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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
ft. r - G .WTO 11 Tonight and luntii, Aovttll southerly winds. wfr VOL- III. ! NO. ITL PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY- EVENING,' SEPTEMBER SI. 1901 PRICE FIVE CENTS. mrnm E' r PEACE! TrMiT frnni lit TUKl - ., , - ' . " . ' V M'i- TkssErcsch byNcahh atlcg BcitIcL j;. RAKED BY ACCLAMATION rOdcUltoT Declare! to Be leuct to SWc Act Stli to ConsUtste i 5ao(W Crow Cootenpt $ mrn thla moraine it wa mbmmiI UmU D., Cadr Hrriak of Albany wtuid pn . ably tt to KMtetiM for tb covw imMp, ih IhM, FnuMrta m Harrta wvuld b aarta4 cm fir IIiWihUw nor. Thw procTmm waa mrrtod cot at a latar boor.--- ..' r-' -" ' I tba aawUam Tin mnatloa oalM ai lt:M o'ahwk by Tampowr to Iaaaa. ' B. k L Was ba Muvaat nalnnaa. Him adtfra allr imint Biaitai MUX was a. caUaa tin pli rla 91c Hwrtak In aoBtlaatKm. At tba ooooln- aloa of aia hmmI Qnni Jtelaas awvad ; that tha aaeratary oaat the ballot ot-ttt oonrBtoa for Harrtaa, wntah waa aawk rhUa lmawN obMrtas took plao and march . "at . ovatkm was oaodaetaa around tba ball. HiU'a nam oam ta fratiuatitlr tba abaaiinct bowtac te tna dalasataa a Bratlfylncatata of harmony In Damo ratla ranka. dasplta th attampU at fupubltaana to tnafca ft aaam, tbrooch wapapar rworta, thai th Jrty. la ftbia itata U dlaruvtao, ' Harrtaon was than nowlwatod tor !! t at gri'Ttntor. Tha platform aa brouaM bCet tha konvaatlon wopialma dayotkMi to tba party and to tha prlaatplas of novarn- nant m anuiMiataa or jrrsrsoiw uian rooado to aMaah . what It . oaUs KMrttlam.' Tha lara of OdeUmm." It aaya 1a Ik naramoont and ovanhadowlnc Umum b stata affairs, and la batwaan official konaaty and official eoVruptloav In pal Mjbla vMatlon of his sworn oallmuion a ba an Impartial aarrant of th wbora yaopla tha soyaraor has aaswntsd to not tba stats chairman of a pomieal ma thlna and Ua praaant dW notion eon itltntas a pablte soandal and amounta to ma v roaaast oontampt of of f lslai duty in 9m htatory of tb(s suta, Instaad of belns oppoaad to axtrnvn jinri tba admlalatraUon has baeoma tha aotual promotar of adroit sohsiaaa to kot th publM transury nodsr tba sulss tt Jaw.- ... tato tanas ars than takan up ami bmadlal ashaustlvaly. Tha platform Indotsas tha ihHlnl pokt and platform., 1 HarrlolTB aalaotlon la tha raanlt of an tmaaual tnonah , amloabla ompronuaa. Murphy nad daelarad that ba would not kooapt HoCarran'a oandldats Orout, and HUt finally brought tba faotlona to paths brM( salf-ahnasntton to looaptlns' his aaotant and paraonal inamy and promising to iwmlnato him fclmaslt For- many yaars thd - Htll and Rarrleli faotlona havn baan- at war In Albany oounty, but tha hatohst aaama today t haro baan hurlad and paaoa Is rnrtatn. - ' ror attornay-aanaral, John Onnnan of Brta was nomJnatad, and for aaeratary of ttata, John Pailaos, J of Monroa, For traasurar, WlUUm Manoh of Ononomn a-as mnaaimoualy ahoaw. . ' - FATOmS USXMtAT. ; . ffmiinr ii n hiiTi mriiiiiii (SpMlal DfcH Tat foaffml.) J , Halana. lfont, tapt 11 No apparant f" psadwar on tba fualos quastlon was Kaad today, wp to thla hour by tba , Lmhot, PopuHst and antl-truat eonvan : lions, which ars la saaalon hara. Racsas Iftar raoaas foUowad aaoh Otbar pandlnc. 3 -Iha raport of tha sonfaranoa oommtttaaa. Balnaa today mads tha aanonnoamant to tsraral paraonal frlanda that ha favors, Uadaay, Bapabltoan, for swvsffmns. l- fJeureal tpMtal garde.! St Paul, Minn.. Sept. 11. Undo ths llraot vote system at tha prlaury lec tions held throughout Minnesota yes terday tha following congressional eaa lldates wars nominated: first district J. A. Tswnsy, Bspua Icani m. C. Nelson, Democrat. - Aeoond district J. K Jonas. Dsm irat. Third dlBtrtct C R Dav), HepuUI-' hn: J. y. Cravens, Drmocrat tContlanad oft Pass Two.) .MM. .MM..,,, .MM Howva Real Newspaper 5 Handles tke "News ; ; 'rr NOW sn ssWlIsM fnotattwl a sns mmm kmmp fully f ths tlmas tmlaas hs rasas Ths Jssjrwal. Tha papas la na films? np with a - mass of IN written anal III sdNsd rsutfns nawa af m . ni4Wy .Intsinst a? was avsn lit thr alfstfa baH. nsws with muk any asnns of proportion or sny rsfsrsnss to Ks