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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
EVX.XINO. 51 aaecmrsBBsn THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY 'v -TC J a. ksbudmnanas jmsasmmxmaarhtBBwss. js ' IIEVS OF THE MINES iznik mm TO EE ANALYZED ;: , . --':)- pbpvbx rovn ooiumoi op wmi mw ocnPPAjrr moss o n QQMMwmraais ass aaTP mi mnin von ui ms movra to mm ro van. ? Graphite will ' ra aU probability be pained Ib Siberia Um aomlng coaeMerabla mlk A. J. Trimble, one of the prominent stoekboldara oX the North vm conpur. pmM through the citr Mtirtey to kiiUt, hm bo ku bom called in sonueottoo vita olooUMI opera tions for the muo& Ho staled that the graphite deposit found by tho eompsny oa their Siberia oonoeaaloa would bo thoroughly looted two Viator. sn ooeral hundred ton had boon ordorod brought out m tbo Uot steamer, for enheustlvo analysis. Should this test prove that tho graphite to what it seems to bo, and so Indlcatod by preliminary enamian tlona, work on tho dopoolt neat year wlU WMt ooalo insuring tbo output of many tone. Mr. Trlmble'a aompeny la ft oommer etel aad Induatrtal organisation, handling transportation Una from Seattle, opi ating neb-pecking ootabUahnMiiM and prospecting tbo Siberian coast wbora concessions have boon obtained, tor min eral. TUo la tbo seoond yoar that at haa boon active, bat tbo remits of opera tions novo boos satisfactory and tboro is proapect of brlngteg oat important BBtaoral districts. . For four yeera Mr. Trimble operated Is tho etumptar district of tbia State, where no baa tbo Annwluln mining prop rtr. Prior to that tlmo bo was la tbo M aba range, Michigan, .. FLACERING GRAVEL i l!U 2C0-F00T BED . Hoary work will bo dons this aoaooa an tbo OM Channel placoVa. nosr Orsota pass, en tbo Rich Quick aide of tbo ground. Manager X. T. Harvoy has boos buay during tbo fail months getting hat giants In poaltlos -to waab a SM-foot atrip or doop ground thorn which proo pseta Tory welL Too DoopChannal iHoporty has tho fln ost bod of ancient rlvwr grave oponod Is tho state, s bank mora tbaa SM foot doap being handlod In tbo work on some part of tha group. Thla Immonoa body of alluvium la plaoorod through tbo for tunots combination of excellent wator power and location upon tbo foothills whom abundant fair for tbo flume la bad. Six-took smuts ars used on tho great bank, as workman most stand far back from tha faoa whoa teaxlng down gravel AOTER EIG HILL m sidteii m iuni uuu bps sat1 wtjun, mam mmmrn (Niwum Ajrn pxt . SYAatPS AM AXBSAJPT XM OOM- ..; -i ' 'i ' i , . '- Jv; The msnscemont of tha Imperial mtno fn oaatem Oroaon proalsaa twtoa tha production of eoncentratos dvrlnc tho month of October that was credited In eotember. A. U McBwon, of tha oper atlnv firm, nays that equipment baa boon IncraaMod and that bettor srrancomonta hare been mado for deltrerlns; ore. andi he expect! that tha Imperial wttl deliver bout Id tons dally durln tha prosont month. Whllo those- Improvements In ' mtlUnf have boon made, development . haa been prosoontod stoadlly. A new H at imp mUL with oomproeartr plant, has boon oo tuple ted at tho Alpuu mine. Cable Cove, oaatora Oreson, Meoars. . Lakllaw A dteadman. mlil wriahta, have takes their oonotmoUon orew te to Sumptor, and state that tha ill la praeuoally ready for ore, Ptvo atampo of tho battery worn put In oom mJaalon by upertntaDdeat Addoma tnv medlately, to handle a auanUty of on that was on tho dump. The Alpine plant Is son of tho moot oomplete la tho district, for Its olso. Tho atamps welfh l.toa pounaa oaoa. tho morura are of tbo lateat pattern and tbo etcht ooneentratlns tables and otoam power oomplete tho more salient fea tures of tho mill equipment. A sU-drlU compressor has been put m tne mni bulldlns. and will be need tn art v Ins the erossout that Is to be the-mala adit, and for euch other development as raaulres power drills. Cincinnati oap nausea own taa Aipine. thla eompany be las' a kindred errenlaa- tloa to tbo Baby lfcKeo Consolidated company. Ail too properties ox too two ood corns are with la a near radius, on tha John Day aide of tho Cove, and tbo Impression prevails that this one 111 will -bar-used to