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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1904)
- "I ' 1 OOP EVENING." y -y- the crxuuncx " 1 ' " 11 " .j-n sr. 15.5a OFT-E JOURNAL ' "ClHilrht anil aatuwt.v -S , . cloudy; cooler tonight; winds Bkoetiy , northerly. , ,e -- YESTUSAT WAS V . 'A, J y .1 .... , T ! '"-.VPJU nt. not 178. . ' Portland, Oregon, 'Friday' evening, September; m, wot hl r ' v V 1 - price 'five, cents. 1 1 n I IICPC ' Irrrv - tiiirnr'Tnnin it"':1"" V i - . if ' i." r. .1. 'J. uAiAHLol IIDIIC 1 U Dili I WK TAKE PASS Finding Artfflcry Ineffcct Ivc They Capture Dal- :: Ing by Assault '''-3. T V MAY; CUT RUSSIANS OFF Hi V lortU It BeilevH to Rm UidertakeB ; ABOtbcr Eflvcloplnt love Beat Lin Yu Cimpilii liy p ? . . PMaraburft Mpt. 11, Tb Jap m, AooonllAc to ft dlapatcb roalYd . Dai In Pim by immIL A tobbom - TMtataitM VU ( nuul acatnat thm tn Uu hop f ntmrdtaf tncir ferwarfl mthboI mm much poaalbl and thaa tfalarlnc th aonaral batUa in or Mar Mukdoa which la W . It waa not without mat toaa af bmm that Um JaaanaM auaflaadM in oaptar- 2- , ffectual attonpta ta tak It by aaln( aa. ; , -tulary Or at a light character but flno bur thta plaa anauooBiful.'awpt up tha hauihU.aaA aauwA4ha Bi poaiUoa by fllraot aaaauu. - . Xb Ruaaiaaa fouaht nnUC tha aart .fc Jaat. tpourinr a aavaatatlaa . lira nam mau anna into ua rancx or taa aaeon- w Ins Japan a, who apparently had mad . hp thalr atlada to taha tha paaa raaat i Maa ax taa ooau Ooaaldarlnt tha tact that tha RuaaJaa toaaea wara man. It cam raadUy ba v baliavad that tha Japaaaaa loaaaa. atuat -hava baan aenalaarabta - Tha daapara- Uoa whtah laa to tha UMac at th paaa J ' paint oanclualvalr to tha uapMtaa t - plaa at tha Japaaaaa ' whloh la ua- ooubtaUy to attampt aaothar aaoh an- 1 valeplna: moremaat aa waa. feusht at Uaa Yan KuroM will undoubtedly aow thrww hla nan out In an attampt to acuta out m Kuropatkln from Harbla, or oompal him to aarata Oaht a ratraaUna battla. c . Kuropatkln tbla mornlnc mad raport that tha Japarwaa hava aaaumad tha at fanalra and hav advanoad from Banal- , pudaa to Pindlalun. whloh la but M rata from Mukdaa. Aa thla la paratlvalr aloaa to tha Ruaalaa Uaaa, tha batUa aaa apt ba maoh ioncar da- Ural JA. ATTACK R , . v am tha Mala, r -. i , - r (laoraal apMUl aarvlaa.) ' '" ; Toklo, Aspt. Si. Ait official talearum atataa that a dataehmant of Japaaaaa attacked a xoreo . or . R aaa tana aaar 1 rlalnluohuanv aa eatambar SA, and that tha Ruaalana wara drtvaa att ta tha northward, Marin It daad. Tha Japaaaaa toaa ara roportad aa bain alicnU VOX Waa i. c ' Laa Palmaa, Canary Island. Sept. II. Tbe British rulaara Bt. Oeorca and BrlUlant arrived here Uila morning. It la auppoeod thalr purpoaa' la to watoh the Ruaalaa arutaera, watch tt to n ported will aaO for aoal bare, -4 tJeutaal aaeelal lervlei.) V LtTerpool, SapL lA Ruaalaa agaau Continued on Pare Two.) MORGAN SPECIAL, WITH ARCHBISHOP WRECKED Woroeatan Beat. - 11. J. ' P. aforaana apaalaL baarliul tha fl oanelal ktn. A rehblahop of Canterbury ' and other dlattn ulahad guwata, waa almost -wracked between Brook field and North BrookflaM at I o'clock this morning by ftrikfaa a awttahln raalna. v Tha engine waa knocked aft tha track and Bnalneer Harrtll and the ftreaiaa of tha aw itch la on " glna aarloaalr InjuradV Beyond d aerara ehaklnc ap none of afoa an'a' party waa Injured. Tha traok was o laa red and tha apaelal praceadad oa IU way at 14 O'ClooB. ' i- Tha