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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
V THE DRrOOW SUNDAY "JOURNAU" POSHXAND, 8TJJT3AY VCT::iN'3, 8SPTEgE t , COL TUCKER AND HIS FAT.HLY . . LEAVE TODAY FOR ; Ooleael WMtam r. Tucker. parMMr of tb United lUUa.tnnr, hi wit tafl - tkwr am oam ui Imw today for Dm Francisco, wbene thy wUl hII lor tlM Philippine Islands on October 1. Mrs. Tucker Is ths oely daughter of Mrs. .John A. Locen, whose husband. (UMttl John A. lam. died II years m Mrs. Tucker I OM Of th known wesson la literary, army and pom lite tod la tlita country. It li t.Mk. mm lira. Tuckor visited Portland, th other occasion of her eoro-1 tng being whn she not uoionei upon sis return from Alaska, whr ho Hit oonetderable oerlod In Unolo Sam's pay Berries. For tb past thros mmwm Un Turkar ban resided ID Wash tngton. IX C, With her mother, and both found recreation sad eonsldsrablo profit 4n writing apodal stories tor amgssineB and leading metropolitan sapors. Mrs. Tucker's articles on onrrent events have beea road throughout ths united state and abroad with great Interest, and , critic bars declared thorn meaterpleoea to rhotorte and logv , r. MMnilit Mrs. Tanker M pleasing; la eorjveraatlon. engaging, and la discourse, brilliant. Oho is tnorouguiy acquainted with ths history of ths army iwi its devetoanent. and honors, a did w. kmuiMd father la his lifetime, that w m im an ths fmos of ths ttut mm odmusv or even com Mt with ths OBldtsnr of too United State. Ia speaking of hor trip aeroas ths continent and hor impressions ox Oregon, and Portland particularly, am. rnfe-v mm LA' 1 thtnk your city la ft beautiful oaa, and eartaJnlv must b an Meal plae in which to lira. Hor you ax, oa ths mmtmr Willamette, id Slsht OT MOOBjt Bod and othor grand mountains, with the historical and classical Columbia tmm wtthla s hrlaf distance, and with Mar charmin environments I knew of mo prattlor nor asoro Idooi sits la this ... . - . . .- - : 1 PHILIPPINES 5n i - J .... 'in aaoajtl. I '1 - I.'T V . mii mm chjoi - . oju Ma w 1 f " i l I M KM. MART LOOAJf TUCKJJL oouatry than rlvht bora la Portland. Ths groat plty-nd It wms well lm proaaid upon nt is ths fsto that haa hofsilsa tb foroata this yosz from ths raraaw of Ttrs. I think It S doop loss. nu raa www iifwy w w bvviwvwv to aoo ths trooa dostroyod yosr aftor ysar, wtthoat any oonosrtod offort to Bars them. Tlmbor Is aotunc aoareor orry yoar, and tho aathorltloa ahouM tak triocont moaaursa to protect ths Orsfon should tak a iolnt intoroat and aars no oxpoaao la- stasaplna; mn thaoo oonflsarstioas that ar such a Monaco to aropsity, Of oourss. thor ar waa dona appolntod, whooo work It la to look aftor ths foroata, bat thotr torrt tory la slthsr too nroat to ooror or slao thsy da. not pay oarafal altanUoa to tbslr datios. 1 pent fho othor aftornatm ia iook hic orr ths Iowia and Clark fair rounda, and I oaa 'aonoaOy aay that I was mors than aarprlaod to oss the yapld atrldoa that ar bslna; mad oa tb buildings, and tb aonoral beauty that attends the sntlrs sxposltkm. I waa paruenlarly Intsrsstsd la oeelng- the fair STOunds. on account of th nobis fight that snstrnr atltchsU wacad bsfor aoa aTssa tn aapport of the approprlatloa hUl for th sxposUkm. In Washlagton M waa tboaght that the bill would asror aaaa, and aftor ft finally beeaaoo a law. congratulation war offered awaator Mltohsll an all Me. . I doubt vary atooh tf Oregon would bare aaourod one' douax for th fair but for Benator Mitch JL Tb tt for th aspoaltkm la Meal, betas; a net oral location overlooking the valley, and I will venture th stato aesot that erery visiter her ta ItM will OCTOBER WORLD'S FA IR EXCURSIONS OOT WTLUAaf F. TTJCKWJL aay that no aaora dislfabii nor prettier spot could be aelsctsd for th ataiaoratioa of Lowla end Osrks famous work than th pros ant grounds My regret ta that X shall