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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
ft 1 " - -4 i-S w, 4 - - ...'..". ( . f : j'iv'V- Ill - I I I 1 , I III.1 rnLil-' -: i ... , i ' " ' ' v ;- Largest Bridge nn. ' ' . . " A ' cantilever bride - under construc tion across the St. Uwranct- river at . - Quebec it to Mid. will contain the Ion eat span of any bridge In the world. Tbe : bridge consists or two approaones or no feet each, two shore imr each, (00 feet In length, and a great central span of 1.800 feet, which Is sa)d to be the long est built by 00 feet; . , ; ' ' . ' '" ' w w - ' ';' ? -' German Railways. - : v : . - ' ', ' , Tbe Prussian minister of railways in ft Is annual report states that the inter I est ef the capital invested in railroads hi Germany has increased- from .t to T.I ner cent since 1(0. The report also : says that the highest speed attained. -i with the new locomotives la lo was 2 miles an hour, but that this speed ' eould not be maintained for, any length of time. He recommends tbat tns speed on the government lines should not ex eeed l miles sn hour.. - . ,..:.',;..; Minerals in India. ' A German mining journal states that large deposits of iron ore and aluminum . have been 'discovered 1n the central " provinces of British India, and that a , company f with ((.000.000 capital has been formed in Calcutta to exploit these - deposits and erect blast furnaces on a ; large scale. .' .. .. : .t'. ...... , v : s' Kvm York Wter Supply. jVj ' i The -dlfflcult' flueertlon .' of Increasing the water supply or New Tone city is . I bow believed to have been solved by an agreement between the representatives - of the olty and of the counties ' along . the Hudson river, whose streams are to - - be .diverted. - By this agreement - the i county towns are to be supplied with : 'water from the conduit and Industries ' damaged by the Joss of power will be .; duly compensated. - , ' ,, Gold in Egypt.;.' ', V V Four ,gold ' mines ' are ' nbw ' being -r worked in Egypt,. for gold mining in ' that. country, has aot been. the success e re"e'f e3.y e ' NEW PANAMA CANAL : ! , ; COMMISSION CHOSEN . President i Rooawvelfs f new - ' Panama ' canal commission was ; made public las Monday. - It Is as follows Theodore P. 8honts, "J 't .- ', . president of tbe Clover Leal. ebairman " and member of -' the , commission; Charles Magoon, law . department of the war depart ' ment.' member and governor of the canal one; John P. Wallace, now in charge of the engineer - Ing work on tbe canal none, meal her and chief engineer.- Other , members : are -Bear-. Admiral . Mordecat T.- Endtcott, B(ig.Oen. ; Peter C. Haines. and CoL Oa . wsld H. Krnst and Be nj am la K. Harrold. who was the only pree .. ent member to be reappointed. ' Professor William H. Burr, Wlll ism Barclay Parsons, who are present members, will be ' ap pointed members of the consult ing board of engineers. ' 4 - ye ' ev is ,Tlie Manufacture y'", of a Hi5Dancl v.- .v fy Doretay Ml o NEXT to being roughly spoken to by . their husbands and If a man. will Jolly a woman. she ' will forgive him almost every crime in the catalogue tbe blef cause of complaint that women bring against their husbands is the way thefr hus bands treat them about' money matters. This li s situation that always takes a" women by complete surprise. From hsr cradle up she may hare been accus tomed to hearing her mother wheedle, cajole and beg the necessary funds with which ' to run the family, out of ber father, but It has never occurred to her that she will be put into the same hu miliating position. , . ,;'; - She Is assured that her own Adolphus Augustus Is the very Woul of generosity, for does he not lavish violets and bon bona and trinkets upon her until she her self la forced to stop- hunt , ' . But marriage brings atrange revela tions, and the most am as ing of them all to a woman is that tbe man who Is gen erous before marriage Is often niggardly after It, and that men In general bold to the theory that women actually enjoy 'beggtnt.