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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
THE OREGON" - DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, - THURSDAY RVtm, ftSPtSHtH t lCt v aims Foil . KOS 1.1 fUTORE AX BAT .T Oemrsitmente more Issued out sf th '- Sauftlolpal eourt today u prisoner charged wtth Mni drank. and benee ; fnrth every mm that com before Jode Hogue will weiwIUw a commit ment. If ths defendant la found guilty, r is returned to the city Jell pending the outcome of Ms cess. This m th r - Cult of ths ease of Oar Kelly, who was rearrested by TUoatnan UMli and whoai Uw ehkf rsfuoed to book, as has' . Hw published In The Journal. Kalljr was arrested on a charg of va i -. fancy, to watch ha pleaded guilty.' He ; "eecaped from ths city Jail three day star, having yet IT days to servo. H Was raoaptured by Ullle, taken before ths ohlef, who refused to hook blnv eey r ng als tarsi had aspired, and It would W Hiatal to hold him. . Learning- of Chief Hunt's action. Municipal Judge Hoaua had Clark Fred Olson lssns a bench warrant for Kelly's arrest, ordering: that It ha plaood la the , hands of mils to serve, it was never saliva rod to L 111 la. however, and Instead , is now to ths orric of ths ohisf, and . Kelly Is still at larva. Kvery day ha m ' oat now, la a day off bis sentence, ac-' 'cording to Deputy city Attorns- Flts geraiA . .. - When thS tMnnh SmrMm mi m.,-A lor Kally, Chief Hunt rot nervous be- sauss of a vlelt paid to his of firs by A (torn ay Cameron, representing Kelly. Mr. Cameron Informed the chief that If ; Kelly was arrested, ha woald fight tha ease and sua tha ehlaf for dimtm be- sause of tbs supposed foot that no oom- mliraeat was Issued for Kellr ha the first place, city Attorney McNarys ad- , we was sought, and ha upheld the, elT. Henoe, after this data. Clark Olson will Issue commitments for every pris-, war sent to JeU, even to "common I drunks." so thai will bs no iulbhtf in us future. , ASSED FEC'l FAIR eoiwsaslon tlibs at the head- uartsrs Of ths Lli and Clark fair. and thonsii Mr. Wakansld. Alreetor of snnoasstona, la at Bt. louls aeourtns; alllB tit !! - Hi the loom ofneers ard aopt busy answer- ftw Uttar. ffAm .hM. T Um let tars from ahowmon who want te some to ths lOt fair. Several of ths Mrcsst attractions of tha St. Loots lka will ooma to Portland, and amona- tneso Urn 7.ooa 'Vreatlon- apseUele ad tha "Round tbs World by Bub- jaanns and Airship" are ths ehlef ones hMh are nraetloallr osrtala to show aero. But not only will ths Lnli oen- sosslons eoms bora, but others will bs invented and launched. Hardly a day Means mtt what soma tavanuva deMoa nines to the corporation with a now sob was for ths edification and eoartns; of no rair multitudes, from the man wbo wants to shoot thousands across lafcs In Serial cars to the fellow SI rat to advsrtlss tbs fair noon drawn by whtu swans, ths fsmut la run. Araonc all theos sufios tlons Is occasionally found ona of real oalua and asvaral biff attrdctlons Will be found oa tbs "Trail" next year that bav not bsan seen before. Ths enrooratloh is also weeding out from tbs pile of ap plications many known to no unworthy. Concessions known to bs tugsastlrs or fa teas will OS shut Out at the start. - Many of ths fll Loafs shows- that bar aivan a bad name to tha Plka thara wiu be barred. , . . . f:iSS CEANC TO SUE MANAGER BAKES " Troubt It brewttig vr ths discharge or alias Chartotts Deane from the Bker theatre stork eotnpany. Attorney 1 trwen has drawn ap papers for the ao- r-. V,B Manager Oeorjre I Baker . mvt para saury ana rail roan rare to Kew Tor, including sleepers, and the aunagef wiu resist Che suit te to alt- tar end. ..