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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
7 :U rT!ANDf SUNDAY- KORNINO, g3PTKMBgg 18, 19QL t r y J GEPa. i.Y HAS BUT. FC3X PROTECTION oncy s -, ft w ' ' n n . mm . 1 1 Kllas: ' Prove That Prccr Le Enland -;: Could Iafiict Great Dacuse oaUIaay Baltic;, J : Ports Kail's Speech Is El-Advised. -;: i: ..-.. - . . . . . . . .: - Br Btaloom Cftarfca, (Copyright beam Nw MoT, 1 , - WIN to Im Jesraal.) Berlht Bept , The greet military and naval ntitMuvrM which took place J, during Met iMk along th Baltic ooast ' el ah unptaejamt l imture, Tcauee they : proved beyond an doubt that la oeee tf- t of war am wray who pooe ssd a strong .v - navy won 14 ba aU te land troops el 5, ' port any where along the Baltic ooaat 1 i and the German army would pot bo ablo V i to pravont in deetructloa of man 7 im - portent but not strongly fortified aoa "- .porta alone tbo oast 1 ' 'Though the greatest efforts have been T snade ta establish an effective ooast guard which It bad bom thought Would bo ablo to dteet tho enmy'e squadron In time to concentrate strong military force on any threatened point and re pulM a landing foroe. It waa proved that thla oould not bo don aad that ta would bo comparatively esay for a powor Uko England ta Inflict oonsldsreble daawsa In aaoa of a auddoa outbraak of war be fbro troop eaouarh could ba brought to gether to boat bar off. Tbo roault af tko eaimrlmenTS made will doubtloaa ba that now demands wfll ba aiado by tho government for millions for fortification at all Important potato lainn tho aorthora coastline, aemanos .which will bo bitterly oppoaad by tbo J Socialists te the Ratcheted, aa also will . tho Democrats for tba taereaae of tba Oeeman navy. - ' V .'. . Baitta ieeoa Woo. ' Th aplondld roaulta gained by tba Bat tle wquadron durinr tba maneuvers woa . tbo admiration af tba kalaer oa much, th4t ly'1 J-iIlV atBrun! buettat ba oould not fin war do atroaa' i onoucb to pralao tba offioara, and aadai " bla ipooeb with tbcao words:, . "Whan 1 aaoandftd to tba throna I found a aavy la which tbo ofocora did , not bT a aafnoloatly atrwna; faoUnaT af belonrlnc to their war lord. - N " 'X have rucceoded ta changing- thla. j-,.- ' Tba anval offloora tooay know tnat uiy i " i Doraonallr. and that tha navy la ajqr nary." For tboao worda tba kalaor bad "not f only boon atrona-ly erttldood by tbo proas. but tho anooch has ahwbooB rosontod by tu ' Bovoral f tbo othor monarch and- tmm of tba omptra, who think, tboy A- V PRESIDENT LODBETA ISmXCRATIC -K - , , .... otm .; sat -nr vaxa ma , m. sxot yBorarnvT . An xa owm ' ww , . svtruaj - wn mm i 1 A .4. t.. alas bava torn hart In aary wMeb hab boon paid for with aonay faiaad by taalna; tbair aubjoota. - WhUc th raboiiioa of tho Horrarba ta Ooraaaa South Afrlaa k by no meaaa oror and will atiU aoat Ooramny much blood and nioaoy, alaratloa; oaws aoaMO from tho Conax But, sbowlns; that trouble botwoen that stata and Oormaay aay bo oxaoetod any day. -. Thar la a atrona- feclloc aaaiaat Oor-' many la tbo Congo Stata and many Oor maa aubjoets have been oxpolled during tba last month, aad Congo dfflclala are actively engaged, ta constructing oon oealed fort of great strength along tba entire western, aoaat of Lake Tangan yika. One of tho which baa been com puted and ta equipped with SO largo Krupp guns Is within two hours' aaarob of the Oonnan frontier. .... a . -lajniing r Dnos' mere a certain part af tba Ger man press Is sounding a not of warning against the "American peril." which, they say, bj becoming saore aad mora a meneea ta Germany. It la demanded that tba government erst ematleally keep oat all