- .....,. ' .! Suppose a woman finds out that she Is married to auch a man what can she dot ' If the man la really stingy, she can do ' nothing, but the majorttiNof men are not , stingy. They want their wives to hare 1 every luxury that they can afford, and in ' reel My the average man U little more than a slave, and spends his time tolling for the support of hla family. It lant what he gives It's the nasty way he gives It that makes the money question a perpetual. source of. dlsoord in matrimony., ?. ,'.-..' ,i '- , ', No man -with" a spark of Independ ence la him would humiliate himself by going to ths most Indulgent of wives for every penny he spent, and the mis take he makes in dealing with bis wife Is In not realising that she feels Just the name way about asking him -for every ' nlokel she has. .. : - '',' ', -' " .This question of money ought to bt settled before marriage, and if a young - woman wants to. save herself. lot of trouble and heated family arguments she will make Adolphus Oustavus agree' to give her a 1 settled allowance to keep house en snd for her own personal ex penses before she walks to the altar with him. ' ' . Most girls, however, are too-much In love end too much-afraid of scaring ! Adolphus Oustavus off to dicker with , him. Then, when they are married to 1 Mm and And that he, has a Tale lock en his pocketbook, the only thing they osn do Is to strike for the cash, - Instead ef 1 the privilege ef running a bill. As a general thing thle would be sue. cesfuL There sre not many men who would force ' their wives to ssh them for money if they knew how women felt about It. snd that tt rentiers a woman jf-ieet: ia 1 r own alxht. . ;. ' r rr 1 tr: ony, ku. always it was expected - several years ago It would be. -A Italian company with a large capital- Is now ' working a gold mine In Erythrea. the Italian posseeslon In. northern Africa, and, this company Is said to have met with great, success. Replaced by Turbines.' , The fleet' of nine steamers which the Belgian government maintains for the cross-channel service is to. be Increased by the addition of a turbine engine with a speed of tt knots an hour. It is said that. Belgium intends to replace gradu ally ail the old steamers of a speed of It knots by turbine steamers similar to that to -be Introduced, shortly - , .- Chile Nitrate Uinea. ; ,; ' . The richest possession Of Chile Is ber nitrate mines. - During the r past tt years she has realised S300.00e.000 from them and it is calculated that the output for the next to years-trill exceed more tnaa'itftv.ovv.ove. , . FOREIGN.. Crime Increasing in England. '. ; .' Recent statistics issued by the police of England shows that last year U,J persons were committed to prison, sn Increase -of nearly t.000 oves tbe figures for ISO. ; Of the number of persona sen teneed last - year 1 1 were condemned to death, - For minor offences 741,000 persons were - punished , all . over the United Kingdom. , Tbe - police ' system does not appear to be very successful for only 1 arrests were - made, for , burglaries committed. : ..'.,'?. v.; . '' 'Dog AaaiatsPoUce. '' .v.V'7'.;' , The police of Belgium have as their strongest ' allies ' the ', dogs they nave trained ror service..- - stations where these dogs are kept are , located at St. allies and Bhaerbeek, near Brussels, lions, Charieroy, Bps, Antwerp and Lou vain. . The dogs' usefulness is widening. The authorities are beginning to train dogs at - Antwerp - and other frontier posts for Patch custom bouse service to catch .smugglers. - v.. .- ""t.rr- ..'. . 'V'-1 ' taa-UabsrpieceM ?fZ?r. L The - Metropolitan Mueem - of - Art New Tork Is not the only gallery, hav. Ing - trouble over the possible presence of fake ' masterpieces In Its great 'col lection. -The Louvre in Paris Is 'also having trouble. . A picture by -fit. Fran cis, attributed ' to Oreco, has been re moved, experts having decided that It Is nothing but a copy of the master's work." ' Investigations 'are now being made to see if there are more fakes In tbe collection. ' .; f - - ' -v .:..,. . .