-. -. - r i Miss Dean was handed her discharge taea Saturday night, she says, without , previous notice. She claims that in her en treat with Mr. Baker, or. rather, be tween Baker and the agency through Which oh made ths engagsmsnt, thers is a "tores, weeks' clause," aa express meaning that neither party to the con tract' may terminate toe same without hiving the other party three weeks no , tlce. Having received no each notice . front Manager Hekcr, Miss Deans olalms her discharge was Illegal "1. "" . her salary, lit a Weak, for the three Weeks following her retirement. This Will amount te 4le and, added to this i Will be a omtm for fare to Haw York. Whi4-a. the actress declares, provided I tor hi her ooatradt t I T ... , ... ; ... I " ' - - :-K'-'- ? , VfUnr : . nnoffn, iro v- ufin '-; tui m cm ass as. wtu tut , tMH ww" SAxB AST FUTVU VB . ' is m twuutum '' atoib r. nuiai giaa win os mat miss i . I . Deane did not give satlsfacUon because f boarseneas, which rendered her phya' mally unable to play ths rotes, Under i thess condltlena to-manager oontends be was Juatlflad hi dlsplsolng the leady ; tag woman, oontraet or as contrast. KMATT tH- J' ' (ieafMl apertal SarrsmV " ' nan Praaclaoo, Sept, liOns sf the Wvlest sain etocma.eM record at this season of the year prevailed through the northern and a Portion of ths cen tral part of the atats lest night and this morning. Half an Inrb of precipitation was recorded tn many places In the north. - Near Steokton tbs storm was ' unusually severe, lightning playing! navoe wiu a numger of buijdinga, a slight fall was had aa far south ss " rTeeao. By tomorrow ths storm will have spread all over the state, TooBfest tart Reporter li the Wrld Mia Rhea Whttehsaa, Skagway. Alaaka, ths youngeat court reporter Ht the world, fs only if years of age and 1 receives a salary of lit par day sad S awta per folio of 1M worda of trana ertst. Sh writes ths Oregg ystam of Snort hand and When only li wrote lit Words A minute blindfotdad. . ' ( " nworanK m am.t.sTm. '. ' '(Mrl ffperV.1 ftrrrW,) T" -bMiwirille, Ky., Sept. If New hae P received her or the death to an -'ire part f th (aland of LusSn of ' 'e Vngriasng. a permenant elvll sn i -t sod hatlv of San Praaclaoe, who uant I a InndalM while supsc i .l4 goveromaat womv LORETTA TWINS ARE . NATURAL ACROBATS I 1 1,11 f iv-1 -':!' t '-y i - 1 !-.-:,: ) . 'K Jj-j? . -a- t-;-'-iV ?.rv ' ;. ' ' v " ftWt LORtTTXM, ACROBATS. Lorstta twins, -yar-old girl ' gym- aasls, now at Vw Star thaatra,- are aaugiitsrs of an eld time Vfrcua aero bat Last nistit the proud father tod tna story of kta sfalldran's work. Twt years Ot" said he, "1 was la Dsnvsr and was asked to take part te an satsrulbnMnt divan by tbs Wood man, of whtch order I am a member. I was out of practice and put op a bar In ths book yard to train on. Well sir, 'oun" rn ellmbln up 1 the side supporU as soon a tha bar was erected, they want right after my stuff, i Itnltuted all my tricks. Things that I was years In -learning those two little monkeys aid right off-hand, and In slit weeks they gave A publle perfor "Don't you ever gat tired r Paulina rLorstta Was asked. - , "1 sot tired sitting around," she Paid. Td sooner do my act than sit stUl doing nothing."' "Do you Ilk- the workT" . ea. air, rapluul Paul too and Holins I to unleon. . u OUT OF GOUNTY JAIL r r After aawlnr twd bars of bis call m ths sounty JaH almost through, with only a fear hours' time between htm and freedom, Harry Volker was detected by Sheriff Word. He refused to yield up the- toote-wUh- wWet -he had endaav- lored to secure his liberty, and. finally Ibaoomlng enraged, attacked ths sheriff. After on of the hardest and yet brief est ftstle encounters that over took place at the Institution ho was thrashed Into oomplete submission by that official. 