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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
r i vrxv ocTOEsa 1,5c fJTT If "1 1 pw-Y yverrrs:a. CJTT BOTICES. 01 TT BOT10B8L V A v. MiiiT Of fjuWOOD SaVa.- Notice to hereby given Ut th OmwieU at 0 LKf of Pwleud V -s to at a the fallowing- aaecrr id p" r and or or oVr Taa bti f i y a peculiarly ' Sell I il " 1 .IS tL. .'iJOI IOr IUP (E11W(JT, i of sVuwoud iwt, ;frm tueiwset Uts of VY1I Uu ia venue to the weat line of Union as, aa pnj vid-d by w dUi do Ho. 1 8, T M. Any Uiuleetions te Ui apportionment of eoet i foe Hlil Improvement tuuit be mail U writing to thi Council acid tlted wMh Out Auditor WlthhJ 1ft day from tb del of tb first pebliofcllua el tbla not to, and Mid Objection wily b heard end- determined by the council be fire the pessag ot th srttnaa Mslitg - lbmt of u4 lonprtiTtiment, ALMiiA DLOCK A. wtet 1U0 foot f lot 34, GerOuaa Bvaagutlcai Lutheran Church, 47-24: Met feet of kit 26. llvrraaa Evaniceiloa) iutMCM ;iHtffh.Ul-fti tajea, John fl. and rior tt. atcirwin,; wum iuv arc ; f ot 28. Benjsinla F. Steven, 4920; south IN' ef Of tot aa,Httit A. North, m.iu; snntltluO feet oi hit tl, Wllllm llarreacho-n, 451.UT; south 1 00 foot of tot 90, Amanda Hersbkner. I103.7, Mt 80 ft of south 100 ' fet t lot IV. C. Steudatedt, 31.24; tut SO fAt ol sonth 100 fMt of lot 19, Jam :' rtersritld, 821-04; vnt B0 fret of eoutb ioo It of tot 11, ; Barafleld, Isu.wi j eaat 40 feet of truth 100 feet of lot la. Tho HUM Ih'MTW. J2O.00; MOlA IOO ZMt M r lot IT, Tbuoiaa Dubaon, fBl.M; eat 40 fwt f'lnt 15. Mary O. llulW. 18.(18: wt 40 fwt of lot 14. Maty O. Mailer, ; north 43 f't at et 80 fMt of tot IB, Kugene L If. Grain. C&t.SS: aruth tret of oaai 0 tt Jt lot 10, KU1U . IttUacrr. aat B0 ietrt of Vt 14, HtolU . Pltteagtr, , f 1DA.U. DIrK 16, let 2, John J. P- v ;;'', tn. t44.23: wt 1 l-t of -rath 100 Tent i A.i Of kit Kt, Jobs J. D. KlMrtrtB, W.a; oast SB fnet of uth 100 ft of lot 21. C. N. ,c - lug iK . k 1iM u In M f (urm Ilartiiw. ilSa.10; Kath 100 fat of lot f 1. Alora Uurold, l.M; aoulh 100 fart of lot . Aloya Harold. fMAi; oouOi 1O0 ' fwt of lot 10. Adam Knafor. wan ; jfftl Ttt or lot IS, ioiiq a. noraeen, aisi.vii - oowtk iuO faet yf lot IT, J. H. Buck, IIWUM; lot 15; 0. r. NoUnd, 930.00; lot 14, C. I. SoUnJ, 9144 4. BLOCK SS, lot 1. HW L r. tlanft. tlIWM- wm! 10U fMt of lot 2. ' XUU T. Hhbi, 913.03; wat 24 faet Of Jot , S. Arthnr T. Kwlt Ad Aroeiu o-i ' aiwth lim fWt at tnt . T. K. WIUIIU B,- Iatc. krln of, 96B CM; north 100 fet of lot . Gaorge Beta. 5K84; north 100 let ; lot t. Opoth Brtt. 901.M1 aortb 1(K tret of lot I, Lorte I. Cla.'k. tol-OTj north 1Q fcotof :;r lo , Martarat A. rafiwra. 01.00; aonm i, 100 iw-t of lot , Uarnrat A. Pftaraun, ' 94).40i north 100 toot of lot 10, tally Mr- . Bball. B4B.77: lot IX. WBUam wcnr, u; -' A lot 12, William Waarhit, 9137.39.. BLOCK ID, .. B4108; oorth 100 feat of tot 4. Bdltb Van 1 Tlct. 9111.14: oortb ioo lev oi m , meii 5 Tan Tlft, im.a-, norta iw it oi wi j, , 8oj nrcbnwa. ' 91l-b; oortbT luO bat of v Iirt S, Prtr A. Ptrooa, 124.T0; aortb- M t ; feot of bit 9. Mary m-anr Lintnar, t -' Portb 100 fort of tot 10. Cbartea and Joappbtn 'f ' ... Andrrtoa. 9l3S.19t woat JjD tret of lot 12, .-.'-.i'. Rtdlla Van Vbx-t. IS. If: rt SB fat of lot 18, StUa Tan Wat, Ml 8; 't of ,C lot IS. Bllsa A. Vn Vlet, 117.81; Mat 100 y-'?) , rt of kit is, jum van vam, tt.oo. y Total, 4.2949. - , . -M . ' Awtttov of tb City of FortUftd. ' Portia sd. Or on. Ootobor S. 1904. nOY09JC9 AS9I9AMZXT VOS HfTEOTaV MXtfT 0V JUK ATIi Rlllt. " Notl U borebr flwa that tb Council of fbo City of Portland eroposoa to aaaeaa tbo fol rWUs 0ecrlbd vroperty aad owuor or owawo aa U'laft- apotuuj ana pocuumriy oanrawa w Mis uniuinli ut IUMilta th KBM and dO orrlptluM tboroof for tb inproremeat of .Bt pavla atrret, from tbo mat un x Kaac tvmijMjal at mat b tbo wrat Un of Eaat f wOaty-Awrtb itmt, aa proridod. by ordlaao Any obJrtlow to tb apporUooaMat of for mJ4 lmpruTntant Boat M m4a la wrltlna; to th Coupell and Ud with tk Auditor wltbla IS daya from tb dot of th Brat pub- . Ueatlon of tbU rx.tiee, and aaia oDjwriiooa win . - - b beard and dotormlned by tho Council befor lb paaaar or tb ardlBsaea iaiw)i tb ooat InV aCBiTIoS to Baat Port Und B tXKT X f--i' 9. tot 4, A. A. KraM, 900.98: lot ft, ftanlt H. rutdt, 9S 4T: aoutb 9 fact, of lot 4, A. aad N. Buab. 90 8: aoU 100 foot of lot . C A. A. Krata, 20.6B. . - - - ' fcJ t KKVBTON'B ADIHTIOS b tho Ot O Port-. ' " ; . land il.OCK 1, lot , Ctwent Lbnd Oom j '.. pauy, 91S.Mi lot ?, Craent Land Ouapoay, 1 , FT. 88; lot , I'atrlA Sarly. 17. 14. . V ICnN'8 ADDITION to at Portland BLOCK . 10, kt d, Bllwrt W. Cooprr. 92rl.90: lot T. pUrt W. Cooper. 9-STitot 8. Paol kraeat Joaoa, 924 ; kt 9, I. t. Beeft, 9.ti lot 10, iilPba! Henrtcb, flS.oa. . . . - ' .JCBYBTONE'S ADIHTIOSto tbo City- of Port " -,i land- BLOCK t. nit 80 Hot. of Wt. ft. Croa ctnt Land eompaay, 919-44: all of lot 4 x- Pt oatt 50 fet. Mario Blanc 91-44; lot 4. . S' 8ta a Hawtrt, Ji4.T2; lot 3, Craoaai Load . - Oo-p. 414.49. &rC - - Aufflbsr ot too City of PortVaaC- Portlaw4 4)roa, Octoboy S, 1904. . . MOPOBID ABSZMMIHT JOB XKPXOTaV f ;;f . MEBTT Off BA4I IWUHTHXTH STBBIt. ; J -MoUor la arby tr that tbo Oooartl of tbo : 7'; Ctty of Portlaad prcpo to aaoro tb follow '': lu dVaerlbed property and owner or owner V : Ulti( aportaUy rnd ioollorly racSted lu th aatouta act Jppoalt tbo Wmea Bad deacrtp ' tkwa tbrof for th tmproTcoMnt of Eaa( 'Twentr-itb atreot rroa tbo aortb Itn of Mnlt l' wnab atrrot to tb oeutb Un of Halacy airoat. m prortdrd by wKUiuaco Wo. 15,840. : Any objertlow to th appnrtlonmairt of coot . for acid fmproraBsent Wt be mada la writ Jug , to tb Council and 414 lth tbo Audita,- wltbla v U Oar from tbo dato oi tbo Brat publication i. f tbla aotteo. and Mid obWctlono will tw . . . fccard and determined by tbo Council befor the ,-' powan of tbo ordlaaaot laanliai tab aoal of V- 04 Id iinprofrmeht, riRKt AUDITION TO HOULADAY PABJC AD IMTION, Portland. Orefon. BLOCat IT, lot . 1. Tbo Tltlo Unarant Traat Oompany, 4 j . ' ; 108 61: lot t. Tho T1U Onaraato Traat -K Company. 94.71: 4ut 19, Tho Tltlo QaaraatWdt Truat Coinpaay, 91.99; lot 10. Tbo Tltl Oaar- l aatoo . Treat Company. 4bi.Il. BLOCK 10. lot 1, Tb Ttil OaaraM 4 Traot Cooapany, ilica; lot 3, Tbo TItta Raarant V Traat ' CoBipany, 44.09; lot IU, Tb Tltlo Guaraote "'.-4, i T ruat Company, tD.Mi tot 30, Tba Tltlo - QuaraaLM A TruTt Company, 8133 04. BLOCK Bl. lot 1. Tb T1U GuaranW 4i Traot Canv - P07 4144.90: lot S, Tb Tltlo Ouaraote r Traot Company, (11.1S; lot 19, Tbo Title Quar " '. acta 4; Tr-ut Coupaoy, 91-44; lot 99, Tba t:--4- Tltl Oaaranto Jk Trust Company; 9T9. . - T BLOCK 14, Wt 47 Tbo Tltl Oaaraato H Truot Oompaay, 4109.78; lot 9, Tbo Tltlo Oi: a ran to ft Traat Coinpaay. 44.80; lot 4, jJ ' Tbo Tltl Oaaranto k Traat Company. 93.98; K kt 9. To Tltl Oaaraato 4 Traat Ooaipany, '(' 4M.XT; BLOCK 19, tat W, Tba TltU t Oitarantoa 4t Troat Coinpaay, 9108.17t tat 9. ' J . Tbo Tltl Qaarnntca A TWat Oontpany. 98.41; . -r- tat U, Tbo Tltlo Qoaraftteo a Trurt Conv - paay, 4T: tat II. lb Title Ouaraat 4c ' i Tnui Company. 4119 99. BLOCK S3, tat 10, ' " ' Th Tltl Qoaraota A Truit Ooaipany, iv'; 41 44. 19; tat 9. Tbo Tltlo Oaaraatoa A Trnat s " rvompony, 98.09: tat 1SL Tbo Tltlo (Inarantr A Traat Company, flTtb; lot 11. Tbo Tltl OuarantM A frank Ooatpaay. 904.94. TuUl. .,n.-H- .T-!' ..'TH09J. tt DBTLIX, V J Andtro of tb city of PorUaaa. 