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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
V TKX OREGON DAILY JOUPVAt, . PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. 8EPTEMBER .$, 1901 if. i. n T ...... mt Haiximm rMf "Tta hnwut Culuabte "lata Two riag." fkit "FMlura1 4urdrir "fll4trichd' rmulr "Veale ta i Uhln1 Lrrk ...Vauda'IM Ur i Tuilrlll Bljua , ,.VBttdlU AT CUM . ., YIIMMUM TT Bast aid residents who will hm the t ' Morrison atrMt bridge wbtn computed object to to steel fenders that sre bs ' tag placed on each alda of tha oar eora ' pony's track. Thaaa fenders ara strips of ataal si mehee high and ara plaoad alone tha rail of tha outside track tha 1 nsth of tbe bridge. In caaa of flra or accident, when teaaea would hare to ' scarry eut af tha war. thaaa ataal atripa ' would prevent two teams passing from ona side of- tha struct ura to tba ether. . Aa tha aractloa ef thaaa atripa waa ona f of tha things required whaa tha City ; a) Suburban oompany cava up tte fran- . chlaa. It la not ballavad by tha city ' official thai anything can- ba dona in . tna matter, . , A plaoa of vitrified brick pavement haa baen eomplatad at a eoat af 1,00 In Lower Alblna, and tba propartr own i , Ora ara a tag ge ring at tha thought of i- payment Tha saving ta an Ooldamltb ' atraat between Lerrabee and Kueecll strsets. Tha bricks ara laid on a eon . arata foundation, and If thsy ara good ' brloke tha pavement will laat for gener- atlona. Thta pavamant M much uaad In . cities of tha aflastestppt valla, and baa V ona to ba accepted thara aa tba moat economical . pavamant that eah ba laid. although Ha flrat coat la greater than some athar klnda of pavamant Remember tbie, that whan ran take tha Bailer Gataert for tha Columbia. river trip ta Tha Dallaa and way points you rtda on tba' moat handsome, tba ataunchest, moot comfortable and aafeat ateamer plying between Portland and Tha Dalles. Tha Bailey Gataert la) tha 7 "old reliable and oaa always ba counted r m for a sax and fast trip. The Oats - art leavas Aider atraat wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at T a. re., while tha steamer Regulator, another swift boat, laavaa . tha bum ,-. wharf, at tba sum hour OS) alternating days, . Phone Main . , r ' Mrs. Clarissa T. Stonier ad at her . home soar Oreaham yaatarday morning st tha age of 7 years. She was the widow of C. H. Thorp, who died la this city la 1IM. In IBM she married Jere ,, snlah Stanley and has lived near it Oreaham alnoa that time. She was ona of Oregon's pioneers and croaasd tha y plalns-wlth bar flrat husband. Shs Is - survived by One son. S. I Thorp, a .. former newspaper man. sow in tha rural mall service at Oreaham. Funeral serv , . lees Were held thla morning at 1 o'clock and .Interment was st AUlwaiikls osnr .stary. --.'." .. . Among the addresses Included ta tha prosram prepared by tba Portland Min isterial association la a sermon by tha Rev, J. Whltootnb Brousher la Octo ber on "Impreasiono of Aallsioos Work , In Europe," and one by Dr. E. 1 Houee on 3hureh Union vs. flectarlanlsm. Ta December Mr. Jamison of tha Baptist churrh will speak on "What s Layman Thinks of a Preacher." and Or. S. P. Hill ,ln January will discuss .The Labor .Question and tha Church." Dr. F. B. Short will speak, oa "Sunday Creates; Service." w , . . .' .' Aftef residing ta Hamburf, Oermany, .Tf a OVrnbar of rears. M. Seller, who ha 'bean purchaalnc asnt la that erty for the firm of M. Seller, di Co., s Front street firm, has mitten that be will return to Portland to