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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
:DAV j jrUT-IAli . rCHTL AND. SUNDAY , MOniJIIiG, "APRIL' 9. 1SC3. - r n ''...''. ".-. r f- t::i , v ' V . . .... ' '-.. towiSHT'i Ammiixjm. Columbia ....."W.aMS Asalast WBtn" .. "Tlckal.IjlH it" '. Km " ... Vkade'lUe K.krr --...., ...............VaauaTllle Urea .. YtaatTlU , Tbg arrsngementsfor th women' : nM meeting thts afternoon at the ,Marquam. are in the bands of the Toung , Women's . Christian association, which wilt select those who will occupr seats '- on the platform' and will ' supply the ,v ushers. The care of . the nursery -has , 'again been placed with the Home Train. ing, association, which has done the work so satisfactorily at the preceding meetings. The Elks hare 'kindly of fered the use of their hall on be eighth floor for this purpose, and one elevator has been reserved for the children. They will be met In the large hall downstslrs i". fby the association women wearing the 1 badges and will be taken by them up. ; t Biairfc ;v"?;;": r . ; J - Word -has been received by. George (H. Hint, curator of the Oregon His iterical society, that Samuel A. Clark, a " i pioneer Journalist of the stats and well known In Fbrtland. will soon' publish a , l history of Oregon in two volumes. Mr .Clark is how librarian in the law de ' apartment of the general land office, ' Washington, D. ,d He cam te Ore. gon In ltO and. settled In Portland. .The, following year he circulated a pe ltltlon asking for the Incorporation of . ,7 the town, on WTilcn he obtained the slg- ' nuvui vrp vi viai 7 fvirr vtwtu, hum, lbering 140. The petition, .was granted oy the legislature.. . r -;; ' ' Scandinavian --day, July I, at the Lewis and Clark exposition, will be oele- . b rated with much pomp ana ceremony, ': A eemmlttee of IT eromtnent Scandl. 'navlana has been appointed and a pro gram Is being, prepared.' In the after Si noon speeches will be mad by- proml- : . client men and In the evening a grana , conoert will be given In Festival hall -- by a chorua of to voices. Blngers from. -all the Pacific coast cities will be prea '1 ent. ' Subscription lists sre being circa. - "' lated. and an entertainment will be " ) given In Arton hall May 1 to raise funds v''; V Dr. Henry Ostrom, who has made hlm- self so popular by his evangelistic work ' st the-First Congregational cnurcn ana elsewhere, and John P. Htllls, the singer 'assigned to that district., will go to ' 'Honolulu at the close of the Seattle oam-.-'paten and work -under the. auspices of - .'the Central - Union church, which is . Inter-denominational. Dr. Ostrom will ' "' not accept the 1nvltat.lon.fto go to China m evangel Istle work. - . J "' The 2d anniversary of the birth of j " civil government on the Pacific coast . :wlll be celebrated In Champoeg, Marlon . - county. May 2,. under the auspices of : ButtevlUe cabin of the Native Bona of Oregon. A- spec let excursion will be -. run from Portland, and those sttend ' . Ing from this city will be sole to make ' the round trip In ott day. Glenn Smith '. of Grants Pass) will deliver an address. C Oat y was arrested on a warraqt Yesterday ; by Detectives Vaughn - and , Hartmaa on a charge bf forgery, pre- 1 ferred by J. B. Livingston. A slung ' shot made of a heavy stone, wrapped In -'cloth. With a piece of strong cord. at A, Uchrd, was found In his pocket.. . .; , tJT he-v -police were oUf led yesterday "' morning 'that Abram and Orran Bell, ; ."Flathead Indiana, aged It and St years ' respectively, had run. away from the - ; Indian -kaooI at Chemawa. ,' They are supposed to be on their way to the Flat head reservation in Montana. '-'! It.ttt Immigrant Wanted To locate ; along the Oregon Water Power Rail- . way eotnpesy s line between- rortlaaa and Kstscada. : For Information Inquire -st-the Oregon -Water power Townstte . company, 114 First street. . Phons, Main UK