1 Portlati; Orocoo. October 8, 1904. norOBKS A48K94atXT FOB IbEPBOTB- i auvT oi olittob trim. - Btatta la berebr fleaa that tb OouneU of 5 City of Portland proposes to asaeea tbe fol wtaa oacr1ied property snd owner or owner Ba being specially Rnd peculiarly borttid la tbo amoanta aet opposlt tbo aamea and descrip tion thereof for tb ImproremeM of Clifton otnet, from tb wst Una of Sliteeott street to tb east tin of Twenty-second street, as BrcTtded by ordinance No. 18.728. Any sbjectiona to tba apportion meet ef eoot for aald fmprcvament t be made hi writing to tb Council and 914 with fa Auditor Within 14 dars front the date of tbe flrat pub. Beat ion ef tbla m tire, ard said objectkma Will be heard and determined by the Coaucll be fore tbo passage of tb enQnaac aaaesaiuaj he enst ot said ImproTement. ABTRB B AnDfTlOS to th Tit Port land -BLOCK 4T, tat 4. Josephine B. Child, 4T9.99; lot 9. Mae H. Card w elf, 9 i let 4, i- H. B. Utt, 4S9.B8; tat 8, H. B. LIUJ 4101.79. , BLOCK 48 H, tot 4, BUsabeth B,, Jmlti. '97.aa: lot 9, Blteabefh B. Umltb, ri4.47; north H tat 8, Georgia A. NotUasiiam, 4-7T; aoatb ft lot 1 L, H. borno. fa).T7: tat 4. L. at bWoo. 4il 38. TtLOCK 47, tat 3. Ida GrayaoB, $2W OH; aoaU SO fret tat 2. da P. Grayaon, .1(lT. BLOCJC 49, lot 9, - raanle r. Page, 4347 84; south SO feet lot ' 1 rantils P. Pae. 914.1T; aoutb 1 fret tat K rannli'.r. ag. 917. To! lot 4. rannle T. Page, 9M8 49. A tract of land lying between tx-rttrra tin ef Clifton street and a Una 100 feet northerly there from aad persBeL there with and between tbe Wet line of Twanty Brat street and tbe Mat Tin of Twenty -second street. itll.Tt Amlth, treat, Brcnrlt? "?Iug A Trset coamany .Ta. block TO, lot l. winiam a. . STB .79: tat 9. WITllam K. Mntltb. til. OS: tat T. Brseat Roase, lot . W. JHuelblnt, 9im 08. BLOCK 71. let Ilea 7 Fnime. 83D4.14: lot 9. Bliss i f-ram. 438 111: tat T. Uarraret hV Ucriure. 941.48: tat ft, Btsryaret a MrClure. 9340.2. BLOCK T2, nnrtb 100 feet of at 08 feet, OrTllle K. Bank in, 92?!!. 34: west IB fret of Mat 100 f-et ef north 100 feet, Aguee K. Crawford, 439.84; west Tn feet "t Of Borlh 100 feet. Bnbert Wnrrark. 1320 n. BUi;I 7 lot 1. Bus L. WMlvar. 9274.44; tat S. BllB L, Woodwsrd, 81. 00; tat T. WSlUauj Vb Udd. tru-t-e. AtATS; lot 4 William M. Ladd, tint tee. t 0 08. BLOcfC T4, lot 1, A. L. Beaid, SP-ia.fsJ: Kr 1 Ters Oiirdersoa, H9.78; tat T, T -a Guadrreon, 918 89; lot 4. A. L. ; Bfarai 91 a T4; Hcht ef wnr, PnrMand Ball Way Cempaay. 91( THa 9 ""-e ' t u4. tBOTOUX.1 OB ITBZWt WOBJL tValcd pro&iMlo will b rclTd it tha office of th. A ''i ot tho Oil of Portland, until rriiay, O.. ir T, l04, at o'clock P, m.. for tho ti-onpxmt of Powell atrwt. frjis th Mat 1' of w(ikt a treat t b weat Um of r A Twaotr-flrat aUrat, hi th EMnnat prorldad by ordlHaoo No, 14. 1M. tiifftt to tbo proiUloM of tb ctartar ant oriimutMB or tb via or rortUBo. aiMl tbo atirnato of tbo City Knglaw, oa ftlo. Bid moat b atrtctly la aeoordanv with priutua baiaaa, wuicb will b funtlabea oo apitb.atba at tb offlo of tb? Auditor of tbr City of Portland. And a 14 fuprovawoat niut b yirotlottfd on or befor 190 daja frota th date of tbo aUrnlof .of tb aontract'bf tbo twrtlM tbrno. No proinaala or bid will bo taooldoroeu onleoa acrompantwl by a eartlftoa ehvk y abl to th ardar of tb Mayor of tba City i.i rwrrisna. cvrurios by a- reaponaini oaiit for an amoont emai to 10 pnr oairt of tbo . Tb rMtbt to roloet tv and aU Mas to nereoy rorrd. r, Bg ordar ol tb Kitlo Board. ' . THUS. C. DKVLII. - "' Auditor of tho City of Portlaad. rtonuaa, urroa. October l. im. PK0PO4AL4 VOK 9TBSZT W0BJE.'' oatad propomal Will ba rroTa" at tko ofrie of tb Auditor of tho City of Portland. aatu ynonr. fMMoner T, iw. at a o cicca a. m fur tbo lmnrTCKioat of Bait WaahturMn atiwet. from the aat Una of Baat Thlm-Lblrd tict ta tba wait Una of fluunyaldo Third addi tion. In tb manner aroildrd y ordlnanr No. 14. Ml, ubyrt to too ptorlakiBB of tb ebartr and ordinance of tbo City of Portia ud, and tba attlmatt of tho City Enatnear. on 111. : lld muat bo otrlotly la aocordaaob with nrfnted blauka. which will bo furnUbod on arpllcatloa at th offlca of tb Auditor of tb City or rnrtiaao. ana buui laiproamfiwc muat ba ooasplcted oa or ,bfor 90 day from th data of the algoliuj of lb contract by tbo parti tbr re to, " . -No arouoaaU or MA win ba oacoldorod nnleaa "aceoBtpaBfed by a ocrtifled oboek able to tbo order at DM MJ oe ua ot Portland, cor (If lad by a reipooalbl baal a reapooalbl bank far an amount oaual to 14 Bo east of tb bHt""? - aay aad att bid to By ardoToftbt RatJT Bor. . TB03. C. THSTLIK, " Anflltor of tbo (Sty f Portland, Portia fid. Oreroa, October L 1904, PBOPOSXD A84EB4MEXT FOB XbDPBVOraV . Mw tUT it tnwlata BTTBXrT. Hottaa la beroby glroa that tb Ooandl of tb taiy oi mriiano propoae w uiw ui"t' ins detcrihed property and owner or owaers ao being apocially and peculiarly benefltad la tb ttiiHiipta aat cppoaltt tb name aad deacrtptloBa thereof for tb Improrement of Clockamaa atmet. front th aant Hue of Baat Twenty fouttb Otreet to tb wrat lino of Twenty eihtb atroot, aa preTMod ay aMuuaaa a. X.Nlt. Anr ablertiona t tba aDortoiiwaiit at ana for aald loiorcTenient moat be made la wrltlna ti to Oooorll ud filed with tb Auditor wltbla IB daya front tb data of th Brat publication of tab) notice, d aald objection will be board and determined by tb Council before tho pae aaaa of the oydijxaaca aiBtaaliaT tb coV, of aatd improeoatent. t PIUST ADD1TI05 TO HOLLA DAT PA BE AD dtiloB, Portland, Oregnn SLOCK tl. aputh 100 feet tat 10, Tbo Tltlo Oaaranto A Trn Company, 48. 49; aoutb 100 feet tat 9, Tba - Tltl Guarantee A Truat Conjpaoy, 44.Nf; ' aoutb 100 feet lot S. Tbo Title Gear auto A Truat Company. 998.49; ooath 104 feet tat 7, The Tltlo yuarante A Truat Company, . 937.95; aoatb KW feet lot 4V Tn Title Ouar- tntoa A Traat Company. 9T.85; aoath 100 feet it 9, Tho Tltl Guarantee A Truat Com pany, 497.48: aoutb 100 feet tat. 4. Tb Tltl ; Guarantee A Troat Company, 937. XI: aoutb 100 feet lot 9, Th Title Guarantee A Trut Company, 953.9T; aoutb 100 fat lot 1 Th Tltl Guarantee A Trust Company, 444.49; aoutb 100 feet lot 1. Tbo Title Oaaraateo A Traat Company, Jill 14. BLOCK 22. aoutb 100 feet lot 10, The Title OuarantM A Trnat Company. 4119-44; aoath 100 feet lot 9. Tbo Tltl Guarantee A Trust Company. 984.00: Moth 100 feet tat 8, Tho Title Guarantee A Trust Company. 980. IT: aoath 100 feet lot f, ' The Title Guarantee A Trust Company, 402.99; south 100 feet lot 4. Tb Title Guar ante A Trust Company. 484.19; aoutb 109 feet lot 8, Tn Title OoaraatM A Truat Oom- Biny, 431.01; aoatb W feet tot 4, Tba Title QaxautM A Truat Company, 442.49: ooutb loo feet tat 8. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company, 441.97; aoatb 100 feet tat S. Tbo Title Gaaranten A Truat Compairy. 842. SO; south 100 feet lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company. 444.79. BLOCK SO. lot 11. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company, 9BS.80; lot 11 The Tltlo Gaerante A Truat ' Company. 441.84; tat 18. Tbo Tltl OuarantM A Trust OunHnr, 43B.B4; tat 14. Tb Title OuarantM A Trnat Company, 948.99: tat 18, Tb Title ao4at A Truat Ooaipany, 930.07: tat 14. Tb Tltl auarante A Trust ' Comrniny. 440 8": lot IT. The Tltl Goarante - Troat Company. 4M.11; lot is. Tbo TltU Guaxaatee A Trust Compear, 158.84; lot 19, Tbe Title Quarantee A Trust Company, 477.90t lot v Tba Tttle noeraatea A .Trnt tWipany. 9118 99. BLOCK 19. tot 11. Tba Title Guarantee A Trnst Company, 4114,22; tat IS, Tht Tltl Guarantee A Truat Com finy, taa.ST; tat 18, Tba Title Guarantee A rust Coanpaur. 98499; tat 14. Tb Title Guaraate 4 Troat Compnny. 448.B4; tat la. Tb Tltl Gun rant A Trust Company, 938 48; tat 19. The TItta Gaarsnte Trust - Comoany. 43T.81; lot IT. Tbe Tltlo Oaaraatee A Trust Co tup ny. 90.84; tat 18, The TItta Ondrante A Truat CiUflpany. 