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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
r THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINO,- SEPTEMBER t 104- pons seds ' SPORTING , GOSSIP amateur boxers to meet at st. louis browns Lose in tenth inning m. a. a. c to hold, secret practices-gracing, sports. ' tasks ty J. A. HOUAN . CUT EIS UTTER BilXERS BOLD SWAT 1; AT ffOKLD'S f AIR AiuffiirM noil ui tun p nennr ioioki nr AwHel grrvtee.r r at Louis. Bept. .49. The Olympic boai- fng tournament for th anutwir oham ptonahlp of th world Will begin this evening at th Stadium at th World' .rir ground. v , f It we at tlrst thought lhat Ban bar ger, um big agnter iron n uiympic A- C of Ban Praoeteoo, would b the only atry la th heavyweight division, gnd would eonaeuueatly carry away the tenors of his elaaa by default. - This 1 tmpreeetoa ba baaii dlspeUed by the receipt of a tele rum from New Tork to the ffect that William Rodantaoh of the Weet Side Ai C of New York will enter th tournament s a rprntattvc ; af tba Metropolitan eociatlo. A Xodenbach la tha ebampton middleweight .." and heavyweight fighter of tha east and baa already defected Berger la Jig tin. tba big man fmm tba coast wilt hav to bestir himself to win. . (Beorge V. Plnnegaa of tba Olympic . A. C of Baa Pranclaco. wba la poneidereU nrof tba t men tn tha country at -1C4 pounds, will hava a worthy opponent fa Paddy Carroll af the Bt. Loula Buel aes Men gysfcnaslvsa, who to thought ta hav a look-in by worthy follower if tba ftm. Ia tha 144-pound classJ Paddy Maloney la tha,194-poand oham- rioa Of tha A. A. U. end recently won . tba 144-pound honor at th National : Canadian tournament. J Lydow of thla city, who la ant red unattached In both ta 131 and 144-pound elaeeee. haa ahown hlmlf to .b a lighter of telling narlt and will bar a good chanos of carrying off tha moner la tboth division. Al Young of tha Haw thern A. C. tf Sag Pranctsog and Will Burkhardt and Carrol Burton, both of tht Bualnaa Man's gymndblura of thla lty. ara among tha othor aatrlaa in tha 199-poirad elaaa who art. poaalbU itlea. Ia tha Ill-wound ems lohn1Jtotie of tha Waat Bid A. C. of Now York la th champion, and will have a hie opponent 'for. th Olrmpl tttU O. JU Kirk of tha . Business. Men's gymnasium of thla etty. : Tha untrte for th toumanient are got vary full up to date, but will be recerred np aotU (ha opening f th first day aahtlnc and a Uraj number of addltkmo are xpctd opwdaUy from rral eluba. Bntrie: lfl-aouad elaaa- -Ooof V. Blanfan, Olympic A. C, Baa Franclaco. ' lie-pound elaaa O. I Kirk, Bualnaa Ifen'e fymaaattun, BL toute. Ill-pound daea FYank Hallar, Cln olanatl tTvnaaluni; EM H or can, Haw thorn A. C. Ban Frfnclaeo. ; ll-pond elaaa Jo tph F. IdrdOtt, ' Lout; Al Youna Hawthorn A., Ban ' fwanetsoo; Jack Baffan, Bryn Hawr. Pa.; WUItam Burcbardt and CarroJ Bur. ton, Bualnaa' Hen'a symoaeiam, Bt - Lout. ' - . 14a-Dnnd -etaw Xaek Jaan Bryn Vtwr, Pa.l Joeapb a. L-ydon. BC Lala. Heavywelirht elaaa' Bant BarfarJ Olympl A. C, Baa Pranlaoo; Or. Joseph B. Knjp. pastima A. c. New Yormv SEATTLE WINS'OUT IN TENTH INNING (Jeareal BpMal aernVe.l : Boattla, Wuh, Sept. II eat out- elaaed th Iugdal aaarecauon yav terday and defeated thra ft to 4 in lea-Inning eon teat. Thlelmaa pitched for tha Tieltore and twirled boautlfdl ball, but tha arrora behind him were to ooatly for hi good work t overcome and bis ulna fell by tba bushe. Tba gama waa Interesting to tbo ttnleh, th acor being thro all untu th igntb. when a Biwaab cantered bom with a tally. Portland took a brace In the ninth Inning and tied up things- agala. In tha tenth onapter Boattla puahd th winning ma acroea tha pan. Shields was driven from th boa la tha third la- rrtnar and waa auccadd by Hall. Back waa there with th mighty wallup, ae- curing four hit out' of flv tlmas tin. Mahon, a bueher, and Hastings practi cally threw th gam away by theu- bad orrora Th sooroi ' - l BUATT1JD. . AB. ft. R. Pp. A. vaa Haitren, , t.f.. a 1 Mahler. Zb. i 0 ' Blankeiuiblp, r. I. rriaK. l i Dlehanty, fast' WUeon. . risk. L t .......... I f I Flehantv. lb. 4 11 urtihy. lb. ......... 