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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOtJRNAI PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER tV 1904. axflBS i rroDAv QIED OATS TO mam advance OA' Toxomaow. Tnmt eSreet. Sep. l9? Illte Portland wnoweam , aolssd Mt make fcay advance. !Sr ft W.ita Walls, -k IkKM oar caatora egg arrlvee, .... ; Pmiltry receipt of late beery. - ? Becelpt ef HIM ft Bag eft, ; . Beet teal asd tec aiui - , H Ytf Hay toarfcet - California potato wakenlug Oregon", Seasons preepccta oranges 8, ' fenall safe ef begs r x, ,Sl ' 1 Turkey arrive U flat. . Beet better Is still eroa. ; Cheeae mark to sal-las tleih. . ' Tale are imoat i , . - . f ' uui ema mate ten anmav im. Man InM Boer nllll to th nt mi ihi Miwd tbe inansfactmrere . ZT a maet taaaaselTOi and tb ,k.t la alanac Mu, . Ft seme time tbe ..M. r aiid seta have Wen Sgur . lu M l rise la value bat they tba market la a bad eoodlUoo ant a. J'nfV' thmt time was ahnost Inanoealble. Today tb varlou ceeapanie derided to ant ward and tomorrow an local roll eetn will K MlniM af ttomt Bos OCT barrel MW ' today ftfluna., All grades are effected by tba Aneht Sw luMn Arrive. Mtni another cr ef eastern egg HI tnulit la thta rl tortaT B 0Ot of - -. . hm Huaiia luta Mild ttOfW. wbM thr will rviaats irU tb dctaasda of Wlnte eaU fwtb. Swwlpw m kxm i ara rathn- Hbt md taw nwlpU af tba SilM-a atock baa mot MatarUUr waakNtad tba irkH. Tba prlra for tba treab OiaffW IcbwIm at 9ba par aaaan. . . VaBJtn Baaabiti Wn ' eoBDtir bar oohm M tb eoawbatoB tbat aw to tba ttma to aU tbb- at4rfca. lor tba rt ctpf durinc tba paat ftw dajs bafa ravr. Teaterdar and TUaadaj tbv ww tT bMrr. but today th a Iter. W. I. Tvrnwr A Co. aar of tfca Htut Mob: "Pooltry baa aeld wU tbll wwk mp to -todar, bat atocka ar accumaUtlnc m prlM ira aot kMkinaT knrw. Teal to sUin and nni Uivkl at tOB DrlMi kT bPlU rMllWd. Smm batur la actrea and ta aiun at InU - aiMouttooa. Tba an aarkM took btfbar.' rinviu- tte naat Cpw dan tba fwealfti of oaltrj bar brokaa U iwirda far till partod of th 7r ana laaar tarn onHn log a toBdearr to wmtrart. Prtwa ara rath-r ktha and artll wrTT Hkf4 n lOWrf If tba praaeitt rata of arrlrala b9 p. AdfW front tba aoatbeni aortion af tb atat aaj that tba aapalr af torkcra tbto aaaaon la Uto Urga. Baaatott at tUnaa lUUnt Off. Th law water aad tba ktrti at ralaa fa earning; tba catnfc af aalnoa Id aU laeal atraatna to fall off and tb -awrkat bcaav la a trlfta -. ftntar itb na haaa ta vriaaa. f, i Bar Mute la Xaah Waaba. " W1 larav affariaca fcaai all parttoaa of tba nrthwaat tba bay Baarket la abnwlnc a waakac fcrlhic today, bat a far opouttoaav aba iwKraM Waabaaa Or-cab TaTdalM " tba mp of poutoaa U CaUforala tbJa aaaaaat U aa Urn that tba deatora tbera ara offerlai t HndnaMM to BMrchanta ta tola rUr a wrT rare ewnrranea. Tbla la havliic (ukHinf ffM-t m Urecna atoek. Ite trada. kn.M. la becomlnaT "l-k" af tba California mrAm Bna la nnt hnrtna! to haawfly. Tba markcta are a trtna lower today.. Itaoatoto of mv-r Oroanaa afcnw a aiaatl bMYeaaa. Ob ear of MfN and ar of onion aaaa ta fraan WaliaLalla tbla nwmtns. , .., . . - ftoiftll Salaa af Baa An Bipartod. Snaaa vary bbmII aalae af 10 boj ar afala . repnHd baltw ww at flcnraa raagiiW ttntt MHCtSne- Tb tattar fwora to nrw Ufa tap ' of the aurket. aaaan'e giaanaate far Otif to aat. '' dwordlnc la T. H. Mmpaoa, cenaral aawa Uat of tb OaHfornta Cltma tndan, tb crop f orauCM hi tbat BUt tbla aeaaon will . ba aaltr bravy, bat not to tare aa laat yaar. Mr. MmnaoB aaya: "Tb fruit to ta vary goad t (lonflttoa and will rtoek aarllar tfaan laat aaaaon. It U nperfd tbat aranr will toftn to nor In aarncat a boot tba ndddla of Korvmbrr. Tba ' wratber tbto aeaaon wee not early on Ideal ron dlttoo for tb matnjt af tb fruit, bat It baa - now tarned root wbkw will g1 tb arawtee Color. Tb Citron anion root rob) folly two , third of tba early (rait ta nortbarn CaUforala and a Mg er cent af tb crop ta tb anatbrrn " vert of tb atat. It to now eettaMtod tbat ' tbera ar only a boat 50 ear af lata Talanrlaa Vft ta tba entire iUM ad CUornto. Tba , amarkat to aary Oram. , . ,. boot Batter StOI Semraa. . Th brat bottar to atUl aoaroa wttb nrkoa Jhrbangrfl. The aaaaBnr aopnly of la enaatag tb . toerkH to at Iff en conddrrably. Today' wbatoaai aawtoUoaa, aa yartoam, ore an faltowat , , Santa, run and load. ' t. WHRAT Kipnrt prtoa New and r)h Onb, -IBct blttratan. MhRc; raller, MOWc. AR1.FY rd, I2S.A0; rollad. S23.0 brw tnc. 22.(JO. OATtwVonBwn prW We, 1 wUta, tTT.M 127.!: grar. t2fl OOCM.SO. rLOIB Keau-ra Orrgon: Pat rata. 94.83; atralgbta, t3..VtS.nt valkcy. 3.W(iS.g; m. ban), ia. 3.3.TS; 10 P,9694.S). - it ILLSTJ ' FKS Bra , 11).(W per ton;, told "'' $ifo 2000 "' ' tt.W; aboo, liy Proonrrra taaTlatothy. Wfllantatta aalli-y. fancy. . 