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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
jour.:iAt, Fcr.7L.:::. cuiiday nor.:n::o, ArrjL e. Li L ljL- Mi.G.PIGKECG r . jfb. t ' ft n i""" ' a rVa rs a mm I v. rr n I.V..e,i,al UlUslv... fell TO ATTC?.i2i Gtorjjs -.' ' Cotrova," Prominent Fresno Po!:ticim, Receive Deadly Cox by Mall. . . ', Contained over pound .. of high explosives Ingeniously Arranged and Filled .With -.Gunpowder; .Matches ;;.Md 'Sand. Paper. ;.;;'v (apeolalDlepaUabrlaed WlrsUTstJoarasl) I Fresno, Cel., April . Oreat excite- ; ment wed caused here thla evening whn It became known that George cosgrave, " a prominent attorney and politician of thla city, had received through tha mall an Infernal machine containing enough gun cotton and fulminating- powder. to blow Ftesno's largest ouuaing imo kindling wood. ' It.waa onl through an accident that Cosgrave did not open the packs, n the gander' had intenaea, and thereby hurl, himself and many oth . era to a horrible death. '': . Cosgrave took the . machine from hie .. poetof flee bo. It .Was a square box. innocent looking enough, si Incbea lone, sis wide and two deep, and wn aa dressed "George Cosgrave" In a scrawl Ing hand, with VFromi-I, T. Cabot" In ". the upper left hand corner. It waa pro- vlded with a sliding lid. which Cosgrevs would have drawn at onoe had his sus picious not been aroused, and Bis sus picions would not have been aroused had not he by a strange coincidence leaa ,j.han an hour before finished reading a magasine article on internal roacnines and their makers. The box waa care. ' fully opened and was found to contain more than a pound or a hifB explosive. The powder waa mixed with run cotton : and filled the five separate compart- menta Into which the box waa divided. The llnina- of each compartment was row of ordinary friction matches, while V the lid was lined Inside with sand paper. which would hare set oft the matches . had th lid heen drawn. Th police hold the theory that the bomb waa Intended for David Cosfrave. brother of George, who la Fresno's police -judge and who Is running xor re-eiection. The latterhaa many enemies. FALLS FROM GALLERY LT AND IS PARALYZED (special Manatee syL-aad Wire te The eeraal) San Bernardino, CaX, April I. James v orivn, m mini mato, mmm utwc". an from Needles yeaterday completely para- lyaed by a fall from the gallery of a ' theatre Wednesday. He waa. attending " a performance and eotne port of the play , struck him aa particularly funny. He -'leaned over' the relit ng convulsed with mirth, and' the more ho laughed the lessl poesime xor mm 10 eonirvi aimseit. . There waa oonstemattea In the audience which increased hia mirth, and pitching ; .forward - he writhed In his laughter X juntllahe fell over the .edge of the:gal V. 3ery. striking the floor, I feet below, on his back. - . a '-. - 'r I 1 Tor ark hours ttertay-unconsclowa wad Vhen examined hereJ the physloiaos . jfoun'd his beck --had '.been broken, and . hia internal Injuries such that he can Minnie Maddern Flske will be seen at. the Columbia theatre for two weeks in Juno in her new play, "Leah KJas ohna." Rumora to this effect were la circulation yesterday, and they were verified by reports received from New York last night. - .. Manager A.' H. Ballard's contract with J. E.,-Blaler, owner of the Columbia theatre, docs not expire until July 1. when.Belasco Moyer take over the house, and It is understood that be tween June 1. when the stock company closes, and July 1, there will be several big traveling attractions at the Co lumbia. - . . v .... . An effort waa made last night to as certain whether a contract had as yet been signed with. Mrs. Flske. but Man ager Ballard could not be found. How ever. It la known definitely that the great actress will bo here some time during. June. - After June 1, the Columbia - Stock company, it la understood, will