941.08: let 19. The TUl Gearaste A Trnat Oombany. .841.08; lot SO, The Title Guarantee A Trust Ooiapaay, 444.24. Total. SS.9t8.AT. . ? THOSTC. DBTUIf, Aadlror of th aty ef fwMlanaV PurtbiaC Oreaxm, Ocoobar S, 1904. , PB0PO4AX4 FOB tEWU WOBJL 1 Bealed proposals will be reeeteod af th rfflea of tba Auditor of the aty of Portland, until Frtday, October T, 1044, at 9 o'clock for tb conarrerttaa of a newer tn at Ash street, from th test Una of General Anderson's addition. . to tba newer la Bnst Twenty ronrtb atreet. ta ue nutaoer prwrlded bg ordlnanee No. 14 X29, oabtact to the pre elalens of the charter and ordlaaneaa ef tbo City of Portland, and tbo asUmat ot tba C14T SnfHneer. oa file. Bids muat ba etrtatiy ta aeaardane with feinted bleak. Which will be farnlahed on appUoMttan at the office of th Andltar of th City of Portland. And aald sewer muat bo ebeuileted oa or before 40 daya from tho date of the elgnlaB of tba ooetract by the pertlM tbmto. No aroposels ' or btoa . writ ha ejanalAered enleea accompanied by 4 eertifled eneck pay able to tbe order of tba Mayor of tb City ef Portland, eertifled b a reaponalnl bank far an amonnt ooaal to 19 per east of tba l h erl rhV "1rJe saV 4 on bida b hereby reserved. By ardor C the 9heverr Board. v Adtterof th City of PortJaadL' ; Port load. Oregott, Oetabar t, 1904, ; m01H)AIJI FOB. BTRXZT WOBJL Re led arecuMH wllf ba received at tb office f the Auditor of the City ec Portland, until frlday, October f, 1904, at 4 o'clock p. m.. for the lmprovsnnt of Best Morrison street, ' from tb cost Un ef Bast Thirty eighth otreot to the west Un of Bast Thrrty alnth street. In the manner arnvtded by ordl aac4 No. M.SXV, anblect to tb proolainaa of the ebnrter aud ordlnaacM of th City af Portland, aad lb aatknata af tba City Btagmaar, oa fU. Bids hsBst b ' srrtetty Iff Manrdaac with printed' blank a, which will be far ul abed on applleatlaa at the offto of th Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. And aatd lawrovetaeat roust be completed on or befor 90 days from th date of the signing; af the contract by tb porn therrt. No proposals oa Md4 win b cartfldwed BBlea accaiMnleff by 4 certified check pay able to the order of tbo Mart af tb City tit Portland, certified by a rrponatbl bank tor an amount ooual to 10 fror caat at (be aggregste pro ooaal. k The right to retoet W 444 a& bida to hereby reaorTod. . By order ef the Rtematlv Board. ,1 1 v , .s ' Tfioe. C DETLIK. ' ' --, - -anaitor foe City of Prthua4 PortlBBoX Oragwo. October 1.-1904. OOMPLimOH AMD AOC7CPTA3TOB Off S8 PBOTxhtEirr es sixth btbsxt. Hottaa la berphr give that William ft Elliott, City Rnglneor, tana filed h tbe offlon of tbe anderaigrned, notice that Warren Con struction Co.. contractors for th I morn rem eat of Blstb street, under the provision af ordi nance No. Ifl.flM, h.iee completed the north sste-batf of tbe Interaecttaa f Irving; stmt. Said acre nta nee will b fonstdered by tb BxrcuMr Boerfl at 4 a'cloch oa tb 7th day of October. 1901. and objectlona as th aeeept ane of said atreet. or any part thereof, may be filed to tbo office of tba Bnderslgaed at any Urn prior thereto. THsVEXKrrTrrB SJOAr. , Br TIK'S. C. DEVLTIf. "' ' Auditor af tb City of Porfdaad. Portland, Oregon. Oercher 1, 1804. OObtlXITTOK ABB AOCIPTABOE 01 BBWZB XV BAAT TATL0B ABB aULSI THXBTT sTTNTK BT1 BTrrS. Norle H hereby ffve fhtt WITttagl C, Elliott, City Britrliieer. has Htcd to tbe nffte Of fbe Blerlgnd, ejettae that J. B. Slcmmona, contractor lor t&a pibftBiructinn f a sewer la E-at T.iylnr ar 1 East TMrtr-ntnth etr-eeta, nnitar th orov: w of avdlnaaee 19a. lAOAA. hes CTtnptd ( 4 ewr. Raid tfrtanum will bo eemstoVred by th BaccUttra B. d at 4 nWk aa Lha ftk air ef October. 11k4. aad Objection to the scccpt anr ef said aewer. er any part tb-reof. may be filed to the of tba andersigned at say ttma prtor v 'n. iris b tvi BtiAitn. ; , Hr 'ui .f. 0. DEVLIN. , A"dtor f city of Ittrtlaad. jNrttoad, Oreaoa, Oetvwar 1, 1904, pbopo4azj roB nrKKzar woit BealaU sropoeats w 11 be rwereed at tb ofrtrefuf the A 'or of tbe City of PortUud, UctU ITrldar. ti y T. 1004. at 8 o'cl'M-k p. m.. tba li Tant of Bat Burualde treat, from 80 . v x ot tbe wat Uu of Baat Third atreet tf jo t 11 u of Oraud aveuue, lii tbe manner provided by ordtuano No. 14,224. tu'-tt to the pi.talooa of tb ehartrr aud orfit noce of tba city r For u no, "d lb astlunta of tba City Buglneer, oa Itle. Blda amst be arrietly ta accordance with printed blank. hWh will bo furnlabed on Rppllcatloo at tbe office of tbo Auditor of the Ctty of Portland. And Mid lmprurement miiet ba eomtitated on or before 40 Urs from tbe date ef the ajguUg of the onuMct by the lrtlM tbi'reto. No DTokaald t btaa will bo eonaldered unless accompanied by a eertifled check pay able to the order of tba Mayor of. too City nt Portland .rMft.t bv a reanueialbta bank for "an aenomit -nuaJ bn Vy fa nU 4- tbe fbV'rlebbjroleet. aauf Bud aU bids to hereby ' reserved. . . , . By order of too Kweeatlro Board. . . Hi . , TfltMJ. ft BBVUR, t ' Auditor f the City at PortJaaaV , Portland, Oregon. October 1, leu. -r- OOKPLXTIOaT AUfD AOOBjrTAJfCB Off r Ol PKOTAJUaTT OT KABT TWIUTK Wt WnHee U hereby arteeB that William ft hllrvit. at Engineer, has filed fea the office of the undersigned, notice that Smyth A nnarard Co.. contractors tut the lawroTemont of Kut Twelfth street. Under tho provUloaa Of aedl&aoeo No, 13.079, bar completed said street, from the Muter nna or uiu street to in feet aortb of Uu BorUi Uaa of 9tdrlok 8ald beeevtaaaa win be considered by the Executive iioard. at 4 o'clock on tbe 7th day Of Oct" bee. 19it4. aad objectlona to tbe aocept- rm nt ulA afreet, iw anV uart thereof, mar be filed ta tb office of tho nnderalgno at any Urn prior thereto. . ., JHB 1TXBCCTITB BOARD. V?f. By TUOS. C. DEVUin. , ' Auditor of tbe City of PerttaaoV Portland. Oregua, October 1, 1904. coifnarnosf abd aooiptabczb or m- tBOTEXXJPX Or BOBTsrWlOK 9TBXKS. . KAf tea m herebT nivea that William 0. Elliott, City Kaglnear, baa filed la tb office contractors for the Improrament of Bortbwlekl street, under tne proruiou 01 oroonatie no. 18.US8, baie completed aald atreet, from the aortb line of Slant street to th aoataf Ba at ftertirrwWl arreet. ' Said acceotano win be OMMlderea ny to BTawoHve Board at 4 o'clock en tbo 7th dar of October, 1904, and objectlona ta the accept ance of Mid atrMt. or any part inereoi. may be Hied la the office of tba ander signed at aa tima prior tnereto. . j . J IHB g,Ait-'iJriTBi awnnu, . : r i' , By THOS. C DBVLI8T, t " . Audltcr of th City of PorttaadV Pbrttoad, Oregoa. October 1, 1904, CpMPLITIOhT AVS ACCrPTAJrCB Oa D9- PKOTKMIirT Of HULTMOMAK BTBXBT Hntiea is herebT ateen that WtlUam C. Kltlott. Che Snarls, haa filed la tbo office of th luderalgaed, notice that M. IK White, oontraetor. for the ImproveaMnt of Mortaomah street, smder the oroTlslona of ordinance No. 13,081, haa 00 m pie ted said atrMt, from tb eenter line ot Union areas to tb west Use ,f Beit Sixth street. " ' aata acceptanca wiu b consiaerea or ta KieciitJre Board at 4 o'clock on tb 7th day of October. 