ban die ore from tho Alpine. Last Chanoo and Baby afo Kee. A vertical .shaft la bains aunk on the second, and tbo Baby ItcKoe to ooened by a eroaaout MOO fot lonav wblob oxposes good ore, Tho Alpine to opened by tunnels, of which there are four or flv on tha prUMipai veins, COMPLETED SIXTEEN - MILES OF RAIL LINE ' Between l and It mUeo of tho rail line Inland from tho mouth of Kolomon river, Alaaka, has boon oompletod thla yoar. This lino Is projected t touob aU of tho rleh sold bolt adjacent to Noma, and tho man baok of It atato that they will push en down until they roach Valdes. ob tho lower aide of tho penin sula. Gradlns- to not far ahead of tho track laid, but the mana cement promisee as eneraotle work next aununor as has boon done thla year. Thla Una to ex pected to develop tha Interior oountry adjacent to Mom, and will doubuoas brtns out now mining districts, as K makes auppllea and equipment possible at Interior, points. Tho lino la owned by tbo Council City . A Solomon River company, which la workino" vudar tho auaploeo of tbo Wee tern Alaska Con struction company of New Torn. Tho tracks for this lino sro said to have boon tho first broad aauaa - rails laid la ' All evidence tn tbo Keystone-Bqnlty boundary Utlcatlon. Grant oounty, baa been taken. Circuit Judge Clifford ap pointed s commissioner to take teati mony, and wltaoosos la oonaldorable number have been brought for thla temporary tribunal. Albert Geiser, of the Geleer-Hendryx Xnvootmont oom pany. which represents tho Keys tone management, stated that both aides had. their hearing and that tho east wlU now e before tho court, . very West Burdock a terrible t all over the body. I am tefui." Visa Julia nibrMgo, Tt was almost a ml reel a lood Bitters cured ma or B breaking ou arater Cornwall, Conn. Allen ft Lewis' Boot Brand. GOOD RUSTLING . AND ; , ; LIBERAL POLICIES lowlna7 the shipm onto of ore nads from tho Sumptor camp before eemplo- tlon of tbo smelter there, one would not appreciate where tt was pee stole to get ore and oonpentrates to keep tho smelter going. Tat since Manager Fuller put bin. plant In commission tho shipments of ore to tho smelter have been eufnalent to keep It busy, and there seema enough la sight already to keep tho smelter run ning all winter.1 ' Thus spoke a prominent mhilng man of the eastern Oregon district yesterday. Ho aald that ore was ooming from sooToee entirely unexpected. Tho man ngement. he understood, did not have tho output of either the North Polo or tho Columbia mines, yet without these ho had rustled ore to keep a 100-ton plant buay while running with two shifts. Very broad, liberal policies have boon adopted by tho managomont. Whore a small claim owner has .Are on tho dump that la available for tho smelter. Manager Fuller wlU have It hauled with teams secured by tho smeltea. aad meka pay mente after aampling. on a very satis factory baste. Tha Baisley-Blkhorn la produeUia; ateadUy, and mar get up to 20 tons per day. The Highland, In Book oreek. haa entered tho market for tho drat time, and la said to bo able to sua Uln production while roads will permit hauling. When tho B. A & eonoentrateo and shipping ore are controlled there wilt bo a steady prod uot toe hero, as tha reserve In eight above tho shaft prom isee two roars' steady work by the mill Somo ere has been received from Cornu- coola. a ejood quantity from Qreenhorn and Cable Cove also has been able to market a Quantity. Manager Puller has rustled all over tho mineral sons and seta everything la eight, and the opera tor, complimenting hie work, aald there was no surer evidence of success at the emeltor than thla energetic, broad busi ness soUeyv - '--J- PATENT MUCKER IN v BIG CROSSCUT ADIT ' A nnlAua ammkins dsvteo was tried for a period at the Oregon SeouriUos oom panys property in Bohemia. It was tested la tho face of tha eroaeedt. which is about 10 foot re. Tho mucker to a low ftetoar, tho width of the big tun nel, and mads of tho heavieet timbers Before snooting thla broad vehtole would bo driven up against tho faoa ox um tunnel and when tho round of ahota broke dowa a rock a largo proportion of It would be landed on the mucker. As tho ear to