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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING, SEPTEMBER Iff, lfi 10 Ml! TTiTT I I Referee of Ow-Wakott Flht FootbaU I III i Iffll 2 MrHLS . ' mjR tkll 111 1 Li uWy uotng on te eastern cw- , mokan I I (11 ? : I j 1 on, the Two Cott-Batting Averages. , . ,TT, O s Astoria, Eleven Opens the Stuon Today, j.,, J t" 1 it t " , v i. V. ' ? . i Al EEEFC1D TOLD " EE CUf DICTATOR fTO BAT BOOT HAVCXTOV oranov osr m fio ivuia . v tSewtal DUMck to JeerseL) - ' " Sao rnnctKO, Hep. 14. Al riertord. Mntrr Of Pugilist Jm Oeo, tm a pre feaaional sporting man who believe ttt hiM hie own wav in eveiythiag. Hv hM bo particular mvi for the right of others. Aa ft natUr of tact ho te herd-anoothed. Ho to ft shrewd Judge of tlrhtinr fleab. and ft eomMOUSSe, h usually baa a useful performer or two In fa la stable. Being tn control of boxer of good oellbre. Harford la Seneraur tn a position to dtmnd advantageous terns. Ha la always In his QUMt of that 'little something on the ftide. which baa m to bo known a th man uWi bit. and ha baa boon charged . with atemandlna a I arrangement of co nd it tana of matches at th eleventh hour under throat of preventing hi nan from entering tho ring. Harford baa bon at his old trick Ha inalatod on ft revision of tha Gans-Waloott articles - r nftor Oftas bad agreed to everything m- bodled In tbo fight contract. . Ha not holding out for anything In par ticular, but ho folt that It waa Mf to put tbo screws on tho Aft Francisco Athletic dab. sfter It had gone to-tbo expense In nankins; arrangements tor tbo contest Ho save tho club tbo ohoe of two thing. Ho wanted ft guarante ' of - t&.ooo. or if tho club preferred ft differ ent kind of concession It could on-eng to have Walcott weigh leas than, the. artlciea agreed to by Quia oalled for. Any old thing would auffioa so Ions as fto added point was gained by rierroro. When It was whispered around town ' that Harford was holding; p Manager Plaros of tho Walcott oaaip and Match- - -maker Oreggains of theBaa Franclooo Atbletlo club, various opinions ware formed.' Borne people thought It merely a little wiock wrangle between the oast- orm manacors fust to stimulate Interest , 4a the match- and1 impress tho public -with the Idea that the go would be for riant red ore. - The dlspnto was looked upon as a companion piece to the story that It bad been deemed advisable to bare Qans and Walcott train, miles 'apart for fear that they would Vail upon each other while out walking and settle their eras' before the porta would have chance of paylnc for the privilege of , .witnessing- it- It Is evident howevaa. '- that tho trouble was genulna and that the old percentage atreak In Harford asserted Itself, He harried the club and Plerot ' until In daa Deration tha match ' V oalled oft Then he drew in bis horns 7 half War. He agreed to call H square - It Walcott would sweat dff Just one mora pound, by ringtuns, and this the other fStde gave hi to. Herford retired . tho fact that bo had gained something. Now there another angle to tho af fair. Herford insists on naming tbo , ref ereo. As a matter of fact be has named Jilm. He has selected Jack Welch, and ho says that Welch and no 7- one but Welch will judge tbo contest Welch Is well known. He j as . straight as tho traditional string, but It Isn't a question of squareness. . There am two aides "to "every question. From time immemorial each party to a ring event baa been accorded tho right .to v have a voles In the selection of a raf erse. . ' Among