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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
J -. " K, -. - -V.'; THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14 1904 11 I ISTaWtSaT" OITT BOTICU, foe xmovnmr or wv r. m aiio rrum. . Notice It kmbf (IvN'tbit too CouaeU of ? City of Portland, Oregon, at a nHlluf kld sh th 7tb day of September, 1904. declared th Bsweuaaeat by ordinance Wo. 14,2o3, tur the wprotaraaat of Witar ana boh tree Is, froaj he sosth 11m ef Clay street to 100 feet south ot ths sooth Una of, Caxathsrs street, la tbe asanner provided by ordinance No. 18,TTf, spun Ones lot. part of fat and parcel of land, which spedslly aad peculiarly beaofltod, U be ss Rows, rial , 90 NTUN IK-BLOCK lit. lot 1. lawltf fta ring Trust Co., fur, OCT; lot A ftevurtty Brings ft Trust Co., 6.00f tot j! Security ft 'togs Trust Co., 4V6.0K BLOCK 111, i iot 1, W. K. Smith, fUO-UO; lot t, William VeLaaa, . 9W.00; lot i, William Mel. BLOCK $5i.41; f nd. I CftT Ut, Bad. 14 W L David VetuU. in. a-o l jonn w. Hies nan l: m M lot X HlDBto Uaa, lu3.0ttj 1 Jt u..Z vi h ak. a Warr Jaaa TunataiL 121X 53; lot 4, Mary Om -luaaiau. vzw.ou. BLUCK 110, lot 1, una rraaiM, fzso.av: lot I, William rrasiar, SUMO; lot L Uaballa B. Law la. K18.0S; lot .4. WUllaaa K. Smith, fem.ll BLOCK 10B. lot 1. GIlMIU fnrLartn -nnM Int Darld Penal -, St -tott ranH, iot s, rarr u. Baker, uti.w rarrr u. Baker, VZas.BO. ,BUH-K imj, rortiano uenerai KlactrW Co., azxs.mi William Chart aatata. hrlra of. iSlJ.WI William K. Hnrith 1419 9U: kit 4. Pt4r O. Baker. t& BLOCK luT, lot t. Bniltk ftrWatsoa Iro works, 4238.84; let 1 Imlll Watson Iron1 works, 4211.671 tft X fm"h m Watoo Iroa Works, S16S.47I tut 4, Imtth Wataoa Iro arnrka. 11(M 10.-' BLOCK 104 aat 100 feat of block, Bmltft Waiaon Iron arorka. S1M.T0. BLOCK A. aaat U faet of ewrth lot J, Sarah 1. McKltrlak. tTtSli auu h ar aaot vo Boat at km . wraa J McKltrtck. I7T.M: weat tl feat of lot 1. On- ' ka ruraltnra oompanr, $18. 00; weat II foot or in I, urafoa larnltura eompanr, aau ja: eat S4 feat of lot 1 Albert M. raadlek. IM.TT; aaat M feat f north IB (eat ot lot S. Charlaa . Hall. 1101. 06: aaat SO feat of aoatn m feel af lot S, Aettle a. BaeJM, 4106.48: aaat 40.44 faet of aortk feeTef Jot 4, r. M. nige, tlOt lV. weat If feat of lot I, Q. Oordaoo, 148.10; aoatk SB feet of lot 4V 9. Oar da bo. 116.41: weat 41.11 feet of porrn m raet oc tot i. u. unit, aa-oa. BLOCK B. tot . Parry . Baker .aetata, kalro of, SST.0S; tot 8. 2, nee f. vDavU. 4101 .); loV S. D. Man, f 194 W; lot 10, errr 0. Baker aaUta. kflra of, tS.S4: lot is, nomaa p. campDeiL sz.o. nuaa n, lot 1. Clamaoa Cdeaar eelaUTkHra af. 4Vf.4B; lot CUiaaoa Caeaar eeUta. kalra ot. W08.44: lot I, Ana Blanett. tS15.0; lot 4. Ann Sin- sou, 1X30.141 lot 4, Ann BlBMtt, fM.48; aaat IB feet af lot Clameaa Caaar aauta. Ml of. SS.4t: waat B feet of lot 4, Parrr 8; Bakar aetata, kalra af. S4S.. BLOCK aaat SI foot of lot 1. Parr O. Baker aauta. aadra or. aaa.TO: aaat aa tear or lot a. ' Perrr 0. Baker eat ate, hek of. 424.TS: aaat . Bo reat or lot a, William Waacbar, 43I.TA; aaat faat f let 4, William Waacher, 4ZB.T8. BLOCK 0, lot 1, laabella B. and W. aV Lawla. t300 SB: lot ft. Isabella B. and W. A. of lot's, Matttda A. Bakar, S4.84t east 40 not ar mat H rat or tut 4. Matilda A. ' Baker. SU.74: all of lot 1 aitrnt weat 41 feet. Kdmand B, Hill. fl4T.S4; all of lot 4 ozerpt Weat H Mt, Kdnnod B. BIO. S1M.W; and. M of weat 4 feet af lot K Londoo A San Itaa Hm bank, 1.44; and. H of weat 4 fot of Ml a, jLawooa 1 Baa rraneuoo Dana,; i U4. of aaaTaT feet of lot B. London Baa rVaaelaeo bank. 423.40; and. H of aaat 4T faat ot lot el Loodoo 4 Baa Traackioa bank, W.TU an U af want 4 faat of lot ' S, AiUaoe Traat Co.. 41.44; and. U of vaat S faat of lot 4. Auianaa Tnaat Co.. 43.41: and. ,f. U of aaot 47 faat of lot 5, Altlanra Traat Co., 428.81; and. of aaat 4T faat of let 4, i :. Alllaace Tnat Co.. ttl.Tli araat SS faat of lot B, IdmnDd B. AlU SK1.B0: west 04 feat ' Of lot a. Bdtnand B. HHI, 481.60: waat 4B feet of lot f, Jefen H. tewts, 42K.40; waat feat of let 4, John H. Law la, 433.40: wot f tS foot of lot T, Isabella B. and W. A. Lewla. S4D.0S; aaat TO feet of tot S, Isabella Rand w. A. liawia. ITV.M. BLOCK W. 14. J. Ooarad LawkeL 4100.U: lot IS. J. Conrad Laekel, 103.a; tot 14., J. Conrad LockaL 404.08: tot IT. Awanata Marka. 43 21: , lot 14, AaaoaU Harks, 4.; tot 19, Ananata Kraa, 1 o; lot id, Aucuata star a a, ka.zz; U. Joaa B. SUeckw. M.21: aorta 46 feat - .of lot 4. J. Caarad LaehpL 4X0.04: aortk 49 feet of tot 0. J. Coarsd LorhrL f0S: aortk . . 40 feet of tot 10, J. Conrad Lark el. S2S.Q4; E reef ox lot 11, J. Uoaraa Imc. 428.04: norm 44 feat of tot IX, J. Conrad LnckeL IU.4T: aortb 1TJ faat at art la. I. uoaraa uiaaai. ffOOlTLAWD BLOCK Ml. - aaat of tot L Oregaot e CaHforala K, B, Cr.. U1M; aaat H of tot X, Orvgoa i CaltfoaaU k. B. CoT J47.BO aast l4of tot S, Oreaoa CaUforaU BL K. Co.. S4T J0l aaat, of tot 47 Omtoa California V V T44T M: waat ja of tot 1, William K. Bmlta. 447.80; 1. 4Me4H tot V William K. Baita. 17 J, 17.40; 17.40: Waat ft ec lot 4, waiter T. Bmltb, W tot 1 Walter . Bmlta. ;f tar I flmltn. 421U.4fl: Ht fVwTllUaa - aT " BmHk, lo 4Ti lot S, WllUam) K. Boiltta. 143-90. BLOCK loft, aaat 14 of tot 1, Ora- ton CaUforaU K. IL Co., 447.40; aaat H or mi m, uraaoa uaurorua K- B. Co.. 441 it.00; east ft of lot 4, Orexoa CaHforaU B. B. Co.. 447 DO: aaat U co., 447 oo; aaat of lot 4, Oram Calltorala B. R. Op,. MT.SO; weat of tot l. B. W. Bmltfe. 44T.00; waat H of lot S. W. BMU), B4T-00; wast K M I, Wtl nam ; of lot 4. Wll- ttam K. imita, sT.40i tot wimam k. Smith. 4227.40: tot 4. William K. Hmltk. V:'"-1 . 4J10.441 tot I, S. W. Bmltb. S1.4t: tot 4, j, . W. fmlU. IS2S.0O. BLOCK lus, east of W i Sregoa 4, Call for aia . .rCo.. ifW; - V oast 34 of tot ft, Oreaoa. at CaUfomU L ft. r , Co., 447.40; aaat of lot S, Orama 4 Cal IfornU ft- B. Co., 447.40; aaat if of tot . -f' ,A- Oreaoa ft Callfnrnla ft. ft. Co., 447.40: waat , r smftm at vuuDnua a a. u 7 J !. William K. Sarlt f A 2 of tot ft, William K. 4ml t 4 a? tot a, Waltos V. Bmitk. ? 2 totl Walter . imltb. atito, H7.00; Weal Smltk. 4TJ0; waat 447 40: waat U 44T.B0: tot I! Wartar T . Bnalth. 4237- Smltk, 4X11. IT; tot f, Wtlllaia K. Smlu, 4210 77: lot ft. WllUam K. ftmltk. S227.40. oMKI 101 waat J4 of tot L. Seearitj Sst 1 lag a Traai Co.. S4TT00; waatj4 of tot ft. So- oorltr ftaelag 4 Trast Co.. 447. 40j aaat !4 : of lot 1, Oragoa A California K. E Co ,l- 447.40; aaat H of tot ftOrafoo ft California ': - ft. B. Co., 4730; tot S, W. f. Smith, MB.00; : tot 4, W. K. Smith. 404.00; tot 4, WTk. . Smlttl. JOZ4 S4; tot 4, wTl. Bmlta, Kll .04; . tot t bWurtty Savlne; dt Traat Co., 4212.34; . tot C Secnrltr Sartca dt Trust C., 4228.4ft. BLOCK 100, Tot 1, Henry Welaharl 404 00; tot ft BaacT Walahard. 4o.00; lot ft, Henrr , Wetahsrd. 