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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
Tin: crjzcon daily . MODEST PE1QCRAT5 . HEROIC; FIREMEN; ARE VERY MODEST . ' '."I V AAA s ' - ' " y"v"vv "v -v - . - 1 ' J . W V Rezisfretlor? of Candidates for Nomination t Primarlee Closes r'? l TW fevmfnVand 'Titer Art Still Lota of Good Positions i ' for Which Only RepubHcans Are. Striving, , . ?' ..r V '-ar T ' '' t, i r -at j m ' . C,-'-V;;.;:v-:-V.:",-;.t . . . j.l l. . , y . . EIGHT MEN WILLING TO SERVE CITY IN MAYOR'S OFFICE ;'v5.No1b'fmocratic 'Aspirant for City Auditor, Treasurer or Attorney,5 or Councilman In Fourth, Eighth or Ninth : Wards, and Aa ; .".Vary .Few for nauon At tarn primary wwim w iu ww this .evening t , aclock. weany a tiundred aspirants for positions ,U th city government bar filed their dec la ration of Intentions, aa. required by the primary law.' Of thla number the Re publican candidates are in the majority about 4 to 1. :r- - Foe the office of city auditor. - city treasurer, city attorney and oountellmeD of .the fourth," eighth- and- ninth wards, no.' Democratic candidates , hav . aa nounoed themselvea. ,. , , , , for mayor there are eight candidate, tx Republtcsna and two Democrat; municipal Judge, seven Republican and one Democrat; city attorney. two Re publlcanai city treasurer, two Repub licans; city auditor, on Republican; fire councllmen-aMari, I Republican and two Democrats: . councilman first "ward, one Republican , and on Demo crat; second ward, rour Kepuoncana ana one Democrat; third ward, two Repub lican and on Democrat; fourth ward, two Republicans; fifth ward, tlx Re publicans and.' on . Democrat; sixth ward,, five Republican and on Demo crat; seventh ward, five Republican and on Democrat; eighth' ward, five Re- nkl niii' ninth ward. two Jtepuo- j leans; tenth ward, two Republicans and ;,two uemocrsia. . . - C tniwnint candidates ' are ' In the ffleld for several of the offices, but thsy Tare not considered at in primary oieo . rtlon. The name of th candidate fol- flow: ' .' ' For mayor Republloans. Oeorg H. Lwiiiiaaia . HL tL Rows. H. R. Albee, W. J B. OUfflt, Spencer H. Cooper and Fred 'T. Merrill; Democrat, ueors m. morn- mm ami Dr. Marrr Lace. . - For ' municipal Judr Republicans. 'Thorn B. McDsvitt. OosUv Anderson, 'Thad, W,,Vreeland. Albert B. Ferrers, George 3. Cameron. Paul R- Dady and lotto . Kraemer; Democrats, Charles A, . Jpetrala. . ' For city attorney RepuDUoans, f. - a- rTargart and I A. Menary- . ''. r For cur treaaurer Kepublleana, J. X. 'Warlain and Joseph W. Beverldge. ' . For city auditor Republ lean, Thomas CDsrlin..-- - ' .. ' . For councilman at large Republicans, M. A. Heppner, William H. Barry. -A. 'W. Willi. Frank Hackafley, Jama N. 'Dt1s,-A. R Stanley. Oeorge U. Hylaad. - .OMnl P. Lent. C A- Townsend. W. X V .Clemen, J. Annand. O. J. Orao. John P. Sharkey, Dan KeUaher, Charles N. Ryan and D. 1. Qulmby; Demoeratt. 'Thomas Guinea aad A. T. FlegeL n rnnnellman. - First ward Repub lican, Robert A. Pre ton; Democrat, 1. 3. ' ,Concannon. .,-''' "' , - n dmukI ward Remiblleaa. W. ,B . ' tA. "f vr janklns. Bam WsRier and 'U H. SuUlvans Democrat. Charles pug.j gan, . - "s J Third ward Republican, oeorg ia 'Dunning and S. X , ArsU; ' Democrat, VRobert 1. Brady. Fourth ward Republ loans, George B. m Slhmh,M and A. K. BetlUey. ' i Fifth ward Republican. ' I. . Fried- 'man. A. J. Fanno, W. S. Huff ord, D. l 'Pattaraon. W. C Beachrast and W, T. 'Master; Democrat. Edward N. Cahaltn. 1 , Bjxlh ward Kcpuniicans. n. . John Klrkley, Henry A. Beldlng. H. Ter (wtlllirar and Alfred F. Bmth; Democrat, Seventh ward Republicans, 8. F. '""WTiltal Douls U Dans. V. H. Gordon. rwillUm F. Merrlman end A. O. Rush Ulght; Democrat, Dsn J. Bherrett. r- ; Eighth ward Republican,' Frank - S. Bennett. J. F. Wilson. W. B. McOregor, . E. N. Wheeler and John, F. Cordray. Ninth ward Republicans. Albert K. 