4 1 I I Hull, a, a. ......... I I 1 Shields; I f C. Hail. p. I I 1 1 Total w........ IT I II H 1 ' POBTIAND. Aa ItH. PO. Drennaa. o. ..4 I Hurley, lb. I Nadeu, r. C 4 I Weed, a a. 4 Berk. lb. ..7.... f Clynea. 1. f. .1.. Minon, an. Haatlnfa, 8 tee I man. ThlelnuA. p .......W mn 4- J Total 4 ! IS 4 KB AMD HITV HI IHfllnTU. . ;:::illllltlifc "On out wha winning ran scored. BUHS AMD H1TB BY IHNINOB, Buttle Portland Hit , BUMMARY. Darned run! Beattl I. Two 5. base bits Van Haitren, Beck, Drannen. Bao rlflce pit Mahler, MUrphy, Hurley I. Weed. BtolcQ baaosBlaukenshlp, Wll on, Back, Clynea, Baeea on baila Off pitcher Bfohlar. Delehanty. trnnen S Tonce by Shields and ones by Hall). Struck out By Shields I; by C. Hall T; by Thlalman. I. Innings pitched By Shlelda. I; by.C HalL 1, Hits Off Shield . 1:t?. Hall. f. Opponent at batShields:, 11; C. Halls, I. Tims of am Two hour and 11 noput . Us- pUrsfoCarthy.- RACING RESULTS AT EUGENE MEETING BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR BAKER CITY MEET! r -:'.'' ' IJaaraat Bjialil Barrfca.) Baker City. Sept. Secretary Cor- " rfll of-th Baker rlr" and Bpn-a oriatlon eutea that It la expected to nova all of th buildings at th new fair ground completed this week. The track la Improving every day, 'and all things will be In readlneea Tor the opening of the fair under the most-auspicious cir cumstance known 1a ' th . history of falra In Baker tounty. . President Ooorg Bbetl of th First District Fair asaocUtton, who waa In tha city yesterday, gav ant tha newa that he fa reoelvtng very ncouraging report! from all the farm ere In thla and neighboring eountlea tn regard t tbe vhtbits which thor expect t plaoe at th coming fair. ' He saya there can be no douK but that th fair will be a grand eubceed add the display moat creditable. Three mor' gal l opera eaaae in oo th noon train yterday and three ad ditional bneh win arrlv today and will bo domiciled at the fair ground. The grand stand Is rapidly" extending sky-, ward and wni be flnisned thla week. . Owners oT ' swift horses br now to bo seen aarly ' every morning working their animals' MY th speed track. Dr. Parker is a familiar flsur there, and hie fast mere cuts a fine pace out. Mayor Carter 'and Vis "big pacer gave th doctor oulte race yterdy. , pom two: oo ' 'flsaraar asartaf lmrriea.1 " '. ' Dodge of (ne'hlgb echool football toaaji haa completed hi schedule. Th Port land gam la tUI la doubt, but arrange ment may be made for that later en. Th schedule Include waehtngtoa Ag ricultural college, at Pallman. October Oetober : Blair Buelne college, at Bpokan, October II; Cheney Normal, at , Spokaa. October It; Colfax High, at Colfax. October 14; LewtatOD High choAl, at Bpokan. October ts; If. of M.. - at Mleeoula. Mont.. November ti Lewls- ton HI eh. at Iewletort. November II: Cheaey, at Cheney, November 14; Beattl High school, at Bpokan. November 14; Portland, at Portland. November 1 1. ' : 'earat arerml aervtee.) .- !