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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1904)
VOU I. NO. SO P Ann nfTmA a rtt AiTfr tt A it nr'T tpp - iUKt iriKUA i uiNL i A4N halloc: ta i ut nm ttuud r.uT awav j e - v , n ... n - n . - . ' as m - tm a ' ' t - m m mi nr s m . BiCat lowan Has Been I .Winning Too Many r v laurels on Tour Falrbaoks,Atbp Icy, Is Irritated by Bis Ova Lack of Success aoN Relations Betweea the Co- Orators Are Stratoed.' V ': It to fail f ears, that Senator Jona than Prentiss Dolliver of Fort Dodge, la., haw spoken t UatM during th past week. It la tru that ha ha spoken In all kinds of weather and sometimes under unfavorable oendlttoaa. It la also trua that h claims to; hava a aora throat and that h U said to bs mora or laaa In dustrlously and solicitously seeking pro f eestoaal scb1su from throat special let. 1 - Tat at tha sam Mm ft I mora r lam of a eonatractlva aora throat attar alL DoUtven and Fairbanks hava reached tha parting of tha wave. DotUvar wants ta Jump tha double-beaded speaking gams with tha Republican candidal for vioe-presldem, and Fairbanks 1e quite willing that ha should do ao. Tha man aWVhltehr fov thr-havo- Itttla to -won. Fair banks belong to U plug-hat brigade and asplrsa to leadership la that direction. DoUlver rasas of tha West Virginia toU on which bo was born, and tha corn-fed aunsphrs of Iowa, whara ha has wan hie pollUoal apura and hia fam aa a spell-binder. Lars and roomy In a physical aa wall aa an tatellsatnal way, with hearty contempt for posing and poseur, Dolliver ha chafed almoot continually over ton msiade -pursued during tha trip. , Am a matter of faot, th trip ever stao the party left Chicago mm .to hava bean hoodooed. It was seldom on time at any point. Soma tows and eltlea which should hava been visited. Ilka Seattle, for Instance, were left out m the cold. -At other place scheduled to be reached- o'clock In the woimaay.aha train pulled In at noon, and instead of finding there waiting hundreds, tbey scarcely found waiting acorea Thai baa occurred not one time, hut many times, a The Journal has learned from Its cor respondent la Washington and Ida. Then when proper , connections sr made and the crowd were gathered the thrill which tbey expected came not from Fairbanks, but from Dolliver. The vlo piwstdenthtr' nomine stood .entirely on his dignity He newer unbent. He talked t the people as horn a Brest. and ln aeoesslbte height, as though hs were a superior bstng address Ins ordinary mor tal. This sort of speeohmakmg from the roar and of a train waa net calculated to arouse any spontaneous enthusiasm, but was calculated to leave a sold chill etutohlng the warm hearts of tha multi tude who came ta cheer and applaud at the slightest provocation. Dolliver on th other hand sailed In with a shlrt-sloeves address, so to speak. Th Tory first words that ha uttered pot him In proper relations with the people. He waa one of them; ha felt it andDey felt 1L Tha bond of sympathy thus established quickly led to results and he seldom failed to arouse a whirlwind of sathustssm. Tha consequence has been that DoUlrer ha been the star af the joint canvass, easily oarrylng the honors that should hava gone to th vlce prealdeallal nominee. ' Tha relation between th two span binder are therefor strained. Dolliver wants- to go away somewhere. He want to be hi natural self and torn loos Id th way be feels. . .. . VoOrrat-B He' wants to go back Jo Iowa to keep eosse engagement and It Is said that If hia "throat" doesn't promptly Improve he will leave the party bars todsy and go on to Denver and there, after a week's past, will elthef stump th stats of Colo rado or accept whatever other work msy be eut out for him by Mr. Tawnsy, who Is managing the western campaign from