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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
Tii3 oesgon Sunday 'jour.:TAi; postlaiiiv cu::daV t-icniauo; AriL g. r: iiiPJCATES TO u IMN KILLED AND FOUR INJURED D3IST0U VAFITS A , . - . ...; ft. .. .... .v. :: CI -STREET -CARS C9VEDIT LIKE - IS UhDEB ACutST Commissioner J" Will V Report . in t:ivor-Elct - Duhn' Plan to Locomotive . Boiler on Northern J. Ccullen Taken Into Custody Purchase Electric Lines s . Meets -With Approval. ; !T FINANCIERS PRONOUNCE ;, ? Pacific Train Explodes ; , i Favor of Government Steam " . ship System to lsthrmisj : Because He Was Acting in i Suspicious Manner. in Montana. ENGINEER DEAD AND COMMERCE DIVERTED TO THOUGHT TO HAVE CEEN SCHEME PRAISEWORTHY tr -TIREMAN MAY EXPIRE . EUROPE BY PANAMA ROAD . OLD-TIMS STOOL PIGEON , Proposed Issue Will Be Very Pop : ular and Over-Subscribed 1 . '-, Several Times. ' Scarcity of Water Supposed to South American Nations Testify Says He Has to ReportDirect to Be- Cause of Terrible Disaster. ' ;:v ' V : That Concerning Practices , ' of Private Ownership. ; Chief Hunt,- Who Ap ( pointed Him. . ; - ..... ( ' M - ; ' n j -v c vi - "w f 1 s!T i 1 I 7 V i V ,r at fif !i el 0 .5::iv;T:,;! '': ' - . (SeetIOIlatrt orlaeeaVWlMtsTae Jearaal) New Yorlc, April lid ward F. Dunn. ' mayor-elect of Chicago, left for horse n the Twentieth Century Umtttd today.- after receiving a host of f rlende end admirer In bla apartments st th Waldorf-Aatori.- Daring the day there X waa a continuous atraam of callers, and. warm omi or praise wer apos.en rw gardtng Ma plan for tha municipal own ership of tha street railways of Cbl- , cago. . . ' Mr. Farson. of Farson. Leache Co., one of the largest dealers In municipal bonds- In tha country, told Judge Dunne that kla Man for financing his program was eminently sound and would be vary popular.' "Tour proposed Issue of certificates ... 1 1 1 BMluhlit h. nu.r. Mid Mr. r.rwii, - - subscribed many tiroes." Mr. Faraon was only one of the many financier and business men who told the mayor-elect tha same thing. ' "I waa viewed by a gentleman who l a millionaire many times over, and who la one of the largest stockholders In the ' New Tork street railways." aald Judge Dunne. Just before he left the Wal dorf, "and who la in touch with avery move In 1 the great financial market of the city and country. I 'withhold hie mn fori the preeent. for good and suf ficient' rfasons. though I may make It public at- soma future time. He was . with me for half an hour, and during that time he gave me many valuable suggestion regarding the transfer of atreet railway of Chicago from private to public ownership. He thoroughly ap proved of -the plan by which I propose to make the transfer, and spoke most encouragingly of every feature of It a haul, aaa oodaDaen in my worn oa told me -that he believed my plan won Id iot only be successful, put very popu- ar." L. ' ' ' ' Judge Dunne was entertained ' at uncheon today. byMr. and Mrs. Wll- Jam Randolph Hearst. : .:ade a fortune by ; ;v swindling servants (Special Dlspatck by teased Wire to The louraal) - Pittsburg. Fa,. April . Attorney B. Mead Whlppo or IMtiaourg naa tmn placed tinder arrest at St Louis, charged with embeaalement andwlU be returned to pmsburg for trial. Ha waa arrested on request of Pittsburg authorities, who allege that Whlppo, up to a few weeka . ago. had an office la this city and swindled servant girl and young women out of not leaa than 1J.00. , Lena C. Nelson. a serrant girl, has sworn that Whlppo swindled her of a tl.te United . flute - Steel corporation bond which represented the savins of a Jlfetlm. WhlDros wlf U la Pittsburg on the verge of starvation. When Whlppo waa tarreeted In 8t Louis there waa found Iwlth btm a young woman thought to be Khe caahler of a big plttaburg atora. . !' mVMMM9 TO MATH. ' I (special IMe'sateh ts The Joorsal.) f Clifford. Ida., April I. Bam Allen, an employe at Elmer Cassel'a. attempted to get the furniture from a burning bouse Jast nlghv and the building collapsed, burning him. to death. . t '- I Most forms of sickness start with ths Insld nerve. Indigestion, our store- b. Jt .n.nal, . wea,kv. kid- nays, diabetes.. Bright Dlaoaae Liver Irregularities Heart Irregularities Bowel Irregularities all of thee all tnent, and the ailment which they, is turn, bring on, are due directly to de rangements of certain nerve centers. ?, Understand llrst that we have two en tirely separate nerve systems. When wa walk, or talk, or act, we call Into lsy a certain net of nerve nerves which obey our mental commends. That s why the arm can be raised, or tha mouth opened, or the eye shut, at the slightest desire. That la why your fin gers can delicately pick up a pin one moment, and hold a heavy hammer th fiext. -.