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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
: ' . :'( .; ' ... ; . '.-' ...... TrORTAi;;:PAGii J.Q Ul )tiirx mumn co. . V. WIMTfc" - AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Sunday. t?rternbf M, 1804. . . SV a, liIM r '. .; VOTE DOWN THE GARBAGE ?TBAU r . . Ill wm cnjsbed at Sedan and drives from his throne in alone U credited with 864,000,000, of whom more than 420,- excel aU aiater states. Her mighty uplifts and heavy rains I V in .. :..,,i;,,.i.v: 11871. : , v ' . v.V'-.r. '.- v' 000,000 are inhabitants of the Chinese empire, nearly 800,- maintain streams admirably adapted to power purposes,' TiTO CONTRACT to remove the rarbatre should be let Most of the industrial or trade schools fachsdiulen or 000.000 are Hindoos, 68,000,000 are Japanese and Koreans. The rush made within the oast five Years for cower sites ' l '. to private parties for at least two good and suf- gpewerbeschulen--of Germany, may be divided into two 80,000,000 are Malaysians, and 18,000,000 are In Chmesc. along: ths most prominent streams is but a forerunner of 12,600,000 what may be expected in another decade, when electrical involves the public health should be retained in public w the hand trades) and artisans generally, and the second Christians, real or alleged, while 776,000,000 are Buddhists, feneration and transmission has been more thoroughly per- ' - nana, ana secona, Because toe city can oo in worjc just iur innr man paruciuar oujecc iccnnicu caucsuon vomucians, juonarameaans ana smmoiau. i ' v. , tectea ana power from luet bas become an industrial an- . a eheaplr and rerr much more satisfactorilr. . ' along manufacturing lines,; These latter we do not need frhniral oriiirnHnfl f rtttfiiriane MnkimntMlini ani4 Cktnfrtf-viata t ittA asf nnwar Ivam 4m k 1 A ww. Hw..w.uwvw.hv v waww v- . "-V nnM .vaaa asava waKS ucvuiiiq fl MIUUBIIUII SW '.'a eT We do not ttSed .... Than TtntnM hmlts th, ah 1 1 ha If Mhirv ion nrl Achrontfun. hmmii'i sitrwrh Ktrrarrm will kiu olna nn .J There has seldom been omoosed in this eitv a measure eo much, or at least there is no call for them, in this coun- st once bestirred themselrea to learn, to adaot and adont even conceived now. English Drosresa wu vaatlv auirk. ! tttvolving so enormous a graft as that embodied in the fy Dut that mors atention should be paid to industrial everything that would make them strong and wise, fa ened by abounding fuel. That principle of industry stands - ;i twenty-five year franchise which it is said ths city council education of children and youth in this country, even at the -that process they became religiously liberal, tolerant Few today, and in larger measure than England was able to fur- "-, w"5 "hk1 oi inwn are vnnuuna, oui iney give ine unnsuan ' religion n pwwer. v egoo is uie. oome o ens new ana nmcn less , y kaa oracticallT decided to tyrant to a orivUte corooration. sacrifice of soma Mbook learning. la consideration nothing is given in return except that the n increasing number of our observant, thoughtful people.' a fair, free field and full opportunity.' They are seekers; costly motive energy. city is relieved of the present cost , of incinerating the -we saw inai gins as wen as ooys neeo industrial eauca- after truth, and for enlightenment, for they see it is by pro- AN EXTREME CASE. garbage, and $1,000 a year is guaranteed in payment Of the "a " inc7 greai a proponjoji vz our gressive education that the occidentals nations hav so salary of a health inspector. Even at the expiration of the women and girls as of Germans will put a technical indue greatly grown and succeeded. They perceive that knowK terms of the franchise the plant, now owned by the city, trial