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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
Tti C : " ;;c)T:::r 1 -J . r. i v I e -"rt wu -!,- 1 VOL, IVi KO. 23: Am:) nrr To t& Operated ca Upper - River in Ccacectfca : u in reneze ura. n ,V .f-',':t;.iV''" ''' Hi T - '.'ii -. .i;' A ; PORTLAND PEOPLE ,Y FINANCE THE PROJECT i "7- SI ;iHav peep .: Interest In. Welfare 7 ' of Inland Empire, ' and Will Aid Jn; Building. . f , Steamboats - in connection with the portage railroad- aret be operated on th upper river -by company to be, ln corporaied in Portland. At av meeting of lb-open-river executive i cominiU-m this oity today thl conclusion waa reached, although details har 'not boaa worked out by tha oommlttee. . . Tba taatlna' waa attended by-X A. Bmltb, president of tba association, W. J. Mariner, fltnrr Babn and J. N. Teei At this forenoonra aaaalon tba situation waa discussed and report from the up par river war reviewed. It waa decid ed that while there are probabilities of tba organisation of upper river steam boat 'Companies and ' the operation of company boats' and Individually owned oraf t in the trade, there la not a anffl clent certainty of these- developments, and In Order to guarantee' Immediate steamboat serrloa as soon as the porV age road la opened there must be a com pany formed In which men who feel a direct Interest In the welfare of the Inland- amplre, and the success of the portage road project wilt assist. " Te meeting adjourned at noon, and another session was held ' this afternoon, at which details of . an organisation, were discussed. Tha up-river members of the commit tee twported ho definite enterprises in the line of river transportation facilities by Indlvlduale-or new companies. It la reported that the o. it. et it. -o. nas given orders for the building of oife or two beats toMter the upper river trade. , The people of the Inland ' empire -ere ready te assist In any business proposi tion backed - by capital or practical ateamboatmen to develop competition In river transportation. ' , . . , , ; . CARNEGIE'S NIECE IS ; WEDDED T0 COACHMAN f .:: i '-.-? (famrsel tpeeUI servlee.) " ' " Pittsburg. April It. It 1 has ' e Just become . pubUo that alias ' Kanny Carnegie. , . the ' youngest ' wo daughter of Mrs. Tbomaa Car-" f A' negie. and the niece of Andrew . Carnegie, was f married yaar . ' ago to James Haver, formerly . e her mother's eoaenman. The ; r : couple have Juet returned from 4" abroad with a baby mughter. - YOUTH ARRESTED FOR ' : ;r r HAVING HYPNOTIC EYE :...,,f. ; T. i, '' (Joarsal Special gervies.l : . ' . Ban Bernardino, AprU l.-. Lester txftua, a It-year-old ' orphan, who was taken from an eastern homo by ' a wealthy Rial to orange grower, occupies a cell In the Jail tonight, sentenced to a term of four months for disturbing the peace, the specif lo offense being that of hypnotising a young girl..-- '- "He has a hypnotlo eye," exclaimed a ' number of Rlalto citizens who called on the district attorney to lodge the com '' plaint and have the youth committed to '- ' the . reformatory. , . Hia aga pre van tod such a step, and tha Jail sentence fol lowed. -' - It Is alleged that he exerted a strange - 'power . over ' numerous - Rlalto girls, getUng them to climb from their, bed chamber windows after dark and like . pranks. He la shiftless and refuses to . reform. '" - -- . ' - - PIERPONT IS THANKED ' ' - BY VICTOR EMMANUEL -. . ' : " ' ? (leernsl BpeeiU BwVlee.) ' ' : Roma, -April It. J. P. Morgan was received In private audience by King ' Victor -Emmanuel today, The king thanked Mr. Morgan for his generous act in returning, to Ascollths cope stolen from -the cathedral there. ( Y- I ' - vajtt Mrtnure to caxi'xZ ' ' !';''j 'I (Xoaraal Saeetat serrtae.) ."Washington, AprU It. Secretary Tart v has returned to the capital from New York where he attended tha Panama ..- Railroad company meeting., . TRIED; AND OVER (Jearaal Special Servfe.) - ' - Bloom lngton, IlL, April l.