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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
Tt C TOM TfTLY JOTONAI POBTLAKB, THURSDAY BVENINO, 1 SEPTEMBER tt 1901 . ! asabiwseaanBeoesBaf STILL Tu2 C--TJ ISt NEWS OF THE US THIS TIME IT6 FREB 1 GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDl. J li,: Uuvlt-Lvj lux i ft 1 Th Weggtohtig, Wis man of th party, nndeetkkee to imww Kit go. ' tlons for hi oomrade from Oa. He has t answer en Mod week. Hit answer la not printed. Tlw reader t left to discover it, Th picture and' descriptive matter make this comparatively easy to th netlv mind. Both th plater and th itory ar guides to th Solution of th problem, and th Question admit of, but en correct aaawan, Th pupal requlra only ordinary htU and knowledge f facta Included tit history, lrto;raphr, bot any and natural history, or aa aeoaalatano with piece, bulldlne or em blems about which Ini orinatlcai to easily obtoinabt.. It la get guessing contest, but trial of skill. . , . , , , - To "stimulate Inter in th 1U ef tb peopl treat thdtmnd of O. Th Journal will fttv ft 0.0ft in cash auh aMth to thoo of It readora who nd In eorrt or nearly correct nwrf to th cctlea put to tfao Wgglhg by hi oompanlona. . - n mi ml , .ti. ml, 1111 t". I 9 BepL 22 i - pM hla OCHpoa Only. IN I to th WOddtMTJd atJtltfmi - THS SUNDAY JOUBKAt, rORTLAMD. OMdOlC Th answer to th euet1n asked of th Wogrfebug in th MAge fttt Section of th vapor of SUNDat, BBWTBMBBB it, taw f ; ' - " v 'v T ; "T- -,-,) if ,", -" ' ' ..' " - ..'''-.' ' - fc..-'.; .-ii . i 'it'it,'t ." .-.i- , ,.ri . ,-, . ' ' t"(t,i,.k.tkiii - .-"-' "! . j ! ' - .-' , II A tr ff4j4il-tll.,fc - Nnmot i tt. fttta i Ui4i,MunM'i , troot and fambr..U. .' . ' ' '' - 1 - tat.j.'.tK.liitUtVi'tMVkfrfii4t.4r,f; If amployo of Th Wm o Miomatt of j lr1ll IMMty li oJ twd to th aiinifc k. , n ev. .. :. . ' r WLt dW ft! AhOV COUPOM. Alb th Mp4n M h fohni Meh day In Th Journal until BatOrdar. BepUmbef1 14. Thla aivM yon on ohano to imwtr th question ufatd in Sunday pag. Bach Sunday ft (rh quMtlon ! aiked. Tbl uat1on la to Ha answered an th ooo-' pon pKnted on that day and On each of th ta Week days foUowlnd ex cept that in th wok tMfflnnlnf fteptember only th ooupono up to and Includinr September 10 will be counted in that wJt' anwm " BAVB TOUR COUPONS, and en the laat day of the month them all to THJD tVOOtlLEBiro BDITOrt, Th Journal. Portland. Thi will nd th con test for neptetnber. and th prlaao wtH ft awarded varjr oarip In th month of October. . ,- -' . . .. - ,' - j TtTtt bOLLARg m CAtrt rAMWn-LfiBaiVl AJ rOIACTWP: 1. For th reateet number of oorreet anewera, 110.0. ., i,. .i.,.,, .10.00 P. tot th nt Urireet number f correct anawerev l., fti P. ft. For th third larpeat number of oorreet anawera, $t,lO,,,ltk,(, .0 4, rf tha touHh la r peat nambar of OoffAet anewer. Il.fl. . , 1.0 ft. For th tea MXt la r treat number of oorrOot anawrft 11.19 eeh. lft.M ft. For th Mn neat lftrpeat number Of oorreot anawera, tl.M each.. 10.00 f. For too oiovto next tor7a& number of ootroet anawera, to, often l-i .,-... r-. , v.