sslatlvs valua. but prints ay ths fas ar ths yarn Just ns It mmm alas a. mm4 far na sthar rsnssn than that It Is hmmM In. ' ' ' Tha rsat tfva vital tMnas ara what TKa Jasrnal aaaks and has a 1 faaulty af ftnnlnay Ta aa ns furthar toka ths first nan ytor nay's laawa sad this hi who, w fladi "Tha first and anolnafva imwwiiniirn of arsvs Jsfasta In tha airsst primary law which may as attondsd avKh many unpUasnat stnaaquininii a nradlotian that whaat will pa to a soUar hsfara nsnt April ay tha man aasva all athsra In tha to mm unity hast aaslWltd ta maka tha pradiotloni a hanvy shlpmsnt ad Orpapn. appkM ta tha ffant and" af Orsosn flour ta Boston haw dO Itvas wars ssvod fcy a hrsVa alrl at C indent a araapy ssahs at tha wnpinlng af tha Irssjyls thsawa In Cn loans, m whioh tOO Hvss wars raaantty lsst a window lianir taking a nap an an slghtosnth story wlnasw htdaaf J. X Hill nsgotiating far Van-, aonvar snail. Fmnas wft without ft raws rim, and tha sntrama dlffl-' sHy af gatMnn a Jusy m tha Jsannstto Harris aaaa at tpskanav This, In ssajMnathin with tha war nraaantad a papa whlsh wnhad ths af Iwnnnn tntarast- storias sush dnwnts'-svlll talk abswCy' And thay wars fownd kt ns sthar nswspanar - And tha rast af tha pa par was la muoh tha aanta prsportkm and . 4ip ta tha aama mark, aN af whloh lands frash Intsrast ts tha affar wada a fsw daya ago, and whlsh has alnsa baan arantid with, a iHsnos that nothing aan. panatratsy yams daya, Hara It 1st - Ths Journal will farfsH $BO$ ta any dtaarvfng shsiHf. to ba bars' pjftar naman, If tha g vowing T slag ram will nswnlt aa swptrt ta maka ; Z a thorough sxnmkwtian sf Ho alraulatwn and thsraaftsr print In Hs awn aalumns tha finding, ths nwnsy to ba turnsd avsr If THAT k. FINDINO DIOOLOftSS THAT THt ACTUAt BONA PI DC CIRCU- LATION OF THK BVBNINO BHAOOW IS CORRBCT At IT It WORM TO ANO PUBLISH! D IN THAT VIRTUOUB IF HYSTCRx ICAL NKWAPAPBPL, THB BAMC .OFFER INCLUDES THBJ MORNtHS BRKOONIAN. J' ' , . "Hara la an anay way ta da topasbAns alalms whlsh MORE-STUDENTS OUT OF SCHOOL V, 7 FaSore to Provide Heating Plants in Two Build ings Necessitates Their of Pupils Are Deprived of Instruction. .1. .- Total nambar of pup Us , school thla wnk M.Ms. Total numbar raaalrlng ! half day's I na tract to a. 4L Total nnabax without Instrws tton, WTI. ..- 'j. i Affairs to ths aohools of Uls elty ars In a doplorabls ndltkMa Taatorday. whaa H wan thought that ararythlng l arograsslng favorably; Principal Darts of tba high school dtsmkwod km puptia anttt notioa Is glTsa tham to ra turn. - Principal Downs of tha Cltntoo KaUr aehool allowad 141 pupils to ra- turn to thalr homao aarly In tha morning and th remaining U ns kapt for half a days work. This action was takan by tba prlnot- pala for tha reason that tba children omnnot remain In cold damp rssma. Tba heating plants ta thaaa two buildings ar not completed. There la but little likelihood of their being finished before the and af thla week ar tha beginning of next. Mr. MoPhsfson nromlasa to ba-rs ths hestmg plant at tba blgh school operat ing by Saturday, as that school may Consequently L1H puplH) from tha high school and tha Clinton Kelly have baea robbed- of their Ins tract I on for a ik, simply because ths buildings baes not baan put In dt condition for thalr oeeupamy, and about lit hara to gat along with only half Instruction, Tha treses aa say ths oontraetora ars to bkuns for -ths delay la tha work while tha contractors In turn avow that thay have pronesdad with ths work as rapidly as posslbl. MoPharaoB of the Arm of W. O. bToPharaon A Co., who has ths sontraet for Installing the beating plants In ths high.1 Clinton KeUyr LM and Atkln- aoa sehoota. says that hs has been held back In his vrork by tha other eon tract ors. Ho says that although tha big fan for tba ventilating plant at the high school arrlred only yesterday, ft would have bean Impossible to put It In be fore, owing to tha fact that tha other workmen wars slow with their work, open sgaln on Monaay. Tha heating plant la all ready to ba started at tha Clinton Kelly school, but It Is' Impossi ble to operate It until tha Carpenters finish their work. ,H nays this plant will as la operation within a few daya. At tha Ladd school the plant will be ready befor many daya. and hs states that the plant at tha Atkinson school will he completed tn ten days. Superintendent Rlgler and the teach ers era vary much discouraged over tha prospect. Mr, Rlgler stated today that perhaps tha present experience may ba a good lesson to tha directors and tha supervising architect, and that next year, if there la any work to bd danei they will have everything ready to be gin i- tha time school closes la tha prlnav . . . . 