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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1904)
N 1 G OOD EVENING. " Tonight and Tuesday cloudy to rtlclo with shower south VOL. III. NO. 175. - i- . 'V'" '"--i ' j "."!'. :1fr. " V ".:,'--.'. Property Owners Declare Proposed 25- Year Franchise Is Bonus cf ';at - Identity of Men Who Are Seeking the Monopoly 5 r' Is 5UI1 Hidden City Is fcxpected to Deal : v With, Them in the-Dart; fr : , Public tMivnatlon tea bn thoroag : lr arouMd br.Tb Journal' xposur of lb tbratn4 arbv crab. HUndnda of clllkena bT doclarod In moat am- shatlo tarma that tba proposed monopoly . muat not oa BTaatad, and that, U aaoaa- aary. thy will nM It In tha- court. Thoae wh hava atudlad tha aropoaltiona ... now bafora tha oouncU aaaart that it tha city Intanda to grant an axatuatra 1S . yamr franchlaa for ramotnc tha garba tba grahtaaa ahould pay at tha ontaat a ;, oaah bonoa of at laaat ISo.OOa, and aub . ' atanttal nropartr-ovnara aajr that aveh a affar ooutd raadlly ha obtalnad. Soma aatlnato tha initial ralua of tha an , . ahlaa at ivw hlvhan tlcuraa. . . Tha nan now in tha buatnaa of ooi lootlnr smrhaBa ara preparing to maka a datarmlnad fliht jhRatoat tba irantlng ot an axcdaalv franchlaa. ' Thajr liara . fllad nrolaat with tha council, and A. R. Hannhall, tbalr attornar. aald thld t, moral mr: Wa shall. If aaoaaaary. at " out an Injunotlan to provost tha'Oounall from ocoptlnc an? of tha offer mada. -'About SI man are tow anacad te tha, feualnaaa ot vafoovlng- ajarbaca to tba elty ' - cranatory; M many of tham ara orop i arty-ownar and hara fromj $P,0p to I,IW lnvaatad In waajona, Horaaa and ! othar oqulpmant - . Aa taxpayara they , hava oontributad to tha eoat of tha city crwnatory, and' thar will not aubailt - tamely a achema . wbtah wlU drlv -them out of hualneaa and turn y'.tha v ettya darba tthunt to a nionapoiy. wTa Jaw Nmsw v ".''' -a 'A Tha tdantity of tha bmd who ara ooaa- paUrnt for- ttila lnMtia draft hi still . oarafuny awakad. Tha elty Is askad to dal with tham Ih tba dark. Tha aaaias of tha so-aUad "companiaa"1 wbloh are aakina for tha monopoly f-tra no eiuo w tha paraonnH af tnoah -IntaraStad- ta . . than. En faet, fha whola traaaaoflon baars a atriktnv raaamhlanoa to a aura thine a-ama. In, wRlch wln" la'playa AncatnM' "raai wonay." ' , . - Charlas F. Lrd, who appaaM ad Bt tony for tha Cltr Oarbaa bmpanr. ; Vaa aakad thfa mornta to dlsaloaa tha nimtt of tha. van Intarastad hi tha osa ' . pany. - s' "Not vntU tha fmnehtaa had basn wranted." raptfad tha towyar. ,:. Tkaa 1 1 wlH toll you.-' f ' Howard Whitiaff hi svpposad to ba te ,f Caraatod b ona and jarhapo two of tha - bid M. Ralnauln dnd Han Kallahar ara also saantlonad aa hidden baokara of tha trah, and no ona baa avar aacnaad 'thaa of aaeklnc to do buatnaaa with tba , city or. the oonnty "for thalr health. " Relnatetn aoblavad boom nnplaaamns no toriety three montha aero In ononeatlon - with tba attempted election frauda. Ha was one of tha ala-nera of the borne 'i -aftdavlta which wero. to be -aiaad to run ta unrenietarad votera hi tha later . oat of the local Republican machine, and lila pdltttceVpuU hi doubtleaa expaatad to ba Of aervlca M the preaaot deal , If ihe franehlee la granted no- ottt sjen of Portland will be permitted to am . ploy any person or oompany to haul ate garbage, other than tha hoedera of the w monopoly If ha elects to haul It hlm- self ha will net be aermrttod to dellTer . It at tha city crematory, for that la to ha given, over absolutory to the mo , nopMy and la to be to all Intents and T purpcaee ' Its prtvate property, for tha fltmnt quarter ox a century- Tne nouae ' holder Who does not destroy his garbage on his own premises must either haul . R himself to some point beyond the elty ' limits of he must employ the aervloM of the monopoly at a rat of from 11 to 10 per cent higher tha a ha now