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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
i- , ...,.A Th Cr;::'Jn ". I M , i Cf Th: .3 J rTtd ''"., I Its' rrr:itr. - '. ' ft Cy ' Tooisht and ' raturday, cloudy; portly vol. iv. Vo x ; I . , . .,v : ,v v .. -i S . t r; Thlrtcciu Lose ; Lives - In Flames at St Anne's , Mx Kchtfel.H; 1 i - YOUNG GIRLS JIND OLD WOMEN PERISH IN FIRE Sister" Superior : Dies Rescuing Children Mapy Acts of 1 Heroism ; by . Villagers Wo. Way to fight .names.;;..', (fcwaal SpHlal fcn) MontrI. April Bt Anna' eon. y irt at St. GnirriT noar Montr!, on -of tha oldaat and laxswt ts Ca " ndn, h completely flra riT mnmlng- Thlrt a T nr known to bAr baa loat, and aararai othara ax mlaalnc Tha known dead r :4''-f, - V1 .-. - . ' - SUPERIOR. SI8TSR RAGETARIA. ItARCEUNK VII XifUM A RTIC v . . .IRKNB BERTRAM. ad 1L T.' ' EMMA TERRAtlLT, a4 IS. ' i MRS. ROBERT. d It. , r LBONAIU D-COUBT. d tt-; -s MISS DUOAS. need I.,. MRS. MARQARET OITVm, dead IS. 'A ;' MARIE88B hJOJOlTDB; ad . . '. 5 KLEQAMTINB BROUtX. acad 111 TK "'-"t " immena atfno tor. boUt eentnrr or o mto, ataad- lag on a, kill that comma ad ad n.ylaw . of tha country for mil.. Tha YUlatara war aroused at an ariy hour; Just b ' for . daybraak. .br tha' alarm from , tha conrant. which, was Boon In flama. A, hundred Lnmata war reaouad from tha ".: bnrnlnc bulldlnr la their nlcht clothaa . and takan .tot the surrounding homaa ' , which war ail thrown opaa ta tha suf- farara. . Th night waa bitterly- cold, and a flare wind fanned-tha flame- which - soon mantled all tha buildings, and r 1. snltad In thai oompiet dastruatloa. .'' Tba rlllag had no fir brig-ad, thar was no ayatam of water work, and b - for help arrlred from Montreal . tha -big structure was la ruins. . ' The eaua of th fir la wot known bat It Is presumed that It started through carelessness of th employes In oonnaction with the kitchen As soon - aa th fir alarm waa sounded panic 1m- mediately brok out among Inmates and ' acenes of the wildest confusion ensued, ; Children . and old , people . -struggled v fiercely with slaters to make thelr .ee , cape from the burning structure. . ' In connection with the conrent was ; aa old ladles' home In which there were about SO aged women, some , of them nearly 100 years old. AU but four of 1 ' the old ladles were rescued, but all sua . talned a serere shock and It la feared .' that In soma eases the nerrous excite ' meat - will prove fatal. . ' Many of tha ' . aged Inmates war paralytica and abso . ' lutaly unabl aid themselves an es- oaplng, dying In their quarters.1 Nearly 100 young girls ware pupils of ' the academy ranging from 10 years old to Is. The' girls fought and struggled . with one another to reach 'th exit and Z some of them became excited and leaped from the windows of the upper' floors - to. th ground suffering severe injuries ...and a few of them fatal injuries: Many acts of heroism were performed by the slaters and by tha villagers ,n ' rescuing . those' enclosed In . th) -doomed building.' Sister Ra ceteris, the mistress ' of the establishment, lost her life in an effort, to save tha children. - Knowing ' that some of tha children had not betit - able to make their escape she entered th burning dormitory and wsa burled in the falling walls. Several of the citizens who were working heroically were also caught in th burning atruo ""tare and suffered- svsr' Injuria. -none of which, however, are fatal. . J " Sisters Marl Theresa and. Maria ; Robertln were probably fatally burned . In efforts to sava the children, , ,. A M I LLI ON DOLLARS IS LAWSON'S GAIN 7- (Joaraal ' Special Serviea.). . New Tork, April Zl. Thomaa W. law son yesterday took advantage , of ' a psychological moment in history, by a . raid an wall sareet, carrying off profits amounting to almost a million dollars. ' -. Seldom. If aver. In tha history of tba .street have conditions been more, pro pltuons..Th signing of the stock-tax bill by Oovernor Hlggins, th hear ap proach of a decisive battle In the far east, the closing of tha aschanse tor Friday and Saturday, tha poshlblllty bfj trouhi over neutrality between Japan and Frno which might -dragMn Ens land, th heavy selling of life lasuraaot - pertly ; & I Mrs. Caxrte & Van Ondall, Who Was Yesterday Re-elected Grand Adviaer of tha .Women of Wood- FOUND ROOSEVELT Ifl FINE FETTLE ,.r Delighted at Having - Killed His W , Bear and Saved Dog's Life. ! .