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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1905)
G cod EVErni;cV . v . r 7 ...7r The Weather. .... .' , Tonlirht and Sunday-fair: pnealbly light fijoat tonight; northerly wind. : CI Th JsurftsJ Ytxtrdiy ' '' . V -..-' . ; f . "' w. " r'- '' ' ' i'j -." '.'''. ' ' ' ,. ,j 1 ;. r . , A.!,', VOL. IV. NO. Stf ') PORTLAND. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 8.1 1905; SIXTEEN. PAGES. " PRICE FIVE CHNT3. GMNDfUM WORK fit liicrar Kit is "i vl ,''- ,,' v '-.' ' -"V ".. . '". . : f "- , .. i R A Booths State: Senator HiBoofh Receiver of Roseburg LaM Of f ia iliv'GhBofi Five Indictments v Conclude Grand Juiy's Work V Jones, R E: Alley, C D. Barnard i and Sixteen "i. Others' - Accosei:v 'v Stat Senator Robert A. Booth, presi dent f tba Booth-Kelly Lumber com panjr, - was Indicted this afternoon by the. federal grands Jury aa the leading conaplrator In aa attempt to defraud the government of public landa. With him were named in the Indictment.- as co defendants, James 1L Booth, former secretary of the Booth-Kelly company ' and until recently the receiver of the Roaeburg land office; T. K. Singleton. John Doe, Richard - Roe, William Roe and .Thomaa .Roe. ,.f'f s.-f 1 A 'second Indictment cnargea J.' if- , Booth with unlawfully -giving Informs tton. while receiver of the Roseburg land of floe, to ' Frederick - A, Krtbs. thereby enabling the latter to carry en the sorlp operations which resulted, la Xilaa Indict ment a tew months ago. ',, A third Indictment . 4a agalnat rranlt IS. 'Alley, A.. R. Downs, Kdward ' R. , Dorns. Stephen W. Turnelli and John 1 Doe, who are aceuead of consplrlng'Wlth 'John W. Gardner and othtrs jo,r the pur- ' poee of illegally acquihng title. t,o timber lands, . '; Wlllard K. Jones. Thaddeus S.' hotter i H. U Slsler and Daniel tHark are the - defendants In the fourth of the Indict ments -found "by -the grand Jury, the r crime 'eUarged 'against them being con spiracy to acquire timber lands tnrougn fraudulent entries in the Slleta Indian reserve. ' , ...... .- - .. Tha fifth and laat Indictment Is di reeled agalnst Cos U Barnard. Clatence B. Zachary and Charles A. Watson, who are charged with perjury In tha rinal proof of homestead entry by Watson. : , .: ' OiffMtlo Ooasplraoy-Xld Bare. These five indictments complete the labors 1 of tha errand Jury, whose official existence ends today. - The results have been c tha ; most extraordinary - ever echleved by any similar body in this state. A gigantic conspiracy to defraud the government t of its- lands naa peen lata ware ana among iiww whw i been Indicted for complicity in tne f raudsv ara manx of, Oregon's ' most prominent cltlsena. . A United States senator, two congressmen, three state 'senators, a United States district attor ney; the head of tha moev powerful lum ber company in Mia Pacific northwest, snd a score of others of prominence, beside numerous smaller offenders, must sppear In court and answer to tha grave charges which tha grand Jury has filed against them. . -v - The Indictment of Stats Senator Booth and his brother, James Henry Booth, has' been clearly foreshadowed by the Investigation of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company which .hag been in progress most of this week. J. H. Booth has been receiver of tha Roseburg land oft flee for mora than live years, but was suspended a few mpnths ago. pending tha - investigation of the Irregularities which' have now resulted in his Indict ment, r During Ms flrst four years In tha office he was also secretary of the Booth-Kelly Lumber i company, and in his dual capacity he was a party to many transactions, which ara now de clared by tha government .to have been grossly Illegal.' - -' . .... Kaaase CompaBys Bealiagav . ' ' '.'Mora, business was. transacted with tha Roseburg land office by tha Booth Kelly Lumber company than by . any ether ' firm- .or Individual.' Immense tracts ' ot