pay. ' From tha use of the elty crematory for which he has helped to pay. he avto ba ' absolutely debarred, v . ; At tbeearplratloa af the tC-yaar fran chise, the taxpayers of the elty are to be mulcted, again to ' reimburse tha grantee of the monopoly for all expen ditures which It has made In the lm proveitfent of the elty crematory. Stock la the get-rlch-Qutek concern. Which ob talne this monopoly, should be the beef paying" investment j(t tlaedaril hare over known. , . ' 1 svakss. h fetfana " r' ." charlas F. Lord, attorney for tha City Garbage' oompany, take exception to v some of the atatemeata puMlshad la The j journal and eomea to the defense of his Uent in the following letter: , "PortMnd. SepV Te- tha - Sdltor r The Journal- In your issues of gjatur ' das and Vunday rarmvagant statement regarding the propbaed garbage fran ehlee were made.- In . many respeeta ASTOR a - Vsa, a. f-m . UNt- ' (Jearael Bpartel ftWvlee.) -Baltimore. MdX Sept. it. Vast sums ' of Aetor money are going Into tha build ing and operation af th Tunia-afoho railway, and within a year, it la assert ed. trains will be running between Washington and Baltimore, covering the ' e miles In 14 minutes at the rate of 100 mftee an hour. The Tunle system dif fer from all others, as the ear run aa ,. ... , . , . . r . .i j TRACK -..' . ; I -. m 'BL , IrJZi i i As ... .. , ..- -it. f.j 'Hi-" - - . ' ' a-'- , . . U . - -:-i-:. ' : i- 1 1 1 1 1 : - t . r i ' - - - : - Worth an Initials teasS50.000:J they ware entirely erroneous. Tha pro posed fruchlee of : the . City aaronta oompany, the rataafor which you have kindly puMlahed, doee not altar or In any way ehanc tha praeant eystam, excapt IrveT that they furnish atr-tlht and thor ourhly deoderfsed oana to each cus tomer who desires to patronise them. There la no proylelon Jn their proposed franchise oompelllnt anyone to deliver their ajarbaaTa to the company, nor hi there ay nrovlslon which oompela any body In the our of- iPorUand to amployq tha city Oarbas oompany. -J maka thla atatenent for the reason that the pub Uq would be aressly deealvad If they, ware dependant entirely, upon .the In formation contained In -the Issues- of your paper to which I hava referred. "There la absolutely nothing- hf the pToaosed ifranehtee of tha aarhege oompany- whleh preclude householder and other pereona from dlepoalna- Af tbalr rtwn sjarba,.-..- --J i "Tm rataa aioposed by the City Oar bage eompany ware only fined after con sultation with many of the wholeaale people e.nd parties Interested and do not exceed In the maximum much, the pres ent rarae neld. .- -. 1 ... "Under tha franchise as proposed by tha City aarhaaja oempany It purpoewd to furnish an alr-tlght oaa evjaceptacw for the garbage had for tha Bdbteotk of Jkoman Ufa end comfort - to replaee upon remove l by a thoroughly else. need and deodorised can af stmUe pattern. The Clt Oarbaga oompany . will If granted fMnoblsa, probably anpend tlffevMO,. n eoald not be expected that oapttal would become Inureeted Mki they aottM aea their way to as raaat rev oelva fthate aneif back. . Tne. arant of e. fraDshlas for a term of yaare tm not n-4 raaaonaU and; .caplhU will net be tempted tonveat without at leant that security., in tha a My of a)an Prawslsoo1 4ha oeunctt gjranted franoblss af 10 years and In many of the larger eastern oltlea the franchisee range fren 1 ta tl years.; 1 - . K ' , "l regret that tha tapradetowa which hava bsen creatad by the artlckes appear ing tn The) Journal should obtain, and I trust that yea will allow this letter to he printed la your columns aa a ceirss- uoa. .. ..