--taobMp pr tnn contest. "W 1 v .,,- , Th larpoot irawbor of oorreot anawr winot 'r-' " ' ' AU ooupon for ny on month win b naedtrl' numbered, nd muat b placed Ml en envelope and arrmJured In ordap of Uwlr pubUoaj Only one omipon of th ammo da t Obi h ttepoi M too n arrlpo of, anwra for th month. , . , .... If more than on individual huld Mvt OVry, Peupeft eorreetly fpiftrlted ftnd properly ftrrangod, ih flrat priao would be dWMed between the-winner. Otbr prtao will be vtmUarly dlMad 1ft eao ftnynmbr of -contestants haeo th nam numb of anawera that ra otiually oorreet b Not aboolutoly so, -" Conteeunts neea not writ th PftftM nwr -on afl (sou pond msueft for any oho weak. A different anewer an ho written for oach dnyi. but If you are ur you ftra ripht, yen will, of aoors. Writ th name answer -bn fall ooupono nauofl for any. one ftunfteyv JtMmboa th lart nuaf ber of oorreet r.swr winai All etmpont for any oft taunt h ftrubft M plaoud ft tho bftm aural ov h beHn tho-wfheo Th ifournei by -an. f tha ad day ad vi). roiiowinft- monw. , a ,-- t. ; . ''t g,A,fti SM MEN SHOULD fl t : t'SKTM PVM aV : . - t SAVS arskt i ... j.- i MoflOf WMttaV PftOnM nvft, MAJCaT ftUftftMjaA aOOm AJnt Mpe - 'ti ',' Jul 't rtonrr Mahft, wn haa apeOt to laat eek leoklna; ore tch ranpep of Croo tid waaoo eobnUrOi aay that toonuttlneta thr Ift the eattl ftmt ahoep v hustnea ar aatlsfactorr. Mr, Hahn'a .mission wa to lnspct th eattl and aheep ftncheft ftwned toy th Fftnerlli 1 ; Lend ft Livoatoek ofapanp, of which h la secretary. Th company la now freeing- about tl0 sheep ami oattr. . The hay horveet tale Moeoa ha been : batlafaetory. Tho ootnpan Imimtea about .no Here of land upoft which : th wintef ftupply f hay IP prown. Tho : Arooent season's orep was 1,70- tonA - "Tho summer ran: or bow dry amt. poori a there ha ben no rata m th . ut M day, hut tho winter rutiftea ar .- in ftf eonditlon," ay Ut, Hahn. "Steeh ta In food condition, and there :,; I ft folf demand, at reasonable price . fot thta aoason of th yar loni : huyara ar taking pood-slted bunehea i at atoek. I think thai atoak raiser will m tun dhans their methods some ' whftt IS respect to Msrketln; livestock. They will turn off aom of their stock at different time of th year, when prices are at their beat. By waltln until rail ' and then all set II hp at onoa, th market 1 naturally born flown, J 'JAA':. All f ' jViV y J f ; 1 mantles m ' 1 . IRIwiosaAcra II Thin U 11 U on ihm boat II 1 H ' " , " of the ' v II CSNUINE J I U MANTLE : n ; 1 ' I ALLDKAUEta I J prleod ar gbod and nobody want to seil, thinking thot thre will b mere la tt by keeplnp too stook lonewr, Theo when- th prto boklna fsillnp off all rusk Into tha market and further deproa- ln in prtee ensue. I think ft little orsmntaatloft atnona? atoek raUer would QOHj ASA1N V CLOSED BY TGE LAW Mtm COAOOK CMpVNVV afXtrJI TatmBA,' SNM BY MmjtafJ tAAJPA aptts Ajm iAjrAsa. bowaaos ButtVo ftpJont that rloh mine must hat the baptlem of litlpatton to toelnft repeated la crook ftounty, where tha bip Orepoa trinp mlno haa just boon closed because pf tha second heavy lawsuit in voivinp that property Pino ' taken toy th present manapemeat. th second melt, now pendlnp. th baeod upon omnia Tub-atak claim of Pen dleton peopU, wheee name have not yet been mad public .hem They mend fuur-vnths interest in the mine and 1100,00 damapea for their, aharo of production up to th preeent time. Aonordlnft to th allcgmtlon, John Knicht and two ft t her men were arub-suked at th tin they went Into Crook county proepectiuf, end th share of results was to be oft th basis of one-vnui to toon of th thro prospector and one- seventh to each of tho four men pro viding the pru b-s take. Knlpht hur bouftht hi prospecting- partner's Interest and Bold to th pnntlemen Who often- ixed th Orepon Klna" Mlntnp company. Jf Which c M. cartwriptit or mto city, '. J. uuftier of th kammar eoal mine m Wyoming-, and j. O. tDdward. mana ger at , th Oregon Kinp, prineipai stockholder. , Shortly after th Oregon Hint emu pany took poaaeaehm ft bitter ' lawsuit