land were acquired by the company. It bought heavily of railroad lands. - but numerous homestead and other entries passed Into Its possession. Tha Roseburg land office,' under tha management of J. H. Booth, la said to have been little more than aa adjunct of tha lumber company, of which his brother was president' '" Wholesale frauds have been unearthed in tha applications and proofs of entry upon lands which came Into tha owner ship of the corporation. It. is said that MANY CITIES VAST lASSES OF RUINS ' " "',"'"' Wearsal pedal Swvlea.) - " ' - Lahore. April I.Th4 flrst part of the relief expedition . sen to the district where the greatest havoc was" wrought by - tha recent - earthquake has ' reached Dharmsala. .It reports that It found an awful scens of destruction. . It ' Is not believed thst any persons burled In tha ruins ara now alive. Six hundred sol diers snd two companies of .engineers have ben ordered to Dharmakla to ex hume the dead. ' ' The horrors of Dharmsala have bean repeeted at Kagr and other cities.' from V, which places news Is slowly filtering, ms ny of these entries. were by employes of the company., and In other Instances It Is charged that the Booths were cognisant- of the frauds- which had been practiced. i-i,; R. .A.; Booth, the president of. the big corporation, has been a prominent figure In Oregon politics. He is serving his second term In th senate. There has been' no more potent force In southern Oregon politics than the Booth-Kelly In fluence, and it has made and unmado many aspirants tor public office. It has been deemed too powerful to be brought to aocount for ' its- transactions. - and though: It has long, been said that -much of Its Vast holdings of valuable timber land had been illegally acquired, redress seemed impossible until the present In vestigation was begun, v' The ' Indictment of Wlllard ' Jones aad Thaddeus 8. Potter of this city was clearly, foreshadowed yesterday. . when the grand Jury began its lngulsltlon Into the timber locations' in the Sliest Indian reserve. In -which both. men. were, con cerned. .'Jones Is already under indict ment for complicity in the Blue .moun tain frauds. Potter has hitherto escaped Indictment, although-be was intimately connected with F. P. Mays In the tat ter's operations In timber lands and was the' medium' through wmcn Ma ye" -conveyed tha title when he sold the lands. Potter is charged with having taken i,. M located by Jones. Accord- up a homestead claim In' tha 'Sllets re ing to the indictment. Jones paid h!m nv un im same sum ' was paid to others ' who made ' entries under Jones' direction.- Frauds are charged In the applications and proofs. In its- ainal report to Judge Bellinger me grana jury made a strong statement concerning the conspiracy against Uni ted States District Attornev Francis J Hener, in which John H. Hall. John cordtfno, Harry U Rees. A.: P. Cayler, nartra r . ijui'u, J. n. HltehltiM ewd jonn rerinrup were alleged to be Im plicated. -.The conclusion of the Jury, after careful Investigation, was that the persona named were engaged in a de liberate ' conspiracy - to unlawfully ob struct -Honey -In the discharge of his duty, and .In an . attempt to Intimidate him . '. , .v ..... ' . i , i United SUtes District Attorney. Pran els Ji- Ueney waa engaged all of yester? day In drawing indlctraente to be sub mitted to the grand Jury today, and his work was ' not yet flnlehed when-the Jurors -assembled it It .o'clock" this morning-.....'