attend tha Lewis and Clark fair' and Intimates that ha -may reside here permanently. Ha has lived la' Hamburg for three years. and though his three daughters have married there, ba declares, that ba haa never forgotten Oregon and has always desired to return. . ,.. ..r . , 1 School will ba opened for ths fall term ' tn the Arleta school district's .new build ing next Monday morning. A meeting of the directors and teachers waa held yesterday, sod arrangements completed, " a Hat of things necessary for school work bring submitted by Principal Wil liam Miller. . Four rooms- of tha building ara eomplatad, and should an other be neceaaary It Will ba finished after tha spaaing of ths school. - , Goodyear Shoe Repair oompany; Yam- Mil street, near gas office. Phono Main Soai. Repairing while you wait. Sewed soles. Tec; rubber heelst tic Always n time. Shoes called for and delivered free any reasonable dlataooa, An Invitation has bean sent- by the Portland Commercial club to Governor John H. Mickey and staff of Nebraska . to visit Portland on tha occasion of his trip to Seattle to witness tha launching of the new battleship Nebraska. The '" r - v r Let Us Do It That Wsihlnf of yours. .W do pwrfsct work that always sat isfies and pleases. OREGON LAUNDRY AND TOILET SUPPLY CO. is. X Drs, Adix 4 Northrcp OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ; v- - -416 Dekum Building EXAMINATIONS PRES party will leave Llnoola October I, and tba launching Will take plaoa some days later. It la thought that a day can apent by the party an route at Portland, without Interfering with the Seattle ar rangements. As train connections be tween the TJrecon Railroad A Navigation Co. and the Northern Pacific here favor (his plan, Governor Mickey's acceptance of tha tnvltatloa is expected. Passengers oomlng to Portland from Tha Dal lee or points east, , can save money and at the easM time view tha finest scenery oa earth by riding dow the Columbia on the Charles R. Spencer, the largest, fastest and handsomest Steamboat plying on Oregon waters. Tbe mountains, dalea, wonderful water fa I la, towering pillars of rocks, canyons and gorges, are famgaw for grand throughout the world. This la the seen to rtda of tha continent The Spencer leavas foot ' of Washington street Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl daya at T a. m.; Tha Dalles for Portland un ajwnwie oare, xmu seem "W. H. Kennedy, chief engineer of tha Oregon Railroad aV Navigation oompany has been compelled to take a rest, and ha departed laat night for Pittsburg. bis old noma,' where ha will remain month or- sub weeks among relatives and friends. He la not aertouaty 111. but fit was thought advisable for him to have a respite from work and to prepare himself for tha extensive Improvements that ara contemplated by the (X R. AN company's Unea . during tha next IS montha. In tha absence of Mr. Kennedy the work of the chief englneer'a offlo wlU bo taken oars of by J. O. Jamleaon, Lots m City View Park are aandwlcbed fa between two railroad lines tba Ests- cada trunk Una and Oregon City branch of tbe Oregon water Power Railway oompany giving tbeea tlful lots dowbls ear oenrtee on one af tha bast electric ear Unas la tha United Statea, and a steamboat lias will soon ba added. Tba land lies oa Urn high bsnks of tha Willamette, is minutes from Madison street, the business sec tion of the city. It Is ona of tha moat beautiful residence locations In the country- O. W. P. Townslts oompany. First and Aider. Telephone Main Sis, Great excitement was