-Flned by telephone, paying his fine by mall to a distant town, Is th way Robert Willard, a busy ' farmer near Elkhart. Iineole, disposed of a ease tn which he was charged with drunkenness and disorder ly conduct Constable Pettlt went from Lincoln to arrest Willard. Th latter was plowing in his fields, and represent ed to the constable that be' could not afford to apend two days In going snd coming from Lincoln, a hi prospective corn crop demanded his attention. Cisslan; Squadron. Pur poses to Stay in Ilar toitlntil lay.. - . ; FAST CRUISERS TO PREY ON JAPANESE COMMERCE .1 Slavt Retreat When Attacked by Enemy In Manchuria -Naval . Reserve Ordertd Pack tt v.1 i , St. Petersburg. ., ... (Jearaal eeelal Semes.1 iMdOC April t-A Toklo dispatch states, that' from Information received there it Is believed that - the Russian! ftjpmd ron's purpose Is to stay at Kin runh bay until May, Rojeatvenaky mean while sanding out cruisers to overhaul merchantman , , proceeding " along the trade route to the straits, of Formosa. Transports accompanying the Kuasiaa squadron are reported to be plying be tween Kara runh bay and Saigon under the merchant flag of Russia. Rosa lan agent are reported- to have cut thpe cable from Foochow to Stam- sul. In Formosa, to prevent tha Japan ese from cabling reports on the Rus sian squadron. i NO aocurat account" of " tha move ments of Rojestvenslry's i squadron can bo compiled ' from tho -piecemeal character: of tha .news now. being, re ceived.- The - Japanese are much ext- clted over- the alleged Infringement of neutrality- by , the Russian fleet WM Frenoh Cochin China ptirts. .' If la' timnnri that Rrtlret vensk V haa detached three fast cruisers to harass Japanese shlppmg and raid unprotected sea town of- -Japan.- - . ' A member of . tha Japanese embassy Is emoted aa saying today: .'.'? - TTTa Japanese nave tne jiusaiaa nn absolutely located. It haa been careful ly watched by; special agent of the Japanese .navy. , , Because ef this the Russians cannot Surprise the Japanese fleet. i V .: --j, .- Janan't ftrst interest U not to fight an " Immediate, decisive battle, but to first weaken the Russians by sklrmlsh tag.. torpedo and mine attacks and by cutting off the- transports and weak col liers, .which are unable- to keep In close touch, with the main part of the Russian fleet.. , .. ti. 'i; : .- .-r.;' . -The.Rttaslan batUeahlps wfll be en raged only after serlea of small, pre liminary success, r s "Togo will - open the battle at : long range. Before th tmttl 'proper opens he will make night attacks with his tor pedo boata. In torpedo boats he ha a great superiority over th Russian, not only In numbers, but In Speed and effi ciency If tha Japanese have their usual luck they may knock out a Russian bat tleship or cruiser before th battle really opens. Which will make the Issue abso lutely certain for the Japanese. ' , ' 1 Togo will bang away at long rang until he has put th enemy's II and 10- Inch -gun out of action, then' he twill close In and turn loose his elsbt-lnch place. Th Russians have practically no eight-inch guns, while the Japanese have T, and while th Japan can hit th enemy- with their eight-inch guns thsy Will be out f range of the Russian slxrmch. ' When It comes to what may be , celled hand-to-hand fighting, when Togo deems th time rip for him to administer the coup de grace, the'Japan- e can simply smother the - foe with their six-Inch and smaller guns. . ..A 81. Petersburg dispatch states. that the. government -hss ordered all naval reeervea now working on merchant ves sels In Scandinavian porta to return home immediately. It is presumed they are wanted for th fourth Baltlo fleet. Workmen la Russian f Baltic ' ports have taken advantage of tha opening of navigation to strike for higher waares. They, threaten to prevent the departure. or all snips unless tnair a em an as are granted. The baker at Riga have also struck and th town 1 almost without bread. i; -. ':-:,.' SKIRMISH AT FRONT. Japan Try to for Bosstaa Left and h. h ztia atuifc.,r, - - (Jearaal IpeeUI B-rle.) i ' 8t Petersburg. April A dispatch from th front says that th Japanese tried to turn the Russian .left near Helazhlmom. Th Russians retired - a short, distance north. Rain has been falling and the roads are a,mot Impas sable on account of'th deepmud.- ' . forbid urtnLATuma. , ; Jeareal' gpeeial aarvtes.) ' St Petersburg, April 1. A general order haa been Issued to th Imperial .' (Continued on Fags wo.) .' FINED TELEPHONE After some discussion th constable dubiously agreed to th us of th tele phone which, Willard has in th farm house. The accused man got - In con nection with Justlc Rudolph of Lin coln, asked what th charge waa, plead ed guilty and waa told bis fine. Includ ing costs, would be Hi. - "Can I remit It by mall f asked Wil lard. v.