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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
- t, -k THE y OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, inot at Ca noBtoffto ef TtorttanA P trs porta ttae Orach Ik IbuOM e PgssM hMui for rink nttM: Par a B. ar 1 page paper. I mm: it t SO tore, 44 Beg, COOt. J". 1 - muHom Batata Ornc Mala BOO. I (artel lnw Mat M - VrosnA-nrararntn prta1 Advartletog Ageacf. ism iimii street, Sw See; ttumim , "A Wieege, . imacmxraoii batba Ti nn ftwrul. with Sady. t yea.... 8 Pell Jntral. 1 (Mr - "Jo t Pally Journal, with ttnnOay, p ' if Itiy Journal, wit Pnnda. I tseth. I 25 1 Tally Joarnal. month-. .. ., J ic PsIW Journal, with Snndsr. J moat . . -48 Te DhIIv, per Mrt, Mwi Sunday -h n.ilitf am - - k Mm mm mmmimi want- J Terms by BWL TH wnv Braal. with Swsday. 1 fAw.t..8T -J rlr Ionrsal. with Sunday. I JJ" ' ie Pally foams I, t month'...... f e mity Journal, with -inday, 8 smthe. i. "i ie IVilT Imenat mentha. 1.4 1 n- Dally Journal, with Binauy. I mouth.. .' M t : t- f 1.. .! a . . .B e Sunday Jnrfit, 1 yetr "..,... f-JJ Vile lult Tnaeeal A mnnfW S.O Th stoat-Weekly JeSl. -TIm Bead-Weeklr JournL 8 b It I". ' eeeh tow. tltuntrnteA fun Jarket part. I Jif.... ,...... Tb WmVIt Jmiraal 1(n rolannf a NaaV - hll auftit tvpartu, I rtir RrmlttaiMa aboM to h rafli. JMtal wwra. iwM rlri. anrt atniTT nwmti an P. 0. Box Itl. ftorffca Or aiU TKX nVEXAL HAT SX ffOim. v 9 SMrMd to hul MM at w M V plaMt I 1, IDAHO Wall IT' toafc . k -, AGO- Paatofflc Nawv WHW. ITi r .'n tr(. D&HVH, COIA KmAM Bm tta v, cotpanT. tit oVTeaUantk trwt X, Visa. f ,eDtfc od" Cwrtia atrts. T -.iA8 UTTT TaA Nfl L AHCKI-RS II. r. OarflrvT. Snft luring ttrart; Ottw IilM W 7 TO HIT CTTY Srwtawt. 1W atani HafMt. Ul.T LAKE CITT Cbxmi totri iwwa ata-jji Bimir Brm.. Wm StmV! wtrH. toft T. L"tn Philip Rne4v. ei liaenrt "trtji. BAJf FKANCT8CO-W. - AMInf. Plafc"3 Sit: rn-f W. Pitta. inM Uartat atrK. , '"f-KAVH WaiSH.--J( W. Oraha T rOMA, WAHOMtnl apamr. till " ... ATTOTlOir ftAXXft TOM0M0. .at. i t vibriH. at Mav WJUlaama i mt CmM atrat. Bt 10 I. - toto sf Mr4tt. at 10 . m. tola C fomltra. earpeU, ic. o( prtyat talnri. At 3 : p. . -(DM tVrtT thlrt and a"t Tar "VT Tehor oar to Kortj-tblr atraM. fliarff BakaT A "-. anrtlonra. - lumu votiox. BECK la tkto rfty. Ortsbw i, 104, . Bw. aarrd TT ywira. t aaoothi. f Kr.n-.rar fro family rraldaaww. 7ft l W(lwAr Octobrt a. at 10 . ..(Bap f ramia) papr plftta copy.) , Wi-athM- randtttoM and ccnml fsteaat tor rto, WaahiBftM asd Idaho Unt raU baa fVlW (turi!., ife. last M bofcw to tto Uh rr-rloa. tbe Mlddk AtUatl and Uud (tatM: bwhra Cbnmauoat tto UnltPd Rut foir wealbrr ton mrcUl. It U riuadjf Mi'ji Mornlna la vnlvrn WaahluctMi and dpnaa r bTMlly repartee kH lt C.Uforala "ir'i- Hi aatavn Waaklnrtop Br1- Colnmbla: rhtbr wMt of tbr ttot-kr uoua t1na tb- trmprritgr vtoaa tort toa asull nt! anlmnortant. ... . Tto Indlratkma ar for eaatiAnM fttr mom la Uila dlatrict TdMda. It will probably to corUr tonlcht t f tto CaMdea, UbkawraU w Iom at . . . Has. Mia. Babrf CMr. Or.......... W .Bm,' Idaba Kl B-.-Iob. Mua, 2 Ftiirfatn. N. T M rl.artwitoaL . ... W 0'l0. Ill , B M &3 ' 44 TO Ua Fxiiirr. Cola. ............ Firaut, Gal ,Flbna. Moa.. lvd Brnd'ni'a. Cat ........ Ji-kmitvllb. n. . . .. Kalufxll. Moat 7 W TP TP !tl 78 M . HI -M 76 1 40 M m rnna vnj. mu. ...... ... i Ltnt.tom, Idaho I.... PS Llttla Bock, Ark... 1 . Ixm AncPlM, Cal. ........ TP T4 M W OrlMBa. La 4 TP 'NVar York. H. T.... ... . iKiTfolk. To.. ............ Korthdold. Vt.... North rutta, Met Omaha, Keb... ........... rbMadriphla. Pa.... Pwatelto, IdahW it. .01 0 .06 50 41 H M no M M 4a so (V4 M aa .01 .M 0 t Portland, or....... Harraaif nta. Cal ...... 84 at. Unila, M 71 bait Ukr, rub....; T4 Kan Antoato. 1I tt Raa Pra irlmi. Cal 7H Pt. Paul, Ulna. M Sprkana, Wark.. TP Ticonia, Waah. . . M VlrtorU. B. C M Walla Walla. Waah..... M Waatilnctoa. 0. C. ....... 83 WlnnMnurx-a, Ka. TP Ybbu, Aria... M abjuaos uouraaaV Imti ataotna 41 ' Mar Taaaa. 01 Borat KU-harda, ST. Slakiroa rooatJ. TaH tmnU; atari. T. Burt1aaaM, to. Medou. OaL ' n . - ,vy. .,.,: j .. ,r - aXETaUk i i". ' . Atptaiatof It. to Mr. and Mm. Wimaat la Una of 4i Prvfata atrm; a aaogriar. flptaiabr 19, W Mr. an4 Mrs. ffamnal H. lloarilniBB of Wfil aTtMv ; a dauaLtrr. toptrnbrr 14, to Mr. and Mra. Millard F. tnvd of 7ft Vanraarrr arpnn: a aon. 6rptmber , ta Mr. and Mra. Oaorfa Hap. pu or tu lMaaiBi Ptrrci; a oau oirr. taptaaitor 14. t Mr. and Mra. Maaukl BblaW ' annra of 100 North torrntawpth atrft; a toURhtnT. . toitBtor 30. ta Mr. pad Mra. Kilaa I. Wrawm aa? Tflrt Eaat Thirty -trat atrtiot: a mm. topirnihfv tl. ta Mr. and Mra. (loa lahnk PC r37 Kant Twaatletb atraft: a aaahtr. S'ptailiwr S. to Mr. and Mra. Jaawa Di Oahom of TOP Smith otmot: a aa. fb-Ktrtntor A, to Mr. and Mra. V. Uaat mt 073 Harold atmxi a daorttar. HrpMnM IS. to Mr. and Mr. Wlatold Tbrbaalt of Central addltbm; a aoa. Bcptvmtor 1ft. to Mr. and Mr. FrVd Bpka- f Vnta; a danaht. . toptrrattrr Tfl. ta Mr. pad Hra. Cdward loto). 'PPB of Vaaoaarar. Wwh.j a daupktav. ' . " OOSTASIOirS DISIABS.'.