Chicago with mors or lam suooesa. Senator Foster or some mora reason able pell-btndsr 1 being Bought to take his place. . u So It Is 'entirely likely -that Senator Dolltvor'a "throat" will demand that h go oast at once, for "treatment," leaving tha vice-presidential nominee a free field to gather In all tba honors and atten tions which assuredly should belong to such a distinguished maa on such dis tinguished, occasions. And there Is just anoutn hoarseness In DoUlver's voice to lend color to the story which ha bean sent forth that he, the AmivhttMt nhamnlon of tha nolltlcal hustings, has broken down a full month Oeiore in oampajffn wm over wa mi time when R was only fairly warming up. Senator Zolllver left the Fairbanks party In Portland and tha vtos-srest-dentlal candidats went on to Saa Frail eisoo without him. ' HUNDREDS OF QUAIL DIE OF APPENDICITIS r, - l . rgsarisl fHsseteh by Lsamd-wh to Ts Sssraalt Bono, Nov., Oct- 1. Th starUlag fact was announced today that hun dreds af otiatt are dying in Lander osun ty, in tha eastern portion of Nevada, and tha cause of death 1s appendicitis. Th announcement was made by a physician, and only after an autopsy had been made on a number of the bird a It ap pear that th quail hava been fsedlns on the grapes In th vineyards ta that ssoUon of tbs stats. oou: (Mseelal Dtepatee Tee Jserasl.) . But I a, MonL, Oct. 1. Harry Walker, k well-known young- msn of this elty, 'Was accidentally shot by Fred flhore while huntlns thl afternoon. , Wauter taviU probacy dna , a. ;T GREGG bTCBES ; ; V SENATOR -1 FAIRBANKS in A:;r CHARACTERISTIC V POSE V " r FIVE LINJLRED IN ; - N. P. TRAIN WRECK mpsaUt Dtaastsh B Tea Jearaal f ' Taeomai Oct. I. Northern Paelfle train Ho. I Was derailed near llaywood this sfterttoota Five persons-were In jured three pa sawn sera, tbs engineer and the fireman. Jni injured are: r" a A. F. It rv, sltcbtly atomit , js glbser , jta, UtuMtard, aaki WW V 1j ;'' ' 11 m&m sprained: O. sfulaaax. IIT Twenty- first avenua, Saatti, hurt about ear and neck: lira. M. B. lunar. Mt Boston block. Beattl. beck and head Injured: His Thayer, of Cos rise tan. Wash-, on bar wsy from Kris. Pa., to "settle, hsd been ill throughout tha Journey, badly shaken up. The Bhoek proved ao grant that aha swooned. Th online was owturnsd and the mallear left th track. Th causa of th accident waa a broken rail. A wrecking train In chums of Assistant General gu perintsndaul Law wag seat sut from Ta- .com,. . . i Armory Crowded to Rear Republican Vice Presi dential Candidate. Mitchell RhbIm FilrbHls far Pre sident li 19081a HiilDtroductory Speech Dolliver Delivers a Sotulot Address. ; The supreme effort of M eampalgn mm forth bv . th Republicans of Oregon ra the groat mass meeting which assemblad last vnrng tn th Armory to mm Stuinr C W. FalrbanKs, -i noo- dere Roosevelt's rmmtnsj mats upon ths presidential ticket. Th graac nail waa Mnktd. From all narta ef the state a- nubl loans had aathsrad for tha occasion and people poureo into in r see had been taken. It ' crowd that wu ready and esgar to dla- nlay Its enthusiasm, sapseuns; s aw thrilled by th aloqaenoe af the no tea speaksra If-th snthnaiaam Taiieow reach tha ptteh wnion mpn sxpsctod tt wss osrtalnly due to no pathy on thw-part of tn auoisnBav w osannunnty v .wwvf -wgr. looked, J . . M ' Naturally Interest usntsrefi ra'ta ao ms of Senator FalrbankA who- was mrmtmA with a desTSS of anthusmsm which be failed ' to afdnas again during hla speech. Tha Republican nominee cor vlos-prssldaat Is not noted as an orator. Ha deals with the issues or ins m palgn from the purely partisan stand point, and bs has at bis eommana rew n ths art of th spellbinder. Tha glitter ing) splsrema which President Room 1 volt to wont to decorate hla publl atter anos. ars not heard from