. . . . -. . .' . History Is suggested by tha apparent array Of forces from Douglas and Lane. Tha fact that ex-Receiver J.' T. Bridges is in close touch with tha government officials In their pursuit of the Booth Kelly, crowd and Bmger 'Hermann, re vives memories ef .the letter's success ful campaign for eongresa a year ago. Following full exposure of Hermann's precipitate exit from the general land office, : tha Impression prevailed for a period that he would not dare face the people aa . ax candidate for eolgreos : at the last election, i Young "Art" Harris of Eugene,' promising Republican, waa encouraged to launch a boom. - His friends accepted as fsct beyond question the. support of R. A. Booth ' and the great Booth following of two or three couatleav -Harris , Is - a cillsen of the Booth home town, and waa understood to be In close touch with tha power that guided Lna and Douglas In pon tic : -'. -v . ' Senator Maraters Of Dohglss county led a revolt-there against the Booths. His ffght assumed considerable propor tions, and while tha movement waa In flood tide. Bridges became Identified with - the Insurreotos.' His tenure of office had been . regarded aa a Booth favor, but differences were anderstood (Continued on Page Three.) an telegraph wires In the stricken dis trict being prostrated. Ksgra wss totally destroyed, and the loss of life very great. -Tha entire Kagra valley wbs devsstated. Among, thoae: killed were throe European missionaries. Rev, H. F. Rowland, Mrs.'Daubt and Miss Lorbev' - , ; . , . The town Of Palampiir Is reported to have been .entirely itoetrnyed. and Its buildings leveled h the ground. Not a single building. It Is reported, hss tienn left standing, and thousands of the In habitants were juried In the rotns, most Of them meeting Instant death. . , WORN OUT BY S Vfc ,, , s ,-- ' J - - , v ,.-.!.Vi.;.. v.! i :i -; " - -. '-,., - , - . .7". : S,, p.. . -i -'a- ' - " i t 1 - . s. , w - , " . II Lsrjf 'h . 3 f - j... tail . 5 '.r , "-;'. , . Richmond,-; V.rfApril.ft-Thrtaremeni'"i$ riiadc Berc that' MrrrCharler dent, is a nervous .wrepk.., .-'Mrs.'. Fairbanks tent her regrets to the Women's Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, who are entertaining a committee of Daughters of the Revolution, of which Mrs. Fairbanks is' president'. ;r. ' V'.M t. ' ':V'V; 5;'.' f".v -'' '.";' .1 ' Mrs:. Fairbanks is completely broken down and forced forest bti account of .exhaustion brought about by. the heavy strain of the season at Norfolk. .', .,,. ' , !...',.;. ,'. , - -.".. , . '' ' - , ,','..i . . ;' .-,-.', v " -.- POT FATHER INJAIL AND STEAL HIS CHILD C.- M.1 Spencer Says Sisters-in-law Hive Hirn Arrested and j V Kidnap Daughter.' . HIS FURNITURE SOLD . i ; . AMONG THE NEIGHBORS Babe Will . Be" Rich Some Day, . " and Aunt Want to Con-. ; ( ', " trol Fortuned V While CM. Spencer was confined-In tha city prison on a charge of drunken ness and disorderly conduct, . preferred by tha relatives of Ms deceased wlfo. his v f -year-old . daughter, Virga, waa kidnaped by them, he alleges, and taken to Lea Summit. Mo." ' - - Spencefa stoVy was 1 so remarkable that ha was sent to see District Attor ney Manning. Immediate steps will be taken by the father to recover his child. peaceably If possible; otherwise he vows that he will go to Missouri and obtain possession of her by force. - ' - ' Spencer 'was arrested March 1. and after a hearing In the police- court was sentenced- to. serve SO days. The day ha was released, he wss again arrestml on a oharge ot drunkenness, preferred by-his elater-ln-law: he got his liberty sgaln last Thursday, and when ha went to his home at S8I Raleigh street' he discovered that his wife's relatives and his child were a-one. and -that the furni ture which he aays wss owned by him. hsd been sold to neighbors. Investiga tion led to the discovery that his two sisters-in-law and - the husband of one of them left last Tuesday for I?e Sum mit, Mo, with the child. - - ; With teara streaming down his cheeks. Spencer appeared .this - morning at po lice headquarters and Wgged aid in re covering, posseaalnn of his child. The racts are. known to Deputy District At torney Moser. "I am a, railroad man." said Spencer, "Snd formerly lived at Pilot Orove, Mo. My wife and I had constant trouble be cause of her relatives. In some may the-etoty got circulated that my brother and I were to receive IS,0 from rela tives, but thst the mnney waa