-' jf "VV Lottery. Al'da, VaciiutionC';- . "The mayor "of Madrid ' has - found a hovel' method to Induce the masses to comply with tbe taw requiring vaccina tion. He has set aside prises -aggregating t.000 pesetas In tbe lottery and every person getting vaccinated will be given a ticket which may draw one of the prises; t -:-?,.' .;. :,v . '.:--" Homes for MQliona .; . . . ; , v , . . There are leas than IJIOO.IM people living In Siberia, at tbe . present time. The .agricultural sone of eastern Si beria is ft time as large as the whole been looked upon as a kind of miracle that makes many things ; right that would otherwise be wrong,1 but wheh a woman has to beg a man for dollar, or get. It. out of htm by r flattery and wiles, -the fact that she is standing on theBame plane' as the street corner beg gar, and that she has precious little cause to draw her skirts away from her sister ef "the etreet. 'V .. :,. A- woman, - therefore. . should insist loudly, and long- and persistently on her right to a personal income, and she need- j nor be afraid She is going loafeniate bar husband 'a 'affections by taking a firm stand .on. the mqney question.' . There is no one a fair and square, man like quite as well' as the Individual who 'demands hla- Jttet7rightste-"rrT'5vv. ? ',' '---Having-begun to-broaden oitt her hus band's ideas by- inserting -'a 1 Snaneial plank Into the matrimonial platform, a woman ' should oonllnue the . good work by assuming her Tight to use the money Shelias earned by performing the duties of wife,, housekeeper, cook, seamstress, family' purveyor, companion and so on, as she pleases.--' .."--i '.. A "man has . really , no more right' to demand an accounting of 'every penny that his-wife spends than she has to know what he does with every cent, and it Is .'an Unwarranted Impertinence in either one to InqMlre Into such a purely personal mattef. 'V.C.a'sJ.v-' ; Moot men. do, though, and I know one man who received a tactful little lesson on the subject. When he and hla wife returned from - their honeymoon : and settled down tq everyday life, he - pre sented bee with a lovely moroooo-bound account book. In which he had written, "Received of J. 8. D.', (1S0.00." He then proceeded to - show ' hla . wife how - to oharge up against this sn Itemised ac count of the money that she spent-' - : At the end of the month he called for an accounting, and ' she' triumphantly brought forth her book, but It bore but one more entry. Opoelte tbe credit nf money received she' bed written the one word. "Spentr ' '-,:. . And' that was, all the aocounting he svtr. got.' . She had used the money In keeping a comfortable home, and how she did it was none of hla business., If a husband persists In adopting a penurious attitude toward his wife when she knows that he la able to be liberal with her,, she Is justified In using -drastic measures, A very handsome- woman once told me this story 1 , "My husband," she said, "is one of the men who do not believe a woman ahould ever have any money -to do with as she pleases.- .He is -willing te lavish' thou sands of dollars - worth of fine clothes on me' because It gratifies bis vanity for his wife to be gorgeously dressed, but when we were first married he never gave me a dollar of my own. . "I had a sister who had married un fortunately and . waa desperately poor. hand it broke my heart never to be able to help her. At last, when I found that I oould not persuade my husband te give me any money of my .own. I took a des perate step. .. . .... ., ,.' "One morning I frankly gave him his choirs - between . paying me wages for keeping Ms houses or seeing mn go out to- work as a cloak model. . I told bint that I could earn an Ijonest living, and 0CD AND Ctr.lOllS EVENTS Of GENERAL t.'JTECEST Throughout Germany the pipe and cigar, which have for years been engaged In A struggle for' supremacy, have ben forced to retire before' the march of the ever-ooiujuerlng cigarette., - v; ; ;, : - ' S S ' . ' ' In 'New Tork City last year there oc curred ll,(dt deaths of such a nature that it was deemed necessary to have a coro ner's investigation. - Of this number (.SM bodies were buried In the potter's field. ' ' : ; ;" . w ...,Y,'.