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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
:. the Oregon Sunday jcjt.nal. , ponTL.:.. cj:: i :cr.:;i::c. a; . IL c, II 0 Gi J i ' 1 ''' ft' - '.'Y ! l v '' ''ft; '' ' ' .' "' - ' ' v'' " V' -' "' ft ft. '''ft '1 ' . 'ft 'HEW th meeting are bver," or "When lent ta ..--.7fw ? n all iUm whM octal functions . are talked of. And - ' ' many are growing tI of th.reUng - ('eaoa Ml wishing It were at an end . ' that they might coma and go they ;aed to. A larg number of danoea ar '. . . ' acheduled for the week Immediately fol towing EMirn and all evidences point J 'toward tha continuation of an active i ' , seaaoa. . . .-V-- ! " ' V ' Tha past week baa been unusually full of weddings; noma war very promt 'Bant. Nor has tha quiet of tha lentan ?eracaony boon ioberved In. all oaaea, i ' Ona woodere it tha fair brldaa ara try i Ing to bribe, fata v on , tha strength of i"."-.tha old Jingle, -. .'. -.v."',:' .'. .fc;-'.-V:;V4 -"A lenteu bride,. :.'.- ,.., v Shall m m betide."' . "V f ,-' ' v The reopening' of tha Columbia theatre . for a ahort.season 1s heartily approved - I by all the frlenda of the popular atock - ) company, and perhaps appreciation has M been slightly enhanced by the touch of .forced oulet during an, already pain- 'fully dull season. Several theatre par v Ittee are planned by young people for next week. The coming of Mary Man . -nerlng later when the seaaon la drag , ging to an end will be welcome ta thea , tre lovers.' .-, .. -..... '.'. ..-(..,. The Krelaler concert waa enjoyed by, - these who were there-aa one of the f ln est musical eventa of the entire eeaaon, i ; and there wero-fcome gowns there worth . looking at. If one went for that But tha audience. In point of numbers, did not do credit to musical Portland. Were V we afraid that there would not be much fasblAn out durlnr lentf- . Easter entertainments ara beginning to look very near, and those who fancy , the maklne- of atfta at this most beautl- ' tul of all holiday seasons are planning ' them. . It la also tha aeason or aresa, and tha shooa are full from morning till night with eager purchaaara anxious to put aside tne more sooer apparet oi wm tar: The Old Ladles' home tea. which cornea on Easter Monday, Is the- annual -, signal of tho blossoming out of many beautiful Spring costumes. Tha Astoria club wss entertained by ' .Mrs. W. a. Howell of ML TaboV. on ; Friday . afternoon. -. Tha rooms were EVENTS 0FfTHE WEEK j . beautifully decorated with Oregon grape . and 'potted plants. ' ' This club v la oompoaad - of woman 1 whose former home waa Astoria, and they, meet every Friday afternoon to ' pUy five hundred. -Last Friday the - club prise' was won by Mrs. Sutherland and the gueat'a prise by Mra. U. a. 'Tipton. ' The heetesa aerved refreah- nonta. Tha members at tha club ara: Mrs. Nelson Toyer. Mrs. F. P. Kendall, Mra. J. D. Sutherland, Mra. A. W, Mao- kensta, Mrs.' F. W.- Newell, Mrs. K. A. Noyea, Ms. J. C Fox, Mrs. O. Win gate, Mra. J. o. Hautnorne, Mrs. J. u. ugnter, Mrs, W. 0. Howell. The gueau were Mra. C W. Fulton. Mra. O. C Fulton, Mrs. Pre el mt Aatatia, aad Mra. J. H. Cook.. Mrs,'. McLennen and Mrs. - C Q. Tipton-. . ,r , w , ' - it A'--'.' -' ' ' On Monday evening, April . a k de lightful aurpriae party waa given in honor of Miss Lillian Albers, at her :. borne at OckJey Green, the occaalon being her 17th birthday. 4 tha evening waa spent with games, musle and sing. ' Ing, and at a late hour dainty refresh- . menta were aerveo. Those present were: Mr. and Mra. a. W. Albers, Miaa Lillian Albera, Mlas ' ' Bertha Leoper. Miss Ethel Church. Miss Mabel Leoper, Miaa Bernloa Church. ' Mlas Mabel Oulovson. Miss Babaooa ' Redman. Miss Vallle Colllna, Miaa Irene . Stokes, Mlsa Margaret Robinson. Miss . Myrtle Bingham. Mlsa . Lalla Morris, Oeors-aA.rtMraMr.