J" On Tuday evening, in Drew's ball. I Second and Morrison streets, Wlnslow Mead circle Ladles of th G. A. R. wlU . give a Mterary entertainment, assisted by the Veteran's double quartet. Light ' refreshments will bs served, y s Etta cads Offers Opportanltles to manufacturers which means millions tollajfproperljrhandledtlf-or Jn lormauon inquire ox ine uregoa waier " Power Towns! te company, 114 First street. Phone, Main tit. - r - ... . Lost Black Cocker spaniel, female; months old; answers to the name bf Hlossle: went astray la vtty Park, Bun. dsy; reward for her recovery. T Flanders street, between TwenUeth and Twenty-first. . vtmf) ... .,, . . . .VlavL Hyglenlo Home Treatment for th permanent our of all female trou bles. Lady physician In charge, con- aulUt!on and examination free. Office hours, a. m. to I p. m-i SI Lewis bldg. , Dr. Chapman'a famous male quartet, Mr. Powers, soloist, and Mr. N (red ham, the noted Irish evsngellst. will be at the , Whit Tempi thla morning. . Baptism. Night, Dr. Chapman and Fred Butler. . Bale of conveht.mad fancy articles at fit. .Patrick s hall, ltth and Uavler. com. meriting Tneaday, April II, and closing Thursday, April It. This Is a rare treat for all lovers of the beautiful. - Mrs. 'r F. ' Kyne, electrlo massage, - scalp epnclallat,. manicuring, and Mrs. K. . H. ' Shepperd, expert . chiropodist. . I Jwls building, Park," and Morrison. ; Strictly first class. '-. V" '', ' 1 ' - a' vv M New steamer Northland sails direct ' for - San Francisco, Tuesday. '4 p. - m. Cabin, US; steerage, - M; meals and berth Included. Cj 11. Thompson, sgen(, '. 13tvThlrd street.'. '. - t f,. '-, Sight-seeing coaches will leave Fourth 'and .Washington streets Sunday for the exposition grounds . every 10 - minutes ' after It o'clock noon. Fare, It cents.- i Spiritualists will tell of th blessings that spiritualism has brought them, st First Spiritual society. Artisans' hall, Ablngton building, this evening at I., a Dr. t. M Thornton, dentist SOI Mr qusm building.. Phone Main 414. , - ' easeball today, id . m.l' 4th and , aughn street. Admission, Zt cents, To )4ll Whom It - This is to notify you that we ar prepared to manufacture ell kinds of , Csrriages. Wsgons snd Trucks snd .do general blackamlthlng at prices that all msy live. Also that we sre prepared to do sll kinds of Rubber , Tiring. We hsve the only machine on th market for extracting wlr ' from old tires snd reerlrlng same. We are the soe agents In this rlty for - the CKI.KBRATKD KKLLKT 8PR1NOFIBLU TIRK. the only tire that' ..has stood the teat of years. Wiiy use Inferior tlree when the beat Is ; Just ss cheap T Call. and get a sample or ek us to send same. All work .guaranteed. Give us a trial and be convinced. ' COLUMBIA AIANUFACTURINQ 'CO. nuecessorsvto fortiana t0 r1 1 1st rront Street, Corner Oeraxasla. ' S. . . SCeBrUs, ' Maaager. . FC ALL EVtill Cix V Candidate ; " Art '.i Sartlng Nomination Under Direct Pri mary Nomination Lavy.- MRftia3 ACTIVITY CAUSES SOME SURPRISE V". C. H. Thomas' Talked-of Walk ' Over Not Noticeable Since. y Lane Entred Reld.,.v ' The activity of ' Fred T." Merrill la taking voters to the county clerk's of fie to register when It waa understood that he waa not to enter .the primaries race was explained yesterday when he anaounced that he would mak th fight tor the regular Republican nomination. Merrill has been, regarded as an Inde pendent candidate, but yesterday ha de c la red that he would show persons who have "Joshed": about his candidacy that they are not : absolute dispensers , of Portland politics) power, v . s Six' men sre now seeking the Repub lican nomination for mayor the pres ent incumbent, oeorge H. WlllUma; H. R. Albee. W. B. Qlaf ke, Pred T. Merrill, WUlla Fisher.; and . Spenoer H. Cooper. Three days remain In which to register, and th preparations that hsve been made to get out the voters Jn the In terest--of those candidate who have been , regarded heretofore -as behind Mayor Wllllama In the race for th nom (nation afford . possibilities so varied that Informed politicians are not ready to pronounce Judgment as to probable results. , v. Th "walkover that some said George H. WllHams would have, on the face of th registration up 1 to th time when Dr. Harry. Lane waa brought out a a candidal for th Democ ratio . nomina tion. Is not now indicated by expert ex amination of the lists of voters who have been enrolled. Th Lane work ers haw been active In the nast week. "If Mayor Williams is defeated at the primaries," - said Councilman . Louis Zimmerman 'recently, " a-much strong- sr man than he will be put up for mayor who Is In favor of an open town.. cannot say who this man will be, for he will not be announced until after the primaries, and not at all If Mayor Wll llama la nominated." - - i "A business man and a buatness ad min latratlon" waa the keynote of the platform of th Glafke Republican club which was organised at Altsky nail last night by bout 100 of the leading busi ness men or this city. Th meeting wss opened by Charles Warrens. Paul .Custsr wss appointed secretary And Hugh McOulr chairman. - C E. Warrens, R. Q. Morrow, cnaries Mastlck, William F. Woods. rd and O. J. Oroos . were appointed to caavsss ths various precincts, and th committee on bylaws Is composed of J. ft Kelley, Fred Dresser and R. QJ Morrow, . Mr. Glafk waa forced to apeak.- . "I tell you, boys.'V-be said, "I am no great' speech maker. It has been said of me that I would rather undergo an operation for appendicitis than make' a speech and that s so. Ther Is only ons thing I can say. I will stand by my plat form of a square deal to everybody. . If a city th ala of Portland has two sets of people -th side that leans toward the good things are in the majority." Strong semt-profeeslonal teams. The BchUler vs. ths Bast Bides.- . .. Baseball today, S:I0 p. m.. !4th and Vaughn streets. Admission, St . cents. Strong. -semi-professional teams. . The Bchlllers vs. tile East Sides. , ., ;,',." Beckers. Millinery, S14 Third street. Ladles den t fall to examine our ex trem low prices on our large assort ment of trimmed hats. Correct walttlng taught. Prof. Ring- ler's academy, tot Alder, near Sixth. Dally and every Saturday evening. Pri vat and class. - . , Roller -skatlng-rtnl noon and evening, ttt Russell street Take U. . car. . Good skates, Instruc-i t ton free. . v.... ? ...... . . ..... , Woodward's Dancing -Academy. Burk- hard's hsll, Monday and Thursday even- tngs. ' Everest s orchestra. Spectators Invited.: ;. - ' " -. New England ' society meet Monday evening, Chsmtter of Commeroe hall at t o'clock. AU New Englanders weloom. Clearance sale of a lot of trimmed hats for ladles and children. Beckers Millinery, S14 Third street1 ... , v. , Would you prepare for life position nt good salary! Call Main 17t4. '- , Chang of phone Ansly, Main 4471. Galll ltat.-French restaurant, (14 Upshur Atk your groor for Golden Cheddar. '." TRYING TO SAVE HIM - FOR THE HANGMAN 3. T. Colemsn. murderer of Edna Hoff. man, waa removed from th county hos. pltsl at th poor farm yesterday, as his physlclsn - fear pneumonia will becom acuta. -.,. . . . v i Coleman has been a- bad patient.' said Dr. McCornack. ' assistant county physician, ''and Instead of aiding re covery, retards It and ha a aven made at tempts on his life sine ti was captured. He must now be removed where he will lra,gFa.4gTeai4iqE4ag" I. I..!?