1904. and ebleetlotta t tba aeeeot- ance of aald atreet. eg any pare tnereot, may bo filed la the office of tbe asoeralg&ed at any tlsa prior tbereto. , , r - . Xu bjacci rival ova n & ,1 , By THOS. C, DBVLIW, v 1 Auditor of tbo City of PwtttaaeV. Pnrttawd. Oregoa, October 1, 1004. OOhtPLETIOK ABO AOCXFTAKCX Of DC- PBX)VZhIXVT 07 rWhBKTJK BTKXXT. KneiM to herebr ate that William t. ah Hot t ntte Knetneef'. haa filed la the offlM of the andorelgnrd. aotlc that M. 1. Cooler, oontraetor lor too improTemeni ox rrsaxiin trMt. ondor the nroelslons of ordinance No. 18,944. baa completed aatd street, from tb west Un of Thirty-second atrMt ta the eea Una Bnehe street. " 1 Said acceptance will be aaaa1dra4 by the TCxeeuMv Board at 4 o'clock oa th Tta day ef October, 1904, sad objection to tb accept ance of aald street, or any part rnereor. may be filed la fie office ef tba aDderalgned at any woss ynw tnereto. ti A . if i By TnOB. a DBVUH. : Aadltur of th Ctty of Portland Portland, Oregon, October 1, 1904. . OOIITLBTIOV AJID AOOXPTAMOK OP tht- VBATassTire OV BXIOK ATEBint, Itnetee In heeeb seen that William ft. mitatt. Cltr Bnalneor. ha filed la tba office of the undersigned, nolle that Paquet A Johnston, contractors for tbe Improvement - of Colon aeenoo, under tbo prowbuona of ordnance No. 1187. nave comrdeted aald atreet. from tbe aoatb Uaa of Belmont atreot to Urn eeater Un of East Madleon street. Sold acceptance will be eoneldered by tbo aTxecntlvo Board at 4 o'clock on tb Tth day at October. 1904. snd ebjecttans to tb accept ance ef aatd street, or any part thereof, may ha filed la tb offlca of th uaderalgB at aav ton P trlr5: . , .,, 1UI SAIrt I'll! BUARU, ' ft' By T1HW. 0. DBVLIrf, rX Auditor of tb City of Porttagaf. Port rand, Oregon. October 1. 1904. COMPLTnOB ABO AOCXPTAKCX Off JM- rsoTXauan ot salmob btskbt. Botie hi hereby frtvea that William 0. Elliott, rate Engineer, has filed la tbe office Of th undersigned, notice that MlUor A Bauer, contractors for tbe Improvement of SeJmoa street, nnda th arnetslons af ordlaanea No. IS. 70S. hava oompfeted aald Street, from tbe center line of Seoeod atraat to tba east Uaa af fifth arret. Said acceptanc win b aansJdrA by fbe Baecutte Board at 4 loei on tba Tth day of October. 1904. and objections to the accept ance of MM atreet. or any part thereof, amy h ftlfd to tbe office ef the undersigned at any tlaw prior thereto. TUB BTBC' TITB BOARD, J - By THOS. C. DBVLIrt. " "- 1 Aodttor of tbe aty ef Portia 4, - PeattoaoTs Oregoa), October 1, 1904. OOMPi-ATlOB AJTB AOCXPTABCB Off IK- noTEsran ox bast rwEsTrr-sTuoars . BTBBXT. Notice heftb drew that' Wflttam' ft EUlott, Ctty Englnaar, baa filed ta th offlca nt th undersigned, antic that Bcchlll Bros., contractors or for th Improvement of Bast Twenty- otseast street, nadev the previa loo f ordlnauca No. 14.067, have completed aald Street, from th north Une ef Puna's aoVUttam to tba north Bar of Bsst Burns! d street. Said acceptance will be Coaaldsred by tb Baeetitlv Board at 4 o'clock oa tb 7th 4ay of October. 1904, and objections to the serapt anc of aald atreet. or any Dart thereof, mar be filed In th effW C Bb amdenlgMd at TUB BXECt:TTTsT BOARTJ. ' - Aaflltor f City of i Portland, Oregon. October 1, 1904. QOaTPTJtTIOsT AMTD AOCXPTABCB OT raWTEKvrr o buba rrmrKT. rToMee ta herebr given that William C. ftlltott. City Bn rinses, haa fltad to the office of th endfr-laned. notice that rralncr A Kt la, contractors for the Improvement of Ollsaa street, under tba provision of ordinance No; ta.'TT, have completed Mid street, frota th west tin ef Twen ty -second Street to th Mat Un of Twentr-tblrd street. Bald ceerrtaeee will be amaidnrat by fbe sfieriitlve Board at 4 n clock oa tbe Tth day of October. 1904. and ableetlons to tb aoceot- snce of aald street, or. any part thereof, may be filed la fb nfftee1 the anderatoi. at im flm. nrtnv, ' . ; , THB KXBCITTTI BOARD. ,;r . ; , By thos. a dbvlim. " ' Anditr of th Ol ty of PorOamd. Pbrttoad, Oregoa. October 1, 1904. OoSfffTJrrrOsT AMD AOCKrTAMOM OT UB nOTIBm Off TKBTB STrrr. NntlM hi hereby gtvew tbet WIIHam ft Elliott, City Rnglneor. haa filed la th office ef the andersta-ned, norlc that Star Sand Ca. coafractorn for the Impmeement Of Tenth street, nndrf the prortstoas of ordlnane No. IS, IB, have completed aatd street, from th crater Ho of Stark street to the center Un of fmrasld atreet and from tbe eenter tin f Irving atraat to tb center Un of Marshall street. aid acceptance will be eonaldered by th Btscutlve Board Bt 4 o'cloch, on tbo Tth day of October, IOO, and ehjectlone to tho ac ceptance f Mid etreet. or any .part thereof, may ba filed In tbe efrV f th aadersignsd Bt any time prior thereto. , , - v . THB KXKt'CTITB ftARD, i .1- t y THOS, C. DEVLIN, ' ' And! toe at tbe City ef Pavthusf. PBTttonS, Oregoa, Ortober r, 1904, OOaTFIXTTOsT AITS ACCIPTABOB Off tg. PhOTthTIBT Of WAT1B, AUTO , K0CO SmKZTB. - ItotfM J bereby fire that Wllltoat C Blttatt, rnr Enrloeer. be filed to tba offlm of th anderslgned. potlc that Smyth A How ard Co.. aonirscturs fur tbe Imimrcment ef Water and Hood afreets, guitar tbe protista ef ordtnanc No. 1R.T77, bar completed Mid atreet, from th ooutb line of Clay atreet to the eeater line ef Market street. Bald- acceptance win be cooafderad by th executive Beard at 4 o'clock on tbe Tth day of October. Iti4. and objectlona to tb Opt aace of Mid street, or sny pert thereof, amy be filed la tbe office f the aaderslaTned at any UUM nnor ineroto. -to. " . ", 1 'I TlVB BOARD, . T TH'iS. C. DEVLIW. f I r( tb City of ftartinaaV' 1 October A, 1804, . . ... v - THB BXK( Br TH i Attdltoc Prttoad, Oregoa, ffBOPosxD AsuiivivT rosV uttbotb. kLXBT Of aULMOST STBXKT. Bettc fet hereby given that tba Council ef th City of 1'url laud propuoao to aaaeM tbe tullowlug . described property aud owuor or owitera aa Dclug apeclaliy and peculiarly heave. fired la th aiuuunta set oiiposlte the uamne mud dracrlptloaa tberr4 for tbe tmuroromtint of Haluion atreet. from tba west llue of front atreot t the Mat Una of fifth street Bra nded by ordinance No. 18.708. Any objections to the apporttoaaien Of east for sold faurorement must be made la writing tt tb CoUittU and flh-d with tb Audltur within IS days from f dsu of the first publication of thl oorlc, and aald objvctluua will be board and determined by tb Council before tb passaga of the ordlnane aaaoaalug the eest of alT lniproTsaaeiit. POB'CT.AN D -BLOCK t. undlrletad 1-S OMt 06 feet tot 4. J A. Malarky. 9109.S4; ua dlrldod 1-8 east 4B feet lot 4. P. K HnlmaB. t 1" JMi."rtl4 A.A ! 49 feet tat 4. f 'iiiiiua BolinauT414i weaT 93 roer of 101 t, urvaou rurnlture Mauursctunng com pany. 9l'IT.T9: tat 9, Oregon furniture hUa ufarturlng Company, 9J.04; Voc 4. Oregon .Furnltur Itanufac luring Compaay, 9do.H4; tat 8, John A. OvrUb, 9489.39. BL0 K 12, eaet 88 feet tat 4, A. Grace alefcs.9414.T4; west 18 foot tat 4. Mary J. Woodwsrd. StLlH; west 4 feet of north ft lot 9. Wary Woodward, 41.40; west IB feet of ooutb lot. 8. Mary J. Woodward, 96.38; east feut of north H tat 3, Annie Hawald, tkaa Wtagaad and Kate Strode, 4S3.T9; east SB fnt of aoatb Vi lot 8, Wiley B. Allen, 9i.81; Mst 10 feet of tat 4. Mary 1. Wood ward. 4T.01; west 45 feet of tat 4, William ' Pratler and Elisabeth Corbett Bat ate, belra of. 9D944; east 10 feet of lot 4, Mary j. Woodward. 940.14; west SB fMt of lot 6, Thomas M. Blcbardson, 9417.44. BLOCK 33, ' undleldfid U la . Joseub W. Dolnh Batata. heirs of, 9117.44; andlvlded U tat 8, Joseph N. Uolph Bstata. heirs of, 919. TTj andlrlded tat A Crrua A. Ooluh. 8117.48: andlrldd lot S, Crrvis A. Dolpb, 914T7; undivided 4, J. T. Apperson. azss.w; undl IA lot S. JT. T. Aptrou. 983. Wi tat . Blchardsoa, 94.SO. BLOCK BS, lot d, George TVMyere. 4490.94; south tat 8. Bllssbeth and Osear B. Haitita, 9J7: and1rldd U north U lot 8. Kllashsth and peear B, HelBtt, SlfVw; undlrldMl Ifc oorth V lot . Arthur B. Helots. 91T.4B; lot 4, Ocorg T. Myra, 909 99; lot B, Goorga f. Myers, 4480 09. BLOCK 49, tot d, Ida U. Church, 4491.491 tat S, Htcter J. Morrison, . 9TL08; tat 4, Bombard L. 8 too Batts. bclra Of, 971.01; tat ft. Bcrnhard L. Btona Betate, helm of, 949T.11. BLOCK . lot I Bobert Pattoa Baute. belra of, 94W-S8: lot S, Bob - art Patton Batste, heirs f 909.84; lot T, Daniel Klnkel. 