- CHARXJcg p. uotaxy : The only statement In Mr. Lord'a let tar that seams to raqalr specific ana war la . the assertion that "there la no provision la thalr . proposed franchise compelling anyone - ,to deliver their garbage to the oompany,- nor la there any provision which eompeta anyone tn the elty of Portland to employ toe City Oarbagar oompany." , ' The proposed oralanaoe granting The monopaly to the City. Oarbaga oompany doee not la term aomvel -the people of Portland to employ that oompany, but It does provide that they shall not em ploy eny-othec eompany, firm or In dividual. They may not wvea carry their ewaemrlwge to tha airy orematery. action g af the ordinance makes It "unlawful for any person, firm or cor poration, ether than the City Oarbaga oompany, to haul or cause to ba hauled or pay or hire" anyone to haul garbage through the Mraats of tha elty, the only proviso being that any eltltea wfia de sires to 'turn canvenger for tha pur pose of removing his ew garbage and no ones'elaa. may do so. ' Section 1 provides that "wvsry hoteV restaurant Oyster hous ayater saloon, and other premise at whleh M or sore persons are served dally and every batcher shop, flah and poultry market and eVery common house or market where fruits and vegetable are solO and tha penalty far violation of thl provision 1 ftn or Imprisonment m tha caunty JaiV No restaurant, oysw house ar other eatabilsbmant of the el asses mentions' - la bis sectioa - eah af ford to haul Its own garbage to soma point outside of the elty, non of tham can .employ any one alas to do thla, am thesv must either pay tha City Oarbaae oompany at tha rate Used la the fran oh Lea jot they .mast jeay tb penalty of misdemeanor. i Mr. Ird cites the example f San Francisco aa ana which Portland should follow In granting tms franehlee. Even ta San Franolsoo where corrupt km runs riot in anuowipal aifalra and - where tha lty hall 1 wrapped In aa atmos phere of scandal, It la doubtful whether tha ofllclala would- -re to consider far vorably such a bareassd grab aa thla . BUILDING 'IV -ROAD a,stni rail fastened te ties Instead of being suspended from aa Overhead atra- ture. I The aaw Mn will have two single rail tracks, ona for south and the other for north bound trains. The motive power oan be either electricity or oil-burning engines. Tunlg ba demonstrated that a ai-horsepower oil engine will, send a train along at a lOt-mue slip. PORTLAND OREGON. MONDAY EVENING 1 1 . f -.-j'T..5r-:.. ; I'll w"wwp vh ' 1 1 11 1 y . ' . -v- l I I )ll mmm W It I I ; ? mrT wimKQ-iAHtwak'-Jktuo'toaBiAFH-rAKm DtmiNO otamaS , northward progress j SEATTLE BOLD DPS ; SHOOT THREE HEN Om Hh Fatally WoBndci iBd Other Jyt rtwty Oftt of Thwt Burt Brotticr tf JSeattIr Coootilnat fgaiilal DMaaWh Is Tse jearaaLy Seattle. Seat, it. Two maakad High waymen held up Urn Conway saloon oa Msynard avaawa at I o'clock thla morn lng and shot three men. The eommand W "tarow, up yvur baoda" wa aot obeyed promptly and tby bagaa shooting and first wounded Lou Conway., a brotaer. at uouneuman Conway. , The bene . of - Conway's left arm waa shattered and amy necessitate amputatloa. 11. " ' Jamee Murphy trta shot In the ab domen, hi mteetiaee perforated and. ha will dfa Gilbert Mc Beats raeelvedV a aullot through hla left asm and toto hi lung but ha will live. . Conway was taken to hi bom and the other two were taken to the hospital. Shote war also fired at Harry Long field and J. C Qray, the bartender, but missed, and they ran. . After the shooting tha robbers want behind tha bar, took dim) from tba oaah register and escaped.,:.,.. . Tb polios found a black meek and from other oi rcu mstanoea believe the crime wag perpetrated by young; men who ara laexpeHenoad. . Councilman Conway , has been fight ing the police "and recently' aald: "Seattle aoeds' aa mora- police men. Wa hava too manxy In ,oar end of the. town JUDGE GRAY FAYORS MINERS IN DECISION (emvsal oeeti eerrtae.) Scrantom Pastost t4Mf rray decision ea the ebeck and welghmaa queetloa involving all miners In the an thracite eoal region was gtvea ouf this morning. ' While the' men do' aot gain every point for whleh they contended, the decision la generally accepted aa a victory for. the workmen, end ibey ak preea themselves aa pleased. r , -,t ' ' ' Judge- O ray finds that heeb ' and welghmaa and aback ' aootrftig- boeees shall be employed when raqueatad by a maiortty of the contract minors em ployed, ana that tha wage tt tha weigh in en and docaHng - boeees shall he paid through approximate deduction from, tha earning of the contract miners. . PARKER'S LETTER K p, highly cc:::;EfCEp ' :-'searasl' aalrHI amrtos.K y Bsopusv Sept. Sf.