063 !.: orillnary, 912.000 Ifl.ixJ; niIdti Orvgon. tu.00 is.on; mixed. . tin.miQl2.00; cbnrr. t OOeU.Ow; grata, 111.00 , 11.00; cbrat. Ill OOftll.BO. , . Haga. Waal and Sldag, ' ROPS Itng, nominal. xvcjMc tor ohwaa, V far pHnw; 1904, MMe. WOOI- Nominal. TaUev. toaraa to aaadtaaB. veTiilfe; b. lac; rat era Oregon, Utilnc, MltAlR Nrw, gn. . bllREraKlNA-naartae;, lr; abort wont. . awdlnai wool, S0a50et lone woL Kirnal.nO tacb. TAUiw- Prttaa, aor ft?, dOae; Ba, S and -iSrraao. 2rt2He. nirTTlht BiitMeM B, harlng vrW. niPBgDry bldVa. KaT 1. IS Iba and aa, HSfllSe prr Ih; dry big. Nn. LB to IS lb. ISHr; ar lf. Ko. l. nndr f tba, UHe; dry Mltrd balli and ataffa. i- Urn tana dry ; lti aaltad bldra, etaar. aoand, 00 Iba or over. T". DO t 90 Iba. te; nadar B0 lb and t rfwa, 04 Tr: ataaa and bulla, aoand. be: klr. IB to go M, Tet aonnd. fo to 14 Iba, fc, , calf, aaand, ander 10 Iba. gu green fa . taalted. 1 gr tb leaat cwlbi. If Mr fe Ira; -v bora bloea. aalt4, rarb. J.2nl.Tf; Ory. earn.; ealta' bldea. aarb, goat akina, oaaanwin. aaHi. loaiSo a agora, wttb " aol -on, each. SBrtttl.OO. , Batter, Bgga and Paaltry. A TTTKR FAT Swrrt, Sir; aour. 94, !' " BI TTEB City er-amary. boat. Xtkt ana. , tod grad, S5r; antalde faorr. Shti ordlaary. 9X: enHtfra, Z3H; atom, lnaiOc. ' ' T.W, No. l trvh OrMgnn, A-iill-'l. 24e; aaatoni. Mr: bakvra. SXr. ' CH F.ENR Mw Fnll crMaa, twta, UUHt . 101 I.TRT--ChloB.. Bind, H bar lb; . bna, 12V) e Ike pr Ik; rooatera. eM. oar lb. aoontv 12r per lb; brntlera,. iia par lb. ' fri'ra, ItWe pwr ft: Onoka, otrt. Ifte pr lb: young. ii pv lb; two. fKMWc f B; tarkaya, 17c p lb; draMed. IBe per lb. . .. Frntta and TaatabU, t ' POTATO K Grtyxi. gl.M urr wtj bat en' . frWa, Sl.Z); UailforBla. Sl.Ijl.3S; awaa. ON10ISLoM, ll.nodll.fai Oaafamln, St.Tf I ( farlir. B10r per lb. FER"H FBlTrS ApoHa. faney Arogan, ft M f)r not: rba gradra, Soa7n per bot; .i uaagaa, alraltrannaan awena. -TUB aar tviuriaa, m.Aci.iTrt oar bo: W : IMtHd. Sa pa lb; lanvna. cbotre, 2.Tt.fS.0g per (Ml; fawy, a0itl90 par boa; lime. ; kietWa. 0CC pr 100; plnrapalea. gl.Mf plana. ' anVir per Nn: paarhea, ordinary. dBe per bii Urr. TiV ir but; ppra, WtjhnV par boat granae, gl.ma1.29 par boa; Ora- tr.n. B((TV; rrwfita, 3m per t- baakH; I' m b-het, aAtftOr; blaherrle. tl.gft par , ithIo; wtffirel'Ba. flrrayu, (Vjl.0n; ranta . Wpea, l (K W 1.20 per rral: caaahaa, gl.fiO per d-a. bocku rri, i per fh; t-rabappWa. 8!o T per IK; rf. ,fn IM, T i per bhL VBajOT-t-M-Tninlpj. fl.S par aaek; ear Hi l 3f rer aaok; beets, (1 20 per aark; O, .-a-. raillflia, l&o tr d'' . aaiihag. Ot.n. I f Ik Ttnr. b0. Ifta per noa; grran ' t ' fa. ' t T wWr, Tor pr doa; In . -a. t a pr- ; pa ran I pi. Tlk-) ; rrw i pe nr par Ik; err anion, par ( lacal graaa aorn, tl-WrdJL.Sk par SMARKETS aaafe: a niaa. a)2U nr tbi atring baeaa. 4c; onnuabera. BDe par rack; betbouae, 12Vc par doa; eaullflewar, TS00e doa: beana, Se; pajupklna, l par fb bora Ilk. M IW DK1KDFR HITS- Apple, mpargtad, TO par lb; aprleDta, OUQlSo par- lb; aacba, Ik par to Maa; peacftea, igut per w; poara par Tb; prune. Italian, SH4Ue per ta: Franob. SHUH prr lb: Sga- CHoawl black. SUU aer la: (!allfornia white. Bar In: plnma, plttad par lb; date, wldan. 0Sa par laj Ut4t. I1.W nor 15-Bj koaX . : tfMvWVlgnnBi VaftsBi bMvbV SCOAB Sack baatoCab. bo 1 aowttowd. 1 dara: mapl. 14l0a par la. ,-A CoprKB Orn ktoeb. rot; Jara, fancy. ltti20e: Coata Bloa. bar, lSrCtV; Ooata Rica, good. loftlHo; Cnata Bloa. ordinary, US)lSt par lb; package aoffee. 13.TBtH4.TS. TKAgO,, dlffarent grade. fO0Bi gwn- owdVr, 2lS2astW-; RngUb breaaraat. 0K ferent gradea, 13HS)flDf ; spMarlag. BBOolorcd Japan, ttoa; graan apag trary aoarcaj, avaj Me pW lb. . . salt Fine BaM. aa. aa. aa, aa. loa. n.m 1.50: table, dairy, ,50a, St.0OAI130; 100a. .11: Imported Uvarpool, ftOa. l B.0411l.0O; ooa. SlS.0fild.O0; 334a. S14.0oatlt.ftO; extra Inr, bbla, to. Sa. 5a. 10a. 14.00; balk, SS9 tba. $8 50: earks. BOa. one. ft A LT Coarse Half BTfoond. 100. wr ton. S5.2o4adB0; Km per ton. SB.OSAT.OO: Llrarpool lump rock, glS.B0Qie.60 per goni SV4B roca, gO.Adrd.T?: Tooa, o.TB)S-aa- (Abora nrlMg apply to ealaa of lag ffcaa ear lot. Car lata at gfwctal arloaa aakjaot Ea nBrtuaflona. ORAIK BAOS Calrwrta. B.T5S9.M per lOf. HICS Imperial Japaa, Bo. 1. B; Ho. 1 44e; New Orleaa keaV da4gi Adjacft, Creole 4W&4U& BEANS Saall wbHe, S0Set Urge wklto. m a-oc; pun, tuc;.. aayoa,' aw, uataa, mwi miirB reaa. 0140. NUTS Peanut. TH; tombaa, SH fag lb; raw, 91 9ftr per SfllOe nor lb: roaated. aoaoaDatB. 8BO er Ani; walnnta. 14410 per bt pin nuts. 104S12H parjb; blrkory nuts, lOr par lb; cbaatnota. eaatera, VeflOc per lb; Brand aata. IBe per lb: Albert. 16tl8e per lb; fancy poena, l431ke par mt alinonda. 1BQ1M pat pj. Stooto. rtab and Ifraatotena. nWBB MPUTb lBapactdBef. atoer. Sa per lb; row, BttBHc per id; motto. ara, 4i5e par lb; Umna. dreaaad, Bffdc par lb. FRESH M RATS Front atrect Beef, atoer. 