1 . r. II nawa, whlsh was bast af livs. nsws aa avary ana will daspHa tha jmfsy njaila nf ara4..? w -V---- .'.? ' . - 1 . Cosing and Hundreds At ths high, Clinton Bally; Brooklyn and Atkinson schools the work la vary badly broken up. Not one of ths Ml students at the high sohool will bar any mere instruction- thla week. At tha Clinton Kelly aehool See will have In struction whils the other half will have to' do without tt for at least ths -remainder of this Weak. Ths Atkinson school will not he ready for oooupaney before two mors WMfcs. Only S4 of tha pupils of this aehool are receiving half Instruction, while tha other 101 are without any Instruction. ' Af ths Brook lyn there ars jtt pupil who ars rs oatvtag only half work. A ; L. . ' . - izfjirmn mr bvvawat. (eeeisl Mssatah a The Tastes! Booper. Wash., - Sept. tlSaoraw Bsrtboll was badly Injured by being run over by a runaway team yesterday. Both. lags and aa ankle PETER IS WITH - (Jearmal ajidil erriea.) ' V ' Belgrade, Boot, si. King Fate I af Bervm, ths successor sf ths assassin ated King Alexander, was crowned to day, tba event being attended with muoh pomp sad ceremony. - Tba ooronktion took ptaes at ths-mthedral to Us pres ence of the officials of atata, members of ths Isglsmtrrs assembly, ehurch dig nitaries, military o racers and dopata ttons from all parts of ths kingdom. Ths courts sf Burops wars not raprs sented aasspt - by their regular sUplov matlc repraaantatrvsa In Belgrade. Tha day was ushered ta with a salute of' 101 guns fired from tha Belgrade fortress. Crowds -early began to as ssmled oa ths streets and by I o'clock, when the royal procession started rfrom ths palace for tba cathedral, tha thor oughfares and publlo squared wars densely thronged. The route was Hnsd by several th cue- em! troops. The royal procession waa a spectacle of considerable magnlncsnoa. It consisted of various state officials, a band and a squadron of ths guard, pre ceding ths king's carriage, while the orows p rlnoe, tha royal family and a squadron of cavalry followed. The re ception mat with by tha procession was oa the whole lukewarm on tha part of tha Immense crowds, com posed chiefly of people who bad gsthsred to witness the pageant out of sutioelty. - Tba little crown prince rods behind the king on an anderslsed Servian horse. His appearance evoked tha first real aar tbusiasm or tns any. There were some cheers from people la tha streets sod windows and beta FIRST RAIN IN 23 DAYS ' . ' - . . v.: t ' , . Dry SpeD , Which ' Began last April Is Prob- f .; ; ably Ended, . -I EQUINOCTIAL STORM DUE A? s Trace ef Hfstm Ftlls li September fiat Rot ioffldcrt to Mew t zVJ Skoters Predicted i During tba noon, hour today Portland sapailsaosd tba Brat satefhU August J tt days ago. It of ths longest dry spalls oa record In the ' local weather office for thla sassoa of the year.. There was a trace of moisture on neptsmber ft, but not enough to measure. Prom now on, show ers ars skpeoted as of yore. Thla la tha data September 11 for tha equinoctial Bvery sign points to n gosd downpour tonight and should thess tokens fail to prove good ceneos, a now system of guasjatna tha signs erW have ta bs nortas. Aooordheg to tha reoorda atorm etouda have baaa BlaftaiaJtaa, 'MgHuVi atars land1 each day has biunT n Hi slgna to show that tba dry spall would ba ended. Today every token Is practically arrayed on the stds of ths umbrella merchant and a boom m the robber Made- Is regarded as a certain ty. Wbea ths Bret general rain fallen and tba skies have caught their old trick of emptying themselves, ths weather bureau amclals expect a ion of- moisture, though tha regular seven