heavy and would be r reign ten with aeveral tona of rock after shoot ing the power available before installing tha electrlo motor waa not sufficient to handle It, and too much time would bo loot In moving tho mocker. Soma such derloo aa thla seems feasible, and If worked with success, wooia save torso amount of work in shovoUns. , fSi,it ma tik te Tto lesraalt Oregon City, Or, Oct. s.r-New has m roaaived bore that to tho drive from 'tha main tunnel of tho Ogle Creek Mining oompeny'e property a fine body n an above tho average tn nenneas waa encountered. Tho tunnel will bo extended TS to feet to tap parallel veins which have tho appearance at tho surface of being good fissures. ( PORTLAND FIRM V SEES PROSPERITY i - j. - , , . , ,..;. Tno Dry Goods oonomlst. Now TorlL Trade eondltlonii never have beam bet tor; never la tho history of Oregon has so large a percentage of tho population boon profitably employed aa now. The otato la growing. Industry is expend lag. population w Increasing and there to work at good wage for all who are wil ing to work. Money la abundant for all legitimate purposes of business aad the pinch that the east has bad for a year haa not been felt bore; atone i0 Port land's population haa Inereaeed from 0,000 to 111,000. Oregon's principal In- dustrteo am agriculture, norucuicure, dairying, mining, lumbering, fisheries, mercantile lines and manufacturing. Prospects la aU branohoa of business are good. Our fall purchases wui do larger thla. year tnn in Next year tho Lewis and Clark Centen nial exposition, an International azrair, will bo held at Portland from June 1 to October, la. It will twpreaem : a wi outlay of tl.oM,eoo and should be of special interest to the dry goods Trade, H aUUEN at H iWflwT" THREE GRANGE FAIRS -: IN NEXT TWO MONTHS Tharo win be throe grangs fairs In Multnomah scanty during tho next two months. Oswego Orsngp'g fair data to October a, and aa trains run out rrom Portland at short Intervals a consider able attendance to expected from thla etty. There will bo tbo usual eoin peti tion of live stock, agricultural products. homo oookinr and baking. Bvenlng Star Orange holds Its fair October 10, II and II, u its hall and grounds oa the Paction Line road. There will bo extensive ox- hi bit a, including a number by Portland morehanta Bvenlng antertalnmonta will bo given tn the hall. Tha grounds may bo reached from this city by tho reser voir branch of the Hawthorne avenue lino. Tho Mltwaukle Orange fair will be bold November t and a. and will in due a baby ohow, homo and art depart ments, and aa owning entertainment. Allen ft Lewie- Beat Brand. OUR SPECIAL i2 w b, , Grand Free OF THE FAMOUS m . 53 Welv BOYS' DEPT. ts'f Distribution INGERSOIX H ' WATCHES SPALDING FOOT BALLS AND REPEATING -AIR RIFLES 1 V Come on, Boyt! ' Our Wttchcs are stem wind and stem set; our Foot Balls the best; our Rifles are repeaters. -1,. pur Clothing is just me same prices, the same reliable kinds as we are noted for carrying. Prlcee $2.00 tO S6.00 mm SfOffffJSON1 isa m DAVIS SEiOS CI BIS ACCEPTArXE I A B3S SlUaT VKA V VaT9J au rsofmovi rom nca rArncaaTT ov m van CmAYlO PABTT flg OOsTTmOA OP OTamaTttBsm X . IJesraal peelal Barries.) Kklna, W. VaH Oot . Heary a Da via haa sent out hie letter of aooap tanti through John Ebarpo Will lama, ao cm Una the nomination lor tho vlce- prealdency or tho United Btatos at tha hands of tha JPemoo ratio party, tt to aa follows: The times aro propitious for the rein statement of tbo Democratic party In control of tho government, Tha public mind to being disillusioned of tho pre tension of tho Bopublioaa party, an long and so arrogantly mado. that tbo material prosperity of tho oountry de- Dends uDoa its owa ascendency. Thoughtful and patrlotls people are be coming mora and mora dlstruatfui of tho heady and personal element of tbo prosont administration, and aro more than willing to see,' it replscod by one that bettor recognises oonstltuttonal and other lawful restraints. They demand that tbo present wasteful oxtravaganoo in tha sxoendituro of the money, drawn by taxation, front tho Industry of tho people, ohall cease and that economy and honesty in tho nubile eervioe aboil again be regarded aa virtues la the high niMM of tho rovenuntnt "To ohow tho rapid growrn ox tno oowc of government. It la only nvoeeeary to alvo tho total expenditures in wo wsx fiscal year of tho following administra tions: -'Buchanan, . 