'Mlllett and R. B. Jdenefe., " ; Tenth ward Republicans. A. 1 Shaf 'fer and H. O. Robinson; Democrats, W. 1 Vaughn and Peter U O. Wiser. . : ;-, . laae a tAboy T. . ' . Where th bulk of th labor vote will b found ta th coming city primaries lis pussllng the politician. . Three year iago Oeorge H. Williams received, their mupport, and Oeorg H. Howell was sp j pointed as a member of th executive 'board by th mayor as a result r -V Howell has resigned from th eiecu rtlre board, and has declared that ho la I the fight for th nomination of H. R. THE CLOCK THAT TELLS , - THE TIME AND PLACE EASTER RBTEMBRJLNCES . Hf GOLD AND SILVER 1 AH ' of th latest " and ' best style of th seasoa, which must b seen to - be appreci ated. 1 W therefore tnvit you one and all to call. Price ar lw for only th beau - -' . . . r .... ,., . t :'."f k -FcldcnhcimcrTr YmlM jid WMhtegbrnv I v V': ''' , Other Placee. k ?;;v; Albee by the Republicans. It . is oae ceded that be U still strong In th Ubor force, and bis wall-known character ad a fighter makes him aa important fao tor In to contact. ; ' In th election of Hot ,when Oeorg H. William was th Republican candi date aa-alnat R. D. Inmaa. Democrat, it waa expected that th latter would be u ported by th majority , of the labor people. But shortly before th election it became apparent that the labor- vot waa going to William In large num bers, and that . this slump decided th election baa been admitted ever sine. It Is tru that many smioon men are pot actlvs In opposing Albee, for .the reason that- he ha declared that ' all who observe the law will have a square deal" that be will Insist on th ob servance of th law oa tn part of all saloon men and cltlaan alike without discrimination. , But the support of th liquor dealers . aaaoclatlona, ; wholesale ad retail. 1 expected now to go to Wil liams, although thero ar claim that they ar negotiating with other candi dates who ar seeking th Republican nomination.' : ' ' But the placing af th labor Vot is likely to bo one of th moat Important, If not the most Important,- element In th q. contest, and that Oeorge H. Howell' strong Indorsement of Alb will bring many labor vote to hint la believed t b inaviubl. ;-.- Keynote utterances at th meeting of th Albee and Glafke club Tuesday night ar regarded by politician aa th moat significant Incidents of th city campaign up to thla time. ' Both clubs ar tn strong opposition to siayor Wil liams, and It has been hoped by some of those who deal re th defeat of th mayor that A plan of coalition would be formed that - would bring- together these large sections of voters and cure th division that has boon regarded a almost insur ing siayor Williams' renoml nation la th primaries. Xk a marasy. V However, th character of tb . key note speecbe that war mad at th Olafk club, whan compared with those heard at the Alba elnb, seems to demon strate tb impoealblllty of harmony be tween these elements.. ' Herman Wittenberg, of th city school board, mad the pronounoemont for th Qlafk clnto. He' threw sUngtng epi grams at Merrill, whom he deal gnatad "an advrtlment for a blcyd," and at Albee, to whom ho referred a Sunning on a religious platform-", HI signify cant utterances were thee: -I believe Mayor William haa bees honest aad slocers, in, aU tha J ha rw ar eonducting a fuala man's oaatpalga, and ar not funning a re ligious' warfare." . i Thla )aUer statement ended all pos sibility of harmony "between Olafk and Albee follower. Alb' poop resenting th Imputation that they are not keeping In mind rational business considerations and In declaring for law enforcement a th primal issue la tb fight, ar Tun njng a religious campaign.' v , (j : astat rhrowm Sows. ' . .r. , Those atatemenu by . Mr. Witten berg." said aa Albee maa today who is authorised to speak for him. "compel that the gauatlst b thrown down and th status of th two candidates be de termined clearly as to thla law enforce ment issue. W declared at our meet ing villi the Albee club waa formed, that we were for tb application of busi ness principle to the conduct of mu nicipal business.