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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
- Tils oro:coM suMDAY jourJAt, pcrTlInd.- cu::dav r:cr.:::::c. a: : :l : Portland.. Trount3;thi','C.t!i.' Yettsrdxy In-," tsrscholirtis Csrxcn Oper.ji -e- tjej FtJiciars Gossip r-Racln2 ReiufcsOther ' Cportfn;.. Tongue; Wins the Shogren CupNew Coun . try". Cluj) for; Golfers Amateur V Baseball Games Naughton Letter Racing News. ZZizi ly XL 'FRISCO SfC?JSSAY CCUT VMS FIXED FCmAHDTO UAYE : f IKE COUNTRY CLUB ;f ':.' !fv. "-' ;vry.:".- Golf Club Members Plan a Beau , tiful New Home Along ' -; "':.' 'the' River.. :;:'-"W Native Sons Declare . Hart Was -Jtl2' Up to Win Last Fight, ty r . - '. ! rr. . i '..riTTTTTT'.r. - .T. - ---t------,- 7. - ., . - - w. - -- -- -- ---- - - - -- -- -- -- -- - PROPOSED CLUB TO i'- V '7;; V Tv MODEL" OF ITS KIND Italian Gardens, South of Wav - ; ; erly Links,;4 Is the Site J -. Selected.' ; . V Portland will aeon ' have a country clubhouse, something. In tha club line hat thte city needed.. During the past lew years different achemea war an nounced regarding ' proposed , eluba In' suburban dtatrlcte, but- nothing of -a tangible character wm mr cot under Sray. . . '- - - - - - The preaent scheme originated among tnembers of tha golf clob. and at .prea ent active arrangements are being mad for tha building of a flrat-claaa eoantry club on' the alte of tha Italian gardens, aouth of the Waverly golf llnka. While the stockholders of the golf club have not officially aanctloned tha proposition, in the absence ofkT."B- Wllcor and Will lam Whlddrn from the city, yet it la understood that theaa two enthualaatle golfers will favor it. and aa soon as Vhey return a definite announcement will be made. ': , ' The IUliaa gardens, containing several- hundred acres of flrat-claaa land, 'are south of tha preaent llnka, situated vione to tha Willamette river.' No more ' leal site for a country dun could be iound in the entire country. The pro ' -sedriouae will be built on the brink ' f Rocky Point, overlooking the river : ad valley... A boat landing will be one ' t tha featuree. as It will accommodate te guests who wtah to go to the club i tbeSr yachta and launches.- The build jr wllj cost about I16.009, .the fitting of tna grounds about $6,600, and able and other accommodation .will at in the neighborhood of I7.00. The lnclpel expense outdoors will be in' jrred in the new .golf links. Tennis )urta and bowling alleys will be other t jorta that will be arranged for. The country club, it la said, will not Te confined to "golf players alone, but win be extended to others who nave I king for the . benefits and pleasures that auch clube afford. c It may be that the Hunt club mem ters will Interest themselves In the mat' tar. as tha Hunt, club la without suffi cient qoartera and such a home would be ideal in every respect .. The old. golf llnka could be used for- club eventa, and . along, the east side of .the street ear line there la a, splendid location for a hair ; mile track. ,Tha would appeal to those I interested In riding. ' The nana of the new Institution ' will be the Waverly . 'Country dab. -..- ,; JOEKUEIIEtflNS I HUNT CLUB CHASE -. '.' Shogren Cup, However, Is Won by E. B. Tongue In Easy ''' v-v- v' Fashion. ' . - JoeMueue 'won. the Hunt club paper Htaaa ' yesterday afternoon, flnliihlng . 'fully five minutes before theAreat of the ridnra.