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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
..... . - , - - - , . . -CHOTION TVO "v -s. X c f w . w "t J y "aBm9"r PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY LIONIUG, APRIL 9 ISOl i 'J, ; V , 1 . ... v ' Stii;naing Styles and Saving Prices Square Deal Grdm Wadar; prtoes up from. 6 Garden fio,. 10 fet; prtees up - . i : - v . ..... . Qardaa Sett, I piece; prices up ,. ; from .V...".w......S..-.12 Net or Twin Bhopptac' Ban. our v l(o' value; apeclal at, eacb...XO Beat Quality Bowing Machine Oil. In . patent oil oan, ' 4 -ounce also, our r lto value; apeclal. tha can. ...9 Fancjr Turnover BacK Comba, ihell, ' our SOo value; apeclal at, : jaach .12 ' Tellet Paper, extra large else rolla, ' f 1 (-ounce, .fin quality , paper. - our ' Ha value; apeotal at. tha roll.lOf .' Talcum Powder, violet perfumed. - peat quality, vur. fo vuat mv J tial at. the tea . i".9. Women's " 1 6o Black Cottoa Hoee, . with white double aole; apeclal. . Pal' ... ... .23 Kunea Black Uale Hoae. flnlahed foot, aaaorted pattarna. values to IV ei? nar . ... : ..1Ai --------------------T STATIONERY American . Paper Napklna. plaTn. . wM decorated hordera, our lOo value; apeclal, r tha- .... ............ .64 Broken line In Children's Black Cotton Hoae, but all alsea In the line. Timer l(crloc, (gr all ; apeclal at. pair .........;..18 Women's Black Cotton Hoae with J embroidered boota, our O. K. stock and bl( values for (0c; apeclal, ' : ' pair ..29 Women's Black Cotton Hoae, with '-; ribbed topa, double sola, . spliced ; , heela, O. K. .brand. (Oo values ' for, pair ..3S Women's High Grade Fancy Hoae, selected, from many lines, fin lm- . v ported 'v. stock, values run . from 7S to !.(; spsclal, palr...;59t Buster Brown Patent Leather Belts Jn red. white, t navy, ! bUck an4 , brown, all slaes; special at, . ; each ....................... 25 J, Xjultes Combination Pocket Booka In all fin black. Drown ana tan .leathers, our $1.19 .valuer apeclal at, each 6S German Applique Center Pieces, IS inches , square, or tOxM-Wich - scarf with plain , center or open vwork, acaloped ' or - hamatltohed : edges, regularprlc Mo;, -. special at ............47 l(o DRESS 8HIELD8 10c White Nalnaook Covered Dress Bhlelda, No. I, medium siae. whKe on both - sldps," our value; special at; the palr ..... v "Jvh Indies' Muslin, Cambric and Naln-v sook Drawers, trimmed-In tucks, - Isa. Insertion edging and . wn ' broidery, regular price $t.(0; V- special at ......,.. ........69 Ladles Corset Covers of fine oam ; brio and nalnaook. In a great va- , Met of pretty atylea. In tight nt- ting, run front and French effect, lace and ' embroidery , . trimmed, ' regular price $1.60; apeclal - . ' at '...,..(a, ..... .894 Easter Is Gomirig- Gross-Lots and Only MUST THE 1905 Two Weeks Away "Must woman 4rM In "p&lod gowns' In order to W correctly appareled?" asked a visitor to our costuma-rooma a few days since. NO. BOft Train MMUitV' Aar Whn mrmmt tnsr1ltfJ slt-M-aWs. Wh-kr ahsll ttt lavmatm rff . VAt AVnmnU TB-rililn m. em aamlaA aaahha tU-aaao m.llm l.a WOMAN 'DRSS IN' l"u oa 'ulmeaa at tha hlpa; and,Callot Soeura. another leading Parisian authority on correct dress, saya the skirt should fit snagly about the hips, aa does also Doeu m T-r,T3T-r-c n 111t famous French modiste. . And Inatancea of disagreements might go on being multiplied In their telling. The brief of It alt la that Parte haa rebelled against rXwivlUiJij ;: . v - being gowned