be trans ferred' to the Marquam. . where, during the summer season, it will support stock stara. . . ... , Wife of Mutilating Assassin Dare Not Tell Full Details of - Ghastly Crime. -. HAND OF THE MAFIA IS v ' SEEN IN THE TRAGEDY SCLD RIFLES USED TC3T! ALL AC9ARD - DY COi'iVICT TRACY F03 EAGLE POIfIT Detectives '. on ; Case , Receive Threatening Letters Signed : -. ' In. Red nki . (8peell DUpatrk kUated Wire to The Jouraal) San Francisco, April I. On the slope of a ateep hill, surrounding the house at TI Oreen street, stands an awe-strleken mob, dsy and night. Policemen guard Captain Riley Testifies Affainst Medford A Crater Lake Railroad the. way. tor in the' basement or that wviiipojij vtiii navt uni . " Jhere in July." - Wright and Monte Who Aided the Murderer, the awful butchery of a human being. Blagglo .Vllardo, the Sicilian, laborer who waa hacked to pieces on Wednesday night, mat his death In that house.- The police ari searching for Pletro Torto rlcl. with whom Vllardo lodged and who Is believed to be the perpetrator, or one of the., fiendish crime. In the city prison there paces up and Trial at Salem - as Ac- Road Will too on to Prosoact "V?'-i!'!.'A?. l.'rJ'j' . I . - r ' ' rl v w .-- e v w viiw aa -rry ihbj lit- metro, and nh knows moro of thej de WILL TAP FINEST SUGAR , - PINE TIMSER IN WORLD Pf th. -erpetmor . and . Then to Little Butte Creek. : BOUGHT "WEAPONS AN D GAVE THEM TO BANDIT Are - on : cessory to Crimes, Commit i .ted by Him. Capt yf. 3. Rile v' of .the Northwest Oun Jt Bicycle company has returned from Salem, where; h. testified before the grand Jury against Convicts Harry Wright and Charles Monte, charcad aa acoesaoriea Before the faot of the mur der, of the persona killed by Tracy and Merrill.. .... .. ' . The trial of the convicts revives the red career of the notorious Harrv Tracy and hia companion. Merrill, whom ho killed. Witnesses have gone Into the details of the startling break of the two desperadoes from the Balera peni tentiary and the -bloody trail they, left until Tracy'a body waa found In the wheat field in Washington, where be did mat which scores or the ableat offlcers wrTgnTanSonT; ri with VSTt LA'SJL' 2" naving . furnished the rinee to the Contracts have been closed by A. A. Davis, president of . the Medford A Crater Lake Railroad company, for Iron and materials for construction of 11 miles of-the Hoe. , Mr. Da via bought the M-pound rails taken up by the South ern Paolflo railroad from Grants Pass northward. '. '..' ,'4 - s The construction njatarlala will be de livered at once and work on the road to Eagle point will be completed by July. From that place it will be continued (alls of that ghastly tragedy than ahe baa dared tell aa yet. . Somewhere In the Latin quarter there lies nia a man who waa Tortorlcla friend, and who la known to have a-iven the alleged murderer ss late aa Friday night Thla man's name . Is known, but for obvious reasons Is kept secret by the police. He knows the atory of the tragedy, and It may be that ne was the slayers partner In crime. wnen xortonci and this other man shall have been found, and when the lipa of Rosa Tortorlcl ahall bo unsealed, the public will know why and how Uiagglo Vllardo waa killed. The -woman la the central figure just now. For it Is a grewsome feet that In the house where the tragedy waa 'Si, y Is fast approaching.; r You will 2 less money than anybody can dress vou better and for 1 1 . . mm See Our Windowis fbr Goods ' and Prices ' - bandits with which they kept at bey poases or officera.and ended many lives. The rifles were purchased of Captain Riley.-la- this city, and he waa called to flalem to identify th men who are accused of having bought the waa pons and to identify.