caused yeater- day afternoon by a email blade that broke out la tba basement of tha Falling building in tha wood, stores room. chemical stream soot) extinguished tha are, but tba arrival of tha apparatus and tha clanging of- balls created scene. Many thought the big ofltoc building was la danger, and for a time people hurried out of It. Tbey returned aa soon ss they ascertained that there was no danger., A farewell reception wtt be tendered Rev. J. R.vT. Lathrop, of Grace Metho dist 'Bplscopel church,- tomorrow even ing in tha par lor of the church. Dr. Lathrop has been pastor of tha church for tha past four yea ra and haa aooom pushed a great deal la that time. Among other achievements ha has succeeded In raising- tba sum of ISO.Ms, tha debt which hung over tha church for a num bar of. years. , Dr. . W. L Jordan of Denver, Coll wfll give s free lecture on "Way Down South In Dixie." next Tueaday sight St Whits Temple Baptlet church. Dr. Jordan Is on his way to California, while touring ths coast states and Dr. J. Whltoomb B rougher has . induced .him to deliver this humorous lecture which has baen given1 at varloue times and. has very, ssthnalastloally received. v Tha farewell reception which was to have beam given by tba ladies of Grace M. Sfi. church an Friday evening la honor of Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop. D D.. saator. has bean abandoned awing to the death of KV W. Cornell, a prominent member of the soorety. There wlU ba a little Informal reception this evening after the prayer mealing. The annual fair of Mllwisukls grange. Patrons of Husbandry. wUl be held Fri day and Saturday. November 4 and I Tba baby show, which will be bald an Friday, will ba ona of tha moat inter esting features Prises will be awarded Saturday afternoon, and on that evening thara will be an enterts lament and dance. , (, .. ... Tha half Mock on Beat Seconf sfreeL bat ween Clay street and Hawthorns ave nue, to jo bt covered with a warehouse ooetlng about Ilf,ft0, for Wallace, Cor eoran St North, Work win bo com menced st ones by Contractor Joseph Paquet, who Is now rigging a pile driver AVI fHWMIWB vs uie SVUfMiaUtHf. There will be puMlo receptlos to Bishop Henry Spellneyer of Cincinnati at tha Grace Methodist Episcopal church next Monday evening, beginning at 7:41 Tha event will also serve to Introduce tha Rev. D. R. Radar, tbe new editor of the Christian Advocate. All ara oor dlalty Invited to attend. . - , , A burglar entered tha residence of M. C. Smith. 904 Thurman atraat, at early hour this morning, but loft with out securing anything. Ha came in through a window and left by tha front door. Tbe matter was reported to po lios headquarters and Pol iceman Hart was detailed to investigate. Two men from Llnaton went to St Johns Tueaday night with tha alleged purpose of boating us Marshal C. R. Organ. They failed to find that officer, but encountered M Brelght, who wielded a knife so affectively that his aaaailanta wars put to flight. That modern. 19-i oom . residence at 3S1 Twenty-fourth street, near Marshall. la for sale. Tha house and gronnds are la good oondltlon snd It Is one of the nloeetrssMenes parts of tha city. For price and terms apply to J. N, Teal, Worcester Bids. - . - .. . Colonel Scbleekl of Los Angeles, win address tha prayer meeting In White Temple church tonight. Ha la a tamper anoe speaker of note an tha coast and relates many Interesting sxperienoea, - - For Sals peat paying and best ad vertised mercantile business In Portland, tn center of retail dlsCrlott 1 