1M4, - M,IM,tMt eapita, . . 1 . - Vlavoland, - live. jne.eee.we. eanlta. 6.Sf. "Roosevelt, IXttfl, fii,eee,eo; nor eanlta. ST. 14. "In answer to eritieiem apoa tao nrne and axnonss of maintaining tho army, tho president haa said the number or soldiers bow Is no greater per capita than in former times. But aa army then waa necessary to protect settlers from tho Indians and to do other police Ant in tha unsettled eortioa ox ins rauntrv oondtttona which do mot now extaL The army, however, has greatly Inereaeed la ooat. much faster relatively than It haa la numbera. .. Tha oxpendi- turee were: V -Under Boehanaa, ttt Xlf. "Under Hayes, la IIS. ttl.M,0o. nrndor Booaovalt, ta !. SUi,aV 09. -w nit nsfl as tha harbinger or new era tn the sommores of tho world tha Incentton of tho groat work of build- in tbo canal that la to joia tno two great oceans: but wo deprecate tho action of tho present nominiatrnxum which Inflicted a wound upon .our na tional honor by Its disregard of the rights of a weaker nation In order to gain a doubtful credit for energy to for warding that great enterprise. Tho terri tory of a -neighboring republic, with which we are at peaoa, te aoisoa oy a band of revolutionists, protected bp tao una of the .United States navy ana erected Into a state Over night wmon tho president promptly roeognlsad as aa independent nation. A gross- orrenae against ft friendly ropubHo, which it was helpless to resent. - ' "These and many other njiwarranToo things that elong more to aa empire than to a repubMo have occurred under tho administration and brought deep concern and alarm to. thoughtful and patriotic minds. They must be wsWded as tho first fruits or unpertaiiain. una show how fast w ore drifting toward absolutism and osntrallsed power, -- -The tariff Is undoubtedly too high oa such articles aa enables tho manu facturer to sell his products abroad AhMtta than at home. - -J The efforts of trusts is to control or monopolise, and these monopolies, when unrestrained, seem to produce oonoittons which brine about strikes and dieordera and disturb tho business affalra of tho oountry. "Local self -government wax came to ua not as the gift of tho national gov ernment, but as tho legitimate outcome of the reserve powers of the states and tha neonle to tho vary oomerstono ox our political structure, and tho boat as surance of liberty rogulatod by law Xt oaa only be maintained by strict eb sarvsnoo of the limitations of the federal constitution. - "The declaration ltt tho St. Louis pisi form In favor of arbitration to one that appeals to any oense of fairness. Ail lovers of their country muss deprecate the rehabilitation by tbs Bo publioaa party or a disappearing race Issue at a time when every effort should ho made to nromoto rather than retard tho progress which waa being made in tha atetea where slavery had existed toward kindlier relation hot ween the two races. "peculation and fraud tn the punlio aervlee under tbo present administra tion, especially la tho postoffles and land departments, reached euch propor tions that knowledge of me avua practtood - became pub to 1 property. Prosecution naturany xoiiowoa, out thorough, and Impartial Investigation by congress, proposea ana urges wy Democratic minority was refused by the Reoublicana at the mandate, U w Be lieved, of tbs administration. "The late Democratic convention ma Its oandtdnu for president have given aimal exhibition of a mutual roepeov end confidence almost unprecedented In our political history and our party has received now inspiration ana nope in its appeal to tha people, who always appreciate and admire oourago. charao- tsr snd discretion in weir leaoers. uur candidate has these qua Hi lee and can bo depended upon at all times to ob serve that self-control n speech and action which le so necessary to saie isonlng and aoond. Judgment. wit unabated trust In tha efficiency of the cardinal prlnclplee of our groat party, when