bs la the Philip pines daring the fair, but should ths opportunity present itself. X feel suite ootnt that I shall not bo far distant "There Is on thins- ta connection with th oporaUoa of th atroot ears that 1 XOOAK TTJCKER. think ahould bs re mealed bsfor th fair opens, and that la a rule compelling all street oars to atop on ths near aide of eroaalaga. Xa this way. ahould there bo a runaway or a fir engine rushing past, the oar and occupants will bo in ao danger, la eastern cities th com panies find It a groat precaution against accidents, and now that thousands sf visitors will -tie la Portland next yoar, I think the aaaaagors would find at an sacellent rule to adopt. This evening Colonel and Mrs. Tuafcoi and their aoa Oeorgs. and his governess. Mum Taylor, win leava for amn Fran- slsoo. Colonel Tucker relinquished Ma off mo aa chief paymaster of th Dopart- BMnt Of the Columbia, last Tuesday, and will go direct to Manila, whore ho will be ohlof psymsster of the Philippines division. This post la really the moat Important la the lalanda. Colonel Tuckor will have Id paymasters under his osae- mand. and the responsibility Is quently groat Daring Colons! Tucker's residence hero bo has aaado away friends both la and out of th army, area with regret that th news of his transfer waa received. This la his first trip to ths- Philippines, and th colonel says that th sllmst will not disturb him ta the taaat. Oeorgs Tuckor, who m IS years of ago. will accompany, bio par ents, and Ixtgaa Tucker, the other -son, will remain In this city for a while, ngmglng In th ahlpping business. The transport horldaa will carry the family abroad, and on th same ship General Corbla will aalj. to taks entire oonunand of th army of tba PhUtppl ' GVOROB TTJCXntN- USING ONLY BOOKS ' CHOSEN BY BOARD mvr momma mxrw- w-a- nty Inperintendent of Seaoow Prank Rigler denies urn report that text hooka, other than those adopted by th state test book commission ar being used la the scheola of this city. This report h to ths eeTeot that a physical geog rsphy different from that adopted by the coram Ueion haa been ordered for the Portland high school and also that a spelling blank other thaa that adopted la being need In th primary and gram mar schools. When seen yesterday af ternoon Mr. Btgier stated that ha bad hoard of the rumors. "There is as troth la them, he aald. Tbe physical geography referred to Is the one being used In the high school, ataoa ths adoption of hooks to bo used la th schools, la 1M1 a later edition of th geography, which waa at that time adopted, haa been Issued. It Is practically ths asm boo:, published by ths asms Arm with a few corrections. Perhaps thinking the new edition more preferable for no hecauee of these elm pie corrections or additions, the teach er of tb high school bar ordered them. This may bo th foundation for th report that th high school Is uslng ths hook adopted. "In regard to the spelling bunk, ths rmnmlsston cannot adopt a apalllng blank. They can only adopt a text hook and a spelling blank does not com sn oer that bud. They may recommend a spelling blank, hut their )v Nad lottos does act extend eo far as to adopt on. "A spelling blank la a simple thing. gtiHJI.UJUl.lUl 111 II WWiym'Mr411WeJBeg) and la considered under th same head as any othor kind of pap used by the pupils. ' Formerly wo used the on printed by D. C Heath A Co. of Boston, but this yoar th teachers of this city thought a blank laaued by the Mrsell Roillns oompaay of Ban Pranolso bet ter, and they decided to use 1L It has been ordered by the local book house and all of thorn havo tb privilege of keeping; it on hand. II eosts . but I osnta. , "We do not use K sxcltaetvely, for w famish many of the pupils with apall lng blanks ourselves each day as thsy ar needed. Bom of th teachers pro far these to the printed blanks. The reports that w ar using