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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
THE ORKOOKT SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNTNc. WPTBMBSH 3t V I .i -: ' lifflXION DOLLARS I i H f t AO P I- ission Men Estimate That 500,000 Sacks t PtfifU WeW Pmn 'ti Very ; W in i ii ! - - PiiiA ' Wtra at Tee avanal) Saermsssnto, Bspt. 14. In tbe It hours p ta t o Clock this afternoon. the weath er bureau's log a bowed a rainfall of . f aa Inch and nearly all ef that oaroe down wlthla a very few minute. For ' ' U H hours oittl efelech the feoord 'Vwea ,H ol u Inch.. ' . j; Tbe crop of bN In rJaeramsnt eoa- ty to regarded by commission mea aa , ruined, 'ib era ta about eW.OOe bags ana the leas to eat 1 mat ad to ha a million dol ' Vara, after making allowance Jot poaalbia : eavlass Croat this wreo. (Bpxtal Btapatm by Xassed Wlra the Jeeraal) Baa PraBcleoo, Bept. 14. TO tha OOrtta 'ward and off tha Oregon aoaat the moral wMoh for two day a hat lashed It fury throua-hont tha lsngth and breadth of tha Pacific slope lies In muttering am hue h. Tha wind and rain haa re tNattd ta tha Dathloaa tract af tha ansae. There ther wait for tha ,tn a hInlaaa ahtna' and.' tOS tha Into apa of eeethlnaf foam. But Sen rraaelaco haa not lost tts visitor of today. It will return. . On tha ward of tha weather man will come aamiat naaa an It way to It STRANGE SKIP SEEN OFF GOLDEN GATE (ayeelal Dtepatth by ftaaaad Wto to the Jearaal) Ban 9 rranetaea, etapt 14.Cm1aln nund autaua aC-Ma harbor to a at range ahtps and tha thine now nppar moat in tha mlnda of tha buatneas man of this elty to whether aha will prova to be a friend or foa to our merchant aaa- - rlna. The reaaaS was plainly aaan today by tha two lookouts ot tha nwrtna ex chance and they arar that tha oonraa that aha waa ateaaakia: when flrat alatited waa for this port, bat tt appeared that ' ' whan aha was out of lsht of the weather bureau observer on VmraJlone Island her souroa waa oaaac-ed seaward, and ta a aouthweeterly dlreoUon. Bha waa jast aaan ateamln to the aoath west. and from bar two fonnsla roiumas of amoks wars ponrlnaT oat. - At first It waa thought -that tt Wlrht be tha Chltona warship Qansral Barqua- dano. which la ex oec ted hare almost any riar. from Yokohama, bat thti vessel bV said to bo bark rlccad, and furtheratora, aha haa rsaaon for avoiding this ' port. . " " " Tha first to atffht tha Teasel was Cap tain rraak Breltfald. the marina e ehajura observer on ML Tamalpala. - A few minute before 1 o'elock tbta morn- .rns haaa tha vassal eomlns out of the hake about SO miles northeast. Her ouraa waa ohapad for thla port, and as she earns aWat saw that the small waa a maa-of-war. ' Knowta that some Russma warahlpa ware axpeeted to seek rsruas here ho did hto utmost to make bar out, but suddenly tha base shut the vessel epit of alsht. Ho ownmnntoatsd with Capt. Thomas) Anderson, the ob server at Pomt Loboa, and he banns; the - sosltlos of tha atranasr aoon ptaksd bar up. Ha watched bar approach, and then ' about IS miles away ha saw tha aourss .of the vassal chanced to tha south west - and the last Urns be saw Mr aha, waft ---aUU en that eouree. . ... ---- - i Oaayhsara to swa. . lOspyataat, Hearst Xrai aarvtae, ay Win to The JesrasLI t. Fstarsbura;. opt 14- Csar Nleh olaa baa Issued an order to tha gorsr nora of tho southesstara provlnoaa of European Buss la that they must Imme diately put an and to tha disgraceful sals of Towns woman, which baa bioome oommon atooe tha bsarmnlns; of tha war. Owlna; to tho depreeelon In Industry sad oommerso emussd by tho war, fath ers and husbaada have aponly sold their daugiitara and wlraa ta Jewish acanta, who bars thesa szpsrted to Sontb Amsr toaa ports. Tno amia of those pound womon haa been carried an In open marmot without say attempt of esneeaJroont Tho av erace price paid by tha Jews for a youxar woman to about tt and the trade haa been anormoualy profitable to thesa, aa Che Russian oonsolo at Kla 4a Janeiro sad asanas Ayree have re ported that tha prloee paid In those olties by owaarg of dlaorderty bouses avoracs . . . In futors any man found aetllnff or buy Ins: a woman will be banished to tha Blhortan mlnsa for life. . j- , ; . 