-!-. -V - - i But these are not tha nerve w are to consider here. There la another set of nerves which control and govern and actuate the heart and the stomach,, the kidneys and th liver and all of tha Vital f unctlona. - Vou Iran not control these nerves. - By no su preme effort of mind can you make your hear atop or start nor can you, even Jnaks It vary by a single beat a minute. And so with ths stomach and th liver and the kidney' and th bowels they pre automatic they do their work at a t-ertain set speed whether you ar awak W asleep whether you will It or not. ' It Is on these inside nerves that life and health depends. , So long as thess nerves perform their proper duties we are well and strong. When 'they fall, we now It by th Inevitable symptoms einach. heart liver, kidney troublea And theee troublea have no other origin, ever, than In theee aame nerves. For the stomach, the heart, tha liver, the kidneys, have no power of their own, lio self-control- Thar owe their avery Impulse to tb Inside nerve. The nerves era the masters. Th organ their slave. ' But th most Interesting part 'about the Insld nervee la the bond of aim,. pathy-which exists between all centers and branches of this greet automatic rstro. ... Th center, which, for Instance, con trols the stomach, la known to science hs the "solar plexus." The heart center ' xw.iw . 1 1 vm uir.un. A ne K IQ ;ey -eenter, the 'atwl plexus.' Tet It . Is n well-known fact thst In prise fa-Ma. a - solar plexus blow Inatantly 'slops tha heart, although Its usual op 4 : iiiiiilti !-' t (Special Plapeteh ts The JoaraaL) : Butte, Mont., April t. On man waa killed and four Injured by the explosion of the boiler of .an engine attached to an east-bound frleght train at Central Park, a email station on the Northern Pacific, about 100 mile east of Butt tonight. Tha dead: .. DAN OILLI8, engineer, of Livingston. Injured: . Richard Kllney of Living ston, fireman, may die. Everett Parka, assistant fireman, seri ously. :. s,.. .. t ; : Conductor Charles Bryant and Brake. man John Freeman-were badly cut and bruised, though their Injuries are not believed to be serious. - QUlla' body waa hurled through the slr a distance of more than Sv feet from the track, hta mangled corpse being found beneath a mass of tangled wreckage. t The engine was completely demol ished, the (Ire box being driven several feet Into tha ground, tearing up track for a number of yards. No Cars were throws from the ralla, though tha one close to the engine ware badly dam aged. Conductor Bryant waa thrown completely through the caboose window by the eudden stopping of the train. A scarcity or water in in Doner i De lia ved to be reaponalbl for tbe disaster. TUGBOAT TURNS TURTLE I THREE OF CREW PERISH (Special Dispatch by Lease Wire to The Joanal) New . . Tort April. . . The . tugboat Greenville turned turtle In the North river oft Thirteenth atreet today and bar captain, engineer and one deckhand were caught, lav the trap and -drowned. Three men saved themselves' by leaping rar eut Into the water when the boat be gan to awing over and were rescued by men on nearby tug. i The accident was or a most peculiar nature and it. happened In jruch quick time that there wae-no chance for thoso on the Inside of the deck; house toy es cape, i , ? . f ''..:- -. .. The Moran cam puffing . up th river, bearing four empty barges, whan the Greenville set out to take over two of them, and maneuver them Into the tip beside the dredge. - Somebody blun dered. Instead of the line from'. the Greenville being paid out after It end had reached the barge. It waa mad fast. The Moran, still fastened to the four barges by a steel hawser, continued mov ing ahead, i while the. Greenville