In the styles of any on period. Preaay women of the 10S exposition "period" may choose from the new and yet choose within a scope that embraces ' ' tha styles of 1(3. tha. fashions of the reign of the beautiful Marie Antoinette, or ideas suggeated by the Inspirations that dominated the court dressmakers who ca- iotwj io oiner roya uim inii inriuenoea XTencn rusiory women wno piayea vim poiuica aa American women oi loaay play witn soir-s tick and hearta; women who Influenced dynaatles aa a pastime, but gave chief thought to fash Ion. Th governing thought in gowns today la good taste, and here on may pick from models of arbiters in Paris whose dictum la a law unto their respective followersthe full range Is her. A choice of ail that's correct. There's so many faces and figures i and. tastes to aatlafyr you know.. W follow no one leader. .This great Style House selects th beet from th best, and bringa It home to you.. That'a what we ask you to come and select from. ' We've culled the rarest blooms in Fashion's gardens and formed a bouquet of atylea more delectable' and larger than-any other three Portland apparel houses' showings combined. AS spice to the style show, we offer special for Monday ' ' ' : , : .". . , 5 Big Extra Special Values in Porti Leading Apparel Salons . S5.7S for $10 Silk Petticoats..' $U9 for Women's $3.75 Summer Shirt Waists.. $4.98 for $7J0 Walldns Skirt.. $19 Sot Women's Btoused $28.50 Walkine Suits. . $19.95 for Women's Tailored Double Breasted Coat Walking Suits., - . ,t,.L ;:;.!. ) WOMEN'S SUPERB (ILK I1I.M PETTICO ATS- .7(. - . !)0 of th handsomest $16.00 Bilk Petticoats you ever saw; special Monday ouly-y.. ............95, 75 i-.rr,-:-;:v.;'i-Jr-,(K'AND SALONS OP DR B S 8 "S BCOMD'FLOOR,' -..-' rC ' Th greateat bargains ever SO of them Chiffon Taffetaa and Hard-Finish Taffetas new. crisp, ruatllng. Black and all the new shades. , -All have the -new sectional ecoordlan-plalted flounce, which adds fullness to th already full flounce but the new skirts demand It A . 1 few of - the new. golf styles included. A splendid- aggregation of the greateat valuea eyer offered at any special or other sale by any west- ern house. These petticoats are absolutely new. the silk perfectly dyed, and correct In svery detalL. Buperk Bilk Skirts, best regular value at $10.00 ever shown in the city, special. Monday, only at a choice for, ...... . . .....SB. 75 : ' : :-;; il Women's-Rretty $175 Summer -Shirt Waists $1.19 Monday Only : 'y?' ?, ' ;; ' Vew Spring Shirtwaists, in fancy Dresden Madras, with Dolly -Varden and rosebud deslgnsglngham and fancy cotton voiles; black and ' white, pink and white, blue and white, (an and blue with fancy ffgures;.regular value $1.7(; special; each..:. .. .rtv.r....... -91.19 f; - - WOMEN'S.. $7.(0; WALK1NQ-SKIRTS; $4.1 t MONDA V OKLT, " :. New and Smartly Tailored Pedestrian or Tramping Skirts, 'that are stylish enough to look and ftl at home In the ballroom.; Handsome'' - fancy mixed worsteds snd wool etamlnes, with scalloped flounce, panel fronts flounce plaited on In' IS plaits.' The i scallops are fanci-' fully found in pretty Hleland silks, some plain, others fancy stitched. The color range locludea light gray mixtures, blue mixed and green T m w mi v. rw rm riiw. minnn v niiru in ctuv in , na moniHn rati MMin iMnvrna avav mm. wiwn .T.n.n r i n . vbiiias i vitai inr nn to $7.(0 i chotoe'OA Monday for . . . . ..... .'.-k ', t m -T. .............'.'...'. .'