0B0-00; lot 4 Heary WrlaJutrd, v 447.50; tot B, Brary Wetabard, (144.40; tot 4, Henry WetnbaraV 4144.04: tot T, tirmrj - Wflubard, 4210.02: tot ft, Haary Wrrnharal S237.T3; a trlaoatilar tract of land lying bo - tweeo UO aortk lino of Ball street extended taetorlf la its present 00 urea a ad (be aorrta V, Mna at nnlos Caxatkors D. L. talak and v asatsrly Una at Watar straotv &ry Wala hard, 1 144 84. BUBLTHBRS' ADOmOtl TO CABTTTRWftar ADDITION TO TUB CITY Ot POBTLa.ND ' BLOCH r. aad. lot it, Wnw Moatag. tea ST: and. tot ll. Henry Ctoseo, maS; br rloli log st a point la sorth Una of bLx-k -lia, rortUnd, Sfo faat aastarly fraai aorth- . waat comer at eatd btoak. tbamea aontbarlr ' oa aad along the aaat Una st the Portland : ft Willamette Valley ft U wag Os. .right of way 1,100 feet, mora ar leas, la north Boa 'of Males Carurhars' donstloa land claim; v thanca east along saM aorth Una 770 Stat u . . weat bank at wllUssetto rlrsr at tow watar k mark; theaeo along waat llaa of aald river , X.SO0 fast to north Uno of felaek 101 , - Oarathers addlttoB to Camhsra addition , to ths City f Mrtlsud. aitandad , saatsrly( thanca westerly 06 feat to bo ginning. W. K. . Stuith, SS.44b.O0v 4- traat ; of land kooadedr and dosciibvd ad follows: ComntsaeiDg at point 10 the aaat lino of Moodx atrest what tba earn would ha In- toraertad by 4 straight Una W0 faat aoatb of and parallel With tba aoatk Una of Ca r irathera street If ssteoded ea atari la Its areaent aoaraai thanca east along a Baa 100 Icet soath ot and parallel with an easterly ' extensMB ef the aooth Una of Caratliera ' Street h the weat bank of the Willamette river at to water mark; thanca aortberly along the weat bsah of said rlrar at low 1 watar mark to lis tnteraectton with the smth. ens ef a traft owned by ths City of Port nd, sertlfia 4, townablp 1 aoata, ramra 1 1' aaat W. Id. J thosot wast aiong the atrntft ' Una af aald tract to a pnlai 10 feat west and 10 feet aoath of the aoathaast roriMr of ' the pump log honor; thanca north too feet; tbenoa weat h a point OHS feet west of the '.t Waat bank of tba Willamette rlrer tftaaee . north Slung O atralgkt Una to whore the same tatareaeeta the north Una of Llaeoln Street If extended easterly la ' Ha preeant eoaraa; tBenre west along the aald aaaterly extension of the aortb Hoe of Untmla etreet to ike east Una of Hood; tneoce eonth along ths east line of Hood street to Its Intersection With the north Itne of Carathers street; thence enat along the north Una of tba re street t rra inreraertmn win rata east iiae ot aoedy strtwti theno eweth along the east m of Moody street to tba place of begln- 8 Inc. Orogoa BaUway ft Natlgitlnn Co., tjM.41; a tract of toad lylngt between the r eaat Uno of Hood etrl and s lino 44 feet ' eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and be twaea the north one of Carntbara street and - 0 Una ISO feet north thereof sod parsltol ; therewith, yrrrmfah Wertrk, 4441.4T a tract tlnna heanded and 4eaertbd na folbiwa: ginning en tba Wtt bank ef the Willamette tlrar 10 feet eonth of the seetheaat Corner l- of tho- water works; tbeat west 100 feet; thenes north W feet; thence east hi tow water mark r Wlllanwtte rieee; tbebre op stream ea) Una ef tow water raark ta perl at One eaat of place ef beglanlag; tbence treat to DfaHnnlng, Inrradlng also right at war 10 feet wide freto aM trset to foot ' af Llaeoln street, City af Portia ad, i0OO.TOi 0 tract of land lying between the east llna ( Hriod street and a line 100 feet eaat 1 Ueeeef and p"1 tbprewlth. and betweaw S tie tt k Hoe of LlnIa atreet extended e 1 ar0 a nna no tot nerrD uerer aim 1 I ti ewf' . W. H- Newell, 4 .41( a hud buaf bet tea too oast lie si OITT MOTIOBft. Boot atreet and a Una 100 -feet east thereof And parallel therewith and between two Unas reaiectl?rly 60 feet north of and parallel With toe north Una of Mneola street If ex tended easterly in Its present coerea, Annie and Bdward Cole, 41041; a tract of land boaadVd and described as follows: Ooisineftc- ng at tba lntereectlon of tbe north Una of Intee Oarathers' donstloa land claim -With the east Una of Hood atreet; tbeoos eaat a Wag said donation land claim to tho weat bank ef tba W ilia matte river at tow watar surh; tbence euathMlr along tba weat bank ,of the Willamette rivet st tow watar mark to a imlut B4M.4B feet eonth of the north Una ' Of flake Camtbers' donation , land claim; tbeaos weat 400 feet; tbence north along a line te where the aama would be Interaected by the aortb Haa of Lioeoln atreet If extended eeatorly la It erases! soureai thanca west along said axtonslun of the north Una of 14oeiIa aueet to a point 100 foot aast of the aaat Una ef Heed atreet: thenes north 100 fee akiag s Una 100 feet east of and Baralto! With tbe east, Una of Hood street; thence weat stoag 0 Una H0 feet north ot and Parallel With aa easterly extsnalea of tbs bartk Una of Lincoln atreet to the aaat Una of lloqd atreet: tbanee north along the aaat lino of Hood afeet to tbe place of beginning, Portland Lum tsarina A Hi bu factor I na Co.. Hat of Clay atreet 4ind eaaterly extension of ssovs and the aoatb Una of Jefferson atreet Sod easterly axtsnslea of eame, and between Tatar atreet and weat bank of the Willamette rlvar at Viw aratMr anark. Pwtland A Will amette Taltoy Br. Co., 4.fio0.00; right of way thrangh Portland LAmbering at atauarae turlBg Oo 'a tract and O. R. ft N. By, Co. tract, Portland Willamette Vsuay Hjr. Co. 42T.S0. ToUL 44O.S4O.70. A atatament of aforeaald aassssmsnt has been entered Is the Docket ot City Liens, and a now sue ana payaoie at toe erace er tus City Treaaarer la lawfal money of tbe Chited Btataa. and if not Da Id within SO tiara from tba date. of this notice encft proceedings will be taken for too. eoUeettoB of tbe same as ut provided by tad charter of tho City of Portland. ' Tba above aaosssaant wilt bear tatoreet 10 days after ths first pMhUcatlan of tbla notice. THU. CJ, UXJVLIW, ' Andltar of the 01 ty of Pnrtlejnt. aVtawft, Oragtm. fteptemeor U, 1004. roB ixtnorxstxaTX or -1 FOTJKTXt ITU1T, n ' t IfotlFO tl heretrr ateaa that tho ftosnefl of rae ciry or I'oruson. oreaoa. at a nuenag held on tbe Tth day of September, 1004, declared tbs assessment by ordinance No, 14,140. for the lnsproveiaent of Fourth atreet. from the sooth line of BuratRdo ' sueet to the south Una of nanoe No. 18.047. upon each lot, part ef lot and parcel of land, which are BPeHsUy sad nav collar ir oenenieo. to no as ioikiws, to; OOUCO'S AUDITION TO TH1 CITY OP POBt land BLOCK 42. tot I. Caroline ft. Wtl- Pa. ftSl.44: lot 4, Csrollns ft. Wllaua. T.47; tot i, Caroline B. WUsoo, 400.44; lot a, Caroline K. wiisoa, grx-oi. block bo, tot 1. Kodaef Olfeen estate, helm of. 479.74: lot 4. Rodney OUaaa aetata, heirs ef, 474.47; tot 4. Budaer Ollaan eat ate. hvlre of. 471. SO; tot 4, Hod aay Ollaan eaUte. heirs of. 403.14. BLOCK 44, lot 1. Clemeatlna F. Lewis. 447.011: lot d. Ctonaentiaa f. Lswto. 444. OX. tot B, John Ktoroan, 44. 1J tot ftV John Xlernsat g4.x, BLOCK' SB, let 4, Charles HarUiess, 430SB; lot 4. .Charles Hsrtnaea. 461.86. BLOCK SB, lot I, Stepbea Head eatate, avtre of, 4M.Os: Jot 4, tepbea MeaS eatate. heirs of, 40&.44; tot 0. ftllsabeth B. GUssa, 410.44: tot 8, Security Savings ft Traat Ok, 4M.T0. BLOCK ft, lot x. Mar garet MarabaU eaUta, blre of. 444.40; un divided 4-12 of aouth SB tamt of lot 4. Wlll- Um H. Maraboll, - 410.00; undivided 4-13 of erest OS feet of north ftS feet lot 4, WllUam H. ItorahaU, 4494; eotllvldad 4-14 of sooth feet of tot 4. Oaorge W. Marshall. $10.00: undivided B-1S of wast SO feet of north XX ttmt of lot A Oaerco W. Marshall. 4M.44; aadlvtded S-lft ot aouth SB feet af tot 4, Arthur D. MsrahaQ, 43.00; an- auvioeo avix of weat 00 feet of north XX ieet ef tot S. Arthur D. Marsha I L 43-34; awlltrld- ad.H of east ft feet of north 33 feet of tot 4, Sarah M. Til ford. S0.28; undivided of east 4 feet tot . Sarah M. TUferu, II 00; no di tided H of aaat 4 feet tot T, Sarah M. TU ferd, 41.44; andlvlded H Of eaat S feet of north Z2 feet tot 4. Tytof Woodward, 40.12; undivided U af east ft feet 1st 4. Tyler Wood ward, OO.TS-'UBdlrMad ef aaat 4 feet tot T.Trier Woodward, 40 S3; undivided 14 ef east S feet of north Zl fast of tot 4. Bilau Cor bet t eatate. kalra ef. S0.1S; so divided of east 0 ieet or lot . Kiiaa Cornell osiaio, heirs of, JO.TB; endlvktod K of east 4 feet of tot 1. Ellas Corbett oats to, heirs of, S0.S3: West 06 feet tot 0, J. W. and W. C. Jack sos. 4T0.1T weat 48 feet tot 7, City Laaodry eomnanr. 