moved oR In the oppoatt direction. . niii.i.U.: i In -an tnatant tha hawser was drawn taut. Then the Greenville waa brought about suddenly by the tugging of the Moran. Sh awung half way around, dipped, .the water rushing Into her fire room and before any one knew what waa happening, the boat turned completely over,- and floated bottom ' up.' V - .y.j. ; ""." oza xvAnaumx mrnun. .... ' ' ' (Speelal BUpateh to The Joeraal.) i ) ' Cheney; Wash., April I. A tf.nor fir destroyed the storehouse of J, EL Bur bank and the warehouse snda four story flour milk The latter waa an old landmark. The fire la thought to have been of Incendiary. -origin. r . erations , -concern . only the stomach. Why? Because of the bond of sympathy between the various branches. That 1 th reason the Inside nerves are some times called the "sympathetic' nerves. This explains why stomsch trouble Often develop into heart trouble why indigestion brings on nervousness why diseases become complicated. It ex plains, too, why-ordinary medical treat ments are wrong why medicine ao fre quently falls. t . , Uy tree Dollar Offer Any sick one who has not tried my remedy Dr. Snoop's Restorative may have a Pull Dol lar's Worth Free. 1 asfc no deposit, no reference nd security. V There ! Is nothing to pay, either now or later. I will send you anT order J on, your druggist which he will accept in full payment for a regular, standard size Dollar bottle. And he will send the bill to me. C. I. Snoop, iVlCD. - More than : thirty years ago . this thought came to me: - "If life and health depend upon per fect heart action, dpoa proper stomsch dlgeetlon, upon correct kidney filtering, why doe not life' Itself depend upon these . life-governing., power nerves these Inside nerves f" I realised, too, that all ailment which result from on csus may, of course, be (Special Dispatch by Leased' Wire to The louraal) Washington. April '. (.It reaulred some govern merit ownership of the Pan ama railroad to prevent It continually diverting the trad. of the west coast of South America to foreign lnstesd of American port. - - . .-v. v Thla la tha atsrtllng revelation (which was accentuated today at the war d 'partment) mae by the purchase of the i vmu vj mi vuuvv. Burn uu n n ,. mediate keen lntereat taken In the road's future by the representatives of all the western American republic from Nica ragua Bouth.r " i , . The Panama railroad waa run In eon- Junction -with tha Paclflo Mali Steam ship company and transcontinental rail roads." it la now proved by the Boutu Americans that such a combination. In stead of helping American trad, actu ally killed It. Secretary of War Taft conferred today with tha representatives of Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Bolivia. Guate mala, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, - their object being the diversion of the trade of those oountrlea . from Europe Into their legitimate channel. American At lanto porta ' It I aald her that the report of Jo seph W Briatow, the president's special ageftt. Who went ,to Panama to study the government's Interest In connection with the running of the Panama rail road, will report to eongrea tn jfavor of a governmental steamship Una . from Panama to' Ban Francisco, and a line from Colon to New Tork, and on from Colon to New Orleans. - ---v" The work of Mr. Brlatow Is Intimate ly related to the subject matter of -con ference at th war department today between the 'South Americans and th secretary of war. ' 1 It Is evidently to th Interest of Nica ragua and the- .other Latin republic' literal Interests that there should be-a government line on th west coast, be cause It has been demonstrated on th east coast that th Panama railroad was adverse to the South American trade. There -appears to be no question that the Hearst bill, which seeks to regulate the Panama railroad Interests fairly with reference to- th transcontinental railroads and th steamship trade eaat and west, wlrl be passed by-the next congress. . Ths Hearst bin cannot p bo changed a to Bo service, la masquerade as a Republican bill. 