-J. W, Lead better was aecond Ttfhd K. B. Tongue third. J.t was the ' final run - Tor the Shogren , cup, - and 'fotig' Otuaad tha hannr, flnlahtng 'third, 'having points t win, 1 . The finish between . Leadbetter and .'Tongue was very pretty, both -Radno ' and Oregon. .Kid. came down .the road at breakneck apeed. Tha finish of the ; aeeond four ,waa squally r as exciting. Michael. Downing, Iaarua and pillon coming In the order riamed. Tha starters were: Mrs. F. O. Down ing. F. W.' Leadbetter, E. B. Tongue. J. . Muehe. J. T. Dillon: E.iM. Laaarua. JT. 8. McRath. John Latta. James Nlcfl, V. O. Downing.' Karea. Ml as 'Ann 8bog- ren, and Mrs. B. F. Buffum. ., FAST HORSES FOR -PORTLAND MEETING '' The stake entries for the ndnm sea son of the Multnomah , Fair aaaocia t Ion cloned on April 1. but the books 4 will not be out for at least two wenka President Diamond aays that the num ber of entries for the coming meeting will be about ' the same as last year, only- there will be mora high grade horsea. Of course, laat season some of Uie beat horwea in the west raced at ilrvlngton track.-proof of thia being far i ntnhed during the fall and winter by the I splendid showing made by the same j horses on California tracks. If more ; liigh class 'horses are entered hers, the ' grade of racing will be very high. strewn sooH sarcATS onoov. i '' (ftpeetal Mspatck to The Joanul.) : ' Eugene, Or., April . In the first of a scries of. championship games between the State v University and 'the Eugene Htch school baseball teama this after- ! lvoon tha latter won by a acora of I to 4. The distinctive feature of the game was the work of Spender,- High achoot's crack southpaw pitcher. ,. . , . X24zccot Peer, Champion Bull Ter yy. rier. Rcoly Purchaaed by F. E. FAST GOIfiG AT . RACING TRACKS Baker, Elie and Morita, at Good l-Prices Win f at Oak- ; ; land. . anoughfTHREEiMILE-EVENT-7 CAPTURED BY ELIE Splendid Weather MakesCood Running at Los Angeles . yV.'': Course." ., .": ; s. t tflpeeial thpatek br Uaaea Wire U The Joaraal) OAKLAND. - April 'At Emervllle The weather waa clear and tracic last. One mile, four-yeer-old snd upward. aelling. Tanhauaer, t ; to 2 (Fountain). won; J. V. Klrby, secondl ooionnoer. third, time. 1:4. " ' ' ' " One mile, three-year-olds, aelling Ba ker, IS to I (Clark), won; Oolden Buck, second: Mace, third; time, 1:41. . Two miles, four-year-olda and up ward, selling Expedient.-1 to 1 Bull man), won; Inapector .Munroe, second; Bay. third; time, :I4H - Three miles, three-year-olda ana up ward Elie. 11 to S Jones), won; Dr. Lirggo, second; Veterano, - 'third; -. time, (:22. '' . --v ' . .. :,, One mile, three-year-oldn and upward eelllng. purse MOH Andrew Mack. I to 1 (Fountain), won; Huirord,- aecona; Telephone, third; time. 1:1H. One-mile, three-yea r-oida, purse f ioo- Worita. 11 to I (Jonea), wonr A.' Mus koday, second; Sea Air, third r time, 1:4114. ' -': '"''' "".- FAOZTIO COAST UAOVS. ' Maa Kraaelasa Oskland ...i... ...... Pertlaud um Aaaetoa ....4... Tacoma .............. Uie Advlcea reaelved from Tale college stale that A. C. Gilbert of this city, a former student at 1 Pacific . Unlveralty, has won the Inter-collegiate wrestling champlonahlp while wearing 'the colore of Old Ell.. Gilbert haa many .friends In - this elty who remember, his. work while with Pacific, , : . r i i i .. - 1 1 v ...... w BBOOnTSf DBFBATS BZAjrCSTJnV -The Brooklyn team defeated the Blan che! Institute nine yea ter day afterttooaT hy the score of to 6. - The game waa well played and witnessed by a num ber of spectatore. Batteries Brooklyn, l,uk and Hcat-ork; BlanchbL lilll and a"M- t,' t- j . t .. ,.- ,. i'' CLUBS. ; J .