American capital last Oonnan Industry shall ba entirely wiped out- end alsa to plaeo the fair host possibly duty aa ajl Amertoaa goods. , John D. Rockefeller, who la aatd to have suooess fully bought a large bank ta London and who repeatedly baa triad to get a foothold ta Be rim, la said to be using all possible meaaa ta get boU of at least part of the recently discovered oil territory ta relotsla. la 4 escribed la tbsae papers aa reaching out for bank la all pares af Oarntsay that ba aaap control thla oountry aa ba already eoa troU the United Statea. . . . . Saras fba drasi Xrmke. -:. Tba btrth of a aoa to tho near waa a severe blow to at least one man. tba Oread Duk If lohael. who until then, bad been heir presumptive 1 tba throne. I learn, on tba authority of a gentle man of tho court who was present when the news waa broken to the grand duke, that he turned pale and appeared about to fall, but with a great -effort con trolled binfatf and dropped oa hi knees 1b prayer, v Later Ih the day, the grand duke. -a Med. consumed two magnuma of ehaas' pagne, drinking ta th beeltb and long life of the newly arttead h ... - A i mt bval Ttmora.) Ospyrlght. Hearst Keas Service, J., ..... -7. wis at Tkm Imaal.l Parte. Seat. !. After a auasmer af many weeks, tha most tropical which J- V- Porta 'baa seen for aaany yean, thta city- anoa mora begins to feet like - : self. , :. -- Tho American' and Smglhm tourism. V -who are the guests and auurtera here v aurlna the moDths when no true Fan- ' shut wo has a few hundred fraaos ta spare would think of staying hero, are lea aumsrewa, and more and mora per vi ' pons of note return every day. I bava S just met PreeMeht Lou bet am Boulo ' . 1 vard SebastoooL tanned and auaburnt .4 like a rasa southerner. - '. L' Ho has just returned from hla eplen '1. j did estate, liatano, after having been , . allowed to be a lumen being for tares ' - :' months, as ha. says himself. ' ' "Whan -I am la Tarla," this moat - V. lovlal and democrat.0 ot . all Fteiwh -1- prHlerrts aay. "I am aot U. LoubeC I am oommoa property! I am tied down " by rules which 1 hate, and which make ' . 'km feel like a mere marionette." ' ' When at Haacns President Loubet ttvaa ' 4 the life of a plala oountry gentleman af i' '; simple tastes. Papa Loubet. aa every- - body calls him, rises at dawn and takes . inmadlatatv a oold aluago m a big tank which be bad bulH last year and la whloh be remains at least half aa hour. Hav ing put oa a llght dreea, generally of white deck or pongee silk, he takes a very light breakfast and than works With bis secretaries attending to Official bustneaa until noon. At lt:s9 bo lunch with his family and a few frtendac After hineb be lights hla big briar pips aad takes brisk walk ta the park and then generally goes ashing ta one of the many brooks whloh run through bla waads and fteido. . ' j ,. . v, t Tbrtto Kim smother. :' Four or five timoa a week K. Loubet walks over ta have a chat with bis aid mother, who m always proud and happy to see her "boy, aa she still calls him, and there to ta alt France certainly aa better son that Kmil Loubet. Dinner hi served at , and then after a gams af earde with Cousin Pa red la, th old1 mayor, of Maaena, the president retires at 19 o'clock. During the hunting aeaaon President Leobet very often takes part la hunting parties wita aia neign- bnrs and geaeraUy brings home A walfr , filled bag. ' A f "I shaU never become a true Fmrlsiaa," ' he said on bis return to Paris the ether . jday, "and I shall oertalnly w el 00 me th dav when t shall be allowed ta retire ' and spend the rest af my daya la tba 1 country. To be the bead of a nation Is " 'aa honor, but