-' ugona. Or- Sept. II. Following ara th results of th raesa held her yes terday afternoon: Trotting; frefor-au, one mil, purs oe.; - First heat Sarah L., Brsti Pack a. aeeond; Lrd Kitchener, third. ' Time, Seonwd heat Ba rah I, first; .Iord Kl tchener, seoond ; Package third. Tlnw, tit Running, Bv-lghtha mils; purae 9TI. Virgil D.. Art Montoya, oond; Ber- nato. third. Pacing, on mile, boat two gat of three: nuree lit. , . V" , First neat-Prlnc Tom Srsf i q serge D- eeoond: Pathmrk. third. Ti Second heat Bam as Brat. 1:1. SECRET PRACTICE BEGINS NEXT WEEK TIT LTIOaTS raAXataT ftTASB. Beginning next weak, th Multnomah football squad will1 begin secret practice and con tt oue ft until the Astoria game. This scheme la deemed advnabl on ac count of the many new trick and va ried formation that tha men have to rehear for the firat time, and It would be an indiscretion If thoa plan went given Out public The auoceaa of all trick plays depend upon the w orecy attending their formation, and la keeping th same mystery until the play 1 sprung on the opposing team. In this manner the opponents will be taken by surprls and before thy have an opportunity to concentrate their men In order to atop th play, th trlok haa been aocomplUaed, and prhap a poor or a loag run ha be mad. , The ooacfaea real tee th ncelty of keeping the trick plays a aecret. and hav 1- preeeed each player accordingly. Another part of th football work to which th Multnomah boys are paying strict attention Is in th matter of training; Bach '.candidate la tuppoad to eutt Hooking for the see eon. and foreao th pleasure of Ung Sweet or anything that will tend to upset ones stomach. Tha as of Into loan ta I par ticularly prohibited, and It la to Mult nomah's credit to know that the entire football sound hav taken aufflclenl in ternet and pride in th welfare of the club to pass up all beverages that eon- tain any alcohol whatever. Last night's work waa gratifying to all. Tha play want off with oharacter- Ictle dash and accuracy,-and th fum ble were few and tar between. Klrk ley and Row worked aide by side last nhrht. and It looked mod to see th old warrior strut around th sawdust grldy Seeley at right guard ha shown up splendidly thi . eaaun. and much ill b expected of him m the hard gam to come. There are at mast four trons candidate for right tackle, and ae all play good football th -ooechee will nod difficulty in selecting a man. Dolph. Jordan fend Dowllag are In An fettle,- and' are in their old-tim form. Holtnan continue to paa wall at quar ter, and his work. 1 Improving. ach day. Tonlghr praetle nhould flv a eoache good line on each man. Cap tain Dowllng laued -m call today for vary candidate to appear at the club thla evening at 1:4b, ae important buai- aesa will oome up for disposition. TATZOVAXi UMU1, .7i5 Time, Tufian ....!. .'.... 1. ol a) si oliJ ti! bm nilea........l oi . . a i u S .oni) ...w... oil .. i a .4 f i . . M .a ....... .SiifTifdw im igo 7" Lnm A BettU Sea Ftmaetaee Oakumd rortUDd Again Meated by Oak. Baa Franclaco, Beat, tt. Baura hit mors opportunely than waa Schmidt. and IfOhman's men won out Both team played errorlee ball. Boors: Ire Anglg ... 1 4 t ? Oakland 4 4144444 0 I 14 0 BatterreeM-Baum and Kegar; Schmidt and Byrne, i 4hmm WYtfe a.Mome. Teeocna. Waah Sept, 1. Tacoma won a pitcher battle from the Seels yeeterday becauee Truek Bagaa slam med on Of Corbtts ehoktoet over th fence with two on baeea, In tba fourth inning; Tba ora: r n a Tacoma . . .. . . .9 6 4 4 1 0 I 7 1 Ban Pran . . . . . . .1 4 4 4 4 4 1 9 t t 4 1 Batterlee-fitacerald and Oraham; Cerbatt and laahy. UmpIrBrown. . VAOmO BTAwIOMABj mamvm. . w n w Sola .. ....1 441 140440 1 4 11 3 Spoken . . ..9 441441449 0 J 1 Batteries Thompson and Han eon; Hogg and Frary. ' M ' ' Won.- Loat. New York . ........... .44 SI Chicago m....,..;. ? .M .4(T rnuuuri ., . vd Cincinnati r . .......Tl -' 44 .464 St. Ioul .;...vk...44 , 44 .v .489 Brooklyn ..........61 y ! , .447 Boston,". .,.....,....,47; ,47 ..j .951 PbUadalpnla,.....!...4f ' .495 V ' At Pblladlpbm. First game RttE. Chicago . . ....... 4 11 1 Philadelphia 9 4 Batteries Wetlr and Kllng; Dug- gieny and Kotn Second game .j K, H. B. Chicago . . 