-. . & , o t a a .euo .3 0 2 0 0 6 . I 0 Zf g O A .en . O !l Ml 1 0 4 . .0 3 0 O0 U . UH ,....v.......l 4 4 s i v OUST OKAMTXpXf WKXSTZ.BK. TRAPS SHOTS BACK AT OLD GROUNDS : ;', -V-; ':. Multnomah Rod and Gun Club Members Shoot at ". Irv intn k,:V: ' . The trap shooters of Portland will ba compelled to uae their old grouoda at Inrington this year, aa the people living In the vicinity Of City park objected te tha ahootlng. , Bo, . with gentle com placency, the sportsmen parked up their traps and returned to their former haunta. The flrst . shoot of the season wast held ' laat Sunday. Tha club in tends having tha ground - cleared and Axed .up In good condition in order to accommodate the shots who will as semble here on tha ltd. tSd and -.n of June to attend tha northwest shooting tournament The shoot will be held under " ha auspices of tha Sportsmen's Association Of the Northwest, an organisation em bracing the atatea of Oregon. Washing ton. California, Montana. Idaho, Utah snd British Columbia. Over 1.000 mem- 'bers belong to the association, . and among them are numbered some of tha best shots of the country. ' Tropica, tha property of the association, and valued at t,000. and a similar amount in added money.' will be offered aa prises at tha coming tourney. The , officers of the asaoclatlon are:-.'-" ' '. M. Abrahama, president. Prraand; W, A. Hlllls, flrst vice-president Portland; W. F. Sheard, second vice-president, Ta- coma. Wash.; T. B. Wsre. 4hlrd Vice president; - Spokane. Waah.j K. F. Con far, fourth vice-president Livingston, Mont; A. J. Winters, secretary,- Port land; J. K. Cullleon, tresaurer, Portland, The directors sre; W. F. Sheard. Ta ooma. Wash.j 'B. , R. Patterson, Hepp ner. . Ore.; H. J. - Stillman. . Pendleton, Ore.; Frank Stevens, Pomeroy, Wash.; P. J. Holohan. Wallace, Idaho. The Multnomah Rod and Oun club officers are: R. D. Inman.' president; W. F. tJpman. vice-prealdent; M. Ab rahams, secretary; F. H, Peterson, tree-s urer. . y ' i v The directors are?., J. D. Honeyman, VT. A. Hillla. W. Moore, A. J. Mc Dantcl. X K. Bentley. : ' ' . AMATEUR TEAM IS , ' 'READY FOR GAMES Sporting Editor, The Journal.- We beg to announce that tha Royal club baseball nine, which - formerly played under that name, wilt be' changed to the Mucks, and has been newly organised. The new suits will arrive from the esst this week, and through the courtesy of the Muck Hardware Clothing com pany the boys have been furnished with these suits, and will preaent a baaeball appearance, - - , . ' . Truetlng that the new name will bring them many victories, the boy a. at and ready to defend their reputation-with open challenges to any amateur nines In the atate. t . .Address B. R, Lannlng, manager. -v , .... , r The lineup ta: Oandswlck, right field; Minor, left field;-J. C. HHeer, short stop: Chappln, uktcher; Stef fens, center field; M. J. Helper, second haaet Llllla, first, baae;-Mrlijllahd. third bav; WaU lace, pitcher; lLggons,' pitcher. a. , ; SMOOTH ROAD AT LAST''S O O 0 . I - i- - - - -'-.'- - I - A Mi. . II , ATHLETES TRAINING FOR AiDAL MEET Columbia University Will Hold y Big Open Indoor Meet- y - 7 v Ing Next Weeki : OREGON WILL SEND A COMPETING TEAM Multnomah y Will '. Enter , Team With Good Chances of Cap:. turing Honors. . Great activity prevalla at Columbia University as the time draws near for their annual open ' Indoor track meet The interior of .the huge. Coliseum. Is being neatly decorated, and tha circular track - and f 0 ysrds straightaway . are considered very fast The report comes np from '-Corvallls that Smith son Is in perfect condition and expects 1 to win honors In the 210 yard dash, is which race ' he was recently defeated by Kelly of Columbia, who made a new coast Indoor record of 21 4- second a. The entire O. A. C. team is practicing