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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
Good MomL-j , , fOf L V ! fr0 At 1 I - I circulation op thb - r - rwTT-TrTTrT"waarMnoTiTi-r--'i 1 1 1 " attaBBasmaBsmmssssaaBgcsaantBK 1 1 1 1 fiBMpgCT.i Tn i fa3)BSams8toaMsaas3aa iHi i) naaapaacaM-1. ip if n h msmbi-jt T.jijiuiLBJUJ4iiJMM-LfaJiw VOL. NO. 28.' PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1901 FOUR 8ECTIONS-46 PAGES. v PRICE FIVE CENTS. MILLION PORTLAND V Al ", ; v;, -t. ... . Fines to Be-Laid on All Who Refuse to: Patronize the llosopoly at Its Own Unknown "Companies" Ask Extortionate. Rates and a Quarter Centary1. Kortgaje on the People's Prirate Parse. Thi fn proportions of th haca grmb . WtUob U elnff MMawtM ndr tfao ruiN of bfddtDff for u aoltislvo fru- otalM to luuidlo too f&rbAf of Port . " land cb oomrcotT bo appreciated by tbo rnral public nntlt emrofut atody- tm m4o of tho term ador. whioh .tbo franehlao la aakod. Altboucb throo bids for tho fran ' chlM aro boforo tho city eoanoll. thero y ! no rodieal difloronoo la tholr terms. 1 Wbthr tho monopoly Is to eontlnuo .for to or for tt yoars makm oompara- UTOty Uttlo tftfforntoa to tho vlotlma, " for olthor IraposltioB will bo d lustrous p1b tho oxtroma. , Tho slight Tarlanoo In tho rata ot tolls to bo oaaotod from tho eitisans to not . lifcoly to aaolte . dfthato. , Tho mala quootioa will bo wfaotbor tho pooplo of Portland aro to bo oompotlod, ' nndor ponalty of arroot and flno. to sub- mlt to aa oxtortlon which bas fow. If any parallols In tho history of Amor- .t lean cltlos. 1 ; At proient tbo olty Is paylna; Ai eost : of maintain tha oubllo orematory. This . amoantod last yoar to a Uttlo OTor 09. Housaholdors an at Uborty to am . plor. any ooavonsor whom they doalro and a larKs proportion of thorn aro , ablo to dlsposo of thslr ajarbBa with out bavins It ramoTod from thalr prom - Isoa. Probably from ooo half to two ; thirds ot tho bovsoholdors of tho clr r oonsumo -tholr Barbara om tholr own pram 1ms, mat-sly amptoyraa? bcavonffers. to ramovo tbo asboa. Thoro Is eonaid orablo oompotlflon botwoon tho 40 or 0 sca.Toncrs who aro In tho baslnoss, so that rates aro kopt at a minimum Tho ctty Is now confronted with a . proposition to com pal all housaboldora ... occupy In a bouses of Ova rooms or mora. which moans praetloUy all tho hoaae , n the city, to have their ferbace re mOTod by stasia company at rates ae tabltshed by purely arbitrary seals, which Is materially blchor than the prices now prevalent under oompott- : tto , muMMm pg' -y " With s com Plata monopoly of tho garbage business tho holder of the . franchise will bo able to realise profits from tho tarbaxe Itself which will mor , than pay the exponas of ooUectlnc It and of one ra tins the olty orematory. " Waste paper, thi eans. bones and farl ' tllialns matarlaia are an louno in me ; olty garbava In quantities suffolent to ' yield the scavencor rood returns for his labor, without exacting any payment whatever from the householders. But tho bidders who aro now soaking to ob ' tain tho garbage monopoly do not pro- - pose to be satisfied until, they have i sgmoatd, out tbo last drop of blood from the pubrhfc In -addittaa to an tho profit from the garbage and from the public, tho aue cessful bidder for tho franchise la to haTS the sbsototo now of the city orema tory for, the term of tho franchise, with power to use tho grounds t the oreo Uon of barns, crematories or ny other buUdlngs that may be doamad adrlsabla, V and all this without any compensation k whatever -At the eaplratlon of the franohlso tho olty Is to pay to the - holder of the franchise tho valoe of all . additions and Improvements made upon , tho plant, so that tho garbage company .wnjt tsoever. f- a fiooJ wpuslllon. ' I ' Perhaps the most extraordinary feat , ore of the