( IMiAor 1. Mra. Laraaa. TT Barthwit afraet; trphold trrrt. Cktobor 1. rrlaa Galbrak, 1 llaaaacft Ptrtwt; 4lphtbma. tiatr M. Mr, FrwyBpatt flrpt Uttt; " typauld trrar. i t DXATKS. , a, . . tonfePihar ST. fJlliaa Waairaat. pad 4 tontn. Ml MTOtarltU; aaa. croup. Uartal a 1 ntw 0r ramrtrry. tott-aifr St. Janir arran. apad S vtora, a (t. VliMvnt'a hoi'l(al; raoac, aarcoaaa. Sartal at Ivw Plr ramrtn-y. Sfii-mb-r aft, rtoarr Kalaa. apod 411 yvara. m fa F.m ptitb atrM-t. Kortb: nm. nb- nlfca of hearth).. Barlal at LoM rir twaaa. wr. , , '--maToffoBi aa Or-grm Cltf ar tlar. arat f id; xidora. arttittfV. nxaplpt. Ctoraea - )t. J4; f4i)Mna. S2S. V (altar t a. am. p. m- PartUoi OataaUap aaaoclaUoa!, tarthwd. Or, . . . V aVtward RainMB nndortaklat roaiaaay P a -rtoca a ad ibalaatra. HO Third - Paoaa POT. , S. P. PTaWr A Pna. fnaoral Slrartara and " ''irra, bra rraiorad to thh aw aatab At. earn Talrd pad Maatoa Ptraat. pkoaaa Na. a asJL kstats faaursma. " a O Oaamri and IC ta awrtb MP 1 pad ff. Raf. Mat I. TODAY EIGHTY BALES Of HOPS AT 39 CENTS HATfT II WM M CHOIO XM or nnininuoi arooxa to mup woli a oo. o ajt rroat atroat. Ortotoa S-flV prtaclpal fcatum at Ito PartUnd vhoteaala arfcata t daf ara: .. .: ; ; Klphir tolaa hapa at to,.. - Unaeod ofl la 4c towar., - Car oaatrra .apt to. ' c , Wild pant poojf la Avals. a. Car rirar potatora rroa tUfaraia. Kaatara auar la vary Prn. Floor bat no whoat la arllta. PmilMT rtwrlpta allll larpa. . , . Drasaad hoa and ml ara dall. - Bettor damaud aa for Brack. MiUacafts ara ajoatad IraMr. , v - Xifktr Balaa Map SaU a Thirty OaorU. Late Saturday ay d MMalar of thU Hty old to .Phllls Wolf Do. of Paa Pranrlafa Pi. tolaa of cbotc to pa fron ladrBaadrnca at amiad. Tha boa. market kl AbIbIbbT ta atraaptb out tto dValera ara vary wary and arc rcw eaty porailng nm uy nava txrorra ta til. Tbe prowara ara baooanap asora bxciiob aa additional aalra ara OMda at P0 aad ara BOtdlng with a sraap of Iroa. - - Offar pf m Oaato Of. k. -m baum far aawaral rfeotOO lata Of br pa la tto valley tora bean raraaea f rloaT. tSe powm pmmui w eb.MM antll uur la tha ae-aoa wtoo tbay . i. ma yb a I wui n w vv K. J hTn. - (oar dara aoaM 1.000 k-i hnaa. ara rrnortad aold at Yuklama at tto tto level and aala af O0 mu. i. w ranortad. Tha Btarket tl.-ra ta are ftrsaer tbaa tb ovegan aaawat. WHa beta very frealy affaraP. Saatara atoMta Xaldtoa Off. ' ilka PArtlaaat aa BBBM astrnt OOBtrOal tba prio f bopa ta thla roan try thai aeaanci tto imall pamtof of arden tolas. raealTad by tto local aw froaa tto aaataaav daalera M ul aanrb BMaalnaaa hero. TBa aaaian hop bmb eUlai that pricaa ara to blftv ' (Ml warn Oaarta Sanra. a ur at af to oar aralloa waa qaotod In Uaaaad oU thla awrBlnp by tto W. P acappaaj. Other dealera' ttata ara Ukewlat rrrlaep. Tarn tux ia prtcaai khw . A waa asnrh af a atirwlae aa. weal toalera, aa ttoy tod toaa pxpKtlof PS ad laea. ', ftor Baatora apM Arrrtaa Ssv - Mil nthw ata af aaatrra mv baa ar- Hved la thla Market, tha atocka totag Ubep fioBi tto ear to tha com atorape taw -; Baelpta of local fraah epp ara vary hubu hot tbe larpv arlvali of aaatrra peooa o-a-la dews prleea ta tto SBe KwoL Another ear Is dae toBMrrow aad a third h axpaetad aboat tto atlddki of tto watt. i realtor S Mali la Ara Ptiu wr. Tto raeelpta af pool try ware vary wrn. -atdrrlnc thla ta aioaday. ttolta a "niber of raotoSrere oarrted over froaa Hatarday and tto ufriilap today was very weaa win w Ullera aot earlnf to buy at any tawe. Tto awrketa are bow a well aapplled froaa tto t.PM af laat week aad aa heavy ar rival are eapertoa raw weaa., areas wm an likely atow bum aetlvity. t VUd flaaM Oaaaia Bavthor Uvatf. raa, umIum t wild aaaac la this elty teday were qnlte liberal bat aa tt wa tto trt 47 tha demand waa vary great 'nod good prk ruled. - At retail tto following ware to day a figure: Widgeon. Sl.OO per pair; Si larda, fl .to par pair; wai, a aw ran-. M Uttla Itateg to fililnii There waa bat ttla activity la the potato aiarkft today. A raw wa receive front Cali fornia. Poor river itocaa ara too cneap admit of apack bualnesa Ip oregona at toe hiatw inrn fw. if Pay. of ta aeaiera bow aare to bay. A car of aweet came to 'fron Merrad today and -old t lower igaraa. Quality Ja PAW Prat elaaa. naatom Raar la Tary Ftm. - TaUaranhte advleaa fro at tbe aait today aar that augar la that market la ruling vary Srm an aflvanaaa la flUotarloM are likely. Tna ame aaadltioto bow aklat to tha eoaet mar tota. aaatwaip V llmvf Sat wtoa. ' There ara at! II a great maay ioaatHea tto Oregon Pour coating from vanaa parvi oi tto aonatry east of tba Bocfey mouBtalo. tota falr-alBad a lea ara reported at tgare wbtrh atow p alight advaae over tba local avlllag; tgare. Callforal la abtt buying toav llr. Thrra la now no deatand for wheat from Ito eaat. The afloat la not new In tto market for tout, artca being to high tore. Pom offer for wheat at prleea which enuld bt worked are being received from Europe, eepeelally from Prunea. The demand I pria rtpally Wall Walla. , Price Bactoaged to day. Ulataffa Ar a4d Ptrmav. MlDatarfa of all kind are anoted trmer. tto high eaat at wheat being tha principal farter. Hay la being mor freely offered but tto market 1 aot weak only guM. . Prmaad Kega aad Teal Asa SuB. ' There ta tar af demaad In both dreeaed boga and veal along Krcut atreet today, la cold storage hi etlll tiled up with atocka.. Ha eelpta at tbta time, however, are not large. Oeamory Bat tar Poet Tta porta. Looal rreaaaery batter I new beglaatag to feel tto heavy taaport of eaatera atorka, which I aold at avar lewer Pguraa than oar atoapaat kxal batter. A car of eaatera creamery 1 ex pected apaln wlthla tha nrit few day. addition ...ILtOO 0. L. Brawn to Maggl tL nearn. lots S and , Mock 16, Meawartby addi tion MOP Alnr HaroMI to Cbriat Brown, lata S and T. block It, Tremoat Piece...'. M. . Tboraea and wltr to Sccaritv Sav-- lags A Truat no a pa ay. let 4. block 2V llatkidty'a aiitl(.u 40O JalU B. Pnover to W. W. Clark, undivided 14 smith, sat U of sonthrairt U kBetloU IS. townahlti I aonth. rauge t eaat ..... PU0 per tt. neip mum. ia te In m. tloa CI, townahlp ri na S enat 1500 Dun . Matarkey to Annie L. Malar key. eeat 3R fret tat S. fraction let P. black p. WatMw'e audllltiT. ; , IvPPO ,erlff to Emm H. IMerdorff. lots 11 ni . IS, Mock Bt; lot It. Mock Ml. Llnntoa. S 1 H. Mwrow and wife to Delta U Mr- Culley, itKi&t fret Ib lota t, 0, 10, block 'J . . ' 6. suDdiviatan Praebatal a pddlUoa t AlMna .. 