thorough-going sports. In fact It could not be regarded as am offense for a pugilist to take except Ion to any one man whoso name has boon proposed. Fighters are swayed by whims and su- . peratltloaa. and pugilist will fre- quoatly refuse to accept as referee seme - man with whom he to on friendly terms. He has a perfect right to do so. ' Report has It that Pierce wtll not stand for Welch- not that ho doubts ' Welch's Integrity, but because be be Ueves la holding out for tight wnloh Is his according to ring uaagn. Xf Pie roe remains firm It -will ho Interesting to '-. note how Herford acta. Hs has boon too long at tho fighting same not to know that ho la wrong to attempting to ' diotate in -questions concerning the ref orea. Tbo weaker atdo in the pugilistic argument has oftea to submit to the emoluments being out aad slash ed as ' tho manager of a ohamptea softs fit but - there to no fighter so poor but that he m allowed g- votes ta tha aeleeUoa of the referee. Horford may not kwrw K. but he Is kicking railroad tunnels through Oans prospects of a fight with Jimmy Brltt In this city. Despite tho forfeits Her ford may post hi this connection, a doubt will exist aft to Gens' being able to make ill pounds - and atop to the front la fighting shape. - Herford's present tactics suggest that hs would think nothing of demanding mors weight for Oans at the last mlauto or possibly, that bo would ftsk for ft money guar antot ori the aeoro that reducing had hurt Dsns chances of winning from rltt To put the matter fct g nutshell. Her ford to acting in a Way to Injurs his standing with all boxing clubs and ha huo the public with feelings of distrust la rMpsot to any match ho may be eon toaeted with. ' - . . Twin' ftulllraa leaves for Loft An gel ea today, and en Tuesday algM he will box "Kid" McCoy at tbo Country Claw In tho elty named, Tha sports of the sooth ery elty are quite worked up over the. oontost Tey have had Mo Coy with them for several weeks, and they have seen tbo Hoosler preparing for the fray in a way which, suggests that he Is terribly tn oarasst McCoy's actions shew plainly- that he knows the result of tho coming bout mesas everything foe him. Whoa fen ftaa Frattclbee helping to got Monroe toady for the fight with Jeffries, MeCvy rente rand wtth all tho soberness hs the world that matters had reached ft stage where fighUeu could only oMala money by righting for It. Like every ethvr enaa who tvar fol lowed fisticuffs for ft living, ho seems to ihtnk wrapping ability to something that ago cannot wither. Ho attributes whatever poor ahewlnga he has mads la recant rears to careless training, or, for mstter, to took of training ftlto- r. and he nurses the notion that tho Wi thing Bded to maks him as good - new is a few weeks of steady, srs a "to work. - ll. ho haa had It and ft romalnd M bo eean whether ho to tho "Kid" Mr- r wno heated Tommy Ryes and who 4 ftwag wUh suoh gkuits aa Qua uh- ltn aad Herr Flftoka, tt repot speejrs truly, the grind of daily training and tho dull routine of life In oamp have nut dulled the -Kios ambttionor amp caed his popes. Ho has written a taa Francisco h rtmato that he expects to knock out Sul livan In four rounds. Sullivan rests easy ta tho belief that bo can sot and sustsla ft Bscs that -Kid'' will bo enable to live up to. Tho Boston (an has con ditioned himself for s long siege, and In hts practice sparring ho has wrung from his partners the admlssioa that bo seems to be absolutely tireless. Tommy West has- had to do with ul- Itvan's training, and West has made up