. .......... . . . .94.99' TWO CHOICE LOTS .OF. 9TTJNNINO NEW WALK I NO SUITS UNDERPRICKD F O R M O N- . -f niT ltt'ii TikitB8..vnn.iii ii... .. - ..' r LOT 1 is composed of 1(0 suits," smart, new street styles. In blouse effects, with peplura and fancy vests, i Materials are hlack, blue (navy), " ana orown Venetian cloth. Blouse has rancy biahop aleevea. with trimmings of pretty novelty buttons, and Is full satin-lined. The nine gored skirt has fancy foot plaits. Best 02R.(0 vahiea ever offered In th city; special Monday only at ......919.95 1XT t consists of about an eves hundred 'Very Smartly Tailored Walking Suits of Handsome Fancy Mixed Covert Cloth, Jacket cut In double-breasted style, with strapped trimmings -a fancy cotlartess. effect trimmed prettily with braid and button Blahop aleevea, with fancy cuffs, trimmed in braids and buttons. Th Jacket Is taffeta-llned. . Th ten-gored skirt is plaited. Tans and greens and bluish mixed co verts. Best $28.(0 values; .special for Monday onry at.. v ...f 919.95 f v ; swl '' "' ' J -, " ; ' ," ; - P lis I .. , Millinery- GhoosingalsbMost Satisfactory -Now . South Annas -First Floor v.- : .:. .. MORE OF - V1 -' . ",: PARIS MILLINERTrl . . xAND OUR OWN. ' Parla haa been moat generous in her ideas this spring; for, while shehasjrlvn her hat a peculiar tilt, and as eccentric and artistic combinations of color as it Is posnibl to Im agine, she haa been very satis, factory, too. Some of her hats are a san as possible, with so little trimming . you wonder how It is they are so beautiful. BuUwr own hats! That's wher our milliners have Shown th art that is said to II st th tips of their fingers for in no place in this city will you find their! this season. . A GRAND CONVENTION OF ONE -THOUSAND HATS IN THIS ' . -WUKKH IlKKll' V. A BTffB Sue . The grandest collection .aver brought together In i Portland, and they've actually gained charm since th opening. Though our reru lar trimmers have been taxed to their atnuat rattina. , .mi. by, largely increasing our fore we'v been abled to prepare, this ex traordinary Easter Millinery offering. Copies of bewitching French models Vie for your favor With the fetching eoimalta of nnr nwn artists. Hats of pronounced individuals and a nn.tnwit. plneas that characterises th creations of this great Styl Store. fc A price for every purse as well as a hat for every ....... head. Choos ........ ......92.00 0 950.OO Each and vry price the best valu on the coast in th millinery line. ? A Big' Sale" of Decorated China: Setet: Third .Floor.. .W AMERICAN ' :'- SEM I-PORfTRT. A TN . . T DINNER SETS .;. , Neat brown- decoration, : fsnov shttMA .. ' SO-Plec Dinner Sets, our $4.(10 Vel.i 'aneciiil. eat. . . . wa 10-Piec Dinner Sets, our ((.40 val.; special, setrv. . .94.8O 100-Piece Dinner Srts. our (.0 vai.;- special, set..... 97.45 AMERICAN SEMI. ' - ; VITREOUS CHINA Decoration, . small neat spray of green, with-pink flowers, -Jull-: gold Jlqe, lights weight ' and fancy " to-Piece Set, our $(.2( value; special at, aet ..'..-94.99 (O-Plece Set,, our ((.IS value; apeclal at. set' ...... .99.25 lOO-Piec Bet, our $11.45 value; special ai, sat ....... 99.95 BEST ENGLISH 8KMI-PORCEUAIN . ' Dishes of fancy ' shape, ' decoration enameled border . pattern, green scroll snd small roses, very dainty SO-Plece Beta, our $7.10 value; special at, set . -554 (-Piece Seta, our ((.(0 value; special at. set ...... 