education into practice, yet it will do .none of them edge is power. They are showing what they cad do, and TT IS THE UNUSUAL, the extraordinary, that attracta is not turned ewer except under an appraisement of its ao n1 VJ7 many of them good.' -The average male they are only about one twenty-fifth part of the "yellow I , attention, that arouses interest, that people, want to toal value. Under the ordinance the cost of removing the rman, in uermany, does not regard the woman as his peoples of Asia, If all these in the course of iuUf a een hear and read about that therefore makes news. The garbage is specifically fixed to the individual householder, equal to quite the same extent as the average American tnry should become awakened, and should learn and act, average normal steady-going, well-behaved man or. woman . Not only that but the terms are made to embrace pretty oes vet the atatesees that the common German girl is as Japan has done, how the world' future history would ia-of no interest to the public, therefore is scarcely ever 4 nearly all the residences in the city. In many of the smaller "tted to f 5 cre f J6"6" " need be. Saxony, the great- be changed from that which is. otherwise foreseen or pre- mentioned until death. , Most men anJ women are! soy . fawne. in Autte a nurnbir of the averasw aixe: all the trar. est seat of German industry,, employing the largest percent- dieted 1 What one vellow neoole can do. mar not other which It tm wll tn rmtmhr Whn thm grtlritn i. mA. . "J Km. nnvtnrt hf th tionfihnM ia tinw hurnvt withmit mar rtr age Of WOmCO Of any province of that Country, had jn 1S99 vIfow MODleS Vet dof At rmt it hwflmM th whit rmre ihm RMMninrt m Ur4v 4iUmA .iiK mm t inconvenience on the premises. All of these householders lecial trade schools and 14 general industrial achools to pitch its boasting In a somewhst lower key. r i and follies and various forms of transgression and erratl- would be forced under penalty to have their garbage re- f girls only. Beside there are schools of doraesti; : : ' is . , ! . 'cism. ; '- . , ' v ' V - moved by the pubUc scavengers and to pay a pretty tribute ciencey in which young wrnea are taught cooking end : : THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RUSSIAN NEWS. ' - Bnt ft U wonderful astonishingin view of some cases tor the same. With a free foot for the next score qf yearn other household dutiewjrh were founde4 to counter- , . ,. . . , , . ... . ; - V, almost appalling, to observe in what borribhr ways men the amount of money which the garbage syndicate would Unff e otr d to check the tide of young women 4ff ALL THE IDLE TALK Indulged in by. certain commit crime and sin. Some think the worst of these cases realize would mount Up into the millions of dollars. The toward .the workshops and factories. , . - - . . . ' II newspapers none is so ridiculous as the great flour- ought riot to be reported, but this view is scarcely a prao avhoie scheme is positively the most bold faced that has , " wll,.bc good while before this country win go to the -w Jsh about the achievements of the Associated Press ticat one.: The case last week of extreme depravity ex- ever been submiuea to a dud nc ooay. in ejiecc, ana lor s" v..- ..""