1 MOO, Ap ply McGsrrr Richardson. AUy'a, 494 Oregonlas- Dr. Henry Ora tta if Outness, tha noted Methodtat speaker aad missionary worker win soeupy ths Whits Temple pulpit next Sunday morning. . Ths arrast of Bd Mlfka by Policeman Welch oa a e barge of violating tbe city ordinance relative to wearing badges, snd ale subsequent release by Municipal Judge Hogue yeaterday, has caused a flurry among hotel runners, hack drtw JOSEF - HOFMANN fiAVn. no. Metrqueun Grand Theatre eVeX) 9iU VCUeh. PHtM Lower tear. eiMrtlasf t iswe. It; feet S rev. si.en. saifoar, ant raws, si rwTj mtomi I rewe, 91; laat 4 raw, lot. We. getafl and kee, 9H.S0. , oauery. amis mm raifiMov xnnv era and other having business at Hhe Union depot. It waa announced yes terday that all of them must have badges, with ths asms of their' hotele or companies and a. number engraved on them, or arrests will follow. Wi-Hoo Ton to. The great Mood purfc fler, aefve tenlo and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sals by ail druggists.' Portland Wire A Iron Works are now located at Trenkaaan Oa.'a an Foertb njsr Flanders. Work turned: out promptly. . - Chew Dsn-Tal-Gum have pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sale every where, . . . ..... If you want a first-class hard wheat flour, try Peacock. Your grocer sells It Auction sals of reali aetata at court house. Sea psgs 11. v ; ' Try Vtescsds brand creamery butter; tt'S Pasteurised, Ask for nassssaV' Pasteurised eream ery butter. . ; . - Butter tips art for Cssosds" goad VERY FEW FECPLE CESEKWS miE FAOV OF FT UURTSJIe S?0 BlsTsTW. 1 don't believe that many people are leaving Dowle and from letters I have received within tha week Z know that several Portland people In Skm City are content and ex peat to remain. Such waa tha statement of Charles Brsekman, smployad la tbe North-Western ticket office aero, and who for a year and a half waa with Dowle at Zloa City. "One who w accustomed to the west ern newspaper and its ideas of fair slay haa as Idea of ths exaggeration tha Chicago papers ara guilty of la their accounts of Dowlea enterprtses,M con tinued Mr. Brockmsn. "I believe that tba latest story, to the effect that atsny western people are leaving, because Dowle has donned 'Ascension' robee and claims to be the second Christ, Is mere ly another of the canards, that en thusiastic reporters- are constantly set ting afloat. 'There ara manr people from tha Willamette valley in Zloa City and two went from Portland this year to attend the college there. I hear from those who are my ' friends both from the east and those Hi authority there, and I know that no general dlsaatis faction exists. Of course of the thousands that go soma return, and people are constantly com ing and going In Zloa, but no general exodus need ba feared, as long ss there la loyalty among thaeltlssns of Zlon City. - That la apparent from the letters receive. When, those creditors tried to throw Dowle Into bankruptcy and everything named shaky for a few days and 'scarcely anyone knew 'what tha outcome would be, there was no deser tion sad ths majority of ths believers stood by their leader. That the matter ef a newt set of robes will cause those people to desert Is pot to ba ballavad rxur e vimwuk ... Tba local church af Won, known sa ths Christian Catholic church, la la a nourishlneT condition and the work Is said to have grown so important here that aa alder will aooa arrive from Falls City, Xew to devote hie entire time to the local Said. Bldar August mat of Seattle has been in charge