400.11. BLOCK 38. tot 3. Central Trust m Investment coaapsay, 431.14; south XO feet art S. central Treat ft Investment company, 414.43; north SO feet let X. Frank MickcLa. 140.06: tot 4. Brermsa ft ftommer- vllla, S44.07; int f, Breymaa ft Semmervtlle. 471 SO. BLOCK ST, lot X. Peter Tsytor. .4M.00; 1st 4, Pblto Bolbraob. 403 04; lot O. Central Trust ft. laraatnaaot cempany, ST4.B1; lot 7, Central Traat investment oentpany. 42.48. BLOCK H,sll Charles CsrdlneU, 476.04; south Wt tot & Charles CsrdlneU. north A ef lot X, Sustavus Murhsrd o tats, aelrs of. 444.47: tot 4. OasteTBS Mar hard eatate, heirs of, ftM.OO; tot t, Char lea Cardinal! and Goats vox Murbard eatate, belra or, f03.0I. BLOCK 20, tot 8. Her man Trenk BMS, 76.0tj lot 4, Herman Trenkmnn, 440.40; let TL r. H. Hoenel sad Fraak Vaa Hater, ftno sl; aast tot V r. H. Hoenel and frrank Van Heter, 47.44; west W tot T. red orlck B. Hoenel, 462.00; right of way, Oregon caaiorma awixroaa eaaipaay, u(.a. zotai. XZ.MW.0T. A statement of aforeaald saamanunt Web entered la tbs Docket ef City Liens, 3 m due and aarsble st tan ofSrw of City Treaaarer ta lawful money of the United Btataa. aad tl Bet peld WlUTIa 40 ears from the date af this antics such Draceedlnaa wilt be takes far the collection of tbe asms aa are provided by ths ehartar ef the City of rortiano. Tho emm asaiBSu-st win bear tstervet 14 oaya anas um iintpunuMpoa or tnm nouoo. . . -1 THUS. C., " h Andltar of tbb City of rnrtlanaV srttand, Oregon, September 14, 4004, 4SSISSIIIST FOB rxWOTMXJ?T OT KAftV . - ftatftix ftTftXIT. , Kottoo kt ftseeor ateaa that the Oouncfl of e Cite ef Portknd. Oreaou. at a meeting nekt oa the Tth ear of September, loud, declared tba assessment br ontinanco No. 14. IM, for the improvement of MarabaU etreet, from the weat iL. street an no eaat una elded by ordinance Nw. 14.044, upon each tot, Crt of tot and pareel of land, which are epao lly ami peculiarly benefits d. to be ah follows, mrlm 1 cotTctri Aonmo" to tarn crrt or pobt- LA- i blk a bos, iot a, ooofl Samaritan Hospttsl. 4400.OB; tot i. Good Samaritan Boe pltal, 444.6X4 tot Good Xamaiitan Hoa plUI, 4na o4; tot X Good ftamarltaa H. pttal, 42.tO.04; tot ft Good Samaritan Hoe pltsl, 41.03; 1st 11 Good Samaritan Hoa- Sltal, 4236.04; a trsef of Isnd lying betwveO a north ttns of Marshall street and a Una 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and between the east Una of Twenty-third atreet and a Una 160 feat eaat thereof and Jarallel therewith. Good aVmarlama Moepttel. LDSMITH-B Ar)TTTTOH TO THB CTTT Off PORTLAND -BLOCK J, lot L Addle Bryan, 4441.00; seuth S feet tot ft, KT K. Bryan, 410.44; aortb 46 feet tot ft L. P. Bene sal William Ballkt. S04.S01 tot ft, Daley C. Bruere. 4x00.01; tot T, O. B. Dniem, Xxokftl; lot Mh Loula Goldsmith, 4400.01; lot 11. Louis OoMsmltb, 4183.04; tot 14, Mathew F ffBtoa. 4143.64; tot 16, M. 8. Tho r a wo,; tot 1ft, at. B. Tberntoa, fiT1.1T. BLOCK IS. let L Ossfan F. Paxtoa, S&42.0T; tot X, Oaalan V. Pa Hon, flMt.OO; lot 4, - OeaUn r. Pat tea, SSSB.Ofj lot 7, Timothy V. rjloeen, ftSS.04; tot 10, Joseph W. Hill and leeale X. Mill estate, heirs ef. 4244.04; tot II, Joeepb W. Hill and leasleeK. Hill estate, belra of, 423604; tot 14, Jtoulel B. Burhanan, 4244.04; let IS, Daniel 1. Bucbnnsn, SS4o.o4l lot 10, Denial B. Buchanan, 4242.34. COUCH'S ADDITION TO TUB CITY Of POBT LANU Blwb 404, tot 1. Good ftamarltaa Hospital, 44S0.40; lot X, Good marl tan Hoe. pttal. 40.62: lot ft. Good ftsmarltan Hoe pltaL fc:i6.04; lot 1, Good Oa mar Han flne- . pttat 4336.04; tot lit, Oood Sansrltan Hoa pltal, fc8V.! tot 11, Good Ssrasrltsu Hoa plUL 236 04; trsrt of land lying between tba aoatb line of t arena 11 atreet and a lino ' 100 feet south thereof and parallel there with and between ths east 11ns of Twenty-third atreet and S Une 150 feet east thereof end parallel tberewlU, Good, ftamarlU ilsspttel. GOLDWliiTH'f 'AnniTTOH TO THB CTTT Of P1IH TLA WO BLOCK L tot 4, Lrruta Gold smith. 4441.14: tot S, Loafs OuMemltb, iltt4.04: lot 6. Mellta Oadsby, 4300.01; tot 4, LouU Goldsmith. 4200.91 ; tot o7 Louis Gold smith, 4200.W1; tot IX. Oils Investment' com pany, 4216.04; let 14, Glle Investment aoat panr. ii6.04; eaat 49 feet tot 16, W. tt. Ihellrnbsrier, 4164-14; weet 3D feet eeerh 6ft feet lot 16, yofan I. Hawee, 426.031 osnth 80 feet lot IT, John i. Ilawes, ". weat 20 test north SO feet, tot 10. Jofan and Arthur D. MarabaU, 41 "1-44; north 40 feet tot 17, John and Artbae D. MarabaU. 4;um .00. " BLOCK 14. Wt 4. Masste M. leal, 8R3T.0T; tot 8. Bessie If. Tsal, BlZB on; lot 4. jrannla I. Lorfng. 1334.04: let a, Fannie 1. Lorlng. r.04; let 0, Bdltb R. Nlrbulana, SatM.oT; It, r. A. Klteky, 4300.01: tot IS. F. A, Nltchy, $300 ft; lot It, Percy B. Birth,; tot if. Bdeesa H. WlnMder, tlW.W; riRht of way Portland Railway gamps ay, pU.28. Total, 814,447.64. - A sutemeut of a foresaid a aeesa meat has bee entered In th rWkel of City lns, and Is now due end parable at tbe efOeo of the CMty Treaaurer la lawful money of tbs Cnlted States, sod If net paid Within AO dart from tbe date of this astloe auek iwoi'vedlnge will be taken for tbe collection at the shoes, sd ore vUto af -the char tea ef the city of Portland. . - . The srarre seseeansent witl bear toteeest SB ftays after 4he first i"iiMcottoa of thla ootloa. TtloB. a DBVL1N. Andltar ef tho City of lwfls4 twrtloxat, Orrgoo, Sept 14, 144. -J AftnTSftMKBT FOB BXWKB HI WTLUAJtft - ftvxHvx. - ; Hetlos Is ftereby given tbst the Onmscll ef the City of iMttknd, Oregn. at a meeting held on the Tth day of September, 1004. declared the assessment by ordinance ho. 14, m, fur the eoastractlon af a sewsr ta W 11 11a ma avenue, from 100 feet south of the south Una ot Al berta airest to a euaoeciton with the sewer la Ftaatoat atreet at Williams avenue, ta the man. net provided by ordinance No. 14.UM4, uixin sal's toft part of tot and parcel of land, which are Mctallraod peculiarly bessuttod, to be s t"V ALOI NA WoMMTBAD BLrr 44, 1st S, Wt 128.40; lot's, Bdward 0. Fitaglobooa. 42H6Q; t 4, Bdward U ntagtbbons. 9ViM; tot t. . Btepns Btoits, im.w, wt i, atepbea Btoits. 4M .60. BLOCK aX, tot 4, Richard 0. Hvuxtee. r' .60; tot 4. Horace ti. flan tiers, 4. 60: lot Horses N. rtoudsrs, 4bb-60; lot 1 Peter . sna Mary uowuug. saB.00: lot l Peter and A. L Ford Wama'eJKSO; toll, A. L. Fore Warren, 420 40; tot 4, Usury and Abbs Vod-s- -y aad Abbs Vodas Dsld B., re, lxft.50: loll we, 428 60; tot 1, Mary McMaheiZ berg, 6Xft.M: let 0. OoosM 420.60; lot 4. Bora Moors, Cstberlns sndT lVaeph Moore, Mary McManoa. 4.0U( lot 1. Mar 42S.6Q- BLOCK 17. tot 8. BUssbeUl Sax, 420 60; tot T, Rllssbetb Sax; 420-60; tot ft. . Margsrst Kmmert. 420.60; tot 0, Mary B. Patr teraoa, 438.60; tot 4, Wallace W. Patterson. ' 42H.60; tot 4. Chrtit Martin. 484,40; tot I BraaU fttepbaO Btoits, 4960; tot 1, Brssfl Jtapnoa nuiu. dliucbv xb, lot a, oseph aad Catherine Moors, 148.60; tot T, Frsnk A. and Christina Frsnkson. 42H.60; lot 4. Jacob andMarguerltta Emmert. 4. 60; lot S, Sarah Krlncb, 434.60; tot 4, Thomas J. HcNexaee. 43. 60; tot 4, Thwmaa J. McNameo, CLOSlfcr, DBVMRS AND 'tARBBft ftHBDI V1HI0N OF BLOCK F, ALB1NA HOU1V TKAie flMHH r. aw F. nasiiugs, 438.00; lot 3, JuUua Btsrk, 434.00: aaat 10 feat ef tot 4, Mtnnls Byrnes, 41.61.'; tot 1. N. W. Bountrep, 00; east loo feet of aerth 14 or njoca r. rviuiam wacarow, MABULY HIGHLAND APDITION BLOCK 1ft tot , M. L. Knight, I .00; tot ft. Jane Haa tings, 424.60; tot 4, L. J. UudgkUwon, 42M.60: tot 4, Charles T. Jfatott, 4To; east To feet of tot X, Jobs B. and Anna L. Hoffmank $20.00; eaat 70 feet of tot 1, John B. mat Anna L. Hoffman, 43.Oo; west 40 feet ot esst 100 feet tot X. Mrs. M. a. Cox. 42.40: west 40 test of esst 100 feet lot 1, Mrs. M. A, 42.09. BLOCK 14 North & tot IK Mary ft, Fletcber. 