certainly no phmsure, aad I have always felt-great pity for the poor k monarch who are doomed to remain ta - mm all tha Uvea.1 . A cock c rdwtng eantest ts to take ' place at the great mternation exhibition ' whloh la to be held at Coura-Ralna east month. If etnbera of the Fronob Bantam club are averywbef buoy trsnaiaaT their birde for the ereat contest. V While being trained the birds are kept la eovered oagaa and whoa tba oovero are suddenly removed the eocke, who ara armiaed from their sleep, under tho lm nrMiinn that dav has suddenly dawned. ., commence crowing and keep It up for fi ten or fifteen minute, oareruiiy tfmea by their trainer, who stands before them 1 Mm watch In hand. . . . During tbo eon toot tba teaks Hl erow twice a day ta haata. French aad V ', Belgian bird lovers are looklag to these Mnntests to take away oa toe one nana 1- ' the tests for each figbttngt and aa the ' 4 other the habit of keeping slngind btrda In eeotlvltr. Unfortunately most peo ple prefer the Singing birds to the erow- tr,m it annki. ; ' the osar of nasals, U ta said, has da- nated 10,SM franco' -io the Russian treasury to be ved ta pa part of the enormous expenses af the Rusaq-Japaa- eae war. . " " Bven this will not maker the eanr poor. Nobody knowa tba exact amount si tba immense fortune of the near, but Kbi fact that Nicholas II owns ana hundred palace and castles scatter "n all oart if his great empire. On these estate he gives work to Sl,oea servant, cooks, pages, valets, gruoma and gardeners. The wages of this army of employee amount to mora than ts,oo,m franca a year. la hm private otablea ara MOS oarriesv- and aaddb horses, and be awn more than w.oee bead or eatue. The eaer-blmeelf knows only a small part of his chateaua. and has only vis ited II of tba lot palaces belonging to him. Should necessity arise he ha i ctared that ba will sell half of them or mora ta raise money for the war. If Haa aia's foreign aredtt ahould hsoeaaa am baosted. - '...,.'..' m r - : ' -"if -i; a ev ea bh en aiUllI Tiutt fs toon mm vou decide that you want the best clothes your money can tray, bead yourself for our store and keep your feet working until you get bere. . . , V Ve Have the Right Clothes at the V ? The We on the left thew the iw BACK VARSITY the very latest style in Men's Suits. ; We have quite a number of other styles. The one on the right shows the RAIN COAT, a fins all-wool tabric, made rain proof and cut in the latest A dressy overcoat for general wear and to keep vou dry 1U Um 1 SUlir W1U4 m evMewMa Right Price Iiiicoator Overcoat $JS.OO to $30.00 ''1 f.y- Copyright 1904' oy Htrt Schtffner & Mara IIMbliliCci P-. !,t. J v 1 Copyright 1904 by Htrt Schsffner j? Marx Bbf Ha'TuPfleP ; ' '2. affsa"F aar" vaw ERRCJ CP GROCER RESULTS 'M CEATH es msam, or ajsouars roa SMAUi SOBTS. V: (gpoHsl Dtsyetca M the bjersil.) Ited Loda. MonU Sept. l.-r-Word has reoetved hers of tba shocking death at Udgerwood of Mrs. N. W. Wot oester. who wa buraed ta death a re sult at a grocer who gave Mr Worces ter gaaollns for kerosene. Tba women was in th act of filling a lighted lamp when tba oil biased and dashed about the roam: . Dashing from tba room, Mr. Worcester dragged her two small sons from tba burning building and then re turned to save some of. her effects. - She bad only entered the room. It ap pears when aa explosion occurred whloh enveloped her in flames. Mrs. Worces ter waa not knowa to have entered the building; and when bar huabaad broke through tba window ba found her obarred aad lifeless body lying on a bed. The woman apparently bad attempted to smother her flaming gamaeatt with blankets. Has remains were frightful ly burned, oa arm falling from- the body, '-- ' "-. ' "M . CAPTURE IS CONFIRMED FLEISCHMAN IS AT ! '.'