970,34; lot S, Daniel Klnkel. 4491.47. BLOCK tt, tat 1. A Harkar Es tate, heirs oL 494.03; lot 1 9. C. Smith Estate, belra of. 970.70; aoutb SSH feet tat T. r. C. Smith Batata, belra at 444-78; aortb 1SU fact lot T. Hrnry Welnhard. 914-01:- tat 6. Henry Wolnbard, 94dT.31. BLOCK 94, tat 1, Oerman Barings A Loan 8K-lety, 4ttl.ft0f bt 2, Mary Kuth Hawkins, 407.341 fct T, . W. and V. Cook, 970.24; Jot 8, BCurtty8nvlngB A Trust Company, 44M T. BLOCK &8, north H of block. City of Portland, 81.134.84. BIOCK 88, tat 1, Multnomah Ooonty, 8001.82; tot 1 MuH nutuah County, fllM; tat T. Multnomah County. 97190; tot 8, Multaomah County, 940b-40. Total, 411.148.S6. , . . TUOS. 0. OBTLIM, Auditor ef tb aty f Potttosi. PortUnd, Oragcm, October 8, 1904. VBOV0BBD ASSISrlllPBT JOB TMPBOTB- tUVT Off BOSXIT ATEBTJB. Hatloa to hereby given that tb Couucfl af tbe City of Portland proposes to aaeeaa the foltowlmt -described Erooartv and owaar or owners as being peeially and peculiarly bene fited In tba k mount act Dposlta tb names and description thereof for the Improve meat of Rodney avenue, from - tba north line of Knott atrMt to the sot irk Una of Uorrla atreot.' M Brovided by ordinance Wo. 12.7U. . Any objection to ta apportionment i cost fnr said improvement must b maa in writing to tbe Council ,md filed with the Aadltor on h Ilea n,io of this notice, end aald ob lections wiu be neat a ana aeterminoo oy tne uncii befor tb Dossaic of tb or din bob mania ue cost or ami a improvement. AJLB1NABLOCK 17. east 100 abet as kt 14. Mary Phelps MOBtgomcry, 8101. XI; Met 100 ' feet of tat IB. Marr Pbeln Moataomeee. 994-88; east 100 feet of tat 14, Mary Pbelp HoncgoBsery, awkaT. vimuk aa, oast iuu feet of tot 11, William Waachar, 808. W; eaat 10A raet ftt W IS. Winiam Waachae. 8tel.88; t 10$ feet ot tat 18, WtlUam Wascber. 3100.17: east SO feet ot tat 14. ; BtelU B. Ptttenger, 84472: aoutb S feet of coat an feet or lot u. Bteua s. ntte oarer. 40.94: north 41 feet of east SO feet of lot IB, Eugeaa M. GravM. S54.40; west 40 fact af tot 14, Mary O. Mailer, 42-47: west 30 feet f tot IB, Mary O. Mailer. 93-44: IOO feet at lot 14 Gearee iL and B. B. . Jameson. 948. 74. BLOCK 39, oast 4 feet of , lot la, Paul Weaaingcr, fi-Tg; lot 14, Mar- gnertt W. Tomllnren, . 31 ; aouba 42H 48.84: 0rtbJ-"W tact of tot 1ft, i'lrat Gcr . maa 'kt. m, Churcb, 99.09; tat 14. first Ger- ?ian M. , Cburen, gas.M; lot 17, Mary oomy, 944.411 lotls, Mary TooaMy, 944.S4: lot 19. Nora MCKcnaa. i3a.Be; east a raet of lot 3i, Emily Strabaa, 9134; eart Q eet of tat 44. Henry C. Hodgea. 91.SS; west of tot 48. Char lea Olb-oy. 94.08: went Vt tat 47. Cbartas Gilrav. 84.11: west U ef lot 48, Charles GUroy. 94.17; eaat U ff tot 44, Samuel Hose. 941.09; Mat U of tat 4T. Samuel Hoac, 941. 44t eart H of lot 44. Samuel Hose. 941-44. BLOCK 14. west 100 feet of lot 34, 4. & Dyer. 944.48; west 100 feet of lot X, I, Q. Dyer,. 94S.33: west St feat of tot 34, B. ft tjer. 444.10. BLOCK 1ft, west 100 feet of tot 4, Bleu Caa, 948.04: went 100 feet of tot 8, Ellen Ca, 844.00; west 109 feet f tot I, Bile Caa.- 947.98; west 109 fMt of tot 38, John J. D. Kdgerton. 9M.ftu; weat 100 feet of tot SB. John J. D. K I rer to. 948.98; west 100 test of tot St. 448.09. BTfOCK 14. west 8 feet of tat 8. James B. Montgomery Batste, belra ot. 91-78: tot 3. Uata Tooesea, 819.12; lot j, Him TonescTS, 91IR.18; tat 80, Swrdlab tutberan Bvangelt.-al Etnaenel Churcb, 9lt4.19; tat 39, John W. Bkaaa, 91480; west 4) feet at tot 38. C. A. and H. Cartoon, 91-34; west 8 feet ot tot 84, Hnnnah B.. Claude I.. Clyde J. BcoMJns. tl.SX; tot 41 K. Ingeteraftca, 91184; tat 41, . Ingeterfssa, 8123.41. Total. 81094.89. ,4 t - THOS. C. DEVLIN. . f Audi tee of tba City7 of Portlaad. Portlaad, cVegoo, October S, 1904, raoposAxs tos sxwxx wobk. . , Mtod aropoMto will be received at the afflca of fb Auditor f th City of Portland, until Friday, October T. ivon, at g o'clock 6 sa., for th constmctlon of a eewer In eHada a vmm, from tbo eeeoad hnd la Me llndn avenu to tbe sewor la Johnadn atreet at Twenty-fifth street, lu tbe manner provided by ordlnane Ko. 14.1X7. subject ta th pro vialeM nf tb charter aad or d loan cm of the City of Portland, aad th awUmat af the City a5n1ner. a file. ( Bid moat ba atHctlp to aaoordaaaa with printed bUnka, wnicn will be rami -bed oa apwUesttaa at th of flea of fb Aadltor ef the City of Portland. And Mid sewer em st b completed on or before 40 da ye from tbe data ef tba Blaming af tba atrct hp tho parttoa thereto. No prop-waht f bid Wtf! b rwnetdered wnlaaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to th arder of tb Marnr af th City of Portland, eartlfled by a fesponalbls bank for aa amount eoaal to 44 far Mat af tb TheVgutTMrajt aa aaat'n Maa -h hereby reserved, , . i By sadar 4 th lcrecattra Beard. Ji ; ,t , THOS. a DEVLI!f. ; Audirwr of tb Ctty of Perth, ad. Port bind. Oregon, October t MO. 0OJBTLET101I AJTB ArXTTPTAllOS OF trWWl Xlf BAST STAJLK AJTB StaATff TK1BTIBTH STBLUB, KotlM to torebf ' gTvea .ttist WtTBaai ft tflllott. City Bliglneer, hae filed to tbe offlo of the undersigned, noMc that J. B. Blvamuna. enntrartt for the eonetruetien of a aewer la Rent Stark and Bast Thirtieth street, trader the pravlalcns of ' rdlMlQ No. 14,148, h4 MV nteted Mid aewer. u Sold Beeeptanc will b uaMered he- the Biectitlve Board at 4 e'etach en tbe 7th day f October, 1904, aad ebjectlecs to tbe accept ance af Mid aewer, ot any part thereof, may be filed in tbe efflc af th aarslsjeed at any time prior thereto. . , T i, . TUB BX EC1 'TI YBf BOA ft D, 5 l By THOS. 0. DBVLTSf. t (. . ArHi!trw. of tb. o( potttoam. ISrttoBd, Oregon, October'' 1, 1904. FB4TOSXB A4sta4ArKirr FOB XaLPBOYB- SrXJTT 0T VBIOV AYXKTTB. . Motto te hereby given that tbe Cenetefl ef rh Ctty of Portlaad propose to ssoesa tbe fnltow tti sVsrrieed aronertr snd owner r aw at a as being apeclaliy and peculiarly beneBted la tbe amounts aet p posits tne names sad deserfp tton thereof for tb Improvement of t'nlon venue, trea tb center Une f Division atrMt t lb Booth Un of Iron trt, aa Brovided fey ordlnane No. 11840. Any oblertion tn Or Spfert tow meat v eeat bar Mid tmprovsakent BMSt h mad ta writing r ...ii ..j aift .w.. tfH tthi 18 day from the data of the Brat publication of this notice, end Mid ObJaetloM will be heard aMl (Id or mi ne ny in wtwni neson tas pae sage of tb ordlaaaca tMamlssi th ooal of said lniiwoeement. KtiRlt '8 iUnitlOU ta Bast PbrfJand BT.OCK B. tot S. WllllaBi C. Hrowa. Iliu; let T. William a Browa. 49138; tat 8, William C. Browa, 40 87: tot 8, WUltam, ft Brows, bUK-K O.' tot 9. fred S, Morris. 420,41; tot 7, feed JL MerHs. 816 BLOt'K C. tot 1. Herbert W. McBwea, 437. lj tat 1 Charle Oregory. 4-16.48; tot 8. Ana Kerr. Sna 57: jot 4. Msry U Mptrbalt. 470 14. P.I.OCK P. tot 1, Cbartca K. Chance. a tot 1 Pred S. Morrl. .W; Or, -go a Water Power A Railway onisenr'a trsc right of rnwar a ni - y. 844.84. . A Parttoa O. TUk 47T flu , thon. u, navLiiv, Aoitlte f the City st Port U ad. ttofoa Ovtahat 4. tov. YMttWVnS tatrBOTTMTsTT Cm ntTBSJUV BTBSET. . Notice ti hereby given that at th use ting gr th Council ef tf City of Portland, Oregoa. held on tba Slat day of September, 1904, the faHowl ng resolution was adooted:- Keeolved, That tba CoaneU of tba City of rortuno, Oregon, deem it. erpedlent and poroses to lii'prov Thurman street from tb west Un of Rugby a tret to tb west Un of peter Guild donatton laud claim, la th 9b- ktfwing manner, to-win first Br era d! tie tbe lire futl wldrk with fr.ll Interaecttaa to th grads M given bf tb biir hi is mew. Uxm-Uf o1yettng artlSclal td- waias. . Third Br war tr at tin amndea eioaswalha - fonrth By laying tana cotta dram pip to ronroanco wun tne t.