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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
5 v Tonight and Tuesday, fair; light t. , , : xrosi toqignt; nortneriy wiuas. . i' ' ''Vr.i VOl. IV. , NO. S3. PORTLAND.- OXYGON, MONDAY EVENING. v APRIL 10, 1CCJ.F0URTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FOR A 1EK t, FRI AL OFF ITCtlELL TO PLEAC i m Russian Squadron , Is; An chored OK one oMhc Annambe Islands, -i 'JAPANESE FLEET SIGHTED ' AT FRENCH COCHIN CHINA h . i. Four of Togo's yessels Seen off ' Cap ; St. James -Dutch :'l C. Battleship Leave ;' An-.1 chorage j for North.: ( . t if. 1 ' ' ' (Janraal Bneelal Servtee.) j.' London, - April 1. A 't dispatch I to , ' Lloyds Irora Singapore - says- that the 'i -.steamer- Gregory Ancar, Jusf. arrived there reporta that aha- passed tha Rua- .; a lan rtst at 1 o'clock thla morning, an . ehorad to jnJlea nortluaAt pf Mankl. one t" ' of tha Annamba - lalanda, Thera ts no ' , confirmation of tha report to Rautar'a . that Kojeatvenakr: la - not' with tha ;. squadron. ';.'''".':' Tha British Iteamer Radnorshlra ar 5.V rWad' at, Slngapora today, and reports i't that at l:4lr o'olock yesterday afternoon aha sighted ' tha Baltic- fleet fla miles ' from Pulodaraar, one of tha- Annamba j i group of lalanda' lying farthest to tha v eoutheast, procfadlng toward Polumentt i Vt Tha Radnorshire also saw four war 14 "hips, apparently Japaaeaa, . of f-Cape 6t . .. Jamea, French Cochin China, on April 7. ' Tha Annamba lalanda are In tha -Chin ' acia and are about ISA miles northeast of Blngapore. -a v. ', It i . dlapatch from Batavla, Island of ( - Jmrm, iatatra that a. Russian squadron haa ben atghtad near If untok and ta ex . .pected to arrive at Batavla today.. Moth j -rUm haa bean aeen thera of tha Japanese ' aquadronl The Dutch Eaat Indies aquad JJ ron 1 now at Tujo, Island .near ,B!nga A pora, ' i. .- -, i, v -'N .A Utte dtspatch states -that tha float ' sighted off Muntok proved to W U - : Dutch, squadron- which, taxi lia roraer ; - anchorage under secret orders and la . .- cow steaming north.,-' " ' tr Russlha . off leers of tha float that passed Slngapora aipreaaed th eta salves v as confident they would not only demol V ' lah -tha fleet of Togo, but that they ' would be able to save Vladivostok and ,'retaka Port Arthur, . . . t The most Important fighting ships of ' Rojeatvenaky'a squadron include ' tha -battleships Knals Houvaroft, Alesandar II, Borodino and Orel, with a eomple - ment of , cruisers and torpedo-boat da. t-atroyerarl ... Z 1-.. - - Tha vessels which passed Slngapora '. wara . ' , '. ' . i Battleahlpa Slsaol Vellky and oieg. j CrulwswAdmlral Nakhlraof f. Dmitri Ponakol, Aurora, Isumaud. Jemtchug, i Almas, Rubs, Anedyv Fuerat snsmarck, ' Kalserln Mint, Thereaa, Kalserln Au gusta Victoria, kaiser Frledrlch. - Rlon and seven torpedo-boat destroyers, .all sailing under the naval flag, v Under tha com mere ill flag war: Tha . . volunteer-ataamera Voronos, Kleft, Taro . Slav, Tamboff, Vladimir and Orel, tha ' Pii--'" v.ifnn rnmnanva ataamera - ifeteor. Jupiter and Mercury, tha East Aaiatle company's ataamera Korea and Kaltal. tha North Baltic company's - ateamer Knalg Oortchakoft, ona salvage ship and 1 colliers. ...! - ' '- It la believed that the Vladivostok .'...squadron haa been -ordered to put to sea - to join Rojestveneky. Their appearance In Togo'a rear will conatltuti a iten tlal ' threat, - placing Admiral Togo be. tmen two Urea and eompel tha reten tion of a number of fighting ahlps in Japalai less waters...:, ,.. ,, ,... . miXTI lOHS 7AOTOBT. 