10L1TA ARMOUR IS 5; - COMPLETELY CORED COiaillant. 'tfearst Vews ssrvtae, by temed 'Vbs to The JesraaM '' Tandon, stopt. I airs. Ofldsn Ar- aaonr of CMeasw, who haa sees esitftned to bsr bad at Clarkiasa with Infl sense stnoe her arrtvai last week, will proossd to Vienna on Tuesday to oln her dausb- . f eavwss iroa w- 3 .y ' t Kbatt evaxji or ooask -.wta aa mam Jm pantos t. '- ,-- ansp. 1 ma smm aun I ' ter, LUta, who la there uadsr the oars of Dr. Lorstux Bine nor arrtvsl M Landon, I. Lor- - ns has tsessTsphed Mrs Armour that little Lotlto. to aotlrery eurad. A dsoond - operation was performed mat June ,' which was ajtscsthsr ooeosnsfuL After ." brief vtstt to Vienna, airs. Armour wUl take her daughter boms. . . , Footpads secure 0 -j:s $40 from a student V ' iapensl niiiiUb to Vse JeeraaL) : sVattle. WaalL, wept I4nsskso . fsotpada relieved Cecil L. LasabeH. a son of Profc C B. Xambart. and a ats - dnt of tha state unlversUy, of 1 40 to p avid, near the west end of La tone bride between 1 and t o'ctook this moralna. Lsmbsrt and a oosnpsalon, Harry Isbeu, alee a nniveratty alodent, wars asm sailed to stand and deliver at tho point . of a revolver. - e Jims artM . arsastnarh the brides fwo '"Vest aMppstf from the 'brush. The aaer sf th two held a revolver, which be 'vust Into the fares of tns two aoys l m ansa Uaas oommandlact "Hand '-- t-an bad. asHhln' of ralso on Ma la sn wsrtdo ponkst of Lamhert'o vast -r tsejad paras ooatainlnd 4d la TV CTAD1W tn Viftfnmb hv ' Heavy, Storm. - . t-i,. , 4-- aaatward, whwb to tha hahft of all well mannered atorma. Just when tha cloud center wUl aaln shadow this elty la bsyond the forecaster to predict Whether Ha sent In wlU bring a heavier or a Ugbtar storm than mat of the past 41 sours also unknown. , - ' Rnnrt (mm the SS-OOast OOtmtry' and from tha northwest weather bureau bavo prompted tha local foraoastsr in Quoting tha storm oft Orsgos. Showsrs front Loo Angsiee to tno uwiawt tr sot Into tho records, but they were light la the main and not oaloulsted to cause damage tn the tar mine country, rrom the a tats una to tna aorta tne raw. playing bnvoa. Thunder and lightning; ansa uinsslnaa to tna innasnsnsiv nAddv lewi -ssumsMnto hssj bad Ha sbars. Mid eves yastarday. when tho mm waa oom- paratlvely light in otner oeouons, ww .inm et the oanltsl elty rassd fwrosly and thunder rolled during; the entire day. Francisco, of sourse, nas reesrvea tha heaviest of tho ollmatls bsttsrtng and Red Bluff figured a oloee ssoond. Prssno. for tha storm, baa rsajiatsrsa only of an inch. Ban Luto Obupo and the surrounding country haa fait tha brunt severely, but it to not iiasiy we southern dtr will ba botoarad on the return of the ala MAY BE TRIED FOR sr MURDER OF 0'flEILl " (ssaetot laayateb to Vbs lestsaL) i " phUHpsburg. Mont, Sept 14. -Th Of flosrs who war piloted by robber John Christ to. Just before ho was sent b tha penitentiary, . has found the mountain cache of George Bsmuaend, Christhys pai, and-' secured . evldeaoa that wlU result In llsmmead belnc taken from tho penitentiary where he to now doing- U years for parti rrpatrng la the hold up of the North Coast limited train at Bearmouth. Mont, tost una, and being; tried for tha murder of KtacV aeer Da O'Neill, who waa kUled at the time tha North Coast limited waa held up at Bearmouth two rear age. Christie expected to And several thou sand dollars loot ea the train, bat la stead found saiy the masks and aid clothes worn by Hammond at the tiro of the flrat robbery, Hammond and Christie both pleaded guilty to robbing tha North Coast train and war taken to tha ppo tsnUary yesterday. - FIRE DESTROYS THE Y ASHLAND IRON WORKS Ashland. Or Bept The building of tha