-tty ngtaeara pISM, a rt neat tana and aetlmiisa. flfta lljr larlna wooden stdewnTka to aeeord with the City Engineer's plans, BpaeiScB - tan no sed Mttieatae, .r-A , . ..... . 81 tb Br ranatructlnc erlbbtnn hi aecordascs with the City Engine' plans, apeelocatloos no emmace. - I Seventh Br brlnrlna the snrfaa n tba street fair width wtib fau suteraMttaaa to snda wltb Bald Inwroaoasent to b men In aeecrd anc with tbe charter and ordinances of tb City et Portlaad and tbe plans. speclneattoM and Mtlmates of the City Euglneer Bled In tne eioee oi in Auonor or tne ( iiy et ruri larul an aha With Amr nt BMtamhu IIVU to. dciasdl "Cttr Bnnnera nlana and soecinca- tlon far the Imnrovemeat of Tburmaa atreet from the west Una of Bugby atreet t tb weat Un Of Peter Guild's donation land claim and tbe satlmstee of th work to be doe aad tbe Drobsbl total cost thereof." Th cost ef aald ' Improve men t to ba sa- aeeeett aa provlOed ny the City Charter upon th psoprrty special If heoeBted thereby and erica 1 bereay neciare to be all tbe kits. Darts af lots and ne reels ef land Wtn be tween a Une 100 feet northeasterly from bod parallel with tb aorthwsterly line of Thnv msa atreet and a l!ne 100 feet southwesterly fiom snd parallel with the etbweterly Hue of Tburmaa street and between tb westerly line of Bugby atreet and Its eitrnehm northerly In tte pieaent courae, and the westerly Ua OX th Peter Guild donation land claim. Th Engineer' Mtlmato of the arohablo hntal cost for the Iroprovsmeot ex paid Tborman street w ,st'i.W. , The above Imnrovwmont ta to ha. alsssed aa a btoeadam iarovement and ah a II ba maintained or tne Ctty ror a period Of Ova years; provided, that the owners of a majority f tbe wooer tr benefited by Mid tmnroveToent or nay por tion thereof, shall aet petition for a new Or dtffersi.t tmprovaamat before tb sxptrstloa of aacb period. Tba plans, spec! flea Onus and aetlmats f tb City Bnglneer for tba improvement at aaM Tt.nrmsn street are herebr adooted. Besolved, That the Auditor of tho City af roniana D ana a is hereby directed to giv norlc of the proposed Improvement Of aald atreet as provided by tba City Charter. Bsmottsfraneea aga'.nst tbe above improvement may a niea in writing witn tb andersigned within J days from th data t th arst paniicBtiea or tni notice. , ' By ardor of tb Council. ' i .... .i TTIOi. 0. DBTIIrf, " ItBdltot of the City of Porttaa. . Portia nd. Oregon. September 34, 1904. awrt9hTTBT fob xxTBBsiojr or pawsob TBJIET. rtotto to tereby glraa that tbe made by ordliianc Ho. 14.17ft. entitled: "An ordlnane adopting the report .of the viewers la tb matter of tba proposed opening, widen ing, taring out and establishing of Dawson atreet from tb oast Un at Flake street to the Math Ua of Columbia Park, making an asaenmcat of tho benefit and damage set forth la aald report, " approved August 19, J904, Aaa -been entered against tba several owner of and persona tatrreated In tb land herein described aa being Mveyslly Uabl thers for. In the Docket of City Uens, which Mid asssMmaata are mad due and porabl at th office ef tb City Treat urer, la United States gold and allrer cola, and aniens paid before uc toner t, iws, in gam win aecom aeua ouat and such nroceedlnga will ba tnkra tor the collection ef tbo Mm m ar provided by to caartcr oi ta viij ec rortiaao aJ msDts beiusT aa follows, to-wlt: NO It WOOD BLOCK 107, tat 14, Bra rhHdges, ao.iwi mm in. vs octegse, h.w; lot ia, Clarence O. Smith, 98.U0, lot 17, Clarence 0. Snillb, 48.00; tat 18. Allde B. Clark, 88.00; " lot 19. Ann 8, Clark. 8S.00: tot 30. Julia A. Brlgg. 4a. 00; lot SI. Julia A. Brlga. 88.00; tot , Bdward SehMrer, 43-0; tot S9, A jtecoore trie, ng.oo: Jot g,' Theodora iri. fe.00; tat 3ft. University Park MTBTCburcb. irusteee ot, 49-00; lot 34, rnlvetatty Purk . r Church, Trustees of. M.OO. BLOCK 111 tot T. fteora L. Harmwni 83 00; tot 9, Mary J. Touna, 4100; lot 9. Benjamin B. Shaver, 1100; lot 10, Benjamin B. Bhlw, p. 00; tot 11, L . rtoymop4, 43Q0j tot 11 f. T. Ravsnond. tA.OU. CNITBRSlTY PARK BLOCK 134, tot TL CeUa L. Proebstel. 93.60: tat 33. Marl B. tshsna. SlBor-tftt 23. Marie JL Lab a no. . axoo; tot 14. i niTeretry ifn4 (to., 8Z-bO; - tat SB, 1'nlverslty Und Co., 92.40: tot 33, W. J. Psddloord. f3.W; tot W. W. I. Peddl ' eord. 92. DO; tot aTw. J. Peddl card. 9184 SMITH 8 N LAND COMPANY'S ADDITION to Beet Portland -BIXK.K 1 tot 9, Frsnk Staua. S1.9S; tat 10. Banna Cartaoder. 81.38; lot 11, . Hanna rvianoer, .; tot u, rrank Btaua, 51.30; tat IS, James A. Gray, 91.30: tot 14, i. tt. BurweU, 91. 28; tot IS. B, A. Whiting, 1.38; tot 16, Jams A. Gray. 41 ; tat IT, .nna fc. Yeorbtos. 41-34; lot 14, Bugea Brock. fl.SB; let 19, Bugn Brook. 91.38; Srt So. Anna B. TocrblM, 41.38: tot 31, Anna !. Voorblea. 41.38; tot 21 Eugene Brock, 1.34; tat 24, August Unwyler, 91.24; tat 34, Ll Sanborn, 91-24; tat 3ft, Matilda Jtffer son. 41-ZB; tat 24,7. B. Scott, 91.29; tot 27, Amanda Out try, 91-3B; tot 38, John W. Orsy. 41. SB; tot 39. John W. Gray, 91.00; i tot 90, Amanda Gattry, 81.00. BLOCK 1 tot 8, Lin H. awing, 412ft; tot 10, VlrglnU A. Hata.tMd. 91 SB; tot 11, 0. B. Tucker, 81.38: tot IS. ilna H. Swing, 4124: tot li O. B. Tuckar, 81.95; tot 14, Sarah J. Orsy. Si. 3ft; tot 1ft, Sarah J. Gray, 91 2ft; lot 14, B. Tucker. 41.36; lot 17, La lira M. Ses ton. 91.3B: tot IB. Llllle M. McClura, Si.SS; tot 10. Lllne M. McCtur. 4138; tot SO, W. W. Bracken, 81.24; tot 31, Tnoa. U Bar. hell. 9L2S; tat 21 Mary M. Manning, 91.24; tat 28. Blondlna Manning. 91.38; let 84, ThosL. Kay. belra, 31 -2a; tot SB. BeUl M. PsrrmantOT. 41 36; tot 94. Sarah J. Gray. 31.28: tat ST, Sarah J. Gray, 41-35; tot 24, NelH M. Pameuter, 91-20. All that tract of land lying between tba easterly aide Use - C Newman vtreet ta aald Smltbsoa Land . Cnmpaay'a addition to Baat Portland and the West line af Columbia Park la Mid City af Pert Und, and between tb asld southerly Une of aald rjropoeed Iawon street and 11m parallel therewith aad 100 fMt southerly tbsrsfrom. Joba Mock. 940.7S. Total, 4WO.T9. Timt o. DEVLIN. Atelrtor of tb City of porthmat Porttoad, Oregoa, September SB. 1904, lXTTJfSIOB OF KA8T T WEB TUT B STBEXT, Whereas, th Ooaacfl af ta City of Prt toad, deeming tt ex pad lent to op, top out, widen and establish an extension af Kast Twentieth atrMt, In tb aty af Parttoad, from tbe south Un ot Dtrlstoa street to (be aortb Itn of CUston atreet. Mid Bast Twentieth atreot to be 40 feet la width aad to eomepoad wltb Baat Twentieth etreet as laid ant la Auer'a addition to Bast Port bind, did oa tbe 4tb day of Jnly, 1904, direct th Ctty Bnglneer to survey tb Sanaa and t merit th boundaries thereof, and to make a put of sack survey, and a written report Containing a full and perfect dMcrlpttoej of neb propnead street and oonnoarM uatat, ana ot we poriwe each tot. tract er part f either to bo ap propriated for ancfa treet. Bad th City Engi neer baring made sacb survey, plat and report, and Sled suck plat snd report to the ofue or the Auditor of tbe City of Port Und oa tb 224 day of July. ,1904. and aaM report baring been adopted by ordinance No, 14,174. aatlUrd: "Aa ordinance adopting tb report of the Ctty 'Bualoeor to tbe matter of. the proposed Tnlng. Uylng oat. wide slog aM establishing Bast Twentieth street, to th City ef Port i,ut an in wiiitsi tn Its nreeent oean. from the south Un of Division Street tf th Berth Una of CUatoa Street. How, therefore, all person toterMted ar hereby notined that tn coix-u or w u i o I nrtUnd lua ajtpelatod H. J. Moirtsco, J. Kelly aad W. F. White viewer to view aald pro poeed