- ?M " . ' n-J,H3l feet beam and It feet deep; ah Is lall- , Two guards sent with Colemnn wU watch him wntll he Is well-enough to be taken back to th JalL , It Is thought h will recover.. '. j '...,, Albee Supporters. . '! Those who believe In honest govern ment and law enforcement should regis ter- Monday at th clerks' . of floe in th court house. varnage vr arxa. , LI FC3T Chamber of Commerce Compil ing Statement for the Benefit .7 of Vessel Owners. IS WORKING TO REDUCE THE ENTRY EXPENSES All Captains Should , Understand c , "That River Pilotage Is Not 4: : Compulsory. , To facilitate the movement of ships In and out of th Port of Portland at the lowest possible expense, ' the, Portland chamber of commerce is compiling .a complete' statement of conditions, rates and charges, which will be issued In printed form, dnd copies will be sent to S00 .owners ' In all parts of - the world whoa ships' periodically visit this port. In a 'prefatory aov the document Is explained as " statenrtnt of the charges which ships loading her may expect to Incur." -The chamber further states that It Is working for a reduction of port charges, and asks shipowners for sug gestions on points- that might be 1m-proved.- It urges shipowners to Instruct their captains, while in poruana. to can on -the chamber of Commerce for Infor mation and assistance , in all emergen cies. V ,- :..: ; - . ; i "7 ' Th charge- for bar pilotage Is com pulsory. It la fl a draft foot and 5 oenta a ton net register. 'River pilot sge is not compulsory. Ths law arbi trarily making this charge waa repealed some years ago, but it la said some pi lots still board incoming vessels snd are. given work with th understandtqc that th charge la compulsory. It is ex plained in th circular that the O. R. A tt. Co. mans towbosts with competent pilots to abate thla expense to ships. ' ' goes should be don by contract - and snouia noi cost nun inn iv w pr ship, and 1 10 per thousand for lumber, Under the .' state law i masters may charge tt -Tor each man shipped, pay able by th ahlp, but this does not In clude an allotment of one month's wama. which la usually collected from the seaman. --. ' Th Columbia river towage tariff for vsssels of to tit 700' tons net register Is M00. Th rat ranges upward to ItSO for vesssls of 3,600 to J. 000 tons. Vesaels towed from sea to Astoria and return bay 70 per cent of the rate charged for th tow to Portland and re-1 turn. - Vessels towed - In . balisst xrom th sea to .Astoria and departing with. put cargo pay-It per cent of that rats. LOACIi.j Rates for loading are: or wneai oriuie store yesterday, and at noon ths flour I.t40 pounds. I St; barley, t.voo pounds, $10; salmon, S.S40 pounds, t4&; I.. k. . . -i , A a . n.1 M fAftf piles, 1.10 per thousand feet. The mln-1; lmum dry dock charge is 3. ; . , ; UCHTHOUSE SERVICE; Bids Opened for SfrorislOBS la. Tair-1 ., twtk Stotclet, ' ;, -.. ; Bids for furnishing provisions and coal to the. lighthouse service. m mis district were opened yesterday in the office of CapL'L.C. JHilner.,inspeotor in charg. and were forwarded to yvssn-ioood Ington. wher they wui d acie upon by tn oeparunent The district la known aa th thlrteentn and comprises th Oregon, Washington and Alaskan coasts. In It ar 41 light stations. In addition to 140 post lights. Two lightships and th tenders Man ia nits and. Heather ar In commission. To. man these' and took after he numer ous stations. 140 men, Including offi cers, ar needed. The cost of the pro vision and cool approximates, 116,000, luarir in June reiiei iizniauip no. n, en rouie innn -ivnp.iu.vuM, w the- l"1" '!oaM?'-mi 7 ? 7Z TgasHtJl Will M SUItlWHOU was, msv Hivutu " X ILi .wi:,7. wa a w ihik x -w ww-fv - - Addition to the) Mnrtc r conUntj r "?"V .F,v.-,m' .- .M !.iL!"" Ubllshed In Alaska In th earning sea son.. . Th buildings war nearly .an erected Isst year, . v - JEPAR ! MENT APPROVES. for Work CtolmmbU to B kr XmmedlaU atxeoatloa. '., i. MarW.'C Langfltt's project for the Improvement of th mouth of th Columbia river has been approved by th war -department. Indorsement of niS PISJM . wa mniTra jwmvmmj. I ana rr.nirm.nin iw "a "' i WHO Tira- will n. HIuw unw " I figures which the major submitted to I the department for th varloua deUlls I In connection with the extension of the Jetty total ttOO.000. divided as follows: . For the reconstruction of th