418.00 Mary B- Fletcher, 41O.60 sou 1. A. Beck. 410.00: aouth U, Jot 11. J. A. Bock. 410.60; eeura tot 4, Gilbert K Howard. 410.60; eonth U Ml Gilbert Htrward, 414.00) aortb ff tot Grace Mh Kenny, flo.60; north C C Grace Mo- - Kenny, $14.00. WILLIAMS AVENTTR 'ADDTTIOlf NO. ft .f) CITY OF PORTLAND. OK BOONBLOCK ft esst 100 feet ef tot ft, John and Ojbll H. Bala, 447.96; oast 100 feet of tot a, Hiram B. and Lucy A. ftearlea, 4Z7.96: east 100 feet of tot S, A. L. Ford Warren. 437.06; eaat B feat ft tot ft, John and Sybil M. Bain. 27.96: east 00 feet of lot 1. R. W. Fisher. 427.04. BLOCK 1, lot T, Mary F. Smith. 631.44; tot ft, Mary 4. Smith, 441.46; tot 6. PT A. Mans. UI.Sb; tot 4. P. IT Mann. 431.46; tot 4, fclre V. Vllet, m m; lot 4. P. A. Mann, 441.26; kt L P. A. Mann. 430 36.- AIBINA noMKSTB AD BLOCK SB. lot 1L George Svbneltor, 434.MI; tot IS, Bdwsrd r. and Leaa Pit-laker. 430.90: tot 14, Wallace W. teene, 430.90; tot 14. Wallace W. Keeoe, M.V0: lot 16, Martin 0. CUncy, 430.90; tot 4. Bath Ounftermsnn, 430.90. BLOCK 14. ot 4, John F, and Helms It. Peterson, 406.40; K 10, John '. and Helma H. Petrreoa. AO. 90; tot 11, John F. and Helma H. Peter sou, FMOft; lot 12. John F. and Helms H. Peterson, 4M.00; tot 14, B. H. Warren. 4 SO. 00; at 14. ft. H. Wurren, 4300; tof 14, It, H. Warren. 4M.40; tot 14, Anns Btock. 430.90. BLOCK 34, weet 84 1-8 feet tot 4. Kate Ooff, 432.40: oast 48 1-4 feet of went S-4 feet t tot ft. Laura Share, 413 30; east 44 1-4 feet of lot 9. C. O. Gather, 42.40; lot 10. Conrad Emlg, 480.00; tot 11, Latrra A. Flsndirs, 446.00; tot 18, Laura A. Handera, tRft-OOj tot- 14, Thomso Kay, 4M.901 tot 14, Irs. J. Ayers, 430 Bo; tot 14, Mra. t. Ayers, r.90; tot 14, Daniel Marx. 840.00. BLOCK to . Jacob Bmlta), 440 .40Ttot 10. Jacob Smith, ftm.BO; tot 11. Donald B. Mr Bride. 430.90; tot li Donald B. Mr Br Ida, 430.1)0; tot 14. JnUa A, Vincent. 4M .00; tot 14, Wll Uam Lenats. 430 00; tot 14, Michael A, FHna. 430 90; tot 10, Mlehasl A. Fllna, 430.00. BLOCK tL tot 9. Marls Bsrheco, 834.90; lot 10. Marls fUraceo, 446 00; tot 11, Henry C. 400.90; let 14, Herman F. Lieberman. la. 10; tot 14' Donald B. Mcltrlae. 430.00; tot 14. Donald B. McBrlde, 430 00; tot 10, Martha W. Crew, 430.90; west IVO feet of souUWest 34 block, ft, B. Shaw Smith. 4110.40; west iflO feet oT northwest btoefc B, WSUns L now. 4110.40. - r MABOLET H I OHLAND BLOCK 11, tot X John Howard Frary. ftZ&.BB; tot .8, John How ard Frary, 43B.AS; Bit 0. Aagust C. Dlbbern, pft.40; toi UL.J. W. Gliawrs, 484.4Qtot IL J7 H. Breltar, 430.00; tot-rt." J. H. Beetter, il 00. ftOCftt 10, tot 9. Jsne llssUnga, SW6.40; tot 10. Jsne Haatlnjn. ed.00; tot UT MarabaU Lsae, 404.40; tot 12. arshaU Lens. 40.00; tot 14, Joasph K. and 'Amelia Scbens, JSO.OO; tot 14, W. H. Nunn. '430.00; tot 16, Thersala Bock, 830-90: tot 14. Martin Bock, eXODO. BLOCK 1, tot il, Port to:id Trust CnmBsny, 436-46: M li PortUnd Trust company, 426.44; tot 14, WllUam Clark, 404 40; tot 14, tela L. and Carl ft. Nick Ha,; aortk U tot 16. Jennla W. Current. 418.44; . eonth 4 tot IB, Kltoa Goodnoo sad tottls Chappell 418-46; tot 14, Martin ft. Tabor, 890.00; tot IT, William H. hwthlepsn. KftLiw; kt IB, Martha crew, Ba.on; lot in. J. BL Campbell,. WW. tot SO, ft. B. HoUaasM nna aoan ntmiL (a.m. loni, A etetement ft aforesaid aeeessmwnt- has bees entered ta tbe Docket of City Ltons. and to now due and payable at tho often of the City Treaaarer bt lawful money of the United States, and It not paid with In 40 data front ths data of this notice such proceed! life will bo takes for the collection of toe same aa are provided by tho sharter eft tba City at Tort lend. The above sssesemcat will boar antervet 40 stoyo oxter tba G--t puMleattoa of this swtlos. THOa. c dbvu n, Auditor of the City of PnrttoJeX, ftsrttoasV Oregoa, fteptsmher IS, 1904, AxassaptNT roB mmtmauxt or OVKKT BTRZXT. Wottoa bj Bereby si vaa that tho Osamefl of tba City ef Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on the Tth dsr Of Sestember. 1904. sectored the seoeosmeat by ordinance No. 14,144, for tbe Improvement of Curry street, from tho west Une of Corbett street to the east Uno of First street, la the Btannar proelded by ordtnanco No. 18.481, upon each tot, part Of tot snd parcel of land, which are specially and parsilarly benefited, to be so foltows, via: CARLTHBUft' ADDITION TO THB CTTT OF PORTLAND 68 LAID OUT BT TUB BOTTH PORTLAND BBAL BBTATB ASSOCIATION BLOCK 144, tot 4, Nancy B. AUlnaon estate, heirs of. 4310.04; tot X. Nancy- B. Atkinson sststs, heirs of, 313.00; lot 4, ftumner J, Barber, IT" 06; tot 4, Sumner J. Barber, SZT4-4T. BLOCK 118, tot V WlllfaB Tar rant, 4006.77; tot 8, William Tarrant, T1. 74; tot ft. First Metbodtst Bplsropsl cknrch, trus tee. 414. M; tot 6, First Methodist nVacopal Cbnrcb, arustee, 1x04.70. BLOCK 138. tot 4, Alice J. Plimpton, 4309.TO; lot 8, Alice J. Pll inptoa. 414.96; tot 0, Ida ft. Gore, 41ASJI; tot i. Anna C. Baroft, 40ft. . BIICX 148, tot i, Oregon Rallrosd ft Nsvlgatloa ia psny, lxoa 6: tot 3. Oregoa Railroad ft Navi gation compsny, 414.01; lot 7, Oregon Ball road ft' Kavls-sttoa enanpaoy. 8TO.6O; tot ft, OrcgTiw Rsllroaa ft Nsrlgatton enmpssy, Sm.99. UM,K 14ft, tot f, MeMMa 8a od atone, 8304.24: lot ft. Matilda ftandatone, T(p.OO; tot 7, Oregna Railroad ft Nartgattoa company. 814.T4; tot ft, Oregon Rallrosd ft ktavtoartott comsasr. S3TtXS4 BIKK I4T. tot T. Lords M. Aaplnw.lL 8100,68; tot ft. ftarai rV Bdlth. and. Samoal L Campbell, 816.31: east to loT. Adam Cat Ho, 87.26; east H tot S, Adam Catlln, 4104.34: weet lb t T, AUIaoce Trust Compsny of Dundee, fitlsnd. 4T.2T; west H tot 8, A Mia dob Trust Company sf DsJSseo, SeotUad, 400.26. total. A ' statsntswr' ' of sfnreaalft aaeesanwiit bun bean entered IN tbe Docket of City Liens, and la noer due aad payable at tbe office of tho City Treasurer to lawful money of-the United States, and If net psld wlthlo So dura from the. data of this notice ouch proceedings will be tsbea for the collection of tbe same aa ar proeMad by the Ohansr of th .City of PortUnd. Tbe store asavsssjwnf will hear Interest 14 days attar tan aiatpnbitcattoB f this antlea, 1 THUS, C UIVUA, Auditor of the City of Porttoa rVtbiBd. ftwfoa, fteetambar 18 W04. ' AftBAsxnurr for bwbxv osuwtMs BTftXBT. Kottoo to heretrr riven that tbe CowncfJ of the CItr t Port lend. Oregon, at a meeting held OS tbe Tth day of rptoihe, tfH. declared the snaeasniant by ordlnanes No. 14.107, ft tbs errnatrucfton ef n Sewer la Be It wood etreet. from IM feet weet of tba west Uno ef Borth wtek street to the sewer la A (bins a venue, lb tbe manner provided by. ordlnsnre No. 14.000. Upon each let, part at let sod psreel of land, whlrh are epeHnlly and pees aarly benefited, la bo as fotlows. eta: rmDI VIRION IN PBOKBSTItTS ADriTTfOrf TO ALB I ?l A BLOCK 11, aouth 100 feet of 1st TTJsmes A. Randall. Sni i: south 1Q feet cf tot 4, BT P. Stafford, 429.08. BLOCK lo, north 108 feet of tot 1D John OlatOt, 4i. Hi; neetb Km feet ef lot 14, Job Glaaia. , lafl TO Total, 4140 90. A statement of aorsl asssastBfst Hss been entered ks Urn Docket of City Lleno, and la new dna snd para his st the efftee of tbe City Tres-arer U tawfal mneey of the United States, and If not paid within SO days from tho date of this notice snrfc piweeedlrsrs trill be taken for the eellectlnn ef the asms aa are arotiaed by the ehaster of tbr city of rtUnd. Tho sttees) Siossmi n4j will bear tnteieot 10 days arts tbe fUstmi biles ilea of thla nsties, TTIOB. & DRVL1N. " A"w f the City wf Prtte4V sNrttonft, Oregon, aVsteasbes 1ft, 1904, CITY BOTlCIft. om Koncxft. ASSISSXTKaTT FOB OITBO TOalKBT Ot KAW- tHORBa TKBRACB. . - Not too to hereby given that tho Omtartt of the City wt fortisud, Oregon, at a meeting held on the 7th day ot Srptautusr. 