arehblshop. who thus vt d derwant hla flrat axpefienoa ta d . aa Aamloan railway wrack, waa d an of the flrat to eater from d the sere and beaten ta tha aealsto anoe of tha Injured man. Ha ao eeptad tha wrack and delay ta a m Him Tmiihi ma OaB faaraal ajpietal aWvtoa.1 te 4. MHMt OKKKRAL KURORT. rROaf A PHOTOGRAPH TARTCW AT THB PR01T. AS WAS GRANT.. BO -KOROKl IB AN INVETBRATB CIOAR tf ' SMOKER- - WHKN NOT ACTUALLY IN A BATTLE HfD W8ARS V VAST FITTING SANDAL IN PLACB OP BIS MILITARY BOOTS. MORGAN TO SCEPTER ASIDE .V Report That He WM Tarn Management of Great Business Over to His Son at Beginning of the H. .i year-controls a tJaaraar daecwJ Barrtm.- ' NawTark. Sept. U-J. Pterpont Mor gan, tha money klag af New York, will raatga tha aotpter he baa wielded so Ion to his eon. J. Pterpont. Jr.. at the be gin nine; sf tha aaw year, aoaordlns to rumor thai ara sow afloat ta .Wail street, v . . ' . The- eminent financier, who has paid feea attnthm ta buelneaa and mora to art and charity during tha laat two years. Is now wilt In to shift, the raapon slbtllty tq Ms son and ather partnera, of which h baa Id. Morgan will retire with a fortune estimated at bat waa leo. , and MO,oMt. Twa year aao, whea Morgan pur ehaeed la London tha great Raphael "Madonna af St. Anthony of Padua." for whloh ha paid lt9,a, tt waa aatlmatad that hla art posaaaatons abroad were valued a 11.110,00a. Tha ohlef of Mr. Morgan's art fraaanreai kept abroad presusnably- on aoeonnt of tha tariff. with their valuation, are: . ' . Landacapa by Hood, from taa Doraheatar houa gallery. lis, hfannbatm oatlartleai pi Ltata-. gee enamels and antlouee. - , Oravet eaUeaMaat of aataaua . aeulptura fl.M Sir Joshua Reynold palntlns 1 , af Lady Batty Malm and hU , dren . : ;.. , Rubens' "Portrait of Oread lmke- ......... 4 Ballerar oastla oollectloa of aociant taatrla lU.tae lM.Hd Billion l Dollars Raphael's "Madonna Of St. An- J thony of Padna" OalnabOTOaah'a Tfnrheaa r af V . Levonahlre" it lit. . Total . . 4.-. . . ... . . ...... w. . . i.s,M J. Pterpont Morgan, Sr., ta ana oftw men who ar accredited with controlling mar than tl.soo.tOMOd, tha other being Joha IX Rockefeller. It will thua ba aeen thai whan Plerpoah ' Jr.. assumes tha rataa of authority over th vaat hv teraat that hava been amasaed by the firm of which hla father le tha bead ha wtu occupy a position ssaond ta none to tha world of fl nance. The on thing mora than another that lands aa air af truth to tha report that a change is to ba mad la tha fast that J. plerponl Mora. Jr., ha leased New Turk houea. furtitahad, for a period of four months, and la going to spend tha winter there. Yotmg Morgan, It ta aalA will tak the management of tha firm of J, R Morgan A Co. at the beginning of tha year, whea hla father will retire from aetiva buatnaas, though remaining nominally at tha head af ta firm for time. . i , J. Pterpaet Momma. Jr.. la It years of ago, f feat tall, and welha SM peuada.- Ueareal amelal arv. Chefoo. Sast, tl.It I reported that torpedo-boat destroyer forming a part of the Ruaataa Vladivostok flUlta have apturai a Jananaaa transport. ON WHEAT Buyers of Big Eastern Houses Seek to Buv Oregon's Crop. ''V .; ARE AFTER FLOUR ALSO 4 Tci MIIIIoi Bushels Bought by Easter. Millers Accordtog U a Chicago flewspaper't Est! nate MAi . ExBerlBeaV Sayi WeriU. Portland la arowdad with Bra in buyer They want Orecoa wheat and to t supplies they ar wlUtn ta pay a pre mium a irom mi oaau a ouaaet over tbe