97.40 100-Plec Sets, our $14.40 val.; special at, set, . -911.50 In the Men's ; WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Man has grown ,aa exacting In dress a th moat particular wom an, of late years, and he ssves as women do not only In regular very-day buying, but In careful ly noting the - special sales pre pared for 'em. -Here's a sample for th oomliig wek. What's the us of paying exclusive - men's stores morel 1!.. . MEN'S $1.00 :-W'-.; .- OOLF SHIRTS (to - - A good line of Men's Golf Shirts. , In plain and plaited fronts, with one pair of cuffs every one th newest colorlnr for spring snd summer, .one. f eur best $100 brands; special at. -each.. . .694 MEN'S $!. '' ' UNDERWEAR Me , . - Men's Extra-Fin Double-Thread Worsted Shirt and Drawers, In fawn color, an excellent light weight spring 'garment, splendid . value at $1.S(; special, tha gar ment .98 MEN'S JOo SOX " '' . ; ' TWO PAIRS FOR 2(o . Men's New Spring Sox, In fancy colors, all seamless, our tec vaLi special at.. 2 FAXM FOB 25 4 MEN'S 7(o NIGHT SHIRTS 47 Men's Plain Whit Twilled Mus lin Night Shirts, good weight, ' long and well made, our 75c val.) special at, ach ......... .47 Here's a Bevy of ; v Bargains - r SEXJECTEJD FROM A HOST OF VALUES IN THE WOMENT3 . . , FURNSHINO SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. ... ' , I Nws to mak on's motth watr. ' 1 ' News of prices on pretty "flxlns" to much needed as garni. ture for dainty touches here and there on Easter gowns. , : W won't need to teas women t read this: . ...,.-. "' A' SALE OF PRETTY EASTER RIBBONS. . " 40e-Ribbons 160 Terd A lot of beautiful All-Sllk-Ssttn-Ttf: . f eta Ribbons. t and 4H Inches wide, white, black and 'col ore, regular values SSo and 4io yard; special, yard.... 25 ''(Oo. SILK-CHIFFON MEDALLIONS, lto.--.' ' ' Silk Chiffon Medalllona. t Inches square,' heavily embroidered In black and white Persian -Affects . . Regular (0o valu; special, each..;. .C... '.19 Regular 1 60 value, 4 Inches In diameter; special at, each.... 9 -r. WOMEN'S ' PRETTT EMBROIDERED COLLARS. V A big invoice of Dainty Embroidered Collars, In turn-over v styles. Just received, will constitute on of th special of- ferlngs at the Neckwear Counter this. wees.. For con venience , we'v - divided th values Into three lots and - marked them at absurdly low prices for brisk selling. Lot 1 Special at, each......... i .5 ..7 104 T A. . U , 1 . A W UUK KiVUif m .............. Lot S--Speclal at; each.,..'.....;...'.,.. "CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES SPECIAL VALUES.' " 1000 yards of Corset Cover Embroideries. In Nainsook, fin , Swisses and Cambric, beautiful designs: special at, yard .........j S7H4 AJTS 48a) Goods and Silks A FOREWORD FOR EASTER .V . . SOUTH ANNEX SALONS FIRST FLOOR. ' Get a good start on th Easter Gowns, this week no time to spar now. Every new fabrlo Is hare on view. Commencing Monday, w plaoa on special sal our entire stock of 811k snd Wool Crap d Parla and .Imported Novelty Mohairs th two moat-wanted, fabrics shown this season for dressy gowns. No fabrlo makes a prettier oostum than Silk-Warp Crepe de Paris, and for th Jaunty, serviceable shirtwaist or tailored suit Mo hairs lead f of lightness in weight and durability. - C-. SILK-WARP CREPE DB PARIS. V:X"'. ' "AU Evening and Street Shades. M Our regular $1.00 value; specially priced, th yard.. ...... TTe Our regular $1.25 value; specially priced, th yard. .894 Our regular $1.(0 valu; specially priced, the yard.. ....91,16 Our regular $1.7( valu; specially priced, th yard.. ....81.29 Our regular $1.00 valu; specially priced, the yard...... .91.59 Our regular (MS value; specially priced,, th yard. 91.78 Our regular (2.