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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
tt"jz; ll . ' Vx V -y ... ' ? ' ' ,f? Ir VOL. lit NO IH 0n,ANfK 0836 fOli&AV SVEWim etSBteft 4 ' RUSSIANS ARE PREPARED FOR BATTLE AT TIELING Have Erected Forts-Are ; Intrenched In Excel lent Positions, : a ALL QUIET AT MUKDEN Jipiieu Rcpwt i Bittte ! Which V Are Attacked by Superior. Force Amerlcia Atticbo Safe V : liToklt. '( r ' v-: - ifewui tiii ) ' -, . Homa, Oct. .-Tha orraponm at 4h tiewapapaf Olwrnata IM Borne aa- ' tarta that uaneral Biarh-lheta, Saw- . mender of ttw mi! Siberian eorfM. aa-ina at Maadan 4ith lt,t ted . thai General ftwreyalMti ha retire ; vim ltfl.Wt WIMI W tfiehna, whieh e - bM eowveMed lnte ati immanM nmp, It t thoroughly IntraWiedj eare th - Writer, la aurrvumlMl by trip la HrPle f ebfS aa?irto ttttw an forta tra been arerte 0N the nil I a t IM V aouth whfla ta tha elhtal atnet loft . hava beea ateta W prateot tha tall' h apfrfaftwriifi4 autffffiH( hfa tflap-telt with lengthy report mMIIm i kraml iooftttmt of varlooe tftvtaloM of ' lha BumIsA fcHflf n4 (r4lti that ftha 4iWWaM will An4 IfcaffiaalvM atfatmi aioM Mil whalt lha ftnai trial fof (Ha f uaraiMMr tha- mi4 ImruifM H. ' 9-hara ara ttoL M aaya, afty afWa ftuhM ladaf In lha lnll af MaMm, , fi4 I hafa twv kaaM fi ftftaawmant ' that ara worrthy tha Mm 1 hatttea. , OMMMfiUatf tM attwatnw, ha an f ' MaM wnavaXM thai lh infrnttrnM : ra M kifff a,V-wtna IHtf aMrtnaaa m4 MaatlMl M rw IMf MimalH , to Ota atmoat Ifmlt af bwaiaN (Mmmik- "Bvaff way," ha MM "aw tha Ja- - M pnUUm ttnpn4, atf h Fa aUM frra kvjfHMtntad. 9hmiM tha iav- ? arwiaa rt-la intwh ka IW w fcrtw a mal wnawtw fc aaia ffTMi I mmM M Ml M lv viaia t lha wnifirt ii- Thaw ftt wvthiti trft mnMtim X ffattw aaytt t IM fcaaataM WM, , fi4 r N alfft h a tttmi M k.UtWU hayMKl th T MHh ffwrf wait-" (JUanMl Nw4at WfW.-f ' f Tr, Owt. .'It Mr yrfMif fPfi ( flrai wflf mtm MWOM -i unipf-fc 4MImM M aV ' UoMMWl r tM wnwr'i 6alr ' rMav trtito a-waWnj tiMJhal ' 1 ftwrtl f irfaw Tama. TM ittpmrmm I wf tm iJ - ftaMl frf MtMwhm mtft. tw jmpmfitm tir4. Th wW i, hwi ttav wvf tM imp um. i ffM wawtiwa ha ffM t rrt An, rtr4 ht h- - . Wto aaK dabi PfrWfMw rrWW WW pnTfKFIi1 IW all" ftoty f a) fl l i 6wwV " tama mf flLaaUikl mm1 aT -MaM ft -Ml jnau aw wa Ftwr pvamnp corav VIM fkowatfMtf mjhWWt WhV 'tffffy tfriMAWH'Wfr 4fllMj I'Prt'Wff,' AftHVAoMhtftf ff'MA'iwi tfiwttflrt fci'it'fti Tfr - m- - in --jj aaajblri BtfUah; A TarBBnBW pPrT vrTlPV F KILLS BEAR WITH ? Dl RK WHILE IN ITS CLUTCHES in n rtftvm ApmwnvMf aitHMr th Any ptwiwhtf ftitw fhatimw awnw ihtwiwy rMnAoir ivy Aww inwv w iwwttMtnv of WrtwHrvHrxH- Witwhi. whaHVtf1 tM ttMwv ttriHVi' tvv rttanH aw tNMmwt .THMMittw iMMffn wf iMinttr) Wwwmi y IhflW HhMMli tttnt Vll HV Ml Awtm Alnnvwtthr i ttt 4WAi hmt; nwi y naw omnttanmn whv n fUMHlMmiMtl W1W AUO IHMV ft WWMHT w WmtWHr mwtW almitnf fHm itntK, iMrt ul Mt. hi (!httitw thnt' mit1 wn Ho- m ammifi' Hmti ity Hem niv pHKntH1 wi"dit- miMiifnit' & W nnwI' rtiwf- MO Will' 4unty iwvtvwf fVvvm: tttc WttPIV PaW mfivnm rtimurt whiti hV 4Mon hvrt- Ut W feMtltUNM rtWM Af Wn(hnutl JMn vtttTMM wit rvitht ot ai jwm' i4h hr tivtir itvil m tn hhiw v- wiwi wtihaa hitc f ttiirt1 mrt' ffettptay r j . HENRY C. PAYNE AT POINT OF DEATH '" MWAtt Afavtti fWfW t fh4 rwrtwiaa-tWhi Pnfrt ta Mtf atrtHtn at -:Ba Wflft th rnwhra af hf acnilj' ha tHftt aailW fh ,TMci in4 ttt4 fHilmntr MJffaA Hht tttmi tM fa Whh iff. 0hf tft M- mnitMtmt fmm h MM th4 Jthot the tten CHANGE OF VENUE - lil IROQUOIS CASE KtfMarf fOa'rtWMi'Mi'K tMcf flw 4af tfffflfl4 in4 G&ctttt? tuff C (tUFM Or chttttf am iMtMS Mttr MHlhS v tfnrht h Mtt4 fr BEARING SET fOtt ' i mm APPEAL CASE 'rV " 'F -J Afvlgal JtgarjaiUal ' . aYitaMM,. m iM 4teaw Gf n vf w uimw Hwrraw ownrr or smamrr fhw Mwmiii m4 libitum iai.ov MpAjp ftjwwHrt' apftt ChMaw itiWbniV wtl fh X-rhV-T'f-MnnJWHlpM of flit ebHMWf i amtw jtwi m iW nariy m m atVayitnnM' t iKwHt of ;fl jMWty Hf4SlVh tiivaiMt! WrtW w 'Wwitrtn airtti w rtitrttiy wwwiwt' atH- by hiwap)f( chww All fWa' rwrt whthr ONMwiWItIM' 4W " It AvtHMfl' hi mi hifh ivmiwi1 down1 th hin i diimitt fVrvm- Himt i!Ttin ov Hi UHT Hiw alVilf HawV. I PursniHt hy rvin im' HWWny d-fyh-rt t"' wnitiwit' iwhwtf himi With' yvirt itaflfV at' imyin' Ihtiir 1IHW Of ftlHWMMie' WMlt' tWt' tti' b". 'rMaff 4H It Htnd th- a1 fO'TVV-HM1 MJtf It (H"H W1 fVw Wtt4 fltthmw. WhlittMHO lartTP' H4tf Wlf rVoth1 hi iwt" ffhort1 hm if HW-wwti' rta HmV rfh arwl' dniM' Wty.' Av rtttV of ,aih if tw rH oiv4t HMtft itHOff! afiier1 111 OW 'HlHfVf1tft,. hrf ti unntttf tVv ,1 wo Hf' W rtatv mwl b- rh ihH muv th btl W ttwmwtf tnf Araov1 tW nvy bruv- .blk v 7 ; fta ftliaj w it4 i&H 1t Mltaff Prf Apattfttent thtt nM(h tut (trti. fwitv frtfiMtfrri , ; . t t WiV fifll MM 4h( tttff the W w Wt fnfa f hw MW- STEAM CHEST BURSTS AND KILLS ENGINEER '. . dcsaeKOS 1 ' . 4- t " ' - ' -.