resutar auotatlona rultn hare. Tha buyers bera at thla tint are not bavin any fight with tha local grain buyers and all of thalr purohaaaa ta data hav baea through dealers her. Tha ahorta ta the wheat oroa la tha middle west aa well aa Manitoba has caused tha larger aa wall as they small f-mtuarr to. turn ' ta tha northwest for auppllea. ' If theea people oannOt secure a suffl- oant TOlum of grais they wlU not heat tate to buy Oregon maaufaoturad flour; Somt Inquiries for local stock of flour hava already bean received, and a) early shipment eastward are expeeteA Boston made the start la ordering Ora- oh flour by -purchasing 16 ears from a local mUlr eeveral days aaa. Tha fact that the great wheat maa hav .their . rep recent tives here has added great strength to hta aearaet and prtoea ara looking -upe b latest grain man ta arrive her I H-. A. Wernll. who represent the large firm of Van Duaen-Harrtngton aompany of Mlnnaapolla, To Tha Journal he said: "Ther la a big demand for blueatem and red winter Wheat the can coming principally from the milkers af Michigan. They are now ualng- thla wheat in a small way by mixta It With their native gratd, I hav been told by aa au thority that fully I.00C.008 or 10.00.H buehata of wheat baa been bought In tbla territory by eastern people. Thla buy ma: of Oregon wheat la yet aaly aa- ex periment and tha future oaa only tell whether tt will be eonttnoed. There ar alao aoBM inquiries for Oregon flour by tha eastern trade, but aa tt know noth- ln whatever of tha aaallty. of your good a. the buylna; ta wheat, la only aa eaperlmenu' Mr. Wernll eama thla morning- and will stay but few days. Ha has al ready epent several winters ta tha north- weeL - - la this regard tha Reeord-Herald af Chicago this morning saya: "The Roaen- baum oompany of thla dty, the Bartlett Praaar eonpaay and alao Oarrlngton hava handled a great deal of western wheat. Lara purchasea war alao made by tha Vaa Duaerv-Harrington oompaay of Mlnaaapolla. Tha wheat la selling an tha eoaat at ft t Tea which make It Sl.fre ta Chicago a busheL There ar thru ImDortaat varlettee, tha whit wheat t used by tha cracker and eereal food manufacturer and tha ac-eaiied red varieties ara being need by the aoft winter wheat milters to. blend with th red winter arala of thla section. Bom f the mill ar planning; ta uaa It par cent of to coast wheat In addition to being' an Important prtoe reducer, it la art plamp and heavy and effect tha poor quality of tha Missouri, Illinois and Indiana wheat. Fairly apod quail ttea ara already being; used by tha mill la th central atataa. These ara about to reduce th flour prices onaldrrably. Millars who ara using coast wheat hava baan able to? pay batter prtoea for homa grown on account of tha advantage of grladlns tha blended wheat. Th pur chasea ara estimated at lt,tM,Mt buaheta, af whloh nearly one-half will eaan Into ar paaa through Chic. , CLERKS HELD UP AND RELIEVED OF $4,400 t q , ' San Franctsoa, Sept. ft.