Senator Fair banks. Hi delivery IS unimpasvwiwa and never rises to th height of slo- ousnos.' Nsvsrthstoss tns aumenos whinfc hasird htm last sranlng waa earr to display Its sympathy and snthuslaaoa wbanavar7 opportunity offered and his aotnta were generously applauded. Frotvc-Uon, imporlallam, th' enrrency queetlon, ths Philippines and otbsr Is sue of the oampaign war discussed by Senator Fairbanka from th Hepuouoan standoolat. Hs paid blh trlbut to Orsson's senator nnd eongrsssmsa, to whose efforts be attributed th appro priation for th UvU and Clark fair. In th OOOTSe C US spewon nenwr virtMBks took occasion to oommena Harvey W. Scott, ths editor of ths Or sottlan, for his stand for Bound monsy In tha sampsagn of !. A amlle ran aaross the faces of manr of th Repub lloana upon th platform a they glanced at Senator Ma H. Mitchell, whoss Re publloanlam in that eampalgn was f a different atrip from th editor's and whose famous "road to stars- speeoa ha not yet fiaemd into oblivion. Bona tor DoUrver. th only ether speaker of th svnnlag. mads a deolded hit. His humor proved infect km and his discussion of th tariff Issue waa forcfbl and eloquent. But for him tha meeting must hav oast a ehlll upon those who attsadsd tt, but Senator Dol liver wa equal to the occasion and the eppiauee was frequent and enthusiastic. hta? Bs Fisalisnt stoma Bar. An Incident which excited some oom meot Wss Senator Mltohall' Introduc tion of Fairbanks aa the man who will ha nominated by th Republican for president ta iK -I bop and hsiajv.- sam santor btttohell. "that four y from bow yon win have opportunity to rot for him for th very feighast offm la ths United Stats." ' 1 bong before th hour when th lag was U pa aaopl bama pouring Into th armory in steady stream, that taxed U ths uttermost th big oorps of ustf ormad ushers. ' The big drill 'hall had been tastefully draped with ths na tional eolora and hugs pictures of Rooss vslt and Fairbanka bung above the plat form. Patriotic muslo wa rendered by Brown hand before th speakers ar rived and at intervals during tba vr It waa just t o'clock whsa Frank X Baker, chairman of th stat central committee, rose snd Introduced to the audience, a th president of the evening. Sana tor John H. Mitchell. Whan the applaus bad svbasdsd. Senator attuhajl said: . "Mr. Chairman, ladftm and gntlemsA: Thl magnificent audience is a tribute of which any maa might well be proud, but It 1 no more than a Just trlbut to our distinguished gusst. two of th bast friend that Oregon sver had In th sen ate ef th united States. Bvsr sines Senator Fairbanks and Senator Dolliver took their seats. Ore on baa had la thess tw nntlrlng friends. Whenever Ors ffdB baa appealed for aid, they hav bald up ths band of th senator and oar Brsssmaa from this stats. -If ws wanted aa approptiatwa for river or harbor or for pub Ho bulld inaw. thev hav helped as. - Last w later T .(Continued on Pag Klo,. 1904. FOUR SECTIONS Si PAGES. TIES HANDS OF SHERIFF -r District Attorney's Office Refuses Aid to Sup . , press . Gambling. . WARRANTS ARE DENIED AppllcatUi by Word for Aulborfly to Forcibly Eoter Ganlo Hovses ' , b Tur.e4 Down Will Go' V " to Drcslt Coirt . " Deputy ' tMstrlot Attorney H. Adam yesterday refused absolutely Issue saardb "warrant with which to arm Sheriff Word in raiding gambling houses. This Is th sutsmsnt mad by Sheriff Word last alcht Bound band and foot, figuratively speaklns by th prosecuting attorney of tha sounty, th sheriff and his deputies war obliged to stand helplessly by last night and take no action aa to tha lsnforoemnt of ths law. . under tn condition Which prevail tha town 1 practically in tha same stat as before Sheriff Word fnaua u rated hla crusade. Poker games were running full blast all over the olty last night behind dosed and bolted' doors. Without search warranto It Is unlawful to force an sntrano when game axe la pro cress. , - trnitss soni method Is found to reach th gamblers, deeplte tha antag onlstla attitude of the district attor ney's office, it Is probable that every gambltng bouse la the elty will soon be Un full operation. If poker . n be played behind closed doors, wUh th sheriff and bis deputies knocking In vain for en trance, faro, rouletr and all th other dsvloss by which those havtnc the gaming fever are flesosd can also ba-earrisd on, .