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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
r r 4Y prrAi pottlavd, Sunday moenino. f ptkmbes m, iooc v : 2 3j 1 Dr. H- Qrattaa. Oulnneea the well fcnowa preacher and author ef London, who baa been la the city for a week r, will give an address to man at the It, C A. this afternoon it 1:10 'o'clock. Hla topic la "Regions Beyond." Dr. Qulnoess baa bm known for two aoora years aa brilliant preacher and writer, aa well aa aa organiser, bavinc eat out a thousand missionaries Into the foreign Held- Aa opportunity will sin be given to bear Arthur Alexan der, tbo new tenor, who la tba most Im portant reoent acquisition to me aw leal olrolea of Portland. The meeting la for men only and ta free of charge. - : ' In tha suit " a the Portland Union " stockyards against Multnomah eounyr an Important step' was taken by Attor ney a U. Idleman, representing tba oounty. yesterday. Ha filed a motion to strike out salient parts of tba com plaint and a demurrer to tba first alx causes of suit. Tha ground for tba de murrer la that tba complaint doea not state faots sufficient to eonstltutn a cause of suit. Tba motion to atrlka oat la based on tba allegatloa that - tba clauses objected to are Immaterial and redundant and aontala mora tban one .cause of action, which an not separately pleaded. r Remember this, that whea yon the Bailey Oat sort for tba Colombia river trip to Tba Dalles and wa&pSOinte you ride on tha moat handsome, tba siauncheat most comfortable and oaf eat steamer plying between Portland and The Dallea Tha Bailey Oatsert la tba -old reliable" and can always be counted on for a safe and fast trip. Tha Oets ort leaves Aider street wharf ovary Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at T a. m-, while tba ateamer Regulator, another swift boat, leaves the same wharf at tha name hour on alternating daya, Phone Malm Mi. A state association of Maofcamrtha and horseshoe rs waa formed In tbla elty yestarday and members of tba union from a number of cities' In tbla atata and Washington warn present. M. D. George, president of tha local anion, waa elected to a aim liar position In tbo atata as soclit Ion. , jr. C Peterson, wea. elected secretary. , It la proposed to v draft a number of propoeitlona that will ha submitted to tha next a main a of tha ieglaiatura for eooslderation. y Howard Mendntt, a privets la H aonv "peny. Third regiment, Oregon National . Ouard. who waa injured while tha atata . - troops were on their annual encampment at Lake Washington, near Taooma, waa- release from at. Vincent's hospital yaav terday. Ha baa been oonSned to that institution slnoa tha 1st of August. Ho " desires to thank those of this city who I ware kind to hla during tha time be waa confined la tha hospital .,-... ' Danoeratte meeting Toong Meoo . Democratic olttb will -maet Tuesday night, September IT, at Chamber -of Commerce balL H. B. Hlaholaa and Hon. MUt Miller of Una will apeak. Coma out and hear theee able speakers discuss 1 raper Ullanv tariC and a thee campaign laauas. . -..., -v - ' Tha Kewfn Rtvervlew Aoadamy ' Opana at 1 a. bl. r.'"; Heat Wedneedajv September 4a. , The new dining room ' la now almost eomplated. '- -Take tha .1" oar. wblob paaaea by y,- -r f . ' , I.