4H&V per lb: pork. ftlwk. H7c par lb; aafa- era, nfcc par id; oniia, per n, i, aaav 4 He par lb: mntton, dremad, 40 pet lb; real, eitra, Tc per lb; ordinary, OH0ta par lb; a Ptokf toe.,) banu. 10 to 14 Iba. 14e par lb; 14 to IS Iba, 14c par lb; W to Iba. 14a per lb: eottajra, OHc par lb; braakfaat bacon, laOlftc par lb; ploalpa. lie par lb; regular abort etoara. n amohrd. lOUe aar lb: a looked. 11U nor lb: clear backs, anamokad, 10 per lb; anwked. lie per tb; Union batU, 10 to IB Bm. ansmobad, Se per lb: smoked. Se par Tb; elaar belllea. Ba amoked. llVe par tb; amnkad. 12 He per lb; eaatrra kama, laH par lb; braakfaat baaon. 10? per lb. . . . t UH'AXi liid netria war. iub. nm par lb.: to. 10tc oar lb: SS-Ib. tins, 04 ner lb: steam rraderad. 10a. 9r par lb; Ba, per lb; SO. BUc par lb: eomponnd tlercea. per lb: tnha. fle per lb; BOe, 6e par lb. 1A8TBBX LABD 10a, 10i4o is, ltn SOB, lOUc fANltlD RALkmit otomMa rtrar l-m talta. Si M; 21b tails, 02.50;' fancy l ib Sat. 2.00; H lb faoffT Sat, 1.26: fancy l ib orakl. fS.Tfi: AUaka tolls, pink. UOBOc: red, SlAO; nonstaBl ,,t11. 00. FIKK Edck cod. Se par lb: famders. Be par lb: bailhut. ac ner lb craba. S1-2B par doa; striped base, 011H par lb; catSah. Tc par lb; salmon. Chinook. Sc per lb; atortbeada, per lb: barring. Be per fa; aolen, Sc per lb; shrimps. 10c per lb; abad, drrasrd, SHe par lb; perch. Be par lb; shad roe. 1ZHC per lb: roe shad. So ner lb: black end. Se ner Tb: eUrer smelt, or par : lotoiera, iajc; rrasa markerai. Be; rrawnata, roe per ooa; Boangara, Be par lb. OTHTKRflSboalwatrT bay, per gal, 2 Hi per ark. 4.oo net; Olympla, per eaek. p.2fi; CLAM". Hard abelL Dag box. SLOOi raaor euni, Sl.Tb par nan. Pnlnta. Oaal 00a. St.' ' BOPaV-Pa ktBadto, UK; alanarV ISil meal. 10WC. . . COAL OIL Pearl or Astml Can per gal; water wklto. Iron bbla lac wronB ht Bat, imiiiiui, ivw )Uc per gal. Iron bbla ITe per gal. Lillf BkBD Oily mr raw. nnm nm OIL Par raw, IB bbla Ma par gal. caaaa OSc per gal; ganaln feetti ballad, caie OOe per gat, bbto Me par gal; groan d cake, oar feu SMS per ton. lana tban caxa S3S.00 par ton. OASOUNB SB nag. tnaa SSs par gal. Iron Mile Per aai: ators. eases him sot ami. toon bbla IS per gal. BENziNEofo-. oajaaa zS par ntL kron bbla lKUe ner aaL PAINT OIL Raw, bbto SSc per gab BBC per cat: nmieo. ca w par gal. Ttr RPKN TIK K I ease Ae per gaL ajeoden bbla. per gal. Iron bbla TB par gal, 10-lb case lota 84c per gal. WHITS LI A .D Ton tots Te ner tot? TH Par SB, S00-B tot 7t lb. lea lota Se par tb. W1BB HA.IL rratoat naaa at fXOB. Batoa Lnmber Brtoas. Con, Setoet Clear '--(,-;; '. . Pee per Per If Ft, birtr-Sf ft. Bongb, dlaMBBtona rwgalnf aiaa Pas to 12x11. B2 ft. S SJS SIS SO SSS. OS Btmgb. dlmenslona regular si sea to mis. -u n... jist B,oa Bough, dlmenatoaa ragubv slaea to 12x12. 4X48 ft... IMS 18.08 BLBO Bough, dimension regular alaee to 12x12, 5040 ft... for eack addHlogai S lnehas ta width ad , tr odd and fractional alasa aa wad add not toes tban t.08 BOS SOB as AOS : ASS AOS AM ' ASS for sawipg rertleal grata to dxiFadd Common naab boards, rem- Ur alia to IS In. wio . to 84 ft. Inc., lasarnO leagtba .S; . 1180 SneciBed lanaTtbs at k saris SI. 08 nor bt faa addlttoaal. Board to eanatot af asg tban S tMbaa ta tbicSaaaak 4ii . t SENSATIONAL DROP OF SI IN SMALL HOGS Portland Tjnlon Stockyarda. Spt. tA Tbora to a toucn neavior run of small rat bogs of from ISO to 140 pounds and tba market abowa cut of 1 per hundred pounds on Ksde. Tb beat bog ar etlU quoted at pa. t If tba run of email knars nsariniiaa lam price will Tory likely ft lower. im receipia noa oucaiaiea or as noga, aa I tie and MO nbaen. Tba lattor two marbata ar Bi-be. OfOrtal rnag pricat tedayl' Cattle Beat aaaterB Oreaon ataara. a eaan Kit); beat valley ateera, 82.7B: median tarra, S2-S0; eowa, S2.00; bulla, 1. TB; star a. S2.00. Hogs Beat beary, M.TSCO.00; block, S4.BOB) SSO04haO t' 4i no'n A faeoera, 8heep--aeat grain-fed wether and kaaSB, SASOglATS; mixed iknt, SA00S.A MMMTXMM BOH BLOTF. v- v.. Cblcago, Sept. fSlreatotB racotota: Hon. Cattla PAaaa CWraaw ..,....18.00" 11,000 Su.iO0 KaAaa at. .. ....... sono u.un , a. ux Omnha d.Otal B.000 12,000 floaa OBened alow with elono toft ah a.. eeipta a rear ago wer 11.11110. Prices: Miid Caftlc Pteadr. Sheop 10 hi char. BXW TOBJt OOrFXB XUMXXt. . New Tor. Scot. 22. Cnffa mtoaat Dchanged to B pinta higher. un oineiai Miaa aurket; ' v-1. -,. - 1 CLOSINa J,"T .' . .17.10 7.ln Fcbrnarr ............ A.y., T-20 T-SI March..,...,., ...A...;..,.. T.80 f 30 April .'...v .. T oll f. May T.B0 T.S0 Jun ............. 1.. v.... i'k.. tun V trt July ,...