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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
2T"Tjr -" PILY JCTr-TAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ft, 1904. r i : Shop- j p3tJ. 'yJ: , Store" V STL y'J. Sola agenti in Oregon for th , Better open credit account here Newest tinea of Store and Cook- Mail Th hudW kmrt muioi. m br t om m th n Mfifet ut mmNr t. a iw . ' world-famous this' faJL Now ia a rood time to R"1 to the northwest. t-fr or mu,n u atina twu" illustration ud descriptions of various articles of merchandise oirmd Bean mm - rrr 1 "W " fOOQ W Home Of Celebrated "Oufck Meal OrOCf u l w pries. This book wlU be forwarded npo rcqut to any fm resUin beyond limit, of eur 11 m f - -BONNET EJ CIE'S SILKS. start. Credit office Third Floor.- s Ranaea. Deot w? mIIVr tu ' our wii hum mail .mot service; it win be tound ti Mnm. pan w mJ II ' -vac a-y. tt Uio who are unable to visit th store la pmoo, It brins jh store to you. m rm,Bl THE OLD HOMESTEAD STORE'S 73d GRAND Ai?TEN?2yL8AL? ? ATI? MERCHANDISE AT UNHEARD-OF PRICE CONeESSION8 STARTS HERE TOMORROW! Every department particlpatea. The poHcy of aiwava leadinf in both atyio and ah giving wiU be conttnued. Our hardeat problem haa been and yet i How to aerve every one that comet to the .tore as satisfactorily as we would like. The okfbuilding haTbeen aorely tM for rWteTweVe bat our vrfrt end to know how to get a little more needed !ca. We had hoped at least to have had our new Sixth street anneat building ready for the autumn openings, and we'ra driving it ahead now asft aabnluTand WelSin Seen and Heard at the Openings" Nmtur ItMlf - favorod m. i pound Ita bMMSoMd Uwalne upon SB In fthowoni of tb longed for, prayod for, ovrdu but doubly wl oomt food old orosoa nus. ' Said da uMrn tourlat who mum MvbtMlns: M TU Um Ooat I mr aw anjwboro. Ton folks ar er- UUtly ttaa Mara ha 11 nld of U .'.St? - t 3 f. Bvm ttu artiaoial flowws tookod brlshtar aftor tbo rata. . - Wo boiler wo roallr MYr did know boforo just how much tho poopl do Ilk tbla -Old HoaMOtoad atora." Our triumph mod aharod by anroir oao of tho armt throngv that auraod throusn tho rromt- shop. Well, thoro was a plenty and we woro slad to abara It with you, Twill ba aaay -to rasumbar whan tho xalna atartad in tho fail of 1N4. Juat ftaura from thO'dato of th Olds, Wort man a King opaalasa. Noar wora' eompotitiro ombIbc bows bo madloera, aovar bafora auch flat flaaVm by oompartaon with tbo bis ahowa bora, aa thla aoaaon. Twaa tho aubloet of romark vt- whora Tbo poor follow who havr to wiito rot la . oupport of auoa atoroa and thlf "opaalnsafT) AM prooodod tha matobJoaa Olda, Wort- aw a Kinr oxpoaitlona bava our yaw over ao anon manM- oaaeo aa ahown In tboao Sohroodor .fowu and ooatumaaT No other Portland houao can ahow thorn. Wo axelualva aaia of , tboao autborl- , taUvo atylo oroatlona for thla aao- tioa. surn Altaian la mow Tork and Charleo Btovona Aroa and Marshall Field of Chicago nra tho raproaontativaa ojt - Mil. .Sohroodor IS tba oaaC v - , ' Tba "OaeV "Boadofc- -Cwinolly-and 0. W. K." turbano an) tall orod bata vlod for attonttoa with tbo throng la tho millinery salons with tbo aaoluslvo, jnasnlflotat rronoa Qattarn bata. . , ' J. PlarfiM l - a wise .follow; Ha knows his book and knows lt wall. Tba oponlnc of fall comes always with tho oponlas of thla atora and Jupiter P. had a bat pin stack Ir tba data Ha pulled iut tho pla and the weioonia rain earns throuch. ' Mr. WoU of Wstl, Haakell A Co.," New Tork. one of the oldest and boat known wholesale houoee m tha east, was a weloome visitor at the open In. "Oraatr- "Beat and Merest thla aoaaon that I've soon. We've had nothlns seat to touch it, and bast of all, you've gotten toe-ether a, swell lot of 'Orlfroa Walata.' Of oours. Martin OrUtoa waists are aU rleht and ao are you." t