9 I 1 Philadelphia .1 f t Batterlea - Irodgrea and 0N1I; Sparks and Dooin., Umpire John too. ( A4 BffelFaV ' " First mne-r ' . ' Ft H. B. Plttitburg . .... 19 Batterlea tmovsr mid Pheip; Crosin and Bergen. , . Second nme : V j.H H ?i""burg i !.! I arwisifn m t . Batterlea Flaherty and Phelps; Ries ling and Rttter.. umpire Moran O'Oay. - WHAT HORSES ARE DOING ON THE TRACKS u , - ';. i i i : ' i Oearaal Hseetel aWrtee.1 St. tymia. Sept 11. Delmar malts: , Bis furlongs -Loca won; time, 1:14. Five and a half furlongs, celling Am mabelU pee won: time. 1:17. On mil and 44 yards, selling-Bo- hoove won; time, 1:94, Six furlopgs Allegt Avon woo; time, i;it4- Slx and a half furl on ga, , veiling Peu robot won; time, 1:S4V4- Mll and an eighth. oytaLMa wont time. 1:0714, i ' At Chicago, Sept.- tt. Harlem yaavltsr rxkATvoxug or V. oimi Boon rax v. TTVAX KB OP 41AMFAXOV JTX- .H. plv furlonsa Bonni PrtMS Charll Pcr or im time, 104 4-4 " Itlon,". tha letter saya. Six furlongs-Ohata won; time, 1:14. f"?'v u" 'rn won Seven furlon Nannie Hodga won; time, 1:99 1-9. t Flv furlong Unsfui Lady . woaj time, 1:04 t-4. Six furlonaw CutUr won: time. 1:14 4-1. Mil Sen Chance won; time. 1:49. MUe Great Eastern won; time. It 4 A New Tork, Sept. g Oral mary: Blx furlonn Inylnetbl won; time. 1:11 4-9. BteeplechM, about 14 mUsa- Oood and Splendid won; time, 4:47. The Flat Land a, selling, fje and a half furlong Teore won; tine, l:6i. On nil and en quarter Hurta- bottme won; time, 4:44. - - Flv and one half furlong glui Gold Rom woa; tint. 1:94. On mil and one sixteenth, selling Phantom won; time 1:41. f Jeareal gpectal genrtee W 1 Indiana polt. Boat. 41 genet- Fair bank letter accept leg th nomination to 4h viei presidency of th United Btt be been laaued and k a lengthr document gofng Into details of Repub lican policies and history. ? After expreaelng ale approval 'of th platform and paying a trlbue to Preei dent Rooeevelt, he Uke up th' foreign policy of tbe Republloan party and lay gnat atres ppoa a. doctrine of peace. i n roreign policy of the admlntetra- haa been oon- nnd haa made for 'th advancement . of peace. Tim yand eventa have given u a, larger place in international airate. While we hav enlarged our foreign commerce, we have inorad our prtlg abroad, got with th sword, but through th paaoefu! agency of enlightened diplomacy. "Thirty treat lee have been concluded and proclaimed and stand to the credit of the administration. Som of tha ar f far-reach log importance. Among th number are th Hay-Paunoefote treaty, auparsedlng th Clavton-Hulwer convention, which atood In th way of th eo net ruction of an lathmlan canal: th Panama canal treaty, the Alaekan boundary treaty and commercial tr tie with China and with Cuba. Beattl, Dt. Reealt a . Th Meadows; North wee tera Derby, two-mile dash for 4:14 trottarsBed Bkln woa; Una 4:41. . On mil and one-eighth da ah for pa cere Jack wilmot won; time, 9:4444. Queen Running, aim furlong Resigned won. time, 1:14. One mile Rtmrook wont time 1:41. "Cvent In th far at ugeet the wisdom and nceelty of a eoottndance of the preeeot foreign policy. .We have maintained exact neutrality between Ruaela and Japan. At the beginning of the waf between them, they eeeeiited to the suggestion made by the admlnla t ration, limiting th aon of hoetllltle. Thla bands to preserve th ope door la th orient no Important and eo much desired In the expansion of our eonv meroo, It Is ftie policy of the admln ntratlon, predicated upon tha soundest national prudence, to settle and remove ira'n' 2r.d om.hrt urkm- trnatlonl difference which might lead in T. won; time, :4a, ' 1 ta ruttfv. Mntinn. . We favor the adjustment of Inter national dlaaTemnt by M appeal to reason, rather than to arm a," ' -PiiHislua Please, A cUuae of