-: j, : In' 1104 there were mined MS0.000 tens of coal in Japan. Ten years ago the Japanese coal production did not exceed X 000,000 tons. ' ' . ;. . Africa epicures consider, the tongue of 1 a young girarfb a great delicacy. The meat of the animal is said to taste like veaL. ' . . ..'..,-, 'ic . ;.";. ..'j.-i - . , .;::; Iceland producee most' of the '.world's supply of eiderdown, -the ' annual sale amounting to something over 7,000 pounds and it commands about SLtO a pound. . .; v.-- -it -v-'-- Last year Glasgow- carried 1(0,000.000 passengers on- Its tramways and Liver pool carried 11.000,000. ' t .. - -it .v " - ' '.'"- " . ' ' Telephone ' communication . has been established between Tokio ' arid, Baseborl Japan, a distance of 1,000 miles. - ' '. . - .70-' Crown' Prince . Frederick , William of Oermany has sent to his fiancee,. Duchess Cecilia of Mecklenberg-Schwerin. his favorite chef, that ' he may study the lady's tastes and learn to prepare aptly, deftly and tastefully the dishes most ap. pealing to-hls lady's palate. - . ' .-....'.-, ..-it -it-. .:',;..' John Bolarea, 'who-was once a promi nent business' man of New Orleans, but became . ruined ' through - drink, - recently committed suicide, and while dying wrote this warning to women: "Never marry a man who drinks,: and If he begins, rult him at once," -. .-;'. ''irvv-v :- Winding e clocks In prisons, ' together with harmonium playing and photography of Switzerland.' and -tt, la said that 400. 000.000 . people could eaally live in the fertile sone of. Siberia.. - Complete ! Autonomy. . v . C;: v Sir G ftbert Parker," who nas ' traveled many" thousand miles in South Africa, has great . faith In . the future of that country.- He - believes ' that i some day South, Africa will not only be able te feed itself but will export large quan tities of foodstuffs ; to ; England, t It enough support, Is given to farming and manufacturing.. V - --rr, "t V " , ' ;.,.-V" $35000; for Orchid. ; V I :; .'- " ; The'"new orchkC raised, at the St, Al bans gardens. London., and named Gar-ney-Flower,"1n Honor Sf the president of the Royat Horticultural society, was sold recently for (tC.OOe., which is the top prioe ever paid for an orebld. .,- 'j " EDUCATIONAL - ' School for Child Whree.'"- '-.', - ' , The Chicago board of education has established -a special school for child wrves.'-A'reoent. investigation by the SOCIETY .(Continued from Page Fourteen.) served in the ante-room. This club is composed of fashionable young married people and is very popular. t, .'. ; , , .- 'The Oee-Le-Ran club gave Its dance Thursday svenlng at Parsonsf hall. 1 It was well attended and very successful. The club win give snom season doses. - ' v '.Wednesday evening the Portasla-club will give Its' dosing party at -Parsons' hall. The committee tn-charge consists of W. F. Da Mert, L. P. Thornton, 1. M. Sheets. - N. Paulsen and R. A. - Wood- burn.' i -v. - . ' .'.'. :h '-." Tb A Volants club of young people gave a dancing party at Parsons hall Tuesday evening. Abont 1(0 were pres ent. The music waa excellent and punch waa served. '.. : . . -. ;, :'. " ,',;',. ,, The Z. a R. a dub wiU give its next party In east aide Woodmen's hall., to morrow evening.-,: -., i .. .. . , . ,, A number of eromlnent young society people gave a private dance at La row ball last night, 't, .- "-J.'-'V '',.!,- yy -a PERSONAL' Miss Olive iMlssmore of Salem, who nas seen visiting inenos . nere, nas re turned home.. , v .,-.' .Mrs. R.. LrtSUnson of Salem visited relatives here last week. - - Miss , Mabel Stilts - of Eugene has been . visiting at tbe home of Dr. and Mrs. JT. B. Harris.-". ,j, , Hon. and Mrs. S. H. '. Friendly and daughters. Misses Carrie. Theresa -and Rosalie, were at the Portland last week having eeme oown rrom a. u gene to at tend tbe-Kahn-Leuer wedding. ' Miss Gertrude Gray of Seattle, a St. Helen's hall student, spent last . week la Salem -with -friends. Mlae hfyrtn. James has returned from a visit with hsr parents. Soperrnteadost and Mrs. C W. James, of ' the , state penitentiary. - - - - ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens are yielt Ing relatives tn-Woodburn.4 4 Miss EMIfh - Meffet - is tbe guest Of her sister, Mrs. Roy Kelsey, of Wood-burn.