1,409 A. A. Uwltott and wife to . Moaea P. Tnfta. lot 14. tnihrirrlstaB B; block 1, Gea. Compeou aeVllttac to St. John.... ' 100 Li Hie T. I'eery et al to John L. Jrnnlnga, htt II, block lit. Weat Inington .... VBU C. H. (listnhrrau and wife to S J. Mooney. pare! tand la section 14, town- ahlp 1 suuth, rauge I east , IBS , Security Sarlitg A Tnut nrnpany to V M. 0. Tbcrarn. west K lots I and 4, rlk sail. Hxwthorne fnrt 1400 Oscar It. Wallberg and wife to Mary A.. Cimpbell, tat P. block C4. Bellwuud SOU Alexander Btrang to Ctortea A. P. iMsrhel et L, lot S. Ttack t. Byrne addition. S,t0 Ben c. uiiay et at. to oeorve A. Yonug rt aL, P crsa In J. A. Blavia !tu. 'to Und claim .... 7 000 iMwpb P. Batcbdder and wife t Oeorgb f n. T) mV - n-Wr a. Bameiner. annut Milan rect tn Sbtilff to I. U. PcotL sundry lota H la-b land Park. Kll Park aad Keara afdltlos ,., Shrriff I J. B, Scott. ndrr Wta to ll- uiy' Fourth xldlttan 7J BS w.rirr t j. e. Scott, uBdry lots tn CflluraWa Hefghta, Toron Perk, Bx ccklor and Uem vfdttton ra Alblna.... 1 It r.r)ff i 1. . Scott, lota I Albion, Pntto, Brlfiitaa Pitrk, ,tr , . S4 Hhr1( t 1. r, Scott, tat t, Wock IPS, Ptcptms addition , -Htf Wl:im Pntto and wife ta Ann L. Cbrtstnptaer et al.. t acre Ip H. nam " tin's dViaatlon tand claim ' Cberle B LatM and wife to tater 0. Tate. IM S, block It. ldd' Bddlllon.. 1.S00 Tbe Ullc iBreatment aornnany to iicorg W. Pewea. tat 1, stack 4, Bartach Par W0 (let your tppnraaen pad atotraeta to real estate fr The Title anaraatr A Truat m paajr. Chamber ef Comere balldlng. . . v ' aviunaa mbmitb. ,t ' v.... at. a n n a Cltlnn to hulMtng, William avnu totwaan ivy aim (m alrerts; mat, PI BO. Octrther S. S. P. MrKlnley. frame noaa. Bfttaiktyn toV" ' Twrntr-Srat and Bast Xwcprrdtftat PUeeta; eaat, fioo. ... 'S MARKETS Today' -wtolghj aauttpa, a yvtaed, pre a follow: wrata, Ptoar aaS Teat. 1 WHS AT New and Old Clokv tl Mltixtu-: valler. Sic. bltotam. .poj feppw- B AH L B Y read, ta.0B raltad. Bat ing, irr oo. ATSPredawera price K. 1 whit. tST.OP ejzi.w: gray, m.wejjnow. rut rf Eaatara Sregva: . Pateata. Pd.ftO atralght. tfl.TB: valley, Sa.OO; graaaB, 14 a, MltLBT'irr-FSBraa, gtp.w toa ml an lira, aza-ub; aavrts, avuntry. sm.oui anon, tin..- ................ .. 1 1 A Y Producers price Timothy. Wlllameff valley, fancy. tl4.O0OUt.O0: ordinary, I1Z.00O Iio.ootliz oo; ctavsr. 00 U.OO; grain, tU.OP J11.PU: OBeat., Kb. Waal aad Hklaa. HOPS lpot, St30a for cbotaei SPsfST tar prime. WOOL NomlaaL Tallep. eaara to BsedtaBs. ITCtlflc: One, IPe; eeetara Wugou, (PtJiP. MOHAIR New. Sue. SlIEKPSKINS-earaBAT. lOdtSOat abort woat. rue 30c: medium woat. .nDgjogei, long wool. ftDaiiitl.DO aach. TALLOW Primp, par . 4tot M. B aad cmTTIM IaBK Be par ttu taartaw artaes. BHilOS Dry hldea, He, 1. It tae and up, MV,iBc per lb; dry kip. No. l a to tt Ito. 12 He; dry. calf. No. 1, under Ito. UU; dry aaltrd bulla tod stag. 1-4 lea taaa dry tint; salted bide, steer, sound, gu lb or avar, 70: BO to 00 Ito, Tc; uuder 60 lb nd ct-w. 4)Tei at an and but), aouad. to; kip. It to SO lha. Tile: aound. 10 to 14 lb, tci calf, pauad. pader 10 Ito. tVtoi graea (va ulted, lc per Ib taaa: cull. 1 per wasi hors hide, salted, sack, tl SB 01. 75; dry, aach. tl.Ouaal.S0: calm hlda. each. Sft0KOei aoat kin, eoaunaa, cb. 10laci Angnau. with nuol aa. .each. Stoapi.OD. Batter, Egg aad Vaultf. 1 BtTTTBK VAT Sweet. 98tto: soar. StUe. Bl'TTEH Cltr eroamerv. beat. SI i4dWc arcond grade, SBe; outald fancy, S7Uc; rdl- nary. pne: eastara, xzbei' atore.isqiuc CO ag M. l fresh Oreaou. Uc: r 11 E Kb B New Fu 11 cream, twin, 11 ISUc: Youbbt America. ISuaiSUc Ft)(T.TKlf inirkan. mtxea, lusviOHe Bj; hens, lis par lb; rotator, old. MtiPc PV lb; fuung, unc per ; Drouer. lie par ia rrera. lie aer lb: duck, old. 14o bar lb ynuna , ISc per lb; gee, to par B; turkeys, Uc per ib; graters, lie per in. Pratt aad Tegetaalea. POTATORP ()reo. ll.UOttl.lS Pto buyers' pricaa, P0c; CallfornU. POfJWV: awsata. tl.AAMl.TS nar ewtt crated, tl.SSa2.00. 0NI0NP Local, tl.dt; Call tor ala, t3.Tt; garlic, wfjioc par m. rUBflH PBUlnS AmIh. fancy Oregon, TSe Pl.op host cneap granca, wiaxiM pox; oranges, lau Yalenclaa. S3. 50 4.711 oar box: to- Ban, to par Bj; Umon, eBotaa, fS.TOdji.ot per box; raaey, tS OOdK.SO par box; llioa. Alexlcun, tSc par 100; piBeappVsa, P4.M: ntunts. purisue per aox; peacfte. arainary, suucmic box facer. feoaiOoc aer box: Dears. II. until. 20 Tficrcxtncord, 13(it5e. per -B basket; 10-lb basket. SOc; watermolona, Oregon, toe; essta-k-pta, 1.DT)21.80 per Ojate: eaha, tt.BO per buckleberrle. 10c par Tb: ersbepple. per lb; cranberrtea, local. PP. 00 par bbl: Cap Uod. pio per ihi; nruae, me par m. VBCirrABLBS Tutaip. fl.SB par sack; nt rota. 1 1 . 2A tar aaek : beets, tl . S5 Bar aach Oreann radishes, lfic nav ds: cabbaaa. Or.itcn. gl.WOS.OO cwti lettuea, bead. Ito dos; green peppers, 40VB0 per box; eatery. Toe aer ooa: tn raatnea. Oreeoa. dOilCOc rar box: nartnlna. TBca Tl 29; green peaa, to par A; irseB oalooe. II H par ooa: local xrean enrn. per tact; pi plant OSHe par Bi atrlBg toan. 4c: eueumbera. SOc per sack : eanllftower, 75ffl POe per do; batter Bean. Be; pumpkins. 114 per R; norseradifth, idc per is; aprouta, pa. DBIED PR HITS- Apple, eraoorated. TdkSt per ib; apricots. tHOlSe par lb: ame. Us per lb Mat: peacse. nrjito per ra; peara per Ib; prune. Italia, SHfl4Ue par tt! French. 8ttt14tt per lb: tgs. Cillforala btack. St(lM. iter lb: Oalfrornla whttea. Bar lb! plum, pitted par lb; Aatee. gaaten. Sp per Pi tsroa. si. so par is-id box. Sraaarla. Sluto. Xt. RTTOAR ark baala Cube. M.40: BOWOared. 