-;- Phone Main Ma. 4 Senday at ntnoadaTlM flrat of tha autumn eaoursloas which are especially attractive along.. tha Claokamaa, - Tha smoke haa now cleared away and the eoaatttons are tha meat favorable of tbo season. An excellent dinner will bo served at tba Hotel Sataaada at M rate. Ample equipment will be provided with oara every two bw,,,;;,,;; Don't fotvet the rata Sunday to Bata oada will be SO cents for tha round trip. Ho smoke to obscure tha view along the jBoat attracttva troUey line la tho Pn clAo north wee t. Ample aoooaunodntlona at the Hotel Ktstaoada and a nrst-olaaa dinner for tho low rate of M eaata, t Sunday round trip rates on the O. W. P. It cents to Oregon City and Cane mab park; IS oenta to Ore sham; It eenta to any point beyond, including Batacada. Ttoketa must be purchased at tue ofnoe. First and Alder and Orand ana Haw . thoraa avannea. - - n., , I- Pint reftiment band, W. X3t W., wfll Sva a dancing party at Vast Side W. W, hall, oorner Best Sixth and Bast Aider atreeta, Saturday evening. Oo teber L The aubUo, and aapeclally pa trona of former aeaarwia, oordlsily In vltad, .,.,fij .; 1 An elegant outside room with board for two, HI par month at tha LtodeU. A waw family hotel. Market atreet. be tween Third and Fourth, neotrn light, ama, bath, steam heat, all modern aon vanJaaoao. Phono Mala MM. ;. For BalaBeat paytng and beat adV Tartlsed meroantlle buslneea In Portland. In center of retail district: 1I.00. Ap ply MeOarrp A Bfaihsrrtaon. Atty'e Oiascnlaa ;, :.( -,, ' The newspaper mea of tha city, and their friends, attended an informal elam- ,1 'i'. Hoisting Logging Electric Belted Hoists Hand-Power Hoists r ! WBi MAKE AND SELL' EVERY POSSIBLE COMBINA- ?M , tion or r: k0m0and,, Shafts 'A Ctreful design, a liberal disposition of fins material and high Ve " gradsj wOTtananahip putt us to a position to - GUARANTEE RESULTS hke at tba !ouamr of tha City oiuo in the v rqtia but"Ung last even u4t, A f- ure of the evening; waa the i ustotl B.ram renaered by Webbers mandolin orchestra. ; t O. W. P. Sunday trolley aerrloa to Bataoada every two hours, with trailers from 7 rat a. m, to ! a, m. Last ear from Bataoada 7:e p. m. To Oregon City, with trailers, ovary I minutes from 1 14 a ax Prep absolutely t free antl-wrlnkle cream. aU this week. Madame Asa rHolmaa-Rlbbeeke. Morrison, near Park. Pree Instruction In preservation of beauty. t . Good tn vestment, corner lot on Mtath and Davla, with three aloe buildings, yielding good tnooine on StAO. Rus aaU A Blyth, II Third street. ' Wa-Hoo Tonle. Tba grant bleod purl fler, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you meed these daya. for gala by all druggists. . .'.j At Canemab park Sunday, mosto and 4nng t tba pavilion. If oenta round trip, wim4 oars every minutes. Chew Den-Tal-Oum, bava pearly teeth and prevent decay. Poc gaio every where, -s. . ' tr - Iff paw want a firat-etaaw bard wheat floor, trp Peacock. Your grooa aeUs U, Anneuneemen-Proe. " Beggs prtvete dancing- pi a earn begin tbig weak. - Anctloo at oaurt house. 1 -r 9, S. Cooper, mayor of Independanoa, la registared at Cha Imperial. J. si Coleman of Tho Deilag la at the Perkins. - Sheriff Thomas Lin villa end Deputies Fred J. Brown and K. P. Johnson of Clatsop county are at tha Belvedere, re turning from a trip to saiem wiia prisoners. . Mr. and Mra. 0. O. Smith of Indepen dence are guests at tha Parklna. Mrs. J. It. Rand of Baker city m rag- laterad at tha Portland O, Weldnar, a weU known HUlaooro hop growerv la at tha Belvedere. Oeorae A. young, ana or waaoo esunty's aheep klnga, la at tba Imperial, accompanied by hla wtfa. g. f. Friendly ana wife i amgena are R. V. HoUanburg of Baker dtp la a guest at tba Parklna. John H. MoNary pioaeturmg anor- nay of Clatsop oounty, la reaistared at tha Imperial. -Oeorae Bronaaah of Bake City la at the Parklna.. Sheriff T. D. Taylor of Pendleton and hla deputy. C P. Daria. are at tha Bel vedere. .