days a wash floods' ars not due to resume thetr reign for some two months yet. This year baa, according to tba health office, brought soma of the most peculiar dry and wet weather effects that .tha stats has- ever experienced. It opened with an almost unprecedented season of wet weather. January was wet. Feb ruary was wetter and Marco was super latively moist Then came April with a big deficiency af rainfall. May fol lowed with a par sent below normal precipitation, Juno was as dry and July but little better. August was aa exces sively dry month and September has kept up tha dusty record. . But with all this exoaaa of dust and heat ths floods that descended early In tha year have ad far kept up ths average. Today there is on tha credit aids of ths weather ledger At of an toon, which represents ths theses precipitation sines Janu ary I, . Tha following will show bow dry ths latter months have been and tba normal precipitation: , . April, denotes, ill; normal precipi- tatlon, 1 10. May, deficiency,; normal, June, deflate ncy. 1.44; normal. 1.14. b July, exossa, .It; normal. .10, August, deficiency, .; normal, .it, To data no precipitation has fallen during September. WEIGHTED 30-POUND IRON CROWN m : : f were waved, but many sasn did net da" sorer their heads. - - Aa tha procession mars a ths eathedral there was another salute sf ltl guns and at the same time ths bells of all the churches In ths elty wars rung. At ths entrance af ths cathedral tha king was mat by tns archbishop and accompany ing slergy and assorted to ths attar as ths sholr sung tha "Bis goals ven.-. . ar "Biassed Bs the Name sf ths Lord. Then tba archbishop gave ths king a' cross and Bible, after whloh Pater mounted ths steps sf ths throne and sat upon It A leeeon from tha Bible de scribing the anointing of Saul was read, when the archbishop sprinkled ths crown with holy water. Than calling to him ths president of parliament and tha commander of tha army, the archbishop placed tha Crown on 4ha king's head, the president end general assisting and placing their hands on the crows- Thla was to signify that Pstsr was creamed by ths three estates of ths realm the church, the psrl lament and the army. Tba king afterward signed ths his tory of ths crown, whioh waa handed to tha minister af education, to bs placed la tha government arobives, . During hla return trip King Peter wore bis crown, which Is of Iron, weigh ing 10 pounds and It was with great difficulty that hs kept his bead erect. Ths king1, having returned to ths palaoa ts receive eon ars tula t tone, tha crown waa carried, with a military escort, to tba palaoa and placed on the throne. In ths stats ballroom of the new palace King Fater received aa address VBBNltt T DEATH H ?nrjr Weinhirit, MillionaifeBrewer and ; Phil anthropist, 'Passes . His Business; In Oregon Henry Wslnhard to- dead. ' Nearly half a- century ago ba aama into thla elty a young, industrious Ger man, seeking employmant at his chosen trade brewing. When ha passed away. shortly after M o'clock last night, hs left a fortune that Is estimated In tha millions. His life la fittingly described in three words "Success by endeavor. Henry Welnhard had passed hla 74th year. A third attack sf uremic ooma re sulted fatally. For a number of days the end has been to sight, and during ths TS hours preceding death the million aire was unconscious, except for a brief period yesterday afternoon. Tba dis ease eras incurable. It stopped ths action of ths kidneys. A thousand tlmas today ths people sf DOWN i of aongratatatloa front tha msmbsra sf ths skuptschlna. . Oesv Oavn Ortnteh, ths premier, spoke on behalf of the cabinet officials, and there wars other congratulations from' various bodies During the entire care monies, both at ths eathedral and at the levee which followed, ths king maintained his usual grave and gloomy demeanor. Tha repre sentatives of Ruaaia and Austria ware the only foreign diplomats who took any promlasat part la ths eeremonlea of tha day. . Ths trlng of guee, waving -of flags and throwing of flowers along lbs route of the royal procession made tha recep tion of the king seem enthusiastic to ths ordinary onlooker, but to the man behind tha aoanss it appeared more Ilka a cleverly managed stags performance. There are many people. In fact, who de clare that ths enthusiasm was forced, and that but for tha mounted omcera who circulated among tha crowds com mending the peopla to ehesr for king Peter many of tha signs of rejoicwg would have been absent. . 