other books thaa thoee adopted Is not true." RELEASES HIMSELF ' FROM STRONG LOCKS Cunathg. the man of magic, per formed the most marvelous feat la local annals at tb esunty iail this afternoon bsfor a group- of gssplac, astonished, per plexed county if" rlshf snd newspaper men. . He was taken into the jailer' room and at his request Undsrshsnff Mordea and Deputy More land fastened an Oregon hoot oa th maglctan's right leg, - There waa no bluff about It. Cunning wiooed under ths pressure with which It waa dosed upon his anklo. He then asked for band-cuffs snd the depu-r ties looked two pairs of them on his wrists, . The aodlenoe withdrew from the offering all aorta of wagers that Cun ning would never free himself, which was his snaounoad Intention. In exactly 7 Hi minutes, th magician called, "Come in." and as the Interested group entered tb room Cunning smiled and handed the sheriff both the boot sad th hand-cuffs, still securely locked. The secret of th man's marvelous power he doe act of course, rsvesl. but hs promised to put -Sheriff Word unto It In confidence before leaving tba city. Th sheriff waa mora startled, per heps, than any ether man In the room. He Immediately Invited Cunning to tak dinner with him. A Corral Its man and wife picked gallon of blackberries la a llttl over a day in th Alsea country, fie any hundreds of bosh els could bo picked there la a abort uss. MANY LITTLE HILLS IS SALMON STREET MTnm n nr Ttia now wooden block pavement on almoa street, from Third to Front street, resembles mlnlatura Taago of mountains. Ths blocks havs swelled and th pressure has resulted la an op- neavak. i ass ail occurred sine th light rainfall that cams this week. Pav ing block man call th troublo "bub bles." Tb Iffsgularttfos tn ths pavtaa; be glna oa Baimoa. atroot at Third. Th ridge runs along- the north aids of the street In front of the Northwest School Furniture company's plant, then to th Lang A Mulr carriage rectory,' between Second and First streets. In front of ths Boston store there la a narrow nass betweea th upheavals, where th firm l aim able to back Its wagons to ths door to nandls freight. Ths range of wooden hills continues on down Salmon atroot, betweea First and Front streets. Her and there th orost of th ris has fellen la. resulting hi small cratars that ar dangerous to t raffle. - Miller dt Bauer ar th oontraetora who laid this pavement about two VoV All . -. - l' m . . . u (Nl LZi U U U IL L'J I N 'LAAVsL U U l' Will Atrnln Sell Fxcursion Tickets on October 3. 4 And & mtheW at SU Louis ISKrA ., i 1 a . . i i - . i . ' a a a r a iy -Points and Return Aidb iiumi u mm mocm cm vnotrdw KxAimm o tn mmmm. PULLMAN FIRST-CLASS AND PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPINQ CARS WILL BB V: : -r di tni thdhi rnH rn rt i nine. . t ' Remember you ctn travel on the NCaTII COAftT LIMIffsV train Jyst aa well as on any other train, and the traveler will tell you it is the crack train of the Northwest, and the only electric-lighted observa tion train operated from Portland to the East : 'V , For foil particulars, slawpfa csx itismi tstknis, ttt, call on or wttts; A. Di CH ARLfTON Assistant General Passenger Affent . W9 Mornson anwax, vui iaa a nirai s-ov-cisnnat ni aa , t - ---- V :;:;v' '; V: ' M M CM-1 Mi tjkjf From I the Poles' id the Tropics i .A: STUDEBAKER Vehicles are used and are giving the best of satis-. faction. They, excel everything else in the vehicle line in all the fine points that go to make up an up-to-datpserviceable wagon' or carnage. Studebaker Bros. Co. If Northwest 330336 East Morrison SL9 Portland, Oregon Vtaaody sunn .. . . K. - "Just an th aiek of ttm our HtUs boy was saved. " writes Mrs, W. Watktn of Plea sent City, Ohio. "Pneumonia bad played asd havoc with him and a terri ble cough set to besides. Doctors treat ed him, but bs grew wore every dsy. At length w tried