Ashland Iron Work waa destroyad by fir about d -o'olooh to night . Prompt work of tho fire oom pany saved th Pattern building; direct ly is the roar. ; Tha sleotrla light boUdV buf nearby on Ashland ereek, waa not damaajed. The dajnaxe to the maohlnss In tho main buUdlng to not pet known, but If serious or a total loaa It will bo about I7.900. There was some tnsur anos. The origin of the fire to unknown. Tho eompany bad large btrnlnssa. - .r fstmtsl measam TM Jew eat) - -' Baker City, Or., Bept 14. Word waa received yesterday at th aherlira oflee from Bourse, that s miner by the name of Frank Par gu son had been arrested and locked up there on tho charge of In sanity and threatening1 to kill hla wife, and that n little later rrgueon had es caped from tho lockup and to now at large, Seareh to halo made for htm in the bills, but ao far a known at relent wtthont susoesa. . fspnisil IhssatOb by Leased Was to The Jearatl) Parte. Sept 14. -Mlae Pauline Aator with her chaperons, Mrs. O reel ay, haa been vary busy la Parto purchasing her trousseau. With her ohapsrene and her devoted fiance. Captain Spender-Clay, oho has paaeed many busy and happy hours at th modiste, milliners and pie ture shape selecting lovely things. Tt to of f lo toil y node ret ood that tha wttdlssT wUl tabs plaoe on October tK - WHILE DESPONDENT COMMITS SUICIDE ' fspeelal Ptojsbw to The Jeareel.) ' Lewis ton, Mont, Bept to. Mason OudV gll. a well -knows pioneer of this elty killed himself at hto homo about 4 c steak this morning. Hs sbot himself through the heed with a large calibre revolver while sitting- on the edge of a bod. drodgsll to behaved to have taken hto Ms wblls dmuuunsut bo oaus of 111 luck. Henry tabonchere ta London Truth. ; About tho middle of tho hurt century, whan the Osrmaa bund aat at Frankfort I waa an attache to our legation there, and aa Horn burg waa close by I spent a good deal of my time ha that cheerful spot Th moat curious thrna that I paw waa thla, A chorea ta an Alsatian vil lage wee damaged by Ore, The nilasn blacksmith dreamt that ho toads ma chine which when wound no threw out a eonnter trtth n number da H every Ave mlnotsn He went la hla dream to Homburv with the maoblne, played on tha number and wen enough ts restore tho church. When he related hla hrism to hto fallow villa are money waa sub scribed, the mschine waa made and ha waa seat to Hosaburg with a small aapt tax v very nay for d weak the machine waa placed to the gambling- room under hto supervision, two peasant stood at the real arte table to play and the vil lage priest walked up and down the room praying. At the end of the week the requisite amount was won. . Th priest assured me that thla was th rasa It of miracle. He mar have been right or ha may have been wrong. Any how, the money waa wee and tha vil lage ehuroh restored. Kind Lady Hew tang am yon have dona anv wovkt 1 - - - Hobo Pardon toe, mum, but fat aaav or mimi mm CAUGHT QTJXCat WOM OsT m PAnV 01 BAhT SXrV AWAT fspsetal msaeOA sy Waa to Tea jesrsal) an Pranotoco, Bspt 14, The mystery of the Central Btook Ichange robbery has been cleared vp. John P. Mitchell, who was arrested on suspicion of holding up Cashier Prank I. Klynn and Clerk H. T. Hearny, taking tt.tfrf from them, broke down tonight and made a complete oonfesslon. 1 Mere than half tho money .. that he tole waa recovered. - The thief assorts that he had a eon rariArata and that tha latter sot away with ail K bioim that has not bean surrendered, but hla story was eulckly rounu to DO untrue in regar to us -vision of the loot and the police are Mivhlii tnr the remainder of the OOln. a they think that he baa hidden ft with tha expectation of recoverin it at some future tlm. Hla description of th a n eoBiederats to meaare and he asserts that tha does not know the name of the associate robber. Mltchel haa been under rigid examina tion alnoa the time of hto arrest To night he admitted to Captain Martin that the police