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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
t r 1 ay" jot LT rcrrtii " stoday KcrRMNo, zzrrm&v w, m - VT- ACTIVITY AT FAIR GROUNDS ave w m e m 4m m M eV smh - - - ' - fv ' - ...wtsM9iw rt i ,- Work Gchgoa with Att ftiSiEte trical Wliite Wasfchg EIacfches Utet Pc- I.."". a wa. m tm. a we - I ; i vice to kcs3 iticgs rorczM, I ' J ' ' ati,' "Wlt !L' :jt YIT!Mi.J ia KVfJeifV exnnnAeafl ttrnir 1 ! I faueuaaaaaaaeaaBaaaaajae 1 ? . i - - HvDdndB of workmen at busy aha grounds of the Uwla an4 Clark tnlr, transforming what was wilderness ia "te a seegia eity ot ut and beauty, It ..wasn't built la a day. Neither was Horn. At th Urn o tha formal open ng next spring there will be presented t Portland and the northwest a group of luUdlngs of aaqulslt design. A the ground Umm I a ioeftMtat pound oX hammers; donkey unginea 9"Xf and lUu&i wajrous creak and (roan, and thsre Is always ootuUnt hum of In dustry Uta while city rise. Until tha time ot Cha opening the hum wtll ba (greater, the d)D wHl ba atlU louder, for every affort wlU ba mada to have ovary thing im readiness on tha opening day. Ofttciala nay that tha fair will ba oeae pleted In every datau by that time. Bveu though Uhe ground axe. ra a omawbat Aiaoroarad atata aMl walka -and drlvawajra ara parttaily oerared with labrla and building matartal. orowda of aopia visit tha pUoa aaoh day. That la a man at tha ata who sous tlokata. A nominal aum -ta oaaryd for ontranoa. On aaarly all tha buUdlnsa undar war, work la almost oorapUtad, At tha fores try buUdlncr oaatars tha CraatMt latar st at tha praaant Uma. Qiaot loga balna: raised ona upon tha othsr by xnaana of ancloaa, vuys and rpa. It wlU ba savors! wsska bafora is raaoaaa omploUon, hot tha araoUoa of tha building la yroaTtlng aa rapidly mm Boasihla. 4a tha otbar bvUdlnca tha final plast rlnc and staff work will ba oampletad within thraa waaka aooordias to thoao la obarga. LA Mnit in tha w&y of labor Is olactrteal -wfalUwasfainv caatrlvane. that ta bsUic usad suooasafwliy at tha ft-rounda. AU tha bulldlnia ara whlta waahod Oil tho tetarlor ao -oaaa aa tha roofs ara oomplatad, Blarh p aoxt to tha roofs and domes scaffolds ware neo oaaary, and tha work was extremely dif ficult and slow. . , in order to aare time and to perform an amount of work with ona maa that would require at least twenty -a: eteo trioal soachlno was dovtsad that wtalto waafaaa tha roofs and walla mora thor oughly and- much mora rapidly thaa workman oould aooompllsh it with ordinary- brnahaa, Tha asahhlna oonaists of an alec trie entioe. a slant traTaler and lona Una of boot. Tha traveler Is a treat deaffold, TO feet hlch. that move on rolUra and oan be removed easily from one and of tha building to tha other. Oa top" ona man works with a Una of hooa. Through the - nose tha whitewash- material Is pumped by tha angina against tha roof or aldee of tha building. Tha maobina ta now be- -taa- used in tha Agricultural building. roof of the building win be of a trans lucent fabric; instead oc glass, wwon ia usually usd. Tha fabrio was ordered of an eastern firm In ample rims to have Miufi thA if. hut tha order has not Kun ftllai A m. TMIllt MlthaT th rOO oar the dome wlU be oompleted ror aev- ral says. The demy. nowovr, wiu nor ba or leas, t 4s said, and wttl aus M damage to tha building, t TAHifl h anrth r im nronnas workmen are beautifying the lawns and preparing for the orocuos ox we nuga kWMM iwml nlara have hoan Blaoed In position and material tor Its ooastruo tloa la being recaivad. in many par imi n th rrmmnAm the uiemo havo been Mniiti' unUuriM ktw been built and fountain are ready tor tha streams that will play throughout tne eeaen. Intamal In flh IlimMI at the fair being abown by various railroads to oven sreater extent than was axpeecao. ui- i-flelala of the Bonta Po, whoae closest Mmm A Sm-naiul MM HV M OX Sjan vmukIim kn wHtta aswressina; their desire to assist tne rair in any way pov slble. The