--.Awi,v,'il)..( ' ' Shartff Br alples. The law preserlbes plstnly that tha sheriff and th police shall mske ar rests where they hsvs reasonable ground to believe that gambling 1 blng oarrisd on. If the district attorney, and la hi abssnos Deputy District Attorney Adam, adheres to ths stand taken yes terday, Sheriff Word might stand out side tha door of a gambling house end hear tha rattle ef chip and the patter of th ivory ball ta a roulette wheal and yet bs unable to snforos th pro visions of ths statute. . Whsa a request was mad for war rant to enter th Mass oaf a, Jack Blaslsr'B piece and Chinas gaming houses Deputy District Attorney Adams refused to grant jthem. Asked for his reason by Deputy Sheriff Cordano, be aid: "Th svtdsnes Is not sufficient. This office does not ear to - incur th responsibility of Issuing search war rants under such droumstanoss. If ths courts will sir them, all right, but we will not. Th sheriff will probably be sued on hi bonds, and this offio must be protected." Mr. Adam was taformsd that with out search warrants, aa gambling Is bs tng osrrled ton behind closed doors, tt will be Impossible to obtain the evidence necessary to Secure convictions In court. H remained obdurate and In unqualified Unguag stated Chat tbey would not be s-lven. WM fat Omi - : ' Sheriff Word dsclare that he tn tends to go directly to ths circuit court and ask for search warrants next Monday. Hs asserta that ths crusade against gambling will bs conducted more vigor ously than sver. and that ha does not Intend being bluffed out of enforcing th law by anybody." Accompanied by Deputies Morels nd. Orussl and Downey, Sheriff Word went to Alblna last nl;ht to Investigate tha sltustlon there. Ha had been reliably Informed that gambling waa la progress at a number of ssloons, poker and "11" being th gamss played. Ths aumsroua spies ta ths employ of ths Bamblers promptly telephoned that he was on his way to Alblna for ths purpose of mak ing raids. Whsa ha raachad there he found crowd awaiting hi arrival at all points where same had been con ducted but nothing warranting arrest a In th meantime Under-sheriff Moraea and Deputies Cordano and Holllns worth made the round of th local sam bltng booses and Chinatown- It was as certained with a reasonable dears ef accuracy that gambling waa bslng oar risd sn at Jack Blaxlefe and at th (Continued oa Pas Seven.) R IDES A UTOMOBI LE MILES V. (special PUMtss by Losses ww to The oarm Nsw Torfc. Oct. . Automobillsta ta Msw Tork wsrs deeply tetsrsstsd ta learning f th ootnpletto of ths !.00 mlhs trip f Charles Oliddea of Boston, over th raUroad tracks ef tba Sao and Canadian Pacific mllroadi from afin- hneepolls to Vancouver. Tb trip was mad In a I -horse-power sutoenooiie with steel flange wheels substltutsd for th ordinary rubber tires. At timss a speed sf it miles sn hour over long dis tances wss ass Intel nod. With a clear right of way. Mr. Qldde says that he oould hav mad an average speed of miles ao hour for ths entire trip An in crease of It mil an hour over the speed of ths machine on an ordinary Baoadais road waa afaowa la hia trip, BY STORM : Extensive and Serious , Washouts Delay Los . 