w f . ;. ;v ' Wo -hereby deelara tha fall season properly on. The Olda, Wortman a Kins openings are , over and tha Tains are bar. V Brown never did better, tha muafa was 'STat,'' y -. . . . Oh for those two fliamatoth ele vators that will be ready with the new bull din, next bjmbUw . Bald an advert tsln writer from another M Portland TMoro to -the writer yesterday-- "It's easy enousfc for you -to enthuse over such a store and such merchandise aa surrounds you, but It's pretty touch to have to oompeto and keep up the advert la in end at a store where .there's realty little a talk about aaoept ehep' Tee brother,' you have our sympathy. It must Indeed ba "touh" when ' you know yourself, all tha time, TUB PUBLIC IB WISA TO TOU. ' Art Shop '' fl8XXND PLOOR ; TaSIs or stand Covers, oonbtr of tan linen burlap, stamped and tinted In pretty deal sua plain rresn , bor- der of same material, stamped: and v tinted for outllnln. especially i'very appropriate for smokln dens! rasuiar price 11.71; special -T The Great Formal' Opening Shows are pver and the Fall v and iWto Campaign for ' i904-5 is Fairly On Silk and Dress Goods Store JU0 yards off Figured Bnailah Vol' veteen, In metalllo and woven de- " slena full Iki f colors, for , waists and suits, rearular leo . value; special for Friday only ase colored SI -Inch All Purs Bilk . '. Taffeta, a full assortment of ool-, ' em eream and Maok Included) ' special for Friday only A A dc Colored Dress Qooda, Zlbellnes, . Servea. Albatross, Voiles, Tweeds, Alpacas. In all colors; special for Friday only Swe) i 1 . In Domestic Aisle TWO PINE BARGAINS IN LINEN SQUARES FOR FRI DAY ECONOMY SALE t v - FIBBT PliOOB. 60c LINEN SQUARES, S9c Fancy Drawn Work Linen Squares. i else 'joai Inches, reaular 60o value; special each. ... ...Sate) 85c LINEN SQUARES, 58c Fancy Draw Work Idaen Squares, ftins Hit Inobaa, iauUr ISO ' value; special, each. .oSd Jii Notions and V Toilet Needs ; J v5c CASTILE SOAP, OIlv Oreen Castile Soap, hard- milled, square oakea, value io; . apua ..,0. oajcae ro io S5c WHITE CASTILE SOAP, 18c 1!,. Lars bars, i-lb. sum, Whit Castn Soap, value lee; apeclai, bar.lSe) 15c DRESSING COMBS, 10c Buck Rubber Dreaalns Oomba, with fin and ooara teeth, vain lSo; special each ..10e 10c PIN BOOKS, 8c BneHsta Pin Books, filled with black . and whit pins, assorted value 10c; epecuU.eacb 64 10c NEEDLE BOOKS. 6c Needle Books, with lar assortment of pins and needles. , value lscj .- special, each .................e 7c HAIR PINS, 4c Bair Pin Cabinets, with black wire hair pins, assorted sines, value loj special, each ..i..,r.M. in 60c SCISSORS, 88c Ladles' Klokel-Plated aefssora, rises f and 1-r Inch, vain foes special. pair.;. ...-S9e 10c TOOTH PICKS. 8c Ptne White- amoofh-Plnlsh Tooth picka l,we la a boa, value lc: spadal, box i ,...6d Friday? Economy ;Sy;SALE.';-:;Vi Of Hand Bags, Chatelaine . Bags, Etc-., . C;i , FTPJiT FLOOR. i V -. 85c LEATHER HAND y r BAGS, 88c ,y. a with braided handle and In side eoln purse, of black or brown walrus aram leather, value tfto; speolal. each i... ...tW ; 85c CHATELAINE ; v . BAGS, 55c r V Cat flteel Bead Chatelaine Baa. value ; epeclal. each . . . . .5ad 85c HAT PINS. 18c Fancy Turquoise, Cut Crystal and rearr-TOp Hat Fins, value tftej special, each ife aa MTrrirr irvQ ia Kecklaeea la Pearl or Turquoise Beads, vel tec; speelafc each le NewAutiimnTurbajis 98c . V'V " " IBCOND FLOOR. A? V' ',-,. -( i- . . ' Show day era over in the Orand Millinery Salona It has been a sreat triumph Indeed for our Millinery folk. It haa clearly demonstrated to all that the OLDS. WOHTMAH a KINO Millinery Shop has no rival In tha city no. nor In all the West. Never bafore waa Millinery - so ' pretty. Havln pMtnly shown ear leadership In the exploUln and sell In of the Mheet trade of Millinery, we print another Drool for tomorrow of our eoeltlon aa- leailara la th givin of low price Tomorrow we offer SOS of tha newest, most charm tnely Jaunty Turbans, In all the new colors, strictly band-mads and reul . val ues, at s. choice for . , , .,,. A Sensa- 7 tional Friday Sale of ' -Another ; Sale of ? Richardsons ; Pure Linen . - ' 15c LINEN HANDKER- ' tj.: k CHIEFS, 8c i FIRST FLOOR.