( TOO' T.T0 Aoim-t T.TO 7.T5 rvrtember.,.i dm B.m October AW son November im a on Decsaaber f.trt.v...1..,.i....... 7.00 TOO ' ' foraton Oaffag HaitaOa. ' -ffew Tor. Kept. 22. Harre offe AWTInad point; Hamburg, nocnaaged. Bio receipts, otio begs, with market atead at imm m. poinoi niaarr, Mntoa receipts, boAW. wttb snarkot atoady and anckanged. , " y Stoar Tark OmA Oaff. PJ Turk. Sept. 23. Cash rofftdt tlo. t Rto. Bc, No. dntoarnttqBc." OBSOAOd) SBAJB CAB IjOTS. Cbtcagn, aVpt. fA Orata ear tota: . Cars Grade Bat. ''ra, ,. BAB M gHA Oat 180 38 IBB Wheat car today!". Bnd; Thrlutn, Cars rear goi MtoaeapoUa, duSj ImbHb, XdOi Qttoxgo, SO. RALLIES WERE SHORT - LIVED IN STOCKS (Fmnlaad rnta'iad by rrarbfc. Starr A Ctooka 0.) ew York, Sept. 27. Wck Broe. Mrf The k gurket ba been dull and onlta haaTy at or today. Tba opening waa Srj and tbera waa aome abort-Ured dull, bat tb decline began early ta the day and coutlnaed throagnoait tb raaton, " Tber was a rally Juat brfor tba cloaa. bat It did not bold well. Crop newa aa batter tbaa expected and tbora waa a bad news. Tb closing was weak. ...... Today'a oraclal stock amarkat: BaatOSIPTIOB, Anaconda MfalaAT 0,... Amal. Copper Co.,,.,.. Aichiaao. ooa .. do prcfarred Am. Car S FoanA, aam do preferrad. AAm. Bugar, com....;.. la. Smelt., com do Kefarrag. ., Baltimore Unto, OeaB. do oraferred Bruokfrn Jtapld Tranatt. 555 Canaolan I'aciac, eom Chi. A Alton. .... do preferred CbL A Ot.. Weat.'coa.. Cnl.. MIL St. Paul... Cbl. a North., ooa ("hi. Terminal By Cbeaapeaka a Okto Cow, Fuel a Iron, 4 do 2d preferrad . ...... on lat nrererrea. Delaware A Badaoo. .. . Del., Lacks. Wort.. ISB0 D. B. 0.. ONB da arefrrrad awi, raw On d pre rrrrea. ...... do lat oref erred...... nilnots Central Louisville A NaekvlUe.. Metro. Traction Co. . . . Mexican Central By Minn., St. P. Sto. St.. do are f erred Mlaaourl PaclSe..., M., K. A T-, eon do m'errad.. Hew Turk Ontrai...... Norton Weatorn, aw do preferred ,, North American...... N. T.. Ont. dr Waat Pennsylvania By P. O.. L. C. On Frraoed Stevl Car, atHB. . do preferred Pactflc Mall Steam. Co.. tH SIM Beading, com. da 2d preferred 00 lst nrererrea.... Ben. Iran A SteaL aaa do preferred Hock Island, 00m do oref erred. ....... Southern Ry., eoto.... do prexerred Soatbern PaclSe St. L. 4k S F . 2d nfd da let preerred St. L. S AT W-. oai.... no nrererrea Texaa A PaclSe. ........ Ten. L'oai irea...;it. T.. St. l. a W.. M. union Pacific, eata do ' Brefcrmd V. a Leather. ea..... do oref erred TJ. S. Kubm-r, cotoi d prefarrad. . U. S. Steel Co.. do preferred... TTnoeL ILK, roegu... do SO preferred..... nt:d8"B, do 1st preferred Wisconsin Central, oaaa. . da pre f erred Wextcrn linlom. Teto. . Wabash, com. . da preferrad, ...;. American Ice. .;. ....... do preferred Total aalea for day. 827,800 bnro. ktoaey. 1 -per cent. . . . BOST0B BL4BXXT. Boto4 Sent. IA--4eppl aaMtatkma: y ; cLoana. ' , 1 Bid. Auk lai aoyal rrrrtiTr.'trftTWVTnrr. IB' t otted Staton ..i M Adventur . t Arciaia ...,. .......t...,... .. Arnold SO At Untie ,' 124 Blngbani , SOU Calumet 80S Centennial ,...,..2Mt4 Copper Rang M Daly Weat 141 Hanu n ,. u l Mass Mlulan I Mohawk SB Michigan .-.v. vi.... .. -r 0U Old Ikraitaton 1U tt Rranblta , -T j S eola TYtf TBH Parrott M , St 24 H Phoenix................ . S 2fi Qulncy .. SS Rood Island ., ..' 80 81 HhannoB 2 4 Tamarack ,....".,,.....110 114 Victoria gtt d Winona .1.. ...... .' SS B IVorrsfin 884 , SS - f . ASTJUUCAB STOCBS IB LOBDOfl. London, Sept. 22. t p. aa. Atektoon 4toeltaed H, pref erred adra red advanced 14, Baltimore Ohio declined 14, Canadian PaclBe decline1 U, Cbraapeoh A Ohio declined A. Cblcaao. , Mtl- wauaee nr. I'aai Orcllue Denver a Rio Or and declined , Erie declined ec lined U. flmta drrllBed U, Illinois Ontrai declined , Lonfc vllle NaahvUle declined H Mexican Central aavsncea , new lorx antral OrcllneO , Ontorlo A weatcra declined U. Norfolk Weatem declined , Pennajlvanla declined , Beading declined Vfc, first oacnanged. Southern PaclSe advanced , Ron tbera Railway declined tt. Unton raclflc declined preferred de clined 4, T'nltcd Statea Steel preferred de eUned tt. Wabaah' advancad tt. prferrd ad vanced , ooaaoto 88 4, ucUnd 4; raat BncbnniteA. . v, ' . . i . ( '.' 7. innr TOBB BUBMAET. New Tor. Sent. 22. Dow. lones a On. aar: Tba Bank of England rata to unchanged. Atchi son ofnelani consider tba estimate of Hill on corn too low. Mlaaourl Facldc aralnga for July Indicate tb dtrldend barely earned ta tb preaeet eonninon or to ro as. steel export bualne Increased, flood demand for Atchleoa In tb loan crowd. Other stocks plentlfaL In terior demand for toooey will ba large bat tba rate should be eeay after tba torn of yesterday. The banks toot to tb ah-treasurr atnea Fri day 1 1.(160. 000. There to a ram or f tb reel na tion or rresioeat new ma a of the new Tnrk Central. Leather aarnluga for A a rust ar aald to bae been tb larreat In th eomDanv'a history. Twelve lodaitrlila advanced .2 par cent; SO active ralbvadB adraaced .78 par Mat. OatXCAOO LOCAL arlOXB, biaga, SafA S2.Local Btocka RLOIUNd Bid. Aht. National BtocaJt....... . 47 do preferrad. ....... .........IM (tnltcd Box......,.;,;... . lj 1084 M 108 112 isrii 8 ST 3 do preferred 10 "A Aanertcsn Can . B do preferred 40 Batlonnl Csrbon. SS do preferred. ........ ...... .,,..100 Diamond Mstcb...... 181 H Swift Co. , .101 Chicago City Ay..,....;,.....,,... ISO Cnlon Traction...... Jtt Nortft Bid By....,...