- but that, ta defining what a "business administration is. th manner' la which city revenue shall be raised 1 a paramount consideration. rw hold that th nam s principle should govern pabllo business as gov erns private business th acceptance of money from legitimate source only, and that no city will suffer in tb long run If it enforces tb law and depends on legitimate revenues for th payment of th expense of running th government. "We ask that thla matter of a defini tion of a "business administration' b maid clearer." - : ' w t "' i ..-.:--' -. Interest now centers la th further Drooeedlng of these two clubs, that ap parently must tight out th Issue a to whether or not Mayor wiuiams wm renominated by tn Republican party. There-will be keen expectancy of Im portant pronouncements wbea meetings act held neat week.. '-V 'V m POPULAR PLAY .,;. ; ' DRAWS FULL HOUSE Moody Stock ' Company Pra- aanta ,Tha Dressing Gown, j, : v to Bi Net Receipta. H ' The Moody - stock company gave a performance of "The Dressing Oown" at the residence of Dan 'Malarkey oa Marshall street, last night aad scored a tremendous, ait- before- an auaieaoa composed Of neighbor and friends of th actors. The production waa also a financial success; gross receipt were tl.eo: net. It cents.: Th cast: ' .. Mr. Feabody. ...... .4. .-...Frank Moody Mrs. Peabody. Caroline Friendly Mr. Kirk... Raymond Coarsen MirUMii..... Margaret Malarkey Barak .Constance Piper Cumber.,...i. Ned Hysksll variously agea rrom 11 i 41 years. The . leading lady. . Caroline Friendly, wore a cardinal silk dress that had bees her mother's first Juvenile party gown. All tb costumes were beaatlful aad ap propriate, v Th performance waa -a re turn engagement. On, th cocas ion of Its Initial production a woek ago, . In th attic of to Moody residence, on Twenty-first street, a domestic who had been left In sols cfaarg of tb front door deserted her post, locked th house, and repaired to th attio to witness the per formance. Th result waa that many war unable. Id gala admittance., and there was a general demand that th show be repeated. Other play ar un der consideration, i 1-- PJ i isfm led Mmi Allan Lwis Beat Brand, .V.'1' A maa near Qnioa la getting rich, cn Y yi ' ." 1 .V y , w. V 1 -U : ; Edward RaWor.' -;y f Perhaps th two most popular fire men la th Portland department tooay ar A. J. Mullen ana HMwara itaooir, members of truck company No, 1, -who rescued uttl Florence Dean ana a woman from tb third floor burn ing Btrowbrldge building yesterday. When truck 1 arrived at th scene of the-blase, - corner of First and Alder streets, a window ( was raised on the third floor and a cry for help waa beard. A ladder waa run up and MuUen aad.Rablor dived thrwum the flames and amok and carried th frightened people down to aafety. The orowd cheered wildly whea th firemen with their burdene reached th; ground. .Th men take .their honors -very -modestly HAIL ' JTOZIL3 VALLEY Windows - Broksntand Much Damage Caused to Young: . , Fruit Trees and Crops.'. ACCOMPANIED BY MUCH 4 X THUNDER AND LIGHTNING Population of Junction .Increas ing Aged Farmer Com-,- j . mitted to Aaylum. 