? at st retersDurg. . itme ana again these papers remind the hibited by a youne man and woman Uvinsr in a river scow. 4 . n tiOthing,.it proposes under the wing of the law to exploit 9 industrial or trade education ; there u ncj perhaps busy readers that this particular news gatherer is actually the girl dressed in-male attire, was far surpassed in sicken- h Ihe whole comunity and make it pay tribute, not for a year th need of it here that there is there j yet it is high time' gjTen' every opportunity to ascertain and transmit all the fng features by that of the Coos county monster, whose i" Or five, but for a quarter of a century. ;., ; " T r. v. , h more ttenUon was paid to this most valuable but Bews from Ryaaia to iU foreign consumers without any children, ranging in age from 14 to years, were brought te i-W. The city council should make abort work of this pro- hitherto, to this country, almost toMally neglected orm pt governmental interference. . Incidentally these papers con- this city, ignorant, ragged, dirty and liungry, and consigned - . j c m u:,.t 1. ,i jf Drar.tical education. . '--.' - . .i.i fc ' j . .i.. "V j iu A." . , r oom iwnar ua km icu amic inica m uie procccuinn r : - - v im cuimiwi tvwuni w um ri ihmuchw a extra- w inc duvs , ana uuis Aiq Booecv. ; xoe nusosna ana ; che taxpaying public should be on hand when the matter Iconics up for consideration and in the event that the coun ted proves purblind the straight and narrow way should WHITE MEN AND YELLOW MEN. v promptly be pointed out to it .r; INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. : ordinary enterprise of the Associated Press in having been father Is fortunately consiirned to the penitentiary for SO . first of all newa agencies to obtain such high' privileges years. The mother ii Incapable, physically and mentally, ; from the autocrat of all the Russians. i . - ..- , And no wonder, for carina; for these children. 1 So here they p "tlButJustBowmuch ibe war news obtaineitnnd.irana-.are, needing rare, protection, homes, , " ,' M; ;,, g, . ,--'. : ROM THE REMOTEST historic times the white. . . A I '. 1 .1 - U . Malay, nor necro, nor Indian, nor any race of m i,. jm, .nA M.;tv j .-j-.. ..j n .ii; i darker color, could, or .did, f" th wh te i race, tfte tha every important engagement with the army port it Such a society is an absolute necessity in a city r-Fw- -- nd navy the mikado, and every disaster that has over like this. Many an unfortunate child has through its good success for Russian-arms. When, as doubtless these far worse than orphaned waifa will be. each of euch strufirirles besnns to "i 'f - ' - : - r - - world from Toldo, London or any other source, .'A BIRDSEYE VIEW OP THE FAIR. . vet have no industrial tchooU u such. In this ?"fi?!f "J-L i?v ?T .aJt T. t P1-88.1" InvmnaWr .nnouneed it at hrat a. an decent, . respectable, comfortable manhood and womanhood felS r 'Tfi-fro.did the by .trociUK, in Penu .rnfTo -;v r amail unusn armies nave aiso put in suojecnon me noraea 4hAn ..j ,nfi,,nti.l ,hMF th .11 ' m.rlS f ff5fe::A ul Ascfated Press, begin, to retrace its ep,.7d a7ow"TN ANOTHER PORTIONoT this bwipHnU cter. bat they need to Be assiduously and persisted jrXcrf mUlion inWlete. tfc eriaV ut 5 ?" what was aupposed to I rf the fair grounds as they wlU look when aU the build- taught the tremendously important trith that what U !? Eurc eMoSltionnd J a great Russmnrictory has on y turned oat to be . d.saa- .ingsnow projected. haveieencomplete4 With tl . technically known as an industrial occupation is quite a. Sn? nJe Ae 2 rte Sei"". A?d thiua the great exploits ofRussuvn arms, exception of the government buildinp on the peninsula all ? " respectable and honorable as . profession or business ea- bWe Snmenly riA wtol riorit, of f by.e A'at'd ?resS from SL V- - the other, are practically under roof Th, picture, which -? reer, and usually more satisfactory and truly successfut Td ie "'T2f"-Ki,n! .. ' .d- V CtalflfrJ 0 r . v Ui . . r h iim um Kiirrui nviar ana irirm lmawmcn wbv min arnimif Antawv iarax im raai mru-a iHrrinrr vrmn wnma 3 itself with the Russian tm- could do the story of the great enterprise, -v Those into n the matter is simply this: whose hands this issue of The Journal