whole business Is the propo- sttlon that, 'in cone I deration of tbo franehlia granted," tho olty shall re ceive annually the sum of 11,000, which It shall spply to tho payment of a health Inspector, who Is to servo under tho Joint Jurisdiction of tho municipal board of health and the garbage com pany. If this means anything. It means " that tha olty Is to have the privilege of carrying Just that much of tho garbage company's par roll. Aside from . the bidder's agreement to pay the expense of maintaining the orematory (ail of wbiob is to be repaid by tbo olty), this sum of 91,000 Is the eniy eonalderatlon ' to bo given In exchange for this tin . monasly valuable franchise, and even this paltry payment is to be used for . tho benefit of the bidder. it la not strange that suoh bare- faeed DrODOsltlon should have aroused I the Intense Indignation of eltlsens who! ' have taken tne irouoie to learn uia X terms of the offer. One rosponelbls property-owner said to ft member of tbo slty council! - JOKER KILLED HIS ROOM-MATE (BnecUi Dtoeeteh hrteaeei Whe te TM Jwaairi Oalveston, rex., nepx, onma 4 to play a practical Joke upon his room mate. Dr. J. W. Carter of Kmma, Tex, waa .this morning shot and Instantly killed. About 1 o'clock last Bight Dr. Carter entered tha apartmente occupied by hlmeetf and C L. Lock wood, a drug ist, also of Emma, by way of tha veranda. Dr. Carter approached the . window to the eleeplng-rooma, envel oped In ft white sheet, and also with a hall ot ft watermelon on his head. Xn : sida si the shell was a burning taper. BOLMR HOUSEHOLDER IS THE GARBAGE FRANCHISE PLOT V i 11 1 1 '- 1 " "k 1 '- L " 11 ' "' 1 ' 11 1 - 1 '''( " r. " 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' " i 1 . 111111 I '" ' Price 1 warn pan that this la a huge ton. But if tho ooanoti proposes to lot a ts- year oontraot on any suoh terms aa are offered by these bidders. I wteh to in form yon that I stand ready to give Ite,- 009 oasb for the franohlso and to ha yon n eertifted eheok for the amount otf a day's sot toe. ' That franchise to worth half a million dollars, and tt will be an outrage If It Is area ted oq nay snob terms as are now before tbo oouocU." Tho difference between the three bide now before tbo council are not very great. A fair Idea ot them all may bo gained by the rates which the -City Garbage company", proposes to exact from householders In oass It seeures tho coveted monopoly. It may bo mentioned In passing that tho personnel of this "company" Is unknown oven to tho .mem bers of tbo olty oouneO. ; Three schedules of ratasr are named. Tha first Is designed for householders who use only one os two garbage eans, and la as follows: - ,j , 1 cell cash weak, 1 cans - ' . or .toes .TS n month 1 sails each wean, t eans . or less ft month sells each week, S earn or less wi.,..s l.M ft nunta cells each week. S cabs . or no T.... 4.00 a meoth "Additional oana . on weekly oaU 00 oonts ft month, and additional eaaa on three oaUs encb, veek. Il.s,- month For garbage which la eotlected la bulk Instead of In sans, tha rates are ft fol- low: - . . .- -yf,.j .?. ia esU for load or part thereof, each week. ... 4-M a taonth 1 calls for toad or part thereof, each week. . . f .SO ft month t calls for load or part ' a - thereof, each week.... 11. 00 n month calls for load or part , thereof, each week.... 11.00 a month TJally calls Including Sunday for load or part thereof 10.00 amenta." A third oohedulo ot rates for ntl waste matter not noxtoua or detrimental to tho public health and not placed In oana, la as follows call for toad or part 1V thereof, each week 1 1. 10 ft month 1 cells for load or part - - thereof, naoh week.... .I0 ft month colls for load or part thereof, each week.... 1.00 ft month I calls tor toad or part thereof, each week.... It. 00 ft month "Dairy eaila for load or part thereof a month. tl.M.