1 , vf - . lanaeial'DlsDetrh t The Jeqraal.l Aikm. Or- April 10. A vr ball storm occurred yesterday afternoon in th McKensie valley in th vicinity of Waltervlll and Laaburg. Hailstone aa Inch 1n diameter fell for some time. breaking windows, injuring young fruit trees and battering bop vines. The hall waa accompanied by loud clap of thunder and brilliant lightning. Th atm-m la tha worst alnoa May IW lttL Th auraaratkm of th people of Jnnctlon City titm been completed . by Brnest ISdwarda, f en . of th gfflclal state ' eensn taker, v. Inside tne cor porat limit of the town ar iff par sons. There wer la 1M. Perry Msttlaon. d Tt year. farmer residing at Marcels, waa taken to tha insane asylum at Balem yesterday afternoon, nnvmg been committed by County Judge Chiisman. His mind ha been falling for the last 11 year. . GRUNSKY TO HAKE. : INSPECTION TOUR (Coatlaued trom Pag On.) matWn service do not lnvolv any ad ministrative duties, which ar and-will contlau In charg of Chief Engineer F. H. NewelL. But In engineering prob lems conneeted with service Mr. O run sky will be th highest authority and he will report to the president through tha director of the geological survey who. baa general charge of the rvclama tloa snrlo work.,' .... i. ; . Mr. Orunsky haa taken ap for examin ation aad report th proposed Milk river Irrigation . project I Montana. '.This it nmlM-tikan would involve an expenditure of from. ! to li million dollars, f and requiree in soiuuon 01 a oompUcated question . of international water rights. ' Thar ar grave engines r- m, Mfthiam, Minnvtiid with other nro- poeed enurprise contemplated by -the reclamation service upon f wmca sr. Oruasky wUl report ;..:. '-:...J-;,;. ; 4 Whea afaietod with a hard celd. settling Is ss effective ee PW Cure. Be. , v ' , LITTLE MABEL JANNON FALLS TO HER DEATH '.j ' .." " .... 8lxyear-old Mabel Bannon, who lived with her parent. Mr.- and Mr. 3. R Bannon. at 3i Fifth street, fell from a trestle spanning Marquam gulch, In oath Portland, yesterday afternoon and wa almost Instantly killed. The acci dent waa witnessed by the child's 4-year v Old a1ter..")i' ' ' : . t. , : . : She fell a distance of 10 feet and suf fered a compound fractal of th skulX Bh I supposed to have attempted to climb from the tread to the sidewalk, about two feet. ; She expired a few mo ment after the arrival of her mother. if . T f '; 'p AH ,;o(y e r;, this Coast, Schtiljrrg'a , Best is ia' every one a mouth; They go far t6 mt lirmg comfortable. A. J. Mullen. and say that thsy lmply did . tfcolr duty. . v i ' " In speaking of the fire this morning T. K. Beach, who was the heaviest loser, said his loss was not nearly as large as h thought it would be ywterday after noon. .' ... . . "Tb work of the fir department was grand." aald Mr. Beech, "and I am at a loss to know how- Chief Campbell and his men managed -to put out the blase so quickly, as it had a big start before th alarm waa turned In. I thought when th I fir started that our- atora would be a total loss, but thanks to th fir -department th loss will, no doubt, be about on halt wnat ' I thought It would be," '.;' . i : ' f . IRRIGABLE LANDS a 'MM VALLEY Surveys Have Bean Completed ; of ; Practically All i the V; - TruckeavCarson Project. ' TO INVESTIGATE BASIN i i OFvHUMBOLDT RIVER - u.. Investigation to Be Started on t M anagement and t Farming -! ty-ol AOcall Grounds. -4 J(irf.i-V '.. " . 'V .' - 'f I . v '?:.r ' '.' . t"S--t t - .. ;.,:.AV- ' ; rWaaUngwa Bsrssa -ef fas Journal.) ' ' Washington, April JO. Topographlo array of tha Irrigable lands la th dis trict embraced In the Truckea-Carson project haa seen finished exoept a small portion of Reno valley,, aad similar sur veys dn a seal of 1.IZ0 rest to th men, with ; five-foot eon tour interval. . hav been commenced la tne v Walker river baaln. - j '. ;- .'. iic jy.v.' " -Owing to delay la letting contracts aad tha consequent lateseoa la tha sea son when ,the lateral canal system and th It-foot fall and power house foun dation will be completed. It has become necessary to construct temporary works to admit watsr to a portloa of tb canal system below that structure, to supply existing vested water right. - - During th next quarter It" 1 pro posed to complete the topogrsphio sur4 veyof irrigable lands In Reno valley! and to contlnu them In Walker river basin: to contlnu tha location of lateral canals la Carson sink valley, and to ask for bid for th construction of regu lating works for Lake Tahoe