tied up In such a way that we could only. uk. th Continued on Page Two.) 1 ) TRAIN OF SOCIETY FUNCTIONS . rvi rm i.nana w. HiirninfL. ' t - (Jonraal 8pedal Service.) FlRSrEL" THE TIME! r The Sunday Journal is the plon- . Leeii In - Portland Journalism and .continues ' its leadership undia-' puted. ' . . ..,-... .1T WAS FIRST . , . It-, To use a. special leased wire tn m provide Its readers with all tha ) I news of all the world and to pre ii,' sent it In attractive form. ' IT WAS FIRST ? V ; - fTo publish a color comlo supple , mcnt to amuse tha children, and. belna- first it cot the best that money .could, buy.., . . ,-, IT WAS FIRST To arrange for special articles by ,the noted writers of (the world. m . Tomorrow's lint Includes Count f' leo Tolstoi, tieaare Lombroao, "Tidy Heiry Somerset, the Coun teea of Warwick, Klla Wheeler Wilcox, and Julia ward Howe. -, . ' "Ht. .John's Eve," a celebrated phort atory by fflvolai Uognl, Portland gtrla in college, tho, workers' magaalne, Chlmmle Fad den, all are special articles which go to make -up the best magaalne puhllahed In Portland aa a sup plement to Its beat newspsper., , Thi Sun Jay JoutTial TAMPERED WITH WITNESS !; ? AND MUST STAND TRIAL . .- '--i- ; X J : ' "' , " fjeoreaf Bpll ,Brtlce.) c -",' ' , Chicago. April S. -Judge La ml I a of the federal district court.Moduy irusedTo" quash the first. ooUnf In the Indictment brought by the . federal grand jury against Superintendent Connors of the Armour . company, charging him with tampering-with' a 'witness during the beef 'trust Investigation. .The1 deeialon of the court .on the second count will be handed ' down j next Saturday. - OHIO'S GOVERNOR MAY RELEASE THE SMITHS , IJaaVaiL gperlal service. Columbus. 0.. April J. Upon reaching his 'home 'this afternoon; Uovnrner Ilcr rick will have laid before him porta for a tereonal hearing In the ex tradition 4 fi-.- Mrs-gnn Kmlth and wife. It Is understood the governor-will Con sent to hear A motion to revoke lbs warrant.., a:- t t-ol "v - Wr jsi'rbSnkswifrpf the -vice-presi RESERVOIR-BURSTS KILLING OVER :500 Huge Walls Give Way , Carrying ' - Death and Destruction to - . Hundreds. ' ! WAR MINISTER AND BODY :" J . OF,TRQOPS GO TO SCENE '- i '." ,. i.-v - j i- i . :, Four Hundred Codies Taken ' j From Ruins and Many t t ti -:- ,... . . . . . . ; . (Jearsat gperlal Service.) . , . Madrid. April S. The worst disaster In recent . years occurred - hero this morning when a lsrge reservoir which was in course of construction in tha outskirts of the city collapsed, killing and injuring mora then BOO workmen. Four hundred bodies have been taken from the ruins, and many of tha Injured era dying.' : 1 ' ". y Tha Prince of Austrlas, the war minis ter, governor of Madrid and. a repre sentative of the king have gone together -with a large body of troops to tha seen to aid In tha work of rescuing and re covering the dead.' ' Tha disaster happened soon after the men began work this morning. They were working hear the base of the em- itaakment'Tonstructlng a conduit when tha walls gave way , and a tremendous flood, of water carried away all work men employed. v Many of them were carried for miles' by tha flood, and the path o( the waters' was marked with desolation . , and r ruin and ' literally sprinkled with corpses. -. : . v.: . . ' Tha reservoir -wsa being constructed to supply the city 'and wss nearly com pleted and partially ' filled with Srater when .the wails gave way through a de fect. In the . masonry, . without warning, carrying death and destruction to hun dreds of employed below. , . " -The reservoir was the largest In Spain, and hss been under courswof construc tion" for several years. Its main walls "were of solid' masonry. . but the heavy stones were carried away like feathers, burying; -many of tha workmen In the rbrlev- , '. ,t ', -:.' ; . -'V. - .