-CrounavMr, Devlin, - Seymour ; flchwarta. Noah Frederick. . ' Ernest Morria, Harry Btokea, Brio Brlck- son. Russell Alexander. Earl. Collins, , Peter Raamuaaea and Mr. Orout. ). ,:..v-' Last Sunday afternoon and evening , Mr. and Mrs. H. MUler raeelvsd at their homa. IT Park atreet. In honor of their daughter. Mlas Sadie, and her'flanea, . Alexander Oovurta. During tha reoeiv- -"tns" hours jl aleganC preaanta were received. . The ( rooms were pretty with palme and many i flowers. glfU te tha bride. . Mra. MUler, in black lace aver allk. greeted the I i gniests with bar husband, Mlsa Miller . - waa gowned in champagne voile and - chiffon. Her cousin. Miss AUie Morria. - f aaalstsd Miss ' MUlsr and Mr. Oevuru In receiving. Muslo continued through- ' out tha afternoon aad evening. In the , ' dining-room when tha decorative effects , wera worked out In pink. There Mr. ;" and Mrs. Alex Miller aerved punch.'- In . v .the evening tha young frlenda of tha ' couple called, . .. ; : - ;; : , i - Mrs. F. a Myers gave a delightful ' I luncheon :: Tuesday, March tK at bar . ' jr home la ' Irvlngton In honor ' of her . another. Mra. L. A. Parker, whose blrth ' -j day it waa. The table waa beautifully , arranged with cherry Moaeome la old . .'i Japanese bronaea. Several unique fea tores added to tha charm of the oer ' , ''Tie. There were Individual orange t : baskets filled with ambroala, and tied V i with grewa rlbbona. and for deaaert raln ' i lature Slower pots of lea cream with a , j. spray of wild currant In each were , aerved." Amualng game contests filled ' la the time between couraea. Tha guests , 1 t were Mrs. C A. Cobum, Mra. 8. T. ' j Lockwood. Mra. J. F. Dunning. Mra. D. ' T. Clarke, Mrs. a Brookings, Mrs. L. J Packard, Mra. F. R. Cooks and Mrs. , v V. Perry of Rglnler. , . ... -F " .. .... w- " y i. J . The annual- gathering In honor of Mrs. ' i.'-U. B. Crounse's birthday took place at . , t her home, t Tenth atreet, laat Mon 4ay. and a delightful luncheon waa en ' "' oyed by a number of her frlenda, Mlas , . Katbryn Llnehan, Mra. i. M. C. Miller ; j- and Mra Helen Watklns furnished a y, number of enjoyable musical selections. Those present were: Mra. A. R. Crounae, , : .' Mlas Bertha Crounae, Mrs. L. A. Whlt- tlesy,);Mlss Mildred Whittlesey, Mrs. 1 Brown, Mrs. Ollham, Mra. John Slavln, '. . Mra. Richard Prince. Mlas Kathryn Line han. Mr. J. M. C. Miller. Mrs. Turner. S Mrs. Rothschild, Mrs.- Hugo Schwert i;mann,'Mla Emma Prince, Mrs. Helen a jVatxlnt ajw I al Crounae, ' t.i :: . w : f m B, r viuu wee nniruimq . 1 Tueadsy evening by Miss Johnson at the ; - home of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hare, Hi - , faru there atreet. - Tha rooma were aim . ; ply decorated with flowers. Five hun .dred was tha game played and tha prises . v were - awarded Mrs. H. V. Lacy and ' , liavtd Davis. ' After,' cards an Informal v , musical i program was given, and Mr. ,: MoCorquedale gave several , enloyable I , violin numbers. Mra, E..M. Parvln of ," ' Salem waa the guest of the club. Mrs. . i Hare asslstsd la entertaining and aerv ' Ing refreshments. Tha club will be en tertained nest week by Mrs. Shelley at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L B. Smith, ''"", -'' w ' ; ., An elaborate affair of Friday. March HI, waa the recepilen given hyMr. and i Mra. William- Flledner. opening their 'S beautiful "new home. Eaat. Twenty-second and Madison streets. Between the hour ef and It o'clock-large numbers ' " . ' .' t- W 3 . f j Harry Jonas, of East Orange, of friends. from alt over tha city called. Mr. aad Mra. Flledner were assisted In receiving by their daughter, Mrs. H. M. Olen and Mrs. Fred O. Ha In a. and their niece. Miss Anna Flledner. - Beau tiful flower about the room added Jo the featlve appearance, and dellcioue refreshments -were . served throughout the evening.' In the .den off the billiard room the men enjoyedrthelr clgara. - , '. Jjb Wednesday evening Gay Wyman entertained a few friends Informally In honor of Miss Marguerite Drake, - who left laat week for Seattle to live. Five hundred waa the game played, and prises were awarded Miaa Drake ' and Ralph O'Connor. - A chafing dlah luncheon waa aerved In the dining-room. Those present besides the honor guest were: Miss Leslie Flake. Miss Caroline Holmes, Miss Luclle Palmar. Miaa Mama Cronln. Miaa Lulu King. Ralph O'Con nor. Bd Jeffrey, Martin Bchacht. Oliver Jeffrey, Oeerge Hahn and Oay Wyman. --"3 V - ..