may fall can get from lightening and advantageous resiUts. The department of m0st sijmificant exhibition, the most momentous develop- orurai aespotisra or Russia nas xouna irom experience it a pretty jjeqate conception ot wnat ia proposed by tne y; a u,i :-.T. j:i ...i T- r -ii most BiTOiiicani exniiniiuH uie nw ? LTr: that it could never keen neinele rtem of any importance Lewia and Clark air. Thev can sen for themselves not ( tave Sr.UtelVuish- SKS "JSTkS a whi naSon SS - civiliied wofli. No, evenmattera, that on.y themagnHude but the in, artistic merit of the enter-;' Irw r . itriifio va iitatil Jnnrniatinn '"TTTi7 lT i i ;i - u were most oeiirenuy guarqea re tne secret service wtHQ p pf Mt lsw can see,-t00r now compact is tne v itsii hot oniv cnecKea ia ils cut ruu i mc u is. uui ow . . ,. t . t - - ti j . ti . ...... . many subjects r and of late these pamphlets - nave bee beaten and repulsed on sea and iargeiy- uevocea 10 reporcs ox American consuls in uermeny yellow men ' It it too earn pn this system of ihdustrial education. t . aition wUI not be reversed t , We have not space here to go into details about these seems unlikely: at least the schools. They, like other schools, are of various erades, not oniv nroved their auoerioritv. m i n rounrry is iar nrninn innrunv in inausinai muo v t..& 7 J ; BUI UICT IWU tVIUCUUIW A IMiB, MMS tUW V1 HfcW.W A .hru..iJ Tr Lu I., i til. tion. and the great system of industrial schools maintained wiM they imagine themselves to be if they are not lu"J, in that country.might be studied by our educators with en- u.mW. a inLluable lesson these dava from laoan. The Kna Kovernment-he touth of and are maintained for children and youth of both sexes and to the great white nation of eastern Europe, but have shown JT? liSmatt of different ages. They are designed to give instruction in to the world that they -are fully conscious of their ability ISt!!. nil induntrial wnratifms frmn the aaiawtnl!- t thm mnmt mm. H-nwu Thau n nnlw hav trnmtr an1 intllicrnri. acnievemcni Dy a. .. (( nrown-yeuow men nave . tuM n,,,. tK wwpnmMr o i t i j' Dn u- ii- TK.tVVL;nLn cnd forth- This is all there ia to ft, and the reader xan that it wiU be. the chief of aU the lesser expositions ever mark for itself have every o A GREATER OREGON OPPORTUNITY. the actual" value of the -St. Petersburg held in this country and that it will set a ma a. a A-J 1m a!. i:-La .1. t i. m ... ... l I .1 . T . I . '1 an industrial vocationa from the aimolest to the most com- .H n. Thev not oniv have coura and intelligence.' nievemenx oy B a.iw. f, n tc Ol wnicn tne peopie pi .win cuy ana swe wiu . . . . i . . " that imm rtijs mrv nnrrnina it m oniiirtn nv iindrniipnT u.dAH tn. nmiM ' iex.- itiey ranee trom the most ordinary larm. house- hut aelfnnfidenee. faitli. -This is a revelation to she white . : " " r 7 ; U nold and shop duties to the finest and most mtricate me nans of the wortd. - , ' o v S?11.!? ?2S .1 mnri.mTl chanical work, and art. - The more recent of these schools It would be stranire if the ttrowess and patriotism dis- """'"w wiLl to be established aim at the utilisation of art in industry, played by the Japanese in this war did not in some degree They teach the method end develop the ability of apply awaken and stir the millions of China and India to thoughts ing graceful and harmonious forms to practical objects of that are precursors of action. ' Not only they- but other trade and consumption. What once waa only durable and peoples of mixed Malay, Hindoo and Mongol descentmay, serviceable ia to be made a tractive and even beautiful also. w can reasonably presume, be wondering why they, too in cms respect oermany is an imitator 01 r ranee, ana to may not adopt the methods, arms