1 Several days ago Tolher informed the sheriff that if be onose he could toll Where the fur stolen from O, P. Rum mella 4k Sons were hidden. In an ef fort to secure this knowledge, which Volker said had bean given him by Ann McCarthy, recently sentenoed to the penitentiary, ths sheriff took Volker off the rockplle, provided blm With three meals a day Instead of two. and p re sented him with a few slgars. Volksr finally admitted that three of m furs ware hidden near feugene. Tha the furs war hidden near Eugene sheriff made an Investigation and .die- UNABLE TO CARRY - HIS Mid cheeks were aa red a bis crim son tie, as aa stood before Municipal Judge Hogue this morning, aharged with being -drunk, I waa WlUlaar Marree's drat offrnse land be aid not carry the honors with good graoev A policeman picked htm up Third and Burnsia streets at s a, m. w navigating along, taking up eioswaia ana wuuui i wi wldor. t... ua,u mim hh a MtiM "t . ' - too futir asked the pollcenmn, ns Mur- rar hove in alrht, making a mighty ef fort to Meer bis craft so aa to avoid dolllslon with telegraph poles and mtlld- CHARMING EPIC BUT . a MIGHTY HIGH PRICED KlaU rrenca of ChleagM Id poet She to alas a traveler and aba hellvs that aae should travel 7 Of miles for very atanea an produeea. At least this 1 tbs propoaltkm aba ha mad ts ths Lewis and Clark fair corporation. A six staase poem on th exploits of Lewis and - Clark arrived today and waa given over te th tender mercies of Secretary Freeman. The atansas were signed Blele French sad the writer mated that they oonatitnted an eple. Bha desired no tsonay for furnlehlng thg wnlrlal poem te th corporation, but stated that aba would aspect a MAKES CHARGES NOW FAILS TO PROSECUTE v Vv-, .!" ' - ' i ' For failure to appear to the munleipal osurt this asnrnlng and prssecute Fred McCteskey, whose werrant he caused yeateMsy, M. T. Dennis was , today ehargdd with dontrmpt of court and a bench hr arrant was laauad far hlsarreeL a trlM hav td aoswar. to Jul Uudu ""S ro the twins go. to behoel mod play with dolls and all that kind of thin libs ordinary ebUdrenr" the father was asked. -V , "Of doursa,M cried Pauline. Tvs got 11 dolls myself.. And I make all their dresses." "Soma people," remarked ths father, "think because their children are per formers that they shouldn't : do any thing alse. But Ws different with us. Their mother teaches them to eook and sew and do ail kinds of housework. Their mother and other' brother are In Ballard, near Seattle We run a vaude ville theatre there. When the twins are at home they so to school there, " "We travel quite a lot." said Norlne, proudly "Pauline's sick now -from traveling. She slept with her head the wrong way In the Pullman.'' "1 never knew It made any difference which way yew Slept Id 4 train," put la Pauline. - "Out act's oft aaxt. whlsparod the -year-Old brother, the clown of the team, and the three children hurried to ths stage entrance. ,- eoVered avtdenoe showing that the furs had been there a short time previously, but bad been taken away by k man said to bs acting aa stool pigeon tot a mem ber of the city detective force. aTVttflsBftff -01MJgfcuy 4fc4rYtfe' anWOaWr sred that Volker had eut two bars of his oell almost through, and in a few hours would have regained his freedom. He asked for the saws. Volker denied hav Ing them. Finally h declared that If he ever met the sheriff without his re volVer end star he- would thraah him. "Don't mind my star and gua, ths sheriff, "but so ahead." Volker mads a lunge at him, T"he en counter waa short