- -. , '-..-, '- - .'- ' 1 -Professor McElroy and his sister, Mrs. Lester Luckey.- prominent mneical peo ple of Portland, were here last week. Miss Nettle,. Chase has returned to Eugene after a long .visit' with' Rsv. and Mrs. W. S.' Ollbert. ' t H. Ok Meyers ef Salem was in the city last, week. Miss C. Haines-ef Salem is the guest of Mrs. Burchard In this city. . - Miss Laura Shaw of this city Is vis it V wasn't worth It In hia establishment 1 1 wss in a dry goods store." .- Tnat a one way or maaurartunng a just husband, but there are plenty of Other ways "In ' which- to chssga a man who Is merely unthinking; Into sycpnal! erate life partner; 1 ,. , " , - y In the jail, costs the English taxpayers U6.74I a year. . ..- ?' .-. ' .... ...r....:.,r::..y ..-... j t. When a person- of more ' prominence than -tbe average criminal is committed to prison In England he is taken there In a cab. . The number who are so trans ported esq be judged from the fact that the . government for . the ' coming year has' set aside the sum Of S1U00. to pay rsuch cab fares.. ,-' '. .' ',', w. w "i. '- - '. Female officials In the prisons In Eng land receive gratuities on their marriage. Last year England paid ITfiO In this -way and Scotland paid KM. Paris has an' automobile ambulance for the exclusive use of dogs injured , on the streets. It was presented to the - Parts Dog -hospital by- James Gordon Bennett, '-.' ' -: . Biographic pictures of the German havy are to be shown in all German towns by. order of the kaiser. to stimulate popular Interest in", the . development of the navy, v 4---t VT-.f r Among 'W.l 10 Parisian army, recruits Isst year' there were U0 who could read but 'not write; 111 who could neither read and write, and M who were absolutely Ignorant of, -the art of ciphering. . ;'- -, .-:-'" . Another expedition has been organised In Johannesburg to. try again to recover the (1,250,000 worth of gold which, was on board the steamship Dorothea when she foundered 'off the Zulu coast , ' o ,. ,v r- More than' 4.0OO.0UO -acres, of Argentina la devoted to the raising of alfalfa and 11,000.000 acres to wheat. The wheat crop this year Is expected to be about 140,000,- 000 bushels. j '-" ;'. . , ' -' i, ' w .. -'."i --.-r: An article' published recently In a Hun garian newspaper led to 1J duels. In all of -which members, of the editorial, staff took part. - ,' v.j'.'. : . ' -'" -". .'-.' ' . . Statistics show that over one fortieth ef China's, population . of 400,000.000 ' are BIO ROLL OF PAUPERS ; IN GREAT BRITAIN " Every fortieth person resident in England and Wales - is a pau per supported at' the expense of the rates... In 1 London every thirty-sixth -person la a pauper. These . figures , were ? established' by a report of the local govern ment' board made.' upon' tbe de mands-of the house of comraona.r e The figures given show that tbe number fit persons In reselpt of relief .af the end of last Janu ary ' wag (U,ti4. the. highest total on .record since l(7t. , In 4 V London, the number of paupers e-was U(,t((, ,,tbe largest since ' . 1' 11 1 1 1 ' 1 ' , . 1 1 1 board aho wed there were many, gtrla of compulsory school age who .were mar ried, and the officials have, taken steps to make them attend this school. , In one tenement In , the -Italian district -more than a score of wives under' 14 years of age were found. ' - Tha Investigation Iting her brother and Ulster, Dr. and Miss Shaw of Salem. ' ' v Miss Emma Rsutsr la' the guest of ber eousln. Miss Frdda Router, In The Dalles. - ' , , . - Mr. and Mrs; James Walton are visit ing friends In Salem.. " Ml Orace Oliver of Willamette uni versity spent, her . spring vacation here last 'week. . . Mrs. B. E Parrish is vlsiUng friends in Albany. ' ' . ' ' ' . Rev. WlUlara C Kantner of ' Salem passed through the eUy last week, re turning from Forest orove. where he Mslstednin gedictory-eMrcisg-sf ths Congregational church. - Mrs. E. W, Flnser and her son, Mar vin, of this city, together with her sis ter, - Mrs. Alice