wee fought throurn tho eurta, Which la paid to have coat the new owners from left, to I70.M. . ThU hearing was in th federal oourt. ma the company Pi a Wyoming corpora Uoiu During the period of the-struggl the mine waa permitted to fill, a th new owners did not oar to make lmpfovmnta untu they knew that they owned the property. Th case went before District Judpe Betllturer In Portland, where th plain tiff won. and thlM Ota anneal to th alpha federal tribunate, where th dis trict court waa reversed. . When th case Came dawn an In. a comnromlmt Waa effected, rather than fla-ht It Out. rollowlnar thl adjustment tho hew owners numned th mln out. Improved equipment end extended workinps ma terially, shipping a quantity of blah trad or to th Taeom end Ihrerctt smelters. This summer th snarl was sent down to th fto level hnd ft drift Kia belnc run on both sides at that nth. pravina ft splehdld ere body. The fbnjrmnt had defined plan for A Urper sinking plant, ecmpfcasor and possibly ft reduction phtnt. When men ace from the grub-fttak claimant pre cipitated , the crisis. Manaper Bdwarda. rather than proceed to patent and have th UBu tried before interior depart ttitnt officials on ah adverse, broufrht suit clear title, which aulckiy evolved th issue. He then anoouncM that until this can was settled and title was as sured th Company, h would do no fur ther work either under around or ra the way of surface Improvements, hnd per mitted the shaft workings to rill. The antlr crew haa been discharged, have a watchman, and Mr. CertWftrhL Who IB up in crook county now, will be down in ft few dare. Th ease will acme up be fore Judge Bellinger about th December term of th district oourt. when the Oregon King Will b up for final litiga tion 6vr titlA . Minim? men generally - fleplorft " the do no harm. Th men who luuidle the I latest development, ktrc CartWrlKht la business ftt th other end of the lln-Ti prominent capitalist of the state, and tha prer--r ornnlsod. But It seems hnprobeble that anything of that kind would succeed among th growers. There are o many men engaged in stook raising, and so many differing minds. By th way. th peopl ar still waiting for that extension of th Colum bia Southern railway from Shanlko to Bond, a promised by Mr. Harrtman at meeting at th Arlington eiub When h was lh Portland laat year TO LAY CORNER STONE OF NEW BABY'S HOME -11 ,4 ' - . On Saturday afternoon at I eVloct tfia oorneratone of th new Baby's home will be - laid with appropriate Cerent!. The need of commodious, sanitary and modern building for this bom has beep realised by tho ftMhegepp for years. No until recently, however, hap there been ft fund aiven sufficient to assure tho success Of th Undertaking. There 1 now subscribed enough to erect the structure end equip it with heating and n ah tin; plant. About !ft,0oo ta needed to rurnMh th new home. Thla wilt be raised by public Subscription. The eld building trill b moved to one corner of the home tract in WnverW ariditim. and will be used as a hospital. The present horn waa built it year ago when th demand on th Institution were rwer than they are today. The officer of tho Institution ftrkt Prefttdent, Mrs. t W. Sttton: secretary, r. t. Akin; treasurer, a. U fteenan. The policy of th horn ha been to help, nrt then who needed H very badly and then to take the burdens from needy mother who were unable to nro- Vide for th support of their children in proper manner, fa nil aaea, how ever, where the parent nan pay aom thing toward the support of tho child, thla to required. Whear the hlld lb