ana implements 01 occi nwuj 11 ui a w bjtoiu uii mil u st cation too iar, yet the Germans as well as a wonderfully progressive . - i . . stant stream of emigration, they have increased nearly It iaestiriated that the population of the world numbers especially strong streams ol water, where a natural head -cates, and accustomed to economic standards that the Can 80,000,000 in population, or over 40 per cent, since Napoleon between 1,600,000,000" and 1,600,000,000. Of these Asia may be had for the power wheel. In this respect Oregon casian spurns v : T; V ' ' " 1 an. rv .UpimI frM 4al lltr laiVtllTItT- . uiiu( puuiiv inauBiruu cuii aentai ClVlllZailOn, anQ uCSl Wlul ins wnue i"u5o vn ii ctjusM v vi' r are an exceedintrlv nractJcal (rmtinty TwmMnV.u wnmlt miirht follow such a general drive the motor car of commerce, turn the people. They are a awakeninr of the vellowish races to the possibilities of factures and become the handmaid of .'-There la a certain interest in contradiction, however vital the issue may e. British opposition to Chinese immigra tion, aa witnessed In Cape yolony, British Columbia, Aus tralia and some other colonial possessions, is given a ridic- REGON has an asset soon to be realized upon which ulo us aspect in the light of British Columbia's favor for the did not always appeal to our progressive eitiren- Japanese colony planned fn our eistef province -Japanese ship, L en high mountains ana heavy raintau. me are more progressrvs man xnc umnese, ana are ies ,lectnoity WUl song tn numbers, nut xne spira opposing- uie son oi xnc wheel of menu- Flowery Kingdom applies to his neighbor. ; In either ease agriculture. All na- it is an alien, true to his ancestry and country, willing to will be in demand, labor for a pittance ot the average wage scale where he io 4' RUSSIAN OFFICERS V " By ERNEST COUNT VON BINDER-KRIEGISTEIN f -x,. I: A ahl Urn MhfJ arnow of Um snMral atarf, whm to timtiM Ahi Ma SiekaUMT . ... )tomn4 aarwlff im 1 fc e tnm of tb , - With Umm woiea BbMWloor. print OBplaota Um oott Informl aoloa, atlr- auropoma tffkm, Siw XttMla hi aptto ( thta TrnrnUh of wMUit erUtotloo la roaUy aa iUloti ara tbaa aa Soropoaa omatro. Tho Ajuu ooimpttoa, whloh xlata ojaoas tl BtuMlu ometals, to also oimlont wwl armr criora and to a eoopi? avmim that Uwr te uisn"' wif anS fey a .Momaa wont afua C robbiae too awoca mnL ' , ' 1 , 1 bar boarS two omralry offteofa wh awt for tho rim tin oooalr aoUiw ooioni of oantrr. a omntt and Imw of om Miami of 'oawalnr, a. oouot oaS Wmr of ooo of RumIa'i BoMot Bmw otwplolnoS that ha, who la Umo of oaoeo waa aoaS ak tl ttopok a dr S wa furtoaa baoauaa ho bad noalTad offdora to 1iro half of what , was aTd on tho rafular oxpooM of tho TCaV aM to tho dWlatoa eoaiavuidaiv , . . Tho awnaarila whto aMaoy Is SovoS br tha raftaoaul oownondar lo alao tyvlemllr Aslatto. Ia uw first plaoa tha fuU Bum bar of bwb ara oarav onllaUd oad a trraot atwabat or oiwora away oa "worune frioiisa,H that la to oar. thor art hind out aa ftaid laoorara to wnf of lorsa aotatar hy tho raolmantml moMihr who oot only vookato tbolr gw onuaoBt mtloa aaomr. hut also too wooa oal4 , utoai br loo oo fo whoat thoy ara worhine. hu foot, to havo aar dlapatchaa oBaors hr aa should not bo aaad by Ut otandard of othor Aa a rmla aaaxlr half tho awaor aUowad ; Olffstrd, ootraopoBdaot for Xa afftUa" aad knowa as a awora Huoophtto. brot Into, tho dining xoam of tho "CoitaJ ilakar," at Rarbta, - ... : At first I tteucut that ha had had a famac Vtft with -aaMT off tho oroprtotora who oro all tMkotof"laoTO am tMU Saehalla. But aol Ha, who waa uaod to. oaa a Tama Durba la. ovorr Ruaalaa otriaor, had during tho taat houro oattrol ahaajaS hto oplaicn and ooutd aot CUal wotdo hard ooough to