-Wudge Parsar" wa tb recipient of several telegrams of con gratulations oa hi latter of acoeptanoe today; The reply to the Roosevelt chal lenge In the pension order ease seams to have struck a reeponetve chord in the senders of-many af these laudatory r The) nVmilnas Spent thl morning read ing editorial comments upon We letter and In gofng over his Kffreapadonoa No visitors were rooetved today.' . 'i' (Imhui - an I i Cortland, Vs., Sept ft. James Bay ley, a oolored boy aged It, waa banged today. He killed CadmnovWllllama la Fraaklla. Va la guarrel aver oenta. Lteben, Sept. St. A steamer belonging' to the Russian volunteer fleet -la off Lisbon harbor, but hef identity, bag aot yat bea estaJMlahed. ;.r i -tS? . ';'.' b'Bespbnsible for.- rsAtyiMi-i:t;.v-nr:- -mm lorai WAjnBem BATTALION 4J THREE INDIAN GIRLS . asm a a aato'a awe,' r gam a. a gm4 .) The polio are ootlag for- three In dian gtfla who escaped jTroaf tba Che mawa Indian school some time Saturday nlghC- According- to the report give to . tha, pottos, the girl - were accom panied oa tbetr. trip ,hy three Selem boys,' who took thim vty inMr , Um promise of marriage.- . The three girls, Ludnda Davis, Lena Tount and Cera Williams, ara supposed to have become Infatuated with the three men, who they met tn soma way in Salem. Although the-report has been alven out that tha girl left with the WILL HINT: CAMELS , j v0N ARIZONA DESERT lsrrt.nV;i' IJeeM Sperlat gerrtre ' Topeka. Kaa, Sept.' I The second Fcamel- hunt ever held1 In America has been arranged for early in November by Willie Sells, the Topeka showmen. The first hunt took place more than Id years ago1; and waa directed ay W.- A Sella, father of-the Topeka man, and resulted m tha capture of I of tha wild caaiele. The eotalng hunt will cover the deserts of Ariaona and northern MeaM. Sell says he received report Mat month that several samel' bad been eeen. One report came from a railroad surveyor and bad It that the number of wild- camels on tha desert muat now number at least 0,900. Th camel now running wild on the. southwestern des erts are deecendsnts of antmala brought to this' country 4 year aro by. the Uni ted Btatee government, and were used aa an experiment ,-on th Amerleaa dee- " .: ' , ,-,,-. . DEPUTY KILLED kU 'n . TWO fATALLY S0T ' (geeclu nrpawb h Tto'Jearml.t 1 Blackroot.- Ida, Sept. Deputy Sheriff S. P. Sweet waa hilled, Section Foremen W. & Fltsgerald probably fa tally wounded and an unidentified tramp fatally wounded aa a result of an attempt to arrest three tramps who wars at tempting to bold up and rob a gang of Japanese section hands here late yeeter day afternoon. ' MO Am IS Tf WRAJg, ' - (Jeemal serisi gamee.1 Worcester, Sept. M anator' Poav took no nourlsbmant.last mghf and but little medicine. He la very weak, hut wlU probably uve -aevenu oays C 1 SEPTEMBER 20, 1904. ' . uiiiiiiiijiiimnuniq mi MXVM mtTli THB FlOHTllTO IttAJl MTODKr r;V AT Idea that they war to be marrtedfe thl to hardly probable, far tha reason that tW-o of the girls' are full brooded In dians, and from the deeertptlone given the pollca are not at all prepossessing-. 'It is more probable that the young men played the part of the frlende and lent' their aid to the girls to effebt an escape. The aamea of tha three, man ara uethnown.