(0 value; specially priced, th yard. 91.9S imported English " fanct mohairs. , ; V . In Biiniantln and Sicilian Weaves. Our regular $1.00 value; specially priced,, the yard. ....... 69f Our regular. $3.1( value; specinlly priced, the yard. 894 Our regular $1.(0 value; specially priced,- th yard... ... . .98 Our regular $1.75 value; specially priced, th yard.. , . . .91.23 Our regular $1.00 value; specially priced, th yard.. TV. . 91.49 CThese Mohair are shown In all colors and newest styles.) ' t ' - ' . ','" BLACK DRESS ' GOODS. ' ; ' ' . - Regular $1. valuea English Briillantln English Sicilians, English Panama, French Pansma voile. Fancy voiles. Chev iots, Serges, Wool Crepe, Silk and "Wool Crepe de Paris; spe cially prloed. the yard ..8T4 SILK SPECIALS FOR MONDAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK. $100. $1.7( and $150 reguUr valuea In Novelty Suit Bilks. Be- - looted rrom the neat KTencd-and American manufacturers, ' every yard HOCs vie west designs snd color combinations " the beat values aver offered In Portland at th regular '"prie; specially patced, per yard ............... .91.19 $00 yards All Pur Silk Black 10-lnch Pau d Sole, very heavy grade and with beautiful rich luster, splendid (5c value; specially priced, th yard. ...... 594 ' IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING SALES IN THE ; . ' ' , '-v- BABY-TO-MATRON V': ;; Wardrobe Stores and Art Shops 8KCOND FLOOR-ANNEX . Tha J .Children. " Ap' parel Stores, Women's UndsrmasKlws. and ' Skirt Sections ' snd ' Art Shops are - fairly abloom with springtime freshness. Easter loveliness and; interesting values. Throngs or eager shoppers have - been with us the past week, glad to share In th magnifloant economies. We've dou bled th inducements for Ue coming week the Easter business Is In full swing. We're sure you'll be Interested after you read of some sample values in ths offerings. ....... ,-.,. Our Children's bonnets this season are th handsomest and most dressy creations that can be found, of th richeat materials, very tastily trimmed In dainty laces, ribbons, chiffons, tucks and era broidery. .... '. .. '.' 1. ...... ....,.J. Another shipment of Children's French dresses cam in th past week, in long ellpa and short French snd Mother Hubbard styles,' in plain and elaborately embroidered. The excellence of matertala, daintiness of designs, finish and variety of atylea of our Children's Wash Dress maka th prices at which they are offered astound ingly low.. . -v . WOMEN'S GOWNS WORTH $1.18 AT tt CENTS.' Ladles' F1 Nainsook Gowns, low-round slip-over neck smd elbow .... .sleeves, trimmed In Val. lac insertion, beading and edging; or gown of fin muslin. V-shsprd neck, yoke trimmed in six clusters " of tucks, two rows of embroidery Insertion and am broidery edging at neck and sleeves: regular prto $1.25; special at. ........ .89 Another shipment of Scott's Perfect Form-Fitting Invisible Bustles . cam in. W hav them In all slaes. Colors drab, black and '' Whit ' ' ' . : , J r ' ...--...'