! " j-r-f 1 ' (sprnml PhJiiiai byiasmd Wbe Ta rosrael) New York. Sept. 14. Luls Ilslsoh bjmuu the rastauranteur, whose pbU anthrophy aa eaempUfled' nightly la th "bread line" at his bakery at Tenth treet and Broadwav. baa made him famoua throughout the world. Is tying at death'e door today at hli home, No. 4 Weat Seventh-seventh street, a vis um pf paralysis. ' netsebmaa was "born ta Aoetria Anguet IS. IMS. Rw Esther waa rich and gavs him, as well as the ether children, a thorough college training. But 1ns toad of pureumsr bla studies through a universltr. young Flelsoh- m nhosa a asUltary career, winning great distinction, especially at the bat tle af Sadowa, during rtna .usxre-r-ru- laa war! M had risen from a oadet to the rank of lieutenant and wnue ral lying hla troopa, which haa been re peatedly broken, two. horsea wars shot beneath) blm. -''-'" For hla heroism. Sknparos Fraaem Joseph decorated blm with two medal. Ho resigned from we army in laiacanu - Prmideot Ioubet le reported to intend to bestow the Grand Cross of the Legion ot Honor npoa ex-Queen Natalie of Ser vta for her heroic oondaot during a fire whloh recently dbstroyed the fashion able Hotel d'Aagleterre at Aanacy. The aueaa, who waa stopping tnooa nito at the hotel when the fire broke out at tba rlek of bar Ufa saved several persona from tba flamea and serried an old lady In bar anna out af the burning build in whoa It already threatened to col lips. She spent all night nursing thoee who had bean' overcome by emoke aad waa oboe red by the firemen who Jiad discovered her identity whoa she left. She lost ail bar personal belonging la tag fire. - - - - INDIANS. RECAPTURE S DESPERATE CRIMINAL ' (Saectel Dbawtm a The leareaL) Strung, blent. Sept 14. Th Crow Indies poUea tonight captured aaa af tba Parkingtoa brethera, who with eight others of the worst known crimi nals In eastern Montana, broke from tho Billings JaU but night. Parking- torn, who baa tba reputation af being aaa ot the moat daring boras thieve oa tba range. was captured as be wif trying ta make his eaoapa aut of 'the oountry on .a stock train. Partington waa readily recognised br tba Indiana, who had pursued him oa previous oo oaslona. - Mosler and Orady, who oanfaased to murdsrioa Searaeant of Polloe Hannah and shooting SheriS? Oeorga Hubbard. ara making their way ta the wilds of Jackson, hols oountry on relays of horses tarnished by ' friends of tho outlaws. The bandits ara armed With Winchesters aad a fight m inevitable rf they are overtaken by the posses of oowsors now do en their trail. . OBJECT TO SORBIN'S v NEGRO ENLISTMENTS (Special Psajeim by Limid Wwe m the JearsaTI Washlpgton, Sept 14. Ooneral Co bte baa rawed a raw in the artillery oorpa af tho army by hla suggestion to enlist aca robs in that branch. The opposition to. tbo Idea Is not oa aoeeuaf of any prejudice againat the negro sol dier, who renders such faithful service la tba two Mgtmeata of Infantry and of the cavalry arm, but la due rather to th knowledge that la the eeast artil lery, at least there ara other reasons which woal make snah recruits "lav They eeutd Only be of ase at Southern stations, where the government bee so' far failed to assign the aegre troopa; beejde there would be difficulty la the way or promotion, especially ot one peat where-there to danger of having a white mea reduoed from aon-oammle-aionod officer ts the maka and who would ba serving hnder s negro who would be advanced. Pooelbly th negro might ba admitted te tba field artillery provided those of the required lutein gen were found willing