- It -ls-reporeed -that the party left In a earrtage. It is not known hew the girls escaped from the building J out it io tnougnt mat aner mey mii the acknof they drove to Salem. -: Although- the Sobool authorltlea haw WILL TEST KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ORDER " ,? .'--4a..' v - ; f - i tfearael ' gseew service.) 1 - ' ''Hew Haven, Conn., Sept. Id; Tha national council of the' Knlgbta ef Co lumbus baa hen sued by the hair of former' Mayor - Patrick Coaghlln" of Bridgeport,' because they refused en order to pay a- death- benefit 'on tha ground that the beneficiary was a Free Mason- and therefore not a Catholic- In the aye 'Of the church. -Conglilln, who died last February;- bald a policy for 11.108 in the erder, He joined the Knight In 1S. and his bet re. who have brought the..uhV dsclar ba paM hm dues regutsrty and was a member la good standing when hs died. ' The policy waa made payable to the children?- According to th national of ficials , of tha Kntglit of Cotumbus, only Catboltea la good atandtnc la th church have any rights to ths benefits of the organisation, and therefore tba Ceughlln heirs have a otolm. .. . ma TsUAfi of v '. (Jswaat gpaaleJ gerrlea.r , Washington, IX C. Sept It. Th ara teeted eruleer Denver left Hampton Road today for her final trial. The Denver at attached to the Carrtbeaa squadron and baa been erutalng kt the West Indies. Naval experts Who watched her performs noes during the recent erutae are oonf ident that ah Is able to meet ail of tha requtreaaenta of bar eontreot. ttaehua, W H.. dept. it. William A Chandler, formerly United States sena tor, was seriously Injured today by being thrown from bis auto. 1 One arm was broken and he sustained other Injurto. Ha wa unconscious when plotted up, and Jig saw at hi bom aufforing mueh pain. " i-VW'. V' ' T i i us a i FPa rixea , FapUa with half Mm. ftra VMk FmpUs wttaaaa hmmmctlaa. ' aeeond Fabiia wttk hall tloa, saoond week Faptls wtttoat matrnoaUav third week Fvpila with half ttoa. third. wr FnpUs withoo ana aea . . . , FupUa wttbawi nsmraattoa'717 TmT Fuplls wtthosfr tJuraa weeks ... Fa-el with half das ttoa, three wuvs ......... SST Bally las to wrnimyara fee .todshars salarleat- T-add. fTS.TO, dagv, jaa lot Aixiaaon, van days, gl.soi tn. smLio. ftva days. gllOMi augh aeaoeL fUKML five days, S Cdhitoa Bslly, fin weak, 4.aO, free days, gsait ass sad and thlsd weaka, air ata daya, aioai total, gaaao. . . AasaB paid daily ta tea all t not wavktag! OUatoa XeUr ,.--.......,.glTO Total Ih-NT- MAKE 7 . ' t GHEMAWA dona all fa thetr power lev capture the Indian girls, no trees has been discov ered of their wbereabouta It la sup posed they have heade for Portland, a It is aot thought that they oould poe atbly bids sooceeafully la mien., Tha Portland police are watching every train and have orders to arrest the girls should they be found. The girls had a good start before they were missed. Tha local police were not notified until yeeterday mom big. too late to meet the overland train from the south, on which It Hi possible that the party traveled. , , , , ONE DEAD AND EIGHTH NEARLY ASPHYIXATED x '; ' . Vl imi : Jarml gaaeml asrvlaa.) Chicago, Sept. fa. -One man dead and eieht other awrsona la a. aertoae aonr nsuioa H tb record front apartment house oa th west side thl morning, following the discovery ef a ga leakage .made by a neighboring tenant. Smelling gas escaping from the room the neighbor broke down the door when the victims wars found near death from asphyxiation. One ether person. Heldt Henrlataoa, aged IS year, will dm. Tha ga had aeoaped from a failure to com pletely shut off gas stove la tha kit chen) of the apartment. ; -: y-,.v ?; Mt gurnsow gstysMrras; ' - (Jwsaal Spartsl Swma,r"v? 4 London. Sept, I. Lady Curaon passed a quiet night. Although conditions re main grave, there war slight signs of improvement manifest this morning, which Were maintained throughout tha day.