given up by the parent ft keen i found for it by the society. , t , FIRST ASSEMBLY OF S t OF 0. STUDENTS ; y " . . "' r 1 ' v ' l. ttbuetal OwpaMi r rWl. ' -Unlverstiy of Oregon, Mugene, Sent, tl. President P. U Campbell addfeseed th atndenu of th University of Ore gon at th first general assembly of the year, Which wag held In ViUarn ball. The assembly waa at tended by tho men and women In tho unlverstiy. the fac ulty and other. President Campbell' address dealt with the work of th uni versity in the pest and the Ideal that would b before th student in their work for the coming year. Mention was mad of th different study ehterprlsee and the need for enthusiasm for their success. Stress waa Is Id Vpon scholarship and 11 atudNit wer urged to work for a high itendard m thl rpci Ta ftft aemnll Will b held resuiarly verr Wednesday morning t 1ft o'clock throughout the eollegf year, and will be addressed by Bom prominent ktftk of uoater of the state. - . CClOCCrlA 11ES msttm os bssv ibw OoBoxnur tp ' WBftrg pxara MABB BXAXXBtATZOsTS ABB BB- tUUffBB SAB ,-ABBBB WMA ABB BCBBS Mr. Oualav 1ft on Of th heaviest own er of th Kemmtr nAat mine lh Wyo ming. Both men are able to develop their mine In thoroujrh manner, if given opportunity, and th splendid showing md in all work on th Oregon fttlns; assure heavy, permanent pro duction of the pfeetottb metal Whenever th mln la permitted to operate. Recent plan wer for thomuah equipment, had not litigation threatened, and by heat year the Orepon King would nan been maklna- iwamlar shipments of ore. The lltlpatlon en tangling thla property la the moat haraeeing that haa1 environed, any mln of Oregon, and th owner feel that they ar receiving an undue share of troubl lh getting flown to th point where they can work. - a - i -- PRAISE FOR KAYAK COAL AND OIL FIELD Ifceerial MeosttS t Teft JeurMl.V Baker City, Or, Sept. II' Col. James , Panting, ft mine operator of thl city. has Juet returned from an extended trip through Alaska. He visited the Kayak ooal and ell field, among other section. and of the former ears: The coal propertied at Kayak an te In immense quantities of high-grade anthracite eoal and are situated within eipht mile of deep water. These prop erties when put in operation will sup ply th markets of Paget sound, Port land, California China. Japan and Aus tralia. The properties are controlled by Henry White, ea-mayer of Beettle, J. W. ivy, es-eolleotor of eustemo of Alaska, the Mo ran, shipbuilders of Seattle, th Campbell; . Port Blakely, th Paelne Coal oorapany, end bankers In Pert land, San Francisco and . lo Atia1m. Thrnuarh Mr. whit, who ta an old-tim partner tnrself, I heoame In terested tn the company., it is plumed to build railways, coal bunkers end wharves within th heat year on Octo lee spit, when tn oal will be ready for market.-, i ne empiisn ' oompany BperaTins; there, which also controls the Russian oil field, re boring for oU, and has Six good well a of oil, although aa yet no usher haa been struck. They are pre paring to bore to strike ft -rueher. Th oik to of hie-h quality, on ft parafflno base, 14 per cent benatn and la au- perlor to the Pennsylvania fttl. The oil will be shipped rude in tang steamer to market, both tn American and SurO pean porta." ' hajtl 1: A SENSIBLE MOTHER Proud of hot children teeth, consults gaitttot And learna that th beauty of permanent tooth depend . th Oft re taken of the Brst net. , , . " ;c SOZODONT UqttM and Powder hottlt bn uW, The tjlnuld to pe net rats Into th little crevices and purify them; the Powder to polish the outer surface and prevent th ejnuleift of tartar. FORMS: LIQUID, POWDER, PASTS. 