but fierce. Though hs sprained a thumb on Volkers head. Sheriff Word thrash'fl hint so badly In about twoNninutss that he yelled lustily for quarter. Hs was a train placed on the reekplls. A search of his oell and those of a num ber of other prisoners d It-covered five saws, a file A heavy aaajilneapiks and, a siungohob INITIAL JAG mga that pe related In Mocking his way. "Oeso am. boss," Murray managed to reolr. , , Then ft was to the Jell with Murray. "Tour honor, I aim to keep sober,1 said Murray to Judg .Hogue. "My boy, your 'aim t all right, but your sheeting was vary bad last Sight.1 remarked Judge Hogue. - 1 "If let go, can -you keep away from liquor T" asked Deputy City Attorney ritsgsraid. "I sartalnty can-tnd will," Murray replied. .. "Then go fa Paca. and cut out thg poo aa," estd Judan HoguSi 4 And Murray went. v tup pant from Chicago to Portland and return. Tha corporation 'tmfortttnately has to pay full far outside ths bounds of th atsls and after a bit ol mental arithme tic Secretary freeman decided that at Ho four cents a mil for 4,109 miles was a little high for the eple. Klais French Informed th corpora, tlon. fn her letter, that she had won fame, and other thtnsjs, by writing an epic on fTuluth on some publlo occasion there and Inrlmated that what waa good enough for Dulutb was good enough for Portland, T thu) Mr. rraemaa did not tumor row. Deputy -CHy AttrBT Flu gerald signed the omnlatnt. Dennis yeatarday called upon Mr. Pltagerald and secured warrant for McCroekey arreat, charging profane and hhuelv languaar,- Tha fas waa set for today, and DaiiBl did not appear In court.. Dennis Is employed by th Mer chants hoel, and MoCroskey la a hayk driver. j j ' ' ... w .. Ladles' cravensttes and dults made to order at lei Washington, 7 be Cupeland MiUlnsrjr and Salt Hous. . justice mm:n : REGISTERS TUE rZRwW wrjgai a aVMmlftlOaT 9, 9W9 BmsVMAmtt A M tft 1 mil vdtm B . MVaTf) has mm fust Ice of th Peace William Rett called at the county clerk't ofOoe yester day morning la oompanf with hit son, Alrln L. ' Reed and repass tad that th .latter be registered. "Why, -he waa registered some tint sjsnt" said n of the clerks. TTes, F. Otto Burckhardt took him Into the auditor office and resiatsred him. asm! oat ths law. and without vestige of authority,' answered Justice Raid. So hatootahed was ' ths deputy" apdw receipt of this Information that County Clerk Fields was summoned. TH regis tration said t have bees) . made by Burckhardt was ordered canceled and now appear in the precmot boosr wllk three red lines drawn through n. A search was Immediately nteda for ths original card.' It la now ta posses slon of the officiate and la said to be In Burokhardt's band writing; "Tea." Said Justice Raid. When Sues- tlotled relatlv to th facts la th oaae. "my hoy told toe some time ago that Burckhardt had reals tared hltn. taking him Into County Auditor Brandos' office for that purpos. My bop says b told Burckhardt that h waa only It years old. and that hs did not eoneent to hav Burckhardt de this until h had coaxed for some tlm. The reason for taking him Into the auditor's oX&oe was to keep th matter Secret. "Burckhardt required no oath, - -and could not hav administered an oath. The. boy wad born July It, IMS. Thlg fact waa welt known to Burokhardt, who S t secure th proper sard In ths matter without the knowledge 'of the deputies tn tbs eounty clerk's office. "As soon as AAvln told ma what Burckhardt had dons I reproached bIM for Jetting himself b persuaded to oon sent to such Illegal work and admon ished him not to attempt t east a baf- lot at either th primary or regular elections. He did not attempt to vote." Tn record show