- A lot of Richardson's Fin Linen Handkerchiefs, hems and i In. i; wide, of the popular alas for la dles' use, also fins for youn la- j- dies for school wear, re u lar lfto value; special for Friday and Sat ; arday, each ....... ....81 8L85 KID GLOVES FOR . . v".." 88c .'y.' ' j.-. Ladles KM Orovee, the popular Hae , tor Olovo, 'full pique, two-clasp, perfect fltttn. wears well and la - nary and cardinal, buttoned on ' value; special for Friday and Sat urday, pair BRe) In the Marx's Shopt A SPECIAL FOR LITTLE MEN OP BROWNIE SWEATERS, ' A line of Small Boys Brownie Sweaters in red aWI mA savy and cardinal, buttoned on snouMer, Maes it, ll and 14; special for this one day, Friday only, each ................39 MEN'S 20c HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, 8 FOR Men's Whits Hemstitched Nandker- on Mrs, made of meraerlaed eloth, which waahea very nicely and looks Ilk linen, bast too value; special for Friday only, I for BB ' Annex 7 Bargains SECOND FLOOR. Blaek - Mercerised Moreen Pettlooata. 14 - lock Spanish flounoe, r Mnch ruffles, with bem tltobws; ruiar price II-Ib; special .........) SILK PETTICOATS Values up 'to $12.50 full and free choice THB 0REATB8T BARGAIN IN BILK " ' ' ' ' " PORTLANDI ... ,t . . .... . Another proof of this sreat store's authoritative ' domination ' la lowpiioo maain. suaiiy pnenomenai values, sue u the lot and every one arrived only on Monday, last from their maker. This sreat sale la not the result of any lmaeinary philanthropic manufacturer, that's "Tommy rot" the stuff that takea the place of rey matter In. some store writers' heads. This sals of ours Is the result of determination to always lv the beat values in town, a determination that thla sreat mercantile ersanlsatlen flsed Ion au, and never wavered from. Handsome styles, extremely new, color Una embraces ehaneabie shades, licht and dark raya, navy and llht blues, pinks, sreena, tans, castors, reds, browns and blacks, accordion-pleated ruffles, stitched bands sad tucks, plaltla with row of rachln. etc. All are of a superior quality of heavy new taffeta silks, best workmanship and perfect-Sttln. Buy' as many as you like, but sons to dealers not If wa know It We bettev there'll be snouch to last all day. Doors open as usual; don't need to tell our patrons they know the hours short, modem humans, a. m. to C p. jn. svery business day of the week. Different, you know, from the mossbaok' aisthod. But the Pettlooata, aa above, Prldajraly, best values at a ehotos for :.....5.a CONTRAST THESIS OEMS WITH PASTE OFFERED ELSEWHERE. -, - Special Friday, Prices -on -v Good Shoes i' PIRST FLOOR: .;V : BOMB ' GREAT VALUES IN .LADIES' SHOES FOR FRIDAY ECONOMY BALA r )T WOMEN'S 85.00 SHOES C FOR 8X88. Ladles patent or plain hid Shoes, Louis or military heels, plain or H. tipped toes, hand turned or hand welt soles a stylish, well mad ; shoe fully worth reenter price, 1.M; special for Friday only. ' pair ..,.-... ' WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES FOR 88.88. Women Shoes, for dress or Street wear, turn or welt soles, military " or Cuban beels, round or medium , toes, dull or matt kid tops, reular 4.oe value, tor Friday only; pMiai at , WOMEN'S 88J0 AND 88.00 SHOES, 8L78. - Women's Shoes, heavy or lhvht sole. made of vtd kM with patent tips " and military heels will aire rood : servloe, regular t-l.M and 11.04 v values; special for Friday only at, pair ai.Tfl SPECIAL SALE OF UB . BY'S CUT GLASS. - THIRD FLOOR. A dssslln array of beautiful Cut Olaae. Over S0 different articles and outtln. By all means tha largest and most complete line we have over shown. This all soes on sale Friday at Special Economy Sal Prices. Don't miss this fin oppor tunity of addin to your stock of -Cut Glass. Most beautiful cuttle and many new shapes - A SUGARS AND CREAMS VaL IBM; special, pair... 4.40 Vat ti.te; specie, palr. lS.SO WATER BOTTLES VaL ILSO; special, each. , 4.40 , VaL tll.OS; special, each. 14.49 f-INCH BOWLS-' VaL .; spectat. each.. ' S.0 IS-INCH BOWLS- ( v VaL i.90; special, each. M.OO INCH VASES - , , VaL ll.Tt; special, each.. m.SO 19-INCH VASES . Val. 9e.M; special, each, 88.00 -INCH OLIVES VaL M : spectat, each,. a.OO VaL ll.e; special, bach, , 8.80 WATER PITCHERS v VaL .: spaelaL each. . .40 Val.; special, each. 84. OO DECANTERS , VaL li a. M; special, each. 10.80 VaL epeclal, eaoh.' 81.40 SPOON TRATS , VaL 14.76; epeclal. each.., . 8. TO VaL 111.44; special each. 10. 40 The Shove pries list sived you aa Idea of the special reductions made. 4 Swy piece of Cut Olass reduced la same proportion. . 4 . , BBBvS" aeESsaW -j, 1 l. Economy at a for PETTICOATS Friday Eronomy SPECIALS PROM THB DRAPERY PEPARTMBNT FOURTH FhOOR. Here- te most profitable paw for bouseaepra . - 884.00 SMYRNA RUGS, .v-818.50. v-. .. Splendid all, wool Smyrna Rasa, double faoed, also f sit feet, reu " lar $ value; special for Fri day Economy Sals, each. .$18. 59 82.00 SMYRNA RUGS, 8L17, All wool Smyrna Rue, fringed at ( both ends, else HsSt tncbes, ru lar prtoa tS-00; speolal, 1 each .V.ft.lT 85.50 BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS FOR 83.85. Brussels Laos Curtains, SH yards Ion. H Inches wide. Ave dlffer ; I ent styles to chose from, value ta H it; speolal for Friday only, Plr 88.88 r Great Ribbon ; , SeUing ; y ' FIRST FLOOR. Hundreds of yards of beautiful Ribbons aotn out eaoh day to ba replaced by others yost as beaatlfuL Anythln you could possibly want In the line of Ribbon I certainly her, for nowhere la Portland can you Sad a more complete stock. 40c LIBERTY SATIN RIB BONS FOR 85c A lot of pretty new Ribbons of two toned Liberty satin, all oolors. la width and 4 Inches, regular 40c quality; special for Friday and Saturday, yard .........854 85c RIBBONS, 10c A tot of fancy Silk Ribbons In Buyadera stripes and various de slns, rearular tie value; special ; for Friday and Saturday,. , yard ...104 : Special Sale of - ; Veilings C:' for Friday and Saturday. 50c: 80c 75c VEILINGS - Blank end whit Vellln, some with chenille dots, some , with velvet dots; others of fancy mixture and . spider web effects, soma tuxedo dotted and still others of dotted Molina net, ragular toev tee and ; 7o qualities, for Friday and Sat ' arday only; special, yrd..8T!t4 TWO GOOD ITEMS IN UN DERWEAR AND HOSIERY FOR FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE. - - nnar floor. - i. WOMEN'S 50c COtTON - UNDERWEAR, 88c " Women's Jersey-Ribbed Cream-Tint' sd Cotton Vests and Pants, vests ton sleeve, shaped waist, very . neatly trimmed. pants wtth French hands, ankle lnth, wln ; ter-walbt underwear, hi value at iOo; speotal for Friday, ea., 88)4 40c LISLE HOSE FOR 15c Women's Fin. Lltht-Welvht Black Llsl Ho, hlsrh spliced heels. ' double sol, French toe, extra ood S4o quality; special for Frlav. aslr , h,w4 mm B. ' BVHat OFFERED lit .Trim Walking , Skirts for Less - A Worthy Special Vslo from f Pcenland's Largest, Laadinc . . Apparel Shop fior I)ressy Women 8BC0ND FLOOR New $60 Autumn . Walking ' " Skirts $4.85 A bl purohas from leadln eastern atanufaoturer. who sacrtfloed a part , of bta profit en oonsldertn the else of the purchase, we pare oars, too, - for Friday hoyera Trl, trim, new and fashionable Pedpstrleone Skirts. S very timely offer n. as the rains are no daa and hare. Materials