esteastoa of asld street and amke aa eatl mat f the baaeflt aad da mage occsstaoed by th opening, laytdg out and MtahlUhlo of ti bame. In arcoroaac Wltb th charter of tb Oltv af Portland, aaM viewers to aMt at th office eg th Auditor ot th Cttr of Port la od oa Ute 13tb day f October, I90. at the hoar 30 e'eta to th tors no f aaM fh- mupused aaeatoa, arMenlaf. toytom Mt and Mfilllahlng of Eaat Twentl-tS street Ts40 feet In width and I mora pa Ocularly ktsaaSad aad deerrtbed M toltawat Beginning at a point la tba aoath ttaa Of Dlvlaloa atreet at the northwest corner f block 1. MVadowtand. running tbec westsriy oa tbo aoatb Una of. Division atreet 40 feet to a feint; theses soatberly and parallel Wltb th Mat Una ef Baat Twentieth etreet a aow laid out. tn ta north Um f CUntoa atreet: thane easterly ataag th north Une of -CUnfbn street SO leet to the easterly Ua off Bast Twentieth street; thence northerly along the Mat Une of East Twentieth atrMt as new laid cat to the aovth Ha af Division Street to th place ef beginning. . . Ta proThoeit opentng, winerrrssT, ssywqg ewt and establishing of East Twentieth atreet will fnolaAa ma aaftata tKa mmnrlauaa M ssris. U use ef tbe toUewUg deaorlbed paras a) a trscis at lead: All aF lot 1, MneB t. laabsr eatttohi tslnlng 9 000 rruare feet. Also sli s tot 8. block 1, Xfb'9 aahattoa. Cents iulng 1800 aaovre feet. Atoo all af lot 1, block l Laahaa addlttoa, asatalatng 8.4nt square feet. Alar, all of tot 8. block 3, baahsr'a adaltlaB, ontatalng 4,609 sqaar feet. Also all that pert of tot 1 btoe t, aoaHe'B ddltlo. lytng esaterly f tb propoeed' westerly line of last Twentieth strset. eonlsisUag 149 son a re feet. Alae all that part ( tot f, btocS 1, Lssbce add Irion, lying taateely of tba neopneed weeterlv Une of Bast Twonttotb atrMt, MatalBlag H4 soaar feet. Ato u at M S, Mask & SwalttobV lytty Msterry ef th proposed wMterly Be f Eaat Twsattoth SlC oMtalntog US amur toot Aim atl that part of lot f , block 3, lVMhe's addltlo. tying eaaterlv f tb pre posed westerly Hue of East Twentieth atrMt. outsitting Ifrft aquer fMt. A the acrl Bis thfilr Al.tina Crw wi.h HlBlfM With th Auditor of tbe aty of Portland befor tb 12th day of October, 19u4, th ttroe sppolatM tm she DMetlug of the view era taotato, . By dat af OM Council , Aadftor f th City of Portland.' PcrttaaaV Oregoa. September 94, 104. ffBOPOSZD AMKMsYKVT FOB IMPBOYaV MUrT Off YAAtKZLI. STBXXT, ' TToce lo nerehy glveft Ufa Tie CtlcjTn t .ty at portnta oropoaaa (o aeseea tne nuuw Ing deacribed property and owner or owner as beTng epectally and peculiarly baaeSttd la tb amouuta set oppoalt the name and descrip tions thereof for the Improvement of Yatnbm atrMt, from tbe weat Une of PoarUi atreet to tbo east Mm of Sliteeath atrMt,- a srevlded by ordinance No. 14,097. . Any obiecttona te tho swportlonmeTrl f coat for said Improvement muat be mad la writing to th OsnucU and 414 wltb the Auditor wltbla 3 dars from tb dato ef tb Srst pubUcntlon this notice, and Mid objectlona wlQ b heard and determined by tb Council before the pas sage of tbe ordinance M mrlng lb aaat af Mid improvement. PO HTTAN D BLOCK 41, tat 4, Toomg Man's a, 833.1t; lot 3. Young kssoclstkm. 964 73; un CbrlaUan AasodaUon Man'a Chrlartae Aaaoeta tlon. dlvtded 1-8 of tat 4. John Gram BsUta, belra of. 941.04; undivided 1-S ef tot B. Joba Oreen BaUU, heir of, 8144. 73; andfvlded 1-4 of tat 4. David P. Thompson. BsUta, belra of. 47.0fl: undivided 1-8 of tat 8, Davkt P Thompson Batata, hava af, 4144.71; so . divided 1-9 of tat 4, HmbmiB C. Moanrd, 44T.Od; andlvlded 1-3 of tot 8. Hermaa C Leon ard, 4164.71 BICK 172, tat 4. United StatM Government. 84NT.WI; jot 9, United SutM Oevemmaat. 8l39tT; tot 4, United StatM Government, iaS-44j tot 8. United SutM Povernmest, 4&24.U. BLOCK 179. 1st 4. ortland Hotel Compaay. $C2.S8; let S, Port land Uotsl Company. 9149.88; lot 4. Portland Hotel Company, 984.78; tat 8, Portlaad Hotel Company, 9W8 .57 BLOCK ill, tot 4, Lvra W. Savage, 9391 7t; tot 1 Dora W, Savage, 884.10; lot 4, NeUto Henahaw, 9130.T9; Mat - 3s tot 8, John P. Sharkey, 9288.1; watt H tot ft! 1M W. Beattf, 8381.98. .PARK BLOCK 4, tot 1 Prestoa W. Clllett. Saso.78; north tot 8. Tbomaa Harvey Bennett. jncaS; oib tot V Jaato L. Mim , PO UTL A N D BLOCK til tot 4. OharlM P. Klwert, 9444.49; north 48 feet lot 8, Cornelia F. Rockwall. 9109.80; Booth 8 feet tot 9, Cbartas P. Etlwert, 91118: aortb 40 fMt tot 4, Joeepb Goodman, 91U8-84; Mat H af aoatb lo fMt tot 4, Anna Cbcmtn, 4H.9Bj wast to of south 14 fast lot 4, Byron U Wood worth. '418.9S; Mat lot 8. Anna Cbcmln. 82x114; West St lot 8. Brran L. Woodnworth. 3203. 01. BLOCK 261, cut 48 1-S fMt tot 4. Amanda slw k ant, cut ua 1- iwt sot , ju W. Beed Bstst. belra of, 8484.11: cut i ftet of aoutb 14 fMt lot 4, Amanda W. Batata, belra, ef, 430.18; weat 38 3-4 Ut 0B 1 Bead fMt tot 4, Samuel A. and Bills ft Brews, 818109; west 81 2-4 fMt of east 88 fMt Of north 8 fot of Muth 14 feet of lot 1 Samuel ' A. and Bills a Brown, 84.80; svest 88 2-8 feet of aoutb S feet' tat 8, Bamoet A. and . Xllla C. Brown. 49.94; north 42 feet of west S test tot 8, Henry W. Oorbett BsUto hairs at, 17.18; north 84 feet of MSt 9ft fact tot 1 Henry W. Oorbett Estate, heirs of, 8118.38: north 43 feet of tot B. Catherine Morrow, II1T.64; aoath 8 feet of Mat 48 fMt lot 4, must A. and KUla C. Brown, 410.T6: seat 48 fMt of tat 0. -Basanel A aad B! lie C Brown, 9214.84; Anath 8 feet ef weat B8 foot ' of tat 1 John A. Brown. 811-43; waat 80 feet of tot 8, John A, Browa, 4207.91 BLOCK 3ft., lot 4, Bobert Brady. 8484.46; tat 1 Bobert Brady, 9141.83; tot , Joba Poott, Siflt.TO; Mst H tot 8, Sarah Wetdmaa, fa at; weat IM I, Aaron Beck at ax 8234.44. SOUTH S BLOCK H. tat 4, David Thompson Estate, heirs ef. 4021.49: aouth 80 feet tot 4, David Tnompaa Entato, heirs Of. 4W.44; north 30 feet lot 4, Stephaa. Msad Estate, hairs of, 868.18', aortb SO feet tat 4. Ktepbea Mead Katat. belra f, 4oft.M: Mat SO ft of south SO . feet . tat 8. David P. Thorn coon, 814.47; Mat SO , feet of aoath 80 fMt of tot 9. ' David p. ThempeeB, 898.98; weat 80 fMt f ooutb 80 fMt lot 6, Hermaa Hlrchborg. 868.43: west 80 feet Jot B. Hermes BlrscS berg, 9847.48. SOI'TII H BLOCK K. tat 4, Cbiis. Sweeney, 4480 38; tot 8. Chas. Sweeney, 4188. TB; tot 4. Chaa. Sweeney, 8188.44 tot 4. Cba. Swaanay. 4016.10, BLOCK 1 810, tot 4, & . Btoed. trustee 8317.40; tot 1 ft J. Bead, trnatao, 4144.94; bt Si Led W. Sltton, 4124 41; tot . 8, Left W. Slttoa, 8481.88. BLOCK SIT. lot 4, Samuel JT Far her. 48T1.78; lot 1 Samuel J. Barber,- 31M .88: eaat to lot 6, Theodora B. Wllcc. BM 08: eeat U tot ft, Tbeodor B. Wilcox. $204.88: weet to lot 6, Duncan Ferguson. 28.Tt- west to tot 9, Dnncaa fare oa on. 9304.84, PO n TLA ND BLOCK 00. 1st 1. Mary B. Tesl S-170 9U tot 1 Mary K. TmI 964.36; lot t, Henrietta E. and Mary F. Patting and Emily Cabell. 3140.70; lot 8. Henrietta n and Mary F. falltne and Emllr Cabell. 3490.98. BLOrK 171. lot 1, Henry W. CorbeU Estate, belra or sswu.os: at a, tieary w. uor&ett Batata. heirs of, il 40.44; tat 1 Henry W. Corbett Butate. belra of, 916S.91! tot 8, Btaary W. 'Corbett BsUta. heir f. 4827.74. BLOCK 140, lot 1, Alnswtrtb Company, 4538.70; tat g, ainawortB uompany, giou.Stf; tot 7, Alns Wortb Cbmpany. 984.30: tat 18, Alaawortb Cempany, I't79.4, BIJCK tt, tat 1. Cat tanaj atocisty, 8BBS.T7: lot J, Unitarian Society, 956.10; tot 7. Henry W. Corbett Estate, heirs of, 9121.48: tot 4. Henry w. nh.N kll. i anae aa O , amr- BLOCK 8, tot 1, Anetta fcttM, 9471.88; let e. ifissi 1;. weiu. unr.Tl. PCBTTtND BLOCK 219, tot 1, Boswall SL Lsinson. 