that young1 Raid was rsglaWred 11 rat on January ft of this year. His ag was given aa II years, - -f ' f - CIRCUS AGENT DIES ; AT PORTLAND HOTEL t a. . ft W. Tdbcv of Denver, If yeaff bt agw, died at fh Portland hotel this morning of multlpl abscess of th lungs after ah tllnsa of averal weeks' dura tion. Mr. Tabor earn here sS k pros top fesentatlve of the Ring! Ing Bros, circus a number of day ahead of th show. Hs ws taken seriously Ul Soon after hi arrival and was unable to go with hts work. His mother was not! fled end dam en from Denver A few days ago. Sh will hav the body ore mated. . v During hi nines th ytmng wwd toot and became a warm friend of Jack Kent Ing, composer of "Just as the Sun Went Down," and other eucoessas. Together they Intended to go Into the ballad writ tnw btaatneca we soon ad th SstMnt rooovsred. v MUKDEN OPERATIONS ? 1 RAPIDLY DEVELOPING ' '- fMrMl atoelat nervMa.i ' St. ' Pstersburs. Sept. t!. Japanese operations against- Mukden are rapidly oeveioping. ikuropaiaui tooay reports that the Japanese army, at Bantalaputma Is beginning t advance northwesti Out posts tried ts capture " Kaoutou pass. commanding th rod to Pushup The Russian era offering a stubborn re- alataac and It 1 likely wilt retard da cUiIvs operations. Kuropatkln hae placed a strong fore astride the Mukden and Fushun toads to BentsiaputM an m sis neismg an passes from Darans east to Bntsla putae. COIINCILMEN DOWN ; ON SLOT MACHINES Member of th city council demand that Mayor Williams Instruct Chief of Polio Hurtt to an fore ordinance No. ltIM prohibiting slot machines. Inelud- ing all thoas played for Hquorft and el sars. They slat that If tbs mayor doe sot sa that th Chief of bolioe enforce this ordlntnc they will force him to take action tn tn matter, as they will not permit th mammas to run. Ths ordinance was passed March IT, and Wat signed by Mayor Williams, March li. No effort baa been made by the chief of police to enforce th ordi nance ' OLYMPIC GOLF CAME . IS NARROWED DOWK .1 (JeeraM IcerUl Serrlsttl ' ' ' fet tOblA Sept II. Th flM had narrowed ta tight players when the Ol Trap to golf game waa fwTumed this morning. The talent Picked Gtoorg S. Lyon of Canada tnd Rasa a, th cham pion for th finaL Th results as far follow: ; Lyon Of Toronto defeated IjambsrL 14 to T. Burt McKlnnlt defatted sMWyar sf Chicago, it ta If. Chandler atgan defattot Allra II to IT r v. (leeraal feaeUI fWvkw.) ' Bakersflsld, Cat. Sept. It. James Hemphill, a Southern Pacific braksmaa. was murdered last night s few miles above Cellent. presumably by tramps, whom hs was sndsevorlng t eject from the train. His body waa found this morn ing. , : - - . ' i a. ! i . (Special Dwpateh is m JesrhaL) leatue, WnhH Sept II. Otto C. Baker, mansgar of ths wireless telegraph station st Fort Casey, 1 missing and his books are being exported by H. A. Tar nell af the Pert Tow ha end off 10. . Al ready s shortage has been discovered. - tSserlal Dtonatab a The Inaraatl . 'Vanoouvsr. Waah. Sent II. On of th twin daughters of Mr. and kffs. R. Martin, who- waa poisoned with con cent rated lye Tuesday, died this morn ing, The to stiu to s sreoa flout ooodiuoa. ' . HIS' BAD Ol : FLAY AT CPE & e- FAMOVS aVUTOatASTRa WRbA MAVB a 99 snrsioAR Hottg hat av Rsrsria ajtb 1 Final arrangemettto Ware ewsrpritod today whereby the opening f th Lewis ana mars fair n fund U le. wiu b da the moot atlraorlvA popular and even spectacular of any of ths open) use at world's fairs yet held. The Lewis and Clark corporation entered tnt s contract with Bandmaster Q. N. Innes ta furalah the musical attraetlona at the openlag day and the premier" leader waa given carta blano to eecsrs th beat musical