desire assumaa muiiarw ivna la the appropriation of mtleo of tMHiwtrtitiaa ta ha alVM to reoreaentar1 ttvoa of the fair who will travel, aroua- iag interest in too nrojoot. uirougno the territory oovered by the Santa Fa. A letter to that effect was reootved yester day by Seoretaxy Freeman from J. J. nniki tut Laa AnMlM. Tha traaooorta- uM tlul araa aivan to tha fair will be k Bnartlal Cominlaalonor J. P w.MhtL wha im now at work in the ter ritory traversed by am wants ye. , DAYID DUBOIS SETS HIMSELF RIGHT Am mrmt aa lha Intarlnra of the various buildings Have been whitewashed tha floors wlU-bo laid. Windows are' being nut In aU the buUdlBga ana the fancy .mural deoeratlans have been plaood in , poalUon. , - e- ! ' - , . . . iQaBiiagBarg Saba - iy AarienHttrai .-ralldtng will be delayed to a eerln an ient, because of the rauure or an eastern firm to comply nuth Its oontraot aocordV ina An Arrtftala at the fair., Tha Sky lights Whloh cover almost tha wool of la The Yournal at (September It waa jBhiishad a. dlaoatcn from Vaneouver, Waab., that warning had bom given tne auditor of Clarke oounty. Wash, to Issue no marriage Uoense to derenoe or pavid Dubois and Miss BstaUa Ayrea. David Dubois of Center nddltioa, Kast Port land, omal bat algntt r v T only know Mat Ayres slightly. having bean Introduced to her by my aunt, Mr. Lagauat Tha report stated that Clarenoo Dubois waa my aonsin. have no eeuaia by this name, Clarence llonde la sav aeusta. I amva bean ana- ployed as a carpenter building a house la Center addition for my grandfather, V TmhAla. Ww MMiatn lurlaa tha neat two weeks, has been fighting Area along the Columbia on tne weaningioa owe. uv father resides at Hi Bast Couch hu at nraaant I aoi roomtnw in Cantor addition. . Neither my oonsln nor I over visited Miss Ayrea at her homo. Wa know bar only slightly anc aai "The laat time I beard of Miss Arras waa Ian- Mondar when bar brother-ln- I 4a not know hla MB fltnw to mo and asked me if I knew where the girt waa.- I told htm that I did not. warning as was given the auditor sad ft oas nH inioi w. PIANIST? OR:GRE AT --"1 'y- POWER IS HOFMANN - - : - ' ff .. ''. ' f.,. .i I - i v ': r K: 1 P. . 'i I. ' :; ; U -ft , " , x. . At tha Marnuni under th direcUen of Mis Lew tears. V..:'.' Then m no plaittet bofor the pnblte today who has Ahe buoyancy, sparkle, gnd hwpasalnned emotional utterance, aucb as belongs Mcl naively to youth, nailed with such intellectual power of a high order aa that which ohanetarlaa Josef Hofmanfa. ' " J The most snBertenoag and aatBorttat rr artists and erIUca, upon hearing hla playing of Beethoven, stehumann. or Wagner. arO anrprlsed to dlscorer the wealth bidden meaning ta the anm poaltlon. -- ; Capnbto rtatng , to the grS kalghts of aramatle Baawlon whe hie art reqoiraa tt. he Is yet abU to hold his impetuous temperament In complete eontrsi to hie ovr-matrtng will as an artist. This commend of a warm and exuberant nature Is alt the mors re markable when we remember that ffof marrn is tha ymngeat of aU Urn kraal pianists In the world today. The New Tons Wortd says of him: "A master of his rhetruwoat. Of all thing are possible. In the wolra do Vienna and the Mendblaaohn aVherao ho was amaaiag in raaoBTea to control of hie powers, and fn preparation of dynamic surprises. Tha Schubert tm prompta found him toady with tender word, breadth of enrtetu tending. gd sympathy for its oantabllo phrases. Hla playing of the Tannhaiiaer evortnrs was a masterly feat. It Is a more difficult composition than the Moaart, . Llast Don Juan fantasia. The young pianist gave the overtar la fautthjes style, and ta a pBsaaga In the Venasberg nraslo It scented as If an onhestra of virtuosi were pert arming. Hof maan'a playtng throughout the afternoon waa admirable. The enthusiasm of yesterday waa 'agon taneowa and unmistakable." Hermans will be heard at Jto Mar quam Grand Monday night, gptember t. under the direction of Mia leta Steers. . - ... . w mm V aw a ' ewww mm m - - j - . tr t t ' - , : ".r-'-i---.