--.--,-...". -f ., .. , "Sure," answered the Justlc,.. . . "So Willard mailed the money, which waa received today, went back to plow ing, and the Incident was closed. ' PORTLAND, 0r.2C0:C WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL OOJELL IS OUT Of -1 t. His Resignation l Now .In ' the Hands -of 1 '-Mayor V , -M WILL DEVOTE HlSTIME H f I . TO FIGHT! FOR ALBEE Cannot Consistently i - Remain With Administration. to Whichyi ; : He. Is Antagonistic Oeor'g K. Howell ha resigned from his position on th city executive board. He mailed , hi ' resignation ' to Mayor Williams last' night to take Sect . Im mediately, ' ; i . - Mr. Howell aUted todays' that be could not : consistently remain i on tha' executive board aa one "of the mayor's advisors and be antagonistic to him' In v' Oeorgt H. HowelL th present political campaign. . He ha been thinking of reslgnlngrfor- sdmJ time. He ha' expressed himself many times as being opposed to the policy of the mayor. , t , He haa' pledged his support to H.-R. Albe as :a candidate for mayor In the municipal election and at the meeUng last night. was elected vice-president of the Albee club,' He will devote all his time - now,- he- aaa-a, -te - furthering - th Interests of Albee in his fight for th mayoralty.', ,- . kr.AncHisT to blow up v POLICE AND SOLDIERY ' V ' ' ; t - - - , -., . (Jeamtl SpwUI Service.) ' ,' ' Paris, April it. In retaliation for the killing of eworkmen at Limoges, anarch ists are preparing to Inaugurate a ranv palgn against the army and polio offi cer. It la reported they-have decided to refrain from large demonstrations, but will kill any army officer ahd p JUcemen caught alone, - Admirals, Togo imd $82,C:D.SPT TO MCOiVICTIACTRESS Trial of Nan Patterson; Will . Be tl'Adjourned'.-Tonlght Until ii Next Monday. COURt ANNOUNCES JURY,, i MUST BE CHOSEN TODAY Florodora Girl Accepts or Rejects Witnesses by 1ntuitlon--Cost ' ! , .v 0f the Case. '. 'J 4 : " . (Jearaal SpeeUl - aarrlaa.)' . - -'New York. April 1. Dulng tha exam ination of Win. B. Aldrlch, the first Ulss man called at the Nan Patterson trial today, .Recorder - Goff Interrupted the proceedings to announce that tha Jury must be - completed - today,, as he In tended . to adjourn court -tonight until Monday for th Easter session. In spit of the court's ..Injunction th examina tion, did 'not proceed any mor expediti ously. ,' . . , . ; It was announced today that the coat of .th first Patterson trial was I2J.000, of the second trial $11.000.. The' cost of the third trial is estimated at 141.000. ; The- three Jurymen selected yesterday are Lovell M. Aldrlch, an to dealer, 41 years, olda; John,. H. Splint, a tea and coffee merchant - aged - tl and Julius Ooldstone, a silk manufacturer, aged Ii. - Miss Patterson is personally directing the selection of Jurors by th defense. As each taleaman la questioned She looks i .fixedly, at hint and Inatantlyv-make up her -mind to accept or 'reject him. ap parently being governed entirely by In tuition. Each aid has been allowed- challenges and an average o far of elx rejections have been made to every Jury man-selected.. !': i - - r . -r - Th court roomna packed wtlh specta tors and taleaman. Recorder Oof f baa barred women spectators from th trial. , Mr. Llmburger, counsel for J. Morgan Smith and his wife, - appeared before Judgs Foster this morning to answer to the-charge of the district attorney that J. Morgan Smith and his wlfs were kept out of th Jurisdiction of ths New Tork court upon the advice of counsel - District Attorney -Jerome and his as sistant Mr. - Rand 'appeared before Jus tloe Gaynor today to answer the man date why the papers and documents In ths Smiths' case 'should not be des troyed or sent out or their custody and control. Mr. Llmburger stated that la the package returned by Jerome, letter written by the Smiths were missing. . .The application of the district attor ney for- modification of the court's orig inal order directing the return of the letters waaJsoargued ,bforJustic OaynorT" ' ' " "7 " " ' BaU AhtB VOB AT. . On account of th . Inclement . weather this morning, th man agement of , th ball - club called . off today's game, -but - shortly afterwards the . weather cleared and . It waa Mejlded to play th . game so . ss not- to disappoint th many' fans Who wished to se th mstcb,, : 1 '. i: 4)l O 19.' SIXTEEN PAGES. Rojtvnliy, Vfba An Aboot to Clash. COAHMEDiOH : . Morning Meeting . Follows Line ' , r?tahliahrj hv bnlnirntng flt i Midnight Caucus. i SNODCRASS.WILL BE ' V , 1- CHOSEN HEAD BANKER Ninety-Seven, Votes ; Pledged Hawley f or Manager and ; ' Latshaw for ' Cleric.