to enlist at all. The Moo. at all events, Is not likely to be favorably - eons Ids red Is Washington. . , g . ' V -V " " " CeaUMMd from Pag One.) to lad lost that such Is their Intention. It la arodioted by navy and federal offletalo that when the time cornea for tba Lena to go Into oommtasloa again It will he found difficult to scrape to gether a sufficient number of the tig aal orew to man tba vassal. The oarole under which the crew end officers of tbo Lena bava been pleoed limits their movements to San a ren der and tba immediate vicinity. - No bonds ware exacted from the offloora and men. and aside from their poomlee they ara not bound hi any way to remain by the ship. - Desertions from the bens bra being reported dally, and the federal authori ties bava reoeived word to. the effect that the men are scattering throughout this oountry and several are making endeavors to return to Russia.. , Tba Japan steamer raerlcab sfaru will be duo bars hi a few weeks, and ft ta atatsd that the official of the oom- pany that operate tba vessel will ea erolse great vlgilanos ta prevent any of tba Russians from stowing away on board the steamer in ecoer wiwan vettsaano an the little brawn saea by wrecking the ship. oncrr rs tuioi mm, . (Kpectal Dtraetm W Ta Jeeraal-V ' t Petersburg, Sept 14. Oenoral Orloff. for bla failure to some ta the front at fciaa Tang; has aeon removea from hla oomraand. - , - it la a aubieet for- aiueh goaatp fn tb easltal tonight aa to whether ttils meana that ha has been Olsmtased mm the army, as was this afternoon m mo red, or givsa a change of commend at soma leas Important post It Is known that Kuropatkia leetHSJuend hla dismissal from the servioe as) tba ground of Ineoatpeteaeyi . f , ataiopatila'a flaabo Xaea ; ; fleerasl SperUl Berrlee.) r' Tukw. Seat K A report wag received here today to tba affect that Marshal Oram has succeeded la flan King K.nvo- patkln's army and baa thereby rsadand hla bold oa Mukdra untenable. It Is believed here that but one eonra hi left ann ta tb Russian general and that ts tb retreat toward Harbin, following mock the same lines aa those pursued la the Uao Tang sampalgn. Still another, report was roast tod night hut ta unconfirmed, tbo general tenor of whloh m that aa attack waa be gun today on Port Arthur, under order from oayama nrging nest m sjMrauons St that point It IS not thought that tho fortress can resist aa attack suck as has been carefully prepared for ta th past week. Its fall will relieve SMSt Jap anese troops at that point who will hurried forward to assist la tba Aght age lest the Russians at Mukden. . From tba Maw Or lean Times Pemeorat - "A pair of deaf and dumb lover ought b consider thimsilvaa fortune to." - , . "Whr ear Why, they can sit down In the middle of the largest srowd and have s eawt talbV . . J- . - AMERICANS BESET BY THE STRIKERS ,-r ii ii StATOa WAM WTOX AM9 MATW tSTOrt m zwasca: VsXLWAT London. Bead, lay Robert A. Tan Wvok. former mayor af New York City, aalled for noaaa an tba Baltic last Wed nesday, a fortalght age Van Wyek and John V. Malntyre and wtfa ware la Mi ma and found themes! vas ha tba midst of a violent strike. They were seated la b safe one night, when the strikers entered and smashed tba fixture and the safe doora and - wtndowa. Van Wyek'a natal waa barrteadad and the landlord adikmd tba party to remain te- doetw aa be would not guarantee their lives If thay ventured out Van Wyok Insisted they must catch a train, and ordered a carriage to lake them to the station. No carriage oould be procured, aad deeplte the landlord's pleading, tb party started. to wain io the atatlon with porter carrying the baggage. A threatening- mob followed the party to the station and things looked critical until Tea Wyok Axplaiaed that they were Americana when tb leader of tb awb aald ha would not ma last them but would kill the porters. Van Wyok said he never saw similar strlks conditions eesewbore. Tba otrlh- era did not apparently fear the police. etopped carriages on all the streets and compelled the paaasngsrs to walk. indulged In violence everywhere and naralysed tba city for a week. no York former mayor said ha was glad ' ssaaps aJlva.