- ''' 4 H. Long of Worth Band bj at tho Par kins. . . Mra. Oaorge Oroesbeoh: of Bend are guest at tba Portland. Dr. A. Carpenter, AentaJ awrgwm at Vanoouver narraoka, la at tha Belve dere, returning from A visit lo posts m Washington. Mr. and Mra. A. .J. Franob ff lone are guests at tha Imperial, f. ' Berblaar ana o. T. sxuumaar or Bureka are at tha Parklna O. a Edmunds of Tillamook la at tha Belvedere. ' F. F. JPdiy ox xiauaa w at tna rorv land. - ' '; a S, Winiams of La Orande a a. Port ia nd guest over Sunday. . Dr. H, Loamn of Tha Dauas m m tna oity. Mrs. B. a Snuffer of Tillamook to a iimI mt th Perkins. - Smator Tnofaaa Kearha of TTrah"la la tha city today, after two weeks spent tn Mlgnbertng territory en political blMllMpgaag John Farrell and Charlaa McMorrow returned yseterday after a month m San Francisco. - Chief of Rollea Rant left tha elty last night for a day's fishing- along tha banks of tho Willamette. He will re turn tomorrow and resume tba manage ment of Portland'a flneat. Dr. 1. A. Eahn. provincial of tha Order of tho Holy Crosa of - tha - Cathoilo ohureh In tha United States, la an hon ored ruest at Columbia university. He arrived In Portland yesterday and will remain until Monday. Dr. Zabn la well known tn literary and acteotlfla circles. Hla headquarters are at Notre Dame, lad. He was formerly connected with, tha work of organisation of the Colum bia university, before It was turned over to tho church. s. , . ii ' ' ' .- . From tha Cincinnati Commarolal Trlb . una.'' - . ' Tha two celebrated war oorreapondenta were playing- their WHtth game of pool in tho Tokyo olub. - vjruaaa I'll go back to the states on tha next ataamar, remarked John Wolf. -Why so eoonr remarked R. Sorting Perrlab. "Tbts la aa aaay aaaignmant. -I know: but Tm getting eurlouWto ftnd out how tha war Is coming on," : ';. . ,V- adas -'yH Frlm tha Chicago Tribune, ' "Anything for our folks f aaked tha visitor at tha summer resort hotel. - "No, air,1 replied the poatnmatar at the little station where tbo. boardere were wont to gat their malt , "Well, I'll keep on coming. TB gat a letter some day. Hll deeperandum." - "There's nothing for aim. either." said the postmaster, looking- through tha pile of letters again. Engines M, -V". ft -1' '' Engines Hoists .an- CLCCICS CLOCKS ra matb m BanrvvARoar of vvnotBOvv nai bbbv -BBUSVBBal 1ST WMM CBVT .f- . a, " 'r. : Only BLOO for a pretty bedroom clock, run by a weight and pendulum. Carved and looks Ilka the largo Cuckoo Oocke. - . . SfcaW asm up for tbo handsome 1 4-karat gold-plated tlmepleeee. mug for those absolutely reliable d-day kitchen aloeka. They are tn wood frames and strike tho hour ahd half hour. You ana always depend so them for tho correct Ub - , v SgLdO, STa, SSMh lor mantel etooka, nicely Snlabad to blaok and o arst Tbey bava tbo cathedral gang and run I daya with on winding; fKi m maallBI, sUamlOsT OXOOKS, Just reoelved. Thay ere tha nobbiest thing out. About I feat high. Only M-Ot. , ' Ouafeoa Olaaka at SSJS, Sin00, ibLOB, t-0 With QuaU aaU. SiTJW, taMM, Sa ft1t We warrant every one of them. omee caaaka at SAO, aaas, SaAa, SAda, gsS and blghst tf poa want something axk fma, i ' ! " '.' " 'iJvi:-:"'l - Tho reason w sell m- many to baoauao wo oarry a larva variety and every one that leaves our Mora Is good timepiece, ne matter; what tha prloe la. ;: '- -' '.- . ' ' i- .IABQBR BROS. o.SS OliafflATi ''A"""!-- I - I SO SB FAJjrfRB BT O 01 V' ;'V .'', ; Labor troubles are brewing at the Port of Portland drydook. Tba tug Tatoosh was placed on tba dock yesterday af ternoon, and tt It aaA that tha work of cleaning and painting bar to being dona by non-union man. A. Mcintosh, a hrniher of tha susortntendeot of tha AnniAAk has been awarded a oonu-act for putting tho vessel in good condition, and union man any that ha to going- to employ non-union labor. A delegation from the cai pouters and ahlpllnere' union want to a. Joans yes terday afternoon to investigate tba mat tor, but returned homo last night, hav ing received but little satisfaction. A meecina- of tha union Will be bald tbla afternoon to decide upon what action to