880; fruit granulated, M IB; dry granulated. IB; beet prannlated. ft. 04; extra a Pt lt; solden KB Bo : obi, ine: t pni. pne: noxe. 60e adveno on ck ba1. lea Sto ewt far easb. V dara; maple, 1401M par .la. HONRT 14UA1AC. - rOPPEB Oreea Itoea. natSto' lavs. fsBCV. Wt2e; ja.a. irnod. XQ2Tc: Java, ordinary mci2oe: nnat niica reacr. isaaoc: cuata kics. mod. ltaito: Cata Bica. ordinary. TlOlto per th: package onfree, tl4.SAt9l4.TH; thab unnt g, airrerent mace. antjoocT gun powder. SPOSSIinac: KngUsh brenkfatt. dir fereflt aradca. llUAaV: anlaarlaa. acotared Japan. poeatBet areas Janaa, (vary ParcJ. sugt awe per id. B A ir PTna Balea. X. na. as. B. toa. gi.m table, dalrr. B0. SS.SOfllH.Bn: 100a. Pp.00; Imported IJeemooL BOa. tltOndtlSMr 100. tt4.S0; SS4. tla.80fll4.BO; Xtr flM, nbla. Sa. to. Pa. 10. 84.00: balk. tSB Ib. pe.ini; sacra. Btw. ooc. HALT Coars Half ground. lOft. par ton. tnnS.R0: AOs aer ton. tfl IBBT.0O: Llvt hma rock, tl 5.800 18 90 per toni 80-lb rock. to(1.7tj inos. t&Tfit8.t8. (A dots price apply ta sataP af taa faes ear tots. Car lots t apart! prtaa subject at nncmanona. GRAIN BAOS Oatcutts. M.rBapS.fiS par 109. Kirn lainerlal Ha. 1 SSI- ISO. Xt. 4ae; New Orleans head, 4fcf4. Adjufc. rrenle 4Ufl4Ue. nnAnn bbuu white, at ; irrs wniis, I 8-to; pink. 4He; bayou. ; Ltmv 44; eiicBU red. BI4. N UT01 Pea aat. TUet tomtoat. SUa aar Tb: rw. oaifte oar tb: roaated. escoaauta. to A Pnc per tins: walnnra, ISV rti4M.c per Tb; pins ant. mqiiHe per Ib: hickory ante. 10c per is; diastasis, eaatvra. IB A 1 Ac nee tt: Braall ant. loc per m: niperts. lBtxioe per in; rancy pecan. IdtllHe per B; almonds. ISCflM par nV Meat, nh and rrevtslen. PBBBR MBATaInanected--.Beef. ateers. to per tb: cows. B4S5Ue onr Ib: nrotton. dnwtl. ttroc per IB: latnba. dreeaed. pc par IS. 4Sc per lb: pork, block. PHTc par tt; Pack ers, hc per ; buna, me per tn; cows. h 4u.a aer ib: mnttoa. aremea. sejor nar ib: teal, eitra. 8U17e aer Tb; ordinary. Be par lb: poor, f4c per id; ismoa. hhvH Pr in- hamh. MACOia. BTTtT. Portland pecs iocs n torn. 10 to 14 Ito. 14c per lb: 14 to 14 lbs, 14c per tb: IP to 20 Ito. 14 per lb; cot tare. PWe ner Ibi breakfast ha con. 1441 lie aer lb: picnics. J1c per Tb: lagnlar abort clears, sn- nniea. lowc per m; emoaen. iic per in; dear barks, nnemoked. 10c dot lb: smoked, lie per Tb; TTbIou butt a, 10 to It lbs, susmoked, tc per Tb: Honked, tc ner Tb: clear belli. Pn BMkeg, ii u per ib; smoked. ltHc par lb; eastern kaau. 14a par lb; break fast toss. lev ner In. LOCAL LARTV a-.ftu u.f. tna. 10 e per Bt; to. lie per Th; ftft.t tine. 10 ner lb; steam rendered, ito. ltM-ner IS; Ha, IQUc per Hi; Bfts. ixc per lb: comoound tierce. 44 par m: tuns nn( per re: noc, ne per m. FAIIIRBn UHU 19. lOlfcC: PS, lUei BUB, lAUr, t'! ANN? am BALHON Adnmbt vteee l ib tan. 113: 21b tatla. tZ.M; fancy il -it tata.; raocr gata.-fl.SS: rancy l ib ovaM. T.7a: Alaska talia otnk. S&erBOc: rad. tl.BO: swmlaal to tail nm PIRH Bock eon. Tc jfimr Btt flcamders, to par m: limit, sc ner id; erana, per : efriped baas. in1SH par rb extSsh. T per th: salmon ehloook. to ner tb: teelhed. Or per Ib: herring. 5c per Tb: sole. 0e per lb; trlmpe. 10c per lb: abed, dressed. per B: percn, oc per ID; shad ro. par lb; roe hsd. tc ner Tb: Week and. to per Tb: sITvee smelt. Or par Th: tatoters. 1SAc; freab aaackeral. to: crwab. FV per dos: nottoaers. Be per lb. OVerrrn -ahoolwatcr toy. per gal. .! per sack. M 00 net: Olympls. per eack. B.3R: fTAMS Herd abelL par box. SSOOl ransr Ha mi. tl.TS per box. Swlnta. Ossl Otai, tto. -BOPBPnra Manila. UUc: atudard. lSSiPt Blal. lOHe. COAL OIL Pearl ar Aatral CMOS, SJH per gait water whit, fma bbl loc par gaL wcodeu aer gal; headlight. lTO-AeaT. aaaas tnu.e per gal, Irou bbls 17c per gL LINfTKBIT OIL -Pure raw. In bbta Mr par sat eaeet BHv per gal; genuine kettle boiled, case c nor gal. bbl PSc per gal; ground cake, r lot 838.00 par ton, leas tbaa cars 834.04 per ton. . UArniLJinj an aeg. eases amr nr gui, iron hl S4c per gal; stove. St par gal. Iron bbl to per gal. BRT.IXB--4S-deg, 88 par gal. Iron bbl iB4e ner gat , Faint nii- Fir. MiW gp per gi, etas toe per gst: boiled, cue 40c par gat. ' TUBPBNTTNB la eases S6r sar sal. wootou bbls. tie per -al. Iron bbkt TP par gl 10-B) ease lota Bsc par ral. , WTfrTB LBA&-.Ton tot TM MP tn, tSO-sb tot 7r par Tb. less tat tc par ft. WIB1 BB NAHS Present beee at M.4B. Batoa Lssstor IMoaa, . , Com. Setae. Clear ',:- Per Par Per Mil. Mil. Mil Bangs, dlnvrnaJous regular , alee Bxt M lSktl 83 ft. .f mM flStt fSStO Boua-h, dlmentloaa regular else to IMS. 84-40 ft... S.M IT.Ot B1S0 Bonch. dliuenatous regular - elses to 1311. 43-411 ft. . . 11.SP IB. OS B8.4S Bouxb, dlmenalona regnbir Isea to 12(13. 50-00 ft . . . 18. tt SLOP SP.4S rar each Bddltlonnl 8 lacked lu width add.,.,, , Pur add and fractional i.op att ass BOP Bit 4. tt atots sawed dd nat taa Par aawla nWttar 'In to 4. it add 7.... BPS as Att rjDmnws rough boarde, regu lar ixa t it IP. wid to 34 ft, law., aaaorted leaalha tto 11 to RtclflrS tanartba af boar an ti.Ot Bar It lust BdrtlrfctnaL Botr.1 to eaaalat f Inmbnr It rtoai S IS tolitiaiap. UNITED STATES STEEL MADE LARGEST GAIN . v.;' ' ? ,' 'i v New York. Oct. p. Th stock market tedxr waa vary cbtDxeabta and th t actual loo werU great. Oenerally auaaklng tb market closed tugrer. Luited eta tee gtaei wa Kb ariaciaal Ksiure anu aeinea tne Baost. -IiAfPtleA.,MMB,attI.. . CSoalng Ope. Bid: Amalgamated Copper C Atchison, om " ., ., Atchison, pfd ,.. Americas Sugar, oata ... Hi. Itl more A Ohio, com , Brook iyu Sapid Traoalt Caoadlab Pact to, com. . (Tl., Mil. a St. Paul ., Hit, com Illinois Central . SO BS 18l Mi B7I inn , - .1SS Metropolitan Traction 6. .. Mtuuatua Blevstad.. .184 . Missouri Pactto tt4 Ni w York Central Pona7lvala By .188 P 0.. L. ft C. Co , HXit Preaaad Steel Car. com .'