-. ISi Wife of Man Who Chopped .Up His Friend Con fesses to Police. JEALOUSYWAS PROBABtY ' MOTIVE FOR THE CRIME Assassin Was Pietro Torchirito V Blood Stains Found on Walls -iof. His House, Newly f - .Whitewashed.' f"; (Jonrsal BprcUl Service.) . . ' ' - San Franciaco,- April I. The mystery surrounding tha murder and mutilation Wednesday night of a young man, who was identified last .night as Bisggio V I lardo, wss clesred up today by the con fession of Mrs. Pietro- Torchirito. She directly accuses her husband of tha hor rible crime, and sufficient substantia tion of her statements was secured to no longer leave a doubt in the minds of the police of the Identity of the mur derer. - TorJhlrlto is miaalng. but de tectives are on his trail and hope to have him behind ttte bars within a few hours. . ' .- '. ..... , .-. . . ' Late last night, through Information given by Vllardo'a brother, Mrs. Torch!- -frttev wha la handsomer-young -matson with, a S-month-old child, was placed under arrest. When taken Into custody she seemed, anxious to tell her story, which wsa forthcoming as-soon as. she was placed in the sweatbox. -- . On Wednesday . night. YUarda who roomed with Torchirito and the. mur derer, 'quarreled. ' i While , the '. quarrel was st its height, Mrs Torchirito went out for a walk. When she returned Vilardo was missing. She asked her husband where he was, but. was told to mind her own business. . . v' hearings her . husband, might do her harm she retired to her room, her -husband going into Vilardo's room, where ha worked for some time.. IU then went out, returning later and went out again. Artsr ai second return lis sgain went to Vilardo's room, where he worked until past "midnight. Tha next morning she saw that the floor of Vllardo'a room had been scrubbed, snd the wells whltswashed, but It is covered with a number cf blood spots overlooked by the murderer. Torchirito disappeared , Thursday morning, and aha haa not seen him since. A detective went to the Torchl- rlto Home this morning. Bcrappgdjff the fresh whitewash in Vilardo's rooms, and found great splashes at blood. The deed waa committed with a cleaver. - Tha woman advanced no reason for tha crime, but the officers ara satisfied Jealousy was the motiver- - - r Peter "A. C Concello laat night Iden tified the dismembered body found Wed nesday night as that of his half brother, Blaggio. VUlardo. an Italian laborer. Concello states that he has not seen his brother for three weeks but heard that he waa working In Oakland as a la borer. .... -'. He was mixed up In some way In the murder of Ouessipl Brogsrdo on January 21, and called on Concello with a couala ot the dead man named Fertitta Bene dict and requested money to assist In defraying tha funeral expenses of Bor gardo, :. ',- VUlardo wss a native of - Palmers, Sicily, and it years of age.. In his haste to clear away the evi dence of his crime, Torchirito over looked a number of scraps of flesh and bona that became detached through the vicious chopping to which the body was subjected.. With bis bloody cleaver he flunr the scraps under the kitchen sink, 'evidently intending to take them away when ha had removed the dis membered body, but failed to do. so. and they were found under the sink today by detectives. ' ' t ' v Three' of Torchlrltos most Intimate friends are In Jail pending further de velopments. , One of them la known to have looked st the body early Thursday morning and could havs Identified' it then, but it Is believed ha hesitated to do so until the murderer could get away. ThrrmiK latef helMd.the police In the Identification.-- , ,' 25. POLICEfVIEN TO , GUARD EACH WAGO IM (Jonraal Special Service.) Chic go, April S. Extraordinary pre cautions were taken this morning by the police to prevent; rioting by the striking teamsters of Montgomery. Ward Co. A patrol wagon with a detachment ot tl policemen was sent out with each wagon, and a reserve of 100 mri held at the central station. -No reinforce menta Joined the strikers so far today. The strike promises to extend to many branches of Industry In Chicago before it Is settled. The open or closed ehorj Is the Issue.' Public sentiment favors the atrlkera. and the non-union teamsters are assaulted whenever they attempt to make deliveries. inn nini rk m . .