una about hto fonaor Trtano Ho owora that' a vary bit od frtaodohtw ftuaala hod dfoappaarad from hto haart, and that ho would raturn U Parta tk flrot ohanoa bo hod. a raoolutloo which ha aJly oarrlad out ahortly oftcrwarda. Whoa t JSwd hn what bad twado him o lndlfnaat rora woro brokaa oad paiutad and earrr a la ttto asoat dloaruarlr auuinar and whoa 1 auk a waU-knewa offioor, who waa oo lotosleatad that h oould not stand oa hto foot, whsro I oould find Colon! Fatoff, ho aakad to' ba aeuaod, that na had no tins to anawar ma aa ba waa dining with" Orand Baku BotS, tho hrothor of Orand Dak Cyril, wha wo foarod. hadV boaai kUML Aad just now I mot a nujabar of "offlosra aa fuU draoa ohrorm and whan I aakad on of than If today waa aa orthodox holiday ho rapllad wtth -a tonga which aasdo tho Mood bott te air oatna: MOb; not wo only eatobrata tho daaUt ot this lCafcarerf." . naacliia a Ruaalaa afTlobr spaakthe la thta Biatmsr of bio oenrado,. who had dlad tha daath of a horo. I will aot ramala bar oao day lonaar among thaoa oeouadrola, who know for oats aad hay also a-oaa ta tho eolonaTa . ' Promotion ia tho army fooa oa tha wbota, -aoehot aad tho poor aoroas ara Sod only ones aiy by BroawUoay and that la. tho raaaoa a day aad drucsad with aroaaio aad auipbur why ono ottouo oaas eoioaaki f IS and aoaond ao ao to prooont a oliok aapaaraaoa. That tha ihratonaata of 4b who wUl ramoln Moutononta hotwao ara aloo uaod wy Uto offtoors for thoar wattt old ago foroaa thoaa to ratiro, though te oarrtagoa gaaa without aayins. - ' roll Mary oxasrtonoo aad loumtodgo thoy or la f. Aawag tea offioaro an roeoa. typos and aaaa ovary way aupwrtor to taooa whoso ardaro thoy muot ooy. i But among tha offioaro of. frontlar ragi ant which hovo aovar baoa garrlnotwd la tho largo altUa, ono finds huadrado of young wf floors, splendid young assn, aftaa dascsadV aata of aohla hot poor faaaUlaa, who know ao thing hlghor than to kooo tbair ooautobaon aoataiaad, who would aaortflca thalf- loot drop df blood to tha oaar aad for Ituaota, ana ho ropUod! -1 . -i ! ..- oa know how t fatt yaotorday at tha nowa , aolUiar honor hot patrtotlsaV of tha blowing up of Uw battlaablp Patropmv- . And Olrard wao partly Mght. - though It lavoh aad tao daath of Makaror oad Tarto-: would not do to 9udgo aU Ruaalaa offlaars ohagln oad tho otissnoa of any aowo ooneorw' from tfaaao fow offioaro wbooa anrala had lag Oraaodaka CyrtL Lost Sight whoa I want boon eorruptod by th proaoaoo amoftg fham to Kovaja Kaloalfla, that dlagtaoaf al eata of aa Imparl! dagaooratov In th flrot plaos idwataal la whloh no ooornt au ought to put oaa must rambat that Ruaalaa offl ara found. Xa tho aama rogimont find orthodox RnasUna who aatoa tho sight of na Sbjropooa ao fanatfcmUy ao Maasulmaa ha tao a Olour, Ourman apaaklng and Oarmaa thinktag offioaro from tho Baltic piwt loose and otbara from Kartand nod Upload who daaploa tha Rusalana no tbay daoplsa tbolr fornt of govarnmaot. Plaa and Poloa ara about tha only man on doo not ao na OfHoora, oaoopt oocooionalir no aurgaona. But at th army thr ara tbowaaado of Tartara, Turkmanao. Tehoihsssas. Kalmuck and Stoahklrs, who. oS alaJiomadano, koto thalr Chrlotma fallow 0 f lean with a hatred whloh omr die, end on woadara how th Roua gorarnmant dare trout thaa mm who In tbolr haarta hv nrrar raoognioad tha authority of tha aaar. It would ha, too uraea t any that th Ru- oiaa army la always oa tho Targe of a iwtolu ttoo, but on ahuddar to notloa how th ortho don offioor despiaea hto Mavhomaoao - or Protaetaat mrado aad la vry poeaihl war trtoo to prevont their preatotlon.. aiaa fnra to thalr dtstruat f ail foreigner, whtoa, bowTr. doaa aot prevont atai frai dtoouaalng military aubjeota lb their proaano aad thereby kt a