-j . - Igujwd IS iflil f A TvpvnaT mppwww w tw imi' f ftmj WmMt.t t& 4-cr irn) tji uif sfnrvVTvnT rif prii'v! wTT rnw oi. run A fM&&tt& aj&HfhGt atftfffifir 0 attrfrt wsc TTHTHfrTiy bTTTPWI f FI f V 1 1 111 V "7 OTW WJhX- kt daf aaak mmhB- aTkbaBl aWaf ata T1bTWTt vr W PTVnnTf vTT"Wfc vTIV OX wIJ fiffftlt fffrtf tWftrtif itfitt itt HHjfttt,' Pmtttt1t 4r Mttoffj mtMttt&t tfaftrfAf nfi taj 4 trot. HOAR LAID TO REST" " f W SLEEPY HOLLOW ivovnnfr ivwt Wrnw. j -MwMvtf,- AK- 4pM toft .1. . - - Ahl -fL if fjn1 t tmaimwailw th wt Mtvyff h' iWrvfr IWW. XW h- 9f M f aT rfiV MtW faiM arf 0hflt( t& vlaX ftrt iWtwA" T RESTAURANT Mil ; TAKES CUT BOXES 1rW flViftf i1 Rtait nf ftf rtittwl1 1ftt fhw eW 6wf- ofitt'rhnw Tviy Hf ft rtoti n wV HW fHitt' hwfln OtMlW ITlMVl 1th' fh VAtiMW!. aMBaTTr-'isarf-"aii7grr7ri'iTF nil " ii. ir rffrW f1Wlf lW Jt WV NwX P aAttn1 Mlf n1rt WW rho awiwtai1 ar mrt mow th Hnv y fMimt. fW oiawy twt witin' -Mrtiitt iw rfhtMO Thy tartsr h rttnrtt. ftwrf fWiy ivmh (vtttthaAiMt antt1 rtiy iTr t Mat Wctw iWlTlpw1"JV,5iMrf frttMtf off rto (fWMIfl th' inVumtflrt. trtVlTa of iHn rt: W-'ffi.-d1 It WV bar fvvm1 wt' fhf otwtfittin th ittnw wi arhawa. Thi? hoai' MM1 (Wvtimily. rtnth am fraaVIM' alttifHtr" rtoytnf rtf omm1 of rttfht1 h' tt mart' aumnlotio! hi WtaV (mrtoaVrvt-. rt rftritf4 W?H all hi rftrtith wt rto irmfV wnV hom. i Tha animal wtwmwtwi tW ' fhfnTir, irttVifl' )W ory aM- iWnffltM1 rt tho pMt4! tw' man1 ltntM !' frntn hfW1 rtiMlrtti Thin iftltiitN' h my Hono th- f"f urut ttefor tnvr hi part utt mr WIY DIE - III FLOOD Lake Avatdn Near Carls , N.'M Goes TWENTY REPORTED DEAD fewer Pleat Wfttkci add Horrid Br fttreyri Is tht twltiklini ( , 1 Umiak tkjti ' fttfitt M. At., Ckfc 4 M 8f!tvM to h btft ftwii ttt th tNH-ltor of thi Uratj ha lo iM AValritt Ut MmMh th ftrMi Aim it tha 1M, whleft ti flHhMt of CaHahfltf; n wail H hf tho laHhi IfHMtott rtotti Ift tho Mt; went owt With a Hxh, cpn htrtp 'tt J1 thiit awHrtcheA koH tha bfiiw f tha Pw Htf, 7 , ftrmt wm th tmni tiki th (MWftf WorM OH thrt flt.f hcttf thd mtW WM ottfe thodirk i Wit itruftue ftf UtrsW FsiW thati ft ho ltd toch-bollf ttriirttirtt (1 " , Tht panH hot Howfl thti to (H tprf ttttd Hi it bath iH$ hnrrtM dt ihitrt ttlr wh hriT btt tfttnetorf thrO Wlthtn th twiit H tenrd. , , N flftatb Hat ha btH bNj Hlrt(f to jfttpfft tmmtfnltrAtloti and flnthfn of Hi Acta) It b-fnfl th, tieta a ftatftf itnd tha brflwbt)ti ttrni nt ThO PAotia) Hi hrti-i fiMit b wtt4ri wMtiid M HtHi- flnM W arrnii tmttt torfi (H )iral Mt ffni w-iytnt rraM oa tha tttf Wrt L , Th timtft Mn fr? f H 8tm. fltitf tf-fl n-aM ho trntni f n thfonH j tth tfrHhtt' Th btMir" or ha rfi Ovf