-, , v- Ann Vham ths . .aUtos. DonbUess ladiYldosl hoasehoMsrs may be paying rates aa high aa these in soma Instanoea. but to the community at' large they will seem extortionate, es pecially in view ot tho fact that It la proposed to establish them absolutely for 10 or to years to noma, The ordl nance prepared by tho City Garbage company niakos It unlawful tor any per son other than ths grantee of tho fran chise to remove garbage" through the olty streets. Tho only security offered by the company to the olty Is a 114,000 bond, which Is' perhaps sufficient la view of the fact that tho proposed con tract Impose practically no obligations of Importance upon the grantee. , - Tha throe bids for the garbage) mo nopoly are now under eonalderatlon by the health and polio aommlttes of tan olty oounotL The committee will most aext Friday to consider the action to bo taken. Mr. Sanford Whiting, chairman of the oommrttea, raid yesterday that be would not bo la favor of granting a franchise for mora than IB years at moat. Councilman Albeo, another member of the committee, also declared himself as opposed to a It-year franchise. It Is probable that the oommltto will hear some emphatic protests from d ti sane who are resolved that no valnabla franohlso shall not bo given away for nothing, .. If they oan prevent It. . r ' toonrr ran iut bavt. " epensl Hepatoi byUaatd Wwe Tai Jesraat) Lexington, Kyi Sept. 14, The moat talked of event In high society la the 'reception given by Mrs. J. B. Haggla at Which , aooiety devotees dressed as babies. Loekwood was awakened by aepulcbral noises and, seeing ths aarltloa at the wtnoow. Immediately fired ft 41-oaltbor pIstoL Dr. Carter was struok by tha shot and fall heavily to -ths door with a groan.- Realising that a human being was the vtotlfn, Lookwod sprang from his bed and rushed to tha side at bio fHend, but was to lata to be of as Skncs. ror many months tha two men have practiced Jokes a poo each ether, nut never beTor have they, resulted dlsas- troneigji GRAB AFFEINGITHE -t j &Vy (;f toiv;,- ' ' it " - --V' .i,Ui,.s,i'A ;"-. jj i) -w. H;,t i: ? p. U - OBNKRAX Kt7KOPATXnft COMMAND t ftlNO HIS FORCES PORTLAND MOSMON I' Senators From nd Qta. idah Wha Are- Opposing Senator Kee4 ; . Sooot to Solicit Ail Fred T. DubolgUalted State senator from Idaho, leader of the anti-Mormon tight in his state, instigator of the polygamy plank la the Democratic na tional platform and a member of the Bmoot Investigating , oonunlttee In la Portland.' -:j . Thomas Keams United State sena tor from Utah, loader of the anti-Mormon fight In his state. Instigator of tho bolt from tho Republican state ticket and foe of Senator Rood Imoot is in Portland. ... Senator Kaarn has been to this neighborhood, up 'and down the fiver, tor 10 or IS daya. Senator Dubois got In late tost evening. Both selected the Hotel Portland aa tholr abiding plans, and both wanted to talk to Senator . H. Mltohea .. Portland naa become the temporary headquarters of the big Mormon fight now being waged In Utah and Idaho, Kearna Is Republican and Dubois la a Democrat, but they both are embit tered against the Mormon church and have started out to suppress that Olb rai tar-like organisation. Their mlaaloa bora Is ssld te be to Influence, if pos sible, Senator Mitchell and Senator Fulton against Reed Smoot, a Mormoa apostle, with a view to prevent tho eader be lng seated la the United States senate. Neither will admit this, of course, but It at undoubtedly that, naverthslesn Senator Dubois oamo Into the Port land carrying a dusty grip. Over his left arm hung a light overcoat. After partaking of some refreshment,- tho senator made his way to the office and registered. When Informed by re porter that Senator Kearna waa la the house Senator Dubois raised hie eyo browe almost amasedly and replied: "Is tha) sor , Tea, that was sv The olark sorro norated It - "Well, well,14 ejaculated the Me ho statesman, ' am gisd to hear that Bend up my card, won't your writing iCooUnood en Fag Zwo.A FIGHTING GROUND "" - ' ?j 1 ' 'i!i'n "-' 'h--i'- ft A1-.