Msrvln of , Turner are visiting at the home of Dr. Elmer Fln ser, her brother,. In Woodbum. . .. Mrs. Ben Goldman and . Mrs. . Philip Jacob? of Ban Francisco were In .the city last week to attend the wedding of their sister. Miss Florence Kosnisnd, to Ludwts- Hlrsch. - Mrs. J. M. . Pipes . has returned . from a visit with ber son in Eugene. . . ' Miss McKercher and Miss Hogs spent Sunday in Forest Grove. Don Sherlock of Roeeburg' attended tha wedding last week of his sister Cecelia to Joseph Woerndle. , . Mrc 'R. Schults visited Forest Grove, where sbs formerly lived, last week. Mr., and Mrs. Charles Kahn and chit drea of Los Angeles were In town last week to attend the Kaha-Lauer nuptials. . Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Turner of La Grande are guests In. the dty ' Mrs. Nlles of San Francisco arrived Wednesday from a visit In Seattle and Is with friends at the Sterling. , Mrs. Dudley Holland of Boise. Idaho. wad here the middle of the week visiting her brother. Albert Applegate. She went to Eugene yesterday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shelly." --:? Mrs. B.' P. Gaffney and children were at the Portland last week on their return trip te Seattle from Ban Francisco. "Wilbur McCully -of' eastern Oregon is at the Sterling, for. a short visit with friends.' ' . Roy E. Norton and C ' S. Jackson re turned last week from an extended east ern trip. '.' V'.'- -" ..- '.-'Vr't; , " Mrs.- E. ' B. Comas and her daughter. Miss Wynn Cvman, left yesterday for San Francisco.' ,'- '-- " - Mrs. W. L. Cheshire of Eugene Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Frank Schlegel, at (II Leveioy street. ! Mr. and Mrs. David Wertbeimer have returned after a three months trip to Ns w York and San Francisco. ; ' Bev. Dr. N. Mosessohn returned Wed see day from an extended California trip. Mr. and Mra.t Ralph' Weston spent Sunday with Salem friends. Miss Tina McCormlek and Miss Lil lian Preston ef Southern Oregon art guests of Portland friends. Mr. and Mrs. M, oottstem ana rsmiiy of Seattle visited Mr. and Mra. 8. Wolf. the parents. of Mrs. Oottsteln, at ill Market street, on their return. trip from the east..- t. Miss Marguerite Drake left Thursday tor Seattle to maks her home there, Mrsj Wilson Jennings of Bsker City Is spending a week In the eMyr- Mra C. r. Myers tnrt Mies M. Mytfrs of Seattle. were guests at the Portland last week. ' f : Mra. B. A. Worth In aton and dauchler. 6weodolen, will leave on Sunday morn slavee. Every family of mesns keeps Its girl slaves. It, being cheaper to buy them than to hire them. - ' C: ' . ;:"' -,; ' ' In, v Paris . last yesr 14.S40, horses, K7 donkeys and M mules .were - killed and consumed as food.' ; Under the - pew regulations ' of . the French ' army the soldier! are provided with cotton handkerchiefs, which - have printed on them a- number of rianltary receipts to be observed during. a march and during .a campaign. . ; , ' . Of the 13.600.000,000 o? gold In the' world the United flutes posseees ' fl, W0, 000,000, or nearly one fourth; ; .. ' .. , ' , ;.'', -v.'. ;"-.-''',. ;.':-'-. In moat German factories the girls are forbidden to wear corsets during! working hourr.- .!. .... . , Of EXirosean ' nations the Norwegians and Swedes, are the longest lived and the Spaniards the shortest. '7,;t ; '' W i '''': :' ' - Reports from Europe Indicate that glass bricks are coming Into use. and It Is claimed that this material will soon be used for makng statues and monuments, as It resists the effects of , weather much better than marble or granite. t :,' ' ., ,-; w -fv''-:;,"-' : A German publisher says that, while the number of new books Issued each year Is enormous.- only abont one manu script of 100 submitted gets into print. -x- , . . . - -.-, Sir Richard Sankey estimates that the bogs of Ireland contain tbe equivalent of (,000,000,000 tons of coal. , '-"' -. . it it e ' "' - V. - There Is a disposition In England to worry General- Booth about the custody of the funds of. the Salvation Army, for the army now has an annual Income of about 16,000.000. , !"' '-' W - The Kansas legislature has 'refused to vote-. (3.000 to -furnish a silver service for the battleship to be named Kansas, but voted (1,000 for the trip of the gover nor and his staff to the christening, also showed the existence of a traffic In child wives between this country . and Europe. , '. - .'