hi letter la devoted ea protection, reiterating- th Republloan argupMnt on' which th protective pol icy 1 based. It say that revision of th tariff would awaken apprehension by all exponent of -the eyetem. Reciprocity l given attention, aft which tba nominee turn t. truata, as fellow:-. - . . i "Th platform Appropriately nie oomMnatlomi of capital and labor aa the outgrowth f our. oonomte velopotent. and. aa entitled to the equal protection and SUbieot to (h Ilk re striction of th law. "The admin la rratlofi baa enforced th Sherman aatl-truat act. which waa of Republican origin, la caeea wber eom blnatlon . have been formed In vlola- Uon of It prevision. Th law, - which was regarded aa ineffective by a Demo cratic administration, haa bean Invoked by th prsldent against combination In restraint of wholeoom 'commerce, and It ha bee aahaM by th oourta. To ths fact that it psys to trade with us, both'for P0-'. '. vaninncA and sconomv? '" ' j . i- Convenience a v Botaiito jrott dont bsvo to pay - ' cash. Just pay a imaU amount - whgn maldnf your purchase ', Ct-- tha balapca on -i. t - : ;"'v. Eaiy Weekly :, or ! Monthly Payments Economy I, ' hit I i rye rii BecBusa our prices oh DU : tnondSt Vatehaa and Jewalry ara kTwer than an store in tha ctty, and we do, not charge ex: tra lor goods sold on credit : the Portia DAN MARX, frOfxietor 74 THIRD ST. AMERICAN LAWYERS TO MEET IN ST. LOUIS Cleveland. Sept 19.-9:19 trot, three In ftve, purs ll ftOS. three heat Tuee day Brown re Wilton Won th third, fourth and fifth beats, tn 9:14, 1:1014. 9:19 pace stake, three in ffv. purM 99,400 Morning Star won three straight beat. In 4:07, 9:47 and 4:04,- 4:14 trot stake, three In fjv. purae 91,004-John Taylor won the ft ret. aee ond and fifth heat In 4:44, 9:14 and :io. i l:lt pee, thre beats, each heat a race, purs 91.094 -Bell hfo. won three Straight heata. tn 4:14. 9:49, 9:04. To beat 4:14. trotting Earl WUton won; time, 9:11. PARIS INTERESTED v r IN LOURDES MIRACLE A4 Hew T cam I Clnclnnall . . .u ....4 9 t New York . 9 9 Batterlea Halm and Fetta; Mattbw- aon and Bowermao. Second am : v R. H. B- Clnclnnatl ..........I 2 Hew Tork . 4 4 Bttrle-Hrper and Schlel; Taylor and Warner. Umplr Carpenter - and Smalt. t Roetrm . , St Louis Batten land and Grady. . At Fisher and Moraa; McPar- Lost., P.C. II .427 99 J .419 - Ahaauoajg UAOom. . Won. Boatoh . . ...... ....S4 . New Tork . 99 Philadelphia; . . ....... 74 97 .464 Chloago ....7f 1 49 ,61 Cleveland ..... ..74 ' 44 .444 St. Louis . .49 . 79 Washington 94 194 .414 .424 At 9)4. , ft H. BL St. bouts . .......1 7 J Cleveland 9 14 1 Batterlea Olerte. af organ and Bugden, neap ana jiueiow. Waehtngtoa ) Nsw York, '. J If J Batterlea Patten. Clarke and Kltt- rdTe; Clarkeon and McUulre. AA Sett n nm Bait Lake e 9 419 041 9 T 4 Butte .14 40 44 0 441 I 4 Battarle BMalck and Hauaam Ran- delln and Spencer. Mikf hair Ubt end Onffr. ampe Itchlag Instantly, . aOlNOI CxOlNG U GONE !!! M m W Bse 9h ' - 'st' will WW aw - - NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE POrTT BLAMC YOU MULfcOtY Many UO) rentael nVU- wa-mee tm brat eltrat wltn e to nellMe balr aVMruc H. ! tltit ( Ihrf we beaeiy ewj at'rrtlrr eapple by tk rmoTt f grat o mumw r alickilr Btr n.t nM a atvm). If tear nlrrar mm talk H weeM aleeg Hta yea t "ears gee haw et tbe ceisMiwa,' tk cea be doe Wit Mewbnye Haretrtee Whl fejlk the aatrefl that eaeera hU, brHUe eed hMtwktea batr, atoe aandrerT aa raiHn balr. Oeetrey the eena a4 the hatr'a Biteral htM and abundant will ntarm. arvekwa teeelev Aa eaeaMi half fc-ae n. - w MM,tt. Send mr. 9te. ta ItRrlCIPff Ct., Irgt 1, 9tfwX"ra.. far g aaaiat ArrLlOATIOn AW vanwmvT wavvm amn-mm aeweiia.iwtr-ri gi itti i r tt rr ajm At V it tt a. Chicago , . .,. 