- . CAMPS TO BE MOVED TO GREGOR RANCH SATURDAY President Signs Appointment of Atkinson to De Judge of v ; . ' (Joanul -Gleawood Springs, Colo, April tl. Secretary Xjoeb after - his return from the president's camp baa settleddowa for another tare days' wait for news. He said that ha found tha president In fin fettle, delighted at having killed his near, and proud or bis second shot which brok th bear's backbone, and. pat an end to its killing th dogs. Saturday th camp will b moved to Oregor ranch, on th west divide. The third camp "will be mad- still further over toward Redstone. May 1 the pres ident will com here, remain over sight, and th following day start for Den- ver. v-r' . a . , - - . lbal tlMTrthrdsad-serefal time caught up with 'the bear and had annoyed him until he was in a vicious mood when- the. president and- other members of the party cams up with the dogs. On dog had bean killed and sev eral othera wounded when the president shot hurriedly o sav a dog from the grlssly's - paws. The first shot struck K ..W.l W . w 1 Jt L ..mill. . .H I .u ,wiuuTi m irtosj again he killed his gam. - - ' '. v . Th president has signed tha ap pointment 'of Oeorge ' W. Atkinson, . of West Virginia, to be Judge of the court of -claims of the District of Columbia. There was no hunting yesterday en account of a heavy fall, of snow, , ALL CHICAGO TEAMSTERS V TO JOIN STRIKERS' RANKS t - i ' i . ' v. , i '(JeoraU Bsedal Servke.1 -v Z Chicago, April II. In response to an Invitation from MayorvDunn to hold a conference this afternoon regarding th strike, leader agreed to meet the mayor and postponed the. visit, to. the wholesale - houses planned for ' today. Tha sentiment -among union - teamsters Is for a' general strike unless some thing tangible cornea : from , the confer, once with the mayor'. It 'is probable th vote of th 16,000 members of the teamsters- union will, be takan tonight bn the proposition to quit work. Such a move would paralyse th city's in dustries, ,'-V-vV,:;- ".';'.:, . PANAMA' RAILROAD TO, ;:; -;-BE WELL EQUIPPED ' - '(Joarasf gpeeUI Sarvlea. -'.Washington, April lU .- President Shonts and . Vlce-Prestdeot Wallace of tha Panama 'nil road this, afternoon con tracted with! the American Locomotive company to supply 24 large double-ended Mognl ertirme-to-cost tf. OTO aplaca. t Bpaelflcatlona are being prepared for thar purchas -of -100" fraiirnt ears and Other equlbment, which will add mater ially to the capacity of th road, ' - r Interests,' the already ' marvelously '. high prices of. stocks,. all. contributed an op portunity - which 'Lawson was ahrfwd enough, to turn, to advantage. Price of stocks' broke so avarag of four points, wall . street, . which, - since the memorable day last December; when Lawson mad his' first- bear raid, had laughed and Joked about Aha Boatontan, went to : bed trembling under the- blow wbloh he had struck, feeling that he bad mads good bis threats. -The results showed that Lawson has been , preparing for. weeks for the raid. One. story states that tha man who helped him engineer th deal was J Rr Jeen. Kssasg jrlsBds. oeuea jua. . A . Policjr HcMers of Equita: French Goyerpent Asks ' r "Svj H b ' W50?2 - We Life Ask Ccart . ko estvensKy to Leave . , ), .. .. w i uiuiucu a. I 1 i .v. PORTLAND. OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING.- APRIL , 8 1. , j j GROSS FRAUOS CHARGED 4 JAPAN IS ASSURED OF.ct ITS'" I , : .. . , - TO PRESENT MANAGERS NEUTRALITY OF FRANCE ' Wi -Xl-- "'. :v -IW-;- Alexander .and Hyde Accused of . Misappropriating Funds and Mismanaging Business :; . . ..of Conearn. c::. ";;,- Uoaraal Ssaelal Sarrlea.) . Chicago, April It. Chargirlg (-roes fraud and unlawful manipulation of the., funds of the society, six policyholders of th Equitable Life Assurance society today flled a petition la th United States : circuit court- for the appoint ment of a receiver of th big insurance company. .-' : . . .'