- si i aesraal Special aWvaai) Lo Angeles. CaX. .April. Is. -At. th meeting this morning of $h head camp Woodman of th World convention the delegate ; of Colorado. Oregon, half of Washington and half of California,' rep resenting t7 votes, pledged .themselves to support BoaJk for head consul.' Lat ahaw for clerk, Ha wley for- manager. and Snodgraa for. banker. T7 vote being: a majority to elect, : .. -- ,f ' There are. 1H .delegate, ana sal OI them are busy gulling wire.- -- A spirited contest has developed, on th position of head banker.' The Ore gon delegation is -united upon' Snody grass for banker and -Ha wley for mana ger. Cooper having withdrawn from the race. Th - Waahln gton and California delegationa are split, v i - 1 Last night tha delegates . rormea in brilliant parade, .The , Washington and Oregon delegationa attracted much at tention. There wer is . companie n uniform rank In line, with bead camp of floors, delegates, - Women ; of Wood, craft, head officers, ate, : - A reception waa tenderea yeoraraay oj the chamber of commerce. Mr. Ha wley delivering n address, aa OM arand Guardian Van OradaL - ' . v. It la believed that th present grand Officer of the Women of Woodcraft will be elected unanimously. - ' i " I... , i OHIO BANK OFFICIALS SENT TO PENITENTIARY v..",. - ' (Joamat SpeeUl BerTlce.) ; fralna. O- Aorll 1. Caahler XL IX Kaneen. AsslsUnt Cashier E. B. Walker and Bookkeeper D. S. Walker of the Cltl sena Savings bank pleaded guilty this morning to the charge. ot emoemue ment. Kaneen was sentenced to seven years -In the penlUentlary and the Walkers to two and a half years each. Th bank shortage waa about 1100,000, which they lost In speculation , :i COL D. W. EMMONS DIES IN CITY-HE-FOUNDED (Jearaal IperUt SsrvKa.) Huntington, W. Va. April II. Col one! IX W. Emmons, who, with Colli P. Huntington, founded thl city, died of apoplexy today, aged IS jears. . ' ' maxHros oapttax. stock. (Jearaal Speelal Imlm.V , . i Trenton, N. J., April !. The North era Securities company haa filed articles with the secretary of atate providing for the reduction of th capital stock to 11, S4.000 on per cent of the orllr:i o.t- tandln capital, . , TO HANDLE FREIGHT Tired of Street Blockades and Violence Chicago . . Jobbers Form New Organization. CLAIM TEAMSTERS' STRIKE I . HAS BACKBONE BROKEN Montgomery, Ward A Co. Moy 1 ing - Goods by Aid , of Police Guards. ' . . (Jearaal Bpedsl servlee.) " Chicago, .April . It. Thoroughly -tared of the. street blockade and violence At tending strikes. Chicago employers are to form aa organisation with plenty of capital to do their own -teaming. The West Virginia article of Incorporation press g a remarkable change in handling freight-. : '' , Big wholesale and retail bouse pur pose to take car of their traffic through a oentralclearlng houa In which the walking delegate, union leaner or non union man and all who desire to work industriously sad .faithfully at . fair wage may have an opportunity. -At present there ar 126,000 tons f freight handled dally by teams and .00t teams ar employed. v This t raffle Is ex pected to be transported at - a much lower rate than is now possible, with none of -the existing annoyances. .: The present-movement haa been given impetus by the strike at Montgomery, Ward ai Cos plant, where acta of vio lence ar of almost hourly occurrence. The Pew 'organisation will probably be in working order In 10 oaya, - r Charles ooker. , s non-union -teamster. waa attacked by a union picket yester day and drew hi - revolver and tired twice at hia assailant. Both bullets went wide ' on of them woundinr Walter Clsger, a teamster, unloading a wagon half a square-away. . . - Montgomery, Ward A Co. xperieno little difficulty In delivering goods to day, all of their wagons being out with heavy police guarda. .Th deadlock still continues between ' teamsters and em ployers, though,, union officials announce that they have no intention of spread ing ths strike to other establishment. RADIUM A