-....,.,,. .... Weat Bide By ... .a .. .. SoatS Sid B-..... r Sltt .. SAB rBdJOISOO leXlAL BTOCB3L ' Waa rraaeteee, Bswt. SAIOSO s. L-4ci '.-' :' ctc5STlio. Or-atra Toata Water 8ft 874 Spring Valley Water 384 , V Pan rranclaco Gas a Eloctrto 02 H OlaBt Powder 83 84 Hawaiian (Vimmerclal 82 tt - ,. Hxtchlnaoti Auger (t 10 Makswell ttugtt .......... R4 Si - Pssnhan Sugar t 18 AUaka. Pack are' Aanoetotlon 1ST . 1284 -'.J. ,;,." sab imAiroaoa bxbtjis. .y"- Sal rrmsm Smpt. 2S.-Mllng tatWa: Montana TooopaS . .Vi myi Belmont , .,.v... .M Midway , .BT NrNamsr SB Tctwpah, 0M Moaatata ., - .18 J'onopah, Nevada ,07 umho .03 Red Top IT North iter 'i .l...i,,, M lltanswpolto Arnta Btortort. ' Minora polls srt. St. Ctose; Wbaat, aaia, ll.Uti kiA- lb Sensational Advanca of. 60c a Barrel to Ba Mad in Rolled Oats Tomorrow Another Car of Eastern Eggs' In Poultry Corning Faster. IIAYADEECEOER rCSEMHALFlIP .T QUOTA TIOBTB Am m OF Mt 14 2ar arBrsp amsrr OafTXOST THl WBBAT MABKsTtV - Open Clone ' Ctont Todar Wed. Else Today New San gi.oua. 8l.u7UN81.OA4 g.0li 1.074N 81.00 Old Sept 1.084 1.10 VN LOB Mil .81 4 Deeembar l.OWft 1.104 1.00 , ,01 Vi buy... Liotf i.134 i.iott ..oik, ;J (JFwntohai by Overback, Starr Cook Co.) Chicago, Sept. 23. Log a A Bryan any: Wheat waa a heal tat log and nncertaln market during tb early part of tb day, but tb cluelng; waa strong. The aeathweat waa probably the beat buyer. They ara Awedicllag smaller re ceipts of winter Wheat Receipt at the pri mary "markets ar a gala larga, pat miller everywhere report a good demand for floor and ar tbmaava anon bay era of wbaat. Tbla feature, waa tba nriBctnal cause of the atreng dosing. Breomball cabled something about tha appearance of toctteta ta Argentine, but It waa not token serious J. Tba volume of trad to not Urr. bot wltk the email stock tha Market responds easily to th buying. 80 long aa the Ills clean up the offering af eash Whan everywhere there owe not paraieteoi tolling la earn (bere ware no frost wbera tbey woe Id hart and there are prediction of warmer weather. Ob tbto the market was aubejeted to pre ure. Tb WMknaaa ta ante ala contrih. nted. Tba oask situation ta at tba momant little alow. The prevailing eeetlmeQt g heartok ana ta aaargac ajuiie Boaafiy everaosg. Oato Tkrlbto lrge. ' la aata the weak to on eontlaaed araaanr. The visible aopply of eata to large gad tba tavtelble anpply la peobably a too large, and to sold again la tbla market. Tbla Bashes a heavy Mag roc ta speculators ta carry. Vary Bull ta Prevtetoj Tvtsloe waa a very dull market ta a ne alatlv way, with nothing of particular Interest In tba trading. After the recant advance tbla to a natural atat of the aaarket. Thai a Is eotne liquidation by scattered bolder of Oct. ' atuff. bat the eseb remalna as beretofor healthy one. BecelDta of hoc continue Utile etoeppotetlag and the caab deaaand la Tedhy'a aSkk) strttti: . ' ' v'"' WBBAT. lr ' " BwSent.B 1 Old Sept. 10P Dee...... L0K Msy...., L10 Sept... j' Jfa lee..,. !.Sfl blay.;;.. .484 Sept.,.. May...:. 11.00 Jan. 12.10 May........... ocT.'4I 'r'.ir Jan.,;,., im Mar... T.4S. svpr.f....-. Oct.. J..,. TOT Jen ass my FRENCH ARE OFFERING NFAPFR MIR PDIPF tjuMuttm .w v an s juyttv Sn Frsnctouu, Sept. 3S HaVton A On, eay: Wheat ha been Arm ta the face of early weakness In th eastern market. We hear of some French bide again tbla morning not far from the present prTrea Th offering today and yesterday have been of a scalolna character. The market acta strong and will no doubt aooa lane us poainoa wun uie oiner marnets. Sy , 0r ana h good demand, fognrdr lean at taa lnitlfatlnna nf rala . Today e efncUl U;S0 n. as- market: Oaea. Cloaa. Wheat, DeeoraDer... ...,l.Sl 1.81 ctarary, ineniMr i.uga 1.11 ..' . i ' - eB30AS)O OASK WBBAT. ' Chicago, govt, down to Id an. H -Cash wheat today The afaclat aurket: -..- CLOSING. - :' Bid. Aak. No. I red. new ......... ....... 81 is a No. 8 red new .Y . No. t hard winter j.18 LOS no. a naro winter 1.10 No. 1 northern spring 1.28 No. t nortbera spring MO NO. 8 gprlnc ...1. ........ i.lS PBIkfABT, SJBlTBEBTa ABB OXJLlBABOXa. Chicago, aWpt. SS--Priaary raaetptti Today . Huan. Wheat .e-..... .. Cora .M...t... rlhlpssento Went ...... .1,182. 00O 438,000 Wheat .............rH.,,Hn 880.000 Oorn 817,000 Clearanbea war: Wheat akd floar. 48,000 cuancH, oorn, sataaaHi eata, ir.vw ' TJvsryssI atata Bmraet. tavorpooL Sept. 22. Close: Wheat, Be her, 7s 548, anamancad; Piismbor. Ta exchanged. a I4A CorB-ge, totTHd. 44 khrber, ;' Math Svaia fttorhot. ' Dntafb, Sept. 83.