his mind that tbo go will bo a psoord broaksr for speed and flora snsss for sev crsi rounds. He believes, la fact that tha con teat it practically a lb-round af fair, aad that U MoOoy fails to nail Twin' with his damaging puncher be fore half tbo rounds provided for by tha articles are boxed. Sullivan will surely rake in the long end of the puree. Something definite has at length been hoard from Toung Corbott la refer- enoo to his oeoond fight with Jimmy BrHt Me haa telegraphed Billy Roche, of How Tore, bow of Saa Fraaoweo, to act for him aad arrange terms. Roche has presented his credentials to tho BrlCts sad tt Is expected that tho parties concerned will get dowa ta bus! wlthta a few days. . ' , o far aa oaa be judged at present both pugilists are sagor to arras match. It to believed, however, that tho re will be different weight ooodltkms to what p rave lied la the former oca- teat Brltt has said frequently that ha had to be very humble whoa the former articles were jinder discussion and that no Intends to "dictate" to some extent thto time. Ho ha refused to say what his intentions are ta regard to the weight but there at a persistent rumor around that tho Ban Franciscan will In sist upon 1M at C Colock. Al, Herford Is her with a dual pur pose. Ho will watch Joe Oans' interests in tho match with Joe Walcott next Fri day night, and ho hopes to clinch a match with Jimmy Brltt before he takes Oans back to Baltimore. Herford has deposited fl.Mo with tbo writer s nest that Oans will maks 1M pounds ringside for Brltt Ho wants Brltt to covet this amount within a week and bind' himself not to box any one but "Young Corbett before mooting Oans. rBrlu says he will wait until the Oans- Walcott affair Is decided before paying any attention to Herford. "Bvsn then 1 don't think Jimmy will bind himself to tho way Herford wants." said Willie Brltt "We ars dick ering at present with ISO-pound msa bet- sides Toung Corbott" and wo wtll wait until we see what offers ars fort boom ing for these matches. I will say this much. It Is my personal opinion that ft match between Jimmy and Oans hi likely to hs next ta order after tha go with "Toung Corbott" A weak or two wlU make everything clear, and meanwhile Herford' can post as many forfaits as he likes. It's ft way ha haa,' . ANGELS OUTBAT OAKS BUT LOSE ON ERRORS (apeelal MaMUft bKLeasal Wno te The Jearssll Baa Francisco, Sept. St-4a a aloppy- w aether gams st Recreation Park today tho Angels showed they are not mud horses, and were defeated S to S by tho Oaklandars. Eleven hits against Ave. with the eleven for tho losers, la what tho score shows. When tho team that th most safeties allows tho other follows te soore too moot - runs there to something wrong with tha bass running and of the sport. Bplos floun dered la tho mud and on a two-baa hit was taged out between third, and home. Again, tn tho last tho Hatching Yam mer kid couldn't negotiate from deep center. Had Spies boon able ta travel a second or two faster tho tally would have boon tied la tho ninth, and who known but what th fun would have gone on for eight or ton additional tu nings. Th soore: - mirf.iim .. v ' r AB.RB.Fa Oenlev. r. f. 4 111 Dunieavy, a. ft Schlatter, lb. Kruger, a f. 4 t I X Moaklmao, L 1 ...... t f f f Doveroaux. h. I I I Devereaux, stars, id. It 1 Byrnes. Jack on, a. .......... S 0 f i urMoam, p. . 1 Totals.,. S ft 17 ii t ' ' - " ARR.H.PO.A.I1 Cagor. o. 1 ...i.. 4 f 1 f .4 1 Flood, lb. - I d 1 1 Brashoar, lb. 4 1 J 11 SESfSf I III!! Toman, ft g. f l 1. 