4 4 l Detroit . t f BetterlesAltrook end Sullivan; Bto vall and Drill. .. - , . iZZZm. -: rirst game , " R. H. fj. Boston . , , ,9 7 0 Philadelphia : . ; 1 l Batteries Dtnen and Crlgert Henley and Moon an. Second gam ' - -t. -' R. R R Boston , . ..........., ...4 9 9 Phtladerphla .. ;,.... ,.J g Beater lee a ibeon and Doran; ley. Plans and Noonan. wingnwaendbnnw S i , (fcvnMl gpertel Serftos.) - H Monmouth, Or., sept si. The regu lar work of the Oregon Bute normal echool be an Tuesday. A large number of student, young and old, ar In at tendance, and the roeneeta ara anl- lent for this being one of th most proeperotts year la th history of tbe Institution. Great enthualaem in ath letaw .1 already kwlng dlapUyed and th manager of the football and track toama ar going about their work with treat oonOdenc. The new ooaoh, Mr. Oreeta, of the University f Mlcblmin, com highly recommended. Mr. Oreea will aleo b.ave charge of the physical culture department of th echool. The opening .reception for student, eon ducted by th T . and T. W. C A-. wmm sf pnp ; W'r- f J V. - y' ' W (tprrlA Ihmew te The faerie I. Parts, Sept. tt AU Parla g u I king of the latest Lourdc miracle. For six month Uarw Madeleine O laser, aged 14, haa been slowly dying of consumption. Doctor agreed that bar case we hope lee and forbad th patient t go to Lourdes. ' However. she defied 'the "The pengre last year enaoteoVA laW t- expedite tbe hearing and determina tion of suit artalng under th anti trust snd tnteretate oomraerce acta, so that th 'ends of Justice might not be defeated by delay. It created th de partment of commerce and labor, with physicians and went On her arrival she authority to obtain neceseary lnforma wa completely Immersed In the bath, tlon with' respect to the creation and A violent crisis Immediately followed th operation of corporation engaged la In contact with th cold we4r. The doe- teratate eomnina tor declared that death was at hand. "It aleo amended the Interstate eom and on of th father administered U MertHl law so a eTfecruaUy to abolish last sacrament But Marl faintly re- th pernicious system of rebate under quested to be Immersed again, and- waa which largo shipper oould crush their dipped four times. -, . smaller competitors. The ar lm Later. perceptibly better, ah waa portent practical step taken by a Re- orougnc oaca to rsns and waa oamed to i publican president and a Republican th church of Notre Dam da Vlctolres oongreeg for the protection of th neo- lor tne eioung ceremony of th national pie against th eooroachmenta of pilgrimage, miring benedtcuoa she sud denly -rose, those beeldo her remarking that ner race- eeemed transfigured, and began singing a hymn, gently led out of doon bad gone. Bit was tn n pain, and when she got bom she ate and drank and seemed aa happy aa If aha bad never boon 111 In her life. ABDUL DECIDES TO PROPITIATE AMERICA ; v ' ----- ' t. :', - - (Xeereal gpaHel gwvtee. . : Constantinople, Sept. 44. Th Sultan tbday granted an audtene to Minister UelsHmaa and dlscueeed with htm the outstanding demaada af th United State on Turkey. While nothing ha been given ut vp to this hour by either the sultan's onV clsJs or th - American -mmlater. It la believed th porte haa decided t grant immediate and full satisfaction for all American alalma, a op jtosToa fcnofow. (Jearaal Special gtretee.) i Atlantic City, N. J-Scpt 44. The Medal of Honor Legion la holding Its an nual convention here with a large at tendance of ltd member. Th legion la composed of officers and enlisted men of the Union army, who, daring th elvU war, were awarded medal of honor for special acts of bravery end devotion. Fifteen hundred af the nssdal ar worn by veterans of th army, and 404 by naval veteran, of which nearly 199 were awarded on account of the war