..-' ...', 'y.;.--. ; : : legal and criminal .:. Oldest Lsw Soit.'" ' . . - '" ; A lawsuit between the families of the Count do Torres Cabrera and the Mar quis Siena,, which has occupied succes sive courts in Spain for ((( years, will. It is officially announced, be anally de cided by the Madrid court of cessation In January, 1(07. . : , .- SCIENTIFIC. Economic Entomology. The eoonomle ' Importance of ento mology Is no longer a disputed ques tion. The bureau of entomology of tbe department of agriculture conducts In vestigations at- 4( experiment stations and about men are engaged In the work. - - These Investigations are - esti mated to have saved (20,000,000 to growers of orchard fruits alone and to the country, at large of -tl(t.000.00. The discovery of the function played by the mosquitoes in. the dissemination of ing - for ' Sacramento, ' CaL, where they will join Miss Worthlngton, who left for the same place a few days ago. Thsy will spend the rest of tbe month visiting friends in Sacramento, and will return to Portland the first week In May. . . Mrs. Goldman has returned after: a CordiaUy ihtcs For - a- ' ! ' r Newest Styles ; 4 I Eastern j "D Ctore Where Ycr r - . , ... - ... . ' f .." v- r. - '' ' ' ' v"' '' ' . ''.. -,' -.. -. -: ..,-,r' ' ' - '.'.'...'."''"'!' ' :: - .' . i '.." . . ''.'(.' ... v. ,: -.: r ..')'"' 1 '.. -V,,-. . . i '' , . s.,i .- ... - " I . ; - .; t v .. ' -' ' '.'; :';. "iV- ' " . . ' j "...-.'!;.........'.. V - , '. ' r 1 , , ' '. "-.'',.;, ' ''- . '.' '"'' - ' , -;j;:-K..':.-'-:::'': -:y.--'. ' :V malaria and yellow fever has done much to popularise entomology; With the geu end public ' ',",. -. o ;'' "'' Power'., Out of .Leaveg..,;',..;J.,( A Paris company has contracted with the city authorities for all foliage to be derived during next autumn from the treea of -the -public squares, gardens, streets snd woods . within - the city. These leaves-sre to be compreseed and will then b converted into fuel, which it is claimed will have- a -far greater calorlflo capacity than coal os gay other fuel known.-' At the same time the new fuel will cost about one sixth of tbe as taal price. of bituminous coal. " . - -:-'.'' f .-;: .'. :i '- '. t.: Plana Arctic Trip. ':,;y' ?r.r!r'' -t v .' The Duo d'Orleans has decided to or ganise an Arctic expedition, which Is to be carried out under hto rsonaldireo- gica. tbe ship used by the recent Ant arctic expedition. -. .. . - v 'MISCELLANEOUS. P ,v.' Men .Cooka Are Beat.". ' '' . r' ' That women will never supersede men In tRe art of cooking appears to have been demonstrated by the Araebae club of London, where girls of gentle birth are trained to become professional ser vants. Women cooks have been trained for awhile at the club, but the-result waa a failure and chefe have been re introduced. - Miss Agatha Henalpw. sec retary of tbe club, says the women cooks cannot . prepare and serve a dinner on time. ' which statement upholds Btrln berg's much' disputed contention that women have not a keen appreciation of time. .-' i .::' - - "'v,... ' ;. .t. -.- Colorado Desert H Sea. - The salt works at Salton. ColoH' and the cattlemen of Arlsona are blesssd with a recurrence of - the great inland lakes duq t the backing up of the Colo rado river, so as to force the water Into the heart Of the desert (00 feet -below the sea levsL For the present the salt works are completely tied up. but when tbe phenomenon occurred - some years ago the output of salt was greatly In creased. In .Arlsona the presence of these bodies of water la not only chang ing the climate, but Is of value in irrl gtatlon, and great fields of grass are springing up where before they were arid deserts.- '. . , - '1.