pay ing monthly visits to the local congre gation. - " - - ' .! jl, LEE TOO SAYS HIS WAS HURT Declaring that he was sued nwltdousiy by K. Wood foe the recovery of money whloh be did not owe, Lee Foo, a Chl- neee, ass filed aa action Inr tha circuit court, through Attorney - Charles F. Lord, 'for damages la tba amount of 12,449. An action was filed against' Foo last July by Wood to recover money ha claimed was due him from the China man. The amount is net specified In the complaint. A fury In Justice Reld'a court found m favor of the celestial. Ths time for appeal has gone by. Foo alleges that the suit wss filed with malice and for ths purpose of an noying htm aad Injuring his good asms snd financial credit la tha community. Hs aeserta also that he was obliged to pay. an attorneys fee of 9144 and beer other expenses la order to prove he did not owe ths amount sued for. Miss Genevieve Thompson has left for her sophomore year st Bryn Mawr. ' Miss Carolyn Ksmm left Tuesday for Miss Baldwin's school st Bryn Mawr. Mlsa Parker left Tueaday on a visit for New York. - , Misses Charity sad Harriet Ankeny. daughters of Senator Ankeny, have gone to Miss Baldwin's school, Bryn Mawr. The senior Oregon ondet at West point has been appointed captain of his bat talion and captain ef ths fencing squad. W. W. Xmery sf Wtnlock. Wash. Is registered at ths Imperial. Mrs. W. B. Brock and son of Pendle ton are guests of the Imperial today. Mrs. Carrie Walnhard and son of Day ton Wash., are stopping at ths Imperial. 4. r. Frissell and Ethel msseii sf Salem are guests at tha Imperial. J. M. Sherwood of Cottage Grove Is registered at the Imperial. Mrs J. T. Walsh snd Miss Millie B. Walsh of Albany are at tha Imperial. George Dorcas of Salem, a well-known hopgrower. la registered at the Belve dere. J. R. Wvatt la sa Albany attorney stopping at ths Belvedere. Howard C Heron Is an Aurora hop- grower registered at the Belvedere. J. C Porter sf PJewberg Is stopping at tha Belvedere. F. H. Stanton of Hood River Is reg istered at the Belvedere. . C H. woods snd daughter are guests of tha Perkins today. H. F. Buxton, C. R. Buxton and M. B. Buxton are Forest Grove dllsena reg istered st ths Perklna, C. h: Turner Is s South Banal flltlsea stopping at tha Perkins. John Orwell of Baker City Is regis tered st the Perkins. Jsmas Sullivan of 'Newberf to tha guest of ths Perkins tedey. C a. Young of McMlanvUlg fat regis tered at the Parkins. . - ' ' Mist Rhea Whitehead, Skagway. Alaska, the youngest court reporter to the world, la only 19 years sf age and receives a salary of 919 per day and 14 cents per folio of 149 Words of trans eript. She writes ths Gregg System ef shorthand and when only 14 wrote 114 words a miauls bUndiolded, , - CREDIT Standard-Grade ' Pianos , ' -r At One-Half Their Real ValueJ Sleeeattaaed Agea- eles. Oast Be Told From Mew, Ia- Vhls te. Alas a bet af ieStoaeV Fiaes im Ftae Ooadlttoa. Thla la an eoDortunltr that seldom preeenta itself. Think of s nice, stand ard-make piano, can't be distinguished rrom new, ana sells regularly at 371. now liifl. Others that sell for 150, now 1211. The S1SB atrlee. now 1211. the s 218, and the second-hand stylea. 1160. 17B, fl0. 