-; ., Prealdant - Alexander ' and - Vice-President Hyde are made subjects of- scath ing accusations Jfor misappropriation of funds, mismanagement of buslneaa and th sensational controversy -now golsg on among the . factions, which- Is . de clared ruinous. The complainants ex press the fear- that th business of th ooaearn will be destroyed, ta h tre-meadoosv-loss ef policyholders; -The de cision to- ask' for a receiver was -made at a meeting of policyholders held at th office of D. J. Schuyler. !a the New Tork Life building. ; Tbe complainants are 'John . C- Bandits, Abraham Sitron, Julius JEttelson, Max Ettelson. . Louis Neusaaa, Samuel Lyons aad Edna Ly ons. , - - -.-. . .- ,Tb special . committee .appointed by the general agents of the Equitable Life Aasurano society- Is ta Albany today. arriving this afternoon from Syracuse, where it waited oa superintendent of Insurance Frank Hendricks In regard to the snutualisatlon of th Equitable. An interview was held with Oovernor Hlg gins this afternoon relative to th In vestigation of th Equitable now being made under state auspices, sad th- plan laid -out -far . the saatusllsstian of th eooorn:" "--t it-.- Q. E. Tarbell has been requested " U reslga his positron as second Vice-presi dent of the Equitable and to withdraw as a member of the board of director. It la said that th request oftmes from th committee of Investigation, headed by H. C. Prick, - ' . - in an attacx issuea on rrwgmi Alex ander, Hyde aocusee the chief exeoo Uve of employing his' relatives at fat salaries aad submits a list of th mem bers . of ' th Alexander family -who draw a. total of ll,v9.jroar.Xrom th Equitable traasury: - James W. Aiaxapaer. fsrssiaeet. salary $100,000. - , - - William Alexander,' a proiaer, secre tary, salary 110,000. Henry M. Alexander, a son.' or u taw firm of Alexander . Colby, retainer. tXt,000.- i '.',""-1. ;-' - Frederick D. Alexander, a son. ox in brokerage firm of Alexander, Thomas t Davis, about $35,00. , , Dr. Arthur Fu. a orotoer-uwaw. medical director, f 10,000. Mr, Qllchrlat a nephew, neao. or in securities department, $6,00.. . These amounts received by relatrvea of Mr. Alexander, it Is salB, war ex clusive of the fee paid to sUexander A Colby, aa counsel for the society. Mr. Thomaa of Alexander, Thomas at Da vies, is a . nephew ofXMrs. J. W. Alex ander. :-. V,': ' ;'" WOULD BORROW GALLOWS TO HANG CRIMINAL UPON .' - (Joaraal SpecUl Servlee.) " '" 1 Lewtaton. MonU Apra 1L Two of- floers being on good neighborly terms, th sheriff of Maegher county applied to th sheriff of Fergus county, Biater being the name of the latter official. for a loan of his gallows.- Th ateagnar county sheriff wants to hang H. H. Me.ttgeriJ9herf JL.SHiter'WWjts ; to ac commodate his ooueague hut eannot nna th gallowsv flome tlm aso a malafactor. William Calder by name, waa executed la the old eounly ' JalL - Soon afterward the Jail was sold to' Tubbs Broa, contractors. th edlflce to be-eonverted Into building materials' and ' removed. With tha building, tha gallows seems to have bean carried away. " Now the, sheriffs sf th two counties are angry a me woinuign ana hut leas the gallows, are returned for the Meagher county, hanging, a damag suit Will b fought but In the courts. ' Ac tion has already been begun to recover the machln of death, which is a double man affair.- (" - .v ' '" '' The Tubba admit taking the banging apparatus,- but say they. paid for it. This tha commissioners deny, and want It back or U value, mio. - ' . , , , , ' . i .. -.. i TmAjmro btaw rAz&vsus. J ' ' (leenal gpeelal Servtea) . New Tork, April 11. A ma yesterday on th trading stamp store of Benedict McFarland with many branches throughout th aountry resulted In Its going in bankruptcy and a reoelver pe- lac a4p,ointa j .,, , .,, ., ,y( -j--.-..'. ,rt-ht : - ;. ( (Jeerml BpseUl Service. - Parts. April Jl,Bullstn) Premier Rouvler stated to th chamber of depu ties today that the sovefmnent had sent a request to Rojestvensky to leave the Indo-Chlna waters which, . com within - stance's Jurisdiction... --.,- .. nooraal Special Berries.). London-.-April tl. A Central News dispatch from Paris states that the French government' has .xormauy re quested th Russian fleet to leave Kam ranh, bay...