theory aa oorrsot and that th robbery bad been perpetrated h htm hut w4th the aid of a confed erate, who remained outslds while MKoheli hht within tna ezooeng ana, executed tho robbery plana. Detectrve Wren went with Yttchell to tho Uttera rooms at 1SI7 OotavU street and there In the basement and the attlo the prisoner revealed the hM t niuas la whlok hs had DUt Wtd Of cola and U In chscfcs. Us had spent very little money at tns urns ox nt arrest, and 4I0 wad Paund ta hla pook- tTbe bslaaoe'Of the f.t, he declsred. had been taken by hla confederate, with two of four sacks that had contained the coin. Detectives Btulcahy and rrrrm lrf ffnnd t!a IP hurtod In the beaement at the octavia street plaoe. with 70t la ohsofca and some notes. The four money eacks were found hidden behind the eoal bin, dla provlns one of the statements made about the alleged oontpllolty of a sec ond man. The Area suit . ana waa found also, - . '- ; '- - - --. MRS. BELL WIIHS A . : POINT IN HER CASE OtoWMJ fsspntah by Issasd trsntofMJssraal) Nsw Torn. Bspt 14. There were to have baaa sneclal wrsumenta before Buprsm Court Justice Xsogh today on th demurrers mads by uawaia t. vu lard. Harold Vlllard and others, heirs of the Ute Henry Vlllard, who left 119,, in oppoeitlou to an action brought- bp Mm Helen TUlard Belt l Aa.urhtar af Vlllard.- who Is BUlna to set aside bar father's will on the ground that It waa secured enrouga unaue m flusnos, and .that aha did -not get a proper share of the estate. - nin tn ha aoaanee of OeoraO D. stumford. counsel for Mrs. Bell, -wb to away seourtn; avMene. application was adapted for an adjonrnmentv Th law- far tha VlUsrda OnnOSsd S loOST sd- Journment and demanded a speedy bear- tag, but Justice Ksogh said no wamea to vtvs Jfumford all the time be desired and adjourned the hearing until October la, at White Plains. This was another victory for Mrs. Bell, aa K will enable her lawyers to property prepare. EJECTED FROM TRAIN ...AND SUES FOR $4024 ' ' (sssttol IHnawh to The Jesrasll ' Butte, htont, Bent 14. W. R. WbodV niff, a- well known pharmacist of this dtr. has begun suit against the North ern Pacific railroad in th district court for damans of 14.04. While returnta from Ban Wranclaoe recently whither he had traveled on a return ticket bong-ht Here at to soma panya oflloe, the conductor aoeussd him of belna an Impostor, t ravelins on a scalper's ticket and ftaally pat him aat the train at Taooma. r Prom the London Daily Mall. LttUe Ketone Lea. wh reside with her parenU In York road, Lambeth, Is something , of a "wonder child." Bhe speak aa many anraagea as aha la sears of as. ' Although not - quite three, Rejane prattles fluently ta French. Italian and Bnallsh. Ia addition, th baby linguist has invented a mixture -of th three laiuruagea sort of "Esperanto" which she addressee exdualvely t her dolls. Baton wad horn ta Cairo. Her mother to French and her father Italian Bhe converses with both parents In their native language, a fsw months ago Relane waa broaght tt - London and pieced ta the care of a nurse whose linguist la attainments are Inflexibly limited En tit eh. Rejans ton dainty. sprightly little miss with raven black tresaes. Bhe explained tost evening; tns "tt waa vary dull having no one to coo verse with. It got very lonely ta time. Just fancy nurse not being able to apeak either French or Italian, and ah 1 years and year older than I ami Welt I felt 1 must apeak to some one or die! Bo X set jo work and learned tmgtiah. Rngilah la now ttstone'o favorite taa gnags. When, ta a few weeks, flston roaches her' third year she to ta begin learn tn Oerman, Afterward aha will be taught Arable. ' Her father la an accomplished tm gnlst so puisne' la evidently a case of hereditary talent ' a- . Jlllt. . t in - i id i " ".; wtAwamojA. ' . ' From the Chicago Trfbtme. ff ' "With the working1 day of eight houra," begins tho arguraentatlv- man, "the laborer must ven than devote forty-eight hours .a