- ---- '1 i- Mrs. Oeorge Whlteslds entertained a few frlenda Informally at bridge. ys terday afternoon. ; ' ' .'' On Thursday evening the Rose City Olee 'club gave another of their enter taining parties at tha home of Walter Hoyle, 47 Eaat Ninth street North. The evening . waa . spent with muale and gamaa. and at is o'clock refreshments were served, Tboee present were: Miss Nellie Klckert, Miss Marlon Brlgford. Miss Cora Walker, Misses Kerby, Miss Besale Young. Mlas May Cammack, Miaa Ruby Klckert, Miaa Lula Hoyle, P. Walker, K. Haworth. Walter Klckert. Walter Hoyle, R. WUd. Hugo Hoyle and Tom Thomaa. .. . . , . ; ; : w u, - .'J:: '' The New England auppas given, fay ,the George Wright Relief corps Friday even ing waa a decided success, socially and financially. Four long tables were flllVl several times between and I o'clock. A short program waa grv and moat of tha performers responded to encores, . Whist and dancing finished the evening. - Tha receipt ara. to be added to .the Roeeburg cottage fund. for which the entertainment waa given. The corps aewlng circle will meet at the homo of .- Mra. Cboaaie, T74 Rooeavelt avenue, next Thursday, . ' . - .Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bo4s entertained the East aad West Bide Lewla and Clark Whist club at their home. 174 Multnomah atreet The rooma were - prettily - arranged - wtth palma and bare and there were a few cut flowera. Prises "were awarded Mrs. W. H. Lea and Mr. Draper. Tho conso lation fell to Mr. Strough. In serving a delicious tete-a-tete luncheon the hoa taaa waa aaslsted by Mlsa Mabella Wood and Mrs, Harry Wade. In three weeks the club win meet with- Mrs. A.- a Olbbs, 441 Market atreet. . evening Miss Leila God- dard and Miss Ruth Flynn of ths Vnl varsity of Oregon entertained a few col lege frlenda . in their atudent apart ments In honor of Miaa Faith Powell and Mlsa Rena 8trauhal of Portland, who are visiting friends' In Eugene.-- The rooms war artistically decor. ted and arranged, and tit- guests were enter tained at cards. Miaa Florence. Debar and W. O. Chandler won the prtaes. Mlsa Powell and Miaa Strauhal have been entertained extensively during their visit In Eugene. . . .-,,..! it Mra. Charles Cbenery entertained In formally with bridge Tuesday afternoon. Prises were awarded Mrs. Jamea Lsld- law, Mra. Arthur. Mlnott and Mra. J. Wesley Ladd. A delicious little tea, waa aerved ; lata In the afternoon. - The guests were: Mrs. Warren Houghton, Mra. Whitney L. Boise, Mrs. J. Wealsy Ladd. Mra. Walter F. Burrell. Mrs. James A, Laldlaw, Mra. "Arthur Mlnott. Mrs. Frederick Hopkins, Mra. Norton Insley, Mlsa Hoyt. Miaa Stott, Mlas Montgomery and Miaa Meed. - . Mrs. L. Allen Lewis gave a charming luncheon, Friday, March 11, In honor of Mra. Richard Sherwood, the . guest of Mrs. Ned Avar., covers were laid .for 14, and tha table .was decked with yellow daffodils. The gueata, beaidea the honor gueat and her hostess, Mrs, Ayer.-were: Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. Arthur Mi. nott. lMr. Robert Lewis, Mrs. Thomaa Kerr, Mrs. Wsrren ' Houghton, Mrs. Henry Ooode, -Mlsa Hoyt, iMtaa Wil liams and. Miaa May Failing. . w . - - - The regular meeting of the Oregon Ceramic club waa held Wednesday af ternoon la the Camera club rooms. Plana for an art exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair were . discussed and com mittees on arrangementa were appolnt-l ed. 'Mrs. F. A. Routledg gave a short but Interesting talk on "Foreign Pot tertoa," - llluatratlng It with speetmene from different factories. Original plate designs were brought In for orttlclsnu The members -of the Jolly Whist club spent an enjoyable afternoon, at the Im perial hotel,. Friday afternoon, aa the guexts of Mrs. J. F. Toft. There wss music, and Miss Mildred Rigga recited. Th handsome first prise waa won by Mrs. J. W. Baker, and tha Consolation fell to Mrs. F. H. Legrand. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. watoey, on Fif teenth and Irving streets. , , ' ww . ' -.- . A merry erowd of young people gsv a delightful surprise perty on Miss Burdella Holt: at her residence, 411 Seventh street, last Mondsy evening. and th occaalon was her lth birthday. Th first part of tho evening waa a pent In - muslo snd games, Refreahment were aerved, after-which dancing , waa Indulged In until a late hour, ' ., 1 . w, - Th Toung- Women' Mlaaloaary so ciety of First Preobyvenan cnurcb ws anterlaload at-its aocal m eating Mon- J N. J, and HU Portland Bride. day afternoon by Mr. C. 4L Wright, 121 Lovejoy street The afternoon waa pleaaantly apent In aewlng and delicious refreshments wer passed late in the day. - Mrs. Vogen and Mrs, Combe as sisted the hostess. " ' . ,?