- Twa d d clerks of tha Central Grain A d d Stock Bxebangd were held up ay a d masked man hi u dark hallway d at th rear ar torn onio ac r d acloett thla momiaa? and roneoa t of a vaJiee containing 4.4C and 4 all the records af tha on earn. i Th robber saoaped, - A broken e awwa speculator I euepeoted. d After eorapellln the awn to d throw ap thalr ha ode and threat- d enlnir them with Instant death d d) if they saada any outcry, the rob- d her. who wa armed with a lerg d revolver, foroed ta man into c closet, tied th door with a d d heavy rope end then picked up d d th Tallaa aaA walked out of to d nine. d Tha clerk war ralaaaad It d d mlnata later by' the altor Who hear thalr outcrlea. .. a. e - Tou-'eaa get tt In Tha Sunday A edited, illustrated ln up to data fashion. Tha aaly special leaaad wire ha Oregon carrle to The Journal the news of th whole of the United States, and cable Uaaa stretcbtngr out Into th eaatarn hemisphere bring to Its 'columns tha latest doing af tha old world. Special eoireapondaota ta all th Europwaa capitals gather th brcaalset ef happening ther, and aend tham under tbatr own elgoaturea. , ' . Special feature by' all th prominent Writers of thd day. Outstd of Th Journal only th highest olaaa of magaalnaa la able ta engage th grade of authors who spread thalr , un- avwry wawx, .(, ' ' t - . A handsomely printed newspaper with oolor eupplamanta, tha anry ana ta Oregon, is Tha Journal, It la printed an th giant five deck rainbow ! press. If yon haven't seen that leviathan of printlag presses, th first in tha state, drop around to Fifth and Yamhill streets at o'clock af any week-day afternoon, . It la One af tha wonder of Oron. , Com I page far tha child rea by the bast artists that money- aaa procure, printed ta colors, form another aaclualv featura- ef Tha Journal. And don't forget th Woggta-Bug and tha queer people from Oa. Tha wis old Woggle-Bug haa another quesUoa far you la next Sunday a Jour nal sad there's 90 In ths answer. ( , . t .-. ,1U IF VOV WANT THE ONLY REALTIilG T. V -K Get 1Ae Sunday Journal MM TO SETTLE CANAL -a ' r-r' , Governor and Other State. Officers to Confer To morrow With Seuferts Portage Road Taking Definite Shape. ' , . ; 4 Ukbta) haaii,) . saOanh Or.. Sept. Tha governor. Secretary af Stale Dunbar and State Treasurer Mear will mast Seufert Broa. ta Ooreraor Chamber laia office in Portland at It aclock - tomorrow ta discuss th right af way for tha Colli anal avar Seufert Broa.' property. An agreement dad bean catenad Into by th Seufert and th state board of portage commissioner, but waa changed by ths United States government The meeting tomorrow will endeavor ta make th eon tract satis factory . ta all nartlea. Major Langfitt I expected to b pres ent at the meeting. l canvayano f roar Seufert Broa. w now ail that faf needed to aompleta tha right of way for tha Celllo canal. Meat Monday th surveyors who -ar ta lay out th rout for the portage road will leave for Th Dallas to bee; la their work, which la eapected to tak about three weeks. Construction af tha road will begia Immediately as aoea ss the surveys ara oomplcted and tha oantraot la lac It ta eetlmaXed that by March CIYES 35 CENTS TO' ; : FINDER OF $16,000 Jsraal Ssislal sarrtos.1 - Sharon, Pa.. SepL SS. The paymaster of tha Andrewa A Hitchcock Iron oom pany while gains ta aa automobile to pay tha employes at the company's blast furnace, tost a an tonal cental aing lis, ta eaeh. Louis Fry, a poor boy, found tha money on th road and took tt noma to hla parent Th paymaater did not mis th satchel until he arrived at th furnace. Than he rushed back to search for It As ha passed tha house th boy hailed him and asked If ha had lost anything. The paymaater said he waa looking- for a aaaaheL WelL I gucua 1 found It." said th boy. Th money waa found undis turbed, and the paymaster rewarded young Pry by giving bint Si cent. - COSTS BUT $50 TO CO ON A TRANSPORT (Jew sal Speceal ftarvteai