1 1 RosaTL f. 4 i t isisi :;;:::::::J tt j it ToUl.. ..........14 11114 1 RUNS AND HITS BT INN I NOB. . llMlltll Im Angels MM1M f Oakland ill1,'. Hit . ........ .B llO . SUMMARY.. Stolen bases Moaklmaa. Flood. Cra- vath. Errors Schlaney, Jackson, Be ar, Flood, Chas 1, Toman. Base hlta tn Jackson. I. Two-baa hit Flood. Sacrifice hits Schlafley, Chase, Baum. First base on errors Oakland, 4; horn Angeles. L First baas on oalled balls OS Baum, 1; off Or ah am. t. Double lare Stark, unassisted; Oraham to 'unleavy to Stark. Tim of game One hour and 14 minute. Umpire Mo Donald, AT ,1- ' (Jeeraal Ipertal barrio.) . . Contralto, Sept 34. FootbaU win ho th next thing of interest In . this city outside of polltloft Tho high school Is already planning its schedule of games for tfie season. Tho boys will bo able to put a strong team la tho Said and ars looking forward ta a long list of victories. The school has lost several of lta best players by graduation, and Orimm, th strongest of last year's tsam, has decided not to attend school this year. On the other hand, several big follows will be added to tbo team. Clark, tha fast right end. Is now attend ing the stats university.- Tbo now team Is expected to average lie pounds a member, which Is a good weight for ft high school team, Sevsn or eight games bava already been arranged. . SPECIAL ST. LOUIS CAR. &. Off sag World's Oa th evening of October 1 ths O. R. A N. will run a special tourist ear to St Louis without Changs, Very low rates to St Louis and Chi cago October 1. 4 and I via the O. R. A N. Particulars of & W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, ,i LOXG SCOTS CASRY CFF EASTERN RACES r-' j", - x - warn pxomsBS vats a . AT amT.PJBI AJTP D TO TXObTOBT SM OTatU UawXTaV 'in' ' 41 (Speelal Plapatca by team Wbv Tbe JwaaL) Chicago, Sept 14. Harlem tracav Weather aloudy, track muddy. First raoo, Sv and a half furlongs, selling JaneU (Nksoi), 4 to 1, won, Glrdlaotoap sseood, DundaU third. Time, ,i;09-t. Boooad raeo, handicap steepiecoase, abort oourso J. B. Owens (Johnson), ft to ft, won, Oliver Mac seooad, Ton third. Ttoae, :M. Third race, mils and fts elghta, tha Prairie stakes, selling. added Spenceriaa (Shave), 11 to -A, won. Strol ler (Nlool). second, Leila third. Time, I -Kg, . ' Fourth raoo, seven furlongs, the For ward stakes, $l,M added Loretta ht (Nlool), to ft. won. Lady Savoy second, Blss Los third. Time, 1:11. Fifth race, one mile, pars Bragg Knapp, I to 1, won, Oregor K. second. Miss Crawford third. Time not given. Sixth race, mile and ft sixteenth, sell ing King Bllsworth (Aubuebon), 4 to 1. won, Don t Ask Me sseoad, Da, Btaahsns third. Tim not given. Seventh raos, mile and a sixteenth, soiling frwlft Wing (HclnUre), 4 to 1. won, Cxcontral seoono, OUfala third. TUfto pot glvao, -. a, -BC- TjQulft SepC 14,. Wi Track sloppy. First race, six furlongs, ftelllns Bird Pond (Beder), I to t won,' Rhyme and Reason second, Lookaway third. Tuna, 1:1. oeoond race. Ave half furlongs. maKh one Judge Brady (Austin), ft to 1. woo. Am oeoond. Bavarlaa third. Tim not given Third raoo, seveH1 furlongs; aeUing-- Miss Mannar (Austin K A to 1, woa Mu-I ton Xoung gasand, Vestry third. Tuna, 1:1. Fourth raoo, mil and ft stxtosnth. th Boulevard handloap, t-yar-olds and an. f 1.4M added Lubla (Seder). to L won. FooUlghts Favorite seoono, Jaok Toung third. Tim act given. Fifth raoo. six furlongs, sen tag Binds (Austin), t to ft. won, Monaco Maid sos- ond. WUlowdon third. .Time not given. Sixth race, mil and three-elxteoaths, selling Dollnda (Rloe). I to L woo. Bourke Cook ran seooad, Mildred L. third, Tim not given. ... Seventh race, rslx furlongs, 1 selling Ingolthrift (Williams), ft to ft, won. King's Charm seoood,' Algonc.ula thiro. Tim not siren, - - vV;r'-.t,',v A jggixgggsd. : Hew Torn, Bept, 14.