take. Tha men deoiaro thay bava al ways dona all work of that character at tho drydook, as well as in roruana oar bor, and thay are of tba opinion that thay are entitled to it. . - T. t J ha unionists believe that A plan to being formulatetd to break up their or- ganlaatlon. Tbla is the nrst umo max Mr. Mcintosh has secured a contract for doing work at tbo dock, and why should ho attempt to Ignore organised labor thay any when all of tho other con tractors have given tba union-man tho preforenoe, to more than thay nan un derstand unless It ie because a con certed move la being made ty break up tha organiaatloMt. 1 " Non-union men following' the line of work to be Sons oa tbo Tatooah axe said to be scarce In Portland. It la supposed that the contractor will endeavor to get tha orew of the Tatooah to help him out, as well as those who art employed kt various' capacities about tho drydook. That to another matter about which some uf the ooatraotora themselves aro making strong eomplaJnta. : They de clare that those men who are employed under Superintendent Mcintosh aro not supposed to biro out to a contractor who to doingv work oa a vessel at tba dock, They say that tha duties of tha dookmen are wholly In assisting to han dle tha dock, and tho auperintandant has no right aa allow thorn fea sjumso to any athw line at work. Tba hull of tho Tatooah was oleanadT this afternoon and tomorow she will be painted. By a recant ruling of tho Port! of - Portland oommlselon tha owners ax a Teasel will not be obliged to pay any charges during Sundaya and holidays for the uee of the dock unless actual work abould be performed at tlmea, Fiebrbl Carrying almost Too tons of general freight, tbo ataamar Allanoa arrived In port last night from San Freaotoao by way of Bureka and Coos Bay points. Among other freight aha brought -1,00 casee of oondonaed milk from tha new factory at North Band. A big ship ment of redwood lumbar, doors and saahea were taken aw at IMrekn, Cap tain Hard wick reports that the passage was an uneventful one oemlng us tha coast. Tho pneaengor list la as xol lowa: From lraka--Mra. 9. K Maatarton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Platohar. Mrs. P. J. Lensay, Miss J. Lansay, Caarlaa Laa say, J. F. MoNeal, Mrs. B. M. Goodwin, Pearl Goodwin, P. King. Mra, a L. Moeller and daughter, C. F. Sobrener. H. C. Blum. A. Berdins. W. J. Bvanes, Jamas Foley, Mrs. J. R. -Hudson and child, H. a Mill in, a Y. Moody, and flva aooond alaaa paaeenara. . v From Coos Bay Mra. O. 'W. Thomp son and son, Mrs. Kimball. Mrs. A F. Abernathy and daughter, 0. W. Long. Jamea Chase, R. M. Lynch, Mies M. Mo Oragor. Miss M. B. Curtis, MlaaA. Kro ger, Mlaa X Kruger, Mra. W. tt Davla, Thad Davlet Miss Alios MoCormnck, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. King and child, A. B. Hardwlok, Ivor Rosa, L. B. Ramadell, wlfa and three children, Mr. and Mra. A. F. French, Mrs. Lao and two children, Mrs. C Buese, Mrs. M, Busse, Mrs, W. B. Murphy, Mrs. Montgomery, C F. Ood enrd. Oeorga Snyder . C Andrewa, C Barr, O. M. Hoag ami three oiaee Baaasngers. " , 1 - 1 'I n " - - Fan of When Port Arthur fails the Japanese of Tekohama and Toklo are proparing to give one of tho moat rousing; oalebra Uons la tho history of tha mikado's reign. This Information has been seat to the local representatives of the Port land A Asiatic company by P. A. Free man who, until recently, waa agent for tha company at Yokohama, He states in a letter dated September 1 that the streets of the two ettlee named have been strung for mllea with laatarna. They aro said to ha gorgeous affairs of variegated colors and present a moot fascinating appearance. In many other ways the atreeta bava been daoorated. nd thC- mhabltanta are only now wait ing for the Intelligence to