140 and so on, Juat the kind for beginners, snd you save enough to give them s good start In music, besides we will take them back any time at what you pay In exchange for a better one Also s lot of good second-hand organs at one-half their value. All sold on our eaay payment plan of 94, 44 and 119 per month. - Bee our new stock on which substantial reductions are be ing made during this sals, . , ALLEN a GILBERT RAHAKER CO. Parser Slxtb and xcrrtaom. TRAIIOT RETURNS AT CITY'S EXPENSE TO OF OMAWCB OF OOit vCll'IR WXZhb BUsFUU TO FROSBOVTaV By ths frank statement of Oarscos Leisure, ths waiter whose bead was In jured by striking tha floor at a concert hall. It la evident that la their to prosecuts. without maklnc aa lavsstl gatlon. ths police have put the atate to) tba expense of sending a maa to San Francisco snd bringing him .and another man back, when there Is pot the slight est ohanee ef conviction, ulsnrs declares that Ha baa no Inten tion of prosecuting Clifford Tralnos. ar rested on the charge of assaulting aim. because he feels that Tralnor waa not In a reapoaatbte condition st ths Urns, and bad always been his friend. - "Ths only -story giving ths salient facts of tha affair was printed In Tha Journal." said LaJsure. It contained ona error I am told -Tralnor struck me Instead of shoving me 1 do not re member it, myself, but my lew waa swollen ths next 4y. An additional da- tail la tnat tney searched me when they thought I had taken Tratnor's 14. - The rsasoa why Tralnor took ths money given him by the manager of the Winter Garden back the next day was not because ha found his own money but because he remembered as soon as he became sober that ha had spent a part ox it. ws wile told ma this. ' "If Tralnor pays my hospital bill shall refuse to appear against aim. am not at all certain X shall do so, other wise," Kye witnesses of ths affair say Lai sure haa been wrongly Informed, that be wss shoved sad not struck before ha fell. The manager of the Winter Gar deu has horns tba waiter's axpenss thus far, not because he csgsrds himself as la any way responsible for the man's plight, but from ths motive of friend ship. . Leisure Is still m a bad condition but steadily Improving. , DEVELOPERS TO WORK a FOR OREGON'S GOOD departed this morning for Eugene, to attend tha meeting to be held at that place this evening under tha auspices of ths Southern Oregon Fair association and tha Eugene Commercial club, at which ths purposes of ths Oregon De velopment league will be dlacuased. To morrow evening the two men named. reinforced by B. L. Smith, H. M. Cake, W. K. Cornea and ethers from Portland, together with a special carload of de velopers from Roe burg, will be p recent at a Urge meeting st Grants Pass where the same subjects will bd taken up. These meetings are In Una with ths plane of the Oregon Development league leaders, to secure a thorough organisa tion throughout tha state, and with united effort push forward the develop SMnt of Oregon's resources. It Is lleved that tha stats, under stimulus of thja movement, can be mads to grow ss much In the next 14 years ss It ban In the last 19, snd that all that la needed la the exploitation of Its possibilities, backed by systematic Immigration work. Grants Pass Is regarded aa aa Im portant point la this movement, and It la desired to get a strong body or ganised there snd to thoroughly Inter est ths whole of southern Oregon In the work before the Oregon Development league. . DRAFT OF CODE THAT GOVERNS IRRIGATION Tn the draft of the state Irrigation soda which will be presented at tbe next salon of tha leglelsture are msnx changes la the irrigation laws of Ore gon. The new law vests ths title In all unappropriated water within tha borders of the state and creates the offlos of atate engineer, who ahall have charge of all irrigation matters. A board of water commissioners Is also