faithfully and the athletes of that in stitution expert to' win tha - beautiful banner again this year. . At Pacific University fell the men sre showing up remarkably well, especially Peterson, one of the best sprinters' on the coast: Phtlbrook, the giant weight man, and Fletcher, the speedy half-miler. Pacific won the state championship laat year, . and from present appearances will make a strong bid for those honors again, n. Multnomah A. A. club will put tha beat team poealble in - the 1 field, and claim they have a new man. named Mul ligan, ' who will capture everything in the sprints.' If this is true, tha club will have another beautiful trophy cup, for Captain James and hla men can be relied upon to do their share in placing the club at the top: r , The Columbia track team la rounding Into shape, and Captain Kelly will have another Indoor record . to his credit If he repeats hia broad jump of tl ft 11 In., done In practice laat week. Ills wonderful time In tha yard dash, at tha last meet ' haa gained him - much fame, and certain autnoritlea on track work, who aaw htm run on Marca It, say ha in without doubt the beat man In that race on the coast Walsh and Roe are showing up splendidly and much Is expected of them in the coming meet Word wss received by Manager In- ergan of Columbia that tha Unlveralty of Oregon would be here In force on the ltth. Captain Hun says that his men are getting In tha pink of condition and will return to Kugene, after, the meet loaded with honors. , A repreeentatlvs team will come from Seattle. High school to fight for tha scholastic honors -with the various acad emies and high schools which will com pete. ' ' With O. "A,'C,(U, of O; Psclflc Uni versity, Multnomah club, Columbia Uni versity, and lb numerous outside acad- COLUMBIA DEFEATS PORTLAND ACADEMY In Interesting 'Game the East Siders -.Trjumph Over; ;.' .-J- V, Opponents. " .. -; - .. v ... ,. . -"'. Yesterday ' afternoon, on Multnomah Meld, Colombia University baseball team defeated Portland academy by a score of to T. ' Tha game wau - Interesting t w-ufhnut. especially in tha last nw when McKenna of Columbia cams to the bat with three men en basea and drove a speedy hit through short stop, bring. ing In two runs and winning the game. The interest or tha spectators n wavered, aa tha acora was always closa. and the winning team could .not be de termined vnttr-theendV:rThe' Colombia team waa ' aunerlor- "in battlna and 4 bunched' hl(s on Reed, .who waa then forced to glva way. to Myers, who pitched a splendid game, Wilkinson of Columbia kept nla hits well scattered and his team mates backed " htm np wun giit-eagea support, roruand acad ray played consistently and owe their nereat chiefly to . their ' poor batting. Mangold, 8c he el, McKenna, Wilkinson and Barry shone particularly for Colum bia, and -Moreland, Houston and T. Myers are entitled to. praise for their good work. , t. --'!.,,.. Collie. Druhot umpired the' game and gava eminenv satisfaction, i Runs: .1224(471 C. U. ...... ... 1 I 0 4 0 21 P. A. 1 0 1 3 I 0 t T The lineup ..wss as follows: ' ' C, U. .' ' '.: Position... P. A. Wilkinson ....... ..p. .... ..Reed. Myers Moore .c. ...... Hlggins McKenna ,1b. ...... , Moreland Mclnemy . .... ,2b. , . . , , , M.. Myers Bcheel .....Ib. ..Houston (cspt) Mangold (capt)..aa...,....T. Myers Minkle if.. i Klncald Kirk ... . ,cf . . . ...... Mcpherson 12a MM f- . , omaAjmas ro sbasqw. , The O. R. ft N. baaeball team haa or ganised for tha coming season. The team la composed excluelvely of general office employee of tha O. R. N. company, and would be pleased to hear from any fast amateur