- - - T $120,000,000 GOLD DEPOSIT FOUNP (Jeermt gseelsl gerrW) 'Leadvllle.. Colo., Sept It. All prev totte gold dlecovertea hava been erlipaed by striken rust announced oa the old Ceronado ground. In the heart of the city af Leadvllls, Colorado, Th Cor onado discovery la of such magnitude that th Importance of Lead rl lie. Colo rado, la tha mlnlag world .oaa hardly ba estimated. SEPTEMBER Wpk!:' Answers Sboukl he I in to The Journal Next Satui 1 1 r PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 May Resume His Old Post lion of Viceroy in the Far East MANY SKIRMISHES OCCUR Japanese Increase Their Force to t&o : fast tf Mukden and Prepare te Hake an Extensive -V v movement 4 T (Jeeraet gpeelsl gervke.) St. Petersburg. SepC The all-ab- aorblnc topic here - la tha rumored changes to tha persoamal of the priaei . pei omcsrs tn oommand of the exar'a armr la tba far aaat. Tha current raw -port now I that Alex left! will return t bis poettlon aa viceroy fat the far east, and thus remain higher w rank than Kuropatkln. " General Orippenberg, has been chosen to oommand tha Manchurian army on account of hie Intrepidity of character -as oom pared with Kuropatkln'e Irreao -: lutenaaa and slowness ef execution. Oeneral Kuropatkln today veporta ta , tha eaar that the Japaneea ara increas ing at Ben tap ii at ta tha eastward ot Mukden, and adVlar . wktrmiahes have obuarred tn the vt ley e the Hun Pa rtver and at Inpa. be , . tweea Ben 1 spuds! and the railway, and large bodies of the enemy ara advanc ing at Tslaaahaa, lav tha valley af 4th Taltse." - ..- Oeneral Sakharoff wireo tharurnifv the laat two or three days tba Japanese vanguard has attempted ' to occupy Kaoutalla- pees, southeast of Mukden, but were repulsed. An ofSclai dispatch today Indicates that tha Japanese under Oyama are pre paring to make an extensive turning? movement to the east of Mukden. A large force from Uao Yang la advancing across the Taltse rtver and marching north to tola the mato. forces. Unconfirmed reports received today plaoe the Russian looses at Port Ar thur on September 1 at 1.1ft killed and 1,000 wounded. Between September IS and SI the loess wer 600 killed and! wounded. Ths number of available de fenders t Port Arthur la now estimated) at ,00. ' -.v. i . (Jearael Special sVrrWy Roma; Sept. St. A message from Cbae foe ata tea that the Japaneea are bean bardlng Port Arthur today. I The toeeea of the attacking force are Inalgnif leant owing to the fact that the Japanese for tlfy all thalr positions and do not em ploy infantry untllths forta they ara attaching have been almost dismantled) by artlllcrr fire, . . ' - fJeanal gpeelal SerrW.1 London, Sept The Chefo respondent of Renter's saya that after1 four days- bombartrmear the Japaneea mads a general assault oa port Arthur but were repulsed with heavy loss, , t (rnaneT pectel taevW.) Wsshtngton, D. C. Sept It. la some oeveepoadence received bt Waahlagtog' from an unofficial sou roe, news ha oema of a recent narrow escape of Cap tain March, of the United eta tee artil lery, who to one ef the American mili tary observer with tha Japan ass force) la Manchuria. , , 2 " At the battl ef Motlenllng. Caetata March and Captain Vincent one of tha British attaches, each climbed tree in the vicinity of the Japanese trench, hoping to obtain a better view of the opera t tone. But they had sot made any allowances' for the orratlo shooting off the Ruaalan 'infantry. They bad barely seated themxelvea astride a leafy branoh when the bullets bagaa to whistle about their ears, lop pin off tha twlga la proximity to thtr beads. It waa a distinctly hot corner, and earn waa glad to quit bis elevated perch for a position less exposed to stray volleys. - J ' " Tha value of the newly found la estimated, at ore body la Mo feet to. wide and 10 feet thick phid character. The V oompany. whleh Is prs genhelm ata pk ration e other namS I eaar 'Broperty, Ksaaaa mt At fsjwtit as Ba asgalilaamt. . -r - V 4H .if - 7