talent. Instrumental and vocal, that could b bad at any price. S peak- las of ths contract and what Us stans would Include. Mr. Innes said: 1 expect to present ths beat musical oRertns ever given at a great Opening. We opened the St. Lodll fair, but be- eaus of lack of foresight and oa ac count af poor arrangement we Were nn able to do Imitioe to the oeoaalon, and In a measure this ha been true of th opening of every sthto world's fair In thi oountry. nhd 1 have played at them 11. By arranging definitely the entire matter so many months before. I am enabled te ftesur th best taJenVehd lo arrange specialities that will sally prove of national dttractiveneasv ' "At ths opening concert i wiii nsvs fl musicians that will b picked from the beet bandsmen of the world and trained for th work for months. I will have one or tw of th grt vocalist and it that- Meiba, Word lea, Sembrleh or Mrs. .Partridge will be heard here on that day. Then there will aa the Bo hamian eornetlet Krrk wbo la without question th greatest erhetiet In th world, and dosen other instrumiotai soloists of International famA" Innes' band will bs th attraction at th fair from June 1 to June 48 and then sosM other natiensj band will All s. four weeks' engagement ' . ...... ,: i ATTEMPTS TO KILL SPANISH PRETENDER . i a i.Mi ; ..J V-'' (XMrsai SsMl Sarrlea.) ' Vasriee. Bent. lt.-An attemnt wad made on 'the life of Don Carlos, the B Danish pretender, this morning. Among other thliurn that are to make up tha dally routine of th Any of diversion by Don Carlos I his practice of Invarla bty taking a morning- StroIL It was during his morning walk that th prat tender cam near losing his life. Ht had lust turned a earner of s nar row tans, which 1 on f hi principal haunts, when on his dally pilgrimage, when an unidentified Man suddenly leaped from a small cluster of shrubbery that stood Mar th pathway and fired s pistol at him. Th bullet missed It mark. and before th Would-be assassin could discharge the weapon A second time, h was seised and overpowered by an OflJoef who was near by when the attack wad made. Although th hou was early Many -people were abroad and aa the pretender is welt known, much oxottemeat retgned for a few minute until. tt was seen that he was uninjured. -From .what can M tteiTiM It It thought that th mas who ttrod th shot Is mentally deranged, aitheugh by some he is supposed w at t ftMtobsr M a anarchist soelety. . i: j TICKET IS NAMED BY PROHIBITIONISTS PtloHS. Wash . Septllf. At th Fro Hlbitioatste eounty Convention yaaterv day. presided over by W. M. LteMy, th following ticket was named? John M Read of Thorn Creak, senator, ninth district) Rev; W. O. M. Hayes, Pullman, representative, seventh dlttrlet; Frank L. Owl an. Oarfield, - representative, eighth distrfott Roll Oray, Palouss, representative, eighth district! H. Alfred Qlase, Pullman, treasureri A R. Mo Croskey. Paiouee, suditorj Harvey A. Latri. Oarffeld. And William I. Tnomp- aon. Albion, semmisstonsrs. Central committeemen Oorg V, ntlvers. fhurfleldi Rev. W. Whltsflsld Colfax: Ir. It W. Fugh. Colfax; IX T. Donaldson, Colfax, - ANOTHER BREATHITT- FEUDIST ARRESTED rfoaraal Psastal 4 Lexington, Ky.. Sept If. iPopgtp Sheriff Terry and coroner Batley of Breathitt eounty. srreeted William Brlt- tala tedst. charged with complicity is the murder of Jim CbCkrtlL tw year ago, st Jackson. - Th arrest was ttad at VaAelev IS Breathitt eounty. A posse of Brittatn't friends- attempted to Intercept th f floors, but were eluded, PRESS CLUB NIGHT - " AT BAKER THEATRE r'- ' " flBsnptnmMn Manager Oeorg t Baker has dhsig' noted Thursday, September II, Press club night st the Baser Metbdurat Mac Do well And