- If posaible. the rifles which were known to have been used by the bandits. - . Three men went to the store -at the time the guna were purchased. One remained on the sidewalk, while ' the others asked to examine two .t-t Win chesters. Captain Riley had only ons ss rapidly as possible toward Little Butte creek and thenco to Prospect, a roSf EEESS1 "cted piece, of human Aeah and .pot. road enter marketable timber hortivl. .AurtA:.. . .... JZl.J?'3.rZ'!!? E' "dspron, ardently the property of the ml. tree of the dwelling, Roea. Tortorlcl, Roaa. told the detectives that aha did mm men xor tno Installation .of a number of large mills within the nest three months. It la their Intention to have lumber ready for shipment aa soon sa the road reaches . their mill sites. Michigan lumbermen who own a large tract. of augar plno tapped by the road aro preparing estimates for a. band saw mill that will have a eapaclty of tOO.Oew feet of lumber every I hours. Jen nings. Oreen dnd others aro making ar rangements to build largo mills. One or-two mills already oseratlnar In the district will be materially enlarged. The road Is expected to do a big business, la view of the fact that It Veaehes Into not see her husband after ha left the house on Wednesday night and - this statement Is known to bo false. Fur thermore, it la known that this woman on Friday night secretly met her hue- band-and Ufa unnamed friend, wha mav have been her , husband's psrtner In crime, and who la known, at least, to have-afforded Mm aholter, 8 he has told nothing, aavo that - her husband and Vllardo quarreled more than once, arid that Vllardo -disappeared rrora the house on Wednesday night. wnue ana waa out. not survive. WAITED NINETEEN YEARS FOR HIS BABY BETROTHED , (SMcia) DUtetefc Wire te The 4earsal) ' v La. Porte. Ind.r April . In the mar- . rlage of Robert Zorn, aon of Philip-Born, the millionaire brewer-at Michigan City, there la a pretty romance of a highly interesting, character. Nineteen years ago Zorn waa a collector 4n his father's ; employ.. His work took him Into Jacob - Kneller'a plaee of bualnees. ' There had just been bora to Mr. and Mrs. Kneller - a baby girl. - . ' - "Bring her up right." ssld Zorn, "snd when , she 4s as old sa I am now I'll marry her if aha will have me." ... Two decades have passed since the vow was taken, but Zornjever forgot nis oeiromai to tne is-oay-oid Daty in Ita - mother - arms. - He had many 'chances to marry, but ha was true to - his baby love. Today he married Flor--r enre Kneller, ono of Michigan City" a ao- 9B. SC. O. BOSWSU BIBB. - ' ("pedal IXapeleh te The ' .Colfax, Wash, ApTfl I. Dr. ' MV C. . Boswell, a pioneer physician of ea.t- . em Washington, who hsd practiced In ...Whitman snd Bpokana counties for St yeara, died at the homo of hia sinter, Mrs. John, Turner, today of .conaump- . tion. - .--...:'.,. YOUR WRINKLES CAN DE ERASED Html n.t's ear bailnea., sod ere waat te how yea sew tbomarblr w knew It. .. Are jroe troubled with wrinkle, wltk btavy Use. la our fare, a fmwa, .mallpos plttlnn, a Mrtk stark, or MM other f.el.l f flirt loot if ae, rot aro sat ene of a treat atanr soreani wkooo troe. eleo ooatlnnallr erasing. Toe neve not l. was yeor hee .04 ear roar afflletWta 1 leeerable. Ym eanaot deride about that eatll roe eeiaaltea aid at least has a jtw ireaiBjeata. . , WE WILL' SURPRISE YOU K'lth tka weaderfnl eoree we " 'save aeeoBi pllahed aid by wkat we raa do wltk r1' alnlr Inrorablo afflleUoe. Ceeault ae without, eelar l tkn aiarb coots yea netbiag. - CLEARANCE SALE CF SHELL C0C2S Thla week In order to' reduce ear tork of shell goods and kelr ornamenta eporial erieea sees aiaAa. oa eterrlhlnf . The Stork to all sew and ttrfetlr -to-data In everr detail. Thla aale rearaventa aa , eoeonnnltr for th ladle of rertiaad te etir. the new thins. Is hale or a menu at srleee that pnt tbeai la the reach ef all. MADAME AZA HOLIES-niBDECUE Waiter and Taeker ef rtarsMtotorf ss talur and Innnrtrr et Huaiaa Hair feasl t . Oeoda. -liJT. rut VAKX. - 1 . .WrJU for XeekkJ, ; Al Halaia