'It covers all th point a and it Is noteworthy that aa aobn as it provisions had Teen. gener ally discussed th president- took spa-' clal "lntereat In the affalra Of the Pan ama railroad and- Brlatow went to work and has been discussing with commer cial bod lea the neceaalty of steamship connections for the Panama railroad eaat and west as provided by the Hearst bill. This bill contains a prevision wnicn would enable the government to eetsb- ltah steamship Itnea Immediately by the utilisation of government transports o be sin the work, which- would,, of course. be capable or outer aeveiopmenis. ' ; HAWAIIAN PROTEST, deveraoT Oartar Befasts ts Xi Jap- amass la Xslaad do to Panama. ; (Spxilal Dispatch by Leased Wire to Ths Journal) Waahlngton. April I. Tha experi mental draft an Hawaii for, 1,000 Jap- cured br tut remedv. ' I resolved not to doctor the organs but to treat- the one neme system wnicn operates mem Por those who treat onlv the ermn turns .need a rilfTerant remedT for each. Such treatmenta ar only palliative, the results do not last. A cure csn never come In disease of tha. stomach: heart. liver or kidneys, until the Inside nerve power la restored. When that Is dona, Nature remove th symptoms. : There Is no need of doctoring them. My remedy now known by druggists everywhere, as Dr. Snoop's Restora tive la tha result of a quarter century of endeavor along thla very line. It does not dosa th organ or deaden the pain but It doea go at Once to the nerve the inside nerve ' the power nerve and builds It tip, and strength ens ix and it wen. . '. . - There la no mystery no miracle. I can explain my treatment to you aa easily aa I can tell you why cold freesea water and why heat melts Ice. Nor do I claim a discovery. For every detail of my treatment is bssed on truths ae fundamental that none can deny them. And every Ingredient -of my medicine la aa old aa the hills It growa on. 1 aimply applied the trutba and combined the Ingredients into a remedy that Is .practically certain. ' I have mad my offer that strangers to my remedy -may know. It Is not In tended for or open to those who have uaed my remedy. They need tio further evidence. ' But to those who have not heard, or hearing, may have delayed or doubted, I aay '"simply writ and ask." I will send yon an order on yerur drug gist whloh he will accept a gladly a ne wouia accept a auuar, nm win nana tou from hi ehelves a atandard alsed ottle of my prescription, and h will nd the bill to ma -Will you accept this opportunity to learn at my expense absolutely how to pa na xorever or an lorrai oi nines which ar caused by Inside nervous weakness to be rid not only of the trouble, but pf the very cause which produced It f ; Writ today. . for a free erder fne Bank 1 ea f)f Tria. -S fall dollar bottle Hook I ea Us Heart. roe aniat sedms Bonk I ee the Ktoaera, Dr. Shoes. Box 40T3. "Hook 4 for Woswa. Raetse, Wis. Stat Booe for Mr- watch book res wast. Book I n Rbeejaattesa, . . - -'..o.-T - - . . . Mild cases are often cured by a sin gle bottle.- For sale at forty thousand drug stores. ' . , Taken Into ' custody by Patrolman Gibson last night because for a week or longer ' hs had -been . prowling " in th vicinity of 8evnth ' and Washington streets, with apparently no' legitimate purpose la view. J. Scullen caused-. a sensation at police headquarter by proving, to Captain- Moor that ha Is a newly appointed patrolman and worked as a member of th department today for the flrat tlm. ' Itebuked by Captain 1 Moor for hi suspicious actions and what at first ap peared to be his lack of reason in re fusing to acquaint Gibson with hi Iden tity, scullen made th exeas mat na "wasn't aaked," After Gibson left th atatlon,, Detective- Vaughn, defending Scullen, made several comment reflect ing on the older of fleer,- "I -know why Gibson arrestea mat man and brought htm in here," he as serted warmly. Ha ha seen me talk ing to htm In front of a saloon and store there two or three times." This remark waa construed oy every officer present to mean that Vaughn wanted to convey th Idea that Olbaon had taken Scullen Into custody beeauae he thought him a tool-plgeon and caused shrewd glances to pass back and forth. - - --...; v -"' '' -Scullen began to make som state ment relative- to th airair. wnen Vaughn sharply advised hint not to talk. -antain 'Moor, however, asked Scul len a number of question, and brought to