with Spain. Majar-Oenerel O. O. - Howard, retired, la the. present commander of the order, i Oeneral Bete of Washington hi spoken of to succeed him. blned capital." After n considerable agpoaltlbm of hi Ideaa on the gold standard tha Than aha was writer take np th Panama canal quee- au tn raver tion. defending the Reoublloan admln- Istratlon'a participation la he lneur rection. r " ' " , . Ml TfssipaHus). - ' "When the maurrootloa occurred upon th Isthmus," Fairbanks saya, "th pres ident , safeguarded American Interact. He acted promptly but deliberately; pru dently, not rashlyi firmly, sot unlaw fully. He usurped no authority. He only xercleed that executive power which 1 cleerly vested la him by th oonatttutlon, and which hi predeces or had employed under similar eir eumstanc. If b had failed to ap preciate our rights, or to act firmly and promptly, blood would have been sac rificed, and tbe construction of the canal would have been Indefinitely delayed." The Philippine Situation la reviewed and contains the following; -' "No on need nave any grave con cern with rsspect to the future of the archipelago If th united State goes forward aa heretofore Inspired by th same lofty purpose which has chare o terised th administrations" of President McKtnley and President Rooaevelt. Ws may safely trust to th filter te deal with th Filipino In a manner consis tent with their highest and best In teract and with the duty and honor af he United Statee." The Irrigation legislation of Th last oongres is approved and reference made to th growing trsd between the Pacific coast and th orient. Th letter aloes with a patriotic appeal. (Jseraal gpertal ervieej Bt Loom, Mo, Sept 99. A.U errnnae- tnenta ar about completed for the an nual meeting of th Amerioan Bar as sociation here next wash. During th thre days beginning next Monday stona will be held aoorniag and after noon at FeetlvaJ Hall, ea th grounds of th world'a fair. - Tbe most Important matter to be read, aside from the re ports of various sfflcers and eoanmlt teee. are by . ht. Dleklnaon of Illlnola on "The Alaska Boundary Case;- Amos MV Thayer, United State circuit judge for the Blghth circuit on "The Louisiana Purchase, its Influence and Development Under Amerioan Rule; Benjamin P. Ab bott of Oeorgia on To What Us. tent Will a, Nation Protect lis Cttlsen In Foreign Countrlef Th eectlon - of legal education of tbe International Congree ef- Sebeiare will meet durmg th asm period; addreaeee will ba delivered by Jamea Barr Amee of the Harvard Law eewaot. and fJaorg W. Klrehwey, dean of tbe Columbia Law school, on "The XMuestlon of th Amer ican Lawyer." Th association of Amerioan Lw School will listen to ad dree sea by Eroeut W. Huff out dean of th Cornell Law echool en, "Th Kloetrre System, m Law Bohooia," and Harry 8. Richarda, dean of the Wisconsin Uni versity Law school, oft "Bntrano. Re- duirementev for Law Bcboola,- Th meeting of the bar association win bo followed by ft thre days' meeting of th Universal Congress of Jurists and Law yers, CONDITION OF LADY ; CURZON IS SERIOUS fJeeraal Beensl London, Sept. II. It ts announoed at Walmar castle tola morning that Lady Curson. formerly Miss, Mary Letter of Chloago. la las a serious condition, was taken ill a few days ago. , Th nature of nor Ulnaaa haa not been stated. Members of her family In ATu- rope have been sumsaoned. m op '- - -' (fewmai eetal servtea.) Ban Pranciaoo, Cat, Sept 49 Thla was largely ft day of entertainment for th members of th sovereign grand lodg of Odd Fellows and other visitor attending th big meet log of th fra ternity. Th Rebekah branch of the or der held celebration of 14s twentieth anniversary. A grand ball t t b gtven in honor or the visitors tonight. JUST TWO DIMES IN MISSISSIPPI'S VAULT