th'fHf; OH WHfrH tt tfrWO th PO0 'ffilH At" omfftI it- fW-tf ttt th P-fi Taflf (ffffatffh ?mrrrf., fh httthpttttf of th lftot W wt , t h!S to h Wff trt h rrt4 hMtuHfttf fH M"tco. M th ftom of fh htt Rnhrf . thll irrflrtot 1ffrnmtff toffr,- fttf (wo tjMrt Vt OnWWhflm? iftffti hV bontrtrfrtht t . fnt ft ffi otflr Mlt, wrt tx alartf fhjrhtt writ Oflrri hrtAtiiWL Hhl hw ihOWif ntit trtrit tit th ttftfttt- ?hr r W M lhfc WwiHInO" it ffttf brrt ft W MtrM ewtf mcpt irt r t jtf fV Mtfc CffflatMka for that UrVh W DRAGOONS CHARGE RIOTERS IN FRANC! par is. dcw a mi Mua ji ift urem t ir iftftGtf tfAM ffftrffT filutilrf fc ftty ttttotrtt,- tirtit tffora4 0avam sbrfirttf- mfvrvf vffifl" wwtm Wf Pra crowff flnft i(tt oy tiwnV ii'rf tVtfitayMtf iwQt rotit' SCtiLPTOR BARTH0L01 EXPIRES IN FRANCE J ill! ' ' -J J- . -tJ - ' rJOTBR apanar Trinw. "J" . t Til II il A i p-mi.- fai i ooc c " FiauariuK aiiruhi u iortVp or rXitrt pMilt)Ui yro wit .bifth' hwf!Mi iVttwo Bmt vttff.' tty oonrtit jih jhrtry haoKnM' airtrava yatrdy. ittf ftw Jarit1 itawBit'. COtTBERi PREDICTS tEMATICHOfcSI i '' '" " ' 1 r r - -t (Wdl'lIRT WaIlT (Wf ill1, 7 lW Ahai Or?' lk irici'h ot fa if iA Sh(fV iflHaF ajrttnatij'it' irVwW nt' Jtltit ilo (tay ntr a1: 'Thr r" W ynra rfiothit' rVtifif hlrti' Y4 driwrhun, K i onty nayy fVrt (h pamnrt-arrf w Miy half of orrtW to hpnp tl buhi'rt Of fryw. t rt (Spnfltfcnt m1 fh priotf &m rf Witt- bav the iMt iMia." ; - '-i.-j-ai gjai Llnatu mmmjJmmaMml (, ' (WwW tMV loi:y. , ' mn hn-n V o'c)rir rhi mornin m' m.tMMl SunrWnf whivfirtty iitrtmtK nd itih on' fh hool iMk rroaporlty . th drive ttt fhV itMiWmir Wjf A ftworf jao hy rf' rrTtlofl Hy Ph,l dnwlma IV fnitfrrtlty M''tlnini' will ha Hfld trony at Ann Mrmnra and tooa too hdI-t Itannrmrfti totilait. . J ' J M . I . . . auL' fhflrrtV 0til M attomtnt tt dy Curvott- ut not ao wll. Mlly , t Ibeciei W Wtfrttid irnrriW-ltt fat ft Wft fid fehtef fee-hlfeHr. ft . rrcbnid that throueH Ift m.fotbdrrl tha Sbitt. HrtttHHt- mbrt rert Sttrted thrttugh all bther ftiehcfea combined; 1 aii mr tgencte tbtnbmea: this tbtatichte w ttte,tt InJosed witn i ntttit bill to covet thfe lease Was drafted -tid; Bacfceit Bf i BelcptHoti W 06 meft And Wbmcti; that a H-prtsc4iHrii rhillibriS W Pbrtl.Hd tbbert; Was brt?critcd it i thcrt thofbuthl' distrtiSSed: The bfdtnahce. as It theit atbbd ataridih BbirrtioHg raised Vtt October 1: that bWlnance is Rari1 htf (Hkt aWirnW H h ta fiW b;ite evident ettrHhl. With Its brbVisibiis: ebtties fttrWard -With i tte 11 1 bf the feouncii