-.: ' : ; Miss Emily , Holbrook entertained very Informally .a few of p her .. girl friends at 600 last Wsdnesdsy afternoon. There were fpur table and Mlas Henry ett Lauer won the prise. A very dainty menu waa aerved at the tablea after cards. . . .' .'; .- :,. '.vv,. .. ; : - Mrs. A. H. Breyman entertained the Forestry club laat week at her home. Hi Haaaalo atreet. ; Aald from the regular program; Mlas Zlporah Harris playsd a violin number and Madam Ferrari gave a' song. Light refresh ment were aerved. ... j..-,-.-' ::- Th Friday Evening Whtst club wa entertained Monday evening by Mr and Mra. W. C. Brlatol, T6I Hoyt atreet Mr. and Mr. J. D. Leonard received the prises. - Dainty refreshment were served at the card tables. ; . - .!;: it 'it -' K Mr.' and Mrc Fletcher Unn gave small cbaflng-dlah aupper at their room at 'the Outlllaum. Friday even ing, after church -services. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred BO tier and C. . Allen of the Chapman corpa wer th guests, r . yr,, , ir ,,..;.'- Mr. and Mra. Que Simon ' celebrated their thirteenth wedding annlveraary last week by entertaining a few friends Informally, In their apartment at th Portland. 7 " ; ' , ', Mra. Julius Ii. Meier of III Tanthl street entertained the Whist club Fri day. . Mra. I earn Whit and Mrs. 8. Lip man were prise- winner. 'A dainty menu waa served' after card at th table. . . . ; V " . e,-" '! ;.r-S''.t,rr.' " . .Edgar, Frank celebrated hi twenty Orat birthday laat week and received a few of hi frlanda Informally at th Portland.. : ,v.'S- ' -.-.' j.-.... - w - Prof, and Mr. W. M. Wilder nter talned at dinner Friday night Irt honor of C. F. Alien, director of tha Chapman cnorua. ...?, ;-.. .. --. i WEDDINGS:! One of the prettiest wedding of the year- waa celebrated at Parsons hall laat Monday evening, when Miaa Bar bara Lauer and Charles Kahn, city at torney of i Boise, Ida were married, Both are prominently identified -. with Jewtah society circles. Mr. Kohn form erly lived In Portland. .- Dr. Stephen a Wis pronounced th ceremony. - The danoa hall presented a beautiful appearance decked aa it was with palma and fame, From lh 4oorwayto the center of th room waa an aisle formed of . palms and white satin ribbon. A bowsr- waa built In the center of the hall of banked palmav A large eplaah bow of pink : tulle mingled with the green overhead and whit turtle dove nestled there. -. Aa Parson a orchestra played tha Lohengrin bridal hymn the wedding; party entered, preceded by the share, Joseph Spiegel of Boise and lea dore Koahland. The bridesmaids fol lowed. Misses Thereae and Rosalia Friendly of Eugene, cousins of the bride. ' They-wor dainty Dolly Varden frocks, on of blue and the other of pink ; flowered , allk organdie. Both carried ahowars : of pink b rid ea maid roses and' blue forgetmenota. . -Th maid of honor, who followed waa Mia Henryette Lauer, the brides' sister,' who wore pink liberty satin over taffeta, trimmed with lace. Her shower wa of pink baby roses nd tlllea of th valley. All three malda " wore lt their' hair wreath of the baby rosea. The two little flower girts, who cam next, wer niece of th bride and groom, little Amy Lauer . and Delta Kalm of Los Angeles. - The two : dark-haired - tola made a pretty picture In white baby dresses with quaint basketa of pink and white blossoms suspended about their necks with pink ribbons! ' -. The bride entered with her brother, Emmanuel H. Lauer, who gave her In marriage. She was charming In a beautiful gown of white mea saline silk over taffeta and heavily - trlmm'd with handsome ducheas lace. The veil, which waa used at her sister's wedding several year ago, . waa outlined with the lace from her mother" wedding gown. Her shower bouquet of real orange blossoms waa suspended from the white satin marker of - her white leather Bible. She wa mat at th altar by tha groom, who was attended by his brother, Milton . Kahn. ., . After the ceremony Parson' orches tra played