week to hie work; MIC hoars in th year must be siren to the" ' ' ' ' ' -f "But are yon making- no allowance for th time he la out on strike, " Interrupts the lletener. fv - Chegrlned. th- scsuraentattv aaan lapses into a squelehel all ha Ch Imm Tribunal rna an aat Ion before the Bkedunfc De bating society was, "Besorvsa, That a woman ha a right to search her bus band's pockets and help herself to any money arte flndi ta them." The discussion waa over and the judges were reedy to give their decision. -We ftlnd, Mr. Prsstdsiit" atd the spokesman. Uncle Aaron flhankllng. -that the nesraUrs hs mad tho boat srgymento, but the feck I e1n' 'em. Women alwus. hev d"- It an alwua will do tt Tharfore, Mr. President, we deeid ta farof of the 'Brmatlv," PAOER TO $ WKETffiSTO I' -'J BAnnoAnoaT BaT) - XCAT BsUuWBB , rWJU.VB I'. (a-aetol aenMtob by tasssf Wire to Tea Nsw Terk, Bspt ' waa an nounoed at Democratic heso Quarters to nurht that Judge Parks wlU aoon take the atvmp. The oampaln committee of the Manhattan elub la olnc ahead with arrangementd fot an Immense rat ification meeUng at Madison Square gat dea early 1a October, nsd their plan la ta invite Judge Parker to apeak. He to a life member of the club and th politicians believe that the elub would not arrange such h meeting; without hla consent Judge Parker took lunoh at the dab today with Daniel J. Caaipeu of Mich igan and Denial B. Lam on t, and K la understood thai th ewoject W dis cussed then. ' . . U la proposed to ask Wstrtot At torney Jerom to prsslde, and If Judge Herrlck has completed his eourt work by that Urn, to Invito him to speak asm With the oandldets for president and governor on tho same platform tho meeting; will be one of tho moot Import ant acta ia toes city as years. -. a teaMAavBtMaa . that Wllllaaa V. minatiai haa aakad Xndaa Parker to de liver II speeches during the campaign and TAat Venator nui nas eavisea im eourt that tt would be Inadvisable for him to take tho snump. All the other managers, however, ' Including- T assert. August naimcnt, snstor scn-err, William B. Bodla and Ptits Chairman Meyer, have bean nrglnc Mr. Parker to man a number af epeeabaa ta the lara cltlaa af tha eauntrv. Th DrOXTSm .will tsks him aa far west aa Denver. He baa the subject unocr consiaera tlen and to mollned at Is undsrstood to Ijndxa Paxksr rsoelred abouAlf visit ors todav. moat of them hla intimate frlenda who have been calling on him at Intervals ever grace bis nomination. Manv Dsmoerata who dee 1 red .to see the candidate were not admitted. Former Governor Hogs of Tsxas who haa not bees very enthustoatla over the ticket. was finally persuaded to meet nr. rnr- ker. Governor Hogs; has been in town several days, but until today had atsad faetlv refused to a to Mr. Parker's apartments. He spent an hour with th eandldata todav and when ho rotumca to the lobby said he might make few speeches for the ticket "I are going back noma now," no snio, "to make sure that Texas goes Dams- "-wo-khtoa. Others who eaUed worn Chairman Tae-eart Herman Bidder. William S. Rodle, Thomas F. Ryan, Joseph PL Suffer of Pa,. OX-Bonator Jones Of Arkansas, Charles 8. Hamlin, X P. Cald well and D. A. Tbompkina ox cnanous. If. C.i H. H. Cabanlsa of Augusta. Qa.; Jamss A. Gray of Atlanta and B. H. Anaoa of Montgomery. Ala. - John Bharpe Williams and Kepresemn xfvs Oowfadrd also called. Controller Orout waa In the lobby of the hotel, but did not pay -hto respects te-rh eandldata. He declared he did not even know Mr. Parker was la the hotel. Mr. Orout said he would apeak during the campaign. His first appearance will be as presiding; ofn ear ht a rally tn the Clermont avenue rtnhv Brooklyn. John Bharpe WUl lama wlU be the chief speaker., . - ana win Antva. - Benator H1U ta scheduled to arrive ta thla city tomorrow! Tammany Lsader Murpby returned from Saratoga late to night He will probably sail an Judge Parker tomorrow. - Before leaving th Democratic na tional