reservoir, Also, in the event of the water-user of Walker river baala forming aa asso ciation ana complying witn tne condi tion prescribed by th secretary, aa ef fort will be mads to start th construc tion of a reservoir on that stream to oomplota th supply or water for . tb land now under cultivation. . , - . -It Is also proposed to begin a detailed Investigation of tha Irrigation possibili ties la the baaln of Humboldt rtvr for th purpose of acquiring data . . upon which to baa plana for an . Irrigation project upon that stream. On April X aa investigation will b started oa th management and farm ing of tha alkali lands of th Truckee C arson project. There 1 a large area of land In the project altuated suitably for Irrigation, which contains nfnclnt alkali to render Its valu questionable. Th investigation la Intended to ascer tain whether It Is safe to irrigate this land or not aad what will b th ooat of reclaiming it.. . EFFIE'S LINES CAST IN t,- UNPLEASANT PLACES " Effl St Clafr. th l-year-old child who. w kidnaped by af mother two weeks : ago, waa found ' Iq possession of ' th ' woman . at v Heppner '.-yesterday and returned to th city today by De tective Hewley ot "the Boy and Oirls Aid society. Th woman la said ta bar been drunk when' th child wa taken. , . Th child lived with its-mother in gypsy camp near Troutdal untll a few weeks ago,' when a com nil t tee of women from thla olty reported condi tions to th polio and the child wa committed to th aid society. Then It was given Into i the care of a family named. Winters In t Portland. " The mother waited her opportunity, stole th child and escaped with Jt to Heppner, where. h ia aald to hav caroused freely, and while In an In toxicated condition th child .wa taken from her. It waa again oommltted to the eoclety today.. -, . SAJKTMQVAJCS TW SFAXsT. A , ,, . .. 7 Usrsal Bpeelal tervlee.) Valencia. Spain, April 10. Long. pr nounced earthquake - wave ' were , ob served her yesterday, and much damage Is reported. . It I believed that some live were lost . t s , " -; , ..,,- , . ; XOX.T tmx exsTzom. ;: -( ' Th noonday meeting lln th Men' Resort tomorrow will bo sdd reused by Walll Nssh. At th evening sarvtr la Bt. Mark's church at 7:4t a'clork ta Rev. Joba . Simpsoa Will preach. ; '-7wrrct.ln Style, finekr T3orInj ali'xnottJ.rfecttinVtclo $aV ,; '.:V''i" America. If they are ot tttttrthsa yea WWeW'aeeli ia( JJeady-toeair Suits, k 1 V. 1 Vwer don't want VpurJ rkoney. , If the front of v njr CH-STEnFI3LD COAT; -'.'-- c - ) v U ' BLACK SUITS' and. v V "or;VOUTHand 1IAN.- iPreed 1)15.09' to' - : . FROCK. SUITS and -PRINCE ALtEKTS; ;S?350to:?45.CO a SuiC ; V--IcutVand'peg: tops. Priced 'MWand THE EASTER' - THE ' ROLAND, ; best' KENSINGTON STETSON HATS, ?4.00, 4? 5.00 and FINE NECKWEAR In very latest style conceits, v :' Finest DomesUcndIrnported" fancy and "plain HALF. HOSE, S5e,to 'Vv, ;v-fd.ooV;pair;hr5 'i V: -our own1 make' SHIRTS f 1.00 to ?3rW.';;V;;:i Come Here for yow - I O ... 269-271tMorria3ori V:';: WASHINGTON PEOPLE- ; I BUY PORTLAND . LAND - Guy Lombard aad. A. Oehn hav bought front ' Oeorg. -A. Craw 100x14 fast at th northeast corner of Washing; toa aad Thirteenth streets farrS0,o. The purchasers ar members of th Pa clflo Orala eompany. a concern that' n as large land holdings in tha Palo use coun try, aad the Pullman bank at Pullman, Waahlagton. ' - t -! Th transaction waa mad by.Waks fleld, rrie Co. It U aald tbs prop erty wa originally purchased by Mr. Craw for 110. it years aga . 