- ' ' PRESIDENT PRAISES : NEGRO, FATHER OF 27 ta this oountry, wbers hm broth er had established tba Fislsahmsn Yaaet factory. Louis conceived tb Mea of exhibit ing a Vienna modal bakery in connec tion with the yeast eahlblt at the Phila delphia exposition. This met with such suoocss that th eatabllshSMnt at Tenth street aad Broadway was built Although knowing nothing about baking, -netsehmaa fidopted methods resulting m hla turning out broad and roll that baaama aelebrated lav eU th tand. ' Tb -bread Mas- Mea waa alas ang inal with the kind-hearted, - genial rweehman, and has become on af the noblest and moot practical charities in tab world. Thousands ara red daily, the Una of the applicants for bread at -the bakery door, often eateuntng ror several blocks. Aa a sbaraotsrlstle tratt, tt may be mentioned that even tb Immediate members of Fleiech man' family knew nothing abontt be bread tine. Until K bad been la mdsunoe nearly n year. - WILL INVESTIGATE TEE STR03 CASE ckMrno wxo bs bais vo bavb BrmAiw gAtnyjaw a bam CftrBM. tot TB atAva m. brsamnrB tm ' srsAff aovb vo mm mwrnmrn, : SULTAN'S BOLD ON THROIJS 1AX fiHlil Plinlm by tsamd Wwe fc Tee Baltimore. MA. - SeDt 14. M. . Brown, a oromlnent aegre af 4)1 North Ollmors street this city, M tn ratner of II sblldrea by th same wife. . Ro eontlv be wrote to President Rooeevelt apprlelng him of thla fact and praleing Mr. Roosevelt's annua en tae negro and rao auMtd aaeetlon. Today Mr. Brown reoeived IBS fellow- Ins- answer to his letter: Oyster Bay. M. T., Sept H, ltsc Dear Sir: The president waa pi with your letter af the tth Instant aad takea elMSure la sen lag you herewith hla photo, upon which ha has placed an antonraah trmoriptlbn, which hopes you win accept -with hie oempii- meats, very truiy yours, T -WlbUAM LOBB, JSC, "Beeretary to tba Pnaideat saertal namtsb w Tb JeersaL) Rarrlnaion. Waab.. Sept 14. Law- renoe Edward Tlerncy, a vlettm of the r.ii aia fira. was hurled froas the cetholl riburch yesterday. . He lb years old and waa highly on (hiwI'Dsaia biainniLI Asotin, Wash Beat tt While pUy Ina football here the ball hH Dr. Teaf- pta'a horse, caualng It to run away ana mash two Buggies eausiaai a age of Uv k , - ITXOBB ABB MVn tf OA Va fCesrrlgM. Beaut Bewa fervhw, by wire m The JeSreal.) ConstantlBopla, Bept 14. The death ot the lata Sultan Mured and tba aa- eeemlr haata with which he waa turtod may lead to tba final downfall of Sultan Ahdnl Hamld. The polio bava discovered several ee- ertt political aaaoclatlona, tba mmaera of which bava bound themselves by oatn not to rest until they bava succeeded la dethroning tba present sultan. number of officer In the army have boon arreeted because their nameo were aa tba list ot mam her af the aasocia. tlone and In the apartments of oae of theee was found a targe quantity f 1r- eulara ready to be distributed, la whloh Abdul Hamld waa denounosd as a mur derer and an seamy of the aeopla. who muet be mad to suffer the same rate as the late Sultan Murad. The saltan, who baa been told af the existence of the conspiracies. Is doubling th nuards around the Tlldts Kloek and has again sent word ts th Prlnoe of