- as the universal light and you want it to your home this Winter . aT : ' --';araV v. . r.- "-- laT t. . ddwk. ttlentv of hose and water handv. One who uses this method of lighting in these daysxali t m. '"f.-s -. n L it. iMuW11rrrif swi irAiif nstrso t fann ' lifTnfr' ntn vrnit vri an t . . , . ' ,f V, XV, 13 IIKUIWO. AXXll. WAA J WVA iiV V WW Mbvu w.- J ww& r,-:. Our reiprescatative will gladly call and tell you how best to light your house, office; r - . i .U Fifth andl Yamhill Streets 1 i rt GROW! DEMAND FOR REAL ESTATE TlflTTidnt TTf!i"Tt unrotnroa buuiV acwt- 1 OT yjf OOM BTM OCRlOaT WOh;,, Fertnltk Trnnsfera. Monday ........... 7.17 17.12111 Tuesday Wadneada 10f Thursday ,,,,,..- t.8M Saturday tl.Mf 17, ill. 11 tl.Tll Ji I.ftl7.t 4.W1.47 lt.Ml.ll . TotoU for week.. 1111, B6t 17.47 l k Totals last weak. K,iW 14. 17 1. The ton of tha realty sasrket m abow tng a small, steady gain la strength and the totals this creek are somewhat larger thaa for the proceeding weak. Baal es tate dealers report Tory largo aumbr of (nqolrias for property and aay that many falr-auad deals at practioaily finished. ' " One of the principal features of the rami eetate situation Is the Widening of the buelnees section of the ally. For sosm time attempts have been made to man fifth street from Yamhill to the Union depot a buelnees thoroughfare, but on account of It ua improved con dition not much soooeos crowned tha ef forts mads. - Mow that the paying of the street n well under way and the streetcar co oanv is putting In a butter track which will secure a bettor aervle, abutting real eetate la being sought after. The three-story brick building which Mra. ta ta anmit ta hatld at the northeast corner of Fifth and Stark streets, wiU Improve the appearance or tne otreoc greatly. Tha bu tiding wttl ft fitted Bp in modern style end will oect hi the neighborhood of .W. . - ; B mebund siasd Swiliij. Within the nmtt few day the hfult nomah Bon Trunk factory Will begin the construction work on the now 970, oss factory which will mora than take th place of the one burned aom time ma. Tka new bulldlnn wUl be an up to dais structure and wlU be oqulppad with taa vary wxcsi naoninery. The aft spoken of plan of th Wsrth m Paeifle Terminal oomoamr -to oon- struct a glaee shed war the tracks in front f the Union depot are anouv w aMtarmlm and plan for the new efruo ture have practically bee completed. A permit waa hi sued at th etty en gineer's office this weak for th crea tion of a three story apartment hows at Fifteenth and Bverett atresia. The bulldlag; WlU ost !,. ft wffl be knewa a the Wellington, Wei will ba cum mnoad at eons by Contractor W. 1 For oa year property hi th far aouthora portion of the west atdo waa a very alow seHer and price ta that por tion of Uve city abowed more dVpeueta tlon durfh the paalcky times of few year ago thaa any other section of th city. Now there is good demand for property In that locality and prices at going back to their nrmal standing. Quit a number of modern noma 1 now under eonetroctlou ther and archi tect report th planning of many mora. The building of th wntnr front tins tti tha Oregon Water Fewer Railway company has been grant heir to toU- F'r ar w ev er er w' W W F bt F F F rr F W , a T 'afc, jf mt- - ::, 390 Washington Street v . ,..rLi ANNOUNCES : 1 ".'I r, . . That la connection with their Ladle' Cloak and Suit Section, they hare opened a Grand Millinery Department If JWcA s seconrf fo oone In the city, as far as beauty ot stylea Is concerned. Our4 buyer well tried hla utmost to bring the reputation ot this department up to the same high standard that has been established py our other departments. s - - The fashions which wt i show are absolutely the latest and most up-to-date. The materials are the best, the prices the lowest, consistent with attraction, style and good goods. . . . . 