are r th all the popular mannish tailor fabrics, In EnMh, Scotch end Arawl ( can mixtures. - AU wool, bet ta th new effects. Color embrae sraya, blacks, blue and novelty mixtures, tooludln reen. mixed, blue mixed, sray mixed, brown mixed, blaek and white effects, eta Boms hav yoke. . . some trimmed la strap and battoa effect, and other la very novel fancy' atrappln. aU out ta the new stylish round lentha, the latest fashion idea. Beat t.M value ever offered ta Portland. Friday only, ehcece for 889 The Carpet Truth ' 4 NBW8 FROM THB ... X pop away We're ta th Carpet business to do business in tba ood old honest way th way WB ebooss to do all our business. Wa can't and w won't stand for trickery, and well expos It at every turn. HADN'T TOU BETTER BUY YOUR CARPETS THIS FALL OP A RELIABLE HOC SET CHOOSE YE! Which will you pay? the "special (?) prices of others or our REGULAR ones? A COMPARISON NOT r ODIOUS TO PROSPECTIVE CARPET BUYERS.., "'' Th other day we read th fonowina". written by some on tn tha sa ploy, ta soma capacity, of A would-be 70c INGRAINS 58c A YARD. "Malrosa Inralna, tn pretty wood effects, no other store sells Mel .'' rose Insralna -w control tha 4 brand, best patterns and col ore, best 70c evade, sewed. laid and lined, for, yard ............68" We have been sell In the identical asms QUALITY as above aH season, and will sell It every day at exact ly 86d Another Rem was this: "190 roils of the celebrated Windsor j Brussels, . mostly Oriental and two-toned offsets, oarpet uaran teed fast oolor and can ba washed with soap and water; tncludea eewln; laying, tlntn. yd. 8118" Exactly aur resular- all-the-Um P' Ice 81.18 the yard foy same ex., sot quality s above quoted Item. , ;; Parima3 Garial t Model I Voting Contest I . The tatsrast Is stren-tbenln woaderfuly. txmt Joe a amy, don't waste a ballot. 8s that your friends vote your way or set them to lv you - their hallota, A rat wtth every Stc porch Vetln eJoess Wediwk day, November tt. at p. pa. Par th present, ea account of t of advsrttaln matter this sears Is so puDiiea the names of the It schools of count 4 . , , ,,. - Th Vote at S P. at. Mary's Academy T. Asfcion 1 j 1 ' 1 . Sale ! FOURTH FlAlOft .V-.V-V Moch has been aald of 1st about Carpet sad their advertlsln much mar than the public knows of. We hav this to say now: Mo firm wast of the Rockies shall sell Carpet of aunt auamy at a leas flmtra than thla house. Vi bava annatamW hM to lower avlosa kt reeraiar vsv: than . any other store baa named, or dared 1 to name, at a "special sale" T. We have never Jureled price er value. "HAVB OTHERS r Well, a house that's formed tba JuUn habit In doln business can't be expected to draw tha Una on anythln net even Carpets. Ton may appoint keepers to watoh 'am, but thejTH break their leaahes and away to th say round of chicanery aaaln at first opportw nlty. "Tou can't teacb an old do new tricks" Is an old da--tru today as over. A business do, trained to dis honesty from puppybood, hi hard t break to new way, even when brouh onto th "oarpet" by bl master. Moot of tha llttl carpet uns seem trained - rival far Portland folks oarpet Auat- rolls of Tapestry Bruseeia floral ' and Oriental effects, oarpet of beauty and durability, the rad ; sold everywhere at the yard you can buy here, sewed, tald and - llasd, at tho low price of yd. 8Te " Our rular every-day prfc-e on thla auallty of carpets k only 88 a yam..- never wi "lOS roll of Roys Axmlnstera, ta i tha new two-tons sad floral ef- Z- facts and Orientals, very lars va ' rlaty to select from; price quoted Include sewln. layUi and lln Inc; bast W euaitty M. rrd . r w... 81.68- Our reular prloa for above Is 81.80. same aa ever. ' Ton note you save by buyln asraota bar. BEST LINOLEUMS AT LOWKST PRICES. Ho trash bars at say price. full of od thin we bavin th , It Y wm.