Montenegro ashing for SSO mors eaoua- talneera ta -guard his person, . KILLS HIS WIFE AND COMMITS SUICIDE Spertal Mm by Uamd Wbe ta Tea Jsanwl) New Tork, Sept t Murder end suicide ended tb career of Louie Ber nard today in a secluded farmhouse la the outskirts af Linden, near Elisabeth. N. J. Bernard first killed tits wife and then himself with a double-barreled shotgun. The two were found lying olooe together ta A little room they uaed aa a kitchen, Bernard wes born In Swltserland, of Wealthy parents, and for about it years served ta the Preach army. . On the death of his parents. Barnard squandered hie fortune and oams to thla oountry to work aa a tuner to a musl oal Instrument factory. Day after day be tuned the toombsM of th music ho e aad the Interminable repetition of peculiar etrs Is believed t bava af fected his mind. - - HEINZE MAY SELL TO RIVAL COMPANY Butts, Mont, Sept It Judge Will lam Clancy, who recently awarded a verdict to P. A. Helnse of tlS,eSo,tss ta the Minnie Healy mine suit and whs hi fooognlaed aa of pronounced Heine rvmpethies, today m aa Interview de- otares that P. Augustas Maine baa, or la about ta turn aver, hie axtaneive Butt mining intereete ta the Amalga mated Copper company. Judge Clancy "Bven mow, ta say parse Sal knowledge. three obex racier are at work ana Inlnn the record and tltleo of the Montane Ore Purchasing proportion Prequent report have bees going the reunda ta the effect that Helnse has sold ant and Clancy's statement la the first sales given ta the ruaaom (fieeabl THeeewft by teamd WwetaTm Jbermtl San Francisco, Sent It "1 wish tt ta beoems known that there M to be a thorough investigation of Convict Stoh'a easa. No maa will ba permitted to da anything wrong la San Quantln while acting ta hi official capacity, and oertalnly -no one will be permitted to practice any Inbnman acta tr we can p rarest it-t-Prom aa Interview .with prison Director a N. Peltou. The state board of prlaoa dirsctor are about to undertake a thorough In vestigation af affairs at San Quentln prtaon. Tba recent disclosures anent the torturing ot convict Aoam niron have stirred the board to action, and a searching Inquiry wilt be instituted con cerning thla and other matter to which public attention baa been called within the past six montha. . Former United States Senator C N. Peltoa whs ta a member-or th board of prison director, Insist that this in quiry shall take place. Senator FeKon was la town yaeterdap aad held a lengthy conference with Oovernor Par dee. Tba governor refused to mak pub- lie tbb particular of thla eonferenee, merely elating that the question af an Investigation of the Stroh case was not brought up. Senator Pel ton oorrobor- Jted tba governor la the particular, but tvea hla views af tba ease la no un certain terms. i. . . Soantao Peltoa Bynks. - In an interview Isst eventng tba aea- ator said: "t mat Governor Pardee hi the Palaea hotel and ws bold a general eonferanoe over prison matters at San QuenUa. While talking te tb governor, however, I made no mention af tba affair which has Just been brought to light namely, tb tricing of Convict Stroh ta a strait Jacket There waa aethtag said at ail about tba matter, nor did the governor aire any instructions aa to what sours was to be pursued. "As for myself. I aa net oar to an- nreea aa opinion In regard to tho ease at thla time, beoauae of the fact that 1 have not Investigated It and therefore know nothing of the recta. It would hardly be proper for aaa ta say anything now. I nmai have my any a little later. Thla muoh I can state, aad I wtatt If te be known, that there ta to be a thorough Investigation of Convict Btroh'o ease. I have no aouax tnat h will be held very soon, and would not be at all surprised If It was sailed for tbo early part of aoat week." . K ,.r DEATH ON THE RAILS ; NishtSchooI ' 60 MfferwtrtCl V , Z Tcwlstr. - Fall Term Opsfu Motvday, r ., i Smptmmbmr 26 .' ,j : ...y, . Pee Subtaab- . ' ,. y I Moa. Algebra ....................... .W$ Architectural Drawing..... . Arithmetic .'