the aprlng aong. Congratula tion and good wlabe followed and con tinued through a season of dancing. Mr. E. H. Laur and Mrs. Sol Baunv th .bride's sister, assisted In receiving the guests, ' When th bouquet' was thrown Miss Clementina Hlrach caught It ' . . . ,;,.,-:-. The wedding supper - wss ' served downstairs, where the, table waa laid in the rorm or a horseshoe, smiiex and pink asalear" were arranged about the table and over It were festooned gar lands of pink hearts. Th plsca Cards also were pink hearts. Candelabra were ahaded with pink and pink candle wer need. - E. H. Lauer presided a toeat, master. The bride cut her cake imme diately afterward and Mia Hollub drew th thimble. Mi Thereae Friendly th ring and Mia Henryett Lauer th dim. There wer soma 71 gueata at th wadding and - many - vary handsome gown and jewel wer ln evidence. Mr. Charle Lauer, the bride mother. wore biack allk grenadine with Jet trim mlagsi . Mr. A.. Kaha,--the groom' mother, Jelled sUk net; Mrs, Sol Baum, champagna-allk end old' point iacei Mr. K. H. Lauer,. yejlow. lac over taffeta; Mr. 8. L,. Blunsauer. tnev groom' at' tar, a black Uk coetuna. There were a number of out of town gueata In at tendance '.and.' many- congratulatory telegrama were read. - Mr. and Mar. Kahn have gone north on their- wedding tour, and will be at home after May 1, t Hotel Idanba In Hoi, id. . -v. . A beautiful spring wedding waa that of Miaa Florence Koahland, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Theodore Bernhelm. and Ludwlg Hlrach, In th reception parlor or Hotel Portland, Wednesday evening. Dr. Stephen a Wla officiated. The decoration wer exquisite, all In green and whiter with fragrant trult blossoms, .white lilaca and magnolias figuring among: the interlaclngs of smllax. fern and prgoit grape, ' The bridal couple stood under a dainty green bower at on end of the room and were there united. -..'.. j-;,. .Attending the wride . aa matron "of honor waa her alater, Mra. Ben OoJd man of Ban Francisco. .. Leon Hlrsch, th groom's brother, waa best man. - Th bride : wa gowned - in , whit chiffon cloth trimmed with duchesse point lac and applique, - Hec veil wa . secured with -a wreath of orange blossoms and aha carried a. shower . of ' lUlea of th valley. Mrs. Goldman also wore whit chiffon cloth and carried white roses, ' "Dinner waa served in th grill; room. Th bride' table waa decked all la whlt and the aurroundlng table la pink rosea. . Th gueat were received by Mr. and Mr. Bernhelm, Mr. Philip Jacoby of San' Francisco, a aister of the bride, and Isadora Koahland, her brother. Mra. Bernhelm wore black , ehlffon trimmed with silk .' applique and . Mra. Jacoby . wore whit messallne silk. 'MA and Mrs. Hlrsch have gone north on their wedding trip end will live at th Portland after their return. , , ' , v- ' Mis Cecelia Sherlock ' and Joseph Woerndle of Franc!, Wuh, were mar ried at St Patrtck'a cathedral Tueaday morning; only a few frlenda witnessed th ceremony. Rv. Father X. P. Mur phy ofttclaUd. f . Th bride' alater. Mia Annie Sher lock, presided at th organ and played the wedding march. Mra. Luke Wella sang "O Promts Ma" Immediately be fore the - bridal party ' entered. Mis Agnes Sherlock, another alater of th bride, waa maid of honor and Judge 0.VC -Custer of Francis, Waah, waa the groomsman. Th bride -wore pale blue crepe de chin and carried Bride rosea and her attendant wore pink 'crepe de chin and carried pink carnation. . . Ia th evening a reception was given at the home of the bride' parents. Mr. and Mrs. John" J. Sherlock, 171 Thur- nan Street The rooma war elaborately decorated " with Oregon grape, palms, farna and smllax with bouquets of car nations and rose in "pink and whit. Mr. and Mr. Sherlock and Mis Agnea Sherlock asslstsd th bride and groom In receiving. . A number og th brld' friend aaatated in th dining room. Thar . waa mtfsle throughout the even ing and the . usual congratulatory tela grama. . - "r - Mr. and Mr. Woerndle left that night for a trip about the' Bound: Th bride' traveling eult waa of brown mohair with hat to match. They will horn la Francis, WaalL, in two weeks. Marie D. Baled and .Cliff R. Curtia wer married Wedneaday morning at Taylor atreet Methodist church: Dr. F. Burgett