. 84 oou ISnU J83U lb IV i ding, com 08 Republic Iron A Stoat, com , lo Bock Island. en , SB Bbiitbern Br., eopi.... Scot torn Paclfe VT iras at racin ................. .. Union Pacific, oats 10S ,... .. 10SU fti Paul. pg-Slv unites States Steel Co., com tin te ntstee Btcei Co., pfd Chicago. Ullwauk 4 St af 8M per ceat. Uosr, 1 par tmpt. v, BAST TBABCIBOO LOCAL aTrOOXS, Sa patoM, Oct. B--tl atocka. M SO Sprinr Tiller Watnr.... ..x8 r ... Contra Costa Water S. K. O St Bleculc 40 Olaat Powder 04 Hawaiian Cemmarelal 103 uuinri panr. .,,., ,iw HutchlBsou Sugar.... , P Makswall Sugar S8 Onotoea Sugar. .,. ST PaauAa Sugar U bast raAatoiBOo aosnira anoxra, Sap ivranri, 04. a Tanph PsiaaaaT Mock, tJoslBg: " " ' ' BU. Tonopab. Moataa ....f ............ .,..180 Belmont ....-.....'...............81 Midway S4 McNanurs '.. SB To no pan. Nevada..... 08 ToBopak. Gold Mt..... 14 TonoDah Bxteaalon. .105 Jumbo ...........,.. SO Tonopan Gold Ptabf.... Tl Ml 1VB. i o, M TOUT'S OUUBUWOa, " - Tto Portland ataariaa-boaa raoortad tsdav fonowBi . Olearlnga ..,.Bl,fM,S18.el Balasoas STOCK AND BLOCK r HOGS NOT WANTEDS Portland TTDtaa nockyardn. Oat., B STbara I Vary Stroaa daman far tba beat aearr pecking hoc, but lixht btack stocks nd atockars and feeders ar not wanted and lock-yard men prefer not to a them some a tbey are only u th way, Tha cattta awrkat I y, while stoop ar vary strong pt ara valllog gnotatloBS. Tbe recelDts todar aaaaUlatid ad lag bears. BIB abeep aad 84, horses. oniclal ruling price today ar: Cattle - Beat eastara Orrron steers. Pt TKM 3.00: beat valley steer. fSTB: medium steers, fS-SO; cow. 82.00: bulta, fl.TB; Ugs, 82.00. nog veat nesry, ss.oo; blocs, 4 bo: chin fete. S4.o0aft.00: atocaar and fasatar. & 4.20. . Hbeepr Beat graU-fed wethers and tamba, fS.XdilTB; salxed tneep. 83.00433, So. COTTOWS COHDITION ; BOW 75.8 PER CENT WsaBragtom ' Ost, S Tn ranltr msarnbr eottoa report of th government, taeuit today. Sives taa conn it ion oi cotton in tna Utnted tatae aa TB 8 pox , aa agalaat TT gap eent meaia ago. , , .. . New Tork. -Oct. 8. Tto morrthlv pwvtrssiast eottoa ronort. abowliur a eondltton of T8.8 b eeat, ta oaalderod bearish by tto trad her. New Ortaane. Oat. 8. Aeeardtna to tna laraar tocal eottoa men today's monthly cotton report, ahowtBAT s otmdttion of TB.B aar aant. In varr beariah. 8TH 100 44 i i HER INTENDED : ENDS IN A rspartal DtapattB to Th hsmU Drmla. Or., Oet. 8. Tb following story ts told By a worn an living on too Umpqtto rtvor, obout two asllos from Onnllnor. Douflsp eouBtp. ah) Ilvssi Jon swd hna just goo through Uttla xporlenco that rlvs hr a great? rw apaot sind admiration for go-csJIsd bora num." Bhp saysi) "Today's tldo botng vorjr blrh, a lot of grna land waa eovorwd by It and, peer ing a grand opportunity to taa- a plungo In tb water, X remorod moait of my clothlnr, put thorn alg-h. wont In and waded ground on lavol terra, Anna. X could so thro horwoo across th rlvar atandlna; oa th bank; of oourso, X oared not how raaar aookad on, nor what thay thought of my clusaap and indeed vorr unaklliful raotlona, go I splashed and puffed away. X oan neither float nor swim a bit. and, too nwrvoua to faes th rWtr, faced tho hUL and between tha splash conld bear a horoo call. I happened to turn toward tho rlvor, and WEALTHY WASHINGTON MAN HELD AS ALIEN ' !rnal Bpoetal Bervit.). Now. York, Oct, - Jam) Torranetx TO Tears old. a wealthy' ranchman of tho Whit Rlvar Tallejr, in Klnpr oountp. Washington, and hip a4 wife, wore detained as Immigrants at Dlls I eland Friday, deaptt tho fact that thr had nearly 1 100,004 In their poaawPPlon. Tormnoe ta aa Englishman who settled on- tho coast, ana, havlns mad a largs fortune, ho and his wlfs want to Eng land last Jun to visit their old horn. Whoa 'ready to return they worn un- abla. ta cat anything: but a atrngr psawaco on tha atsamshtp they had decided 'to return on. When they ar rived they found that they could not land, but woro sent to Kill I land with Other immigrants. In one pocket tho tired ranchman car ried too pounds sterling of Bnlih money and olnewhsr oanh bank books representing 1 104.004 mora. Tha Immi gration officers were Immovable. Tor ranee -had no paper which gmv con clusive evidence that ho wa not an alien. A Brooklyn friend flnajiy Se cured bio ralaaas, . - v aroma SaAsroa a avotbos. -7 (Saarnal nwl) sWvic.) Crookaten, Minn., Oct. 8. The sale of th lands of the ceded portion of tho Rod Laiko Indian rsorrvatlon was resumed la this- city today. Th original pal was hd at Thief Rlvor Full In Juna, but th attendance was small and not more than one-third of the land waa aold. Mora (has 1.004 tracts srs ts bo offered at tha present salty . . , , Hop Markt It on the Boom Again and SO Balea Ara 8old at lOc-r-Soma Offer of 3c Refused by Growenv Mora Eastern Egga in. EECE0ER WHEAT GAINS A 0UARTE2 IT IBT tJSsltaaVtrO On STB BTrrOBT artT OXOnTJl SBJ A TBUCTIJI V WT aiatlBJ BAJUI MM BAT- -ITMAT-TJlVlSrmsnal XJT OATB 83WaTtT TJV. . TODAY'S WHBAT MABBTBT. "t. One Tinea ... Clo - Gain Today, today. Sat. Today. prembr fl-lSVi fl-lotk May I.1S l.M n.jzHB) g, m (tpecJal Mepateh to Th learuuLl Cbleag. Oct. 8. Tb wheat 1 taa tto today was a strong one. i Very little wheal I anaatsB? to aaarha. rfca volum being iaauftcieat to upply th .wads of th trad. ; Acoardtng to eotna of th targer eerakerfe th SirtatloB ar being kept down aa mack poa 1)1 by tha bears In order to atop th ailp- menm east rrom Oregon and Wasblagtop, It I agreed by the most Influential Baaa to tb trade that should tb mil ling trade bar becom used ta blooding Pa cine eoent wheat wiu our grain tt would be used sa a club to bold the gueUUona har trom potng to high. , Purtbsr tbraahlng retam racatrad todar do oot altar tto tormer optBlons of large abort- age, in rsct mat tb east I boring toavtly of BOUT frnsn the ParlSe aoaat arhea It ean get supplies of wheat ta avMenc aafSclent rattk milling totnrsst Is ptOltah an tn erop Tb vmIosm option tfebj saornlng ped vary wiak with prices nearly lc lower, la December ther WU n Sudden tla-h teniae a tne hnlllaai grasp and with but an Instant1 sealtattan th 40J'tooe Began to ascend. December opened al tl.l2. lower than tbe closing f Vtur- dtr. Tba hlah naret f.r A. .. .