1004, eVclarnl tke ssseaemsot by oedltisnco No. 14.JU0, for the tUiuroTvuivnt of Hawthurns Terrace, from Ine west una ar ejixuenin atreet u us seat una of Terrace Drive, la the manner provided by ordlnanc No. 14,448, upua such tot, part of toe and psreel of Isnd, which are epeclsuy and pe- euuariy oenenun), to OS aa reiiowa, vis; UfUlValHft ADU1T10N to the City of Pbrt- ud liUK'K 113, undivided W tot L. James llsseltlae. 4H0.&H; undivided tot X, James B. Hsssluns, S4S.9U; utiulvlovd tot ' 1, Ueerge D. htachpoie Batata, heirs of, - 840.60; uodlvlded 4 tot t, George D, MUck PoU Batete. hairs it, 43390i tot 4, Pert laud iroat Co. ot uregyn, I14.: an a. rvruano Truat Co. of Orsgvn. 1128.07. BLOCK 111. South of tot 1, Portland Trust Co. of Ore gon, fUaS.84; aouth H ot tot 8, The Alllaoce ir nit u. of Dundee, BooiiaML B201.04. BLOCK 110, south of oast 4a of block 110, Osaadtea ft Amerlcaa Mertgaga and - Trust Co., Limited, ftraii.iw; aouth of seat ' .40 feet of weet to of block 110. The ln- Vee tors' Security Co., Ltd., of Bdlnbarg. Boot, land, S04.IO1 oath -to of west Bo feet of esst 00 feet of west ot block 110. Wssh' I tix too National Building. Loan and lnraat luent Association, 4u7.sui aouth to ot weat ri feet of block 110, La era A. Flsaders, 104.72. BLOCK 100. aast 40 font ef block 100, Laura A. Flaudem, 400.0T. A treat ot .lsud bouaoad aad described ss foUowsi Oom bwnclMg st a point la tba aouth Une ef KliMbeth atreet 40 feet west of where tbs . south Una of laid street Is Intersected by tbe east Una of block 109, Grover a addition tw the City of Pur tl aad: (hence south aJoug 4 Una 80 feet west of hod psrsllsl With the weat tins ef said btoefc 109 to the north Une of Hawthurns Terrace; tbenoa weat 44 8 ieet a tons ths northerly Une ef Hawthorne Tenses; Ibenet aortb 4 degree . 11 iniuutes oast 124.1 feet to the Booth Una efEltaa brth street; tbeoos ssstarly to place of bV I Inning, J. 0. Alusworth, 400.14. A tract of iud beswdod and deacribed as follows: Be- f Inning where the aortbarly Une of btoch 10. Groeer's Addition to tbs City of Portland, extended westerly Intersects tbs southeasterly Una of btoefc 100, Orovers Addition to tbs City of Portlsnd; ruanlug thence north 40 degreea SB minutes west 00 test! tbence north 02 drgrees ft minutes eaat 44 feet: tbence south 40 degrees 41 mlnOtea east 69.84 feet: theoee ooutb 4 degrees H mlsutes west 00 fret to point la the northerly boundary line of Hawthorns Tenses aforesaid; tbauee Westerly along aortbsssterly bouudsry Uno Of Hswtborns Terrace north S3 degreea 41 mlautea west 84 feet; tbeoos stoug aortb essteriy boundary Una of ssld Hswtborns Ter race sooth Os degreea 49 minutes west 23 04 feet to plat Of beginning, J. G. AlnswerU, OBOVKKS ADDITION to tbs City of Portland hlr k 100. essterly U tot 4, J. c. Alns worth. fM.44; aastarly U tot 4, . 0. Alns wortk, 4A3.1T; eeateriy to tot X, J. C. Alna wortfc, 470.42; aaater& S tot 1. J. 0. Alns Worth. 4104.40. BLOCaV 114, tot S. S, C. AliaworU, liOftftl; lo i J. O. AinBerortb. 138.00: tot 8. J. 0. llnsworth. 144.3S. BLOCK 114. north too feet tot 1. Tbs Oregon Mortgage Co., LteL, 4440. 22; north 100 feet .tot 3, Holt C Wltooa. 43WN6. . BLOCK 110. aortb 100 feet tot (. Scottish Amrrtcan Investment Co., Ltd., 1174-03, north 1O0 feet lot 3, kV-otttofc American. Investment Co., Ltd., 8444.71. tllX)i:X J 10, tbe northerly of a tract of land lying between tbe eon t berry Une of Hawthorns Terrses and the northerly Une of Kearney (treat, and between tbe Westerly lias of block US. Orever'n Addition to tbs City of Portland, and lbs osaterly Una Ot tot ft, btoefc lid, Ororsr's Addition to the City of Portland, and a northerly e ten don of aald easterly Una at tot 8, The Oregon Mortgage Cosupany, Ltd., s2tf 04, AU of block 114, Grover Addition to the City Of Portland, lying wast of tbs Westerly boondsry fine of tot 1, Btoefc lie, Grover'a Addition to tbe City of Port land, and a northerly sx tension of said Westerly boundsry line of ssld tot 1. Walter Mackay. 8806.47. Total. 46.10 ST. A atatament ef sforessld aeaesetnent bos been entered la tbe Docket of City Liens, and a bow doe and psyabls at the of 6c of the ty Treeaarer Mi lawful money ef the United States, and If net paid wltbU SO days from the date of this notice such neoeeedlsgs will be takes for tba oollectton of the same as are provided by ths ahartsr off the city at rwtiajto. The a hove bsbbbibmbi win bear tatenat 19 days attar tbe first publication of this aoUeav -THO8. C. DETUN. Auditor of the City of rtoaaV Poethand,. Orewou, ftepumber 14, 1904. AAIftSaTTBT FOR latPBOTKBIKNT 01 KAftt TWRJfTT-lGGftTK STRftXT, -Notice hi bereby slvea that tho Ooaaell of the Cltr.of Portland. iDreaun. at a meeting held on the Tth day ef September, 1004, dVrlared the SAaenaateat br ordloance No. 14.100. for the luprovemeut of- bust Twenty-fourth street from tbe. north lino of TliUasoofc street to the north line of Knott street. In the meaner nro- vlded by ardlnsnee No. 14,474, Upon each tot. part ec tut and pareel, or lana. wUcB are specisiir snft soeuUsriy neesinud. to bo oa follow, ela: Ifc VI NOTUN BLOCK T, tot IB; F, B, Dnora- becber, 411 74; block 9, F. S. Doers bee her. Iia.m; Kt ft. inarms s. rroseott, trustee, 17.01; let T. Charles ft. Prescott, trustee, 10.04; tot 9, Char lee ft. Pnwcott, truatea, .6; tot 4, Char I as ft. prescott, trustee, 422.30; tot 4, Cbsrlos ft. rreecott, truatea. y.a.94: tat 4. Charles ft. Prescott, trustee. tat. 22: tot ft Chartos ft. Prescott, truetes. 114.06; tot 1, Chartoa ft, Preseott, trustee. 26.' BLOCK t lot M. Cbsrlos ft. PreseotL rustos, 8110.93; lot 9, Cbsrlea ft. Prescott, truatee. 1126.64; tot K Charles ft. Freacott. 1121. 38; tot fj Charleo ft. Prescott. 1116.39; tot ft, Charlea ft. Prescott, 4K0.74; tot ft, Charlea ft. Preseott, 48.20; let d Char 10 ft. Prescott, IHJT.04; tot 9. Cbsrtoa ft. Prescott, 1107.94; let Charles ft. Prescott. trosteo, trustee! ftntf-lO.' BLOCK 4, tot 10, Charles 8.03; lot 1, Cbsrlse ft. Prescott, PrMootL trustee. 470.42: tot ft. Chartos freacott. trustee, 407.36; tot ft, Cbarl Prescott, truatee, 92.M2; lot Freecott, trustee, N2.64; tot Prescott, truatss, 60.3T; tot . PreseotL trustes, 63.46; tot Prescott, trustee, 44.10; tot ' PreecofL trustee. :t0.08: tot Cbsrlea ft. Charlea W. Cbsrlea ft. Charles ft. Charlea ft. Charlea ft. Prescctt. trustes. 410.41 tot 1. Charlea ft. Prescott. trustee. 410.14. BLOCK 4, tot 10, Cbsrlea ft. Ireeeott, truatee, 4.S3; tot ft. Charles 4,- Prescott, trustee, 4S.B9. BAST IRVINOTtIN BLOCK 1, set , lo ve tor' Mortgage Security Company, Limited, 813.03; tot 11. Irireetor5 Mortgage Secnrlty Company Limited, 414.70; lot IX. John Barrett, 414.76; tot 14, Horatio H Parker, 811.93; tot 14. lease 0. Davidson, 818 36; tot IS, Agnes Hamen, 438.14; tot Id, Cbsrlea C. Newcastle, 828.46; tot IT, Cbsrlea C. Nswcaatle, 421.92; tot IS, Charles C. Newcastle, ftO.M; a tract a tract of Isnd lying between esst Has of Bsst Twenty-fourth street and a Uns 100 feet oast thereof snd parallel therewith and be tween the north line ot Bat Irvtogton snd tbe south Bne of tot IS, William O. Bowerlog doasttoa Isnd clalav B. M. Lombard. 