applied to tho practical ad ministration of government to realise tho bieaatnaa of pence ondV prosperity for all. and believing that the people wilt correct tho present abooos of ad ministration by a chanr of party In power. I swatt with aonfldenoo tho re sult of their Judgment at tho polls' J OAKLAND CAPITALIST MEETS WITH ACCIDENT John R. Bum ha to. a wealthy capital ist of Oakland, Cat, and well known In Portland and throughout tho state of Oregon, met with a very serious acci dent In Osklend Vast wek. Whllo ho was escorting his daughter, lfles Lu oretls Bumbam. and a friend. of hers across the tracks of the Alameda aleo trlo lino he was knocked down by tho oar and aetioosly out and bruised. Ho waa oa horseback at tho time of the ao otdent and hla mount Buffered ft. broken leg. -Mr. rtumham la well known ta thla city. For two or three years he lived hero, being Interested In the Portland Unseed Oil Works With his family he resided at tho Hill house,, sow known aa the Hobart -Curtis, Ho haa other financier internets In tha atate, and espeoteUr Pendleton . r. :tf--.. . -i- : .. - . . . i: ..- A.: l GIVEN AWAY AIR RIFLES GIVEN AWAY Batches ::m GIVEN AWAY With and Overcoats -4 Suits all Boys T'- ?-?s& 'i::,vAf m-MiM K 1? 4 Jest FOLLOW THB FLAQ TO THB WORLD'S FAIR -..'-..4.1-"- ' See that poor tiokot reads Tto WABASH R.R; a-a - - - L,w mbV e - ' oat eeW ao w qjMK, r. u r.ftfu, m rirs, m. if'' Ami Jafafai tM Phm Mmi HIS j ' s German Publishing Co. .PRINTEaVRS 1 of EverytKin ; -, tot iowoitaf Jr. COAL Diamond Lump, ton. Newcastle Lamp, ton... Washed Nut, ton..v. M wall fan weight aad niuenai aoirrssy ..S8.50 .86.50 , and free gaaraatso . haala KI1NQ COAL CO. Rocksp rings Coal ; -Is best for house use. Other . - flrnnd Haals from 16. SO un. Get our prices pa Btaem od Coals from IB-BO VP. Coal la ear lota. rtnrnTMT ajtb Sbtbt ty oon m&ACav ifZTat OOaUb, , - ' Vulc&n Cool Co. . .' Vhoaaj ataca BfTt, 1 .. 339 BURIN SID B ST. (rTff TTTA VWJLJJLI l w-w fi v m l FT J ILL 1 IV r CUTLERY EVERY BLADE VARRANIEJ TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Knows tho world over, aro tho only, dentists In Portland having the late bo tanical DISCOVERT to apply to the 5 urns for EXTRACTING. PlLLlNO and ROWNINO TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, snd guaranteed for TEN TEARS. it i,at . . -proa SS.00 u.oo VaaaataatJaa , Silver rulings Oold nillnre . . Pull Set Teeth that tt from Oold Drowns .....S94W to avrtdgo work .........a.oo o OTTR StlCCEftS la due to our P MOSS MKTHOI8. LOW PRICES AND OOOO WORK IXNB BT BFEC1ALIBTS In each department NO STUDENTS In tho office. All work done PAINLEflflLT by SPECIALISTS of Ions veers" expe rience. Give us a can. ana you wiu and wo do lust as wa ad vert lea Boston Detptal Parlors Vorvtooa Silve ykn . W, Anderson Real lteatgpp Uostnai aanct PlrB Insiurstrtear 201 McKay B!d Cor. 3d and Stark WIGHT SCHOOL Business College ' Tow laanH'kigii'il powx'wM amesa yawsanhly abaa ap teMaw m ateoJaftoansasj .p hoaso nor umasj HMsOAaaaS ,mS awasa) par WOOk Tjpinilwaej ...S asn pap week P -... aenwg bos weak atngttsh fl aeanm aor areok gutte lhlag .H hoass pea amok BpeOtea beams par weak AgtMussstht . SM koenrs par vook ihgi ) nemm $13.00 tuiuch i mm m BT0W4 USB POB OAVAJMrtm. TUSCAN! Minere! Springs TMf ToWbomhMayCoiKrip-- I earn to the above oprinss aft Aprfj to teas treatment for my eysa, I had a very aevore attack of oatarrh of tbs eyes, waa almost blind after treating with tho best specialists that eon Id be found, and suffering lor nine years, I have at last found a cur ero at the FAMOUS TCSCAll SPRIWOS. I oan not praise them too highly. 1 bops that others that aro afTlleted ffffl give tanua, a trial. LwAptWI. ' Boom Ml. Osmmsretel Bide, Pi i flan fc htrT'c?' Palmer, of Pahaor. Or, wag sored of rheuraaflanv If , you aro sicg write to s; wo will gtve you the name and address of osau one surea of a similar eomplalnt. . , v Tvactrn rVtfavrBl Sprtii9Cot . -i , . wVaXteaf, OAS , ) IUO ape POS iomt op STOat44Bl AkTB CATAaJhat AAXW. Will Cur Any Cats of TCI D NET or BLADDER DISEASE V Hot bror-i ta tVoacla of HsrfH- . For Sate bj WOODaIS, tLAU ft CO, aad ,AU-DAVI3 DRUO CO. ! , V "A. X