1;' . (Jearaal Bpeetal fervlee.t : " - Odessa; April 10. Tha pollca have on. - - earthed a bomb factory and an anarchist printing press. . - Twenty-seven arreata have beet made In connection with tha ' discovery. ' - ' Ninety-al Boelaltats wera ejwctited at ;". tha citadel In Waraaw Thursday. Thirty six of them . werf Jewa. It la .reported that tha t scea of the, latter wera blaek- enad' ao- aavto give tha. appearanca -of having been Uken for worklngmen, ' Tha railway eltuatton In tha Caucaaua n 1a, alarming. AU attempts to run trains . ' . nivht heva been abandoned, aa it la faarad that tralna will ba wrecked. 4 AjcsJUOAjr wajui: ottt. . I . ii.aMil nawlal arvlee. ' 1 - ' Manila, April 10. Tha cruiser Raleigh and tha torpedo boat destroyers Percy and Chauncey and tha supply ahlp Qen i " ral Alvado . have bean "Pthf Ktrol the west-coast ot h Plaw" and to enforea nutral r ,:' naval fight off tha Philippines. Three other destroyers are preparing to sail. , MANDATE AFFIRMING' f " INJUNCTION IS FILED ' -V. .'V.-'-'- " " ' ' ',''. (Jottmil gpeclal iervlee.) ' ' . Chicago, Aprir 10. A mandate bf tha r""aupreme court of tha Vnlted State af ; Arming tha Injunction of Judge Oroe ; imp agalnat tha packers, waa placed on ' ' file here today for tha first time. ThU actloit Of Assistant Attorney-Oeneral Pagln la taken a an Indication that It U , . tha Intention of the a-overnment to au ' ment any action of - tha grand Jury agflnst tha packers by citing offenders for contempt of court. y BBOWini nrJL SARRJBJl. ' . X''' . " JgnertiiJ Ptanin t The JmriMl.l - . Inland. Idahn, April 10. Olndvs. the S-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. JN I. Oy lea r, fell In a raln-barivl full jf ... water, head flrst. while i pluylng In the ysrd of their homeyeterday, snd was found aeaa by ner momer. Af - ? f V t V- ..." .-:,.( a-ot 4? 2 '4ey k Zi -v ' ii j i' ? 1 NaaJPaltrnon Sba Propwd for HcrTMrdfiaTrvySichl Vag Today I v'-W '.:'.'V?' ; Postpotwd for a Week.'-1 - ' ' .' ' ' r. : DUNNE MAYOR OF GlHICjAGO TONIGHT , V IJearoal gtwcfal Service. - ' Chicago, April 10. rjudga Edward F. Dunne cleared tha docket oftha circuit court this-morning,' preparatory to! his Inauguration aa mayor of Chicago to night.' The installation ' will ba simple. In . accordance " .with ; tha request ; of Mayor-elect , Dunne. - He . will haye a STEAM ROAD COMPETES ' : WITH ELECTRIC LINES V.; v!.:,;- in " . . , v ;.;' - --'r'(Jor1iil gpecUl Service.) 1 ' ;. -i Bloomlngton, t 111., April 10. The la- troduotlon ( of tha Chicago at. Alton la terurban.. competitive Service between Bloomlftgteit and Pohttao andJ'bet.WAen Springfield, and. Glrard. Is a aucceaa be yond anticipation., Trains run ' at' fre quent Intervals; afnpplng at any city street, or rural highway upon signal, allowing passengers to alight at any place desired.----. - A fare of two cents par-mile, tha same aa that charged by the Interurhan Is ssked. . Patronage on the Una be tween Bloomlngton and Pontlao ' haa averaged 124. en each round trip, and PUTS KEEP .it tJeanal Speetal Srvlea.t " ! Ne: Turk.- April M0. How" " Mra. Charles T. Terks forced' the Atlantic Coast Una to carry bar and her secre tary and maid to New Tork on. a Pull man car, despite tha company's protest, una Just ' lieoorne known. Mrs, Yerkes wss on her way from Havana, to Kew York, accompanied by her secretary, -BOUntm tner. and her maid, and aha obtained Pullman accommodation at Tampa, Kla. . .... .. :.- ..-'-, ' When thV train rethed Jackson villa she, was informed that Uier Pullman ON 1 f r K A" ' V ; , oare majority or four aldermen to stip- port him In his' municipal ownership plana, but It la believed that this, la suf ficient to- enable' htm to -pass any rea aonable measure looking la that direc tion. - Tha attitude of the council la fa vorable toward allowing Dunne to make a fair test of, tha publlo ownership of traction llnea, i v.r ,"., tha line between Springfield and Glrard aia almost as well.-1 -..- '; ' The-arrvlce 1a- likely - to- be extended. It la aatabllahed In direct competition with that of the- electrlo tnterarban llnaa.! " ';'-'-: .. - -t i. MURDERER IS AIDING- IN REDWOOD. FORESTS .? v" 1 , -' -(Joaraalt SiMelel arvle.- , ,;,: ' San- Francisco, April ' 10.--Detectlvea left thla morning, for ETureka, 'Oat,' for whlchv point Pletro- Torturlcl, " thg mur derer of Blagglo Vllardo, Is believed to have sailed last Friday. Tha murderer haa a good atart, and If ha went to Eu reka can easily elude pursuit by taking to the great, forests of northern Cali fornia.. - . . -. . ' - ' EXTRA CAR CONTRACT eleeper front Tamp' would go no far. (her end she must change to' another puilmnn to be atuuhed to1 tha train about to pull out for New York. -All the aocnmmodatlone that ' aha could, have werw-an upper birth for her self and 'a sent each for her' secretary and maid. Mrs. Yrrkcs insisted ' that she had purchased through accommoda tions and refused to leave tha Pullman. According to Mra. Yerkre, she wss de layed for several hours, but finally the railroad - off trials- yielded and the - car wsa attached to a later train oa tha At luntla Coast Una. HsnPattcrscri's Third Ar- ireignnicnt for Yourigs : Murder Delayed. SMITHS QUIT FIGHT j AGAINST EXTRADITION Sister and Brother4n-Law of Ac- cused Woman Ready to Give ..t-Thelr Testimony Prls---' . : oner Is.Disappointed. (Joaraal Special Service.)- -C t New York, April 10. Becadse of delay tn tha extradition of J. Morgan Smith aad wife from Cincinnati, tha third trial Of Naa Patterson for tha murder of Cao- saa Young waa postponed thla morning for: week, : Counsel for, defense asada strong objection to the' postponement, but Recorder Goff granted tha motion of tha district attorney stating that week's delay would work no hardship to me prisoner. . : . , v Miss Patterson was pot brought Into court. She remained at , tha Tomb prison. ' -' ' At Columbus today Attorney Shay for J. Morgan Smith and wife notified Gov- ernor .Herrtck - thla morning that ha would not appear today to argue agalnat tha extradition warrant. No other date was asked for and tha governor an nounced that tha matter was a doaed In cident and that the. warrant would stand. Tha arrest and return of Mtaa Patter- son'a fugitive sister and brother-in-law. whoso testimony waa so much desired by tha prosecution at the Brat- trial, la counted upon to supply many mlaalng links to tha chain of circumstantial evi dence agalnat tha accused glrU Notwith standing this, however, tha general pub llo appears inoiinea to toe opinion utt the girt will be acquitted, or that tha lurv will acaln dlsacree and aha will ba MuaoHkrgaa xi-aaa ouAteayv- Miss jrauaraow - waa--mucn. oiaap- pointed over the continuance of tha case. She haa been paying a great deal of at tention to her dreaa and expecting to ba called . to tha court room - today had dressed 14 a fetching coatama. ' . - ENLARGING FORCE OF , RECLAMATION SERVICE More Assistants Wanted -Engi-' "Mr Davis Coming to Visit . ';' Oregon Projects. 7 :. v (Washuigtoa Sareaa ef Tae Jeeras.. v Washington, April 10. A. P. Da via, assistant chief engineer of tha reclama tion aervloc. la now In tha west vlslt- Ing tha several government Irrigation projects, lie haa been directed by Chief Engineer Newell to devote considerable personal attention to the various recla mation schemes In .Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Colorado, and to hold meetlnga with boarda of engi neers In these states for the purpose of settling engineering questions which may have arisen In the work. He hsa also been Instructed to meet prominent cltlsena interested -la the. work of re clamation to discuss with v them anyiJIon for an Injunction In case the ex- problema arising out of the work under taken by the government, t - -The officers of the reclamation serv ice are planning a very busy season In the North Platte valley. Wyoming, In connection with work on the Pathfinder or North Platte