-iiai. fi ii a aiaaa-i . .: . wmmmm ( Russian ; ano Japanese fleets Within Thirty nIS1a nt CflAtl A llAW vi i m I iniNTii r- raninnAlln . .m asaa mm- mmm m m h. mmm-. mm m m mmw mm w ARE SEEN OFF SINGAPORE Unievitch Reports Heavy Losses in Fight -Japanese Nearing Kirin In New Move - ment on" Left. J - (Jaaraal Sneelal Servlce.1 ! London. April S. Dispatches from Singapore Indicate that tha hostile fleets are this afternoon no more thnn SS miles apart, and may be in touch at any mo ment. ' The Japanese squadron of S3 ships Is still off Hosturg light, It was reported March 14. . A private telegram ' from Blngapora says that the Russian squadron, num bering S vessels, snd believed to be Rojestvensky's. Is msklng for Saigon, ths capital of French Cochin China. The Russian fleet passed tha harbor at Singapore at S o'clock today and Is steaming northeast Into the China sea. . The steamer Kumsang, which has Just arrived at -the Penang - Btrslts . settle ment, reports sighting 11 warships, ap parently a Japanese scouting squadron, steaming ahead In the direction of Sing apore. Tha impression prevails" thst 11 is- only t - niMivr - vi " until the two - fleets meet, and ' a big. naval battle will ensue. - The Japanese -' fleet-' under Admiral Togo Is rapidly approaching tha Rus slsn fleet It Is the general . opinion that the battle will -take place In the China sea and will be one of the most deeperately contested, tn the history of naval warfare. - ' "- Chinese Junks report that tha Jap anese warships are policing all strstta available ,to tha Russians in. ttieir at tempt to reach tha China sea. ...Telegrams received ' at tha Russian war office from Manchuria, report Japanese movement against the Russlsn left It Is feared that tha Japanese will shortly occupy Klrln. The Inhsbl tants of that place have fled. BATTUB BStOlTDv St Petersburg. April 8. Llnlevlteh re ports: ' "The battle at Tslntsatun. on April 1 lasted IS hours.. Tha enemy o rifle fire. Our losses' were five killed and IS wounded. - ' The Warsaw ponce nave oegun mat in indiscriminate arrests of persona belonalna to political . societies as a means of suppressing the agitation. All prisons and cltadela are filled with the prisoners. There are perslstsnt rumora that tha authorities have hanged many prlsoneds after farcical trials. 'The so cialists have Issued a proclamation call ing on their followers to avenge the so tlons of the authorities. , BROOKLYN AND DIXIE - ' NOW AT MONTE CRISTO , " (Joarnal Bpeelst . Service.) Washington, April S. The navy de partment haa been Informed that the cruisers Brooklyn snd Dixie hava arrived at Monte Cristo, Santo Domingo, to ae sst in patrolling the waters oi that re public during the administration of the customs service by sgents of the VnlUd, PAPAL INTERFERENCE - AROUSES CANADIANS . (Joarnal Special Service.) ' ' Winnipeg. - Man., ; April 1 Frank Oliver was today sworn In Ss minister of the Interior to succeed Clifford Slf- ton. : ; . ." . Canada Is a-bTxe With excitement over the Interference of a pepnl delegate In governmental affairs. It la believed the Manitoba legislature will be called next week to make a protest r 1 The employers ' will sppesl to the Vnited States district court to restrain the- striker from extending the strike further or from acts of violence. Montgomery. Wsrd Co.. hschl ft the entire b-Kly of the Chicago J. -v-ers" ssaoclstlon, loday declared war tn the death saainat the striking teama'er. and axked the buslnens InfereMs of ih city to unite aealrmt the atri:;e. ' they dwlared unaarraiilmi. At State and Twelfth atreeta i ilempted to atop a .'sritvati i on '-the way to the Km'i ! ' hnuae. The wagon .-r. stones and rana. 1 ' the escort wtr. Charged t- t" TV.: V