- There la no official confirma tion her ef the report that th has already- left Kamranhv bay. It is stated on high authority that tha Russian admiralty baa notified .Admiral Rojestvensky of the 'grave danger to oeaoe -which- will sw entaiiea ix me stay of his squadron off the coast of Anam IS prolonged contrary to the laws of neutrality. Confidence is expressed In Russian official circles that the admiral will carry out his Instructions. ; , ' The French minister at Tokl has as sured - the '. Japanese 1 government ; of France's neutrality. )' The Russian minister of fioano has received a telegram from a confidential agent at Shanghai giving a rumor that Vlo-Admlal Rojestvensky has already passed the straits of Formosa without encountering Admiral Togo. There is bo oonflrmation. . '"-rt According to French advices from the orient, - the Russian fleet Bailed from Kamranh bay yesterday,- its-destination U ftnknoWtL bunt la believed that Ro jestvensky has been Joined by Nebogatoff with the thira raeino squsaroa ana tnat the Russians are now ready to face th Japaaese with algbt flrst class battle ships, three second elaaa battles hi pa and numergua cruisers. Large quantities ef ammunition are also believed to have been received by th Russians who also replenished their coal supplies during their halt at Kamranh bay. - A- Shanghai dispatch state that Ova China warships are watching the Rus sian cruiser Aakold. which was reported sit took 1 refuge-m-the harbor last winter. . It Is stated that tha vessel has been secretly mad ready for Foreign Minister Del cease has assured Japan that France will observe sen traltty laws. It Is stated1 that th slss f Kamranh bay permits ships to snter and anchor without being fat French ter ritory waters. It Is furthermore stated that France had no previous knowledge that the Russians Intend going to Kam ranh bay- and . therefor had no oppor tunity to. foresee or guard against their Visit. ' ; ,'": . ' i 1 - - 1 JSFFBJtSOsT sTlTLXi ntVUOrXMQ. - '.-' Josraar Spaetal ervlc.)''' ' '-' ' Wast Palm Beach. vFla April 11. Joeech Jefferson passed another good night and - his condition ' this morning shows a slight improvement overt yes terday. :'.',' - - - 'i' T- SUkT 1VBATBS FOB :' (Jssnal gpecUl 'Sanrlea.) -' Genoa. Italy. April tl. Secretary Hay left today for Bad Nuehlm by way of Milan. He says mat he is quit re covered In health. . . .;, .. ,... BTSSXAST MXSTSTBB SBAB. ' '. (Journal SiMclal Serviea.) LPaklrC Aprtt tKM.. PauLXssaar, ths Russian minister to China, wnoss loot was recently amputated, died last night. FIRST CHERRIES OF -; ' SEASON COMt HIGH 4 .. Ten dollars a pound Is tha a price Chicago ana otner ciuew ox . the east paid "I TSirnflsyt ago-Tor-tw th nrot cnernea to arrive in mo w market. This la st th rU of a 1100 a 10-Dound box. ' i The first cherries of th sesson ' 4 a arrived In the PertUnd market 0 today from ' California, ' Th Shipments consistea or nv noxes of 10 pounds each. . Th flrst charrlea that earn to this mar ket today were not quits so high ssthoa sold during the week In Chicago, but they wer nigh enough for 'most people. The fruit sold 'quits , readily, however, at $I. a nox."or 15 cents a pound. Within a. few weeks ths Oregon charrlea will be in the market. ' v . 6 .. .. A . X m II 1 . -T .J-Tl llfi 1. .. 'lit 1.. .1 , J Russia Admiralty Notifies FTejot ; V Vy U "T'' v-,';'; rThat Prolonged t stay Off .. , - -,' -"r"'--.-;-;"-:: I 'n? ,.:; ;;- cochin.chirVwui Re- V ; .v ':':::.-j9i': k r -' ' - ISC J SIXTEEN PAGES. I : t - J v ;s . . -v .. . vr luiam . v L 1 Bck of Denrer, Who Will Ooahtieas Succeed Falkanlmrf as Read ; . ; " Congol of tha Woodmen of the World.' .V ;."' ' TEWIG FARE - , AT PEMHY t 7 .: What the Young Woman's Chris- . tian Assdciation.Will Do 1 ! ' -' : '"at the Fair. WORK HAS BEGUN ON THE v EXHIBIT BUILDING Will Be ; Fine T Clubhouse and " :, Home for .Women WJth . -V-f Every jCortyenience'; ! Work has . been . begun on th new T. W. C. A. bunding at th fair grounds, and full plans havs been mads for its arrangement and management The building : will serve i to . Illustrate th principal -on which th' association Is conducted to provide for women com fort aad , good - oompaalonahlp at 1 th lowest rates possible. VIU motive re mains philanthroplcat. , Th