San Francisco, npt It. Fifty dollar la anouajh "puH't-to ba abm ta secure a Job aboard a United State army trans port, aooordlng ta Oeorg Hudson. Thla amount waa paid by Hudson to M. J. Welch, by which he waa enabled to gat work on tha troopship Thomas. Bs for United State Commissioner He cook yesterday Hudson told how for a financial remuneration Welch axarted hi political influeno to place him and hla friend. W. T. Mao hen, la th transport service. - Hudson and hi companion eama from Frasno ta go to Manila, i Finally Cher saw M. J. Welch, a ticket broken who aid that for t&t h wouM get place oa transports far tham. They paid tbe money and almost 1mm ad lately aaeurad plaoea. MOUNT VESUVIUS IS" v : AGAIN IN ERUPTION ; . .. .f 1 ' flperlel Maeateh ta Th Swraatl Rohm. Sept li. Mount Veeuvlua Is again la eruption today to an tatruordl- nary egree. Deep explosion hava oc curred, followed by olooda of volcanic duat and torrent of, lava Which poured down the mountain. The wall af th crater hava collapd and It to feared a luptura at tb great can mar fpLiow. at You Waiit Is 'l 1 Journal fraah, wall wrlttea, aarafully bast war bsfor Th. Journal'- pa- T NM w RIGHT OF WAY on Land Concessions v -ar AprS ad awst -year tha fMf-arU b built. . Memhart eaUth apan rtvar eommla stoa and of tha open river ooesmlttee of the cbamber of oommcro ara in aaeelo this afternoon for th purpoaa of devis ing methods for raising tha money that will be required In addition to tha etate appropriation. About 1110.00 remains of tha aum appropriated by tha legis lature, and It la thought that about W. Ott mora must be-raised aa th total coat la estimated at approximately t00.- MA Part of tha money which la to b raised will be obtained from eastern Oraeron and Washington and part la Portland. Many assurance of assts tanoa hava bean given, and It Is believed that tha money can ba secured without material delay er difficulty. , . -i Tha etate portage board and tha open river commissioner will meet tomorrow morning to arrange detail Th puo- aful acquisition of the riant af way haa removed tha great obstacle ta th conatraetlon af tha road, and no tlm will be lost ta preset n; tha work ta com- plot too. -4 . . .. ;. GROW TOO FRESH IN : V QUEST OF FRESHMAN Ueeraal I aarrlea.) ; TJrbana. I1U Sept. . University af 1111 sola saefcomwraa, White on a noctur nal raid aeaktaa- freahmen, tnraded tha ham of Prof.( Morgan Brooks, af t university faculty, and hauled hla yaung dauahtea- out af bad by mlataka. Ac cording to repertk th Invader effected an antrano ta tha home and ran up stair eeektng a freehman who roomed at th houee. They triad tha young woman's room and' started to pull her out of ball before her startled sareaaa apprised tham of thalr mlataka . Detective from Chicago ara snaking an investigation af the affair, and th father Intend to prosecute the offend er if th sleuth r suceful ta find- Ins N Identity ef tha Invaders. , CLOUDY WEATHER PROBABLY FROST Weather official predict loody weather ta this dletrtct Saturday. They alao predict that tt will -b cooler to alght exoept aionj th Immsdlat eoaat and te aoutharn Idaho. Frost to prob able ta exposed pUoe aaat of th Caa- oade tonight - Barly thla morning th sua came out and lingered for a abort time. Just long enough ta how that tt aould become cloudy again. Sine the tha aky ha been overcast though a rata haa fallen. There were heavy ralna la northern Cali fornia last night and general a no were