Panlaln Rll.y aa aalrul In rw ' " " . x I Of killing and mutilation. But there Is d.Antl?y t?.CmelfBri,,.y KVSL JJJSAr) being tried. He also Identified a portion of one of the rifles aa having been pur chased by. the men. . ' - v . - - . Wright and Monte were released from the penitentiary Just before they came to thla cfty. but were shortly afterward arrested on another charge and again committed to the prison. ... ADMIRAL COMING TO INSPECT STEAMBOAT! ' Ttat' AArXirmt THifa V hi tiff a' muml L.?I h,MV,I,ra. MRS. VANDERBILT'S SON steamboat lnapectlon service, will arrive from Ban Francisco on the steamer Ore gon tonight The officials of the San Francisco Portland Steamship com pany have been notified of hia coming, and in company with other transports- tion men will meet him at the dock. mere -as far as possible the traces of crime from the murderers clothes. An attempt to do thla' waa certainly, m'ade. but there waa' too much -Mood to be got rid Of with' the simple means at the command of that humble household. There are others In custody. Phlppo Tartltta. whoso Information first led the police M the identification ef the murdered man and later to the discov ery of the house where the deed, was done, occupies a - eelL - With him rare Incarcerated Domenlco Roaarlo, ona of the wttnesaea In ths Qulseppe Brogedo ease, 'and Balvatore Maranos, a supposed friend of Tortorlcl and a member of the mnm fttMlla.. A n fenrfft Ihau HhKLl OF AN ELOPEMFNT l U by hlmaelf. aita Sam Passa- said, and only one woo Id probably. be of I service 10 local r-paaaengera. While an electric ..road would Tun many abort trains every day For the first II miles, the road runa through a flat country, which la now under an Irrigation canaL and would be developed very rapidly wun oleoma irajn service between Med ford and Eagle Point. At Eagle Point the road touches tributary countrr of zooinuia wnion naa great posaibiuttee in production of the fine fruits for which rogue itiver vaney is famous. flume, a' swarthy . Italian-with a dirk, who was captured by the deteotlves aa (tpwlat match b Leaoad Wlra U The hmntl) I he stole his way Into the Green etreet ew xora, pni . wintnrop Bends, I house presumably to bear a message to son of Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt, Sr., I the murderer's wife, by her first marriage, wedded today Mlaa I That the Brogedo murder has a bear- The visitor will be eacorted to the Port- Oayo Newton, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I ,n tnl" fagedy beoomea v clearer land hotel, and he wUl be entertained Buna Newton, who live in the St. Hubert yry.tttl - ' . ,V br the social and commercial bod lea. I anartmenta atua- Weet- Flftv-amrentn. I Most Important of all. la ths knowl- The naval board of Inquiry waa ep-1 street. Every elroumstanee Indicated that ter In New Tork. Admiral Kempfl was! The ceremony took plaee at the Mar- saslgned to taw Pacific states and ter-1 bio Collegiate Church, Fifth evenue and rltory to conduct an Investigation. He I Twenty-ninth street. It was performed hss Just completed hia work at San in th absenoa of Dr. J." Burreil,. the Francisco, where ho spent the greater I pastor, by. hia aaslatant, the Rev. Otto part of three months. He will be here It F. Mohn, Samuel Bands. Jr acted edge that yet unnamed. Tortorlcl and hia friend, were connected as with the at least three or four weeks. INFANT DEAD FROM BITE ; OF A VENOMOUS SPIDER (Bpeelal IHapatefe br Leased Wire to The Journal) Alameda. A oril I. Poison from the bl(e of . spider caused the death, laat evening, of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morgan of im Brlggs avenue, ' - - It la thought by the pa rente of the baby that the insect dropped from1 the celling of the room In which the little one waa sleeping, and falling upon the Infant'a neck Inflicted the fatal atlng. When the phyalolan was summoned to the