41.3ttl.T8: WllUam C Bowertng doaatioe Und rUlm. Bf0('K 13, Dennis T. Harrington, 81M6.1S; a tract of land tying between tbe east Uns ef Bast Twenty-fonrta Street snd a Una 100 fret east thereof and parallel therewith ai vd between the aouth Una of Kuott street and tbe north Una of lot 13, William 0. Bow- ertns; donsttna Isnd claim. Dsvtd Toggart, 44.txt; a tract of Isnd Irlng between the esst line ot Beat Twenty -fourth street and a line 100 feet esst thereof and psrsllsl tnsrrwltb and between the north Une of Knott street nnd a line 100 foot north thereof snd parallel therewith, David Tugosrt, 40.14; -.. Total, 83,603.76. ' A statement of sfnrvssld gssssaiaaat baa been entered ta the Docket of City I Jaaa, nnd to now doe and psyabls at tho ofSco of the City Treasurer ta lawful money of the United itstes. and If not paid within SO day from th date Of this antics sacb proceedlnt will be taken tor the eottrctlna- of the same na are provided by Um ehartes of tho lty of Portland. The above nasi asnvswt wffl BesW Interest 10 days ittor tho fJxatj"tllcatleB of Uts swtloa, THOft. C DEVLIN, i Attdttrs; of the City of lwttexB . Portland. Oregon, Beptember IK 1004. AS4KMXVT FOR lutnWVaTBT OF BOftTK OVX-KAXf OF KAWTHORaTB 4TB- sTOK, Notice hi hereby grven that taw Oouncfl rat the City of Portland. Oregoa. st a awetlng held on the Ttb day of Beptember, 1004, declared tbe assfsrasnt by erdlastiee No, 14.1KT. for tbe Improvement of the north to of Hawthorne avenue from the esst Uns of Keuwertbr'e aldl tlou to Bast Portland to 100 rest east of the east Una ot Rest Twenty -second street, la the manner proelded bp ordinance No. 18,947, noon each tot. port of tot snd pareel of Isnd, which are specially aad peculiarly benefited, so be ss follows. Vis: HlIXCftKalT--Lo1 12. . 0. Ortstt, BBftlO: tot U. N. ('. O-rtstt, 44T.4B; Wit 10. PortUnd ' Trust ftompany of Oregon. 447 X4; tot 9, Port land Trim 1 Com pan; of Oregon, 47 24 tot 8, Xlton Tlutchlim. 44T.04: tot 7, PortUnd Trust " O.mrasT f Oregwa, 464.44; Jot 14, R. M. ftAfHB?kfHI LL, VX TUB SKT-DON MTTR RAT DONATION LAND CLAIM BLOCK ft, tot S, Annie K. OUver, 474.84; lot ft Annie ft. ' Oliver. 464. SO; a trsrt of land lylnf between - the north Une of Hawthorne nvenos and a Une l(K feet arrtb thereof and parallel there Wltb and between the eaat line of Ke Wurthy'a Addlltoo to Best Part I and, and the west line of Hlllenss, nsfcwowB owner, e4.t. Tutsi. 4631.88. A statement af stereos Id saeesatnent boa entered Ik tbs Docket of City Uens. and U now dne snd parsMe st tke office af the City Trseearsr M lowful money of tbe United States, and If not paid within SO days from tbe date of tot notice such sroreedliirs will ho U hen far tbe eollerttoti of tbe earns ss are prrvidssl bp the ahartsr at th City f PortUnd. Tho Bhev aasessmsaf wilt bear rofereet 10 stoyo after the first rxihllestlen of thto aotlea. THM, C. IIHVL.II, AtNlftfs of tho City of IwtUaaf. sVsrttoad, Oro. ftptosse ift, uoi. OITT VOTICXft. aafce,MVevi'-yeierY AftftlftaTfTNT r lftfftO KMftB Ot XAftl FXTTXTBTH STRXBT, Notl-s hi aerehr ateen that tba Councfl af tbe City of i'vrtiand, Oregon, at a ineetlng lf id on rke Tth day of Septentbwr, 1904, decUred the s pease moat bp ordlnanes No. 14,106, fur the inipruvrmsut ot Bsst rifteeuth atreet rrom the north Una of Multnomah street to the sou lb Uns of Thoinnson atreet. in tho manner pro vldvd tar ordtnanoa No. 14,083, apos esch tot. pert of lot snd parrel of land. Which are speetelly sad sssruiUriy boas 11 ted, bt fulluws. eta: HOLLA DA Vft ADDITION TO IaST POBT LAN l BLOCK 160. tot 6, Oregon Meal ftstate. . Co., 10c; tot ft Oregon Resl fiat ate Co., 10s; , tot 7. Oregon Resl hotste Co., 10c: tot 8, Ors- ta Baal UatSte Co., 10c BLOCK 168, tot 4, rgou Real KsUto Co.. lOe; tot . Orogoa Real Batata Co., 10c: tot 7. Oregon Real BeUts Ou,, 10c: tot f, Oregoa Best aetata 1 Co., 10c. BLOCK 167, tot 6. Orgoa Real BaUt Co., lOci tot 4,' Oregon Beal Bstata Co.. 10c; tot 7, Orsgon Rest RaUta Co.. locj lot ft, Oeegua Best Bstets Co., lOe. BLOCK ftoo, aouth 40 43 feet tot 4, Oregoa Heal Relate Co,. 44400; north 14.08 feet tot 4, William Kerroa. U-ftS; tot ft William Karroo. 411. 01; tot TNeTlle C. Duatln. 410.06; tot lb Neltls C. Dustto, 412.00. BLOCK 237, tot 4, Nancy Boatman, f lft.uQI; -tot 0, Nancy -Boatman, 410.60; tot 7, David L. Hon ton, 437.7S. HMJcn. 2zi, lot a. us rig u. uueston. BLOCK Has. tot 4, Mrs, Iowa Dlppe L Mrs, Iowa DlvpeL 40. Tl; DlppeL 4)1.80; tot T, Jba srenos, 413.48; tot 4' John lot bl sirs, lows 1 and Nellto F. Law ansj Ne. 1 NeUle r. Lawrence. 418.44. BLOCK 160, lot lot iU A, and Martha ft. Brown, 40.40; IT A. and Uartba B. BroWO. 600; tot TV Fsnnls C. Brsdford, 434.40; tot 8, Fan ale C. Bradford. .T0. BLOCK 804, tot 6, ' John J. Miller. 860.M; tot 4, John J, Miliar, fcu-M; tot T.Kate L. Haa 866.44. IB V 1 N OTON BLOCK 1ST, tot 8. Kato HsD, 834.ft aoatb U tot ft. Kato IlaU. 414.78: Soth U tol ft. Theodora Thompaos, fll.OS: t li Thaudora Thou peon, 433 60. BLOCK h-t 10, M. i, UsUhUBt, 4X4.41! SK B, M. Delahunt. 424.16: tot ft. T. D. Barton. .06; tot t, Cbarles H. Prearott. truatee. lot 9 Cbarlea . Prescott, truatss, . Prescott, , truatee, . Pivecott. truatee. 06.O6: tot ft.. Cbsrlea 6 06; lot 4. Charles .40: tot ft. Oskes M Plamtuer, 44-73; 1st Charles II. Prescott, trustee. 466. 04; to L cnariea 11. rrescvu, trustee, 6OO.00. lOLLADAY'S AUDltlON TO BAHT PORT L a ND, BLOC K 1T4, lot 4, The Oregoa Real BsUte Co., 10c; tot 8, Tbe Oregoa Resl Batata Co.. 10c; tot 8. Ths Oreaoa Real Cstste 0oM lOe; tot 1, The Oregon Rest RaUts Co., lOo. BLOCK 176. tot 4, Tba Oregon Real Bstste Co., 10c; tot 4, The Oregon ltol BsUte Co., lOci lot ft The Oregoa Real Estate Co., 10e; tot 1, The Oregoa Rssl Bstste Co., 10c. BLOCK 170, tot 4, The Oregon Besl Bstste Co., 10c; kit 4, The Oregon Real Batata Co., lOe; 1st 1 The Oregon Resl Estate Co., 30e; tot 1, Tbs Oregon Real Bstste Co., 10c. -BLOCK IPO, ooutb 86.41 feet tot 4. Th Ore gon Real Bstste Co.. ASH. 06: aortb 18.69 feet lot 4. Klcbard Derby. 117.41 tot S. Richard lierby, 402 64; tot 3. Unda A. Dak am. 410.64; tot L Linus A, Dskum. 413 02. BLOCK 328. tot 4, Bdward G- Clark, 887.41; tot 8, Ed- 5ard G. Clark, 461.48; tot 8. Samuel M an, 468.80; tot i. Samuel M. Ban, 44.10. BLOCK 331, tot 3. John Gustsfson, 880.41; tot 4. John Oustsfsea. 406.44; tot X. MsrU C. Wright, 461.43: Ml, Jacob Ksmm. ffllOt. BLOCK 800, lot 4, Beneon 1. Wright, ft 1.23; tot 8, BV-nsea B. Wrlsht, 810,97 : tot ft Port land Truat Co., 36.44; tot 1. PortUnd Trust So., 447.14. BLOCK 808, tot 4, Robert J. tewsrt, 1M.96: lot 4, Robert J. Stewart, 46i.7o: tot ft. Rnbart J. Stewart. 466.4B. IBVINOTONBUMJK 114. tot 4V Benson ft, wngbt, '4X9.10; north 7 test lot 0, Francis D. WtUot, 424 30; tot 8, Francis 6. Wlllot. 420.13. BLOCK OS, tot 11. Msrto Velguta. 814-41 : lot 13, Msrts Ve truth. 812.47; fcif.14, Mnetana Metalurglcat Werka. 44.73; tot 14, TtUI A. Sherman, S4.T3: tot 16. Finnic Q. Maaten. 44.72; tot lo. fcllea and L. Hoffmaa, 466.05; tot IT, D. B. Hnlln. 84-71: tot 14 Writer F. BurrelL trus tee. 884 ft: tot 19. Cbsrlea H. Prescott, truetes, 4W.66; tot SO. Cbsrtoa H. Prescott, truatea, 866.00; right of way, ty snd Sub nrbau Railway Co., I200.71. Total. II W.47. A statement ot sfnressld sasessment has bosB entered In the Docket of City Lias, and to now das and pays tile at the efnee of the City Treasurer in Uwfal money of tbs United States, and If not psld within SO dsrs from tbe date of this notice such proeoedings wUl bo taken for the collection of the same as are. srovided by tba charter ef th City of rortisno. Tbs aba ssruseisi ut urlf! hose Interest 44 dsys after tho first nnhllcsttoa of this notios. THOB. O. DKVi.ll. Avdlter of the City of PortUnd. Pertlsnd. Oregoa, September 14, 1904, - BSSTBftBTTBTP TOR iBTPROVXaXKNT OF - ftLASOB ftTRIBT. Hoite Is herenv eleaa that tba ftoanefl of the City cf Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held em ths Tth dsr of September. 