throughout th Pacific northwest At Sua Francisco two thunderstorms c ourrad with heavy rainfall, I.St Inches being recorded during tb alght , FIXES BLAKE FOR - . SLOCUM DISASTER - ' " " . . : flearaat IpeeUl BarvWl ' Mew York. Sept It. Th local board of steamboat Inspector ba handed down Its report In the atocum disaster. Th board And that th omcer a d crew of tha Unrated boat were rean - stbt for th oa ro In wht-i t- live a loot. ' d hats r r n V Ordinance WDI Be Rigidly .Enforced by f&y i . . . Police. SLOT MACHINES CO OUT Actios Clalffled to Be ExtrtHkv-lta-I nor. That All Suadiy Closiag Ordlaances Will Be hforce - UAJaKevubtoiofrcellBg, Cheraw ara- freely saad today that tha action of th city council ta da- . mending that tha chief af polio eosa- pal the removal at all ntakl-tn-th-lot maohtnea, Inaludln; those played aaly for drtnka aad eigara. Is hi realKy a ovrt mov ta tb direction of again aaaklnar Portland a "wlda apea town." It la asserted that aortal meuibet of tb eouncll who ara In sympathy with cite gambling stemeat ar determined ta oarry tha anU-gamblla arusada to auh aa extreme aa to cause revulsion at public aentlment aad a popular demand tnat taa gambling; house ahail agsra , ba thrown open. Rumors ar currant that hi addition ' to the abolition Of tha card machlnee a . resolution la to ha tntrodueaal AMnatui- tag tha rigid anforeomant of tha Sunday closing law. Tbl would strike with ea- peelal severity tb saloon aad tha cigar a eei era, and through them tha whole salers. If tha Sunday olcaln law war enforced. It would mean a heavy peca- niary loss to those enaa;ed In thee llna of business and th demand for . a return to a mere liberal noUov would oa toua ana insistent -SU a ShartaT. T am thorougiily satlsfld." saM a promtnont hualneas man today, "that th eeuncU e action wa slap at 8hrUf Word, and that Its real purpose la to arouse opposition to hla policy of dosing- gambling. I can see no other ex planation, for ther la no popular da- mand for the uprlaa of tha sard macklnee. They .ar a very harm lea form of gambling ana there i no oc casion to proceed against them, except It be for some ulterior purpose.' It 1 can ceded that th resolution adopted by the eouncll amy hav been Introduced ta good faith, and that soma (Continued an Pag Bight) wjflpAsaaaaaVaUahBW An Object Lesson In School Board ; Irresponsihility eauldtan stsawHaa, fixe OUaaan Xclly. .i tth L. VIS Bantu af ehlldren wrfta half aa tmctlon, fttat weak M OUaten Kelly.... Atktaaan ....... Sas Oltaaoa MaBy Brooklym Atkinson .... ntblen , wwwi .,.... - ajon ' wweal SaS lT-r-iTrTT if WlitTsn sllsiiat ha atxwatioa, r mst -g-aah Total xjsm irambev ef ahlltiaa with naif h strwatto, siaead wish ..... SOS 84 Tenal ...... as sTnmbar at ahildrea sltaist ta-. etraetkm, en wash , OUaaon Xty ....... Fortaxaouth ............... s aaa . n Atktsg i aaa Ua tss watal s,ns sTuanbe ef asnidrea wtCheat ta-i atrsmiea. tra wnk , , fAtaaea KeUy... 1S Atkins ea M Total i. ........... tat umber ef ahOaxea wtah half ta strwetioa. two waika i . , Atkxasoa St Bissklja .." SOS - 'n 'wotal -11... fn t.ZT sVoss ta taMajms fa tm skits Jtaad. mm ae day, STAfSi ' J t daaa ltB Vthluaoa. tmm nag day. T U.Mt f day mt IS Bwvaameuth. leas p day. SaAiai t daya....... ... lSB.tB OUaaea SeUy, loa par , t day, Set.sui s aays fftrat week) . MLS tJUatoa Bslly, Is pe . day, SIT) S day - samwaekl.i f BOah, laa yap day. . SUAdOi ft days V wal b fa - Ax. fc,. a a A - . C a a f I