'ftptrt.l nssatcft t Tke ieemei. Baker City, -Or.k Sept. tl. Nottce derved upon all local person interested in the Cornucopia mint .of i Orgon company, following Immediately the examination of the Wg mine by Pier Humbert of San Frftncleco and W. Clay- ion at liter of the Federal Mlalna Smelting company, Ceeur g'Alenea, are token to Indicate ft deal for the Seerle property. No en connected, with the company, which la new under manage ment of Robert N. Jones, representative of John & Searle and receiver for th federal Court, will make -any statement as to the portent of recent developments. Mesar. Humbert and Miller both lndi cated their purpo of returning her within a. week to 1 day, which 1 ac cepted a vldenc that the examlaa tloa haa been aatlsfactorr, and that they will bo at th Cornucopia asain soon to oomplet further detail of th negotia tion. Th notice served by th federal receiver a follow) , "In th district eourt of the United ftote for the eastern 1st riot of New erk. In th matter of John & Searle, bankrupt, Notice to hereby given that Uubjaot to e lamination of th Prop erty) actio ha been mad to th trus tee ef th abov estate to Purchase th capital atoek of the corporation known a the Cornucopia mines of Oregon holding title to tho Cornucopia, mining property, th purchase price to be paid part In cash and part in bonds secured by mortgage, providing also for pre liminary development work to be don at the expense of the purchaser. Action on the proposed contract or offer of sal will be taken at ft meeting to be keld September l, at 1ft o'clock a. m., at room ft. fourth floor of the postofflce building, borouph of Brooklyn, N. T. It la earnestly desired that every creditor b present, or represented if possible. , "Dated Brooklyn, September 11. Iftftft, Signedr - : "OBOROB tk BBATTYB, Trust, "FRANK RKYONLiDS, RefarM." Mr. Humbert to the representative of larse capitalistic Interests of Ban Fran cisco, end la a prominent mining engi neer. Mr. Miller la Very closely asso ciated with th Federal Interests, which mesne' the Rockefellers, Sweeney and other of th heaviest mining men of the northwest. These gentlemen have Juet returned from a thorough ekamlnatlon of the property, and while they will make no statement of the probabl out come, vrytitlng prove that ft great deal la on, which all local mining men hope will result in th Cornucopia prop erty passing to such lhterseta. ' The Cornucopia. oonBlettnn of Ift' Pat ented claims, to developed by approxi mately lft.000 feet of . Work, ftmt Is quipped With ft lft-tamp mill, concen tre tors, slimes plant, and both steam and electrical power plants. When John H Pearl en, the great sugar masrnftt, failed, hlft mine ceased work for ft period but waa later pnea by the receiver. After th death of Superintendent Dob lec. In an avals he he, work suspended. Later Bernard Mac Donald of L Roi fame W associated with Lack A Schmlts of Baker City tn organising ft great ft.0ftft,0ft eompanr to ope ret th mine, but thl concern did little work. Debt aggregating Iftft.Oftft accumulated, lien -wer Aled, end vhe -mine - closed aft-aln. , The pending negotiations are the first of moment since then, and the fact that they have been taken Oos-nlsanoe of by th receiver would Indicate, proba bility el ft transfer. .