headquarters, Sonera! Miles said that ho would make several speeches during the campaign ander the aueptcesw of the speakere bureau, turn general said h would, In his spesehss. speak at length on the two topics, the attitude of th United Bate toward th people of th Philippines, and the attitude of the' administration with regard to the establishment of a general army staff. It waa announced at Democratic head quarters that the speakers' burse will Send the general on a long trip over th continent during; the oampaign, ; j. - y - pirtoaad ' (Bpastol Dtopstsk to the JesrssL ' Chehalla, Bept 14. Chairman Welty of th RopublloaB aonnty central com mittee haa been notified that Benator Fairbanks special train will make four Stops In Lewie county on route from Taooma to Pert land next Saturday, Oc tober 1. Tho Republican vloe-preeiden-tlal candidate will deliver brief ad dresses at Chshalis. Contralto, Maaswtao and Whuoek. Ths hour the train will reach Csxirrelm M not announced, hot It will iutely be a little before loon. ' - j.; ,-- . CxUMSSB XdEB) WX d WfOAst M. . From the Atlanta Constitution. r Lettere received in Atlanta from Roy B. Andersen, ths well known Methodist missionary to China, who now holds the chair of BfflgllBh la Booohow univer sity, Boeebow, China, states that Brest aneaalncna to fslt over th recent boxer disturbances la the Fiovluoo of Kwang sl, where the rebels are being ted by Bun Vun. a Chinaman wbd was educated In America, holding- an M. Dw degree from an American university; Mr. Anderson writes; ' We are all ia a atlr her In the ori ent over th war and the recent disturb ances fen the Province of Kwangat The Chine In that provlnc have rebelled against the govrnmnt troops, and ths government troops have -surrendered right along voluntarily Jt goes ta China. Her la a Chines proverb: I am a soldier when am a soldier and I am a robber when I am not a eoldler.' This 1 the literal translation which, of course, seems crude, yet yon ona toll whst I am driving; at "Th rebels are being; led by Bun Tan. returned student from th United Bute. He received the degree of ht D. While ta the United Statce. He waa called te K wanes! about thfe weeks aso, had the rebels elected bim their leader by a unanimous vote. I really don't know what the outcome of ft will be, but 1t seems now to be affecting a good many parts of China that seem to be raw." : B' .. r M ' .. ' ' Ths lalBtMf Buthsr. ' From th AtUntn OonatHuUon. "What would you do af you ea a mad bull tohia attar yoa 'eroat a ma tisrr "1 "Climb a trs.- ; "list rpoe dsy warn4t no tree dart1' 'la I'd lump Inter d dry well. ' "But ef dey warn't no well da- how denf "Iooky hers, man. Ton to an sr dose foolish. 'gulaUlva, 'terrisatln' folks dnt would ax d Angel Oabr'l what he'd do of de devil stoled hla trumpet two hours V da lodgment day. . , OesmmmmVVVensnmt 4V fsnmmmnsV ' tAflal tJBbaTB AtotoAWdlssl PWJI mil SIliEST ACCEED tf HFI fsssstol Ptoastol to the saarssLV atoartia. Wash., Bsot 14. Albert Brad ley, who Is studying to bo a minister, of ths gospel, an alumnus ef the Moody Bible school od Chios, waa arrested by Detective Adams and Corbett at noon today on tha e barge of burglary. Bradley Is alleged to have broken Jot the house of an old man known' aa noddy" Btpea and stolen a coat and other articles of cloth Ins. When brought into th station Bradley dealed th charge. Tha detecttvee learned he had been llv- tn ta a tont at Lake Washington and going 'there found all tho stuff that Sipee had lost with tha adeeptioa of a revolver which had been pawned. There waa also found among hla effect more than 100 street railway transfers. When -Bradley was boo dad et police haadosartera he Informed th officers that he was a friend of Dr. M. A. Mat thews, pastor of th. First Preohy terlan ehuroh. and that Dr. Mntthews knew him wslL t Dr. Matthews was ashed to Identify ths accused student hut th minister said he eould not remember him. An axaralnaUon of th sburoh rn