1004. dVcUred ths aasesamsut br ordinance No. 14,208, for the improvement of ftfaaon ft rest, rrors the center UiM ef Willlssss aeenne4o th center ltn Of Union avenue. In the manner nrorided br ordlnanes So. 18.478. unon each tot. Dart of tat AX.KinA HOaaaaJTEAD BLOCK XI. Wt V, Maria Bsrscco. 401. IS: tot 10, Marts Baracue. 44.90; tot T, Ester U, Boggs, 010.19; tot B, l. Gtovsnnt, 481.24. BLOCK 16. tot 9. W. W. Andros. 8W.14; 1st 10, T. W. Andrea, SI0.T4; west to tot T, W. W. Weodworth, -7.33; weet W tot ft, W. W. Wood worth, 60.00; aast H tot 7. Alice snd J. C. Wood worth. 48.14- esst 4 lot 4, AUce aad J. 0. Woodwerth, 47 LOT. BLOCK 11, tot 0. Adrian McCalman, 8123.94; tot 10, Adrian McOalmaa, 823.14; tot T, AdrUa McCalman, 421.34; tot S. Adriaa McCalman, 1 14.38. BLOCK d. tot ft, W. H. WlllUms and David A, Morris, 460. ; tot 10, Ftoronos K CutU. 4.44; tot t, George W. Cammtngs, 14.09; tot 4, Georae W. Cummlogs, 870.4. BLOCK 1, tot 0, Henry Krlrger, 4197.69: tot 10, Stepbea Ahorn, 8X7-00: tot T. Charles C. fttanley, S33 0T; tot 4, P. H. Martor. 4103 09. BLOCK 82, k 14, Mlchsel A. FJIna, 864.66; tot IB, Mlrtaael A. Fllon, 48.94; tot X Ada and A. R. Fa uno, 0.90; tot 1, Ada and A. X Fanao. SOi.xiL BIXKK 17, tot 14, R. H. Bobhlna. (HO TS; tot 16, K. H. BobMno, 4lS9: wt J, , John R. Oeorgft, 414.81; tot 1, John B. Gcorgs, $107.08. BLOCK 1ft. tot 14, George Mueller, 4101.9ft; tot IB, George Mueller. .818.14; tot X Oiartos F. Fonsalt, 813.30; tot 1, I A. Brueh, 898.69. BLOCK 7, tot 10, Cora BL Xlernan, 4&S.OT; tot 18, Cora f. KUman, S8.lT; tot Ofbo a Smith, 22. 10; tot 7. Otbo C. BmlA.Jwt.9B. BLOCK STtot 16, Annie Brock, (177.38; tot IB, Annie Breck, 844.31; lot X Mandarins Goodnoush, 01.08; tot 1, Msnaaaaa Geudswdsja, 8i.66. To tal. 42-430.99. A statement of aforeaald assotsmeat has been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, snd hi now doe nnd parable at the afftcs of the City Treaaurer to Uwfal money of tbe Culled States, and If not paid within SO days from ths date of fhlB sjotlce such proceedings Will be taken for tba collection of tbe same as are provided br she charter at tba City at Portland. Th aboee seecsstsest will boar fa tercet 10 days after the first publication of this notice. TBOS. C. DftVLIN. Andltar of fbe City of Portland. ' PertMmi, Orsgon, ftopteauer IX 1004. Ajftxaujusrr rox nraorxaTxirr or zuvu ftTTBXXT. NetW to bareoy glvsa thai th Couucll of the city of PortUnd, Oregnn, at 4 Btectlttg held on ths 7th dsy of September, 1904. dccUred tbe ssseesiiient by ordl nance No, 14.148, for, the Imprnveanrtit of Davis street, from the went Uns of Third atreet to tbe eaat Uno of Tenth s treat. In tba manner provided by ordinance No. 14.942, upon each tot, part of . tot sntl parcel of tond. which are specially and pc enlUrly benefited, to be as follows, vta: OOLCH S AUDITION TO THB CITY OF POBT BaND BIjOCK ST, andlrided u tot 1. R. W. !UiO0i ettatj, heirs of. 1300.44; nndlridcd Wtot 1. Msry 07 Hart. 8300-40; tot 4, Port tond Seaman's Friend society, 67.34; tot X - I'blto Holbrook, 400.04; tot X Peter Tsytor, elH-Bft. BLOCK 44, tot 1. Clementina F. twta. 8463.09; tot 4. Clementina P. Lewis, . 404.6S: tot X Ctonfenrlna F. Larwto. 400.13; tot X Ctomsntlna F. Lewla. 4431.T1. BLOCK 49. St 1, John A. Brow. 4394.n; tot 4, John A. rowo. 460.38; tot X John A. Brow, 460.00; tot 3, Kenneth A. Macfceaato. 4303.09. BI-OcK 40, tot 1, Desnl F. Hsrrltigloa. 943X08; tot 4, Dwanto P. Harrtnaton. 950. 4d; tot a, Dsnnlg F. Ilsrrtngtou, 460-77; tot X Peflsia F. Harrington, 444.10. BLOCK 61, tot x. United States govern me nt, ATM. ); tot 4, United Ststea government, 6,oO: tot 8 I'nltcd State government, fioe.94; tot X Tulled States government. . 628.6M: sotith 100 feet Park htoesf D, Uty of PortUnd, 4MM 69. OOirrH'ft ADDITION TO TBB OITT OF PORT LAND BUCK 68, tot L Peter . Taytof, 647.48: tot 4, Clementina F. LewU, 4143.40; tot 8, William II. H. Cummtnxs, 414384; lot X William H. H. Cnanmlngs, fUo 40. pl.OCK Oft. tot 2. Preediaaa Brotbera, ffWio.74; lot 4, Irrevdman Brotbers, 14X91: esaf H tot X Preedmau Brothers, F04l aast H tot rreedmsn Brother. 4.4T: undivided 1-8 of west ft tot Astoloe Lsbbe, ftOBJ; undlvMed 1-4 of west to tot X Antolno Ubbe, 06.18; ondl . vMed 1-4 of west U tot X BUIa Lahbe. .an: eeiiv(aeu 1-4 or wast H "( msiss lbe. 486.14; nndlvtded 1-3 of west tot John La ho, np.m; so ni tinea i- or weet tot X Joan law, son. 10. nwitx sn, R. SMrnia A Mnrnmervtlto. 4414.70: tot Breyaisn ft Snminervllle, 450.24; tot X yman ft ftommervllle. 400,0; lot T, Brey- rM ft Swnmerllla. 44S0 8. BIKK 33, tot 1 ..dn.-y Ollaan estate, belra of. 4 34; tot Rodney Ollaan eatate, heirs Of, WH.fld; tot j Q, Hcdney Ullann estate, neirs or. sui ; rot T. R'dney GUann estate, betrs of. 4406.34. BLOCK 40. tot X CaUforala Title, lareet meot ft Trust enmpsur, 4 81 ; lot B. Cali fornia TttU. lavestineet ft Truat rompani. R64; tot 8. Percy H. Btytb. (V0.23; lot 7. ry It. Birth. 49BS . BLOCK 4ft, totX . BLOC 4ft, lot B. H; tot X Hnrh vT. Hugh W. Wallace, r. Wallace. 8-OI7.4I. Marr J. Oration, 4306 40 W a lite. 160.40; tot 0 sVtT7: lot T. ItwAb W BLOCK 4X tot 9, taring ft Loan ftoclety f Ban Fvntoc 4X04.00; tot X Savings ft Lbub RncleU ef Ssn rronctocw. 86023: tot ft Suvttigs ft Loan (toelety of Ana rrsnclor. OlftXB); tot fa ftavtaa Loan atoshny . CTTT VOTIOFft. 1' Baa mnrtseo, ftOSftoi north Foyft fttost CTCIU ef PortUud. 4433.30. OOL'CIl 8 ADDITION TOTUft OTTT OF PORTLAND-BLOCK 67, tot 6, Fred Bolton, . 4404 30; tot 4, OutaU Bromberg. 4144.01: lot ft, 4amal Bromberger, 141.kT tot T, Wlll , 6to fTTubbeslnx. 4684 30. BLOCK 84, tot 4. Job Ketu-bd Tuerch, 4444.91; lot 4,, XIU Vlckeia. 4143.10; tot ft, George T. Mjrra, 60-43; tot 7, Georgs T. Myers, fttsM.Tft. thiol. 41ABTC44. A stntatBsnt ot afbreeald SAShiomeut has bees entered In tbe Docket ef City Llaas, aitd U bow dus and payabla at the of Or, of tbe City TrooBursr la lswfut OMney of tbe United Btataa, and If not paid within 40 dsys from the date sf this aotlcs sacb srereedUgs WlU be taken for tho collection of tbs ssms as ars provided by the obartar of tho City sf Tbsnsbovo osoessment win near uteres! W ftsya after the first puhUcstkm of thU no ties. . , , TH08, C. DftVLIN, - 1 ' ' Aodttbr of the City st rrttoaft. Port kind. Orrgvn, ftsptembor 14, 1904. 4881 88BTTBT FOR 4TWTR XM XAST ALDXR ' STRXXT. Kottoo to bereby gieea thai tba OOBnefl st the City of Portland, Oregon, st s meeting held ea tbs Ttb any of nwptember, 1004. doctored the aeeeesmoat by ordinance No. 14.100.-for tbs construction of a sewer la Bsst Aider etreet from 80 feet east of the east Une of Prettyman svenus to the srwor In Bast Alder atreet; at Eaat Thlrty-elghtb street. In the manner pro vided by or dl 11a are No. 14.90X, upoa each tot, Eart of lot and parcel Of land, which are spee illy aad peculUrly baaallteu, to bo a follows, fix: PLAT OF BARTSCH PARK ADDITION TO RABT POHTLAND BLOCK ft. tot 7, C. T. Bow en. 022.B0; let 0. V, J. Bowan, 823.80: tot bTC. tT Bowen, 123.89; tot 10, Brtoa'an Vlacfc, 122.80; tot 11. Geergs M. Htraus, 422.301 tot ll Oeorrs M. 8 trans. 433.10: a tract of tond lying between the west Uno of Frettymsn avenue and a Uno 00 feet east thsrvet snd parallel therewith snd between a Une 100 feet north of snd psrsllsl with so easterly extension In Its present course of tba aortb Une of Bsst Aklsr atrsst and a Uns 100 feet south of and parallel with an easterly si tension In. Its present course of the south Una of Beat Alder, atreet, W. H. Ft Us and ll.nrt BL Uinltia. XJto . PLAT OF BARTSCH PARK ADDITION TO KART PORTLAND BLOCK X lot 1, Msry Tancos Hnrtoy, 840. TO: tot ft Mary Franees lurley, 4-10. TO; tot 4. Mary Frances Hurtey, 00.70; tot 4, 0. W. and Margaret t T Allen. :W.70; tot K G. W. and Margarette T. Allen. 