-Cloeei Wbaat, g.U sua, , St. Lwato 8rnia luhi At. Loata, Sept. 2B-Cwaa: Wheat, ar, 81-144, aoiud. sTiasag CHy rmta Msitnil Kanaaa. City. Sept. SA Gaaae; Whwt, Ba- oeaioor, i.wM. . Parto Srata Starhe, Pa rto. Sept. 2X Close: Wheat, anot. i&ang nan nncnnng ; xaiarea, cenuaaa lower. COTTON CLOSED f JO 18 POINTS DOWN tPnrntobad by Overbeck. Btarr a Coeke Co.) lew York, Sopt. 22. Cotton fntursn today closed IT to 18 points tower. Hut ton a Co. say: Tba cotton market opened wltk spot as lea 4.000 batoa and price sealer at 3 points decline. Fularee opened eteady at 4 point down in England and closed steady to 3 point dawn from yeeterday'a dose. The weather today waa very OnfavoraMe, rain being ritported ta the belt and the forecast t far contfnned abowera and cool. There waa heavy selling with a great effort to break tb market, but the bulls took all the bears were willing to sell and the mar ket soon bowed strength. After tba call the market rallied easily to 1ft nnlnte. Tber to great flgbt on between the two opposing fac tions, but the bulto seem to nave the beef of It at present. Spots continue la good da aaand with firm price. 1b the south exporta are very large. If tha taarkat coo tin nee to advance there will be g lot af laying down on spot con tract ta tba south, the same aa laat year. There aeem to be on It a- toraa oatatandlnst abort inter eat. . , Tadar official gotten market: Open. High. Low. Close. Jsrmery , . .31O.S8 flO.8 J10.TS SWT2AT8 Fatrnarw ....... ' . Ill THfiaTB March , . , 10.88 11.0 10.80 io.'4 10.83 10.81 10M iaT0 April , ..... Mar ..... man fin. Septenlbar . . . 10 3 10 98 Octoher . , . 10.08 10.83 November , , . 10.88 ' 10 88 December . . . 10.78 1Q 9S : Bew riaa Oetton Sfarhwt. ' New Orleans, Kept 82, Vttfn spot atoady wltk aalea I ton bale. Pretaht aa board. BBS baton, MUdUaga. aashangeif at 104. . , UvevnooL Sap SBtotua atoaad siiliaisni at ft Botat down, ' ' oBarra asm ou am ASTAJroxsv wen. High. Low. - does. .60. 8 1T074 8 1.04 81. 074 N tt 1 lxtt Liu 4 Liitf . . COBN. f : 424 -J14 .BlH f .40 ' .B - .48 ' OATS. - ' - PORK. ."'I v H 4. 11.00 ' ' U.iT 11.80 .b . 1S.S8 12. 06 12.S3 ,:t ..... JASI M LABD. y . . rrr.... 'e r t. T.lT . T OT T.10 V-f.8 T.3B T.3T B A- '-t " - BIBB. ;. , . TT 4VSS - STB A80 B : A8f B in noe-i ef).82)44 io.ww lO.TK-aao 0.0rft2 lO.OnWBT lO.T0j71 . ... ,, KANSAS CITY GETS TEE DT CATTEE omnujia - omxmtt kmtm amaBOB AST - ! Illie STOW BTBATT AJTB VnUOBa AJUI llil A TBAJS AArO ' tmr Onararn a. IVoaurnm.) Xajiaeva city. Ma., Sopt. 12. This wook smln bids fntr to -rlvnl 11 mcords In the rwooiptn of llvnntock to ths flv gront markttn of th oontmi wast. With tha wenJc ,mor thaui haif cone, th indica tions nr that v bottar record wlU ba mad than laat week, whan 108,180 eaU- Ua alona ware raarkotad at the flva bis markata, Kanaaa City, as predicted laat weak in Tha Journah has- taapad from tha aaoond eattla market to tho flrat. antl will keens tha plao until tba ruah of range oattia atop a bit. Kanaaa City la now Betting mora eat(U than Chicag-o, montly from the range and tha feeder and etocker buyora ara nop In drove. This ts the situation nearly svary year, although there la s. greater ruah than uaual right now, vw!n to th late aeaaon forced by tba packing; strike. Tba Kansas City reoelpta exceeded 0,- 848 laat weak, by far the' laraast of the year and a arala of 13.000 over tha week before and 8,808 more tbaa Is tha oorrenbondlna- week a yaar agro. Chi on go reoelved 80.0U0, a gain of over 10,- 000 over tha week bdf ore, but a loss of 80.000 aa oomDarod with last year. Notwlthataadlng the heavy receipts; rloarancea are good. Price have fallen aome IS to SS ooata oa stock gradea In th laat IS daya. Heavy fleahy, native feeder are In tha beat demand and they have raftered the leant, 10 to 38 oenta decline. neUing now from $3.11 to 88. 8ft, There baa been fair supply of 'graaa ateera. montly westers and the prloo on theee have held ap pretty wait Range eowa and eaniters have been in good de mand for tba last 18 daya and are shade higher tbaa last week. Btook heifers ara IS to 28 oenta lower AUMl a took oowa are about steady. . "H Th foUowInp; tab. 5p" r Areaaed be ahowa th top beef and t eadlnc Bteara aevan daya of last week aim oomxtarlaon with a year ago: Top Top Top Top Top Top - Batlve. WceL Colo. Tex. Stkra. For. Monday ......86 TO 84.30 B.30 4.00 84.10 1 uranay . . . . , . o.uu .o o-ao .iw a.u e.u Wedneadar... 8.10 d.lft S.10 A 90 8.70 8.80 Thoredar 8.18 4.50 .... A18 AuO And frlday a 28 4.06 A3B A78 A 40 Cwreepondlng week ta 2804: Monday.; B.Sft S4.TO A--- 88.60 SATS SB-SB Tuesday e.W .t 4. Wednesday... 8.20 d.BO a. 4.20 4.20 Thureday B.40 40 A 30 4-20 4.38 masy., b.w 4.00 . . B.70 The following table shows tha receipts at ail tha markets for atUe and ahP laat week; - cam. .,, 81.050 ... 82.000 ... 30,800 88,0110 ... 1AV0 Bog. - Sheep. 37,000 83.728 88,000 SU8.U00 28,000 44.500 34.000 - Ift.OOU 38,800 ' 83,800 Ksnaea tr ...... Chic BO ...... Omaha ........... Bt. Louto .