showed. however; that Bradley to n member of Dr. Matthews' church, and haa been sine May M last , - MAN WHO STOLE TEN : i; THOUSAND GIVES (IP (Byeelal IMssMoi vybaaaat Wife to The lesrsal) Ban Pranclsoo. Bept 14, Jnha . R. Blaney walked Into (he Central police etatloa tonlaht and told - Lieutenant Donovan, who haa ehera f th sta tion that he to wanted at Hoi yoke. Mean. fur ths Umfl of H0,t0. Me said that he was out of money and hungry i and wlshsd to pay the penalty of bis crime. When he was ssayobsd only 10 eeatn found tn hto pockets, which ho said waa all that ha had left ef the laras sum of mosey h nosnowled-ed to have taken. - Btansr dedarsd that ha waa formeriy aba treasurer of the Wire Weavers' union st Holyohsr Man. and that ha embensled the esoney ta small amounts durlnsT the term of hto office. He said that be a peat tha moaay ta that city en deavoring ta gaUa tha reputation of a anod fsllow." - MlMyuri9p MuU ; to thet For I. . ' . ' -i -A - Frees th Chlcags Inter-Ooesn -' IF It were not for the worlds fair and th splendid watermelon crop ta Missouri Om mule would be the ..nas eaaaooa talaa wsst -of the wm-taal rlvae last SOW. - Tbl SDiSO- dld animal, often called a bird by those who like his voloe setter tnan aie eaovr ..iitiax BHwaiaMi ta brlns n new cm of prosperity to Bt Louie and to help wipe out th soots tno warm - aw golnc to toav whan It bt a thing of his tory. - ' ' i ' ' Tk Mia ftvada Is otehlna uSm I4ve stock experts am predicting that the bl k. m tmm veara to be made la stock wttl be sntbnred hi by tho breedere of mules. When ooostructlon work on the Panama seaal begins ta earnest the? say the price of mules to bound to tamp, because thee are the only animals that oan stand the totenee hoax ox wee tlon and keep on working. The West Indies, Africa and the Philippine tolanda bar alee been erawiag oeavuy upw this country for mules, and the Anwrt sauie Is taOTsaslnsT In favor a a part of th equipment of IsMopeaa ens 1sn '- a. a Matter af fadt mules hav been (steadily rising ta value la Tsaaa, Ken tucky, Tennessee ana Missouri were an big mul farms which have enriched thetr owner la the last 10 years. Tst for some rsaaon or another the former mule breeding sssuono are nut piwiw nut anoua-h to suddIt the de mand, and their production lo deoltalng. Not many years ago naniucra ee tonnsta. wniie now wera an a a lhaa I sao. Msttisr decUaee are joted la Ten, Missouri and Tennessee. Ths mul ha been tn stanaaru worm snlmaa f th southern states for many years. It la there, ef enure, that ht flourishes moat Texas tops ths list With 40?,M0P Wltn Missouri near, wuu a aaa at i muat be remembered that Texas to n mighty big Statsl Of all the soothers states .Virginia noame o the smallest aumber, 41.000. The aver- vain of th mule in thee atstes runs from T to IBt. la the United States the mule averse IK more a head ta value than the horse 971.4 to If tit. There are nearly 1,000,000 mules, sn eoaxpared with ls.MO.000 horssa, On the Dig soutnera pianHws iMimhtr, srs nssd On ths biggest one In Louisiana, that of ' the Leon Oodlobaux eompany, una ,wv w i Kan. him aa worked th Teat round. Climatic, conditions mahs the mute more to be relied on than the bore In the rtoe dan and eotton aisinets, anu as .. ... haia hatter and more Intelll- gsntly worked, ths demand for mules 1 hhIa advantass OVOT the horn which hsv oom to be reoognlied by men who wora tno twn eiae i e.