sit la dlrecUy northeast Of the Liberal Arts building. Downstairs will b a hug dining-room, where dainty and appetising luncheons will b served at ths usual penny.' Instead of nickel rate. Commodious kitchens wUl be on this floor also to provide room for: sanitary cooking. Offices and exhibition rooms will complete the first floor. . On tha second floor 'will be parlors ', prettily furnished, clean, and commodious lava tories, with bath, seven rest rooms, one of which wlU be fitted up as a hospital or ' emergency room, and - a well con ducted nursery where - parents, may leave their children during sight-seeing. A trained hospital nurse will be in at tendance at th bluldlng. . Reasonable rates "will be chsrged for these con veniences, but members of the associa tion bearing their . membership tickets from any part of ths world will receive rates.:;. ... . Miss- McCorkle, the general state sec retary of the association, will . hav -J charge of the building, and will be as- isica or nnniinn 01 women, eoms hav already begun their work. - An In formation bureau where oral and print ed information will be given concerning the exposition ground, tba city or any other point of interest, will be run in connection with, the office downstair. -Th general exhibit will Include the whole Paclflo coast and 1 will ahow statements concerning1 the work, photo graphs or S(HilatluiisanH their-build- Inge, work from various Industrial de partments conducted by ths association, and general Information of interest. ' The committees appointed to assist in the building enterprise follow: Ad ministration committee: Mrs. H. . C Campbell. Mrs. J: H. Gibson, Mrs.' F. M. Warren, Mrs. 'A. O. Barker.' Mtas A. Mabel Haaelttna. " Btfldliig commlttae M. C. Campbell. Charles H. Howell, Mrs, W. 8, Kinney, Mrs.', DaU Stuart Lun cheon committee. Mrs. A. E.- Rockey, Miss Helen Eaathamv Advertising com mittee Miss M. A,- t.emln. Mlas Mar tha Case, Miss Clara -ebb. Furnish ing committee Mrs- 8.' , Llnthloum. Mrs. Helen LSdd cnrbctt, ira- w . h. RATES BeharrelL Mm .Walter J. Bit-nai Miss I Py and tas return 01 a is proporuon yirglnla. vWUoa. : , ate shares at stock, with accrue! later-j - i ? '1 V' HULTKOi'IAH CAflP TlflS THE ML Captures Honou in Competitive Drill at 4.0s Angeles Against,, . '' -All Comers. PORTLAND'S CRACK TEAM SURPRISES BIG CROWD Other Teams Do Excellent Work ;' and Are Recipients of ',r..-v,-Much Praise." V, ' (Special Dispatch ta The JoaraaLV '," Los Angeles, CaL, April XL tn ths oompetitive drill between th uniform rank teams Woodmen, of ths World, held here last night In the presence of the hundreds of delegates and visitors at tending the head camp convention, Mult nomah team won ths first prise, a. gold medal valued at $160." The competing team that carried off the honors for Oregon Is from Multnomah camp. No.' T 7. of Portland. Although nine states participated In the contest, the winning team scored high, the Judges grading It 09 per cent only on point of being perfect ., - .' v Although the showing made by the winning team was something of a sur prise to som of th visitors, it waa a looked-for event by th members of th Portland, camp. Ths team has-drilled long and faithfully and went, to-the Los Angeles convention feeling sure of vic tory. ' .. ." ..... " Multnomah camp Is one of the largest camps of Woodmen In ths Jurisdiction. As soon as the announcement waa mad that Multnomah bad carried off the hon ors messages . wer hurriedly senf tfi home camp by visiting members aad a general feeling of rejoicing among the contingent In thl city was manifested by shonts and waving of handkerchiefs and fans. - ' . Other team taking part did excellent work aad received high grades.. - It la probable that I. I. Boak will be elected head consul to succeed th lata F. A, FsUcSnburg. 