CERTAin, CURE FOR GANCE: - "aasBsspaamssBBBBBasBBBassBassssBaBaassBsaaasBBBsseasssasss ,1 W . (Jearaal Special Servlca.) , New York. AprU 1. Important ex periments ar under way In the Flower hospital which Indlcat tha discovery of aa aim oat certain cure for cancer. This new smaalBgly a. .Uve method Is the application, of radium. .Hugo Lleber, a noted chemist of tk'a c!y. haa i"--ed!l tn dlasolvl j i i. r uluai U a so lution that ..4 a-1 the a.vl:y : pure raL.u". Burveo- ''w'-'-K" hoc iiol a i - 1 ' f -overv a t ' ' Cver. Ii . ' ' t .r - 1K-., . X . - I i Firccen Rcp"5 Vc::, lzn cr.d CL Jirca Frczi Bi2zic2Cu::::i RE. BEACH & CO. ARE . HEAVIEST LOSEr.O Vast Crowd and First and A!-:i Streets Cheers Truckmtn ; Who Rescue People Lcc .' - About Thirty Thousand. There waa on fatality In th Strowbrldg block - fire.- Th victim waa a young canary bird named Jo. Th chief mourner was (-year -old - - Florence) , Or-. now. who wept bitterly when ther cage was opened and th pet found dead. c ' Mrs. Qrunow. . wife of W. - BY 4 Orunow . of Th Journal's com posing rooms, - ner oaugnier, 4 : Florence Deana, Mrs.- Kkatrand, 4 : a 'dressmaker, ana a -year-oia 4 child wer In th Orunow apart 4 mania on th third floor whan th ' nr was aisooverea. . jars. e Ekstrand and her chUd rushed out safely, ' nut Jtra. urunow, who was -' trying on a aresa, stopped tq put on more clothing. When she and her young daugh ter reached . th second floor they' wer "compelled to turn back .. on account of-- the dens smoke and flameav They locked the door and opened th window. There waa a cry for help from th mother and th next minute the Bremen had run a ad4ar up to th window. - ' Jama Mullen, Breman, brought : a I- down th child, whll th crowd ; : cheere, iusuiy, .ana .tra. uru now followed band over 'band, .unassisted. ... ' -, . Th first thing JItu rioreoc discovered , waa .th bsenc. of her pet canary. In respons to her cries. Fireman Roblor mad ' . th trip to th room and brought down the bird cage. But-th feathered . creature waa dead. having . been Stifled by th smoke.' Roblor mad, another trip. andL secured 'the pocketbook belonging to Mrs. Orunow and containing a eonaiaaraoi sum .of money. , . , .. ; .- . Fir . in th Btrowbrldg building. First and Alder strata.- at noon today, from - which a little girl, three women and half a dosen men Wer rescued by . hereto firemen, gutted the structure and partly - destroyed th belongings of SS oocupanta. Including th stock of paint and oil of F. K. Beach A Co., entailing a loss estimated at 130.000. . - Ten-year-old Florence Dean was oar tied from the third floor on the shoul ders of Laddennan A. J. Mullen, of truck 1, to th ground and . given Into th arms of a polios officer. Sh cried , and begged that her little dog. bureau and canary btrd be saved. Immadiat ly ascending the ladder. Mullen, with th aslatanc of Fireman Roblor, res cued Mrs. W. 1. Orunow, mother ef tha little girl. ' . . , ' - Mrs.' J. J. Clinton was aroused frees her apartment on the third floor and barely had' time to throw a robe about her, eels a few article of clothing and soap. - Another woman who had apart meat -on th third, floor ruahed to a window opening on First street and started to leap. A. Oroener, a real es tate man,, aelsed her and carried her down the stairs through blinding smoke. Policeman Dick Barter, who rooms In th building, waa aaleep and waa barely roused In tint to escape. sTo Fir Bseapss. - - There 1 no Are escape upon th bull ing and those who wer rescued wer carried down laddera by firemen and down th stair by other who as!-tiL . The fir 1 supposed ot have been caused by an .explosion of gasol'aa in the basement beneath -the room at 131 Alder street. The room was a part of 1 th Beach . paint establishment. Eoy White, a boy employed at th place for th paat two week, la believed to have gone Into the basement with a lighted lantern, which Is supposed to have caused th explosion." The boy live tn Woodlawn and a polio officer tleclare that he waa seen to rush from the base ment a few miautea before flame broke through the . windows . and throw a lighted lantern-Into th street. . Continued on Page Two.) character of th malady sh r"a!y e -sented to undergo xperua,! t ment. Tar weeks sg aha rrrved t ' treatment. Kls -a 1 r t r mor that menace I r 1 drr-ped off, ahowl-T t ' afu IT? t- v r I nifici v V