trestle wock." i 100,000; for labor, purchase of material. repairs to plant, office dis bursements, engineers' expenses and contingencies, I1IS.S00; for the purchase of stone under contract, if 17, 600. . in cluded In this Is th $300,000, represent ing a continuing fund contract. G. B. Hegardt. th United Btates engi neer who hss direct chsrge of th gov ernment Improvements at the mouth of the river, has been here conferring with Major Langfltt concerning th various methods to be pursued In carrying out the work. It Is believed the funds will be sufficient to Isst during th season and will enable the Jetty to be extended far 'out Int ths ocean befor the fall storms occur. '-- --,- '.,. ,. m . .,--'T. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. R." F. Barnes, deputy collector cf cus toms, took official measurements of the steam schooner Sea Foam yesterday. ttt cross and tot net register tons. r Steamer Harold Dollar cleared for San Pedro yesterday with 1.000,000 feet of lumber. . The steamer Nom City cleared for the asm destination .with 100.000 feet; sh will stop st Eagle Cliff and take on a shipment of poles. With IT-passengers snd 400 tons of I freight the steamer Alliance sailed last night for Eureka and way porta. ,.,, Steamer - Aberdeen sailed from Ban Francisco last night for Portland and will take lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill for the return trip. MARINE NOTES. " Astoria, April I. Sailed at T last night steamer Roanoke, for Port Log Angeles and coast ports. Arrived st T last night, schooner Al vena, from San Pedro. . , .. Condition of the.. . bar at p. ni. I smooth; wind, northwest; weather, clear. S fast TTT OFF FOB AIaST.. With nearly $10,000 worth of supplies, the American Rhlp-C. F. Sergeant. Cap- tsln Frye. clesred yesterday for Bristol bsy, Alseks, where sh will remain dur ing th salmon fishing season. At As-1 . -. , -" ' 1 - . , Is symbolical of joy and pleasure, peace ana plenty, things ws all like to possess. Without ths attainment of wealth or competency these i may be dented us therefore the pursuit of Uru happiness meana in a measurs the accumulation of money, . Thla bank offers special Induce ments and - conveniences for the safe keeping dnd-.traasmlsston of money and pays 4 per cent Interest, , " - . : th AJTO tCOmBXBOSff' BTB. torta she will take on addiUonhf freight. Almost If 0 Chines and Japanese will go on her to work In the canneries. tSt tons of coal, 10,000 feet of lumber, on gasoline launch and a opw are among th Items of freight. -- - -,: SUDDEN DEATH TAKES WALTER TURNER I Neighbors Find Him at Noon in Hit Home on East Side. ' the t I waiter Turner, a cleric In th em I ploy - cf th Ooddard-Kelly Shoe ' com pany, Blxth and Washington streets. I wss found dead yesterday at hla home. 111 East Thirty-first street south. Death I Is supposed to have resulted fromasud- den attack of heart trouble. He leftthd I store at hla - usual tlms ' Frldar. and made n complaint - of Illness. How- ever. In the forenoon he had said that I be had a headache, but had worked I throughout the day. He failed to reach l proprietor asked one of Turners nelah- bors to go to his home and learn the I...... Th doors were locked, and when they wer forced Turner was found dead In bed.. He had evidently been d-ad for several hours. Turner came to Portland three years ago from Butte. Mont, and had been with th Goddard-Kally company alnca l his srrlval. He formerly lived In Kan I sss. and his father resides at ' Kvans I vlll. Ind. He was tl years of ace. and i waa a member of the Masonic order. I Turner's widow has been 111 for the Ipaat - month, and Is now a patient at Samaritan hospital.. No children I survlvs him. in rtrxKia ,x Dxxn. Correspondent; Judge Terry killed by Nagel August 14. Itll., r J wsSBWawwwwJWwaSwaWSSWwwawwawwaSiwaw- WHERETO DINE. " AIT the delicacies of th season at th WHrtlatMl r. 1. 