Which Wilt M iatettee art brdiHance Which Quired i If pnotheT ii br Merited It Hr fiitbralW irt bbject fbt tnspiciooa Scrtitinf, fbf Its manU feat btirpose Ii hbt W remedy the eVil; but simp! ttj make tne bretenae-bf doing b Withoat lc Htstiy doing If. And this fs brfcciseljr Whit the mifor'i brdlnance Will ad: , Under Its tirb Visions H Ii questionable Whether i single bo how lit 6lstthc tbuid iegaiitf bfe rerhpVed: the Pebble bf this tit Hae (ought hard tb ie8r6 trie brdlrtarice flbW BH the books: ) ft maB: tfeitly fills the bill: H this Ii id H should bfe ilveH i full ind fair trial befbrfi an Attempt td ittberseri It Uf fcohfitehariced; . It Ii bropoSeld StHi make bf PortUnd I Wide-tiperj towrt riof; mi the fair- Bertf thlrt li belrirf rtianenvertd HI that directiorl; for tfi6 Imbtirit bf mbne tb VoWed tb those direct! Arid indirect cbHcerHed ii simplf enormtibS, Thfe bo bH inane & ii limply AH entering Wedge: l While ther Are fhari? AOod tltlrehS Whd d8 hot ipprbre bf A PnH tanicai toWri, theri should Be fieri Whd have an doubta about AH BrdlnahCe Whkti broboaei tb eliminate' tries dreadftii pbrii deadfalls; the closed, salobri boiei: - - Thfcr ihHrild fall at th cobricit ehambef tbmorrnW ii f: ii f(-bfPftlofi Bfi U ilbcerMobdybf fbeH add Wbmeri as feathered Id that tharnbf passed M brJglnal btdtnaric iriii brdinartce ice ahd tbe Should , stay there tiritil the toaneii has idjoarhed id (hit fid iriaji jtidgment cad b takeri bf them; iiseii0i4MieeiMiiMUiOmMiiMMOmUtMMeiMttntMIU CRIME SKATE FOUND CHICAGO ' VbWti Wii ' tfoeoroins to1 tiodVtrf hustneM nthoU t ih fVTtion secttrfd ht t confer atoft ia ttt polkrfc J a-ood,-hnfl floal r, ho pam W trbhl D.iinf the Kptoro . fcifeflrata, h ponce Ant; b.t OtifeW tht hf atrffe ( tfhe of ttrt core tt n tmfv barlary ta5TlW tm4f t tti dfl trt.-, ilaah Ac, to." tii th eofhfo opora. W hfoN h0 bttgftHa itrtti ktHmtutcb iti V crro pottrt: Ktrraara ootnmitfwi on mm try tr;na7 mwitrvnint oatd 0 NO mH fry batns wirf fMf ttt (TMUKKtii Vk tmrtt a WhoK-ntHi fcbeTrr h"ftrf fioVrtft(ow wait fflitfrttf at. Th ytrt tnetortM ifrt frrfOfmntlott tni fMrtf tV Ufa ft rM thtf baramr; rfr Cfttf oVrwc; frt ( tfcn fciirht be foaY Hi trftprofttffWe tffbrfc; rn6attof f r owtntntftftrf itrtrf cirfnf hoxjsp fteM foanifs I'rw'-ttn 0 ttrct fcotwft ttrMve Th Weaeio .bfrh f HH tr r ftvtf rqnt-hn- SfiKrn fit vaVlow wthsn of thf Wrt.te.tfEe e4Vrrwoi' Tftea rhroaffi thfttf ehfmMi tff .tnformiifto fjbtfnetf anbwf 9rtg of rtatfh,' a arrrr jiw eotftfl b ttibbtft wrm ease, ,curt imi o how tt pnimrtili'; atfachM W.Hftfr fpArf rouhiy Arewri- map of fh irttftWorho6ff o thf ibv dlatoVeft hV fh 6oromthm OT trffne ntlitht ryiw rh boat verr rof apeetf a- a-..,. , , . j- i ..