 1101. l0l, 101 and II 04 war Inspected, and he waa unable to nota signs of wear. or to tell which ot th street, bad the-oldest pavement He aid the greatest- virtues of the blthulithlo pavement war its durability and its Srm footing for horses. , He examined bituminous . macadam pave ment, and doea not. belle v it good. la conclusion h says: . . "Th lowest price paid la tha east for blthulithlo la a squar yard. and from this up. - In New, Bedford the city own It ock.,aql. sells this to ths contractors, and th street costs ffnty about yl.40 a yard. - In New England cities tha conditions regarding pave ments are somewhat similar to those in - ronuin. lumy nave m iu ot macadam streets of which the surface I worn out, and they sr repairing the streets successfully with blthu lithlo,' Tha method, is to scrap off th top and get down to a depth' that brings th blthulithlo on grade, then roughing th .surface and putting on the blthu lithlo and roiling K thoroughly. Blthu lithlo pavement Is nearer th Ideal pavement than any other. It l-nl-try durable, noiseless and gives a sure footing for horses." vA;, i :,-', - , c w n A '' d -.- . m M r- .- -: VWrVW ll !! . n W W .11.' I rv i . I , l 1 1 i t ., . . ri r i , , i WEXT SATURDAY ;WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE TO 600 LITTLE GIRLS WHO WILL' CALL AT OUR ,.w .s ,, -( ... sxoiUS, WITH THEIR MOTHERS, r ; " --. at, f (- . A DOLL'S PILLOW ''-'"'. "''tV'"Vv ''.'; 6f pine : NEEDLE FIBEX Made of real ticking, just like the big ones at home, and filled with the pleasant smelling; fiber. You must brm'Matnma with yorl that she may see the "Air-o'-Pine" Mattress, the TRUE health bed, while you are getting, the pillow.A 'A' .'. AA'; '-' 'r - v -. Saturday at 93 Grand-A venue ..... LAWYER HOGE SAYS ...HE IS . NOT GUILTY Indicted for Land Frauds, He Pleads; Before Judge . Bel 7 linger This Morning. . 1C O. Roga, a lawyer of Med ford, who waa Indicted by th federal grand Jury with W. H. Miller and. Frank EL Kb- cairt on tho charge Of conspiracy and subornation of perjury, was arraigned this morning before Judge Bellinger and entered a plea of not guilty. Miller and Klncairt. procured persona to locate on government lands, and Hog la alleged to havo been a confederate '. State Senator George C Brownell,. In dicted for subornation of perjury la having Induced two witnesses to swear falsely before th grand Jury, and George Sorenson. indicted with Senator Mitch ell, will appear for arraignment tomor row morning. :'. -, - ? r , . . District Attorney Honey xpct to leav for San Francisco Monday even ing, and will not return to Portland un til Just before th land-fraud trials in June. He will he her next Monday.- when Judg Bellinger will render hi decision on the Issuea raised by Senator Mitchell's plea In abatement That decision Is awaited by lawyers with great Interest, not only on account of th important bearing which it will hav oa th land-fraud prosecutions, but also because it wtl determine a vexed question of practice fn th fed eral eourta. . ; . A Ho, for; Seaside. A -'-A.;,: . ' Commencing Sunday. April tS. and each succeeding Sunday until th end of May. th A. C. R. R. will sell special round trip excursion ticket from Port land to Seasideand return for $1.0. good going Sunday morning and return ing Sunday evening. . , Train leaves the Union depot at a. a, returning leaves Saastds at S p. m. Tlrkete on sale at HI Alder street and th Union depot slew rise for jge. - . -Speaking about Mr. Chad wick" "Tes." ;.-.:...!,... ... -.(-.. "If women were only eligible, what an ornament to - the aenat ehe would mak!" v.'',-. - . . '., , - .- SUo Went ttffsM . - . ; From th Chicago Kecord-Harald.-Tma now," said St Peter, -isn't there anything you hav to confess?".. -"Well." replied th applicant bagln- -..- A ; r l : : . Cold, Sore Thtoat or tcr? Trem ble, if neglected, will, la t!r;j, tic you Down A to a tiekbed, from ,Wfcls!i yea may nerer rise, nnlen yoa bejrinviii timer to take that certain remeiyi AA ta!C7nou, coughs b mis. r 8afm oertaln, quick ami pleasant to tain. ' ' Th only gmtf?. curt fir c.7 Lurtj Ckczzzx ft; ' riiyclclana Pronounced XXla Trc-!;! Ccrrrrr-'A "IhadaTOnrtanteocwt3U.LK:!r,c:r: T:r-!;! Bosneed ay trouble Ccsssmptlcn. I rta C-ra t. : ' it 1 1I . Dr. Clnsre New Elzsortry, I rl & 1- 1:;: c : , : : i : . 10 yr-rt pxst." 1 ' ' -""" '' " ' 1 r -if r alng to hark away,vI I once composed tun that wa clayed oa a , street piano." . w ".'.' v. -."' is'