-'" BR IN CHIBF OF THB ftUlalAM A AT TIB LINO TO BJB8IBT THB JAPANB8B ADVANCB. - . SPEAKER, IS ILL Once Brilliant National Character Is -' W Lapsln. Into Serious leotat .. : f Decay Secret Is Gnardet . -X (gpeetal DWpatek byTii ill Who te The rsal) Des Moines. la., Sept 14. Kx-gnator David B. Headnrson, Iowa's greatest statesman, twice elected speaker of tbo national house of ' representative, I vary 111 at hi home to Dubuque and his best friends are denied an audience with him.' It Is tho fear that permanent loss of memory will be the fate of the one brilliant man. ' I - - Henderson a family naa closely guard ed the secret of his Increasing forget fulaesa, although. It--to now believed that their realisation of the fact that hla memory waa falling, and hla own knowledge of the loss of this most val uable asset, was the reason that bo declined to serve an speaker for another term. --" - '- ' - LADY CllRZON HAS AT .CHANCE TO RECOVER tOsfyrlgbt Bean ksws eervfea. . Wire to Tea Jaereal.) -Loodoo. Sept It An operation. oessfully performed, upon Lady Cursor, this afternoon, give hop of her re covery. Her condition' is still grave. '.This morning's bulletin of Lady Cur son's condition. Issuel at Weimar oasUe, was despondent to tone, being: "Lady Carson passed ft restless night Iter oondltton Is not so well as hoped tQr-' ' - ; . - 1 TBAB ABB BAT" MABBXAaB. .; (cWrlgU, Krst ITees gwrtoe, kf Uasat ' , Wire 0 Ike JoeraL . London,' Spt It The reoent dtseun alona that hav arise anient the alarm ing moreaae ef divorce has caused Nov ellit Oeorge Meredith to eome torvfr4 with prediction that to the near future marriages will not be oontraoted for all time, but that people will marry for a set period of time and then be fro to go thai respestlv wa . ' , KMT IN MANCHTJRIA. WHO IS IfAaV CALLS ROOSEVELT A MERE BLUSTERER David E. Bill Pays His CoDptlneuts : to President In an Outspoken and "e"W. Fiercely Partisan Letter. (gpedal Ptsaatea eyLinil Who to Tae Jeeraal) Mew Torn, Sept It Ferdinand Eslgst, pros idaht ef the Commercial Trovelere' leegue, received a letter today l the beadouartcrs In Broadway, near Houston street, from David . H1U In wkteh the latter saldl "If you are to have an osecuttvo who love war mora than peace and who baa proclaimed hi affection on the house tops; who advocate that the United States should go abroad, to hla own words, 'with a big stick,' who says that ho would act the part ot policeman among the re pub lice of South and Central America, compelling them to keep order within their own territory and even to pay then- debts; who has alrealy threatened war en ft small country, the United States of Colombia, without con sulting congress; who, before he was president eocordtng to tha testimony of his then superior officer. Secretary Long, when his honored predecessor. MonUn ley, was doing all that lay to hla power to prevent blood hed, urged that wa, bo tor oongresa bad acted, should make a piratical attack en Spain and destroy her ships; who says In his totter of ae oeptaneethat diplomacy Is uselee unless accompanied by threat! of force, who baa abandoned the traditional language ef "diplomacy which la courteous and has dealt la violent and threauaing language addressed to foreign aattens; U K likely that we shall escape from being ptaaged1 Into any great war between nations, even If ws do not besom Involved in a nrt vnto war on our wn aoobwntf The voters ef this ecus try hav never shown a preference for s policy, of brag and bluster, advocated by a aero ef a alngl fight nor will they elect president a mere bruaterer, a swsggerer, a