5 Tonight Belgrade and all towns ta Bsrvla will bs Illuminated. . . is M Tears Old, ' . -Peter I, who was crowned king of Servta today, woe born In Belgrade In ltlt, ths son of Alexander Karagcor gevle,. Prince of Servta from 141 to lit ft. Peter waa proclaimed king tn the night of June lt-11. l0t, by the officers of the Servian army after they bad murdered ' King Alexander and Quean Draga- For many yaars Pstsr had lived quietly at Oeneva. Me waa tarried ta llfll to Princes Borka af (Conttaasd oa Pass Three.), tTBINHARD. CLAIMS 9. r OF WEALTH Away Pioneer . and 2 Portland spoks with -regret of ths death of Henry Welnhard and contemplated with keen admiration ths great things bs baa accomplished for Oregon to an industrial way. Pew awn to tha state have grown so great from so humble a bsgtanlng. Hs Was born in lifts at 14n denbrona, Wurtemburg, and after receiv ing a common sohool education, became a brewer a pprntlee. At the age sf ft ha determined to coma to America, and after four years spent la Cincinnati he emigrated ts tha Pacing coast by way of tba isthmus in laM. i For six months ths young man worked at hla trade In Vancouver, Wash. Ha Aved hla earnings and was finally en abled to form a pertnerehlp with George Bottler. Together they established a small brewery st Couch and Front streets Its growth waa too slow for ths energette young Welnhard. Ua sold out and returned to Vancouver. But even then he was not satisfied. Hs returned and anally settled la Portland ta lUt, It was abouTth'uTtirae1 ths? hs Joined a man named Dalllnger In tha erection of a brewery, it wasn't much larger than a goou-atasd keg; as old-timers describe It. and while Mr. Welnhard made ths beer alone, hla partner drove the delivery wagon. The little place be came the business men's club of ths oily. Day after day and night after night, men of all 'classes of business gathsred there to discuss the topics sf the day over a mug of beer. Walnhard'a filled the place of ths corner grocery. The brewer's next venters was ths pur chase of Henry Saxtos'a establishment on First street, near Davla street, and still branching out, ' tha following year he purchased the site of tba present W rin hard brewery. Twelfth and Bu re side streets, as well as tba small plant of Oeorge Bottler. From that day ths business grew. Following his odd, but profitable, theory that ha would succeed better If no cor poration was formed. Mr. Welnhard watched hla Individual holdlnga sxpand to mammoth proportlona. Not only la tha beer marketed along the coast, but ths export trade la large. The capacity of the plant has been enlarged from time to time until now the buildings cover nearly three blocks and the brewery puts out barrels per year. When Its capacity was less than te.evd bar rels the shrewd proprietor refused 1.1TI.008 far It. Tba offer came from aa English eoncera. - Throughout his career Mr, Welnhsrd waa doted for hla generosity. If it was a pteaaurs ta htm to make money, it was a pleasure no teas great to do good with It. One of his pioneer compa atone recalls one year when times were dull. men were cut af employment end many iOontlswad an Page Threes No Serious Obstacles Now f In Way of Immediate ' Construction. : : ; i... A TERMS WITH 0. R.&H lectin Will fie m it Sale. T awrtw Wbei It b Expected Ttut ; 1 !';' flul Detail. WlilBeDtfl-;:; 1 alleki testiest I ' Bight af way -for ths porta gs road baa) been ssoared over practically all ef tha distance to be traversed. Ths first greed . undertaking of the Open River commts stou baa been accomplished with a oa- ' lertty which has axoaeded all expects ttoas. Ths next step as ths letting of : the osntraos for the construction of tha ; road, and arrangements for this will ' probably be mads tomorrow, when,, ths executive board of tha commission and . tha members of the state portage boaiat are to bold a Joint meeting at asiesa. Terms for the right of way have besav reached with the Oregon Railroad Navlgattaw company, with L H, Taffs, . and with Boufert brsthers. so that all that now remains la to complete the ns- . gotlsUoss with the Dalles Packing com pany. It Is stated authoritatively that ' there will be no difficulty In dealing with the packing company, with which torsos will be made as soon as a meek-.