light th fact that when Gibson had asked Scullen to What captain he made his . report the latter naa repnea ini he reported to nobody hut Chief Hunt. "He threatened to repuri m w Hunt walL" aald Gibson. "I-told him thst my duty was to report to my captain, and that h could report the affair to whomsoever h pleased.'' r-.ntaln Moora Instructed Scullen to pass bis tlm in other ways than by , "holding down aorner." "lav other officer would hsv TaJten iha aame motion aa Gibson under the aam circumstances, asserted Captain Moor. l.k.M.i tnr arnetr nit tha Isthmian canal haa been made Impossible by a protest or Governor tn m nawau i Wa Taft and It now becomes necessary to enter upon a sys tem of Introducing actual Japanese aliens for tb work. - i In; his reply. Secretary Taft snakes the elgnlftcant -qualified reply, however, that the Japanese will not be aaked to come from Hawaii "If th contract for Japanes 1 approved by tb commission. Thl indicates that ther I now soma doubt as to th employment oi jap- aness. i" ' r- v.. i ....i.-r . - Yesterday th governmental - official estimate appeared to be from . 10,00 to 40.00 - Japanese and not run up against the . alien contract labor law, t-u MAnnA. fiw the fl.inmanuJ noel. tlon were that th law waa not paaaed before tn unitea rsiaise oouinai con trol over th son and that tho United cj.,u Anm i aveiwlsa suverelsiitT over th - son and therefore th Japan could oe introaucaa , innwin ports. The question hae now . become on of importance ana interest. t SUMMER-READING FOR - THE SUPREME COURT ' A If 1-page abstract of record has boon prepared by R. B. Dunlway at torney for th county of Multnomah as nlalntlil and appellant. In. th case aaalnat the Willamette eV " Columbia River Towing company. William Mitch. HI, Pilot Henry Emken and th Paclfle Exnort . Lumber . company, . respondents. appealed to tha supreme court from the ludement of th circuit court of Clucka. mss county.- Th case was begun by the county to collect If.sTi alleged to be duo for damages - caused, to ua Jaorri aon atreet bridge February II. 101, hv f ha ataamahlD Almond Branch. A verdict was obtained In th circuit spurt. a motion for a new trial waa allowed by Judge Sears and then a non-suit was granted, and the county took tha caa Into Clackamas county on a change of venue, and from thst jeoiuh ..the appeal was taken from the Judgment' The towing company was encaged In moving the Almond Branch from In matt. Poulsen It Co.' sawmill through the Madison snd Morrison street bridges snd whlls it was near ths Morrison street bridge th tug lost control of the vessel and the stesmshlp swung against ths bridge cauaed damages. In the - repair - of . wnicn , tns county ex tended M.fTl a . It wss testified hat th captain of th steamship reversed hi engines, thus eaualng tha accident -It waa on thla evidence that Judge Sears granted the non-suit. r...-,. . . (- CON BLACKCATENATED ? 1 0R0ER OF HOP HOP For ions week, beginning September I, black eats will overrun the city without fear of molestation. They may climb tha near by . fence and hold a feline saengerfest and wo betide the small boy who dares to hurl etone. . Extensive preparations ar.belng made by Paclflo Coast Hoo-Hood to entertain, Hoo-Hoo from all over the' country during, that week. Tha executive oom mitte In charge of th arrangement consists of R. v. Inmaa, chairman; H. W. Ooddard, H. A. Sargent, F. Hv Ran som, M. C Banfield, J. 8. Hamilton, W. B. Maokay, O. M. Cornwall, F. L. Zim merman. A. H. Potter, supreme jabber- wock x-offlcto, and E. It Habtgghorst, secretory, r- ; Mrs. Edna B. Jones, press agent for the Portland executive committee, la compiling a. souvenir book of the order to be Issued at ths convention. . GPVERNPR FPLK CLOSES ! : SALOONS IN ST. LOUIS (Seed si Dteaatch y Lease! Wire te the Journal) . 8L Louis, April . Fr th first tlm tn many year It will be Impossible to morrow to buy a drink. In St. Louis. Governor Folk haa ordered, his -appointees, ths excise commissioner, the nolle commissioners snd the. chief of polic to enforce th Sunday cloalng or der rigidly snd ths word haa gon forth that the saloon that opens Its -doors. either front or back, after It o'clock tonight, wilt lose Us license, and be closed permanently, .J i . y ., mm s rut . ) l v The expert pianist demands a Grand Piano. Why . should the ambitious amateur be: r less easiljt; satisfied ; ; - -' . ' - ' ''-'.'Jy- V."'