created, ef which the state engineer shall be presi dent. ' , The new coda was compiled by T. O. Ha I ley of Pendleton, president of the state Irrigation commission; Morrlo Bala of the United Statea reclamation service, Washlngten, D. C, snd John T. Whistler. In charge of the reclama tion work la Oregon. The law fixes pen alties for violations of any ef its sec tions, Allen and Lewis' Best Brand. FOR SAL.B Modern 10-Room Residence - Ho. 191 14th at loot near Marshall aoeee and grounds hi good ordee. For fries and terms apply to J. rV.-TBALr J- THE RAIN IS COM IN MR. ' - 4 v r ; 9 and 11 North DIAMOND RINGS , We're mighty proud to ba able to call your merited attention to ona of tha fio sat lines of diamond rings m tha Pacific Northwest , -. ,.' . . . ... y -, - ; An Inspectioa ; ' : Is Solicited ANWRIGHT- 293nORRlSON-ST RnvjaSaTTS. Columbia THeatr reertasatb WaaUagwe. a. ar wbe. umm aad Maaaew. klala lift. U tat. weak. buMm. aatsMay, tae aaserb Oelambla Stock Osapaay la UNDER TWO FLAGS Pits Mt me. BOst satire amllw.- Ue. snd Waablagtoa. troal ra I, a a i p. a F bee. Mala no. At theater from i a a k 10 a a. Phase til. CORDRAY'S THEATRE OOBDftAT A BtTWEXU atsaagMS. PerUaad'a klest Popelar rarnlly Theatre. T0MKBT, TOHORhOW SlORTjiATUaMJAT HAT1NBH. UTLKUAI nnninw, Lest Perferawaeie ef Jahi Walters Is SIDETRACKED" i'i 'Biggest Hit ef tae assess. :; ' Cmafeanj seadar Hatlaee. Sept. SL "THE HILLS OF, CAU- FORNIA" ' Tee Purest Rare! Fler Serer Writtea. With Prank bena a. t'arl. Abmo, aad s npleaald Seppertlng Conway. Prleea. V. ann P. apwl.1 Sen r ast raai, SOc MaUaea meaa, lot ase . ntvqoam Grand Tbc&trc WJS? rnone sum ess. ToalsM. tMMrrae sight aad Saturday atgat. stH-pnc SMtlaae Set., me taaafal swaSeal "TMB BUROOMAflTQR aeatag fHee Leww aeer, ItM. Si. Sal epar. II. Tbe. BOe. Oallerr. Ke and Me, Hnedai awtiaes orlel. tea, eOe, Joe aad flbc, seats are sow aiJiDg- Baker Theatre Aaa. L. Oroa TtiMtre Of.. tr . Umm. ALA THIS WKT.K. MATINBS - SATUBSAX ABWrtca a rarrnwet Artnr, BOtTBaTB BLAODOWaTflbmj . la Sardoa'a PUy, . FEDORA Think ef It. eeefnc lie. Me. Bte. SOS. Matt- see. We. lae. BV. BMPIRB THEATRB Oar. IStb and Hswleaa Sta. Phesa Mais lit. TOKioar Airo stbbt kioht this wssjc. MATIHBH aATURDAT. Aa areaU sf Mmeb Twjiiemiaa, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" fmaS plsessi 10a, Us ssti Sap. JOTJSJIA& OOTJPOJI. STAR THBATRB rmxsAY BTAnna, sbpt. ss. usm. This coupon and oanta sntltles holder to one ad ml salon whoa pre sented at bos office Whers Tsmeerme ta at taj LYRIC THBATRB gAOKSOBT, OOP 0WI O W lapj . JsVUTBAV ABO rS. BOBU. ASTV PxvaT. TA Ul PAT. IbTOs Asia W' .BMMrB. ' kOSa. rma TtrAatOOVa. t:S to 4 SO; TP W T SO; ftaDeay, IMS p bl m otarTs Bo pisgtaT aapoaa bajjU- saasibb saoa. -Reid mm BUAJtgu)a -i-' J ... - a .jfc. '. . .J . 4'. 'j ',' ' ' t .- - J - I A- -(f MERCHANT And . with it will come the demand for Theavy shoes.;' Buy your shoes now, and from us. Place the R shoes on your shelf and your caistom-' ers will praise your ability in secur- ing for them such good, solid shoe. We Jcnow your wants. Our hobby is to make good hard-wearing shoes ; yours should be to buy only the R. CBii H. shoes. Write for prices, ; v -f CS Hertsche Go shoe Manufacturers First Street : ; Speetsl rates, ssade to fesriUsa 8pm sJagM hath astahllshmsnt to ths hetei, . NIGHT SCHOOL Beginning erlth October I ws wfll eon duct a spsclsl three-months cowree In Penmanship; four hdurs per week, under the leadership of Mr. I. M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Ennls. Mr. Walker was S student of tbe noted penrrfeiL Scfaofleld; Behrenamler and Williams. Mr. Ennla la tbe expert card-writer at Meier A Frank'a, where he has been for the past four yeare. Students of the regular alg ht school have ths nrlTllcge of taking the special course.