be flashed over tho wlree statins that tho Japanese are In possession of the great Russian strong-hold. Tbo statement to made that an the leading ettlee in lbs land of the mikado will bo brilliantly Illuminated, and one long Jubilation will bo held. - Mr. Freeman has -resigned hie position with the oompaay in the orient and la now bound for aoavA Ha, to say anted to those ' ' . J aUAIABOB ABJUTBSV V-'i. vmm warn "kwnr 9ot. part Artkm CLOCICS arrive at Ban Francisco October S on the oriental liner Mongolia. From there ha will proceed direct to Portland. Ha has bean stationed to Japan almost a yr. , H. X Wngnsa, cashier for tan Port land A Aslatto company at Hongkong, arrived at San Pranolaco yestarday an tha steamship Gaelic Ha to expected to pass, through Portland tomorrow oa his way to Vanoouver, B. C where be as pects to epend a alx months' vacation. At the end of that Usee ho will return to the ar east, j v- ' WILL CABBY fas OaagU . Baanblag This Farfc . Balfour, Outhrie A Co. chartered the British ablp Baeaaonl yesterday after noon to load grain at Portland for tba United Kingdom at tha union rata of !?a M. Tho vosel to an route up tba ooaat from San Diego, having sailed from tho California port on August" tl. This makes tba fourth grain carrier' to be c bartered for Portland loading during the week. The others were tha Carnar von Bay. tha Bmllie, and tha Briseaux, tbo former being taken to oarry cargo to South Africa and tha others to Queens town or Falmouth for orders. .;; k 0;-' wma for ibcjw.; - Front Portland and Pugot sound H Is said that fully t,000 tons of wheat were sent down tha ooaat to Baa Francisco during tha week. Tha major portion of tho grain was carried from Taooma on tho Pacific Mall Steamship company's vessels. Tha shippers atata that there wUl bo fully 1.004 tone sent from tha soma porta-during the oemlng weak. The reason that tha moat of It la going from the sound fa because tha grain was purchased In territory tributary to that section. Among the Portland firms who made heavy shipment . from Taooma1 during tha past week were Kerr, Clif ford Cow W. A. Gordon Co and tan Campbell-Standford-Henrey Co. . . , ALORw Prom the Cascade .Inrfte yastarda afternoon tbo ateamer Bpenoer brought ltd pounds of petrified wood, which waa picked up at Rock creek. Tho wood will be shipped by R. M. Wright, an attorney at The Dalles, to hla brother who Uvea la Pennsylvania, , . After pending three months tn tha hospital as tha result of II sacks of flour falling on him whlh ha was down. in tha hold of tho oriental liner Arabia, B. Whlttaker, a lengahoremaa. waa out for a walk yestarday afternoon for the first -time etnoe tha accident ooourrad. Ha to still far from reoovarad. ' Astoria. Babt !4-Arrtved sown at 4 and sailed at I a. ul, ataamar Oaorge W. Elder, for Ban Francisco. Arrived at l:io a. m., sohoonor T. Alexander, from Ban Pedro, Arrived at 1:10 a. m.. and toft up at 11 a. Bk, ataamar Alliance, from San, Franclsoo and coast porta. - ' Balled at : a, sjl. stsamor Blmora, for Tillamook. Arrived at 11:41 p. bl, British Snip Wray Castle, from Baa Pedro. . Outalde it I a nv, British ablp Hart BelA from Ban Diego, and a three masted bark and a three masted ship la bailaac - San Franclsoo, Boot, fa. Sailed at 11:19 a. Pdrttoad, for : OOL After making a alow pssaage up the river from Astoria ptaglng nsw buoys and other aide to navigation at various points, tha lighthouse tender Columbine reached tbo local harbor lata yesterday afternoon and docked at tho foot of Couch street. Senator Foster cams up on her aa far as Kalama, nt which point ho took tha train for Vanoouver. Tho Columbine will' return to Astoria la a day or. two. . ,-. , ,-. , Cart tf ThanU. To those bind friends so thoughtful, considerate and attentive