. -r ' '" 1 Sixes 00 to S, regular (0c; special at. ...... .39 Sis 4, regular 75c; special at .574 Bis (, regular $1.00; special at . ........... ............. ...73 Women's Knit Underwear- w Bargains floor v ; - The-, chief duty of these Underwear ' and Hosiery Shops la to provide the world's beat makea of merchandise in their line at th lowest possible prices. In order to- do this we search the mills of every producing country pick the best saving on price by quantity, purchase and hand th savings to you. Again fickle cnance steps In and helps to lucky buys." This week's spe cials are benefits derived from ' both sources. ... SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK.' Women's Long Sleeve Whit Cotton Vests, splendid valu; each --. .254 Women's Whit Cotton Vasts, th Merode, long sleeve, short sleeves,' sleeveless, values best for the "money; each..50 Women's Sleeveless Vasts, whit cotton, Richelieu ribbed. ' neatly trimmed; 'each 10) 12Ht AJTS 15) Women's Fine Whit Cotton. List Vests, ' , sleeveless, Swiss and Richelieu ribbed. 'plain and. lac yokea, beauties; ea. 25 Woman's While, Pink and Blue Swiss and Richelieu Sleeveless Vests, lisle, silk tape and neat crochet trimmed; ea. S5 Women's Whit Lisle Sleeveless Vesta, .crocheted yoke, silk tape, beauty;' each .". ... 50 ' Women's Whit Lisle Vests, sleeveless, a great assortment of pat- ' terns; each,. 76f 91.09 AX A 1 "J Women's Whit -Cotton' Union Suits, aleavelesst knee lengtn, l-e snd plain knee; ault ........V t Women's Whit Cotton Union f.uHm. h!h neck, long snd st t r -and low neck, sleeveless, kn Utisitit; each J Square Deal Garden Rakes; prices up from.234 Garden Trowels; prices up from 44) ' Garden Spadea; prices up from ........ J..654 Lawn Mowers: prices up ' from f 2.TO Listerated Tooth Powder,, large sis bottles, our 15c .value; special at. th bottle ......... .........IS) Black Writing Ink. best quality. 1 t ounce cones, our (c value; special , - at, th bptUe 3e) Writing Paper, in boxes, fin smooth ; 1 nntsh.' -plain or ruled, our lOo 'value; special at, th box.. .13) . Ladles' -Black Kid - Leathet Belts, crush leather. "an sis, oar $1.00 H value; special B4, Mch .694) Women's Fin Black Gaux Cottoa ' Hose, spliced beef.. , double sol. 1 40c values; pair ......... v. .25) 10c PINS (0 Beet English Brass 'Pins.. 1(0 count.. I sixes. - aolld f heads and flu points, our lOo vatue;. special at th paper.... 54) Best American Spool Cotton, for ' hand or machine- sewing, 100-yard spools, black or white, all num ; bers; special at t spools ror.25) tc HOOKS AND ETES le Patent - Hump-Hook and Eyes, In- black. medium sis. 1 dosen on card, eur (0 value; special at, th card...) AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATORS Lined with sine, enamel or por ' cols In are big savers of tee; ; prices up from:. . .214.40 Linen Center . Pieces of fin and heavy linen. It Inches square, in a ' great many designs, regular C(o k and 7(c; special at ...... ..27) Imported French Perfumes In violet. . . Japanese lfly. lUao. . crab ; apple, 1 lavender, verbena, ; tc,' our l(o t valu; spsclal at, th ounce. . 10) large sis. I 'h.mAf. dtp (na ' finest duality, perfect trimmed skins our l(c vain; special at, ach ....:....54 Children's Black Lac Striped Lisl X Hose, finely finished, sis S. IK fH. 7, 1, t; t, values to l(o pair, all sixes; special, pair.. 19 Writing Pspei-,7 Old English Wrlt ,ln Paper in . pound packages. . smooth r rough finish. 110 sheets in package, our l(o valu; apeclal ' tha - nackatra . . ' . a - -.,---7 -v-7 -"'- V Children's Blu and Whit Checked ; Gingham Apron In Mother Hub . bard' styl. lac trimmed, at ol i lar. and aleevea, ages from, t to years; special at... ..,., 19 WOMEN9 (Oo HANDKERCHIEFS . lie A lln of Hemstitcbed, Em broldered and Scalloped Em broidered Ed Handkerchiefs, a . great variety, regular value (0c; special, each T $1-) t Li v ' t-. f " I . .. .