Bhort officiated. The bride' former horn was in Bah Francisco, but sh ha" been visiting at tha home of Mr. and Mra, J. 3. Kadderly, 434 East Pin street Some 10 invitations war sent out to friend ta Montana, Nevada, Washington. Utah, Colorado. California, Oregon and varloua other place, but only some It, friend xrom rvruaiMl at tended th ormony, - r.. ., Mlas Maud Jones attended the bride and Oeorge Kadderly the groom. - Th bride wore a beautiful gown of Dresden chiffon ' with blue . predominating, and made over pal blue silk Real lace and atln ribbon formed th handsome trim. mlngs, and her Jewels wer dlamonda. Sh carried a ahower of Bride roses and a charming picture hat of lac and completed , the costume. - Her maid of honor was gowned In a delft blue cos- 4e 1 d with lace and wore white picture hat- Her ahower" wa ot Bridesmaid rosea. " After the ceremony a wedding break fast waa aerved at the Portland. Th table waa beautiful In pink with a larg hewn of pink rose In th center. Tall, slender cut glaa vaaea. filled with ths aame flower ' wer about th center bowl and th bud war strewn on' th cloth, creating a veritable roee garden. A dellcioue menu wa aerved. Mr. and Mrs. Curtia wtl be at horn after May 1, at East Sixteenth street - Mlas Olga LUcll Ofner of this city wss married on Thursday to Harry Jonas, of Eaat Orange, N. J., at th horn of frlenda in Newark, N. J.. whlth er the bride went some thre week ago. Sh waa accompanied by her father and mother. Mr. and Mr. I. Ofner, and her brother. Emll Ofner, of Everett wash. The bride's home ' ha been In Port land' for years, and ahe la a graduate of th Portland High achool, wbrb aha waa vary popular. Sha Is quite musical. Th groom la a-prominent bualness man In hla hom town.- Many congratulatory messages and gift were sent to the couple -by Portland friends. .Mr. and Mrs. Jonas will spend their honeymoon In Florida and the Bermuda laianaa, afterward making their hom In East Orange. - vl.', !-v.? y--''-.. ' . Th marriage' of Mia Xgne. E. Todd and J. Horace Stllea, Monday evening. Waa a very quiet one. at the home of th bride' uncle and aunt Mr. and Mr. W. E. Clark Only relative and a few Immediate frlenda were present- ' The bride' Bister. Mia Laura,, attended he bride and LeConle Stllea . attended hi brother. The bride wore pele blue silk and carried whit roses, while her maid of honor. In whit, carried pink one. A very Informal reception . followed. Mr. and Mr. Stile hav gone to their Bew home in Wsaooy Or, . ; Albert .W. Crosby and Mis Lulu E. Marvin Wer married Wedneaday even ing, March SI, at 'the Calvary Presby terian mans. , Rv. William .-Gilbert officiated. Mr. and Mr. Croaby will llv t Stltt Columbia street . - " Mia Cora E. Stellmachef aad William H. Elllngaworth ' wer married - at th First Congregational parsonage last Sat urday evening by Rev. E. L. House, D.D. They will reside In Portland. .. - a R Lamb and Mis Gertrude 1 0. Johnson wer married by Dr. B, L. Hous at hla psrsonag laat Sunday. The members of the Progress rlub apent delightful afternoon laat Mon day with Richard' Straus at th 'home V III-' .';.., ) m - .s, m ... W , l vV MUSICAL NOTES. of Mr. F, r. Xoung. Th homawaaprsety . i . ' . . i .i . ; , , J Mra Fred L. Olson, Who Will Sinf at This Morning's Services at the 'Methodist Episcopal Church at Vancouver, Is Resident of Portland ' and Has Won a Reputation 'in Musical Circles.' i 'IS with th elub color, yellow and whit. with lille and jonquil In vaaea about th rooma After the program dainty refreshments wer aerved. The program wa opened with a Strauss sarenad In' duct, played by Mr. Frullt ana Mr. M. i Pratt. Mrs. Toung pro- pared the audience with" a paper on the lire and - work or Straus. - speaking of their distlngutahlng features. 'Mr.' K. E. Coovert who recently returned from tudy In Germany, -where aha saw and heard Straus, told of th, occaalon. and showed a portrait of him.. Mra. W. L. Marshall played on -of hla' ootnpoeittona and Mrs. Amade BntTlh aanr hla "Dream In th Twilight." followed by two aaleo- tlon from .other. eo si posers,, which were enthusiastically -received. A trio by Bendlx or mandolin, jnandol and piano waa given. by Mia Cok, Miaa Clark and Mrs. Toung., Mrs, Pratt and Mrs. Young gave another or n trauma duo, anotner trio followed and Mra. Coovert ang moat pleasingly English song. - . ; : , r A '.".