--Weather olosr. Track fast , First race, about six furlonga. handl oap. all ages, 11.000 added Major Pel. ham (Hlldebrand), 4 to L won, Leon Idas seooad. Collector Jassup third, Tim. lilt. . ' Bieaad race. King's Highway stoopla- ehase, handlcep, 1-year-old and up, fS,- 000 added; about two and a half mils Foxhunter (Ra. ft to ft. won, Bt Judo oeoond, RoyaUe third. Time. 4:10 4-1. Third race, flv and ft half furlongs, selUng. l-reer-olde--Cftraphlne (Davie), 1 t 1, won, Bocatchooa seoood. Blue Coat third.- Tha. 1:0. Fourth raoe, mils and ft half, th se- 6nd special, l-yeaf-bldr and up, M.000 added Beldame (O'NeU), 1 to I, won. Broomstick sooond, MoChosney third. Time. 1; 1-4, Fifth raoe. Ova and ft half ftirtottga. t-year-old maidens Bulwark (Shaw), 1 to 1, won. Raiment second. Dane Music third. Time, litt, Sixth raoe, one and a sixteenth mil as. handicap, all ago, 41400 added Gren ade (Hlldebrand), ft to L won, Ormonde's Right seoood, Msrtlnma third. Tun. . - PIGSKIN PROSPECTS AT FOREST GROVE Pacts University, Forest Orove, OrH Sept 14. Th outlook for ft winning foot bail tsam hi better than for many years. Captain PbilbrooK nan a large aggresarloft oa th Sold very evening getting them la good form till th coach arrives. Coach Moos will leave Stan ford In a few days so that he oaa got th men dowa to good bard training py th first of October. With the except ions of OUbert test year's quarter, who has entered Tale, and Barnet who 1 computing hi eouree at Belolt ail of last year's veterans will try for their old positions. "Big" rhtl- brook to at kU eld position, fullback. He was given honorable mention for the all Oregon fullback last year, bat he played higher honors. Shannon, Sparks and Lues will be candidates ror naivea. Luo Is ft nw man but weighs 100 pounds and la a good athlete. Nell, Wil liams aad Spagla will play the ends. It is vsrr uncertain who wUl play la- th line and at quarter till Coach MacOee Th linemen last year were James, Purdln, tackles, O. Pbllbrooft. Ward and Waterman guards. Hall cen ter. Thero will probably be some changes in the line as tber ar heavier men on j tn neia wan mm year. tvna vuun, C Fletcher Peterson, J. Phllbrook and Fsrrta ar all good heavy men from which soma linemen and a quarter will bo chosen. There are also aom lighter men that ftra probable candidates for Quarter. Th last year's tsam mad ft good record, played thro scoreless gamos. won two and lost two. The team I promises to be much heavier than last year and with one of the boat ooaohos la th west P. U. will uodouDteaiy nave ft winning teem. Th schedule of games has hot bean completed. . A gam has been arranged with Corvalil but same have not been detaltly arranged with University of OreVn. Albany, Columbia university and Portland academy. MT. HOOD NINE TO PLAY SCHILLER'S TEAM Tha ftft Hoods and th Schiller, th two crack local semi-profeeaional team, hav arrangad te play a gam f baa ball this afternoon at th league grounds, which will hs th test gam between these two clubs this ssason. Managers Reed of the SnhllUra and Hougha of th ML Hoods bar XAJft Birrs 1;-; strengthened their teams by tha addi tion of tho host professional ftndam teur talent- ta th elty. In H Ohlllar HnMII will he found such stars aa Frank Lumby. tha hard working young catcher, who w a brother of Harry Lumby, th former