.... Bookkoepiak ....... Carpentry .. Chemlstrr .....-.. Civil Service Classes .... Commercial Law ........ Electricity ........ i ... . Elocution Bnglneerlng Mathematlea English Orammar Piwe Hend Drawing: we..... Oeographr .......- Oeomstry Oerman Interior Decoration Machine Dealgn ,.... Mandolin. Quttar Manual Training Mechanical Drawing Pattern Makiag Penmanship. Physics Plumbing ..,........ ' Public Speaking -Reading and fipelllag .... Rhktorlo r.. ...... Sign Writing .............k Shorthand ......1. . Spanish . . . Btaam Engineering ....... Telegraphy ...... Trigonometry ..,......- TypewHtlng ........J....... Vocal Moeic . .v .... Wood Carving S.trw 1.5 B.OO s.oo s.oa tV4mo. 1.B0 a.oo B.OO 1.BO S.OO l.SO S.OO S.OO B.OO a.oo a.oo s.oo s.oo s.oo l.SO S.oo s.oo S.OO l.SO S.OO S.OO s.oo s.oo 10.00 ia.00 s.oo s.oo - 4.00 ibammfp grrea tarn,' eVibrary. ajwimmtag Pool. Enadball OonrV Parlor, Betbe, Brmss TT- naTs? OAWAOBB.1 '! " ' Cor. Fourth sa4 YunLI3 (Cotitlaaed from Page Oaa ' after 4 o'clock bearing it dead and wounded and another train waa Imme diately dispatched to the soon t bring those oodles which are being recover! from beneath the huge pile of Junk, that but a fsw hours ago represented oae of the finest trains of tba Southern rail way system. - Among those in)ared was Congress man Henry B. Olbsoa. His Injuries are not eertoue. He, la eompaay with many others, waa sn route to Newmarket to attend the funeral or W. B. King, a prominent merchant af that lty, who died yesterday- James King, ana of those kilted, wag a brother of W. R. Kin -'' ,4 . .: (apKtal Dleaetrh ta Ta JeersaL) ' Baker City. Or., Bept 14. The magnl noent Elks temple, now under oonstruo tloa by Baker City lodge No. tst, and whloh ta snder roor, win m au probabil ity ba finished next year. The lodge ewes aa debts an the property, baa paid for everything aa the work progreeeed and by the time the aeaaon opens la the aavlng will undoubtedly have eold Uw balance of the sonde a that tba building oaa be finished and furnished. Sseetal tmustoB ta ta Few eel.) Moscow, Idaw Sept 14 Bdwhrd Wat bia has Mat traced a Ally which diaap- aeorad from bla farm six years ago. It wag' found an a farm near Johnson, Weak and by the ooaeera returned to Its rightful owner. It waa valued aa lMk ' . WZAB TISTT QOXtPAX. . (Speetal BbaeM The Jeereet) Colfax, Waab,, Sapt 14- A party of about 1TI Spokane buslneo mea will mak a tour af saatarb Weeoiagtea neat Blue Mountain Sanatorium at -:h , . OTXRS OP ' '"j Consumption Sanatorium treatment Is tba Meal and only successful treat ment for tuberculosis. It ooa alsts p rind pally of life ta tba open air, root forced feed lag; hy-dro-tborapy and massage. Th hatha at thta institution are sup pi lea from natural hot mineral springs, the watera af which ex ert a marked curative Influence Patients from the wt eld of th mountains are especially benefited br the change of climate. Tb dry air of eastern Ore son and I.SSS feet of altitude stimulate tba ap petite and improve nutrition, ... Bieanlia sates en tba O. B. a) B. Do. Bap htahewj te Btaa bean Basing. Aemsesg bp aaeU, DR. J. L BINGHAM ri--i 1 - - I. m i ju orenii-iiiri ii iri-i r . - week, visiting ta CoK. tern her ts. It hi ep:t sens will eatertxla the vt. eon tb aha armory. w-Xi4aUa--- rf-ah fr.