-.j. St. Joph Total thta week 300. WO 314.800 382.838 Bern daya laat week.. 150.150 174,020 18X826 Same aaya a year ago.344UH 382,1100 HayWB B'eawjr maa There la oomlng a heavy run of aheap to the markets as was expected and pre dicted. Reoelpta of sheep laat week at tha five great marketa aggregated 311, 834, against 182.428 the week before and 118,024 a year ago, Chtoajro had 108,000, agalnat 78,800 tha week before and 128, 000 a year aTo. Xaooal receipts aggre gate 11,728, against ,81B tba weak he lore and 18.478 a year ago. Tha aoarket u 10 to 1ft oents lower than a week aatf for -lamba, steady for aheep. In tba ataefcer and feeder divi sion prices are Arm. The Increase la tha supply waa about evenly divided be tween fat and feeder gradea. Bloat of tba killing klndg wer lambs, and tha de cline at other points brought lower prices hare. Lam be bring 3A2t to 16.80 for the best, medium 14.81 to B48 and common kinds from 1 4. 7ft down to 31, ewes ti ll to 11.88. wethers . 81.40 to 11.89 and raarllnga 18 40 to 11 to There la little dlntinctKm between native and western grades; Bash is tha require ment. Stackers and feeders ware Arm ail week. Feedlfin lambs brousrht 11.7ft to 14.18, Old ewes 12 to tl.tft, stock ewes from 11.40 to 14, feeding wether 12.40 to 11.70. - One bunch of fancy stock awes sold at 4, the hianast Biles of the jrnav, ; , ; - . AUTO ORDINANCE TO BE RECONSIDERED Oouneilmatt rred Merrill will ba given aa opportunity of being heard before the license committee on cne proposoa 11 oense regulating tha rates of hire for automobiles. At the last meeting of the committee tho proposed ordinance waa taken up for consideration. Mr. Mer rill waa to have been there, but falling to appear. It was decided to reoommend the ordinance to th oounelL Teaterday at the meeting of tho coun cil tho ordinance was again inferred to the committee, where It will ba recon sidered alter hearing sir. MarrUl's objec tions to It. An ordinance granting perm tea ion to lay a four-inch oil main across Flanders street to the Alaska dock waa passed. Mr. Rumelln stated that b had no ob jection to them laying tha pipe, but he la opposed to the storage of any oil in tanks in this vicinity, as there is a elty ordinance arohlbltlng It. This la the or dinance opposed by ths Insurance tin derwritera, they stating that If the city allows tha O. R. A K. Co. to load and un load oil ships and barges at the AlaaSta dock, and to store oil In this vicinity, the insurance for a large district In the vi cinity, of tha Aleak dock will be fmlsod. if " toonrnBt Special Servtc .) Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 31 Santa PS pas senger No. A aat hound, was wrecked today at Nephesta, east of Pueblo. Three sleepers left the track. A broken rail caused the wreck. The passengers were shaken and several slightly Injured, but none serloualy. 1 tr 001OaVA20 BsTaWrmATS BTOBtOr ATB. v (Joaraal Stoneta! Servl. ' ' benver. Sept. 13. The Demoeratsto- day nominated K. M. Ammona of Doug- laa county to bo lleutmant-governor and W. H. Havana of LeadvUl to ba secre tary of Stat. . i v Spcdal SL LMlt Cir. 7 Monday. OeAober , the a ft A N . will run s special deuiiat oar, Portland to Bt. LjouIs. Particulars of C w. Btinger, elty ticket agent Third sad WaahUurtos streets. . i 'V Dcfn. ScbwtL - Professor Baton wtll open class Mon day, October $, and continue Monday and Thursday evenings for six months Gentlemen 116. ladies IB. A Hon ball, Second and Oak. 'Phono Wast 7IA Sftosft O mad as. To ' - ,t . 1 ff I t . sTI Ml 7 ; OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. ; . J ; ; v Third aUreet, McKay Building, Portland. Or. . ; i 'v,: , WIMA STTBIOT-.T frOMMIBafOJI BUSIgsnBSI :.. - J Con tin nous Markets by Private Wire, Tllton, banaers, ana umioa buhb nnitanu uana ok g-ortiaao. ... DEFENSE H HARRIS CASE OP M AUT TaaTBAAJUrOBB, - . (ftpeclal Dtopatch to Tha learaeJ.) Spokane, Sept. It.- Tho proeecntion finished lis testimony m tho Harris case thla morning. Tho matron of tha noma for the friendless, testified to Mrs. Har ris being there and acting aa if rational. She Identified the ahayrl aha gave her to wrap around the child. I The attorney fop tho defense) ta his ad dress to tb ynry told -the story of the case, and the points that would be brought but. He told how Mrs. Harris has been a little weak mentally since tha death of her girt IS years ago. She has had a groat deal of weakness, a se ver headache at monthly periods, and urinary troubles for which aa operation waa performed while aba was la tba hospital here. Ho brought out tho point that thla thine? alone caused a lax are amount of Insanity among women, and the additional shock of bar. daughtar'B disgrace unbalanced bar. The prisoner and her husband abed tears during the addresa to tba jury and the girl's form was ahakaa with sobs. Two doctors from Yakima were exam ined -tbla aitenaooei. . - ' TOWER'S NIECE WEDS REAL BELGIAN COUNT " ' (Jwaraal Spadal Servlc " J PhlUdelphla. Pa., Sept. S3. To th already long list of titled young women of Philadelphia society a countess waa added today, when Miss Ruth Snyder. the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Alexander Reilly of Rlttenoous Square, became the bride of Count Cemttie da Bo rc b. grand d' Alteon Of Bntssels, Belgium, The bride to a niece of Charlemagne Tower, the American ambassador to Berlin. Within a few days tba eoant and eoun teaa will sail for Buropa, where they wilt spend . their . hooey mooB on tha count's estate la najedera, ARREST MILLINERS FOR PLUMAGE SALES Spoctol Mspateh to Tha. Joernal.) fjpokana.