'The rapid - advance of Washington treet property haa brought the ground Into" th market aa on of the ohotcest cor ner oa tb atreeL It Is now covered by a partly burned frame building for; merry occupied by a grocery. Th new owner will put the building la shape for temporary occupancy, and tn th near tutor win rct a brick building. Mr. Lombard recently purchased th prager residence property, at tha comer of EUa and BrarUtreta, as a bom for hi family. ,t v "It is a matter of congratulation that Portland la attracting investors from astern Washington, which ha ba re- The President is orderinj InTestistions of our national . - ' Kansas is fijhtint Standard Oil tooth and naiL a ; Oregon is indictins a Senator and two Coptttmnen. -" Policyholders and stockholders : of the Equitable Life , Assurance Company are clamoring for reorfianization and reformation. . ..'' ThomarrLawson is batterinj down the iniquities of the. ; v - System "with 13-inch shells burttinj with facts, i y-l? .Oi -r;-' Charles Edward Russell is stripping naked the monopoly . of the Beef Trusts v?r-;-; ;-;r.s j-: v Bailey Millard strikes a stinging blow at the respectable v thieves who hare systematically robbed the Gorernment of ; thousands of acre of the people's lands.; Wy, Yl ' TlileUeii man.tnil SB-rimn Jmttid the truth. .' : V j- A eV. You are interested in tnese Read the May Ntimber of r i "h i.- Unbiased-Uncormptcd-. Unafraid ' Nia delightful rtorie by briDisnt nthori stand eat' ia sonny contrast to , ta pcrful article abov oeaeribed. Thee stories ar xjmit in tamr humor, tenderness, aad ert. -Th Nursery Oovernem" eontimiei her rate. ' eainfai emeriencei. . "Th Player" ar aplendidly pietnrd. v" Straight f .. '.t .7 J. B.JMt VIiw. Maa avlth liuli-nABalitv 1 1K wiui. -vsrymjuf e . May NumbcrJurt Qut -.v'.', 15 centson j news-itzai',;, rtm-ortctaTav.THArra. I BLUE SEKGE SUITsf sihirle and HAT Is ; suVely here ; for ypi No 3.00 Hat, 'offered in .Portland HATS, 'swell styles, at ?3.:;V Easter - OtttsVoiiffl'Hava - I Right. ;:. - --i; ;.- IV uo said a -real aatat -asaa. nd tha fact that the men. prefer this olty la sub stantlaf evidence that Portlaad today of fers tha best otmorraniu tor capital and business enterprise In th Pacific north wee t." - ; . 1 : .. ' - i i i- i. f; V NO ONE APPOINTED " TO HOWELL'S PLACE In' an probability Mayor Williams will appoint no successor to flit Oeorge H. Howell's place. a th city executive board. '. . 1 hav not mad up my mind what I will do regarding th appointment of a auocessor t Mr. Howell." aald Mayor William today. "It is very near th nd of th present administration and 1 may not appoint any on."; i ; e . ,.; THIRTY RUSSIANS LOST : IN SINKING OF A BARGE i-y,., v '.:y't , ' ' '"' (Jeersat aseelal aervtas..':-" TV. ' Odessa, April 19. A message from Djulepa a tales that ' It persons wsr drowned by th sinking of a ferry while utoaslng th river Araks. : - . . . a ... . c. mm ...L..W. tnings. sou want; w sue - 7Z3ZffiS IV brima over with individaaUty.' ' double breasted styles oId stock at 'this store. -t; .ji--' fffe :' -jr W' mi .A. .' -. .... 50V. to 93.00. It . - . -:.'';4.-'vv' 11 Oootj teeth1 re essential W prop - j. atAarzuavzoaT . ," - - i C;' witboat good teth'thr cannot aa ''? .(. atAWTIOATIOsT ;-i ' Without thorough maatloaUoct thr ; -: ' cannot be perfect ,' BIOBSTZOsT - r -A--r-'. wi- '. ; Without perfect digestion thwa caanot . - be proper - -. , . m'.-.i, , ! aaurrarrfcariOsT . . ' . - ; - Without proper aaalfaUitloa thara can- ., esjausaosf -r-. .f--.-tt--T without nutrition -tier eaaaot ka without health what la -'' - J Ufll i-- .; '. -. v.. Call and eon suit a reliable and octa ne tent specialist la penUstry. , ; bw rrni '..,;. ..S.0O oia oaoam ....r,...M..a&.ooi tOIO rtXUsTtM ilOOl' tiftO CJEUTESJl Dental -Parfors -", ' ' :.t)vr Bealay-Masoa'B." . Open day and night, from tan a.-m. to fa p. -m. v - - Keadquartera for; Stockinsrs -yy. , "-r-rl Trusses f: 'V'-t'''.-fc( LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. ; Third and Yamhill 8ts. WRIGHT; Th viaai'iyxo TMWtufX that relieves aO pala n ueniai Opera lions. tat. WastitaerVm -aVa, s. a events. JOURNAL WANT AD3 ' a4, ,,;' !(V' ; " v- ..4'-s,f't.- -.ii ! v-' " '''.- '4''.'-,: -V" '' ' : ju ' ''V .A."' I.' rt NcvYorK Dentists if f'. '.' . ' . .- k '.1' 'v i; H,. .;,-'',, ,.";? V i