few, momnt lay bar his dreadful hpawano of military hlatory- 1 aav often, irtag that war. heard foreign ortoapondont tell Ruaalaa officer ot he glorloua batu -fought by th eaar'a armlaa tnv tha . warn -ia th Cauemaua aad, agalnat Tartar, of whtoh the had never beard. ' Th Rula nontenant to a the young ffloer ia aar amiy-oarageotta and- rocarasa, but who. I th us of the bravery of the men, who have fallen by th hundred, when their omrnader ara eoward. Throe time whom It la really refreahlng to mt With I hav aooa Ruaalaa- eetrhnan to routed and thee Ruaala may still win battle, and whether they ara well fed or aot they wlU alwyd thear duty. . - ' But tha Saioa arfleara from Moscow and St, Votoraburg are sntlrely dlffermts - Lilts tho Torklah of floor the Russian oaetn to it ('J I HVB GENERATIONS OF : ; CARPENTERS Frv aomroUoaor of lonallved , fothera and son, and vary maa , 9a-k of Cheat a earpeator nd oontrator--bJa to tha reaiarkav bt ottoatioa ta the Kash family, twe of whaoo rapreaaawtlveo or- of Portland. Hew anony; aaanr The ma of thto remarkabl family must have built As far back as the prasant gefuaon oaa trooe M. ttier hao bee oaraiter 1 tho family. "My great. grraot'OTendrathrr was carpenter whm h owaigraeed fra Bngland and settled ftn pMiaarlvanto," oald lugla O. Kaab. 0-ritirr t tha nuttsr at hi home in Vetvcvaitr Wrh loot ' eranlrur- "And hut of him Chero vara oarpooter in rrf y-oratloo. I haen heord my t a about K. and toll of oofne -aa t- 4 thy ooag hi thaa long by - oar. Oanmtr thn were thHr liiro. sawyro and am I ara, and i tw tnmmlngn and 4ar torlor spuming for ths 1 hraaa they buUC Maarly U tbolr old tool are for that kind of work. They would bo of n ao wlmtevor to oarpenter aowndaya My father wa S Sn noalar. He oould take any aimed stick of wood and tall Jeet how saaoy feet of boards It would out and how aueh waste there would bo. Whoa they wanted materials la those day the. earpenler went lato'the wood nd got out the Umber. By felling a tree oo that It would lean up ward on another, they put a Wblpoaw into it. with one man above and oa be low, and thaa they would out out ovary hoard for the house to be butt. It was not much wonder they did not build many fancy bousao hi olden times." The Nash family to f Irish daaornt, and tho rat member of It who oameto America emigrated from Bfriglund In fhe aettsr -part of th olrttlesntn eaatury, aad began building house la Pennsyl vania, and With other lntrpM plonoere went to Kentucky, which became the na- Uv atat of, a aaed aiaiajr.-ge df Om Mash atfpetara Re m a n tompornry of Daniel Boo and for aom yoara hla artisan skill waa devoted lo building th Btookad houea that war the only protection of thooo hardy man and their famllto from th blood thirsty Indian of tho Stiawnaa, Dela ware and Wyandotte tribe that lafeoted Kentuokr n tnooo day sad nltlmatsly gov to th Mat the nam of "dark aad bloody ground.1' whloh ft bar far half aentury- Thle trot plonoer Neah gav to antky tbrvo boy, all car penter Th grandfather of th Port land Nash Sled tn 'Kentucky aom yror aa at the age of M year, and oaa of that patriarch's ferothars reached tho age of 1B. Tho youngest to die waa 'iim.- who brok down his health from chewing tobaoeo, and died St tha ago of SS rear, at Havana, UL Of-andfather Nash left Ave boy, fclL. Jame, Richard, John and Cyruo, oil of them earpooter. Ktl lived at Mary- jnuaajr aadVaJa ataiaroa II. about evenly dlvtdad. and aU of ta boys oarpenter, John O. Nash and tougla O. Naah, who reotdo at Ualveralty Park, earn to Oregoa tn lfltt and 1IS reapaotlvoly. They were bom at Havana, lit, where their rather now roaldea Thta family consisted of hot four arpentaru, the rather and throe sons, and one of th latter wa obliged ta rotlro