-. t.ji-iJ Xi&Jii ar Arrthtf 6Wj ror fh fnwperfbtt LP Btfr tT nfl thTev Wh WMe fi the 6pT- pnrt. Th 4pit IW ifnIffO',t fbabw rmr (Tirefor nRT IT mrrtpmanon ar rf cot rtt ftwoutnry wtwrtnm-rrira iwrt- tc, . ll 1- .. Ja-nJ.lvni.JlJ tw atoftHy pvaw at ry wwt rW oh ot ftvo' daTr f fhe,ow mamL hr ffry er 0TfulT ItsteA tiw wr' fhrn1 vhWrf t rn-f ent tb-fh OThf atntfrVrt ft mvoie." iM iVrrf nftfttnay fh rarfn horu fpovrJ err ate unatM an Arfiw lit th mmwy W W ArM-tf.fh; rblf mv arol fb sofl ainj1 rtf 6 tfvidM amohS rh flvi dmhrrf ftr fn Ooroioairt. bh atntsi-n'r iirf yw anyrbtn wVav IwroHT xroW, fht ar hmn tWirr w?r v- (rofifne M mnwlWh Wr W M "drtiW- by ftrw sun1 Water." nff irrtiaa m rn Aw 0T4 owe fha ")V.f hcni jfe oeb 0t for firrt (Tinttoft ajtu-a- wr neia. hf ihsr rhji fh orhr tfirtfttoer of Or rfttn tW b' aVrrr rottay,- TRtST WAY COtROt ItEt'gAf 6WPtT fliMi'iiMr' AiahiA' sWiwV toric Vt. t"Av rtiovo 1 itf wfifVM ro' b nrt fnTAfuhnw or air art- mhiht!ine rhnt t nMr ffitur prtio doatiy dominate' rW beet eiitny mrtim tTV. V rhrt frl Of f rtWonr. Pruvemeyt't aVlrf ihittthW Of tfhe dlwtora- or m miwr ro' ii athi iinttot Tno any fr?irt ton.- th ia mmt' rtn iiririWr lit n nc w year eVpr)ai noMIti Kf ft. "tI br mgtwr niant. MtT Ktrmrt1. 1 mrirned 6a nay mutt irrrwa- iirort,itti "t. Ft ir fitttimva' mnr mpp-tnTiv nwmi tn Art' tiira' bVfina; th mmtry my loveI"p and that rhJ tVutrt may 5mi a' ihi(fri mr rtrttninatin oltiott in rh hfc auttaJ1 iuahiMs' than ur now apparnt. . rJVrtfrt' iMapat'-1 a)' ThM1 jiHirrW:) Kitniah. Wh.. ort1. hnfn rtht th A hrlrtaw muncfl the h'rpa to Tumt) an (ha trtaaw to Mo ov thrrtwina; thf lrivr and Mlt VVii'TY"! I-'im gilt ard Chamber Tdmdfrow Arterf.t3d(. v i i ttie 1st test Ibfte Hit idaij bbs ewininc H it Waa Siotipd tfit firict Ha h jbst Aa tbod nd eVert tribfe heeded hi kb fhMMll H- Ikfi M U w thai; there tlee Was IH tntertHort Tfife thaHef Is hbW lit the jcbttHs; list aa obd" brdinartrft- It ta HrbnBsed tb ba held tbmortbW aftertmoti it i dtbeft: If 4ierS Ii already ht, ex- meets the sttttatibrt It 1, hot (as they Should ffiter their brbteSf Hb H tri A Wa that WiU Hot be rnlsuhderstood: And the should MARKET HAS A hiwityM fat Wmfy : ' fScs fijltcl Wit;'."' Inaphne: bt:; 6ot. 4 Th fiisf Rtft th hon til beobbin itfnva1 igntiL Onf irop brtM by U Da,mcH aolJ frt itf frt enfflry fterno(t Thfrf (fop1 fftrt-ftno a?i bf hi rle batf hp ht(rH mftte i IKrffe ni OY thi Orbpl TheW wr inta iti fttt&l tit btltki: , fcurMebfirt 6feetf Wmte'r fo; fff !Wrtf- fOf trifltf ifejf fetei-d8i it tr6b(i Tf(e frroi H tarri . , - . The fth off(-V(J WrfffifOW) (ftt riftht hA itiUua' buyer otfered two1 flif.?rnt parff si ienta eca idr thefr entire oropa; . .. . The' bttyOrS have' &n$l oWj fMVff M iWdJnjr ar tftlc eyrhr BefOif often thari 11 pflt re i fitctm b1 afOWr rhta itffcfoovnt fo'f Chotei fcop-cV Hnyertf re' MJvarln'i to Seep ifcerf gVfcfMjfiftrt , f-nnuirpii imii i r i 1.1 nirrra aranrlenBSr M.MO VKJLUtMM bZTTMM, iH 90 6fftL- ieS-rn, pi; Oct. f Thr aiMtj fh'e rateit tfrfforerio between; fh itroer an (h maJorK Of flio daiera fh hop ftV. fetf tffat arthpillK, , dW-fiaTOmT airfof baV beerf iftofted. t',ei (wo rtyl rirfi W.W srita. Ttie Wtter orlri tit ipriit if 6olp freeW flf ?etrf 6 (iope: birt i'thef ttyttig hrt-f. .eirpeftTil'uTnp. On', dflrpr hnurftt l bare of twiotnw Aeatef ieji- expocrii1, iobn: t rSiirand: rfti iwy- eota: ..ire say fh M fnt, bop wm dVop iom,,. tm SvOTbei dearr ar- .'Trrff r?rf 6V bir bom. r oonsidpf fh .ttaVitat atfon t (CWit anrf xpof r' tee ty 7a fhia.otf, fh prcant irrnTjWtcal attnariorV. r fhrot o pr cenr,ot tb bop bv arready hWnVd' fjV iflaltf ha n rh poctaV tiummn tmi jfAwtgTeiff jfrfrf rfans I. ? fe .VorTft re rMYiy '6?if . pctrt'ey onfincer con-ocra- wi lsoii Worrtat' m .t t m" hoima tn Et orshifi , rtartyr t,at-iA,; Th bipwirni of Hi nines' i Am r eiMerlTVint lV m OnntiiW- noVt' itW fb ftoontayii raya,u Fof acvmf year h hrf patientry boin rarnhva (rt-fffrtrt)' ajiff oniTpertfpr ?VfiV 6pera nonrf, weich (iuimmn'ted ' fh atmrta, irrt' df bth Mia arm a. IT died' reatef- dy. .. ........ j . . iW cotihft'-tioh' with lh rtiwroacoha anff arimr,- and waV aiso.mirnftl by' ti rayat eauae n prmrd bin hanoa befora, tna ray oohtthimny lit areiimin'iry, wont Thd iStaase a,ttrfi'ctd fh anentibti' of medicar man' fhronifhotit rh Country.- . ri rmnrlaro, Ortl f T.won wt thla mnrnln' (HiM to appt-aV h-fofe 'Jtdv TnutV lp rotitempt priK'edlnjf on rth1 Kmrttivir rtlfV by an attom-ywhu iniiifht $0 tw ttt dfpwtttoij tja the auH, hronifht ajruinat hjm tn tha aiTjvnor Itfonvt rCMUiy by tha new manairemeiit nffl,- tht he wn t ltd thi d-P-M- tinri tnVrt tn inntf han1 ifl dprl'tT-rt ' .w. d.i.Hl until all inn.nil.l mild Rjrrte to buve th Uemoua aid anawera Ukaii i urn ban SHARP AYAK tthlch td become id flagrtnt -lie inhcr bf the closed