- ..... BfllNHC-WALKCB The rsaaon so many stenographers fall. ,1s becauss they do pot learn the nest system, Gregg Shorthand Holds ths highest MtTsswsls rsoord ever all systems of shorthand. Easiest to leer a. Ksstost to writs. Kaslest to read. No shading so posttlon. LJorwsrd movement like handwriting. . Tou can write letters from dictation almost from beginning. can be learned in nair tne time or Other systems. Gregg Short hand based on common-sense principles. vat An Mzasr scmoom. HoliMt BttefaMt Collegfi Set. Tasshin and Taleratb Sta. Hill Military Academy ronum oszpob. A srlrate aearelBg aad day c.uwi. mmmmA munaa, Bin tary dlstrtplln.r eUa-e prepara Uoe. Ben ef any age adauttea at any Ubm. Fall term epeas ---- 1 WAi -CLT Tlllft our A4 Ball la Br. M. W. sTJU, U . Btllttan -- fWtlaad. O 1 hare .... aere, wboai I seat aaed ta a Brtntary amaet Tbaw ages are - PImm bmmI bm sHms aad teraai ; abe Hlialialai eaecrlsfJTe wtalogee ef rear email, (irasM)....t..HM...uu....MM (AMras.)..... GEO. BLACK . ... PtTBXlO AOOOtTBTTABTT, . ; - 111 Worcester Building. General practice. Inrestigatlons. atate Work. Special and Periodical Audits; FREE LAND IN OREGON I m me ikaeM gnss, wait aad ateck aecnaa hi ttowerki. TheeauieiefacmiefsaWatacteal east ef hi laat mm. Dead alasct bm Stmt ef Oiefee..- wamTO-OAV. BOOKXET and MAP fill DeaJnamlrrisadesaadfWwCea ySsyls-ll-lsMcKaraeisSn CIS. VESLCXS ' $s3Tc:a syss? Bsa baas snd by Bllbnes ef Beaaera far taear efalldrea while TWtiUna (or Ojr rifty Jeara. ITaoothai tbe ekild, the gama. Wi all pete, oans wtad SvUs SSd Vfte Wi amVli mrdlarrhaa. TWESTT-riTg OKPTB A BWI ILsT. AJStlSBlaJgBTTm. sneepweaal BUS a TliC ARCAsVC ItlCATRC . oabtov ajto BLAB-rwr. - - bb. Asm A't tmm, B1XX.TSJ l iUl aV btoot AJn iiioir. a atts oavu. AJABaUOAAT BXOaoOPm, , Atatesloa, 10. to any ml OMUaeoea raaderlUs. I M 4 I S IStAS p Sk 4 Pt e 9 JI1L m t f'. f Portland, Oregon Portland $3 far amy aad (Jawarw MrTpqAl. TTsA anil an i sa A m. a Bowmasv few Oaeetegma. RtftlNfftS COLLEGE Y.M.CA. Night School 60 lMlTerivt Clatsat - Fall Tan. Opana Moftday, . '- OaV fw"T fV , "?yr'- t If OS. Algebra Architectural Drawing. .......... , S.OO 1.50 8.0d s.oo 6.0 em 1.SO a.o -; a.oa s.oo . .oo l.SO s.oo S.O0 s.oo s.oo s.oo s.oo : s.oo 4 s.oo 1(0 s.oo .oo .oo 1.60 , s.oo S.OO S.oo .oo 10.0O xa.oo s.oo s.oo l.SO 4.00 Arithmetic Bookkeeping, ...... Carpentry Chemletry Civil Samoa Claa Commercial Law Bleotrlelty ...... Rlocutlon ........ .... Bnglnearlng sfathamaUcg ... Bmgllsh Oram mar , rF roe Hand Drawing Geography .... Oeometry tM"Mw" German Interior Decoration Machine Design Mandolin. Guitar , . . ir Training Maohanical Drawing Pattern Making renins nam ip ... Physics Plumbing Public Speaking ......... Reading and BpaUtag Rhetoric Sign Writing Shorthand. HuiMMuiia Spanish Steam Bngineerlng Telegraphy . . Trigonometry Typewriting; Vooel llualo . Wood Carrlng TAUkTBS OATAXOCtVS. Cor. Ponrth sad YiuntZI Strsets - Established ta IMA Open all the y Private or class Instruction. To" ef graduates la positions; spo s sonatantly sscurrtng. It para to . Catalogue, 14 A.W.1 We W education. tst j 1 , mm shsBSSaWMsBi mmnbesshsp gtvep . ase sf ajmssslam, TUbsaap. : Bwtaasatag Peel. Wandaan Osasa, , PnslscB) SaasAi Oasssa. i . -1(r . oaxb cm btvbtb) ron pmps iuTn