child, who waa but 11- daya old. he found that the deadly venom of the spider had permeated the baby's ayatem, oajustng the blood poisoning which ended tno miant'a ma. JAPANESE MINISTER ILL FROM TOO MANY FEASTS (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire e The Joanul) Waahlngton, April t. The - Japanese minister, Mr. Takahira. left, for New Tork thla evening to consult his physi cian who recently operated on the min ister for appendicitis.. Since the oper ation, Mr. Takahira haa not been well and the many dinners and banquets which have been given, during .the past few weeks, have rather-aggravated the trouble. . (Rpeelal Dtspateb kr Leased Wire to The Jnernat) Waahlngton. April . The civil ser vice commission win hold an examina tion at Chicago May 19 to discover ell glbles to mi a vacancy In the office of the examiner of tea at $1,000 per annum lit the Chicago customs house service snd also to fill vacancies that might occur In that service.' ., , ss best man for hia brother. , The only other persona present were Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Waterbury and J. K. Alexander. jr. .Mrs. waterbury attended the bride. Mra. Vanderbllt waa not a the church. In fact it was Intimated that she did not know the ceremony. The 'parents or tno bride were -not there either. , , After the wedding, however, the young people called upon Dr. and Mra. Newton. told them what had happened, and received-their blessing. . Mrs. Vanderbllt waa notified by wire at her country home. Idle Hour. I I. What her re sponse waa could not be learned tonight. ZINN DENOUNCED : 'U BY WOMEN'S UNION ' A. M. Zlnn. who chief claim to dis tinction hss been his ability as auper vlatng architect of a "pony ballet," but who haa become more widely known by a, recent performance Which took him be fore Police Judge Hogue, left laat night for Seattle. Hia freeh dlaUnctlon, it la aid, was too much for his nerves. n Officers of the Women'a Union Label league declare thaf when he waa fined 110 on entering a plea of guilty, to a charge of disorderly conduct Zlnn es caped witrr-far . too- light punishment They feel indignant that they were not permitted to' tell In court what had hap pened before sentence waa pronounced. This Is said to Jhavo-been due to a mis understanding on the part or the prose cutor..' ..-.- , "Zlnn broke the window of our lodge- room in the Allaky building and called ua d d unionists,' , said Mra. B. A Egle, the president of 'the league, v . SCOn HOTEL FIGHT. RESULTS IN ARRESTS Mafia In New .Orleans and that they left the Loulstanan city after the murder of Chief of Police Hennessey two years ago at the hands of the dread brotherhood. One of the moat startling circumstance. Is that Detective Thomaa Gibson, who haa been employed upon the case. Is re ceiving almoet dally - letter' written In red ink, threatening his life. There Is little doubt that these letters emanated from the San Francisco branches of the Mafia, the "Black Hand of SlcUy." -, , - H 'X :-.-.-r'-' :SJ Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. :.7'?v T Qsrments to order in a day if required. : ?jr Samples' mailed. ; :-. . . " -. '::. .v. Garments expressed. ' V". fi. X''-'rA Full Cress and Tuxedo Suits a specialty. ,-.- .-" .' " 108 Third Street AMERICANS TO BUILD CHINESE TROLLEY LINE " - ,,. Charles H. Baksr of Ssattla As - sursd by Chinsss Covemment : of; Co-Opsratlon. , "... II I . ;l- ,' r (Waahliigtea Bareaa ef The looraal.) Waahlngton. April t. Charlss H. Bsker ef Seattle, late president of the Seattle-Tacoma Eleetrto Power - com. panr, called yesterday on Mr. Liang. the Chinese minister, and submitted a plan proposed by New York and west ern capitalists for building a trans Siberlsn eleetrto railway system. The men aasoclated with Mr. Baker are all Americana and propose building the rail way Una in connection with Chinese cap ital, in competition with English syn dicates operating in China under old English- eonceealone. - The system Is to be in relays fashioned after the third rail aystems operated in Mew Tork and California. . .. jk ( - Mr. Baker will salt May t for Peking. ' Bovrsnnur omaooaT taxb. ' ' - K 'esasBBaamaseasSi A 1 'IT . . (Rseeial . Mssateh to The earset) '. ' Roseburg.'