--.'-':,'vf:v'',i':;;v-:,A -!'.;';.:'; 1 For years this demand has been growing.' Today it . Is well-nigh umrersaL But the.', ' ""a; desire' has been. the slave of conditions. ; -' '"; , ' . '. " v 7'ST.i r; The physical limitations of the modern home small rooms, compact (apartments, have . compelled the musician whose artistic , ear rebelled tb be-satisfied with, an upright piano. t'.. i But the highest artistic talent in jpiano construction -that .exists in the- world." today i Chickering & Sons has been working1 on the problem for years : ' ' . ' .; '' r . ' ;;; ' - ."How to produce grand piano tone quality - that shall be available to modern space I i requirements?". - It haa been abundantly proven that no upright piano could perfectly solve ths difficulty. Then began ths . great sclentillo work which, after years of expert achievement,' haa brought from the, workshop f Chtokerlng V Sons ths marvelous Quarter Grand, snd th stllL later and smaller marvel the Chickering Infant Orand, , '"Today ther I no home where any piano can be accommodated that, doea not hav ample apace to devote ' to a Chickering Infant or quarter Tneae auperb Instruments are, In th first place, beautiful, and th ton quality marvelous, srtlstlo, reao- --. nant. powerful, satlafylng. Never, heretofore. In all. the Si years of "Chickering piano making haa ths Chick' . erlng quality been approached in piano of such dlmlnutlv dimensions. ". - . .... ...i . ' It 1 our pleasure to demonstrate th powers and beauties of Chickering Orand Piano to those ho hsv ' V i'fi minutes o listen. ;r - ' '-.':'-','?.,' - ' 'r w" '' tit -r-,. i, . -. '"T. " Other large atores, Ban Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, CaL( Spokana NAVAL DEMONSTRATION . IN HEpiTERRANEAN ..... tJ Franc and England May Sand . Warships to Settle Mo- - rocco Qusstiori. r v (Special Dlaaateb by teesed Wlrs ts Ths Joeraal) Washington, April 1 Th - German-French-English correspondence over the open door in Morocco, Is not regarded her as by any meena a closed incident and ther ar soms diplomata who think that It will not be ssttled until, as In timated from Europe today there Is a ntatstits Week V'-We never had so many Buffets and Side boardsA full carload of each came In this week and they are the newest and best: designs; ask to see them when down this week. ; x n ft I : inienry J snnin 172-174 sy.ti.ttsllWWW.VWW mm a AMJS 'II II V ft . -V iMiwI t orand. V ,;351 .Washirigton Street, Cor. Park, Portland, Or. " Frsneh-Engllsh naval demonstration tn the Mediterranean. - - -- Notwithstanding tha aeml-Offteial ut terances to th contrary her yesterday, It Is stated unequlvocably today that Franc ha not mads any representa tions to Germany or to tha United State giving any assurances -whatever of th open door In Morocco other than the open door which now exists. The .British ambassador visited- th war department today to see Secretary Taft and ther I good reason to believe Morocco precisely ss It wss Interpreted by Ambassador Jusserand to th stats department yesterday. - France snd Knglsnd are not yielding to th kaiser. Although th kaiser hss mad openly, a direct Issue, demanding categorical assurances of th open door as It Is understood. In China, all of ...' The sale of Din ingroom Furniture of course includes ; . ROOM .chairs: , AND EXTENSION I TART.R55 ' FirttStrest Spsciai Sale of . . : s ' Ji and SeatUeT Waal,' antf 5ot tiad " th avidenc her la that To hss been anawered flatly and adversely by both! Anglo-Franch treaty. . . . . . -. ' RUSSIANS-PURCHASING - ; . WyOMING RANGE HORSES (Special tMapetch by Leased Wire te The 7erulV Cheyenne, Wyo.. Aprtl - The Rus-, slsn government Is purchasing It.soo rang heress fee tb us f Its csvalr from ranchers of this stats. ' Ths gen- , sral rendeavous of th animals bought Is at Mooiworoft, where already avrsl! thousand horses ar herded. : They are . to be hlpped to th Atlantlo seaboard and theno to St. Petersburg and over' th Siberian railroad. , . ft SSBwa-s-saaaBasw , , . m " K - III !-- .--..S K :V. ..-.f'.. K-' -''--.''-;: .(' I ......