1 : Angeles. Trains. . I TRACK IS SWEPT AWAY Hay Cabse Wonai Who Is Irylof to leach Ber Hone la Scotlao4 ' , BeforShe Dies to Hiss t- tbeSletBer. (Bpsvlal MssswA by tiissl Wtss to The Jssisal) Albuquerqua, M. M.. Oct. i. Waahouta aa extensive and serious a those which stopped traffic en ths Santa F ta tha Ariaona desert recently, hava stalled three Lo Angelas tratna bar and three west bound trains near Las Vegas. Ths line south to Bl Pas 1 ta worn oondiUon. mitos of track haying been oarrisd away. Telegraphi aommanlmv Uoa to- th seat is only possible by th war T Lo Anaalaa -JUka aU railroad delay, this oa assumes a serious, al most a tragis aspect la individual oases. hsfrs. Arthur Armstrong f La dngeiss, with her son. Donald Xrwta, years. left there Wednesday night oa th over land to take bar sister. Miss MoDonsid. back to JDdlnburgb, Miss McDonald earn to California hoping ths climate would benefit her. Sh found Uttl relief there and wished to reach bar hom ta BcoUand'-aa- Mrs. - Armstrong sndertook th long journey, a bar sister waa to weak to travel atoaa, Their boat kmvss Ph Torit on Tuesday. , Thoy started with St hour to spare. This baa bean out down to a mancta of It housa, with stasht skianst that -the train siU-f easd from bar wlthta tha next 1 hour. Miss McDonald who has hot been out for weeks before leaving Los Angst. baa born up well under th strain. Sha la confident that tha journey to auin bursh win somehow be accomplished safely. 1 Mrs. Armstrong Is planning to bs la Loa Angeles again before Christ- . stfls (gseelBl Dhtch sy Uaset Wwe ts Ths Jserasl ) FJ Paso. Tex.. Oct. 1. Bvery road sntorlns Bl Paso Is stin Buffering from ths rains of tbs two day past and It la not known when trains will be running on schedule time asaln, a all of tha waahouta bav not yet been repaired. A large washout la reported at Turner la, on th Kl Paso Northeastern, at tbs hum place where a serious washout occurred six weeks ags. Ths Southern Pacific had a asrsr washout at Cambray laet alght and train were mid out until, this morning. Several wash eats occurred on the Rock Island between Bl Paso and Santa Rosa. FAMOUS OLD QUERY OF THE SQUIRREL PortUnd, Oct. L To tn Bd ttor of The Journal. If you are looking for problems, here's aa Id on that never has been solved. Don't ssk m for th sjiswsr, because I don't know it. However tbs discussion of tt la always Interesting. A man went hunting. R earn to a tree and saw a squirrel on' Its trunk. Ths maa started around ths tree te get a shot at tha squirrel, but ss hs did so th squirrel kept moving around oa vth opposite slds. After th sua bad made on revolution of ths tree hs bssjaa to wonder whether he had gone around the squirrel or aotf Did th maa go around th squirrel T - R. V. If yon ear to tackls B, V.'S problem. Th Journal will print your answsr next Sunday, tmAisr ssmrioB jBSjaapjnKaw 1 ' ' r ' ON. RAILWAY TRACK J. Mr. Otddea draw snthnslaarl eon clue Ions from his trip and pictures rail road track built especially for auto moblllng from Philadelphia to New Tork, from Boston to Chlcag and from New Tork to Saa Francisco. W. B. Searrttt. president of th Amer ican Automobile association, falls to agree with any of th conclusions of Mr. Olidden. When seen tonight at hla boms in Best Orange . ha aald: "An automobile traveling on rails wtth steel flanged wheels will never bs any thing more than fad. "Te essential quality of th aato meb v "y. It i - -d to all i l "a. It ce fair pa. PRICE FIVE CENTS. COMES TO A FINISH Warrant Asked for Caryl, a uet-Ricn-Qiiick Man ;:. In Los Angeles. : ; IS KNOWN IN PORTLAND Departed Froa City Without SecarlDt Aay Hoaey oa Accooat of AoVaice . Warnings Issaev He Gives .