30.70; kt 8, 5- W. sud hUrgarottf V. Altos, ) 44.30. Total, 4471.88, A ststemsnt ot a f or ess M assMsment has beea entered In fbe Docket of City Liens, and Is now duo snd psyabls at ths ofScs of tbe City Tresaurer lh Uwfnl money of the United States, aad If aot psld withta 40 days from the dsta of this notice each areceedlngs wilt be taked for the collect iun of tbe ssdm as are provided by On ehartar at tba City of Portland. , The above aasaaasxewt bin bear latereet to days after the first ntihUcstloa of thto notice. thus, u vsivian. Auditor of the City of PortUnd. PertUnaV Oregoa, September IS, 1904. SBftfftftaTlWT FOB BXWRK IK KAftT TAJf. HILL STREET. Notfee ' b) aereby riven that tba Oouwcfl of tbe City Of TortMnd. Oregon, st a meetlng faeM on the 7th day ef STtmhor, 1904. decUred tbe Becanvnt by orttinsnce mo. 14. is, tor ant conatructloa of a sewer la Bsst Yambjll street, from 76 fact sast of the. east line of Best Thirteenth atreet to a connection with the sewer in Eaat Twelfth street, ta .the manner provided by ordlnsnce No. 14.091, upon asch lot, part or tot and narcet of Und. which sre snectsllr and peculiarly benefited, to be ss follows, via: BAST PORTLAND BLOCK 367. tot 8. Central Trust and Investment Company, 840.90; tot X Ontrsl Trust snd Investment Compsny, 8X0.90. BLOCK tfiO. east 4 tot 4. Hsnrietta Kern. 832 96: ssat 4tot X Henrlette Kern. 816.49: west H tot 4? Anna Stockton. 82X94; west U tot 8, Anna Stock ten. 115.48., BAWTHOBNR PARK BLOCK 364, tot ft. Catherine H. Beck. 83740; tof T, Catherine B. Beck, 423.60: BLOCK XfT, tot 1, Louise H. Boise and Oat her is H. Beck. $37.40: tot X Txmlse H. Boise end Ctotbsrto H. Bscs. 422.60: Totat 4274.00. A atstenent nt sfnreeafS " assMsfOeot Vu been entered ta tbe Docket of City liens, snd U now due snd payable st tbe office, of the City Treasurer In Uwfnl money of the united States, aad If aot paid within 80 dsys from tba data of this notice such proeeexltnga will be taken for tbs oollectton of the same aa are provided by tba charter of the City sf PortUnd. The a bee gas asm at win bear toteeest 39 days after th fast publics ttoa of thla potto. THIIH. 11. iisvun.. ' ' Auditor of the City Of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. Beptember IX IQQ4. 3TrnfteaonttnntsU nx Tslriav Oaally . aaV 1 FAiT TIMB t BPOKANK. ftT. ,AUU DIJZ.TTrxt .. IxUNNBAPOLTa CHICAGO eVMO . aiAj poxirrt fturr. XhhyilftltC trip throosto tho Caacadto and Bewlrr asmnrtsUaft. tor foil prtto aUar, hwiom, foMor. oX,aB r. oroaV 4ra) at, 2TKTKWaT, fyrs TtsM AaX law Tnxrft Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, ts-ee. fraiOK ftftpryx For BTsygsia. BJwtor. CV take si. Wsateort, Cllften. Astoria. War ren ton. Flsrai Baav mond. ' Fort ftteteaa, GesrbBrt Park, Seaside, too I Dsiiy. ll (49 a. rdftBtx, LAssrta BA4 1M aaOp, ttoUp Asbasla sTrpranx . . . ft. C. MA TO. ' -ft). JT. and r. ft., Astoria. Or. L ft. tTBWART. ftommmutol Anont, ftsO AJasr at. Pbeao Msln 90X iJbft OftaT Double-Track RftJlwKy Mwei Ao Missouri River ah Th Chfcosjo-Port land Soedal, ti moot luunouft train in tho worid. DrawfoK-nxynt steeprng corx dining car, barret srriokjog ana library car (bortxr and bathk Lcftft thaa thra darft Portia nd to Chicago Two Through Trains 5 Chicago i rewoa K- R. dstlv fa the Of Nav. Co.. U r. K. K. and Lhtcs o s North-Western It v. y CM Chicago from Porltond and polau ta Orsvua nod Ksstera Washingtoo, Daltv excarslofls ta Ftrflmao tewrTot " Sleeping 'am from Port land tbrosgb lo Chkago snthoal c badge, ft. ft. BITCH IB, A.4L BARxTftft, I7 Milk, I Kt, M TSIrti KrM, ften pbamcisco, CaA. KatuuiB. Ona, - o. Chicago ftftiLXOAt rmmm.t Q ftVUUtl aaUtteB.) ANoUlXIONpACinC 3 TRAINS to tho CAST DAILY Tbreatb Poflaraa ersndarft and toartot stoe tag cars daily to Omaha. Chlaasu. Bp ska set tourist atesplBir oars dsttp to Kasso ati through Pullman tonriat atoesdug ears teeesen. ally eon dorter',) weekly to Chlcoao, RecUatoal ehsxr ears seats I re I ss rae ajset amy. ONION DftPv. I leaves, I Arrive CHICAOO-'-ORTLAND ftPRCIAU BP ftV Eaat eta -ingteo. 9:14 a. as. I M B. Bfc Dally. Dally, SPDKANft FL7ER. For Bsatsrn Washlna ton, Wslla WslU. Lew. tstrtO, Doeur aTAtess snd Groat Harthara wfer. 4:16 p. m. 4 :on a. Bk Dour . ATLANTIC BXP!tEimj. Far tho Faet via U sat ing ban. 3:19 p. aa. Dally, . 7:16 a. Bk Dally. OCT.aTV AND RIVER SCKKStTLX PUtt BAN FRANCItHCO: ft. ft. Geo. W. ftJator . Sept. 4. IX ftX . ft. ft. OslombU ii ftrpt. ft, IX SX - From 4189 ft. ftV Alnsi Dock, tUW p, Bk. OslmnbU Rreor DtvbrUo. FOR ASTORIA and war polnta, eutuiertlug with tmr. for Ilwsoa snd North beach, atr. Bas es to, Asb-st, 4to0. 8: ft. sj. . Dally, ex. ftuaftay Oat or dsy lOiOun. m- About -' 3:00 p. m, aa. Sandayi Tatshlll Btoor fteahsv FOR DAYTON. Oreaoa City and YamhrH River points, atr, ftufh aad Modoc, Asb-st. dock. . Water permlttlnc.1 ' T-00e,g DallF. except Sunday. 3 9. -V nslry. except '., sndsy. fttoahs Klesr Bonto. FOB LBWISTON. Ida., and way points from ftlperta. Wseb.. atessj- van B--a& A host ' ' s on n. aft, , sx FrMtoyA nolle. ftsX ers 1 let. nOKBt OFFICB. Third and WsssnRBMx, S4 wsjs) lis. PORTLAND ft ASIATIC 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Fsp Vdfcobema snd Hong Ken, esnitrg ad Kobe, Nsgssakl and fthsngbsl, taklag trelgb els eennecmr atesmsrs for Manna, Part Artfceo and VUdleoatuft. For rates and fsfl rafnrmatvea esN a o 0d dne offttotolo ar agents sf tbs O, 4V, A B. Gv ONION DftFOT Arrlt OTK BLAND RXPRRilS trstns, for Salem, Roe. nnrg, Aeblscd. Bans ment. Ogden, ftna Fran ft48p,sm. KTJBxBk,. Cl.o, ftlorkton, Lm As-i geles. El Pa. New Or- 1 . - toaaa and tbe Bast, At Wood Nam deDr fsxeupt Bum! art. i "89.0. at. Inr frtls for Mt. As- t M B. 4X ret. BlTvartea. Bn HT1. RrrtnrfleM. Wnd- ttag ana .'strop, ,L A many psseeager. e- Sect st Woodhurn with 49l48 ft ftp Mt, Ansel ftU too tocaL Vtft9X SX pSnreaUto TB 9. 4ft IW9 ft. a jSwertdhsj passenger.... ft:9l a. SS. Itofly. BDafta. np4 awsehip, . fw at Oannga atonnrbsn ftsrvtaa nnaf . omsion. - 'Foot of Jeffseue' aVJewt""""4 !! Portland dally fee Oewegs TO a. at 11:60, 8:05. 4:36. 4:20, 8:34, 4 SO. 10 p. m. Dairy (Mcept ftuudsyl, S:SX 4-49, 8.4X JO 34 o. m. dujft. 1144 9. m. Baadsr saty. 4:J9 e reeen fVawaaa. aeetaw OWflseat asffp 9:30 S. m.t l:M. lis. 4f 0:1. f . 9:60. 11:14 n. m. Dally (etcept Simdsvl 4 30. TtO, 8:80. io ta. 71:40 s, m. Firoevrt Mislay. rS.ftft 9. m. ftuudsy. eurr, lOrflO p. m. mediate rMfwfs dallv (nceet ftaaaayl dwft at, . amv rnrriane ru an ei. ni. , aSMatse dally to Mes month snd Alrftw. an. ' necttar with Pnotliem Pariftt eeesssay'a trseho BT imiise eno iTfoeejewience. i B1m4a. rM feRin Pnetvand US stoeeumewtS) and 4-n Prwrcfaro 4. bevfc 9Jt: mas ad rtoaa fare win. secoet-elsss nei ni nx u. . "fteheOa n eteea nntn reifAa, BftBP Bea. Ctitea. Wnrtts)re swt Atea1U. , Cite Tlcftef rVffle crewee Third aa rrsssusnj m -tr r-Ne. Msta Tl C. W. niNGBR. WK. rnWAN?. , ntr Treuev asm TIME CARD ; TRaAINS PORTLAND: V ONION pgPOT. Puset Sound Ltnrtfed, Deport tftfta. fth , - StOftS Bk, ift Bk, Olvmnla. Soutb Bead ssd Grar'a Barbar points. Nettb CnwSf I,tnrX for Ta corns. Seattle, Butte, ftt Paul. bjis. Sea pons, Cbtosgn. New wwfc, mnetnn end nobsss aluiliaaMt. Iwtn-Olty Bar ran, fat TBcoma. aeattes. Bps bane. Helena, St. Paul, Mlntetspollo. OhlcaaTO, New fork, atostoa sad an potnm ftaet aad ootbesat, Puret ftownft Ksnas ty4. LouH Special fur Tsenma. ftvattle. Spotsoe. Botte. Billing. Drover, Omaha. Ken City, ft Louis and all pnlnta Bast sad atoatft sast. tmn. te94a. ah. AH treias duito eseeet en Snetb ftwad ft. P. f.HABl.TO.V. ftssfstaat fteaersl Psesenger Agewt, XXft Msirtoaa -, ssr. Thtod, FsrUsnd. Or, BALTIMORE, tV OHIO R. R. AHA TRAINS VIA WAflrtli"".- 4 -r. "SOUTH SO. ' rltdS ft. ov, ';V'y y.t fttSOa. ah