-." W " At th last rehearsal of tha Tuesday Evening Muslo club, at Mrs. Walter Reed' residence, the following number were given: "If Waa Not So to Be" (Neaaler). John E. Cronan; "All . For You" (D-Hardelvt). Mlsa Mary Conyers; "The Sweetest Flower That Blows" (Hawley),- Mlsa Esther Leonard; a "One Mqre Claap" (Lambert). b) "An Old World Serenade" (HelmundrGtttav Cramer; "Calm As the Night" (Bohm). Mlas Rena Anderson; "Only, In Dreams' (DeKoven). Henry O. Lettow. . A num ber .of choruses were given by the club, among them "Th Millar' - Wooing" (Fanning), "Lost ' Chord" (Sullivan Brewer), -and "Th Peasant' Wedding March," (HoedermanB), ' t - : : Mlas Ann Week sang before th Peo ple' forum laat week and delighted alt with her aweet contralto voice. Her songs were "Obatlnatlon" (Fountenalllea) and aa aa encore, "On the Shore" (Neld einger). Mlea Helen Davla accompanied her (n a charmingly unaffected manner. Both are Portland academy glrte. Mis Week Ming again- at th Jewish council Wedneaday afternoon. She la a pupil of Mra. , Rom Bloch-Bauer. - , ' - ' ; it A ahort program wa given by th members of the Tuesday afternoon Mu slo club at its laat meeting, at Mra. Walter Reed'a atudio. '-. "An Old World Serenade" (Helmund) waa sung by Miss Lillian Farrsll; "A Little Thief (Stern), Mlsa Rosl Forbes; "Daffodil". (Ever soleh Mis - Mam Fryer; "When the Rose Bloom". (Reichardt). Mis Ethel Powr. :, - , ; i ..; r .' 4 ' . . t -. :' i( '-it .- v.? -!.... . Mia Ethel ' Abrama mad a decided hit with her aong at th children' festi val at Parsons' hall last Saturday evening.- Mr. Rose Bloch-Bauer, her teacher, accompanied her, ''Mia Abram la ' th child soprano who Is creating much com ment now because of the marvelous range and strength of her voice. ,.. , -' . "A Simple Ave," composed by Rev. Father Domini of . Mount Angel and dedloated to Mrs. Walter. Reed, I being rhared by th Treble Clef cpub. It I written for contralto aolo and three part chorua for women'a voice. All those who have heard It pronounce It a em..- :,).,". 1 '.'. - . . ,';?' .; '. .-k:' ' ': ' :-! 3. A. Hlckey, a .pupil of Mr. Roe Bloch-Bauel, who haa an excellent baa voice, ' has been ..appointed to fill th plac In th cathedrlal choir a bar I ton a soloist, vacated by Nicholas Kan, who ha gon to New 'York for further atudy. , - '..-.-." w w '. . ' Mordaunt A.' Goodnough, . formerly of the western Academy of Music, ha severed - hla connection ' with .that ac'.iool, od opened a piano atudy. . 1 i COMING EVENTS. .. Th Horn Training aaaociatlon will hold a mother' meeting at th Holladay achool at 1:11 o'clock Friday. If found practicable a circle will b organised In thla district. All mother and teach, er ar cordially Invited to attend. The program will be as follows: "Aim and Purposes of th Hom Training Asso ciation." Mrs.. Robert H. Tste; address, Oovernor George E. Chamberlain; solo, elected, Mrs. Amedee M. Smith; "How often and t what time should mother visit th achool?" Dlaruealon to b opened by Mrs. William Held. Closing remark. Mr. Samuel Connell, acting president . 24 regular Thursday afternoon meet T-""" .'.,;' .' Ing ef th aaaociatlon will Uk plac a usual at th Y. W. C A. at o'clock. Subjeot for April II.. "Will B Comnion Fault In Children." by Mra. , E. C Clemmy , , . r. j ; J . The Altar society of St Mary's cathedral haa secured to lector In their behalf th eloquent speaker, th Right Reverend Abbott Thomaa.- O. F. B., of Mount Angel, on neat Sunday evening, April I. . A hla reputation for eloquence ha -already been established th seating capacity of the cathedral will doubtless be taxed to IU atntat . There wilt be no admlaalon charge, bat a collection will: be taken toward- decorating -th gltar. To add to the pleasure of th occaalon - a. apeclaj . program ha, been .arranged. . ,v- j' , rS '.'' - ::,.,',.,',. . Th return of Eaater Monday bring to mind th annual tea tor the benefit of the Old Ladle' hom, at th Hobart Curtla. This la a function In which the women of Portland hav taken great In terest Before they ar angroaaed with friend' and visitor to th exposition, they will be able to devote an afternoon to social eonvsrea and pleasure In th Interest of one of Portland's Institu tion, which appeal to everyone, . - - , .v - - - - r s- The "meeting of the. Banange circle, which ,waa to have been held at the hom of Mra. Edward Alden Boa la Mon .'