Dr. King's New Dls oovery for Consumption, and our darling waa saved. He's now sound, nod welt" Bvorybody ought to know, It's ths only snrs ear for coughs, oolds and all lung diseases. Onaranteed by Bd Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Oak. a the way to the postomoe. Price Mo and l.a.. Trial bottles fro, , . . months ago. Other similar pavement ku imiA In this sltr. but no trou ble Of this kind baa happened. Ther a re wooden block pavement on Tam- hlll, from First to JTOunn wnvw. w Wsabtngtoa from nrs xo at rests; oa Fourth and First streets, and som of It haa boon down four yaara and la still la good oondltloav . The -troublo with the Balmon-etreet pavement 1 unexplained. Other con tractor ar backward about criticising th work. The blocks were treated with th wood preservative known aa aven alius oarbollneum. th same aa the wooden blocks oa other .atreeta. The covering -was too sparingly used. It Is said, th blocks being placed too Closely ons way and not olo enough th other way. The water ihat fell during the last two day got under, th blocks and caused a swelling of th wood and con sequent upheaval . It Is understood that ths pavement has net -been accept ed by thb city council, and that tho abutting property-owners will rofuaa to say for K. ,., : . BMm Mk IBS - K apMWl Mneta t lbs JeereeV) Colfax, Wash.. Sept. 14. Burveycra ar this week doing arose esotloa work preparatory to the commencement of grading for ths Whitman electric rail way Una between Colfax and Palouee. The company wpesU to oommeaoa "throwing dirt" at a point on Spring Fist, near th lty llmlta, asat Monday SMiUas.l .. - - ; WEALTHY MEN MAKE - VENTDRESOKE TRIP rsseasl nesstm tft Ths Jewmsl.) Missoula, Mont. Sept. 14. Two In dianapolis (led.) millionaires, Albert and Richard Usbor, aooompanled by President Kettenbaugh of the First Ra tional bank of Lewlstont Idaho, have Just completed a novel and venturesome trip over th mountains' from Lowlston. Th party waa out for bis gam and had in their outfit It pack horses and paraphernalia enough to have lasted them for months. There ws a cook la th party and two man to Uifc charge of th outfit. I They spent II days on the read from Lowlston-Jo Missoula. They found an abundance f big gams oa tho Idaho side. Half a doasn largs lk wore killed during ths trip, besides tinge black bear, which weighed ploee to dot pounds. mmm m it m 1 A2jiMmM a"" ':J t' J-'- ilr-'.u. ' J'L.' ull.. - til -!1L -it- egOOSaweeewwweweseMeeeeeeeweweMeewJeMea 1,1 Upeelal JMesstch te The learaal.) Hossburg, Or., Sept. ft. Oeorgs Isaacs, aeo ret try of the California Hor- r tlcultural society, was her yesterday la tho interests of hs organisation, aa ho la Investigating! th nurseries of whstora Oregon on account of their apparent superiority over tffoe of Cell fornla. Hs stated that California fruit grower were buying quite heavily from th different Anna to thta atata, , Xt'S sot as oaoT for tfaeao fol lows as for tho. Union faundry. tta ateam-heated polls hers glv suoh taster to th linen that It -wins sn walk." so to apeak, and la continuously ahead be cause ft haa a opposition In this Sold. Th Union 1 a bright snappjr, up-to date laundry, smart as a rtckt and tidy as s dott, " 1 ::y::::..r Dostsn Psinlsss Dentists Knows ths world over, are th only dentists in Portland having th lata bo tnical Discovert to apply to fh fame for EXTRACTTOO.FlLl.INg eM CROWNINO TEKTH WITHOUT PA1N and guaranteed for TEN JKAKS. .rrea , - . 9anstoam .. ..... 4.. N : gs . ao i a r' " i thtat'stTsj..,.... Mm. k .i .......... li fc.JO - f ft B CWe u AUm to our PAIN- Lv 3 V iOi.S, LOw PRICES AND kxD TV ORK DON11 BT SPECIALISTS In each department. NO BTUnENS in the o . All work don PAINLESSLY by 8t.ClALI8TS of long years' expe rience. Otve mm a oall, and you, will SfldV w d' Just aa ws advertise. Boston Dental Parlors ' O 3 f "i V .1 , V t V