project. wThe engineer In charge, John E. Field,- has been dl rected to bring his force of engineering assistants up to the following status: - One assistant engineer . with exper ience on topographic work; 10 engineer ing aids, three Of whom will be trained for topographio work on canal eurveye; I experienced level men; 1 constructing engineer draftsman 1 topographio en gineer draftsman; S assistant engineers with experience on construction work; t asslsUnt engineers to act as Instru ment men on surveys, ; -' FLORENCE CITIZENS' 7; .: TICKET VICTORIOUS (SptenU THepatch' te The looraaL) Eugene, Or..' April 10. The city elec tion at Florence resulted In a complete victory for the citisens ticket, roiiow Ing are the new officers: President of the- council, Marion Morris; trustees, C X Benke, W. J. Kyle, B. H. Anderson, U M. Christeneen; reeoraer. it. ts, ev. cry; marshal, a. c. fumpion. Tnere waa no excitement at tne election, out a erect deel f Intereet waa manlfeeted and. very nearly a full vote was polled. The Peoole'a ticaet. ; wmcn waa oe- feated. waa ae follows: For president. A. B. Pickle; for trusteee, u. J. Bhrum, J. 'W. Carmnn, Frank VedervP1. A. John son; Tor recoroer. . u. vnunamnini ur m a renal. C. B. Morgan, ' f BURGLARS FORCE DOOR - ; AND LOOT DRAIN STORE (Bperlal Dlspatcb te Tke Joaraat) . Drain. Or.. April 10. Burglars entered the store of. T. & Bledsoe laat night by prying open the front door with pinch bars. Knives, rasors. scissors and some I clothing and ahoee were takea. ,Tbe lose la S0 or more. Neignnoring towna were, Informed of the burglary thla morning and tha men may be caught. - They also tried i to break Into the meat market but irara anaucoeeaful. 4. . '-7-: " j mmm la Jl- Admiral RojeatvenakY, Whose Fleet . . .; - - the Japanese CGICAGO STRIKERS if Attempt . to Move . Freight for ; Montgomery, ,Ward e r r: i.. CO. Is Fought.' INJUNCTION MAY. BE i - ' ASKED BY EMPLOYERS Ground Advanced Is. That . the f Fighting Workmen Obstruct , v Interstate Traffic. . ; : ,) .... .. ' (Josrael S Dedal Service.) '' :'u Chicago, April' 10. Rioting marked a renewal this morning, of the attempts to move freight from Montgomery. Ward company's te the railway .houses. Ion tasmstsre defied the big aacortal of police and blockaded tha path of the wagona at. every corner. Clubs were used to clear passages, and the defiant teamstere were , thrown Into patrol wagona. -t - . Missiles were hurled from the 'win dows at the police and non-union driv ers. In some case Inflicting severe In jury. A thousand expreaa drive re may join the strike at any moment. ,"' The Employers association theaters to, pet! presa drivers strike on the grounds that they Interfere 1 with Interstate traffic. ,' FIRE AT CAPITOU V CAUSES' BIG LOSS Large Sawmill, Planing ; Mills, " Freight - Cars and Much ; ' Lumber Destroyed; ' (Special Dlptrk to Tke Joaraal.) " tlnlock. -Wash,, piil 10. The large sawmill, planing mills and about-1,600,- 000 feet of lumber In the yards and in cars oa the spur were destroyed by fire at ca pi tola,' mnes south ot mis place, yesterday morning. - The owners are J. A. Veneae jtnd H. A., Baldwin, doing bualnese under the firm name of Veneas 4k- Baldwin.. The loss amounts to something like $50,000. The Insur ance carried la about 117,000. It la un derstood that the plant-will .be . apeod lly -rebuilt. It is not known Just, how the fire started.