11 n t Prlvat. naria ins w.ih nnn n. Vittt, ., - , - - . . f f - Th Ctnmefc-14t Seventh street, near M-aH saisa. aoMMllAsiellM dM "' Bys. nnr oenta. street, will serve a fine table d'hot din- ner for 10 cents, from It m. to s-psa. . Great Rush to Deschutes. "To rest, OrH April t. Much exclte- ment is reported her within th psst 10 dsys. Settlers hsv come Into th Deschutes Irrigation A Power com pany's lands by th hundreds; over 4,000 seres of - land - has been selected by people from the Irrigated districts of Waahlngton and Idaho. A new automo bile line Just starting will facilitate travel, as th staaes and nrlvati con. mnMM hava hMn tuM In mrmt. est capacity 'carrying Investors . and .nmj uk.M tn this il r.M. IwIIa g7nrtstkit im lnimA ti T's-rtlr rmiint It , ow printrina. B. 8. Cook A Co.. the real estst men . of . Portland, bar their headquarters her and are lo cating people on these lands. ' Solid oak diner, cane or cobble seat, braced arm; - i worth $2.00. . ; ?p.'J:'V;-, 1.25 C0VELUS 184-6 First Street Special All Week jp;-'.- - .... . ' '11? M PAID FOH State Commission Formally Ac cepts Auditorium and Mining ' Building From. Contractor!.' . EDMUND C. GILTNER WILL" 'CONTINUE AS SECRETARY Appo! ntments Are Made in the Departments of .Horticulture and Forestry. At tBe regular monthlyneetlng of th state commission of the Lewis and Clark fair yesterday th mining building and the auditorium were formally accepted and paid for. - With th acceptance of these, all the exhibit buildings ordered by th stat commission have been com- Dieted, except .-th Oregon building, which Will be finished within a week. -i A resolution Wss unanimously adopted requesting Secretary Edmund C Glltner to continue hla connection with the com mission. Mr. Glltner waa recently ap pointed secretary of the': chamber . of commerce.".-: -' ;: . Harry Raffety' and Harley Glafke wer appointed assistant superintendents of forestry. W. K. Newell of the state board of horticulture, waa mad auperln. tendent of horticulture and W. G, John, son appointed as his asslstsnt: " E. P. Sheldon wss appointed superintendent of forestry for exhibits and R. F. Robin- son was mad superintendent of educa tion. - -' --, . ' Kvery species of wild snlmal In th stat of Oregon will be exhibited In the forestry building by order Issued ' at the meeting yesterday. It wss alao or dered that space be- set apart In that building for an office for the order of Hoo Hoo. which will hold a convention In thla elty In September. . Th entire building will be at the disposal of th Hoo Hoo for on day, when the members of th conblackcatenated order will hold some, sort of appropriate exercises. Space waa also set apart In th forest ry building for the exhibit of the Ore gon Historical society. In the Sam building th headquarters of th pion eers will be located. Judge T. W. Ayers of Morrow county was in th city yesterday on business pertaining to th exhibit that ' oouaty 111 have at th fair. A bug stuffed elk will be mounted at th entrance of th xhlblt. ....... GETS DRINK THE ' FIRST TIME OUT Thomas P. ' Moran, Just Ap pointed Patrolman by Hunt, Suspended Last Night.' . After serving only on day on the police fore Thomas P. Moran reported oft duty last night. - drunk.- and was suspended by th head of th depart ment. Th suspension coming so quickly on top of th appointment of Wlrll Hunter, accused of acting aa "booster" for gaj bliog games at Frits' saloon and of trying to. secure protection from th po lice yor woman -wiin wnom na waa a sociatlng, as well as tnat of Robert Phllllpa, charged with consorting, with a woman of th sam class, caused a stir. " ( 'Sir," said Chief Hunt, as Moran stood wobbling in line, "you ar drunk, disgracefully drunk. Tour condition is the mora shameful because you wer a policeman In an eastern cltx and served s, soldier during th Spanish-Ameri can war. xou were highly recom mended to m and I feel that you bar not only humiliated - me. . but have thrown down' th men who helped yon to get thla appointment. Ton ar to con sider, yourself under suspension.