Beet tie star who fct now with Brooklyn; CallfT. the crack Oregoa City pitcher ; Big Slats Hunter, the heavy-hitting first baseman of the Oregon Stats league; Reed, for merly of Eugene; Bradley, who was tried out oa third by tbo Brawns: Nofthfup and Johnson, Well-known local players. On Houghton's Mt Hoods wlU be found ft combination of talent that will make ft showing ta almost any com pany. Among them are: Danny Shea, th well-known and favorite oatohar of th Portland Browns; Ooorg Bngel, the star pitcher of tn Portland team In th old PaclfioNorthwwjt league; Walter MeCreedUr Who Is th host hitter and has runner of -Dugdala's aggregation; Oeorglo Hart, tho crack amateur lnflalder of this olty; Louis Castro, formerly of tho Portland team, who la still 4 great favorite with tho fans In spits of his releaee; Teally Raymond, Portland's clever utility man! Colli Druhot th crack- llttl aeuthpaw, , and other well known favorltea. - t This combination of players should pat up as article of ball worth tho time of any of the fan to witness, and Judg ing from the intereet being taken ta the event ft large crowd is assured. Th ftams will start promptly at I:t0 and Harry Spnn will act an umptra, The lineup! - ,,-,. - SehlUeaa, ' Position, , 1ft Hoods. Lum)ey..i o. ......... .Dan Shea Call! or McInnl..p...i....Oes. Bngel Hunter. M lb. ...MoCreedle Reed lb. ......Hart Newell ......... S-s. '... ..Castro Bradley.... lb, Raymond Northrup.. ...... r.t .......Brodemeler Johnson. ct .M Oliver Harper. tf. JDrukot -Portland bowling alley wag tho aeon f merriment last Thursday night There was a crowd from tha kfultnomah Camp, Woodmen ' of the World, that stayed several games, and although th scores were sot vary high ft good time was enjoyed. Paul Knevss carried ofl th honors far high scores test week, making 14 soore over the doubt century mark. Next Tuesday night there will be a return match between the Monarch and tho Pretsels. Last wek th Monarch won by 71 pins. Ths Protasis ar A strong tsam and should give their .oppo nents a strong argument The ladies" team. 'Th Overall,-.have not done any team work lately, but their individual work . hag been high s (Jeans! spectol asrvhu.) ; Roseburg. Or., Sept It Late yester day sfternoon th members of th Rooe burg high school Interested In football organised a team for this season. Mr. Ha nan waa elected captain and Professor Banders manager. Tho outlook for tho team 1 very bright, as tber. la a big supply of good material. X.. -4 -j x r is. y...'-. -J (I! mi : "if- ski ' a -'';'. 85-87 Third St ASTCIIA ELEVEN TO flATFGT STEVENS SkT.MOaT P. ftTOOST WHB BOUUBBB'tMP UHOU WOBXXJI aTJJftB ; - . 1 -Wr Ueuraal BpecUl terrtea.) " Astoria. Sept 14. The Oregoa foot ball aeaaon will ho opened this after noon at A. P. C jmrk. where th Com mercial club team will try ooaeluslons with tho Fort Stevens oieveo. Th eo Id lore nave soma football veterans in their lino and an Interesting contest is looked for. Th Commercial players will try out aoma new plays which hav been Introduced under th rules prevail ing thai season, and aspirants for place on the team will be given a ehanos to demonstrate their ' worth. Perhaps ft msa will be put In during, th eouree of the gams, and It would pot .bo sur prising if . th soldiers were to win. Ths outcome of th gam w ft gutter of small concern to th clubmeD, who are out for bigger gam. - - Th principal acquisition ta th club this season 1 Blair, a famous Michigan tackle. SI air ha boon living her for nearly a year, and about three months ago waa "discovered." 