-but tramps are sus pected. It caught In the dryhouae. A porch-column rectory Belonging to Mr.. Kenoyer and another man, who had Juat got tha plant Into operation.' waa also burned. There was no Insurance on this plant. . . INVENTOR BLOWN U Bi BY NEW EXPLOSIVE (Jearaal Seeelal Servlra.) ' ; '' New . Tork,' April 10. It Is believed by scientists that a high explosive of even' greater strength" than nitro glycerin or nitro-chlorlda has been dla eovered by Dr. Ludwlg IL Freiberg of tha chemistry department of the. College Of the City of New Tork. ; -.V - ! The discovery Is. the result of an ex plosion ' which, occurred Saturday while Dr. Freiberg waa .experimenting la. the laboratory of the college with a sub- 1 J a mm Is Expected to Clash .With That of in the China Sea. ' ' FRICK SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY? r r ir4- Steel King Said. to Haye Been Offered Shaw's Place- In '.; : the Cabinet. ANNOUNCED THAT. HE X C - WILL ENTER POLITICS In i a . Possibly Inspired Article Statement Is Made That, ; Roosevelt Wants Him. V - - - (Jearaal Bpeelal Servlee.) - ' Pittsburg, - Ps., 'April '10. Announce. mentals made by. those close to H. ti Prick., that the coke, steel and railway king haa decided to enter national poll Tork tnatead of Pennsylvania, where he made hla millions. ' . .- : The recent leaalng of a house In New Tork by Frlck and hla -own" announce ment that . he will apent part of each year - there, 'glvea the atory strength. The Pittsburg Leader rune an article which, might have been Inspired. After announcing that .Prick will enter na tional polltloa from New Tork,-' the Leader' says: " -. '' , c While 1t la known to only a few In timate friends, yet It la a fact that Prick haa had strong preeeure brought to bear on him to take the portfolio of the treasury In tha cabinet of President Kooaevelt. and among tnoee- who were moat Insistent that he accept was the president himself.". , . Rooeevelt and Prick, have long been close personal frtenda. Prick was ona of the moat affective supporters Presi dent Roosevelt bad during the leaf cam paign. - -. i . i '. i'j : , : t'.. .' ;- POWERS TO INTERFERE ' " ' . IN CRETAN CRISIS " ' (JoeraaK aoelal Service.) London. April 10---A dlapatch to the Central Newe . from , Canea, QrJte, aaya that the vartoua consuls of that place have " notified the Cretan government that tha powers have decided to active ly Interfere In the present crisis for fear that similar, movementa t will be atarted In the Balkans. . . . i. f.., .,'.' . (Sseelal Dlepetrh tOi'Tke JoorneLt ' . La wlaton, Idaho. April 19. Fred ua tlce, an electrlo lineman, waa caught be tween two live wires and Instantly kAled Saturday evening.-1 Ha waa. strapped to the pole 'or he would have , fallen , SO feet..-.;. :- stance' called by ' chemists nltro-clnna-mio acid, which ta used In the manufac ture of Indigo, . and - heretofore con sidered by the . snienttno world aa a harmless liquid. Dr. . Freiberg, waa In jured by the partlclea Of flying Risen. Nttro-clnnamlC acid IS extracted from niter and cinnamlc acld. ' Dr. Freiberg la positive that he la on the track ef a high -explosive that may rival all others, becsuse ; the explosion took every li rect loo. and did not confine, itself to one path.- -. -.' . 1 v -.-. , Will Stend at Ber cf lL v S. Court crrblyi. BINGER HERMANN WILL" , APPEAR NEXT MONDAY Williamson to Be Arraigned Next ' Friday and Other : Defend - ants in the Land Fraud - . Cases During Week. ; Speedy arraignment of the numerous defendants indicted for - complicity In me ; land rrauda la the program of United Stater District Attorney Heney. Senator Mitchell will appear In the federal flourt tomorrow mdratn. I. .nt. hla plea to the Indictment agajnat him. Congressman Blnger Hermann will leave Washington tomorrow evening, reaching Portland Saturday evening or Sunday f morning, and -he will be arraigned on Monday. Congressman Williamson will appear , for arraignment next Friday. Other defendants will be arraigned dur. Ing this week, and aa soon as possible , Mr. Heney will have the cases act for: trial. . .v . .'..