Bom basts Furtoso, m Tartariu at. Oyster Bay. "Although the gospel of war la a new doctrine in the United States, President Rooeevslt has aot been original In this. jCosnued en Pag Tw4 DEATH ON THE RAILS Fifty-Four Killed; 120 Are Hurt in Wreck at New ' Market,- Tenn, , SCENES OF . HORROR Some of the Bodies Rot Bccovered .Many So Handled ts to Be tin-' recognizable Condnctor Illsread'Orders, V (Joaratl ftpeelal gerrte, ' ' KnoxvUU. Tnn Sept Jt With n torrlflo rending of wood, a crashing of Iron and the explosion of riven stssm plpea, two psssengor trains oar the Southern railway came together at a point ao miles seat f Knozvllle today. The list aa shown tonight culled from official re porta, hospital and morgue lists and other sources show that 04 passen gers war killed outright and -120 In jured. ' Of the lnjttrd there are many whefara o seriously Injured the- naught but death oaa be their portion.- The death list may roach 100. Some of the bodies, say reporta from tha scene, or ' not yet recovered and many of those dragged from tha debris are so rorrtbty mangled, bruised or charred that taoJr tdenUty has ntan asoertaiDOd. ... c Among -th known dead are: WILLIAM KANE, engineer Of the west-bound train, of KnonviUa. RICHARD PARROTT Of KnogVlUa, engineer of the esnf-bound train,- , JAMKft KINO of Ksnavtlls. JAMfl MILLS, oolored, of Kswmar- kst ROSCOB KINO, fireman, of Rewmsr- kot ; v K. C EHNKBT of Johnson City. . Tho accident occurred at 10:11 o'clock thu morning oa a curve, as the soeult of a misunderstanding In orders. , Both anglaem and nearly all ooaones were badly damaged. No. 10 waa a pas senger train from Knox villa to Bristol, and No. Is waa a passenger train from mrisxoi o Aiiuxviii. Too eneine. ena eomblnatlon car, a baggage ear and three ooache on train No. II war totauy wrecjcea ou our aleeper n train II did not leev the track, but were damaged. None ot the passengers to th aieenm waa Injured, but nearly every one of the coach passengers were killed or tm Jured. , - . Both engineers were zoana nnaer we engines. It will tab A toast II hour to dear the track. , , 'Offtotol Stotimsnt, Th tftotol statement of th com pany la to th effect tnac conaueior W. Bv Caldwell of train IS and hla on- aineerL W. H. Kane, misread thetr or ders and ran by ft meeting place at full speed. Conductor Caldweu. wno was oroagni here on the train which serried the dead and Injured, assumed the sols reepon slbillty for th wreck and la so over oome with horror that he collapsed to night and la to a raving delirium. Two physlelana are with him and his con dition Is precarious Th first news ef th wtwott wa re ceived her by telephone from Mow market . "Hundreda hav haaa killed.- sum this first nMssege. Without a moment's delay a special train wss ordered and but a abort time after Its arrival osms a mssssgs stating that hospital aocommodstlons would be needed for at least 100. This waa ths first authentle new from the seen showing ths extent of the disaster. , OiMgrsisma injured. Hardly war the arrangements un der war when another meeaage oamo saying that th nrst order for hospital aeaoeaaaodaUona would hav to DO nearly doubled. Then It that th collision and attsndant results wa on C tha worat In, modern railway history. Th spastol train arrived her ahortly tCoatlaued on Page Sevan.) LEPROSY'S ALARMS ii (specaU Ptosetoh to Uaeet Wtre to The Jeereel) Oalveston, Tex- Sept It Ths fee- lowing has been received: uliotoa, Mexico Tho spread f lepreey In th vtolntty of thie ptaee to alarming th ttton and vigorous rop- rssentatlon hav been mad to th gov ernment health department to the bop of om radical measure being taken to curtail Its further dsvelopment "Ths beginning In this state was two well developed oases which wars dis covered by th health authorities ht s small village near this oltr. But it ana