-. l , warn in uownwara PneOMtlon bags a. Docembar OOttan waa as ehBiw . 1 1 i. w. clcaed at tri3A. as aavaace fur tb day of la rrtI-"Ti mm " Siosinf c tn Btiaw may option sag not am - --- rcnTia. ins BsrKstopening rery wak and He ne sr wars or to Sulla brought tb nrlca at tha elnaa an 1 is si. tk. ta Otsm. Thar WB not asawa Antna aa eha mmmm .ae pecmber opening at ftOe and ctaalag at 81 bid. th m aa tha aralaa elnsa Hi. i m saw nam cameo, ax mat agar sua. - Onto aUrhat Msihor, Tb aate Bsarkac abiinnit a &. and tba market ta practically c high. De Coer op?Ded st 80 aad cloaed ft hlghar. it proTiston market f arm ami higto. (toan. High. Law. Whna Dee.... J l.itu f 114 May 1.1211 Corn- Dec . M May....,, tS Oata 3 Dee . MIL .BIB - -,' .81 , M 11 SO ' 11. OB -13.00 , ' M Oct...., Dee...;, Ja 18.40 ey..... , Sam rBAsnnsoo sbauf habxxt, gacoBsb. .frST flHBS May.......... 1.BS 1.88)4 BABLBY. . Low Cloaa ...1.1S 1.18 S1S : lS SBAIaT TXSZBLB aVFIXT. cfifex r. Oft. Bnasrtaa ; aratp rMM ssmnlr: Wl host lucre aat mt S. SOS. 000 buatoto. Csrnr-Decreaa af 403.000 bnbta. (Speriai rMapateh to Tha Soarnal.) uTnBa, Win., Oet. SWbeat, bis I sto ts. arc; ciao ns res, sac. ( , " ' Uiniial Svafca llsrnon, ' ' Iverpool, Oct. B-Cto: - Wbsst apttaws, d lower. oorn upoona, m signer. Parts. Ost,. B. Otaatt lower. Flour Optlo, I GOOD ORY thero, within hts lsngth af ma was on of th horses and he was calling to ma X loot no time; I got out and ran to tha house, forgetting my clothing. 1 waa about aa much frightened aa If 1 had gone too deep and that home bad brought mo to shore tn hie mouth, and I feel pure that he would have brought ma. dead w alive. Tho horoeo do not know mo and belong to the Crardlner If ill company. They took In the situation and danger and an old, faithful atag horse hurriedly swam over to save ma X put on my clothing and went out and talked to hun and we walked to the river's edge, wfjen he iamped In and gwaa back to hts two chums that were looking en, I praying for big safety. "So, what X bad Intended for good sport ended m a good ory. The whole proceedings had consumed about SO min utes' time. My wish la that thla sen si bl borne may have a good master, all he oan eat and also, a fitting collar. This story true! Why. yes; X have a board over bis tracks to prove It. FLOOD LEAVES MANY FAMILIES HOMELESS ' Journal Special Service.) teas Yague, M. M Oet t. From what can bo learned at leaet It peraona lost their Uvea la the flood which destroyed half the town of Wntrowa. It is reported that the big Iron bridge of the Rock Island at Baata Rosa has been washed away. The towns of Yalencla and Log Lentes tn the Rio Orande valley have been washed away and several hundred fami lies are homelsea. The situation la th railroad traffic 1 serious and It IS not known when train will arrive ar de part. From Ban .Antonio comes the report that present appears noes indicate that when th waters recede the Rio Orande will be found to have changed Its oourw end be occupying the bed of th Arroyo Colorado, which at one time In the past was tt original bed. Browaiw. aorsuaa a oo, (Sstabllshed ABT awOOBT, Si o sea 4, ttowand Ploor. OntAscsnm or ootanrawnl. yarta Onto Sttowat, ' , V " Wtoat, SB Marttaam isWsnia lowar. OVERBECK, STARR Sr COOKE CO. Mambers ChloaaTO yaoTssriosra, ooTToar, acootta ajtb aioBrffia, 101 Third atreet, McKay BO A BTSUOTTeT CootiBttOas Markets by Private Wire, TUtoo, baAkara, aad Uaitsst states MAN OI Psychic Gift Power ts PROP. VAN CORTLAND Display of Phenomena That la ., a Puaxla to Scientists. Magnetic Clairvoyance tba Se cret of Dolors that Bear v. tha 5 tamp of tha Supernatural SPECIAL TWI3 WEEK I MS ItO READING.. 50c frits TkH CPBSMrar , .SAs fegdtaS A FREE TEST TO ALL. rmarmmnw tan ootTUMD has far Tears before tto oota t th United St a taa in a nrofaaataaal war. He rctiva letter ef graUtuda from all parte of tba country for service rendered. He Use never cha oared hla methods and stands hllber tha heart af bis faltaw-oUlaea tday taaa ear before. . THi HObtairr too intis Mta naeWw hat teiu na vonv nanm and want yon called for without asking a eutatloa; will tell the name of year sweetheart, r a ay thing you want to know. Ra sends yes away asuch wwer ad sappier tiua whan yes caned. una viait win masa ro aia rrieno. Sflnetv-aaTen aeraona In avarv huadred OOtaa through reeommeBatatlon of others, which fact Drove hla merits Baore thaa ausish-aosndlng aatorttaeutenu. at oKCRBT TOO BROITLD KNOW, TUB POWER TO CONTROL. Many peopl are tbemaalve coaaetoa ' of the posaiaaloe ef nuxottlc force by which tbr ara abta to tntuenca or direct others. but they else realise that thay can out Im perfectly use the starvelooa gifts. To such doodIs Prof tater Taa Cortland can b of as told asslstsnos by directing tbe to veto meat and growth of theas blddea forces, thereby nabBng the paanatr t perfectly coa- rrol thee force that be eaa to their eastat- as aerara tb eonalnon a boat ts. VAN CORTLAND 818 WsnStngton treat; a taa private sattonog inn VOTI0BS, nWlWALB fOm BXWZB W0BX. the office