- Uo( Tlflrt Rotes. ; ' (Sjidil WnJi nt ayf iims Wb to Tbs ft si ml) Baa Fraaclaos, Oct. L Behind th applloation for a warrant for ths arrest of Charles W. Caryl, formerly af Dea vsr, late of Saa Francisco, and now f Lo Anaal. mads yesterday afernoos, to T. I. Fltspatrlck, bond and warrant dark, by J. W. Blade, lies ths story of a ens-man gst-rioh-qnlok sahsms which shows ths credulity of a score of San Francisco people, emphasising th faot that th "cold-briok" man can always operate profitably ta thia olty whsa dia gulssd by a new dress. Urssd by the smooth Caryl and under th brsssy Influence of his words Blads Invested of bis savings of a lifetime In th Vrll Industrial gystam, a company fathered by Caryl, which was supposed to control aa Invention by which electricity of th air could be harnessed and brought to th earth for Blade's monsy la secured by Caryra j Botes, oovsrsd by a second mortage on -property owned by Caryl la Denver. Ao- cording to Blade tbs property hi hardly worth enough to pay ths Orat mortgage of M.O. A soars of those, including; Blade, holding note to the segregate of -St.Wt, which do not mature until Janu ary L 1M7, are wondering If they will ever gst a osnt out of their Investments . Until ths notes become true; unless tn s flrst mortgage on the property la taken up, tbey cannot make a movs. They cannot hav Caryl arrested, and must . await tbs outcome, whatever It may as. Professional man, lawyers, physicians and dentists may all turn out to be tha dupss of Caryl, who la known from New York te tn Paclflo aa ths originator ud th New Utopia scheme, that plan combining the practical with the visions of dream-bulldr for ta erection pi a rsal paradise oa sarth, t -. Btods issuraiag.-- " ' Caryfs mode of operation Is striking. Re did not need aay stage settings. Mo depended upon tn Impression he mad by tailing hia new made acquaintance that ths exlstencs Of hla wonderful in- vent ion jaiust be keot a secret. He won. ?4r a few month h put more than-$8,000 Into hla pocket, and when his method began to b queetioned he moved to Portland. Her hs trie th same scheme, but people having been warned hs waa forced to depart without any "easy money." H want to Loa Angeles, wber ha to In April, IMS, Caryl left Denver, where be called himself preaident of th Gold Extraction, Mining Supply company, and came to thia elty. Hs had letters of introduction and soon In- terested s select coterie. Including Dr. J. J. Leek. Dr. A S. Bracket, Byron Hall, George Aubrey, John Wiley, Henry Hoffman and B. R. Rockwood in tb , scheme. Caryl claims to bags exclu slvs rights to ths invention of a ma chine by famous scientists, son of whom be sver named, by which tha elec tricity of tbs kir and eluod could b converted Into a most forceful power without ths aid of fuaL Th machine and process was a woo- drous one. and would mean millions to ths Investors. It must be kept a as crst, hs said, from the powers of evil aa embodied la bankers, railroad mag nate and capital lata. If tbey dlscov sred It they would beom wealthy and those who were let in on th ground door would loss ths chanos of becoming w sal thy. f Carvl had some nronerty la on Oliver City avenue, mil from ths state university, which he valued at 111. 000. Hla plan wa for tha Investor to subsortb ths monsy to float th scheme, they taking la return his notes bearing 1 par oeot Interest, eovered by a mortgage. As a result of numerous secret mset tags st til CFarrell street, the In vestors decided, at ths summon ef Caryl Continued oa Fag Mine.) 2000 tw parallel Iron bar I to destroy at snos Its ehlef . characteristic" Instead of a steel flanged ear travel ing on rails there has been suggested t)-s plan of steel plates, flanged, Istd o ' the STdtnsry roadbed Ths only fervnoe between this plan and th Mr. Qlddea Is that In sne es the of ths ear are flanged striflted and io win - ' of rts essential e th other os-. t and mads S veolet-e. " her t A hi " r