-. in the drat Plan, a paya th breeder bettor beoauee h sen bo put on th markst a year or two eoener. m s b tT Ji ai aa the horss. be- T V 4. m.uiii1do ta da aood Work lone before the hers can he broken to hsrnssev At l years ou h.M.iu the Bold and kept there until old see overtakes him. ' liiemuis is also healthier than the horse. He to rarely aubjeot to the horse diseases, nor to ns iwsiy -f blemlabea which destroy th many a colt Wrth a mula. If thsr are aa kM Imnalr hid' any nimmn - -- ---- - - . value, because he to purohased for work and not for beauty. He la not a nerv ous or high-strung as the hore. Hs has anner metises o sa"-F'- will stand greater hardships, hs more vitality, and whsa properly instructed la st sad I rr and mors rsuaoi. , i From the Chloaco Beoerd -Herald. a.a .h.t Mhal throuch your mind w. aaa iina'roa ever saw mr. ah asked, with a sweet little sigh. 1 wondered If sofasnoay sacs woman be polits enough to tana a, atran and eCer yen nis a r - From the Hew fork Weekly. Itsturned Traveler W bat haa become of Catohem Cbsatsm, tha rich lw- Retired. I presume? ResldesVTss. retired. . They at both la tho poor boas. - , , 4 -Phew! . What hs peases r They had a eiunrreL nd. wd ash ethenv" . r - . -. . Axmaam maw mvmimm w n A atxMJUiPnm, Ammmwm raw . . a AaWUBIUV Oaf sWsMDsw PBVjn ..-: 11 1 , - i - . . . r IT MIGHT BE YOU "t-. The next special prizt to be awsnfed fbr the near est correct etimate received before October lit win be $350 upright plana : - ' V; SEND IN YOUR : ESTlUATE TODAY ! jtcRC is v sWiUary or m prxsi .1 ' M Mk---A WIbm TensrlBf Cdn- (KHM Ho4r)..m tOSOe :. M rVlKtV-A Mmb. A aWa-iht nVsmn HemwYsmPn tt,300 Ufrin-4 CofKryaT Chrrlnet Grtfid Upright PUnoB. - ." IA ITifiMhrw UnHorift Pianna. .....-..-.- n.600 0 Apollo PUbo FUyer.....M.,., .a r. $0 Chicago CottanOrguui ...k'a - ' . 0 Grand Rapids Sectional Book Cim V 80 Royal Sewing; Machinca ....,... i M Kalanaxoo StovB uid RiofttM..... $0 Violins, Goitxri, MmndoHnt and Banjoa. t. AO Solid CrOadV Gold FiUed. ninled and Jaweled Men's and Women. Watcbea...... ...V KM Columhaa. Granhoohonesi TO AJ-VIbU PajrnTrarnie Uurwrra. ,ow. 900 Piece Httww QuaornpW Plata SUrtswara...,' MW S'100 Gam Safety rUxora...... .......... ........ W0 100 Mooraa fVotrr-Bieakable Fountain Pana.,...,. , ' M0 .1000 Volomea ''Thaodora Rooaejvelt. ...... 1,500 , 1,000 Volmnds) "Hodpon'a American HomeV... .aa , 1000, ' 1,000 Volhaiiaa "Stephen G. Foatar'a Sonc Album". : 500 . 1,000 Song and Uoai Folioa. ' 00 OrOOO i ( X0taI.eaeeeeaeeeeeeMee$Wp000 j - ' - ...... COITIONS Of -. hffrjjftf riM s?iTV '"r'? HOW T0 MAKE AN ESTIMATE aprixD ft oam srVawoa pom bat 0 oar v V THX JOUWvAL . ; SUBSCRITTION HATE Baa.). B S& sal daadAr. ft nOaCsa, ....... tj esbr. 1 year., p Um eatr, a weaeha...... j-jg BmyTssiuT"rmr"" t5 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK ; . . (On fhsj nt and 1 hi sswaealy4 -; Kr TlbmsnhOasnlseBMPe THE SUIT hi- 6T tll V a"1.:- If you boy your; Fall Suit hern,; r - mi, V aa" n a - a i mA, J i- t vui ' We are ahowtnf uSa new Brown Mixturaf in Single or Double Breaated atylaa oarrow collars and! UpekvweU . formed ahouldera and hainiaornelv tailored. r v ; K - r- Trouacra cut correctly.. t .- -f . - tlS.OO or tli.00 Suiu for the man with a consenratlve rsmrn ar tfiflOO of 125.00 lor Ponlancl JJT Y PortloBcJ , A& Agentt 1 1 r v - H!rt ;; I s J y Drtdieaa, ' Ituoratl A " T J-OmrnAmi VsntoB eM.OOe ; r Vmlhmv 1,000 1400 1,000 IrMO lrMB S.0O0 THIS GREAT CONTEST nuoxeypywwCT MPOtrAMT wTATrSTfCS -i . n- the tvri, IfovkTQTari Wm trfJl tsa sff dt.m pw 1ST Tl af, bm. ef ssr f. 400, ltd. ItH tU 1C044.BM. hut. W ts was IJ.tSO MO, las. Il l was ti,.htt. las. V VM 1 9 1 HO. (a is mascsBB. mm. Btesn last bwloiuag trlet si Cahunble, xUwaU, As th e..SJ'r.frr.-.-i lae wee laoa waS.... ...... u.....n14. not -r J .' . I II 3 snie par seas Ot per east It sb per east sNaMaha ef - M-'haraM da m wax -aOfc. - a- ; ' ' r ." -.t ' ... '- V' -S . .' 1 - t', f ' - H j v V ')- YOU RE . it - r ." r ... 1 LOOKING FOR ' t wa n poaiuvw as at aava-ay. ; : ' we've Suita yon can put right on, -,. wear away, and be proua ot your vj.1.', Bppearance. r'" -" - - In every way. ' v- ; - , Handaome in fabric, stylish In cut ' foultleaa in fit, and withal at a reav ; J aonable price, ? ' v y' ' it tan i every awr um can matca -up to these requiranenta not "by a :' long ahot" N ;v k-' '.- oi utfi vraiDU7 Kin , a Suit eleffanca. --.. atUv about my ,(;..H .. - ' - ,. - . ..... v . . . . :Jr ;r :. -,; , - j. -v