-. '" , :v VV-"-- X:-" .'" Prayer Stopa Trade. Ct ;'' - ; "Last Wednesday was a day of prayer In Portland, over 100 business bouse closing their doors between the hours of 11:10 and i o'clock In order that em ployer and ' employe . might attend the revival services that were held in the various theatres and churches ' during tbose hours. - '.. ', v .... . .. .. " , ,.:i;v. v..-;. May Tax Coffee. ,.':.-.. - ' 'There Is "a growing sentiment among many members of congress, both Demo crats and Republicans.- to place a tax on soffee, with a view of raising ufOcient revenue to meet the existing shortage la the treasury. The proposition Is to make the tax oents a pound, but Chair man Payne of the bouse committee on way and means Is said to bo opposed to the Idea, for fear it will open up the whole tariff question. The Democrats five months visit with - her daughter, Mrs. Qua Lavenson, in Sacramento. Cel. Miss Freda Wilson of Salem visited Portland relatives early in the week.- Mr. and Mrs. James Worden have gone te eastern Oregon for a month's stay. : - L, Werthflmer and Mlas Wertbeimer youri of -r ; and immense display Men arid Youths Best Materials Outfit';: Crcit is"C are said to be advocating the idea In. the hope It will give them a chance to urge general tariff revision.- and It is said on account of .this Chairman Payne Is opposed to th Idea. ':,..' : ,f-. . . j ; , -r , ' . - r For Scout Boittv. ; :.'''';? The plan to make over -the cruisers Minneapolis and Columbia Into naval scouts by the- Installation , of turbine engines is meeting with considerable ' favor by navy officiate. It Is said the changes can be made to the two cruisers for -less cost than one new vessel of the projected type would cost.' The ves sels have fine Unas snd twice the bunker capacity of the scouts' designed by the naval board of construction; and with the Installation of turbines they eould be . made to develop 14 knots, or.highor speed,-"' '-'..-;-., ' , '....', :, ' ,-"' -::X Senator Mitchell Again. ' , ' ' The federal grand Jury, which-Is in vestigating .the land frauds 40. Oregon, heard Harry Robertson,, former secre tary to Senator Mitchell, testify thatv the senator .owned stock in the Booth Kelly Lumber company. AftetPuter'a indictment last fall Mitchell SoM hie holdings. Low Paving BidsV;''-;'',V,';;'' New York city by forcing competition: r In the asphalt paving business has just received a bid ef (1.(0 a square yard for -a, quantity of paving to be done Inf Brooklyn.. This is the lowest bid aver received, by any olty for asphalt, en a ' concrete foundation. - ? . - Jail Too AttractiTe. ; . ; ,. r-:-- -.' Tbe grand jury at Sioux City, la. In-; vestlgatlng the Jail, has reported favor Ing many reforms, claiming that the jail as now conducted is. too attractive, ltr recommends that the supply of playing! cards and tobacco to convicts bo stopped! and prisoners be forced to work on the' roads. - . ' --,' .,-,'.;.' .',i"')' c '.' c ' H' ;' ' f-'--, . Chicago's Mayor. '!ir:.:i.c:::--r,-:.u -. . Judge Edward F. Dunner Democrat,, was elected mayor of Chicago Tuesday: after one of ..the hottest, political cam- palgns ever waged in tbe city. ' Munlci- pal ownership was the lasne, Dunne favoring this method of disposing of the stseet car monopoly. :, . r " - ' - NINETY PER CENT UK' -, FOOP-ADULTERATED e The New York state board of agriculture has just ' completed q . a cnemicai analysis ox xooa 4 stuffs-and confectionery on sale in New York City, and -reports 4, that 0 per cent contained adul 4 te rants. Two hundred samples 4 ' ef candy purchased were found ' te conUin paraffin, especially in 4 caramela, chocolates and mo q lasses candy. Glucose wss found q , In nearly sll cheap grades, while 4 . red and blue analine has been 4 . used for coloring and varnish to q. give a gloss. Of (t catsups ex- q 4 amlned all but one ahowed artl- e 4 f icial coloring, and all contained '. e 4 bensole add. Maple sugar showed e e (0 per cent of cane sugar. , ' e :.:. , .. '. of Pittsburg were entertained by friends last week while tbey were at tha Port-' Lakeview men have found a large quantity of what they say is saltpetre on "the desert." - -.. .,'. , ... , ... . . their beautiful of : ' J I . i ' f: '.- '. .- ... Lowest Prices -Is