'He read ily joined tha club and sloes baa been on of th most enthusiastic men on th team. He Is hardened to gridiron work and understands th front lino from end to and. Aborerombt. who will hold dowa tha position of fullback, la acting as coach, with Blair ssslstanc, and they have aroused much enthusiasm "V"g members of the eleven. Jack Bay will be Commercial' center again , this year. Oammal will play right guard, but th position of left guard haa not been definitely filled. Blair will be at left tackle, wbll But ton will play right tackle. Johnson and Rosy Graham will hold down tho ends, although in th big games Regan and Hunt will play ta th front Una Hunt may be put in aa left guard. Haeekel ta another aspirant for this position. - Chop Stockton Is captain bf th team and quarterback this year. He haa th teamwork in good shape, and by tha time th Fort Stevens and Dwaoo gam are played all of the new formation will have ho perfected. ; la th back field will be Abe re remote, at fullback, and Tallant and Painter as halves. Tal lant I another Important addltloq to th team. This year's back field will outweigh teat year's by ft pounds or. mora. Barker played left half last year' but ha not been out for practice, owing to pro of business. N A bit of news that will prov of tntsr est to football enthusiasts Is to th effect that "Strangler Smith, the well known vratlr, wants Stockton to find ft plftoo for him. Smith te tha biggest llttl Aaa In this part of th country and ' his muscular development la won derful. He te ft wrestler of no mean are you on clothes f W IN mm aricl to AQEJ1NTS FOR THE ability and eccasloaally lakes a ehaaoe In th prise ring. Th other night he dropped In at th Commercial club gym nasium work, where the team was working. Then be asked Stockton If hs couldn't play football. - Stockton did not give him a definite reply, so be went after Coach Aberorombl. Both men believe Smith would bo a wonder, and If he gives up professional sport he may bo added to th team. - Th Commrotal tsam is devoting tt attention almost entirely te th iwmlng game with Multnomah. WHAT IKE LEAGUE STARS ARE A resume of in doings of th Coast League piayera at the pro ant tim will bo of oonsiderahi interest to the local fans. , The Seattle team hmAm th dubs la team batting with an average of .Sift. Th average of th other clubs are as follow! Teooma .141, 'Oakland JftO, Portland .141, Ban Franolsoo Ait and bo Angi .if t. -1 Tacoma haa the most bom run and two-baa hits, whits Seattle and Oakland ar tie for three bass hlta, aoh having soored Si triples. Tacoma bag cored 11 horn runs and 17ft double. Seattle has soored 11 boms run and 17ft double. Tha leading borne run hitters arei Began, Taooma, 11: Frtak. Seattle, ft; Cravath. Log Angeles, T; Smith, Seattle, 4: NordykeVTnooma. 4, and Beck. Fort- g. .. ... v . Tho leading three-toft hrtter of th league are: Genley and Prancks of Oak- tend, Ross of Loo Angolas and Dete hanty of Seattle, ft each. Van Haltran of Seattle and Sohaney and Brugor of Oakland, ft each, Dunleavy of Oakland. Sheefaaa of Taooma and Flood of Los Angel, T each, Th leading two-baa hitter are aa follow: Carlos Smith of Seattle, 41; Lynch of Tacoma, 40; Jud Smith, of Los Angelas, ftl; Frisk of Seattle, IT; Mohler of Seattle, 14; Began Of Tacoma, ftl; Kruger of Oakland and Hlldebrand of Sea rranolaco, 14 each) Bock of Part land and McLaughlin of Teoeena, II each. . Th leading sacrifice hitter ar: Moh ler of Seattle, Sir Flood of Loft An geles, l; Hlldebrand of San Francisco, 31; Sheehan