-. -.i.. -,-. Judge A. 8. Bennett of The Dalles, who la to be Senator. Mitchell's chief counsel, la In Portland today and haa had a protracted conference with hla client. While the line of defenae that will be adopted la not known. It Is ex pected that in thla as In the other caaes tha defendants will resort tn .hiinintin tactics, and that every possible means) will be employed to delay the trial. , ;':- Blggee Btea ttre.. . Mr. Heney proposes to remain In Port- tana until au preliminary motions1 have been heard and disposed of. so that when he returna ln June the trials may pro ceed without further delay. It la hla purpose to try the charge agalnat Sea-- iot uiioneu rirat or all. and the two congressmen will be next in order. Blnger nermann wui DC derended by Dolph, Mallory,-Simon and fleer In,, end It la anderstood that the two last named members of the firm will have especial charge of the case. It la understood that Judge Bennett and 1L S. Wilson of The Dalles will represent Congress man Williamson, ,, v , ; Sure XadlotBaeats Ax SUght. Published stateraente that the validity of the grand Jury's Indictments will be assailed on the ground that one of the jurors is not an American cltlsen have excited 1 no, uneasiness I n the mind of Mr. Heney. He Is -confident that there la no ground upon which the contention can be baaed. , All of . the Jurors were carefully examined, under oath, aa their - qualifications, and all of thera were found to be duly qualified. The apeclfla charge that - John Oulatla of Astoria, a member of the grand Jury, was never ' naturalised, appears to be without foundation. Even were It other. I wise ifr n..r i- -rH-nt that tha via u. cue jurr would hoc h. inniu dated.' j "It's all buncombe," said Hegey this morning. "There la not the ailahteet danger In the world that the Indictments can be euccesefully assailed on any such ground." I :r BtMchea Oloea StovAheeV. Senator Mitchell waa askea thla mov ing whether he- would give any trunca tion aa to the line ef defenae he pro posed to adopt, but he would aav log.. "I do not wlah to make any state ment whatever through the newspapers.' be replied. "No, I will not say who my attorneys are to be." ... Tha 1m . , . - , . - " - ,inuu,insDL Li, wnicn n.narn. miicneu muet answer la that returned . February 1. charging him with having Illegally . received compensation for hla . services, while a United Statea senator. - - . . . , v. ivTimimni, Thla is the esse In which be itf alleged to have used his Influence to secure the patenting of clalma In -which Frederick A. Krlbs waa Interested, and the firm of Mitchell ds Tanner la said to hava re. cetved tl.TIO for, these service. The - v. xijb case win involve tne his tory of the partnership aareement Hm. tween Mitchell and Tanner, and the at tempted substitution. Isst December, of a new partnership agreement for that whloh had been la force. Thle episode waa made famous by- the admissions wrung from Judge Tanner before Ua grand jury, and forma ona of the most damaging featurea of the government's case against MltcheJI. KILLED FOR STRANG LI f.'G' . wjFE with SHOESTr,ir:a ? " (Jearaal Bpeetal Servlee.) - Oselnlnsv N. T..' April 10. The last execution In the old death-house at Sing Sing prison took place thla morning, lit future the executions will take plnce in the new death-chamber, which la fast ' approaching corapketloo. . Today's- victim of the electric et was Martin Kbelt, a young teamster . Mount Vernon. He wiis Jealous of h,4 wife, Augusta, and on the nlslit of Au gust t ltot. tared ber to a lonely place near Mount Vernon; and. tying a shoe string around her neck. 'choked her t death. Me hid her body In a sewer, where It was.found by the police a few days later. AOOZOasTTAUT XIUS XIZZZ T. (SssrUl Olsiwtck te The JoarMl ) Kendrlck, Idaho. April - 10."" Byrne while shooting squirrels nr t accidentally discharged kla gun. t a I let ahatterlBg his bucklum an-1 I Ing his abdomen. Tne sv M.nt Friday and he died late ketur j log. - - :i- 'V:. i '' 1 ''I