-hut can bs arranged with Its president Tha O. R. N. com pan? has agreed that where absolutely necessary tha ' portage road may be built upon the coin- pony's right of way, and where It be comes necessary to change the location of the cowpeiiy's1 tracks, tha expense at ts be borne by the Open River coswmie ste. This wUI Involve sn expendilurs by tk SMMBunhaatoa of 1 12. 6 St. . Oalrta Aesspto the plana. One of ths members of the 0u River commission Is authority for this infor mation. Hs statec that ths negotiations with tha Ot R. A N. proved very satisv factory. The commissioners found Mr. Calvin a auia of fsw words, but thesd were straight and- to the point and easily . understood, and white every detail ooutd not be closed thay feel that la dealing with htm no technicality will stand la the way of carrying out ths agreement, nor will there be any ablftlng of oondl 1 tlons, Ths discussion with him was confined strictly ts right of way mat ters; ana the eon sequence wad tha bust' aces was soon closed. The agreement ef tha open river com mission with ths stats required tha ' portage railway to keep off ths canal 1 right of way, and ap tha south line of -the canal right of way Is at several points the noYth Hns of ths Ot R. A Nr.. a considerable use sf ths company's right of way must bs made. Tha com- " pany has agreed that where absolutely necessary, end where It doss not Inter- -fere with Its trackage or, operating ar-' rangemcnta, the portage railway eaa ba built on the a R. N. right of way. Where It does Interfere with the com- . pany'a trackage or operating arranga ments, ths builders of the portage rail way are to pay the actual difference nec essary to make ths changes, which , amounts to a total of tll.lftt. This In- ' dudes changing ths track at Mesa ' House curve for Quite a distance, put ting In a switch at CelUo, changing the track and building new gradea for about 3,sot feet at Tumweter and putting la a switch at CelUo. A Fttoadly Arwjsassaeas. la arriving at ths sum to bs paid, tba , a R. 1. company gave ths spen river ' ocMtlon Credit for work wniea ins company had mtenaea to so, una re ducing tha amount which woe Id other- - wise have had to been paid oy anoui . 1 40. toe. , The opea river coram iaslou wUl also gat the uss of the grade where the track has to bs abandoned and tha, changes aiads.aa above stated. , Pram thla lt will bs sssn that outsiaa ef the actual cost to the O. RAN. com pany of making ths necessary changes . no charge for right ef way la made palnat the open river commission, 1. H, Tails has executed an agreement covert ns the right of-way over his property near CelUo, and Seufert Bros. have executed a ngnt or way over weir property. No charge was ntsdp for sltber of thess rights sf way. This leaves osfV ths right of way ever The bailee Packing company, to be obtained as soon as ths president of thla com pany oomea to ths elty. A. . McMillan, tne engineer re tained by the state board. Is engaged to day and checking ovsr the lines of ths right of woy arranged lor tne portage road, so as to report ac tomorrow a. meeting at Bales. - LOSES HIS LIFE AS STAKE IN CARD GAfuE (Jesrsal Pfsetsl eerrke.) ' Sedalta. Mo,. Sept. SI. Chsrlss Bliss staked bis life last night oa a gams of sards, lost, and said the penalty a few minutes later by committing . elde. Bliss wss the son oi a sever e Day Advent 1st preacher, of Pare, !. Shortly before mtdnlsht he celled ur- t "Ted" Moor, a notorious wonve w wbm hs was Infatuated, and -- - her to a game of pitch. "For what shall we playf" ' Asked. - "I - l "te r yours, re J B'tes. 1 r dealt and wt women won, F Ms hat and went to a where he purchased a bo . acid and ended his lire a phvairian emild res oh h take aa aaUdots. r i