eotnpany Will present "Theodora" Snd Part of the proceed will go to th lub. Twfcete will b on amis wtthis a hw day at ft estits for any part of the noxisa. : , Saturday nlsht th Press club will engage in High ilnks snd a oUmbak at their djuarter Is ths Marquam buildiag. ATI MOkf MOVVSL , tpfettl Olestteh ta th PaaraaL)' Monmouth, Or.. Sent ft A heavy rain has been falling hers sine mid night last night Th dsns amok that ha obscured th hotison for ths past month has been dissipated snd late orops will reap muck advantage from the moisture. ftfsparflffltt nrfltCault fsSFf!!. i Paris. Sept li It is officially an nounced that the Chin government has given Franes full satisfaction for th aggression of natives against French soldiers whllt the latter wars to Pehh FmXgiOaTM MOim, h v',. ' (tpeelal Maaateh te Te JMweal.) Davenport Wash.. Sept It Irvia Davist who was bound over to ths - parlor court for obtaining goods under falas pretenses, bfok hut of th Al- mlrd JeU laat afght H knocked th bed apart and used It to pry bats adL tyo olus Id kid WbtreaboulA IT MIGHT BE YOU : The At special pri to b est correct eitlmtte received b&r Oetoier 1st will be ft $350 Upright piano. V . v c ! ; SEND IN YOUR ESTIMATE TODAY! att is a struxr cr m prizes. Bm Erfcs, A WkatAm TwAVfpf Car (1004 AmwJ)M.VenmS $2300 ' U ftm A faamsm ft BAmVAS wratoC rngms..... ddmS eVJKO ' W Mm ..A CeHMwsr 9tm4 PUtk ........Vauw) $1,000 . I Cooorsf Csbrnet Grmod Upright tiAnos....;. fUOO 10 rwlortbttrr UpriAl PinROd........, $.600 C'tO Apollo Pkoo PUyers. 0,000 ' ' $0 Chicago Cbttaf Orgkns. ...... 1,100. 60 Crsod ftAptds Sctk)nAl Book Cssei .... 1,000 $0 RotaI Sewing Mschines 1,950 v SO KAUmAzod Stortm and lUnges?,. ............ 1,600 $0 Violins. GolUrt, MsndoUns and Banjos. . . . , -1,600 SO Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Enameled and jtweled ' Men's and Women's Watches:. 1,600 '- 100 Colsmbia Gr4(hohcmw . wt.ot4eit l.ffOO TO AVisU PknoTAiriU Csmeruii. f.. t 1,600 - $00 Pisces Hearv Qudritpla Plata tMlTwfWArtMw J0 7100 Gem Ssietr lUsots. aits 660 100 Moore's Non-BfAkablS PosUtaia Pana..t , $60 1,000 Volumts Thodore Rrjosereit". . . 1,600 , 1,000 Volumes "Hodgson s Americaa Momef11.. ... : 1.000 1,000 Volumes "Stephen G. totters 9oflf Albsm'o S00 1,000 Bong sail Music Polios.. , W 6,000 c....'". Total.'.. .Y. V.i40,000 CONDITIONS OF THIS 6REAT CONTEST 'Af iisiasn sf th 1 bs rA so was eeast kA reset. k4 the wmass wtu be eVted f satis. awwmssssA Wfll asm these wttt enseal fh naladks f Ah HOW TO MAKE ' It oas fwa ti g ta be SHIfl I ft ShiiilseT wA sf ssSf wAassTrnT eTff.myrTu'mU $1 Oat iunMjuJl.r'T AOWOa, pwovts-A MS" saU smeerh7km sW Isssssaad tieehn, but MO BernsmA) Wd Bug AJUbOWU oar a Bsmiiifsai egf mu wmam Ostb IroadwAaV SUtSdUPTlON RAT 13 ma... Ltt fBffMkt... rtari ay Bam lUXwaUn VBSCRlPttON BLANK COM fntt sen asm fttt ft Anwnult4 ' , , - fa gfmfs $ fftkBfijtfSB staew SILVERFIELD'S NEW STOKE IS OPENED tt WAS A pleased srewd that ajmed Into SUvsrflsld', Fourth snd MorrlsoA strsstA toAe F) eased afat astenisfaed at What It saw. From early thle mom tot; until lata this afternoon the orowdd continued until tsd Alas resembled A bargain enuntsr, Portland's fe.eJifonMs fthttnmltf ws there In great abundanoa. The event of th fall opening at Alive rfield'e was generailr known throughout th eur and femlnlnltr requires more than A threatening sky to keen It from attend IDS. But th fowfl wa hot oonfind to th fashidnab!, Thos wn live on wo est incomes ming1d With thoe of asere prsteniious mesne and th thinks on saibitton Were wlthlg th reash of alt It was the first termal opening held t Sllverfisld's sinr th rrmodsilns and enlargemnt of th piao, Th first