84T1 TBI llt B. Bra welt n T.amana 123.801 tot 7, Anna B. ConnaU, 9169.42; tot a, nn m. vonneu, niMVH ma, tot L W. S. Ladd Bstata, belra of, 4R38.44; tot 1 W. S. Ladd Batata, belra of, 3189.78: tot TT W. 1. Lsdd Batste, heirs ef, 8141.14; 'tot , W. S. Ladd Batste. belra of, SoOl TT. BLOCK SS9. lot t. Janua W. Cook, juft.SO; tot 1 Jam W. Cook. 9141.40; Mat U tot 7. Ellet H. ftofigto 48174; Mat to tot S. Ellen H. CongJe. 824104; west bT tot T. Mary Ana Lambert, 906.40; tat 1 Mary Ana Lambert. 9244.89. NORTH H BLOCK O tot 1, Jamea fleldo. 4at.48: tot 1 Jane fields, 8I60.6S; lot 7, Jame Fields, 818-28; tot m. stare Fields, 4481.8T. WORTH u , BLOCK L Let 1, Phoebe M. Deftam. 9&219S; tot S, William B. Mr Res and Clara and Klva Ho mason. 91S8.4S; tot 77 Justus M. Stre.wbn.Ias. 9l88.8; lot S. Jaata M. Strmr brMae, 9521 II. BLOCK 309 Lot 1, Margaret B. Rmftb, 9822.82; lot 1 Margaret B. 8m Itn, ' 9197. 22: lot T. Margaret B. Smith, 81.Vi.T5; tot 1 Margaret B. Smith, 8441.01. BLOCK 818. lot 1, Macteav Estate Company, 9477.91: tat 2. Msctaay Estate Compaay. 18.T0; tot T. Maeleay EaUt Company. 488.44; tot 1 KritiV cmSr 4374.8ft. Total, '82b,427.f4v mm. 0. BYT,nf. . Auditor af b City of IortUad. Porttond, Oregoa, October 9, 1904. PKOP04ED CKAJTOB 0T 4BADS Off SKID-(- MOBS STBKZT. Hotlc to hereby greea that at the meeting af tb Council of tb aty of Portland, Oregon, beTd on the Slot day of September, ISO, lb following resolution wm adopted, lUeotved. That tbe Council ef tb Cttr of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes, to afiang and establish tb grade of tbe center Una of Saldsaere atreet af the ibtsrsectto of tbo eeater line of Garfield are as from 144.8 fMt to 183.S toe afeev tb baa of city grades. Beeorved, That tba Aodltor f th Cttr f Portlaivd be and bo Is herebr directed tit etee potlc of the' proposed aha age of grads of asld street aa provided by the dty ebsrtar. Uenvwatranc sgalnat tb abovs change of grade msy be Sled ta wrttlnr with tbe aader slrned wltbla 30 days from tba data of the Aral publication af tbla notiee, . , , B ardor ef th Osuncil. 1 ' . THOS. ft- DETXrf, ; ' - Auditor ef the City of PortUnd, a Poetlawg, Oregoa, September . 1904, TObTlJmOK AbTD AOCTPTANCB 0T BX , TAXBS TO TAJTaTX CBXXX SSJWZaU. Notice hi hereby give that Wtlltom 0. BlUntt. City Bngloear, haa filed SB the office af the BaderslaTiied. notice that R. M. Blner. contractor for the repairs to Tanner Craeh vrer. nnaer tne areviaion of ardiaaae Be, 1. 01 1, nas cotnpieree a in Merer. Said sceepuat-e wlU be roasldered by anecntive Board at 4 oVtneb on the Tta day "l wciosr. iwh, ana objectlona to tne sceept voce of Mid aewer. or any part thereof, mar be filed In tb offlca of th aaitaiaigaed at asw same snot mere in, , t THB BXBCI TTTB Bt)ABD. V f V f '( By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' ' ' Aadlrs of tbe City of Porttond. Portland. Oregon, Oetcb-r 1, 1904. Ttotoat tm VntrS VS. A Tpir4soont1 rttontaaj e. oesaf TrsBlnds Oally . Jb PA8T TIMj TO SPOKANYJ, ST. fATTfA DULrTH, v AilMNKAPOI.TJI, CIIICAOO AND AUL, POINTS EAST. , ' f tl dre. t trr through the r'weocio 'na. FVir full p 0.U oa) . If" ,U penna claiming as ma yea ey laiea approprlattoa of the property above de bed. or any pert thereof. In tho pnipnexd nlrig, widening, laying out and MtaMlablng aald atreet are hareb saeclsllr aMi4nd lo f (Tnf 0 -cT f otoeaiwaBdr slhii . md UNION TJXir2 zjumiorm east dasiy 'Through Ptillnaaa ataadarS and tagtot sleep, lag cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, spahtt .ei toorlst alrenlng MB dally to K ansae (1 tv; through PuliuisA tuertst steerlnc cars (person ally cewdacted) Weekly to Chicago. ' BeeUalag chair car (seats frv to tba Baat dally. UNION DBPOT. Arrives. CHI CA On. PORTLAND SrEOAU Fag tb Esat via VW lngte. 8:18 a, BL IBia. Dally. Dally. BPOKANBJ FXTEB. For Baa tern W a ah In. ton. Walla Walla. Lew- ItUph miam, iear e aieaeiynuy, Dally. , ana . jsMtaarai poista. ATLAJfTIO BXPR8BR. Far th East via Haul 414 a. m. T:W.av ingtoa. Dally. Dsuy. ... . " . OCKAJT fgJTD tltB!rVifXM' BOB BAST FRAJICISCO S. 1 Oee. W. Air Oct. 1 18. 31 S. 1 CeramWo . Oct. IT 18. 31 Dock. flSStoSh. 8:00 . .' . . Oslusahto KIM. BrtotoaT FOB ASTORIA and wav aotnto. coaaectlBg with Rmr, for Uwaoe and ortfc BMch, atr. Hae Mto. Aah-st. dock. 8:08 a. m. Dally. Abaat 80. nu ea. Sunday Saturday 10 :0O p. av Tamaiirirvsf Beuto. FOB DAYTON, Oregon City aad Yamhill BJW points, atrs. Both aad Modoc. Ash st, doe. I . (Water Permitting.) I T-00B.9J. Deny. BrMssa, Dally. !. toaday --r-i IrrM'Tfiri,: FOB LBWIBTOIf, Ids.. and wsypoints from Biparia. Tfaah.p arm re. Spukan and Lewlatea. 8:40 a, sa. lAbowt Dsil?. :.WtoV a. Sat. I'V-.. TICKXT 0FF1CB. Third aad WaasUaartoa. Tale' pboae Main 711 TOtarTXaVBTD Si AVatXAVTXO U. U. OCh Far Yokebanm aad Hnee Kna. eeJUne Kcbe, Nagniakl aad SbanahaL Urlsc fretehi via aonasctlng ttaamer for Maalla. Port An tbnr and Vladivostok: S. S. 'ABABIA, Oct- li B a, AKAWINIA,. Oct. SB; 8. S NC MA NTT A, Nov. 31. Far WghC Bad far lbs aarttoatoak appry to JAME89 Bt. DBWBON. Agent. PHOT LrtO I via S0UTH iavsj. TJWTOB SPOT. Arrtvea. OYBBLAND BXBBSS trataa, for Salem, Boee burg, Ashland, Sacra-' nvnto. Oaden, SaarFran- 8:88, to. nSaV94a ctaco. Stocktoa. Los AsH sales, Bl Paso, New Or-1 toana aa go Kaec Moraine trala aeeta at Woedbotal dairy 1 except Sstndayl with train far ML Ans-eL Stlvertoa. niawtoSbj Brovraarllle. Isrlir-I Ac. Seld. WeatdBa dt Natroa. Albany Maoengw con 448 a, at. oT:4. Bs. 114:80 p.m. nects at Woodbura with was ML Angel aad SUr4 tea sscai. Onrvallls pea KSHtom aa Hheridaa pa as user. 4:24. W'knlU amt Pi vision. , Depot Taot nf Jeffcraow. Str, TjBt Portland datto for Oswego T:B4 , BL 1180, 4:08. 3:29. 8:30, 9:24. 8:80, 10 10 a. m. Dally (Sicent Sunday), 6:90, 8:89. 8:88. S9: a, m.i :00, 11:44 p, to, atoaday ealy. 4 9 lUtsrwlasj from Oeweg. Brrtre Psjrttoad dott 4:80 aTl 1:45. 4:074:88, 6:14. T:St f I. it: 10 . m. Dally (except Sonday) 4:34, T :, ftrSn. ll:4ft 4. m. Bteept Monday, ISuai a. M. " Sunday only, 10 00 a. m. LeavM from asms depot for DaTtoa aad tab medlau points dally (except Soaday) 4:04 9, aha Arrive Portland 10:38 p. m. Tb Indpejtce-lB!onnwafh afotar Ire overate dally to Metunotrth and Alrlto, t nectlng with Southern Padft Mmpany' brass at rial Is s and IadoDndenc. Flrst-ctaM far from Portland to and nan Vauelaco 420. berth 88: fare 418, aeeond-eta berth 82-00. Tickets ta Eastern points and Japan, China, H 'no lain and Australia. City Ticket Offlo corner Third aad ragtou atreeta rhm jtaiaru. CW. STlNOffB. . W. B. COMAlf, aty Ticket Agwot ' Ben. Paee. AgsnsL TIME CARD ':; -r.' TRAINS PORTLaAIVDs TJBIOgf DBTOT. Pbbm Hound Limited. Itoaavto. for Tueoma. Ssettle r.iaHria- Bonth Bend 8:49 a. L snd Gray' BarbocJ Nortb Onaat United, far TsLsaia, stoattle. Butt. St. PaaL Mln- S.-44B.BS. neanolla. Cblcaao. New Tork. Boston and polata htaet and atouthMSt, Twin-City ti prase, forj Tacom, Seattle, Bpo- tnne. Helena. BL Paul. Iinaaapoito Chtoago, New York. Boston and lltdfts, bv T:4a,av aU aalata Bast aad sVwitbeaat. Pnget Sowed - KMa Ctty -St. Louta Special. for Tacoroa, Seattle. Sooksa. Butt. Billing. Denver, Omaha. Kaaaaa City. St. Loula and all 448. to. TiSSa. aa, pnluto Kast and Smith eaat. All train daily BTeeat oa Seath braaob. A. D. CHARLTON. Aaslatawt Seneral Paaeasger AgMl 338 Morrtooa at., asr. Third. Portland. O. Astoria & Columbia V River Railroad Co. BNIOff DEPOT. Arrtves. 8 rSTa-ai. Dally., For Merger. Betslar Deny. Clatakanto. weal iport.IUa4 6.8B Clifton. Astoria. wsr- rentoa, flavei, flam-' Biond. Fort Bte vena, GearhBit Parh, !. Astoria dang. Tfey V Daily. St8 8.Bt. AfUttoy Sisemm. 9. ft b 0, 9. aS 4. 4.. At ft A. STFWAltT. CMnmorotol Agent, M. Phone Msl 9 s. to thee- the w of ' . VNBgaX