from the trade because of aa soeldent -be met with while driving load of lumber, from whloh ha fall aad alighted under tho wagon, ene ot th rear wheels pee Ing ever his oh est and permanently die anting him. AU of th family are long llvod. and It 1 a common thing for the man to out-laat St yeare ' atAJTS TVaATN'tV Prom tho New York Sua. Palms ra aaw ult fitted weoutlfully. but ho waa short tl of tha price. Ha need4 tho suit badly, but hi tailor wao decidedly disinclined to part with It till i- n was said lor. Aftc4ia awaaa JJllaae U !. aud I Utak lr night iwrofTlng ta hi mind vartoua achora old and now to gat poaoesslon of tho aoveled attire, palmer evolved brilliant Men. II put oa a high collar two alios too largo for him, wont to hla tailor and triad on tho coat agaia. Of oeursw, It did not fit around tho aollar and would hav to be let out Tho next day no put oa a colter half a else too email and tried on th eoat again. The collar of tao coat bulged out In the back aa If It had beea oonetmctad for tho nook of a pugtltet. "I oaa't wear that thing, M declared Palmer. "It does aot fit at all." -No, ttdooa not seam to,' admitted th tailor. - . . . "You've tinkered with H now till you nav ruined It. I guoee I dont wont it." "Well. I'll tell you what I'll do," pro poned tho tailor, who did not want mis fit left an hto hands. "Ml knock off U oa tha price." 7 "Don't want a suit that toni fit," doclarad Palmer. "WaW, I'll motto H 11 thrown tot panto -only because tanlr odoaeia lost their bonds aad fled in V meaner whtoS ought to have earned that a bullet through their brain TrOm their own men. I On Calonal Xlpowltsota Popowitsoh told me openly la th praoeno of tovoral reporters loaa aU hto goo quaAUlec military and otherwtoe that h oould never fight unless intoxicated. , ; w. .u tHVMd an - aai And to mb of M stamp th lives or nun-. : beoomaa a atupM but narp sritto of hto dawd of the bravest in moment, which foqulr uperloro, wbom tho government gets rtd of by a ler head and cool Judgment burying htm to Ui general staff, where Il ls On easily understand that th Ruasua owppooed that hi IgnofUoo la leas harmful. . rseldief fbjhu boat whoa act under oommaad ADother aaraotritw of thla elaea of Rua- f hi flfflcar ' - 1 ' 1 1 ...... ii i . should be iBtcrcaTted la aa pretty a woman." 1 Th explanation and th ompHnient "All right, bat I loa money on It at that." palmer paid another tailor ft to have th collar altered, paid for hla suit and had tl. te with whloh to ton hat girl t baoa ball game. ave est 'V. Prom th Now York Press. Teaterdsy ftrneoa a wonvaa at Siath-avaune "L," oar sat facing a who with on eye, at least ssemsd to bo staring at her. She became indig nant and amid, sharply; . , "Why do you look itatM. atrr Th young man raised hi hat gallant ly and replied: "I beg your pardon, madam, but It's Ail eye,- 1 it notl" lifting hla finger to hi left optla "WeM. madam, fra hardly responsible for the action of that vya. It's a false ons, msdvm. itTit. upmi ray word, I am aot us prised that even amas eye combined overwhelmed her with confu sion, and h toft the train at the first i From the hi externa Heraia " - ; Th wonder of botany are apparently -tneahaustlblc, pna of the moot remark able specimens la tha Mexican maguey tree, which furnishes a needle .mad v thread all ready for ua. At tha tip of each dark gra leaf to ' : A a slander them aoedl that must be ' . -carefully drawn from Its sheath: at tho- ;, same time it slowly unwinds the thread. : a strong, umoeth fiber attached to thi needle end capable of being drawn out 4v, to a great tongth. " f - ;' "Tea, I vcfMscd my husband ota thfiaa before I Anally consented to bo hla." "Whyt Hnd you a suspicion that omebodJi-etoa might propose toytmr