floor ws ertletleellr deoeratod and waa fe tooaed with autuBMi leaves. There were dtsplaeed all th latest areatlons hi mil llnerv snd th dalalleet srAatlons in readr-to-wesr hats. Ther are of Sll verfleld' eaeiaaive designs snd form on of the most tastsful oshlbt tlon of its kind that has ever been dis played ia th oU. Th aeaond floor was devoted td dis plays f sloake, svlte and furs, th th Hit was everything in the ready-to-wear lln that sould bs desired by women or children. There were Imported gown of latest mode and every design. . On th toft near Were. displays of eor seta, muse and children's elosks and suits and other artleles that Silverfteld handles. Bverythlng that was displayed ws ready-to- wees, and la that partlas- lar reepeet th firm I emelualve.. Bines th enlarsement of th Also Sllvsrfleld's is one of ths most oomplete outfitters for women and ah t Id ran In ths oltr. The latest importations la all articles for fall and winter uss era on display and today's effort was probably the moat artlstie and at ths same time ths most tastsful that has over seen seen ta the eltr. . ... . SveHftl tfll ladles' all. Wool 111 MA. 1st eosts for lit. Thursday and Frtrtay only, at ths Oopeland htUlissry sad Suit mouse, sea-w aanuigton, gfimii te AN ISTtMAU . WrtHtfAWT STATISTICS ba IV Ah FOWDLAA TOTS Cat met m ma year 1 ta tna ms. S Car emt i 1 Wal A. A me. Iv 11 1 was 11 jO. wm if mt. mwlLmtist Wm sewn Dsn mtioaug miiiwsanv ma w- Wit i ....... . M vM,.,tiii4tit(iiii,..At,lllJll r(aau:::::::;:::tia4e. 92 mm tarn of ths ' Panii -( ' -. ir aaan Mek i.n -mm -mm. M aau. mm MAIL SERVICE IS ! . TO BE ABANDONED '. With tha eoeaalatloa af tha Betfwmut nd mar front route of the Oregon Water Power A; Railway company's fin to Casadero, s complication has artaett In th prtparatloA of th tralh achedui'H that Involves th poe offices ft Lent and ArletA The oorapany ha ftdt yet ; decided bow te adjust It, and ths ques tlon of abandoning thess two poatnfnce ' or securing a modlAosttoe of th Timed State mall oontraet is under oonsiderat Hon. ..; When ths CaSABer MM WAS flrSl lal4 Sut, and A Isvsi routs dhosea along tit rtvr front and via Hell wood, a big ei , became neeessary near Wlllabiifg, whlnh required nearly A year time. Tits .. omnpanv took ut construction sf the lis at LShtl And serried It SH saatWartf from that twit to the present terminus -at OeAedoroi inaugurating tha sarrle : ' over the old line as far aa Lents, end on ever the aew line ta OassdOr as . sooa as ths line to that point was ready, , A mall ton tract wad taken by ths oompany, and among the poatonVe , served wer Lent and Arleta, on th ld section of th line. Row th neW lln via th river front and Bell wood . hat bean completed and eonneeted with th lln to Cased ro, and with th in- r auguratloh of a schortul for through oar ervle front Portland to deader ' th poatoflloe at Lsnti and Arista will navi to be out out. Th oompany would like te eontlnue te serve these two points with made, and th queetloA hi punting the oflVelala not n little. . With th adoptlen of the new tout! and through oar echedul seme heavy grade .oa the old lln via Bwventh street will be svoldad and th Company will be enabled to shorten th funning tlm ts Oregon City by about At m lo ut as. A local service will be maia tainedj for the Sell wood tut riot. , t li ! t " tWiSavym AJSUUBtmaraort. - thtr WHI be o prayer meeting held at the Marshall street PreibyterWH ohuroh this evening, owing to the le tur to be dtltvared this svanln at tnt Firat FraebytertaA by RtV. Dr. OrAttaA Oulnsaa, te which all are invito. - . Lafllti' touHat met mads to order hi th Oepetand Millinery and Suit vsA lit WaajDingtoA, , T v