- Wnh., Sept. 31. Thirteen leading milliners and proprietors of mil linery establishments have been arrested here and must answer to the charge of selling plumage of birds not game birds. P. a Merrill, tha local representative of the Ieagrua of American Bportamen. la responsible for the trouble, together with Deputy Gam Warden Uhlig. Tha arrests came without warning. Most of the mil liners are charged with selling the plumage of s bird ceiled tha earret. All pleaded not guilty and their trials wars sot for September so. AXM JAP (Journal Bpeetal Berrtc.) " ' Madrid, Sept IX The Spanish Red Cross society has resolved to send 26, 008 pesetas (11,000) to aid the Japanese branch of the society. It waa proposed to send an equal amount to Russia, but the proposal was rejected almost unani mously. ...-.- The tovernraent fears ths incident may oause some diplomatic embarrass ment, should Russia require an explai ns Uon. . . pram nr 'Alt IOU. (Jonraal Bpeetal Berrtee.) Morfolbx Va., Sept 33. Quick Work on the part of the erew yaetarday prevented what might have been a disastrous fire In tha hold of James J. Hill's now llner Mlnnesota, which ta taking on a cargo of coal here for Seattle. Tho fire was discovered by the engineer and Is sup posed to have bean caused by spontan eous combustion in New London eoai. Tho damage was slight ' ABSXa TO SO TO AJglXtTSJ. ' (Special Manatee, to Tea JnesWiL) Olfford. Ida.. Bpt 12. Henry John son, a proeperous farmer of this place, was yesterday committed to the Insane asylum on his own recommendation. Ha aaya that be bad a bed fall, and it feels like the top of his head Is being pushed off. Hs seams to bo sane on all other eubteeta. - He believes the asylum is tha proper place for him, . EECINS U t R meat he kla ' sheaey, , like aa eeercamg Conev. Or a aaUa mile e' Bareuax, ftrye Bkm Per week or se le rabbto an th fib -A heilad ef the Wba," by Waoeee Irate. Ce-eu, fXfxeea ay veausra wseuy, .PaMahsday C07.0 CL Uub end R:?"rn IT T'1 . Aaaat8,e,o, n iNvaaer Si aaxan Ibau, staaty enrs. TSd Rock Isknd System oifett two rootea to tha World's Fsir City wis St. Fsul-J llimcapolig, and throng. Scenic Coeorado.. Ko cfaaTJgeof csn. Ogdca Co Sc. Lonii suhrj be rani to St. Lcwii.' V - Fan kfcratadoa a rW CbBswibb. A. H. McDoatAro, Qsearnl AsTt, MO 3rd atr, ear. Alder sHreet, Fortnd, CJt. . Members Cbkcago Board of Trada. e PBi isuoara, oottobt, btooboi ui womom, Quick Service. REFER ladd g. COMMISSION, ; Ca (ObSSkBMOSOS) v (iiBiUrwiiskHis, Slociis aivd Boqds Earaaak Fttosto Whn Bystoai SB aHeWaiBO. MOBsuas a . (JCatabtlbd 18-1.) v AJro smxra ""' BJoom A, SHounA Ploeav -frSJAagalBa OP OOlatSBUrAI. .An Ideal Home That at tract! va f room 461 E. 12th St; Corner Cnjthers, replete , wiUl ail modern lroprovemontav WAKEFIELD, FSCoVCO. rM aUa 14, SS rv SPICE! CCFrTLTEAr BArOrOPCVCa. fxtc3txrrjXTs jUialifMhr. RrgtrfFhvwv Crwitrfraf T " f MERMBW01 ywmir 1 Das Big rorani rtolmseassAfl Shrge,taSamm OaarmtMl ffl trrlutloos or ulee as w eniawva. w af saooerna meaal MEKANDWOMEIL aata ml imactena. uieerBttons af biiimi rmCtmtAlC8. mioTBolaonoa. BBSaTI,l AS. A. -: .. ''.BagB4BjBBla sad Oantoiiiftlto Wa Caaag Be ladaeoat far ChaJitaS aoxel -r . i ta. K. ALDBN. Managar (SXglLgliRl Stoia no aakSBrtoas, B by any rasa, prepaid, fan J Sl.M.or8betUa82.T. Circular aaat ea raaeaek. TEETH Boston Painless' Dentists ' Known th world over, are the only v den tints In Portland having ths lata bo- tanlcal DISCOVERT to apply to tho 1 gums for EXTRACTING. FfxtlNO and f CROWNING TEETH "WITHOUT PAJJN. and guaranteed for TEN TSARS. - "aparaPesss' e- Mfai BTSmStamtiOB . BUver PUUxiga uoin ruiinara Pull Set Teeth tasvt S3 fnm...... aold Orowns aa-oo s 2krldsTS Work . .AA40 to niTR RlirCRftS la due to our PAIN ............... ...PreO see LESS M KTHODS, LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK PONBBT SPECIALISTS - In each denartment NO students in the offlre. All work none PAINLEHHLT by SPECIALISTS of long years' expo- , nance, uive us a cam, ana you win ana . , we do lost as wa advertise, . Boston Dental Parlor ' Pifta anbA o2lam Stteew SWLia Morrison, MOStOeUr ZS ' (Jnenal Spaelai Sewe,f Belltngham, Waab.. Sept, M. It ta stated here that s soon aa tho court orders permitting sale are rasde, tho partfkj Packing A Navigation company will pans Into the hands of eastern o&p Italtata, beaded by J Plerpont Morgan, Th capitalisation of the oompnny, which owns is cannerlea and full euuipmon of steamers. Is lA0O,0a. , ' i hi i Ailea . leswia- Bsst Brand. . f i f