- -r. Written notice to Captain arlts- macher that Moran had been suspended and . is JiotJ ieryejnthe capacity of patrolman until further orders waa left at th station by th chief last night. . NEW SPRING GOODS Ladies' Tan Oxfords, f J.M, II. 0.0. 11.40 and .....fl.25 Misses' and Children's, $1.71. fl.CO. lift and 1.00 Men's and Boys'. $1.60, $1.(0 snd.f l.ftO Men's Suits, $10, $14. 111.10, $19 and f 7.SO Men's Top Coats, $11.40. $10 snd.B6.00 Men's Pants. $4.00, $4.00.- $3.10 and fZ.OO Men's Hats. $3-10. $110. $1.00 , snd S1.60 Men's Over Shirts, $1.(9, $1.40, , $1.00 and .......... B0 Men's Underwear, $1.40. $1.00, 7c and .....SO Suit Case and Grips, $$.00. $4.00. $3.40 and S1.7B Trunks, $11.40, $ 00, $4.40, $1.00 ana BX.OU It la to your .interest to Investigate our qualities and prices. - W save you 20 per cent on, price. t r" JOHN DELL AR ' TWO STORES. ! ' 1 rtrv aad TkmhUl, Third, and Davis. Closing Out "nSBBBBBngBBBBBBBBBaBagS Matting Sale fasvlng a 'very larg stock of . fine linen warp matting on hand, w must positively close It out to mak room for our new stock of goods to srrlv for th fair trade. - We also have a larg stock of new canton, crepe - and linen - embroidered- patterns ' for ladles' waists snd dresses, pongee alike - snd other fln goods, such as grass linen, table center pieces, Japanese and Chines latest novek ties, eurios, etc, at lowest prices. Adrew lb fi Co. 287 t JSCN I- - .' ....... . - -Style TAN OXFOR& This is an illustration of one of the 'V smartest Sorosiu models, made on ' Sorosis' custom last It is .impres- ; sivejy beautiful in style and will ap . peal to womin who seek. fashionable v footwear. , . KNIGHT'S . Opposite PERKINS Hotel -Cor. Fifth and Washington . Vlt" The John Barrett Company -.i---: ' - TILE - FLOORINQ. - MANTELS A :r i - ELECTROLIERS. CHANDELIERS ' ; ! 1 p Artistic Fin Place Furniture, la-'-' candgaceat Lamps, Electrical 5tip- ,J- "'- V A ; plia '-.- House ' . Wlrfaf and ' Bell ; . Work a Specialty. New Coinm- ; blan udlnrtrewed Monarch Orates Incandescent Qas Lamps v Tel. Main iaj 134 Sixth Street Prepare for Burglars If you've'any Jewelry, eny dia monds or any silverware In your house that cam from, this store 'twouldn't be a bad Idea to take some precaution. We tell you this because our jewelry happens to be the kind they like. Valuable Jewelry, . "the real, article." to quote their language, le th only kind ' they consider worth "lifting." That's our kind that In which , in ombodled quality and styl ishness. ANWWOHT: 293riORRISON-ST Hotel Eaton ' - Oeraer Keirswa sad West Park Straets. " . a;" NEW " s ; " " R.li4.otr rnmUb4. .V-s.ntlr eqalpped; rvtiraof. St. ariaetee' walk from heart ot alwpptas S imm dlatrtct, all lanra, alrr. aMl reneM, seetd, elaclrl Ushta,' t.ja la each apartment, .te. Lanio erxwa. kwarlnr. ssHtklns, wrltlas. laSlM' rnvptlne rarkir. - Huow imrn4 by SMtl er trtepboa. rra esisftes bmsU tmiss sad si "Rocmt 9I.OO to $3.00 m Day ". apertat Batre te Ceasierelal Mes.' Hat. BAB ZdTOX. (reraerty ef Hot.l tudpets, Rsakse. Oradsats AsMriets Rrbeel ef Oeteesatsy; . , H Kit Mrtut. , ale. , , ?Ooteopttliy i. wmtu e. naes. OetMSitkle rkrl-las. , 4 IS AMngto kk. TMr4 at., kt. taftxe Stark. 1 . AU Chraale asd -Seeelileee Dkwrasre Scleatltrany Treated Wr.keal firara, - 1Z' i I.. , ) r 257 i -.- . - - 3.50 T. '...'"' ' ' ? -.;" i ' Portland. Ore. ' ALWAYS READY TO MOVE pianos, sates, njn,TTtnr, BAGGAGE, WERaUN DISE OU ANYTtUr.S M0VACLE : ' Com. Company 1 1 , '. rlHt' ' - Main 1685 HON. Third St DISTINCTION IN DRESS Is achieved by wearing th proper fORSKT. It a no trouble her . ' ttlfase the most fastidious w email. .W er prepared to relieve them of all corset worrtea. "JCve'ry At 1 guaranteed. . . .... , E. HUMMEL, Corsetieiw .142 EIevent Cor. Alder. ' i f v r r Kaddcrly Transfer5