boxet bit W .tb rnlti fhart the e tin bt the tit tdtmctl ad (passed the tooncth . Nothwith- Hifi fhafrrtr-. trt rt iritri rffprt hri ho tfiArl It, Was Hie day It Was a1id ka Ut- bif the part bf those i&cted (B to eantimfe Waydr Williams :b bass jit at the rncetin tb M Wh another shonld be last Tririg Whed.tKfc fcdufttll a gain it the; repeal bf the' brl: FEACE FKSnK GETS A "UCk)iS uiiiuo HpixscntotiTc at rcscc ton 1 Hal Ai(eii6fl tllU f r -- 1 y : fifief,- w. r.: njf leaoer Of the Brit K ttelerx- flw fopar anJ wtni." of fh Nrthia prtt for OrorftoMna airf- rai pMace; a bafliy ,-:icfcr- by aa daner Mt Tf-emoht temple vatMy: thtttff jtartef M aeren'W it p!atfor- er only roftl Aciahlea, re. otni(, tejt tha, Whef . ftpiafneVl ma(ara .ana aoin,Due. to WAicn .h. retorted. ' M rhth hk ii7 ciinrnta,, i ne ttriiiMier M , van- quienefl ana ro uah?t rc asnor reruswa tA fni!.. Km , i. i ng . iummarliy tftacharr Robr( frea.t jftfno; ffl: t; Af Boatori Waa fa-eleotefl JiWyrmf,. m. tb,,.aaftf of , ,0i &al unnolo aota nreaitn corftpny and ma ow faTTi fgf (hi. purpose of .drHiina (be frasef rye rp, titieh, Columbia, baf ust4 S aentatlon fa -Q4 elate, o-" tril M argpiineny 0f the paen jn-" VorveA Jafa. Male,UlBoo., rhe.eom-" Brt-nr a rnorphi admiti' thiit aha Tt)troye4 lompanjr books at fh i nut an. o or nt amjjioyiir. , Tha.abortH , htis C4tfa I .fumhl W h,VaTUe Of, l). atocliL Vflq BfundrMe ftrs j)op!e,ar toeert fa aftia raniirtl from fza to fso Chariee.T. .mftfoi.'!,. j:-t,nrn)an fiuTlioaff nTcrat AomAirttee. Jfuyof-afat-' tffn pf iW Toioear.rhi of . f !'-'- tnee poa Mmo1, irf a-.ttr of otbera ara a tntergted m fb oraah. UKafflvtiaf aVhfrictoa. .Oct. f-rTb , ArViWiC eleratioB of tabo baa filed a fornvit protest itn' fh ratMta,ta .cooimrca commiaalon daajniit tno ..Trana-'onti- nphfat f&tKt aaaboiatioo ajid oth aB?orintione. - chArinr mw-riminiiuiirt, ariro'; fb fortion ttf the reusar of tho aKsoattpn w aiaita ar e.fluijtiiai nt ma far ro 0a natt"wl aie' tinr of the frdtraiiorf lit . -irt jTrahctaco. jCo'em- itvr a , rhW. the.aad .orrgt.!! Wottian .suitpoKriT ta be, lot .tn, Gv'tfb rt Pnrit vt fotind' t a (arty 'ir t! .moriHtif nt roturii to por hitM j, Aftr rir,"ria fr-tTt Bi-i fcTn a Ch irit ah Jti.hTf! io t: i'iwn I wns fbund roa fanont atrwtt oy a p'i:i.i- oi an. f A. .ihfli t'n1 aVeiiir in!-? a- ii iflvtn le.liTtn m n. It. ; -! til bar bi)td liH.itwl n-r n.-j.'. I . AW"i. W bMDI. Ml U Jafliea vt. or a mter- l"1iy lPhir1nS Uteor catar-uy. ,JSoiB wiir rcova t i SWaaMtf tbwfr uwy aUbt aaa