ef the Auditor of tb Cltr of Portland. until rrlday, October T, ISO, at 8 o'clock p. -a., for the oonetractlon of a ewer la Nlcolai street from the east ttn of Walnut atreet to tba sewer ta Sherlock see a and Bock atreet. la th manner oroylded bv ordl- nanna No. 14.335, subject to th provision of tn casrtar ana ordinxscox or tb city of Portland, aad tba estimate ef the Cltr B Bait tar. en file. V Bid muet to strietnr to seeardasee with printed btaoks. which Will be furnlabed aa application st .the offlc mt tto Auditor of tb Cltr of. Porttand. And said must to earn plated on or to for SO days from the date of the Blandna at tba amiliai l to tb parti thereto. no proposal or pio vm a eoaateere sntaas accompanied by a car rifled check pay sbls to tha order of tto Mavor ef the Cltr of Portland, certified by a laspoaalble bank ror as amount equal ra ie par eaat et tto ggregato auoooaai. The right to retaet Pay gaft all M4s Is hereby reeerwd, mj -rer et tae nrxwutive neere. THOS, a DBTUN, Aadtter of tbe Oty of Partstad. ftotlasd. Oregon, October 1, Itod. aaoibuta toa btrzit wo ax. Be tad peopoaehi wtll be reoetred st tna efflce of the Auditor mt th City of PortlaadT aat Friday, October i, wot, t a o'clock a. m.. for tb ImDrsaement of Boat Thirty- eighth Street, from tb south Hn of Baa Line road to th north no to Bast I a ash 111 atreet. la tba steamer nrovlded br ordinance No. 14.321. ubtect to th proTlalons of th charter aad ordinance of tne city of ran land, and ta estlBMt of th City ngtaear, on file. Bid mutt b atrtcUy la accordanc with prlntod blaak. which wlU be farnlsbed toi KplleatloD at tha offlc ef th Auditor of i City of Portland, And said Improvemeat moat to eompleted ol or before 80 day from th date of tb atoning ef tto ontrct bv th pnrttas tbsr to. No proposal r Men win be roldind sal accom pealed by a certified check able to tha aether of the Mayor ef tba of Portland, certified by a reason sibl l for an amount emnl to 1 pat cant ef eagreaats proposal. the riant to retort BS Bad all Uda to hereby r erred. ay Mar or tseneesave Bor, T110S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe Otty of PrtlaadL Porttasd. Oregon. October , 1004. aofOBavtai roa vorxana imaav SWatad seauiaabi win to recolvad st 1 office of tb Auditor of th City ef Portland until Saturday. October 1, 1804, t 1:00 . m for puiiding mndings ror the terry "lAeasi weoster," ia accordance wita puss nd ancinetio presnreu si rrea a. bsiiib. and aa 81 at hit efsoa. U Oecond atraat. No nroooeal win be considered snlaaa sa tomsssled br a cartlOed ebeck parable to th order of Oeorg H. WlllUm. Mayor of tb City or roKiana. equal to iu pts oast c tne g arasate amount or tha Ml the right to reject any sad all nidi to hatwhy By erder of the Bwocutlv Beard. THOS. c, TiBvxtir, Asdttnr ef tb City f Forttand. PsrthtsC Oregon. September St, 1PM. oosriMLBTioaT AJTs AoosPTAVoa oy xa aSMTOsZart 01 B0BTKKB-y aaXBT. Nottaa ta berebv atvaa that wintsas A Bluott. City Bnglneer, ha filed Bt the office of tn undrlgned, no tic that Smyth A Howard oo., contractor tor tb Improvement ef Worthrup street, under tbe prorialoas of ordinance Re. la, TP, bav oosaplated said atreet. from tb west Use of Twenty second atreet a tno eaat nne or TWonty-tblrg ttraat. Bald aeceptene will to coaatdered by the BsaeutJve Board St 4 O'clock oa tb Ttn day ef October. 1P04. and objection to tbe accept ance of eald street, or ny part thereof, may tie filed to the office.- tha endarilgned at aay ttaw prior thereto. TBB BX EtTTIVB BOABD, By THOS. 0. DBVLIIt. t Auditor of tb City of Porttond. IVN-ttaad, Oregoa, October 1, 1804. ooityijrTfoa aaa aoubp f asiob of aawaa ' BnrBnt TM BOUTBSBS? VOBTLAJTB, Bottc I hereby given that William C Bluott, City Rnglneer, ha filed ts the office of the undersigned, notice that Jacob Bade Co.. contractors for tb construction f sewer arstem Is Southern Portland, under tn prorl stoat of ordlsaae ft. 18,870, have oaa pleted eald aewer. Said accept a ace will to tosUnrsd by the Bxecntlre Board tt 4 o'clock on th Ttn Sty f October, 1P04. and objections to tb accept ance of said sewer, mt any part thereof, may to filed la toe offlc mt the pasavslgaed st any tlm prior thereto. ,. TH BX PCI'TIVB BOARD. .' - BT THOB. C. DKVLtW. Auditor of tn city of I Portland. Oregon, October 1, IPO. Board! of Trada Building, Portland, Or. Quick Service. REFER RTdCTOrLedd 4 watioaai Jbtenk c foruand. . mi CLAIUVOYANT yOSZTTTBXY VO IQTJAt 0V BABTR XV BUS rioruwu. doa Washing ton Strwst. ' Sir Francla Drake $10.00 ComrjIeU Life ReMiinn for 3UC TWt Week Only f w w . "tvt.t. vntra bTabtt. laOJaBtl TXSruaB SATIBTAOTOmx! TOTJ CAST " mm Tsra jTipaaa. j , AX WAYS OOBTSTJI.T TWM nTSttry. BtBAxzsraa asub btot oossjjiot iTsmi PBSSI mow to OYBveoxca axsv TMtraiBj Tear saer. roar ureeent Ufa and your a tire future and ererr thing can. be told by Itlug BIB PRANniR DRAKE, IP worra. mt trance etatrveyaut d aplrlt medium. who I tha area test master of occult acleaet and ptycait rerca the world baa star kaswa. OBtfwfuXly. Aa BToaeet si jr aatMiBs (Ternle Be M Judge.) " Witiidlry Otairvoyant paw, oiMae4 wltb hla superkr knowledg of occult forces. enatoe aim to read human an wit anem lug accuracy from Infancy to old ago. Hla powers ar wonderful and Indlsputaol! hll advto la ral la his: hi ta formation clear: com rise and to tbe point In Love. Courtship. Mar- Kg, Divorc. Bale, Will, Patent, Journeys, nslon. Inveetntenta, Bpoculatlona, Property, feoaion. Mortgagee, oil asa ptiaisg uaisaaj . Dlstaaes, tc. etc wttaan Asfttn a Oesttoa. Without any prevtons knewleda. tod baring no natural mn of knowing who you ar. whence or for what, yon cam, he tell yout nam, ago, occupation, where yog Hts. H