- !. .. , GREAT NORTHERN IS ' - ' RUSHING NEW MILL Jeraal BpeeUl Serrlee-X ' ' Kugen. Or., Sept. II. The building being erected by the Oreat Northern Development company for Its new Hunt ington mill la about oompleted, and the management eapeets to have th ftut- ehlnarv In soon. - This nlant will h quite modern and larsjftly Increase the milling capacity of the Oreat Northern. Exceptionally good ore to being taken from latest Work in Hi main drift. which haa attained a length of iftft feet. fttl en the vein. Jamaa McSortey, fore man at th mlhe, say the vela variee In width from ft to 1ft feet tft thin drive and that some of th bBt ore yet mined there to being taken from near the face. The high grade rook M tho black oxide of manganese which carries beat in th Bin river district. Another tunnel hen -been Commenced on a level 100 feet deeper than th main drift and wtU be carried tn ad rapidly a poaetble. It haa already at ruck th ledg in place and And th fissure true and Strong at the additional depth ' i m i 1 1 RICH GOLD-SILVER IS TO BE ON EXHIBIT th latter part thht Week er early peat, carload let bf hlph gnad or being sent out from the Oreaon Kins mine, Crook county, will be left here two days aa an exhibit. Angua D, Mc Queen, th local mining engineer, will have char ire of th ore While In thl city and st tee that It will bo left on th track at th O. R. ft N. depot, where anyon mtorMted may Inspect th rich rock at hi leisure, and those desirlns will b permitted t take specimen. The ore was broken down tn the last work don by th management on the 0ft level. Where drifts were being run at th time of, closing down because of pending litigation. Because It comes from the deepest work done on tho O re arm King and I typical of the gold- stiver ore of on of Oregon' best known properties, the exhibit to aura to attract muofc attention. flSlTIBS) OftUHfrOW slTBBB, " , jtaal apeotsl esrvtee.) Raker City, or.. Sept, II. Dr, l W. Baas and Dft O. O. Bite I of Minneapolis, Inn., who are Interested In th Queen of the, West mine, Corouoopfe district, de parted for that property yesterday, ac companied by C F. Soderltne;, general manager Prior to their Cornucopia trip th party went through the Sumpjter dis trict with Mr. ftoderilng on ft penerel tour Of examination. The Queen of the West haa Just commenced to prodwsa. a shipment of concentrates having beh ent to sumpter recently from th first run made there, ami development hue been pressed aggressively for ftwr that) ft year, . , t. Another Sterltoi Clossct k Devers Froduct Hswbig Btttrhsssd a Isrs lot of Golden Wtst Baking Pcmdmr wne again offsr our "wnt d. Mtrwns ftnother trsat To 9vtj pgraon who bringt S paid ad. for next Sunday's journal w Will giva abaohittly frae a can of this fn well GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER Just a Word About This Premium Ootdsn Wast Baking Powder Is eoraposstl of tha Very finest materia 1 obtainable, and is guafanteed ABSOLUTELY PURE. Ctofisnt ft Devefs guarantee this powder to givw entire setigf action and authorise the refunding of, money should an fault be found. It la sold by all leading grocers throughout tha city. ; ';,; Want Ad. Rate 21 Words 15c Rawnikf fte Baitrjf Povdtt 1 gttcfl only to : thou Who vftat in a paid "Want Ad for Vh Kind Ton Hbtb Always SotM fcad ItbIob lubi fm oeo Ibr ore? 80 rars. has bono tha) stamBtaf e? ftuul haft been nwda mder his tar sHMkal soperrlglofti aaaoa IpstsiBaey Allow BO onft odeewMrWrolBUika. U OoutvriBltaV ASiltBttons and Jtwt ns goed Bra bat Expegdpnettts thn ruls With and eaMlBBdret1 tha aWftlth of sbatssBia ftuxd Clilldren--pBrieawg gnyalnst siipogisBaBai WhatlfiCASTORIA Owtorin Is j. haripBBi swb gnrle Drops and toothing? BTrtipe It la PlaHnMa, ' contains neither Oplnmp Morphina