of Taooma, S C Smith and Russ HalL IT each. ' 1 J . Th leading baa stealer art Ber nard of Loa Angeles, II; Oenley of Oak tend, 41; Jud Smith of Loa Angeles, SO; Flood of Log Angeles, Sit Nadeaft of Portland, 14; Casey of Taooma, SI) Dv sroaux of Oakland, to. Frisk of Seattlo waa th first batsausn ta acquire 100 htts. which feat waft fto eompllahed on September 1ft. Barber of San Franolsoo ft tha only pitcher wlth ft no bit game to big record this season. . Pitchers TUstaaaa (P.).WHllam (Be.). Overall (T.) aad Newton L. A.), hav on hit games. to their credit Do Newton leads In th pitching feats, having pitched IT games la which he allowed hi opponent Sv or loss hits. - Vasf te second wtth IS and Bu chanan, Warren Hall and Thomas are next wtth 14 each. the question Its tfara to ssy "GOOD-BYE- to the okt grid "HELLO to th NEW FALL SUIT Elegant fsiicy wrorsteds Mnd brown chcr lots and tweeds Tie with each other for first cstt. The chsnces are to making the chsnge youll want to get two for -one, for tr JpVBRCOAT time, tog' NUT BROWN TOPCOAT8 are 'the latest crwHong, wnfla for allround rain-or-shine wear the Belted Tourist CrmTcnettg to ... - - " far and away the best coat going. Our showing of ALL GOOD '1 : ! .... , " . t ., .( '. : yALL STYLES ia most complete and we want to. state most emphatically that EVERY PRICK WB QUOTE IS OUAR- antfeed to be s low and on many lines Slower than any other first class concern PORTLAND. ROBERT $3.00 Saamawa SEATTLE OAS TEH imr.S OE .253 mown tbax sb srsBj to vma bav BBOX UaBft TSXR PORTZhAJRS BtTftun-v: , a , . Th battimg average f tha Ocas league players hitting .Soft and over up ta and laolttdlng aWptember IL am as foiiowsi PUywe ' a.s 1B.S rvus, guttle im tot ilut44 BLtth 0O4 '. im Ndjke, Taeosw , .....53 1T4 -&, Taeoeut ...S0e lit .SJ BUokeBablp. ftetSa...."rr.Veei 110 ScUffl7baAU.T...w...e4 15 Orabam, Oeklaea. . . . UM ' H Taa ftaraa, fiaa raaelsee.H.iaS eft BJUtobraaA Saa rmsalse....ll - 1T9 WiMliaa, Tecasm. ...001 1T0 waldraa. ri an DaWoantr, B-ttU fed fimita, q.. SMttie 7!....ea "'nr. oaa rraaaiaoo. ........ BTT 1 Beck, rertland ...w.B0T Smltk, T.. Lm Aagek 53S : ear. aad L OatUay. oaSlaad... w...0t , Muahlmu. Oakland ....111 t 1 blaldxPertlesd asd SaarU..ia CMr, Taoofna ,..........V..1T Nadeaa, fertlaat ...H.H..Bfa 1 Wlos, Wattle M 404 . J Inrla, Baa ITaactoee H..n..l7S 1 aa Baltrea. SMUW,H..,.,.tM 3 HalL S leattle eM Thlrleus, Prrtlaad jHHM..t4 . Oraratk. lee Angak) 1 Krgw Oakland M..S34 1 Lraca, Taeesui ...MM....ft4 1 Tkooaaa. Tanma .,...M......1W . Haitlna-a, Port la oaf Owiti laa rranptsm 40 Qrahato, C TaoMsa ...... ...SAO DuoWtj. Oaktaiul .421 . flood, tm fwla) ...... .080 , i Pranks, Oak U ad ,..2 kturphr, rortlaad and Smtas.lD Drraaas. Pnrtlaad bu " J Bxea, La Asselae .MH,04 , I Barer, Loa Aagalas ....107 4- Btrelb, Oakland mmmm-II 1 Bttims, Oaklaoa ...... U Oorten, tax yvaoetaea .m.... .XTl .T MTareaax. oaxuuk ........ aOC naas, Portland at Hnrlay, rvrtlapd .- ...14l tWMHB. fi 14 las - n TwnilatTtealJrUe ..nt'.M 'lift BvUa. Ice AagaUe 43 .. ST Barber, beftttla and 1 P 144 Ift gtMlmaa. Portlaad ........ 30 .. U fchmldt Oaklaad .......... 10ft , st Bucket, Seattle ISO . ft KMta. Taooma ., .....135 S OvemO. Tftsawa . ..a.....u..lsl . M Newton leads bt kut-out Ttotortoa, , having btanked his oppanepf ea Bin ' ooanona, SCeefe of Tacoma la atooond with eight Whaian of 'Friao aa4 n- Roach of Portlaad and Schmidt of Oak 1 tend arctic for third honor with fivel hotouts to their eredit - . . ." '-4 V HAT One Doorlortli of Chamber of Commerce ofToday 'A t