.1905 ModelV-j.;-:'-''! THE r.: :V-j.-'. lev Orienta 410 Msnisoa St, Betvytea Tenth tr.d Ekvcnth Special Opening Sale A great opportunity prent itself to every Portland lady who la ambitious to get th beat to mak her home attractlveaaduptodata Ourleetlonacon 1t Of Mini Of th RAREST AND CHOICEST. PERSIA AND TURK ISH RUGS. ' i A visit of inspection at our -store will repay you. - We hav "on exhibition. miny Antique "KAZAK and MOSUL- Rug. Choice Royal KIRMANBHAH, TABRIZ, SOVObK. Antlqu S1NA and KABI8TAN, a well a large-alga Carpet With mat for Miction. Visitor ar very weioome UMir tor; Our Mr,. Jacob Mlchaetlan,athorough English acholari - will be pleased to-show our larg and varied stock of good.- Ou price -.ara reduced to th very loweat possible figure, '.''' j, ; t. v "1-Kl7clny.:2..a Very, Critfitl !nmt!:!i day, waa . poatroned because of the ' evangellstie services. The meeting will ' tak plac som tlm nest wck. , , ...... , M w .'.' ' . m.. , . li , .. . 1 - ,A .i ' X lie i.vnwnnwi ae nan . w give a 1 f hlrt-walat party tha . Wednesday after Eaater wlth .Mrst SH. Long and Mra. Q.. W. Baldwin aa patronasas. This wae a popular organisation laat year giving a number of enjoyable private dance. - Th Taachar' club of - which Miaa Barnea I president, 1 planning to glvo a aofiuu Aprit ta. ' ' ' . The Shakespeare club 'will meet to morrow evening with Mia Myar,' -i 1 STRAY CIT8. On of th elaborate-BOclal'Bfrair of Albany waa th receptloa-muatcal given by Mn and Mrs. H, a. Nelson In Al bany In honor of President and Mr. W. H.- Lee, who -will soon lea v Albany college -for Seattle, c Some .19 of th leading people of tha town wer pres ent, and prominent musicians . eentrlb- uted number to an informal program. A handaoni . gift - In ailver - waa given to ta nonor guesta. ,; - . .. . , . j.'-' ".- ' ...' . '-!.. .'. Society . Is delighted over the return ' of . two young favorites Miss . Mont gomery, who ha been with her mother, Mr. J. B. Montgomery, of the board of lady manage ra at the Loulaiana Pur chase exposition, and Miaa Mead, who spends her winter) at he hom In Con necticut They ar much 1st' demand for luncheon and. . card axternoonn, M. Montgomery also ia honor gut at many Informal affaire. '.I -. f . Mr. and Mr. O. Ji Kenestle of Kelso.' Wash., wer entertained , by Portland frlanda laat week while on their honey moon. - They wore married last Thor- day; the bride wa Mi Gold Carlisle, a daughter of on of th leading rami- ilea or the town. - , Mr.- Annabel!. Pariah, president of th . Oregon Ceramic club, leave to night foe Seattle and Spokane, where she will conduct art exhibits. Sh will visit Tacoma friend and return about Eaater.".', Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacob of il North Eighteenth street announce th conflr matlon of their son, Edwin, on Saturday. TApril . at Temple Beth laraei. They will be at hom to frlanda Saturday and. Sunday. v ...',--..,-.'...,. Mr. and Mr. William t Roaaek of Pendleton were ntrtalnd in Portland last week. They wer married tha first of th week and spent thir honeymoon her. s 7I ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mr. Harding Baughman of this etty announee th engagement of their daughter. Be! Loot, to Fred erick W. Wright Th wadding; will tax piac Tnuraaay, April iv, in aid- land. Or. - " '. ' The wedding of Mfaa Lillian Oallaghsv to William E. Bmpey of -Lew Angeles, CaL, will take plac next Wednesday, .DANCES .'V .i gf Th Maw Century club cava It f re- well party thla seaaon last Wednesday at Persona' hall. It waa given by re quest In addition to th regular aerie and Ita success .warranted th action. Almost aU of th members wer p reseat and tha gown worn by th women war very beautiful. The muslo was excep- tlonally good. - Two kind of punch wr (Continued on Pag Fifteen.) i a uc oun IWaiULi nf Perfection ft Forsythe v :. Waist Spring 1905 Style.' S ho w n 'X O n 1 y V by i -i '; '.:.' ' : '.'.'- Robinson cauompany, ; i ' 289 Washinrton Street I Rug Siore