Bor etitet Vstfeatlfi 1 embetfttiMM las sure to Its ftBarte It e1eetsfa WorrnB BtMl nUaa Ftrrertoimflgg, It cures frtkfTDOB and Wtnet " . CoUe. It relleres leethingr TroubhhO cntraa OetHBMtoaV . and flatulsuncr. It anglniilatea tho Food nigBlaios tlMI T HtoamiA and BoAsvlaV fiTtng heaJtliy SAd BUrna laaWe . Ihe tliihlgmts ftiBBoasi TCho Mother's ri'toBals CENUINt (CASTOR I A ALWAYS Seen) tk ftlgnatsre of j9 The Kind YouMrtiklit In Use For Over 30 Yarft. , . THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON ;f STARTED RIOHT -:5 '-'f '' RATES ARE CORRECTLY BASED f ," Good Ih&rftnce Purniahcx! to Men nd Women Who ; V ; Ctwi Past Required Examintlo ALL WHO Mtl UNDER THE AGE Of SIXTY CAN JOIN A It you want the beet fraternal kmn&bd Lti tha WotH In vestigate tha plana 'of Tha Order of Washington! ssr fall paf. ticulara, fMnirhteta, ate, addmaa giving your age, J. L. MITCHELU Surfafna pretary, vyr;'J-r.y,t:' afarquam Bldgu Portland Ore-: EAST roRTlJUfe rNC oa WtlUt WORKS A. CABXBOM, fteentotof Msneraetftrer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL v FENCING . And the Ualiweal tknoMnfttton fene BIiBVAfOB BWCMnntBS BVEBTTM1KO M WIRB. ftft B. Mnfton Tslepboae Dr W. Norton Davis I) UAVtie IN A WEEIC iVt.I.ia fWlthmt Munnnt tit BTvr. la au u uu oin, iw. witaaat spsmnsa er pua .i i. lee Mutt mi mt stosa. We ema restore tee sexnu r e ear udr 5n YT lift el lecu weat seeanar te raft for nr. fRIOtUAA, ara mas ntdr Be hr auu et bcu wee a . est peea&ar a srssls. . I We Care Gonorrhoea In a Week The fcrhw Bf Ms htetttets are ftB teMii fHcMtiie, bar UA bubt jean aipen lavs bn knows la Portias far is v kave a resnUtloe to mrbitata, aed wttt er Uke Ss aasa i aweua ears sas Be e tvsraBte ft cam m everr nae.we seder. Mke at chart jw fee. CMtealUtVw rree, i h ters MefldsattaL Ibstrsrtt BOOK WOU hUaH auUed free ta pkla wrapper. ran st ernoe. Bsme erestsMat If rem easnet ttea eUekT: Be a aeanV t ft. aes t K ksHeaye, N M tt , wrrM far mwimrel. the seertanets. hi Ike, Bn Ml sash SMlkeft wan . DaW. Norton Davis & Co, TftB r , m. a. ana. aw . . ana svam. ', BoanABB, oautaoB. C.OEBWO lata Oreat Chi Deetor Jl anWf I called great eacse hm wonderful cures are wetft known threuphou the United Statea. and beuaus oe raacP role are thankril him for eavtsdt thetr live tram OPERATIONS 1 1 hark and ves table V ft that are eotlrely an kitewn ta mMMl OClenee In inie wie - R treata any ftmt 1l dlasaeos with SDWerful Chip. erh. reot. bmrt. tlrel try, and through the nee of theeehanrt lees rcwedle. Thl famous doctor kn n th action of ever IB dlfterent mee Jliat he has successfully used In differs ft Iseasee. He sua ran tees to ear oatarva. asthma, inn troubles, rneaniaiisTn, wrr vousnee. stomach, 11vr kldneva, r male Troeble m Ml prttato fV Hundreds of teetlmonlalA Cbrp moderata Catt end se him, j OOwwrrtTATTOw rssx Patients out of the. city wrrht fn blank and ftftrcnlftiv nilsa asap Aft arse . . THE C QEB WO CnUHESB - MEDICINE CX ftftl Aid stree. Bhrllftftd Oft Men thla paper. Ef rt Kk-zi BlaaeesAlMiaaMktMw ae im wv. MAim WheraMf lray new Titen Simaj vv te.rfle.ll-a-- f- Don!t Forget Us X Whn year ttnna ar soiled and need the car of an erpcrt laundrf te pet uiem hi sjooa snapsw mm wmto'i aim won r no amar uunorr n do. as ws hav th appj lances, machinery and anpert help to fto It. i saw edga V. ! Troy Lr.tix sxbb wmrt la raw smaur ir''''-,rf''n. i m i -7" tw. tnien tam fern Bx arm - a. M f tam fM DiwtttM bit-iMM. h fall Mrtiputar nd ilri 1 WoenAv'e. tuiln " a a-x, B ft) BUUfttBWAisxteh KEM3YVEI:!Ar.2 - . rropetets f urn t r 9 S 0 r tA.JT. t-