.Or., April I. Ths director of the. Second Southern Oregon fair dis trict met this afternoon and decided to hold a fair here in September. Officers and details will be arranged at a meet Ins; to-be held May X, ,' . XBAXO " (gpetial Dispatch te The Jearsal.) Harrleon. ' Ida.. April I. William Bacon, living In a houseboat, slipped and fell Into the water, ao It la supposed, and waa found several hours later. Hi body waa shipped to Bock ford. Wash. '7 PUaeeaatsa. She How old do you think 1 amt He Really. I can't say; but I'm lure you don't look it ' "t- BAB BUSXSTBSa XT HI! tOSB. Unless the Japanese should be de feated In the naval battle that appears Imminent in oriental waters, shippers say that war risk rates to the fsr east will not be materially affected. Ratea to Asiatic Ruaatan porta have been prohibitive-for the past two months, but to Japan they have been at a low figure since the capture or Fort Arthur, snouia the Japanese lone, commerce on the Pa cific ocean la likely to be paralysed for the next month or so. The 'question with the Equitable Is: Can wa get his Hyde ? ' , . FAT FOLKS ISO lbs. MB". aer iba. WIIXIaafH. MA Rllloott q.. Berfale, - Srw aea. . IVeet la weigkt ,..ST pemads ....... .S taokes llVeet U bast .......... Pollcs Judge Hogue has. taken under fjj J J?J ........IS teehes 1 v,,nt. n ?' dJu.d'c't,n ia2e give; 'r 'aV kiaV 'm, aToTTs aoovsbb or Dick Roach was arrested last night by Patrolman Carlaon on a warrsnt -Issued from the police court, complaint having been filed by Oscar Manning, an em ploys of the Arcade theatre, who accuses the prisoner of steeling two pairs of handcuffs snd one pair of leg-lrona. The stolen goods were recovered.-- They be-1 long to a performer at. tne theatre. FIBfT OOUS BBBBBS BTBB. , (rpeolal DUaateh br Leased Wire te The Jaeraal) Ooshen. Ina, April I. Joal P. Hawkes. ens ef the first gold seekers, died here tonight of old sge. sfter a brief Illness. His father, C. Hswkes. was one of the. tint wwit tuiirs, of pir jBiacua wtj,imot. advisement the difficulties between A. J. Diets and H. I- Stephenson over possession of the Hotel Scott, at Seventh and .Ankeny street.n . The defense was heard yes terday, Stephenson. - the present pro prietor of the boetelryf Bud Levins and A. C. Jler, are under arrest oa two chsgas of- aaaault and battery each. Dleta clalma he held the hotel under a transfer of stock, and that the as sault and battery was committed while the i prisoners were . Illegally ousting him. l The other side to the controversy alleges tha Stephenson Is In rightful possession, and thst Diets provoked the assaults. . - Twentv wltneaaes were examined be fore, the case waa taken underdvl8- after mr redaettea be De. I sever eajojrod i arrlekl in h sob bereoa kager wsoa im baroe lag fjDTdsr. Mr health w perfeet. Settee aeoiia in aa . imi. Whj er esUsf Is st bead I KBS. IBBsTXB STOOBTOaT, ' . Bkes-Vdea, Or. XrfMt SO pouds. BOM. 9. B. BBOWaT, BaBaa. Of. Xoat ad peuada. . Tie. aajreer saaraatoaa hie troataaent te he eerfeetla ha ran Ira la everr partleal.r. Va aaorolae, so atarlna m teiioe froaa heat, see, ae orrlnklea or dlaeoniforts. Dr. gnaeer has beea a .peeisllst la the seeesosfel ra. wet ot ohealty trr th eaet M rear, .ad haa th anqoallsed endoeeemeat th awdlral fra Unity. A Booklet telling all ahem li tn. Writ tdr. - O. W. F. SNYDER. M. D. IIS Kareaasa T'-'vt, Clstli and ItoRiMB, au.Mad. tntttt ... . FUNK BROS. 1 45 7th St. .Between- MORRISON and ALDER STREETS Why You Should-Trade Inleire one half what they would be if we were farther' down town, therefore our goods aro marked on the srosIT margin, quick sales plan, and reach a very low average of profit, -Thirdly Wo know we can save you money and only await your trlar purchase to prove it ., A great number of lines of goods are on sale which we .cannot mention In this small apace. Visit the storo Monday and see, ; .' .j '.