1 . FINDS AT 90 WORTH ; (Joersa! Bped.l Berries.) V. Chicago, April XL A tale of the find ing' ef lost treasure rivaling Alexander Dumas description of the good fortune of Monte Chrtsto, is told by John P. Foes, who a few days ago found In. aa eld safe In the cellar of hia residence three certificates of stock In ths People's Q as. Light A Coke company, which tha lawyers declare are . worth . approxi mately H.SOO.0TJO, Foas la 10 years old. Action has been commenced In the circuit court by Foas to secure sn accounting of th affairs of ths People's Oas, Light Coke com- price five czirrc DENIES HAVING TRIED TO BRIBE ELUOTT1 In-Trial of the Case Against Of ficial Much Ught WH Be Throvyn on Manner of ' : " , Letting Contracts.' Elliott and George) Scoggln perjured themselves'' when they , swors that I aver offered them any eon-' sldsratlon for an adverse report on the' Marquam gulch First street viaduct," declared Charlea E. Rumelin. .-who- waa . . Indicted last evening by an informatioa fUed by District Attorney Manning, -charging him with having attempted t bribe Elliott to report against th $U, 000 bid of 3. J. Maney for th contract ' to construct th bridge. Mr. Rumelin - wss vehement la his statement-, and -declared that' he bad ' been unjustly dealt with by the men who went on record under oath to the . effect that he tried to pay them money, to Influence their official acta. How ever. . he refused to make any statement whea ; asked to say something about tha indictment ', ,.- , :' "t poalUvsly will not say anything," said he, in answer to numerous ques tions, "but will wait until I am in court. " before uttering ens single thing On ths subject," Later It was stated by htm . that b had not yet retained a lawyer to defend nim,'- ........ , - ... - It Is learned that he has - discussed the matter with aeverar personal friends -and political associates, and has been vehement in declaring hia Innocence. This ' morning at 10 o'clock a bench warrant was Issued from the circuit oourt for th arrest of Mr. Rumelin, and ' ha waa . expected to appear in court this ' afternoon to be arraigned. - . " ; Xrrasrojarltles ta OontraoB. ' Now that ths matter of the Marquam : . gulch viaduct has been .brought Into oourt, the expectation is that all the facta wUl be laid bar that affect in any manner th reported Irregularttiea in connection with th letting of ther contract . v Certain : facta have already been learned. One of the is that thar waa ' some hidden reason for ths desire to hav ths Maney $51,000 bid withdrawn, ' ta. order that . the $,OOQ bid - of -the Paclflo Construction company of San Francisco might remain aa the lowest to be accepted by the executive board. On record with the executive board , Is a- letter that bears ths signature of J. J. Maney, -In which he asks that his bid be returned to him. together with -the certified check for $5,100, which he had deposited In accordance with -the requirements of the advertisement for ' bids, and stating that - he . feared he . would be unable to carry out the con-., tract The reason given by- the execu tive board : for - permitting the with-, draws! of the Maney bid waa that It was apparent that- the troubles of the contractor, In attempting to execute the . contract under the unfavorable condi tions hinted at in Maney's letter would subject - ths . city to delays and em barrassments that warranted the return of his bid and ths acceptance of the bid of the California company to do the work for $68,000. ' .!- " Contrasts OtaXs. - It la claimed ' by ' the prosecution ; 7 against Rnmelln that there Is evidence'-, to prove that practices in the handling of many contracts . permitted graf ta" ' by contractors after contracts bad been let by altering specifications that al lowed the use of less material than was called for, the price of the work re maining unchanged. It was In. this. It -Is claimed, that ths California company expected to make a profit after having paid tS.00 to- Maney -to withdraw. It wilt be shown In the trial that the cost of th bridge has been carried far (Continued on Page Three.) HE'S V: A FORTUM E est which h claims he is sow entitl t to by virtue of the original stork em: .-eatee- which he holda, The latter repre sent IS per cent ef the eriglnal oartta,.. -Hon of $C00.OflO. Half a century has elapsed '-" T first earae Into poaseealon of t t. certificates, which he stored In. a r at the time and lost trace of J " C cago's . big fire. Kocently t 1 1 Foaa became curious sa l t ' ' of the old safe In a t farced It ovn.J. In a s- rt r the certificates w- Officials of I I ' ' s Cove eomne-y Sairw..-i 1 I