Epilepsy can b cured, to conveys a wonderful m quite common, it is onl To those afflicted ewai v a sinre It waa considered Incarabi. (Jeeratl sbeeJel ssrrlsM Jaekson, Mlaa., Sept 94. Bom days ago It wag announced that tha treasury of Mlle1ppl oontelnd only 4P oknta, It was today learned that th state's ready money now amount: to only 99 ante, being two dim. Th banker of th eountry are refus ing to buy Mteelaaippl bond and the affairs ef th state ar la a moot preoa- & , I nviai miMim. au tar anpiuraa wwtw neSlOrcBllWft W4rVll4l0'. hoping for a day whea they aan with mm ie ... tk..Mn4. OBM aneir sww wwuns warrani. this Though short time I The lacqvery that It waa purely a nervous laorder has led to the aDOlloalion. of tba great nerve restorer. Dr. MUasV have been oomnletelv cured and otbaca o prlepey. Doctors treated me for ev- wors. I would Ing cured ever day. I waa tr1Kea with re "In the year '42 erai year, but 1 arew have. such awful fit. I cannot tell my i n. A dm ar th mt rem- mended Vt. Miles' Nervine, and I bought a bottle, and found It helped me, and 1 . . MJUgTUlO OP X' (Jearssl BpariaJ SerrkM.r v Bt Joseph. Mew, Sep. 99. aevural hundred hotel men from Mleeouri and Kansas, members of th Ka nsae-M iseosrl Hotel Men's association, assembled at the Hotel Metropol la this lty today for their 11th annual meeting. The con- veryhody will knw thai your k. a- .k. ai f-L these awful fits." I " ... . .T . ivna ri.ii,!, m inurnm 10 tne netei men. Tbe entertainment v program la cludes a trip over Lab Contrary and ' OftnetMl inn iAtU eiuD. i awful eufferlm took three more and am cured. I had omy on light eoeil after I com tAKing it imencsd ill come i g1 I do hone tha time nen vervnoi medlome eures JOHN LEWIS. Clarion. Pa. Tt la So sure to heln that Nervine la soldunder a guar mi tee to refund vour money it orgt bottl does apt boose SOUt AGENT TOR TUX , CXLMJIATXI) DUNLAPIIAT Thwt'f Qnafity aaw Styia Beit $3l50 Hat on Kortti ALL STRAW MATS at Price ? R0BINS0N& CO. 289 WnitM rcti Mlu BeieJ TLSGAN Mineral Springs ToWfcomltMayCoiicwrn- i Jl csttn to the above aprlnga en April 4o take treatment for my eyes. 1 o4 very sever attack of stsrrh of ib eye, was almoet blind after treatlaaj with th beet apciallsta that could be found, and suffering for sine year, t hav at last found acure hr j rb FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINOS. I can aot d raise them too hiatal. I boos the uer uac are aniicuu wui glva ae, naian lal udg pas son. Mr. L C. Parmer, af Pnhnae. Or eai sored mt rmmmatism. If von sfta atrar - writ te us; we will give you the nam mm sure r t and ajddr of nlatot. TtecMi MfaMral SprfneCorp. rveoAM. oftA. - BS FOR lOTTU OP 9rV0aTA0at AJTO OAT ARftR SAJ.T. ; Eveo.a Monkey Knows , , Good Paint V A rent you aa wise as thla little antmalf I There la a amarantM on avarv nankaeei r' of atonic Veather-proof paint I hat meanr that this is tha BKST . i POM 9atBf ,i PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO, IS Beooad B. ' TL Black thWeVC PAINT MADE. ka Totr eoricM) it'i " v f t e hare tb 4net Use of well paper bu iseu uirwntre, And m Bt kin joar Mmlea U alse ebaerre that our btUm are rauirk. blj lew. Nothing te pempare with ear ottf iBse er rtwwn la Portland. RlHi and dalnle effects eed tints, gpletkdld verletr of nrw a-r slCTis te mlect fteai. , Sarpaaslag valees fa safari. rajrlT wrfxw, r ' . . Iff Ftrat Street, aear Waeklngte. v bt a re? ft "fl ws-. tfy ptt' ff" " s I - CUTLERY f THE ONE & TH" MANY In the world of produc tion nothing but striking indivuality survive. The product embodying individuality places on a higher plane not only the Producer but the buyer, 'he printing that comes from ourpress is individ ual, and is mutually aa. vantageous. (.Main 1O5 First and Oak Streets f .