-.;"'";'.' . ' ' $350 Piano to Be Given Away 7 V ENTER THE CONTESTYOU MAY WIN . , Have you a PlanoT Wouldn't you Ilka to own ono without a cent of extra coat to you T If so, how is the) time to try to secure It. . - ' , - - r This store will give away a flna MM high-grade Piano Saturday, June t. at 1- p. m. Every 10c purches entitles ths purchaser to a free entry In the Piano Contest now going on. Buy your Dry Oooda. etc here) and try to secure this fine instrument for your home. See our windows, and ask for full particulars at the store. Information gladly given. : ' , ; . , ' : -. . ( . . . Music 3 te 9 afternoon; 7, to 9 evening.. . 41 f , ' MUSL.IN UNDERWEAR VALUES v . A Grand Stiles of Fine White Qoodas Monday Is ths Isst dsy of the Orand Display and Sale of White Muslin Underwear: Every garment would fee) a bargain at the former price. If you buy Monday you will find the difference between the former and sale) prices. . -, Gown Former Price. Sals Price. Tto now ........... r.88 Ho now 68 II. IS now .....Sat Sl-SS now .(-.......,. -98 tt.OO now ....... ..1.29 now ...S2.19 Skirts Former Price. , SalerPrlce. 71c now ......i.'.rr..4B now ;.T9d tl.l now ............98 tl.eo now ....... ..B1.38 11.(0 now 81.88 lift now 1)2.39 Drawers ',?';; Former Price. Sale Price. tlo how 19 So now ............ .80) Tto now .(....... .....40 SSo now- .............584 ll.lo now 98e) 11.00 now ...... ...91.48 Corset Covers - Former Price. Sale Price. Ito now ......... . ... . . sev lOe now 19 SSo now ....... ......a tto now .' 4 ja Oe Chemise ....8 4 11.11 Chemise ........(Jlf 28g Misses Hose lOc Hero Is a bargain we defy you to duplicate Monday. Boya' and Mlssea' Ribbed Double-Wear Its Cotton Hose; double knees, toes, sole and high, spliced triple heels elsee o 10 the Topey . brano Monday omy lCc 35c Neckwear lOc This alone ought to bring you to Seventh street Mew day. About 100 Beautiful Washable Stock Collars: new this spring: sll colors and a great number ef very fetching styles worth. I ho and He isonaay oniy. ...................... ...::..icc .' :.. cuosirsa 'our- the boyo' suito Does your boy need a Salt, and are you putting off buying because you think you cannot afford the kind he wants "If so, come hore' Monday end see. the Immense line of Boys' New Spring Suits on sale st leas than root of materials. Buy that Suit now snd save from 11.00 to 11.00 on It. AU Hults that were 11.00. now t4; tl.fO and 14.00 suits for 81.98. and 14.10- and tl.OO aulta for 82.48- . . - e ZICVOBTAaTT BTOTXCB Monday will be the last day you can buy a Boy's: Suit at theee prices. Tuesday are ship the remaining stork to our Spokane store. We'd rather you'd take advantage ef this opportunity to save money. It's your last chance, at suck values. Shoe Specials ' .: ' Blf Valuts Llttls Prlcss J Onr shoe man says that he never' falls te sell to a customer who hss once tried Peter's Diamond Brand Shoes. Speaks well for. this Mne of shoes, doesn't it T Rtipnoae you try here for your neit pair. We ll fit you perfectly save you money and you'll t -f come again. Ledlea' Oxforde, branded . J I 4 M0 epeolal. now selling for... ClOJi' Ladles' 8hoe In all slses and lasts "hnd A pi" r f good styles, brairlM 11.00 specials on . ( t the soles, now selhrig . . . . , , . ; for ....i... ' Shirt-Walct C Nw, Correct Sty!? Chiffon Silk Shirtwaist f ilta have th o'l from Queen Fashion. Ti. v sre r-,t e. pensive and cost vecv i . k our new line the i.le.t i i i from. . . . r r'f r' 'a s- r-- ' t i "'. i e to 1 I t l T ' ' " i i i e .4 1 ; v. J t f