during my be reavement, in tha death and burial of my late beloved husband. I desire to xtend my heartfelt thanks. Their goodness will never ho forgotten, MRS. AUGUSTA KOCH. .1 V ' CLOCKS Have you aver gUnoed m our window when It waa dressed with clocksT If so you prob ably hatted and looked a whlM -Hinleaa, however, you were, hurried. Did you, remember the many, many exquisite do elgna. ami did yen notice the vastneas of tho display? Clocks make handsome and ap- . proptiata annrvaraary or wed ding gifts and if you must SiTa ANWMGHT 293riORRISON-ST- mn fjAinatf Qnlnnihla. DMAlalB BBAOBBB w1 . I e e Aeneea.,, i I 1 -.'ill',,.- J " . y " "7 :v-sr. -i ; .' y: t : 'a, '"a -Boasa' p r,.J,.l-'.'.-!ii.'.,.,-l.1. 1 S .'. .s. Just what you've bean walttog for aofong. If you. can appreciate a bargain, avail yourself of this appovts-- airy to eabance your parlor A row sitting-room with this beautiful table. For this week only we're going to) .offer yoan alg-hly polished, goarter-aawed oak. lass bail, brase fast, 1 4-Inch top v . . . Center Table for $3,25 -- An other tabtoa isduoad fhto week. Henry CARPETPURNITURE STOVES - ilAKIKG FKCGSESS IN LIOU BATTLE AMTVMAXOOm OA VMM XsT OOBIIXTXO IMtlUUaZBB. Dr. O.X. Tufts, auporiatendent of the Stau Anti-Saloca loagua. has rstaraad to this elty from a tour of Umatilla county Iji tha Interest of tha anti-saloon oausa, Tbo trip. . Included Pendleton, Milton, Freewaier, Adama, Weston and Athene, '."-.' In TJmatUU aounty tho Anti-Saloon laarw baa filed petllUma with sta natures, that will insure vote oa tna local option Question In all but tha Pendleton and four adjoining precincts. Dr. Tufts reported excellent prospects for, tha ' anti-saloon cause generally, though tho forces, it to said, are divided In their alleglanea to the Antl Saloon leanua and the Prohibition Alliance. Among tho oountles In which d Is trie votes will be taken tbla xau are uiaonm- mas. Baker, Umatilla, Union and e there. Oflfesra of the 1 ensue, who are consid ered to ho conversant with public senti ment, claim that a number of oountles Witt oarry for tha abolition of saloons as oountles. Among those thay claim are Tillamook. Benton, Polk, Tarn hi 11. Lano, Douglas. Crook. Wallowa, Morrow, Malheur and Waaoo oountles. The Brewers' and Wholesale Liquor Dealers association! of this elty has sent tha following letter to clerks of various oountles throughout tbo state: "Wilt you kindly Inform mo rf any petitions for prohibition elections have been fued up to data in your county un der tha local loptlon law, passed last June If mora than one petition has been filed with von. will you kindly specify the district which will be Included In enoh election - - ; GENERAL FUNSTON' i GOES TO CHICAGO To aasums command of tbo depart ment of tha lakes, with headquarters at Chicago, Brigadier-Qemtral Frederick D. Funetoa loft tna elty last night at 1:11 o'clock In tha private oar of a t Cal vin, eneral manager of tho Harriman lines In this state. General Funetoa was seoompealed by bis wife and two sons, MaoArthur and Frederick. Jr. During hla oommand of the depart ment of tho Columbia, Oeneral Funs ton has affected many tmprovementa at tho barracks at Vanoouver and at the ether poets to hla Jurisdiction. Ha had many others to contemplation which will prob ably be carried out by his successor. It waa intended for a time that Oen eral Funetoa would bo placed to charge of fh department of tho east, but that appointment waa . reoelved by . General Grant. It to alas said that Oeneral Funaton would have preferred to remain In the west, but there were no objections to the change when the order waa Issued. Oeneral Funaton wUl be eucosodod aa commander of the department of tho Columbia by Brigadler-Oenerel Constant WUl lams. Oeneral Williams