team In the city or surrounding country. - Preference Would be given to "Astoria," Hood River, Tha Dalles, Hillsboro, McMlnnvllle, Dal laa, Salem. Albany, Forest Grove, Inde pendence, New berg or Wood burn. Ad drees all communications to Jsmes A. Lane, manager. Room 44, Worcester building, Portland.. ' ; " ? xnrsxrs to xcSst a. . , (Spaeial Mipateh te Tke Joaraal. ' Taooma, i Wash., April . I. Tommy Bums, the crack middleweight who re cently fought a draw with Twin Sullivan In this city, haa been matched la meet Dave Barry of San Francisco, before the Tacoma Athletic club on April 2t. Burns and ' his manager, . Larry Mo Kenna, are now In this city, and the clever Chicago boxer Is ' working out here. Barry is axpected to ariiva ears during the latter part of the week. amies and eluba Which Will compete, the meet this yesr Will eel ne"snvlhlna ever attempted la Oregon In the-past ' Be fair to yourself and us look town get our competitors' prices. - Then, come here and you'll find just as correct styles terns only better goods better made and lower . priced. : Easter ; and Confirmati ohSui ts : $2.50, $3.50, 34.00 and 53.00 r : -i 'V., .: " I II i I -fl N VV- ' U Victor Baseball Goods ; FREE With All Boys' Suits CJ 07, Hird St. actnoen Stark Csh ' A-twUI alil ILU WOULD HLP HIM - i MATCH WITH JEFFRIES Naughton Furnishes Interesting. Budget. of News About ; the Fighters. v j ' rmr w. w. Wana-aton.) ; -. (Spedal PUpatck by Laued Wire te Tha Joarmal) San Francisco, April a The riatlve sons. are on the trail again. , Tha latest -aocuaatlona ilka all the othera, it bears an eastern date mark la thai the Hart- Johnson contest waa rigged for tha pur- , pose of developing sin opponent who would not be objectionable to World's ' , Champion James J. Jeffries.' Of course tbosj, who war responsible. ' ' for the 'match deny that trickery or fraud of any kind waa practiced and a, ' man has only to move around a bit to discover that the general run of fight ' patrons in this city do not harbor the . ' suspicion that there waa a pre-arranga- " JmentJajMnectlonje-ltltthe bout..' . ; This la an age 01 reaiiam and thor oughness, howaver, and It' la no great',' trick to hoodwink the public Tha oondU tlona are such that . a self -respecting i critic la prompted to exercise extreme caution in, testifying to tha genuineness of any knd of a sport bsppenlng. . He -'. might find after he Jiad placed himself, on record that ha waa one' of tha many, ' who ware fooled., . Then he would -be, em-, barraasod.,, : v ';.. '5 L; ri.y;' :.:'.'c :. Ma Was Ts So rvm,'-'- In this instanoe If the light waa pre arranged the sure thing money waa deaf and dumb and blind. . Tha price against -Hart-waa lo to i right up to tha moment -. tha man entered tha ring, and, to use a ' flip .expression, there waa ' no four. - Ia It possible or likely, that tha !IoU tars, if there warn any, ware so much , engrossed In forcing Hart to tha front,; that they forgot to take advantage oj an opportunity to make a klUlngT '. ' . Personally, I . believe . the aanoanoa that Hart and Jaffrlea had been matched would merely invite derision, i It would ' be so palpably a puglliatlo mesalliance ' that I doubt If an offer of free seats with martini cocktails and dub sand wiches thrown" In would, attract, a Hart Is a decant fallow,! but In fight- . Ing. aa ia anything; a reputation for be- , tag wall spokan or "good to his folks" Isn't Bufflclent to.ootnmand reeogiiltien ' for a man. la the affair with Johnson, Conmijen on Paga Nt-oa.) . : NaT in all the windows around and just as exclusive pat .... .' F ,,- -. ,t'..t" ' ... ; - 'l WfiafV.J JXI