graduau spread, until asarly 4 nr CAPTURE IS . WD Local Firms Get Word That Crusader Has : Been Seized, EXPECT HER RELEASE Not Attemptlaf to Kuo Blockade Ei porters Declare Actios Near Male ; tea Keporie4 to Have Ended ' - la Riisslia Defeat ill Confirmation of th now published1 In yesterday' Journal that the British steamer Crusader, from- Portland, had been seised and taken to Hakodate by Japanese warships ha been eon firmed. M. C. Harrison Co., th . ttw-ln underwriters, whb Insured th oargo, got word yeaterday afternoon that the Crusader had been seised, as did . also tha . Paclf la Bxport Lumber ompany Which dispatched the ergo. It Is argued by some of th shippers that the' Japanese may hav had Infor mation which tod them to believe that ths Crusader waa bound for Vlad ivostok to discharge her cargo. Th fact that shs was reported to hav been seised near Hakodate may explain wby the Japanese thought that the Crusader was bound tor tho Russton port Ha hodsta to in th eame latitude aa Vtad lveetoK. Hakodate to almost 100 mllrs north of MojL to which port the steamer was bound for cool. M. C Harrison Oo. and the Paelfto Bxport . Lumber company - appear soei tlvs that tha steamer hae only been de tained for n short time, and that she will soon bo permitted to proceed, j . The underwriters state most em phatically that the esrgo waa eon signed to firms to Shanghai and Taku. and the captain, waa Instructed to go straight to those port after coaling at Molt . They are confident that th cap tain .waa endeavor! a- to carry out his Instrdctlon to the very letter. While the Insurance, people are posi- - tlvo that tha Crusader was not trying to roach a Russian port with th lum ber oargo, they explain that they know of n vessel which 1 due to arrlv to the orient from a Paclf to coast port In about 10 days that la trying to ran th blockade 8 ho cleared for a Chinese port with a grain and flour oargo, but th mount noe people nay they kne It to be a tact that aha I gotn to Vlad ivostok ' They Insured th oargo and If the arrives safely t-iey assert that neat profit will be msda out of th transaction. Thsy decline to give th name of tha vessel or any of the par- Ucuhvrs concerning her, simply stating that ah sailed from ft Paoifto snast port Th manifest f the Crusader shows that shs carries l,410,0vv tet of lum ber for Shanghai and 1,010.000 fee for Taku. M to valued at 040.000. which 1 fully covered by war Insuranos Issued by M. C 'Harrison dt Co . - mil ff Paroled BVery atoty." (specuri Dteeateft by Leased Wke to The Jemseiy Ban Francisco, Sept le Despite th strict orders Issued by President Roose velt regarding th parole of tho men of th Russian orulser Lens, the bond of Jsekles that arrived hero on th veeeel Is gradually growing smaller, and scarcely a day passes without desertions from the rinks. Tbo parole under which the crew ef 'the Lena was placed when ths veeeel wss ordered dlosrmed at Mare I aland has proved ineffective, and thor 1 practically nothing to prevent tho men from returning to 'their native toad and re-enllstlng In th navy. - There are many expert gunner On board th Lena who son lues are re quired at home. Though the Russians wss rallsdavs taken oath that they will not tak up arm agates Japan, there to no .bar rier erected by this government to pre vent them from doing- ee, and th fact that th deoerttons are numerous seeans Continued on Page1 fteVert MEXICO rent of our popeistien to afflicted. T- victim of this terrible dMaa-e natives and they are eirtw e- ' fort to keep thetr oondttwin awdfl. to tha fear of being song to s f "The pnyaldana hav caul to no genuine j i caught prebsbly from . re umarom to tins s that auinr other eose among the Chinese s - e la Bttialoa. but aa. in ths fepuuiio. 'uo stats' sjuto-i- flaargott measures to oegx egat ftU sasas a e SPREAD -,f -.ft-