will reaoh Portland September IT and will live at tha Portland hotel for eeveral days be fore going to tho barracks at Van couver. He vrlll ha accompanied by hla wife and daughter. The latter to tha wife of Captain Crexton, now to the PhiUpplaas. RAILROAD PROTESTS V AGAINST THE TAX f :7. - -V: w...: .: . The Oregon CeJffornie RaUread Co. claims that an assessment of haa beea unjustly levied aaratnat the road by tha city government for the" Improve ment of Hood and Water atreeta. Tba company baa, filed a protest which will be preeented to the elty council at tho next meeting', to aa attempt to be re lieved from the assessment. According ta the communication a franchise was granted the Oregon A Willamette railroad In ltW and later ac quired by tho protesting company. It gives the company tha privilege to oon struct and maintain tracks and build houses atone the river levee south of Jefferson street. It to stated that here tofore no assessment haa been levied on the lend, althougn tba pi retinal - "101 anas V - Twill be to your advantage to ytolt our JenningcS: DIDNT HURT A BIT BY. OUR We are ambled .SSSBSSBw ' to at teeth at eae slttlaa. sealtrnly - and ebaolntely without pals ar bad after effect. People ta StUcete bealtb aeed bare as tr. as ear method sf extraAlat7 m aasltrfely asA sad asm , iatelr pualeH, Ajoohte cleeattaem at em SMCte. we as erewa aad brldsi work wftb aat aala. Our If rears' experience ta" 7. slate work enable aa ta M rear witt 'i eomforUblr. The beet to tbe aheapeat ; ta tbe ead. We. bsve rettlnsi as weal j; m yoa. u , BB. t S. W1SB. WIS13 1 BROSa, DENTISTS 191-111 FAIMHO BXJDO.Ope jeventnra UU Sr,:- Sundays from S Corner THuyj ahd wabhintun 2 German Publishing Cxa r tot immd f. of E w-erytKiiA , Ctmmrm CARR CANNOT PAY y .S 5 ALIMONY ASKED ;v .-f Robert Carr filed an affidavit la the circuit court yes tenter, to be used ta relation to the motion Of Mabel Bm beth Carr for alimony. In which- he al leges that he haa lost all his property and cannot make the payments de manded oa account of her refusal is sign a mortgage or a deed. At tho time suit was brought, Carr swears, he owned a farm costing fl.eOO, near Dallas. Or on which waa a mort gage for IM. He had paid M oa thm mortgage whoa aha brought suit against him for divorce, and while the suit was rbelng sward the mortgage, was foro- eloeed. He oouM here secured a new mort gage cr bava- aeld the- property and paid the indebtadneas, be alleges, sj aha had consented to sign the papers. Her refusal, tt la asserted, caused him to lose the property, and he to toft with out means to pay alimony., Asotin, Wash., Sep. 14. TL 0. Clark. , veteran of the etvU war died- at a to- iriiitiioii'iiri' HATS Jd ALL SHAPES aEI SHADES tCPwry block ta Sort sod Stiff Hats is fspreseoted in trs t.3$ brats, and emch bat Is twmtcd Bartmartorw by Tho -XJoo StofB, A new Bat fro to sny diawertrafis4 wtwatwt is onr ;:.;,' ,.; waTaitw. ;- Sc oar window display-. . Wl 8BLL YOUNG'S $3.00 Air Yc:X c'rvn .p - ) Value $4.50 atora If Ufa a tabto pom want. 172174 FIRST. STREET 15 WHAT THEY METHOD SAY to estreat ffeai em to 1A stbv . Phone. Main 101. The CdUaTiet, RESTAURANT Jieftlt ill CsVteW Prom f a, m. as S p. an, , " DfJprionB Drnner Paean am at p. a, fas -'..-'S'.ePUCnung, OREGOil CONSEBYATOBT OF MUSIC S0H0OL ' OP KVsm hMtsOtag ateaetlau. taasmara aad amdamlc Luaiaas. The dvaaztxm "e are seder eeleet Isatreptora, vbo kae aevot-d tsebr lives to tbetr rtiTiir eeu ana V mot eaetva kUBMDWAsJlg, rrtJasA eal hospital sera Tuesday. Ha led by the a A. R yooterdey. WS SELL STETC a a Sons oaiy frmaoacea, rm isauhub la every e of tbe word. Opea tbe year 'roenA atac m ' sad efsee, Wsablnctea aBeventa. Beardi ej ;? aepartBMiita Coil's aad Twelrta, PerR no eeuwne anareee Mm sk aiav or. -t ? 1 V-