tella you of friends and coemlea. who I tni and who I falae; telle you wboal and when you will marry, plying times, dates, facts, and tacatloua, taking no fee la advaae. ana cpt1ng none nnleea mttafactloa Is given, asoooe werfett. X will farfeit 444 where I fall to toa eh yea how to fascinate anyone you dealr. how ts make roar enemies your friend, cause speedy marriaae with th one of your choice. eve yea good lack and stak you successful your business, remove avtl influence, re salt the a pa rated, gv yon tacky number, locate tha earth' burled tree sa raa. aettla tb old estate that tun ha placed beyond th lawyer ear wane eaa positively osmpisbi your nur M a. m, to S f. t. Daily aad BaBday SIR FRANCIS DRAKE loan waahxartoa atrowt, ytftk ana WasUaurtom ats, Tha Oil-re. , ORY BTOT 10 BB. ysAyoexB dssrstMSBT roa impbotb. PXXaTT OB MnXTBOStAJI STBXirt. Notice Is hereby given that tb Council ef the Cltr of Portland proposes to tbe fol lowing described property and owner or owners as being speeUlly end peculiarly benefited la tba ajuouBta set opposite tbe name nd de script loos thereof for tho Improvement of Mnltnotna atreet, from tba eaat Una of Baal First afreet to tb weet tins af Bast Sixth straet, as provided op ordinance No. 13,001. ; Any oBjecDca to tne apportionment ot ooec for eald fmprovement most V made la writing t tbe Council and Pled with tb Auditor within IS day from tb date of tb Brat puMlcatlos ef this notice, aad said objections win be heard and deter mined by; tb- Council before the pas sage of tb ortUsasc a a tea tug tb east of said improvement. HOLXA DAY'S ADDTTIOfT I Bast Port la od BLOCK BS. lot 4. Daniel u. Buchanan. B8.aS; lot 8, Daniel U. Bucbanaa. to.48: tat g, rtalay Mortoon, f4.T4; lot B, Pinley Moc- wst ta tat west lot 8, eaat tat 4. Bmma A. Arebambaaa. SD.SSt east Vt lot S. Enun A. Arcnambenn, II. W; tat 4. Bufo Mallory, 88. TS; tat 8. Bufna Mallory., BLOCK eft, tot 4, Peter Wagner, to 00; lot 8, Peter Wagner. fS.B3: treat tat A Olive Vlrglala Hawka, 83.T3; weat tat B, Oily Th-glBl Hawk, to.SO; Seat W lot S, Peter Cars ten, P4.03: east H tat P. Peter Care ten. 88.40. BLOCK Tl, tat 4, Oregon Beat Eatst Company, Satats Company, Estate Company. IOC B, Oregoa Real 23.00; lot S, Orpgoa Bra I lot P, Oregoa Seal Bet ate Company, i BLOCK T4, lot 4, Oregoa Beat Estate Company, 81.08; tat S, , Oregoa Beat EsUt Company, 81.08: tot A Bllaabeth Q. Tutu. tl.oRJTlot B, BHabetb 6. Tattle. 81.08. BIXK'K BT, lot 1, M. Oltaep. S86.0P; tot A M. OUn, SO. 48; lot T. Joba H. Walt. fSSO; lot S, John R. Walt, T 17.41. BLOC it 04, tat 1, A. H. Brer m a. 120.38; lot t, A. H. Breyman, 84.78: tot T, A. H. Breymaa, PS T; tat 8. A. H. Bry Bit, flSS.SB. BLOCK SB, lot 1, Bmma J. ' Arena m be ax, St.SS; tot A Bmms J. Archaa. toaa, P8.M; tat T. Lotua NIcoUl, 87.44; lot 8. Lesl NkolaL 8134.73. BLOCK TS. tat 1, Slstsr of Cbarlty of Providence ef St. TIs. cent' BoapltaL 880.00; tot 8. Blatera of . Charity of Proridanea of Bt. Vincent' Hos- ltL 83.401 tot T, Mary C, Katn, PH. SIJ t A Nancy A Bonder I a ad, B2S.84. BLOCK ' I. 1st 1. Oncoa Beal Bstats Com Da nr. 11.08; lot A Oregoa Beal Bsut Company, ' II. OS; lot f, Oregon Beal Estate Corapeny. 0o; lot A Oregon tteal Katat Company. OS: Portland Baltwav OottiBanv' riant of way, SoO 20; aty A Puburbaa Railway Coat pssy. right - way, fe ja Tt.U.04. Auditor of tb City of Portia aA Portland. Oregon, October S. ltot. OOMPUrTTOB? AJT9 B0OBnAST0fl OY XB yBOVXaTSkSTT OF SIXTM STAXXT. Notice ta berebv liven that WllUam a Blllott. Cltr Kna-lneer. ha filed ts tha offlea of tbe under igoed. no tic tbat the Trinldnd Asphalt fBTlng Co., coa tree tor fori the ls provetnent of Sixth street, under the prorislons of ordliisne No. 18.418, sav completed eald street, from tb north Una of Morrlasa stxoat to th south Hn ef Hoyt atreet. Said acceptance wtll be onldred by the xecuHv tkard at 4 o'clock on the Ttl ear ef October. 1P04, and object loas to th potwpt. sac of said street, or any part thereof, may filed la tba office ot the snoMraignes at any time prior thereto. , , , TUB BAlM l-nvn BVAHI. : By THOA C DBTLIW, Auditor of tb City of PorOaaA rerftaaA Oregon. October X, IPO. OUMPLBTIOW AWD AWTBWAsTCB OT US. lTxaTtarr or tascaili. btbaxt. Nottaa tt hereby Si roa that WIIMam 0L Blllott. City BnalBeor, hs filed to tha offloa of tb andanwia-ued. sotlc tbst Wsrre Con. sir-action. c contractor-i for the improveaan or XI rani U atreei. an oar uw praniwrn erAlnanea Na. 14 OPT. bar completed M Street, from the center line mt Seventh treat to tb center lin oi roaTiaa-am airen. Bald ncceptanc wlU bp eexanoarea PT Too ecntiea vfoard at 4 o'clock OB the Tth ear mt October, 1004. and objections to tb Sseopf. ac of al street, or ny part ureox, amy nied In th ornc c ta sneers ignaa at ly time prior thereto. THB sTXBCrTTva BOABA. , . , By THOB. 0. OBTLIPf, Auditor of tbe City of PorttaaA rtarfmsA Oregoa, October 1, ISO. OOatfLBMUa ASTB AooaTTAsroa or sstwab XV BAST BIAjtlBOH btTATR. Motlc I hereby given tbst William 0. toiLntt. Cltv Bnrinaer. baa filed to tba offlc ef th sndretgncd, notice that J. A Blemiaon. contractor for tbe BaaatTuctton af s sewer la at Madlaon atraat. nndar fbo roriatona ad ordinance No. 14.1T1, toe completed said aewer. from Id! feet woat of west line of Beat Thirty slith atreet to s ormaectloa ndtb tba war in Bast Tblrty-elxth treb Bald acceptance will b tweatdared by tbe Baecuttve Bnerd t 4 o'clock on tbe Tth Aav of October. 1804. and objectlorsi to the sceopt. f a oca or ai aewer, or any pan laerenT. may nied ha the office of tb enoonigaaa al ir Urn prior thereto. THB BTBCUTITB BOABD, f . . By THOS. C. DKTLia. Auditor ef the Cttg of PertlPasL U l-wriland, Oregoa, Ostobar 1 ISO. . . v