7. - OUR EASY TERMS are at your disposal the same as In other departments. Goods bought In this department will be cheerfully charged, la connection with 'uoythlng else you may bkty:li;. :ri4 ,J.f . We respectfully solicit your patronage and are anxious to serre you. inw VHm Mai flaw weahu and ems sales ara reported from there. Tne wettK a sais enow very fuuj th fact that large number of eastern ers is eoalng Into this territory and la ftuytn farm th majority of the ale during the period being of land for that purpose. Among the handlers of en barbae and country realty, there ta a great activity, th run beginning with tha advent of rain a few days ago. The high prices of all farm products this yens- form on of th principal onuses of the rush for country property, M cent wheat, 91.19 potatoes, 917.9 oats and 97 cent hops form an mdnccmcnt to way Urn tttya activities. MISS RUTH HOYT v. GOING TO NEW YORK ""4 ii il i ii 'l " - -?V.' Via Until Moyt, on oV rwrtlands most charming young Women and a singer, will leave hero tomorrow evening for Hew York City, wher eh wtll pur sue her veioc study under the tutorship of Professor Arena; Bflas Hoyt ha been a pupil of Mrs. Walter Reed for tha past two year, and has received amny flat tering (HMnpItmeate on bar good voles. Mia Moyt sings contralto and her sweet volne ba been heard ew number f ooeaaloa at both prlvato adVbarltabto ouoerta, ..;..!r ; TRANSFERS ONTO ANY L i- ;.,,!, k in e 'i ! n IIPI9MWH fTtftn M taTAVnV 91 fMI KHIS119 9 OBT 9MU9AT BX9TM9 WIU IfaVn ' wmib worm mm WBUbAd) mum at I. .:- zitly .; .;s w.w. Xnonrry aaannsj ofnoiala of th Porftand and Suburban railway company elicits no dewnlt now a to the exact date when nnrreranl transfer 0 the con solidated Unea Will be pat into sweet, but. It b sard by a landing oAeisi of one of th aid lines that the transfer will probably be tow awn rated by Wovamba 1. This Is hot mad a a post tlv snnounee. ment, but he eays tho legal fnvmalltlea ef tha aonnolldattcst should ba aomplotod by that tram and aa boo as they ara the tntorehnngeabt transfer wHl be to sued." AU ef the preliminary asreo ment and detail of the eonanlMatlon hav been perfected, and the articles of itaoerporatmn sf th Portland- aa4 bur- ban railway aompaoy win ba nled la a few daye. - The City and raburban rati way has Improved the service In Upper Alblne. by a change ef time that gives a oar every four minutes between 9 and 9:90 O'clock p, m. instead of every sis min utes as formerly, and th morning ser vice laotcasod by two additional motor ears en this Una Increasing traffic compelled th oonrpeny to run ear oft ennr. do far as can ba learned there will be no other immediate change. The offlctals state that there is no Intention to take oil cars on any Unas that may b said to parallel tn th territory that wa deiaved by both companies prior to the oonsoiidation TXbTV eVasOl WlTat dV i Pjvsj Tinner I'eubJry', A ffew Tom, nonaan who ba been spending the gammer in th Adiraidack ell this story: The colony ef susa uter resident a." sbn Batd. -consisted ef a doarn spparenUy stralt-laoed and mild mannered mdlea, who apnt most of their Hate playing euchre. rnen they aalted ma to join them I told a f'M ef my m.rmy. thst 1 never ptayw anything but poker. - Why," one o w "t Thnfa tost what wa fc out little r A lwant. Whnt do yw . "V a ' " asnrneci eaw Itmlt, and font my pfto of chip repre sentod 9199. When wo finished, one of th old mdlea had wen , another 1199, and th third had loot 9339. 1 oonsldered myself rocky to get off with a ions of fill. A wa fos from th table th mud-mannered old lady Who bad invited m to play lsaall over and saldi T am so sorry, my dewrl put how weald yo feel If w had bee playing for real money r A - Fwm the Atlnnt ronstltutlen. . . Any man far we snay "Ho man," ' . "Nuthin1 fef Anwf flnllyn "Kothlngr , . Ner undo Bsnf ; " " ' ; , Not n line.- ' , ( "Ner Omn'motheT Orayf " . -She has no mall.1 ; Not gven postal yard 7 VoT - "Well, glmm three sawrn, a pound Me mit an" a v ' o' " a- h" 1, a t - V w-' --.''TS.T3-"."'.T.'.t , r..-.i i " - -- --